HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-27-1993 Library Commission Minutes Saratoga Library Commission Meeting Saratoga Community Library October 27, 1993 7:30 p.m ACTION MINUTES I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. Commissioners present: Ceppos, Grantham, Martini, Peacock, Skow, Towse Commissioners absent: none III. Report on Posting of Commission Aaenda The agenda Was posted on October 21, 1993 IV. ADDroYal Of Minutes of September 22. 1993. Meetina M/S Peacock/Ceppos to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion passed unanimously. Old Business A. tgmltTJLgn Chair Sally Towse indicated that the first meeting of the Foundation committee was postponed until November. She also noted that she would be attending a workshop sponsored by the Non-Profit Development Center on setting up a foundation. Jack Grantham mentioned that the Foundation committee may want to find out more about the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund as a vehicle for holding and handling the Foundation's money. The Commission also discussed the September fund- raiser. Chair Towse indicated that the Comission made approximately $337.00 from the event. The Commission agreed that the barbecue was good publicity for the Library and that the Commission should co-sponsor it again next year. wz. Susan Fuller. County Librarian CountyLibrarian Susan Fuller explained that the San Jose Mercury article on the Santa Clara County Library system was delayed and would appear in the November 7 issue. She mentioned that she sawthe proof and was very pleased with the article. She also reported on the latest meeting of the City Managers. She said that the Mangers have formed two study groups. One group will be exploring options and issues in breaking up the County Library district and the other group will be looking atissues related to keeping the district. The latter group will be meeting again on November 3 to discuss financial issues. The goal of the meetings is to come up with a recommendation by the end of the year. County LibraTJan Fuller also mentioned that the Cupertino Library Co w~ission has plans to start a foundation in order to match the Cupertino Council's recent allocation of $55,000 for restoring some of the reduced library hours. County Librarian Fuller concluded her report by adding that the County Library system was chosen by Cadence Design Systems to be the recipient of monies raised by its annual fund-raiser. Dolly Barnes. Community Librarian Community Librarian Dolly Barnes reported that the Friends of the Library presented the Saratoga City Council last Wednesday with a $20,000 check for the Saratoga Community Library. She also gave an overview of the changes to library services to account for less staff and hours. Karen Campbell. City Staff Representative City Staff Representative Karen Campbell reminded Commissioners that the regular November and December meetings were cancelled and that the next meeting would be December I at the Book-Go-Round. Sally Towse. Chair No Report VII. Communications from City Council Library C~[ssioner Lou Martini from Monte Sereno indicated that the Monte Sereno Council was concerned about the County Library system continuing to fund Alum Rock Library since users are primarily City of San Jose residents. He also mentioned that the Council wanted to explore options to ensure that Los Gatos High School students who are in the County Library district have access to the Los Gatos library. VIII. Oral and Written Communications None Prepargd by: / / K~ren Campbell, A~inistrative Analyst 13777 FRUITVALE AVENUE · SARATOGA. CALIFORNIA 95070 · (408) 867-3438 COUNCIL MEMBERS: Karen A n~erson Ann Mane Buyer Wli)pm K~rlle? Vrctc.' Monm DEALING WITH T~ PROBLEM OF PJ~DUUED LIBRARY SERIVCES ~.~ Tuck.; Are the Community's Needs Being Met? Saratoga Community Library Community Room December 9, 1993 7:30 p.m. Agenda for Community Forum o Cutbacks in Library_ Fundina - What has happened. o Cutbacks in Library Service -Dealing with the new fiscal reality. o Does the New Service Level Meet the Needs of the - OPEN DISCUSSION o What Can Be Done to ImDrove the Situation - OPEN DISCUSSION Prinled on recycled 0aoer