HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-01-1993 Library Commission Minutes Saratoga Library Commission Meeting Saratoga Book-Go-Round December 1, 1993 7:30 p.m ACTION MINUTES I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. II. Roll Call Commissioners present: Ceppos, Grantham, Martini, Peacock, Skow, Towse Commissioners absent: none III. Report on Posting of Commission Agenda The agenda was posted on November 24, 1993. IV. Approval of Minut~ g~ October 27. 1993. Meeting Commissioner Jack Grantham requested that Section V, item A, second paragraph, be re-worded for clarity. The reference to the Fidelity Charitable Gift Funds was changed from "as a vehicle for holding and handling the Foundation's money" to "as a vehicle for holding and handling money earmarked for the Foundation." M/S Ceppos/Skow to approve the minutes as corrected. Motion passed unanimously. V. Old Business A. Foundation Chair Sally Towse reported on the first meeting of the planning committee for the foundation. The name of the foundation will be the Saratoga Community Library Foundation. The next meeting of the committee will be in January 1994. The committee Dlans to incorporate the organization first, and then write the bylaws. Chair Towse also added that additional funds were raised from the barbecue by recycling the discarded cans. VI. New Business A. Agenda Items ~or January 1~, 1994, joint meeting with the Saratoga City CO~B~il The Commission discussed items for the joint meeting agenda. The Commission agreed upon the following four items: (1) Commission's Response to the December 9 Community Forum, (2) Changes to the Library's Financial Structure, (3) Fund-raising Accomplishments and Future Plans/Goals, and (4) Increase in Friends of the Library Membership. VII. Reports susan Fuller, County Librarian County Librarian Susan Fuller distributed enlarged reprints of the San Jose Mercury feature article on the County Library System and mentioned that the San Jose Mercury will continue to publish articles and build support for the County Library System. Fuller also distributedinformation on the automated County Library catalog. County Librarian Fuller also gave an update on the meetings of the city managers. She said that the managers are discussing the possibility of forming a JPA and of financing a community service area by use of a parcel tax. Dolly Barnes, Community Librarian Community Librarian Dolly Barnes distributed pamphlets on gifts of money to the Santa Clara County Library and on memorial gifts to the Library. She also mentioned a donation box would be placed in the Saratoga Community Library. She concluded her report by giving an update on recruitment and placement of Saratoga Community Library volunteers. ~ren Campbello City Staff Representative City Staff Representative Karen Campbell indicated that an all-commissions meeting with the City Attorney was scheduled for the evening of January 25. The purpose of the meeting is to provide Commissioners with information on the new sections of the Brown Act. She also announced that she would no longer be serving as Staff Liaison because of plans to resign at the end of the month. ~a~ly Towse, Chair Chair Sally Towse invited the other Commissioners to her home on January 7 for a going-away gathering for Staff Representative Campbell. VIII. Communications from City Council None IX. Oral and Written Communications None Prepared By: Administrative Analyst