HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-14-1987 Planning Commission Minutes CITY OF SARATOGA PLRN~I~G COMMISSIOn
DATE: Tuesday, July 14, 1987 -:?:00 p.~.
PLACE: Community Center Arts & Crafts Roon, 19GS5 Allendale Ave.
TYPE: Co~ittee-of-the-~hole
The ~eeting was called to order a~ 7:05 p.n.
Present: Commissioners Harris, GUch, Burger, Tucker, Clay,
Staff - Planning Director Hsla,
Planners Young and ~elge
Other - 10 members of the publlc
A. DR-8?-O3G - ~aller, 14473 Oak Place - Review of revised
plans for a new single-family dwelling on a 8,881 sq.
lot in the R-l-lO,OO0 zone (cont'd. 'fro~ 6/24/8? Planning
Commission Meeting)
Sta~ distributed copies o~ ~inu~es ~ro~ the previous nearing on
this 1ten and sun~arized the Co~nission~s concerns about the
excessive size and height o~ the initial proposal. Joe Ualler,
applicant, and his designer, Uillia~ Pll~pton, introduced
themselves. Uilllan Plimpton ~oted that the nlnutes from the
6/24/87 ~eeting should be corrected to telfact that he is no~ a
licensed architect but a "designer."
Waller and Plinpton described their revised plan using a nodal
~hey had prepared for illustration.' The new proposal ls a
~odified "California Bungalou" st~le hone, Z,923 sq. f~. in area
and 24°5 ft. in helght. This represents a reduction of 503
~t. in size and 4 ft. in height ~ron the original proposal.
The Commissioners discussed ~heir concerns about the new
proposal, wihch included ~he ~ollowing:
1. The sa~et~ o~ the front driveway/parking area;
2. The "overcrowding" of the n=eighborhood which might result
~ro~ a row o~ ~wo-stor'y houses on Park Place;
3. The square footage of the ho~e, which is s~ill too large -
l,?OO sq. ft. had been suggested at the previous
The ~ini~al setbacks which al.so contribute to a perception
Planning Connission
Connittee-of-the-Uhole ~inutes
The Chair then asked for input fron citizens present. BettV
Rowe, Saratoga-Los Gatos Road, expressed concern about bullding
anV home at all on the lot, since it i5 substandard in size.
This concern was reiterated by another neighbor present.
After additional discussion, the Comnissioners agreed that
although the overall design,' footprint and height were
appropriate, the size of the hone should be further reduced bV
least 200 sq. ft. The applicant indicated that the reduction
could be accomplished by reducing the size of the garage and
first floor areas, but no further reduction of the Znd floor
would be possible. The Con~issioners agreed that this uould be
acceptable. They also dlrected the applicant to reverse the
laVout of the hone so that the garage and front porch are on the
south (left) ra~her ~han the north (right) side of the building.
The Conmissioners also directed s~aff to investigate further the
safe~V of the proposed front drivewaV/parking area. The
w111 be before the Con~lssion again at the Rugus~ 12 regular
meeting. The applican~ uill submit revlsed plans to staff for
review by July
Senlot housing - reulew report ~o City Council on senlot
Planner Young briefed the Commission on the revisions to the
Connissloner Tucker recoMMended changlng ~he ~itle to "Repor~ on
Senior Houslng in Saratoga" and Suggested addlng sub-headings to
the his~orV ~ection. She also suggested deleting ~he location
guidelines part on page 12, just'keeping the sunnarV of Planning
COMMiSSiOn recoMMendations, and suggested keeplng the
reconnenda~ions regarding ~he Ci~'s conni~nen~ to o~her senior-
rela~ed programs in the report.
Comnissioner Burger reconMended that page 12 be reduced to a few
statement5 about General Plan policy and ~he ~wo sites. Planning
Director Hsia suggested diuiding page 12 into two sections.
location guidelines and Conn~ssion recoMnendation5. The
ComMission agreed and also directed that the cover nemo to the
City Council contain a sunnary of the Connission's
Connissloner Clay expressed concern about quantifVlng ~he need
for senior housing units. He felt the background intomarion in
the report did not lend ~uppor~ to a need for senior housing.
Connissioner Siegfried concurred, sta~lng that ~he naterie1 ~as
informative bu~ not iMportan~ ~o the CoMMission"s deliberations
on the issue.
Planning Commission
Connittee-o~-the-Uhole Minutes
C. Machol, Ronnie Ua~, expressed her opinion that the location
guidelines should be deleted ~ron:the report. She felt that two
additional Housing policies (H.2. O and H.2. G> should be added
page 3, and that these and the Land Use policies should be listed
individuall~ instead of buried in a paragraph. The Co~nission
B. Toeus, Saratoga Bvenue, expressed gratitude for the
Connission's attention to this issue, but stated the Commission
had not reaII~ addressed the CounCil~s directire to identif~
potential sites.
C. Machol suggested the Co~nission have a stud~ session on the
report ~ith the Council. Chair Harris stated she would discuss
the nattar with the
The nearing was adjourned at 8:~5. p.n.
Respect~u11~ submitted,
Associate Planner