HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-26-1993 Library Commission Minutesr¸ J Saratoqa Conmission Saratoga Library :6, 1993 ~0 p.m :; I. Call to Order iii ? !i ' a', I , ii. Roii can. III. Report on Posting of Agenda ' f IV. Approval of Hlnutes April 28, 1993, Neeting V. Old Business A. Fund-raising Aoti¥tties VI. New Business A. GOals and Priorities for.l~Y~93-95' B. Discussion of summr #eetinq Schedule Reports Susan Fuller, County Librarian Dolly Barnes, Community Librarian Karen Campbell, City Staff Representative Sally Tow8~, Chair VIII co_r_m~__unicatiorJs froIn ' . 'city c0un~ 4' k'. IX. Oral and Written Co___~m_untcations .- Next Meeting,: June 2~, 1993 r V VI. New Business A. ~lection Of Chair and Vice-Chair The Comuission elected Sally Towse as Chair and Karen Ceppos as Vice-Chair. vzI. Susan Fuller. County Librarian County Librarian Fuller thanked the Commissioners for attending the April 24 county-wide commission meeting. She also mentioned that there was no further news from the State' regarding FY 1993/94 revenues and that the County was refining estimates for its budget in anticipation of losing revenues. She added that the Campbell branch sponsored an event to educate library users regarding the budget situation. Fuller also distributed the foFmula factors for FY 1993/94 salary and materials funding and reviewed the figures with the Commission. Fuller concluded her report by stating that SB 566 Robertiwouldbevotedonbythe Senate on May 6. Do11¥ Barnes~ Conlunit¥ Librarian Community Librarian Dolly Barnes briefly explained the impacts that the budget will have on the Saratoga Community Library. Karen C80mDball. City Staff Representative City Staff Representative Karen Campbell explained that $7500 was cut from the budget for Sunday hours for FY 1993/94and 1994/95 and that the new budget would provide for Sundays during the school year only. Barbara Peacoc~.'Chair Chair Barbara Peacock informed the Commission that Fran Krezek sublaitted a resignation from the Library Commission to the City Council. VIII. Communications from City Council None oral and Written Communications None Karen Campbell, A~nis~rative Assistant 13777 FRUITVALE AVENUE · SARATOGA, CALIFORNIA 95070 * (408) 887.3438 COUNC~- MEMBERS: Ks;e. Ar~ersoo Ann Mane Burger Date: May 10, 1993 W,~mKo~er Vw~ Morea Nemo to: Saratoga City Council Kamoruc,er Fron: L/brary Comsission Subject: Banner F:-' for Blaney Plaza The Friends of the Library raised concerns at the April 28 Library Commission meeting re~arding the proposed fee schedule for hanging banners at Blaney Plaza. The Friends primary concern is that funds raised by its hi-annual book sales are channeled back to the City. Proceeds from the book sales are used to purchase books and equilment for the Saratoga CoBm~mity Library, a resource available to all Saratoga residents. The Library Commission supports the Friends of the Library's concerns and believes that the policy should not apply to organizations which sponsor fund-raising activities directly benefitting the City. sai~e - ! Chair cc: Joan Pisani Director of Recreation Printed on recycled Oaper Saratoga Library Comnission Meeting Saratoga Community Library May 26, 1993 7:30 p.m ACTION MINUTES I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. Commissioners present: Ceppos, Grantham, Peacock, Skow, Towse Commissioners absent: Martini Report on Posting of Commission Agend~ The agenda was posted on May 20, 1993. Approval of Minutes of April 28, 1993. Meeting M/S Ceppos/Peacock to approve the m/nutes as submitted. V. Old Business A. Fund-raising A~tivities Commissioner Karen Ceppos reported on her meeting withVirginia Carpio regarding the establishment of a foundation. She noted that San Jose Library Commission identified a core group of community members and they formed a planning group. She noted that the whole process spanned a two year period. Commissioner Jack Grantham thought that two years seemed too long for the planning process and recommended that the Library Commission look at bylaws developed by San Jose and other foundations rather than try and develop them independently. The Commission returned again to the subject of fund-raising. Chair Sally Towse said that Bob Egan of the Celebrate Saratoga! steering committee had indicated that the steering committee was looking for a non-profit to sponsor a barbecue following the parade. Also discussed was the possibility of a murder mystery event held at the Library and coordinating a magazine fund-raiser with Redwood Middle School. Community Librarian Dolly Barnes had additional information on co-sponsorship of concerts at Paul Masson. She indicated that Paul Masson designated six to seven concerts per season for fund-raisers. Non-profits canpurchase a block of ticket (minimum 200 tickets) or all the tickets and then Sell at a marked up price. Commissioner Dorathy Skow indicated t hat this was probably a fund-raiser that would nQtlgenerate much interest on the part of the FriendS~;the Library since it would be an event that ~ not appeal to many of their members. Commissioner Dorathy Skow also noted that she · attended the May 19 Council meeting in which the City Council considered the Library Commission's request for a fee waiver for the Friends. The City Council decided that the Friends would be charged the full fee for hanging a banner in Blaney Plaza. VI. new Business A. Goals and Priorities for FY 93-95 The ~$sion agreed on four goals for FY 93-95: o Setting up a foundation o Indtiating on-going fund-raising activities o Planning for the future of the Saratoga Library building o Increasing interface with the community to determine how to meet needs with less hours and resources due to Library's current fiscal probleam B. Discussion of Summer Meeting Schedule The Commission agreed to defer this discussion to its next meeting. The Commission also decided to begin meetings at 7:00 p.m. on a trial basis. Reports Susan Fuller. County Librari0~l County Librarian Susan Fuller updated the Commissioners on the status of funding for FY 93/94. She indicated that the State is looking at eliminating special districts which includes libraries. She encouraged Commissioners and other concerned officials and community members tow rite and call in support of libraries and to visit local assembly members. She also mentioned that Supervisor Gonzales is planning to set up a meeting with the city managers from cities in the county library system. She indicated that his interest was in the formula for distribution, particularly the use of assessed valuation as a factor in the formula. She also noted that the Board of Supervisors voted to conduct a management audit of the county library system. Dolly Barnes. Community Libra~ian CommunityLibrarian Dolly Barnes distributed information on the summer reading program. She also note~t~at late fines for adults were increased. Karen Campbel/LCity Staff Representmtive No Report Sally Towse. Chair - No Report VIII. Communications frol City Council None Oral and Written Communi~ations None Prepared By: Karen Ca~pbell~ Assistant e