HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-22-1993 Library Commission Minutes Saratoga Library Commission Meeting Saratoga Community Library September 22, 1993 7:30 p.m ACTION MINUTES I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. II. Roll Call Commissioners present: Ceppos, Martini, Peacock, Towse Commissioner Absent: Grantham, Skow Also in attendance were Commission applicant Joanne Moore and Celebrate Saratoga! committee member Dick Wood. III. Report on Posting of Commission Agenda The agenda was posted on September 17, 1993. IV. Approval of Minutes of Auqust 4. 1993. Meeting Chair Sally Towse noted that she was not present at the August 4 meeting. M/S Martini/Peacock to approve the minutes as corrected. Motion passed unanimously. V. Old Business A. Fund-raising Activities - Celebrate SaratQga! Barbecue Chair Sally Towse reviewed and finalized plans for the Commission's September 26 fund-raiser. She introduced Dick Wood who explained the format of the Celebrate Saratoga! parade and the awards ceremony at Wildwood park. B. Foundation Chair Sally Towse said that the first meeting of the Foundation committee would be in October. Commissioner Karen Ceppos said that she would be receiving the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws from the San Jose Library foundation. County Librarian Susan Fuller suggested contacting the Non-Profit Development Center for information and guidance. New Business A. November-December Meeting Schedule The Commission agreed to cancel its regular November and December meetings. In lieu of these two meetings, the Commission agreed to meet on December 1 at 7:30 p.m. It was also agreed to meet at the Book-Go-Round. Chair Towse indicated that she would take care of reserving the facility. B. Citizen's Forum on Library's Financial Future Staff Liaison Karen Campbell indicated that the City would be holding a community meeting on Thursday, December 9, at 7:30 p.m. at the Saratoga Community Library. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss alternatives in terms of future financing and operations of the Library. VII. Reports Susan Fuller~ County Librarian County Librarian Susan Fuller gave an update on the Library and its financial future. She indicated that the Friends of the Library groups had met recently to discuss the County library system's revenue problems and to determine actions and activities to assist the library system. County Librarian Fuller also indicated that the San Jose Mercury News would be running a double-spread in the October 24 issue on the County library system. She noted that the article would explain the budget situation as well as promote library volunteerism. She concluded her report with an update on SB 566. She said that Governor Wilson would either sign or veto the bill by October 10. Dolly Barnes, Community Librarian Community Librarian Dolly Barnes was absent. Karen Campbell, City S~a~fRepres~ntative No Report Sally Tows~. Chair No Report VIII. Communications from city Council None IX. Oral and Written Communications None Prepar~By://~ Karen Campbell / Staff Liaison to the Library Commission