HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-24-1993 Library Commission Minutes Saratoga Library Commission Meeting Saratoga Community Library February 24, 1993 7:30 p.m ACTION MINUTES I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. Commissioners Present: Brenner, Krezek, Martini, Peacock, Towse, Watkins Commissioners Absent: Newby New Commission appointees Jack Grantham and Dorathy Skow were also present. III. Report on Posting of Commission Agen~ The agenda was posted on February 22, 1993. IV. Approval of Minutes of January 27 1993. Meeting M/S Krezek/TOwse to approve the minutes as submitted. V. Old Business A. Fund-raising Activities i 1. Report by Sally Towse regarding meeting with the Saratoga Chamber Qf Commerce and the February 11. 1993, study session, Commissioner Sally Towse reported on the meeting she attended at the Saratoga Chamber of Commerce regarding plans for the 1993 Celebrate Saratoga festivities. She said that there were mixed feelings on the part of the steering committee regarding the inclusion of activities sponsored by non-profits in Celebrate Saratoga. 2. Reports by fund-raising subcommittees Commissioner Bill Watkins reported on his research regarding a gala. He said sponsoring such an event would be labor-intensive and there would be no guarantee of raising a lot of money. Commissioner Rich Brenner said that he talked to a Heritage Preservation Commissioner regarding a bike event. He said that the Commission generated about $8,000 when it held its bike event. The Commission discussed a few other possibilities of fund-raising events including involvement with the Silicon Charity Ball and activities at the Library such as a murder mystery activity. VI. New Business A. Discussion of a joint meeting with appointed members of the Library_ Commission and Friends Of the Library_ board members Chair Barbara Peacock suggested that a few members of the Commission attend the next meeting of the Board of the Friends of the Library to discuss with them fund-raising activities. The Commission then discussed thebest way to approach and discuss this topic. County Librarian Fuller suggested that the Commission ask the Friends how they feel about fund-raising rather than approaching them with concrete ideas or decisions regarding fund-raising before meeting with them. The discussion of this joint meeting led to further discussion regarding the idea of forming a foundation. The Commission revisited its discussion at the February 11 study session regarding the creation of a foundation. Jack Grantham distributed and reviewed the notes that he had taken during that meeting. The Commission agreed that this idea of a foundation should be discussed and explored with the Friends. It was decided that Chair Peacock would contact the President of the Friends and determine how to proceed. B. Discussion of a Welcome/Farewell fun~tio~ for new and out-going Library_ Commission members. The CO~mission decided to schedule a pot-luck dinner for new and out-going Commission members on Thursday, April 1. The Commission asked City Staff Representative Karen Campbell to confirm the time and location with Commissioner Lou Martini. VII. Reports February Council Meetings--Watkins Commissioner Watkins reported on the February Council meetings. Susan Fuller. County Librarian County Librarian Fuller reported on the status of the AlumRock Library. She said that a task force was formed and that the task force membership did not include representation from the County Library staff. She also mentioned that there was no news yet from the state ro regarding status of revenues for thecoming fiscal year. Dolly Barnes. Community Librarian Community Librarian Dolly Barnes was absent. Karen Campbell~ City Staff Representative City Staff Representative Campbell inquired about scheduling Commissioners for future Council meetings. The Commission agreed that it was only beneficial for a Library Commission representative to attend Council meetings when discussion or decisions related to the Library. Barbara Peacock. Chair No Report VIII. Communications from City Council None IX. Oral and Written Communications None Prepared by: Karen Campbell / Administrative Assistant