HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-23-1993 Library Commission Minutes Saratoga Library Commission - Meeting Saratoga Community Library June 23, 1993 ACTION MINUTES I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. Commissioners present: ceppos, Grantham, Martini, Peacock, Skow, Towse Co_.~_issioners absent: none Report on Postins of Comm~ssion Aoenda The-agenda was posted on JUne 17, 1993. ADDroYal of Minutes of May 26j 1993. Meeting M/S Skow/Ceppos to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion passed unanimously. Old Business A. Fund-raisins Activities Chair Sally Towse reported on her conversation with the Redwood PTA regarding the magazine drive. She said that the Library's current vendor for magazines would not be able to coordinate magazine donations. Towse also indicated that she spoke with Janet Rudolf regarding a murder mystery event at the Library. She said that the cost would be $2,000 which would not include food andbeverages and that approximately 200 people could participate in the event . Commissioner Grantham said that unless the Commission could get other companies or organizations to underwrite the cost that funds raised by the event would not be significant. Lastly Towse mentioned that the Commission was offered an opportunity to co-sponsor a barbecue with C.B. Hannegans during Celebrate Saratoga! The proposed arrangement is for C.B. Hannegans to prepare and provide the food to the Commission at cost and any profits made by the prices charged by the Commission could be kept. The Commission members agreed that they wanted to do the fund- raiser and agreed upon prices for food and beverages. The barbecue was scheduled for September 26 at Wildwood Park and will follow the annual Celebrate Saratogal parade. B. Discussion of Summer Meetins Schedule The Commission agreed to cancel the regular July and August meetings. In lieu cf these meetings, a meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 4, and a study session on Wednesday, September 1. Both meetings will begin at 7:00 p.m. During September, the Commission will also have its regular meeting on the fourth Wednesday (September 22). VI. New Business A. Discussion of Reduced LibraryHours and Schedule of Janice ¥ee attended the meeting on behalf of County Librarian Susan Fuller. She indicated that the proposed State budget will result in a 40 percent reduction in funding for libraries by diverting property taxes currently received by the library to the schools. She distributed information on the proposed hours of operation for the Saratoga Co~unit¥ Library. Under the proposed schedule, the Library would be open 5 days a week (closed on Mondays and Sundays) for a total of 34 hours. Chair Sally Towse noted that she had sent a letter to the Saratoga News regarding the status of the library and that the letter was not printed in the latest issue. When the Commission finished its discussion, the members agreed that the proposed schedule would best meet the needs of the community. M/S Martini/Peacock to approve the recommended schedule. Motion passed unanimously. B. The Commission continued its discussion of establishing a foundation. At the previous Commission meeting, Vice Chair Karen Ceppos was asked to find out why it took San Jose two years to establish its foundation. She reported that there were several factors which lengthened the process including the lack of unanimous commitment to the project by members of the Library Commission, difficulty in writing the mission statement, and 2problems finding professional assistance free of charge. Commissioner Ceppos indicated that she would bring the bylaws from San Jose Library's foundation to the next meeting. The Commission decided that they want to ensure that all Commission members were committed to establishing a foundation. M/S Ceppos/Grsntham to support the established of a foundation was passed unanimously. The Commission also decided that the next step would be to identify possible me~ers of the planning group. The Commission briefly discussed potential members and organizations from which to recruit potential members. vii. Susan Fuller. County Libraria~ Deputy County Librarian Janice Yes attended the meeting on behalf of County Librarian Susan Fuller. She briefly discussed the Board of Supervisor's decision not to alter the current formula for distributing funds to the libraries in the county library system. She also noted that the management audit of the county library system was very favorable. Dolly Barnes. Community Librarian Children's Librarian Diana Colby attended the meeting on behalf of Community Librarian Dolly Barnes. She gave an enrollment update on the summer reading program and distributed information on other Library programs. Karen Campbell. City Staff Representative No Report Sa11yTowse. Chair NoRsport VIII. Communications from tit? Council None Qral and Written Communications None " , /x(~f .~ ~/ , .... ,7_ Karen campb'eli / Administrative Assistant