HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-27-1993 Library Commission Minutes Saratoga Library Commission Meeting Saratoga Community Library January 27, 1993 ACTION MINUTES I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. II. Roll Call Commissioners Present: Brenner, Krezek, Newby, Peacock, Towse, Watkins Commissioner Absent: Martini Also present were Library Commission applicants Karen Ceppos and Jack Grantham and Friends of the Library member Roberta Gies. III. Report on Posting of Commission Agenda The agenda was posted on January 18, 1993. IV. Approval of Minutesof December 9~ ~92 M/S Krezek/Towse to correct the minutes (Old Business-- Fund-raising and Volunteer Activities) to indicate that Commissioner Krezek rather than County Librarian Fuller made the suggestion to include an article in the Saratogan on the financial state of the Library and to approve the minutes as corrected. V. New Business A. Items for Policy Development Conference Agenda The Commission discussed and ranked priorities for the two-year budget. The first priority was to continue funding for Sunday hours for fiscal years 1993/94 and 1994/95. The second priority was to conduct the architectural study for the Library expansion. The third priority was to retain an outside consultant to conduct the Library survey. The Commission directed Staff Representative Karen Campbell to draft a memo to the Mayor outlining the Commission's budget priorities. Old Business A. Fund-raising and Volunteer activities for Library The Library Commission continued its discussion from the past two meetings regarding fund-raising and volunteer activities for the Saratoga Community Library. The Commission revisited the idea of creating a foundation for the purpose of fund- raising and the suggestion of charging fees for services. Commissioner Newby inquired as to what changes the County was making in response to the loss in revenues. Commissioner Brenner suggested that the Commission sponsor some type of outdoor activity to raise funds and another suggestion was made to plan a black tie event. The Commission decided to organize into sub-committees to further research these ideas. Commissioners Brenner and Newby agreed to look into and research planning a bicycling event and Commissioner Watkins indicated that he would look into and research planning a formal event. Commissioner Watkins also indicated that he would contact Commissioner Martini and recruit his assistance. The Commission also discussed coordinating a fund- raising event during the week of Celebrate Saratoga! activities and events. Vice-Chair Sally Towse indicated that she would contact the Chamber of Commerce to gather additional information regarding Celebrate Saratoga! plans for 1993. The Commission agreed to meet prior to the regular February meeting to discuss these items in more depth. A study session was scheduled for Thursday, February 11, 1993, from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Staff Representative Campbell was requested to notify the Library Commission applicants of the study session. VI. Reports December meetings--Barbara Peacock Chair Peacock reported on the December meetings. January_ meetings--Frances Krezek No Report Susan Fuller. County Librarian County Librarian Susan Fuller presented budget figures for FY 1993/94 Sunday hours. She noted that the figures were higher for next fiscal year due to anticipated salary increases. The Commission suggested eliminating the Sunday hours during Memorial Day weekend to restore the cost for Saratoga to the FY 1992/93 figure of $30,000. County Librarian Fuller indicated that she would do this. She also reported that the annual meeting for County library commissions is scheduled for Saturday, April 24, 1993 at the Los Altos Library. Fuller also reported that the County was anticipating large revenue losses again due to State budget cuts for FY 1993/94 and stressed the importance of the County and the cities banding together to prevent further cuts. Dolly Barnes. Community Librarian community Librarian Dolly Barnes introduced Friends of the Library member, Roberta Gies, who reported on recent activities of the Friends. She indicated that the Friends would be celebrating the ten year anniversary of the Book-Go-Round in March and invited the Commission to hold its regular March meeting at the Book-Go-Round. She also reported on the Friends' fund-raising activities. Community Librarian Barnes added that the Chamber of Commerce was planning a mixer at the Book-Go-Round and indicated that interested individuals would need to call her for the date and time. Karen Campbell. CityStaff Representative No Report Barbara Peacock. Chair No Report VII. Communications from City Council None VIII. Oral and Written Communications None Prepared By: ~aren- Campbeli 7 .... Administrative Assistant