HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-28-2005 youth commission minutesCITY ~' ~ARATOOA L~BRA~~ ~MMISIOI~ l~:II~TES DATE: June ~, ~0~5 TIIVIE; I~:~~ nao~n LOCATION: immunity R~~m, aragota Library 13~5~ ratuga Avenue, arat~ga A 570 mutes by Itu~anne Nilan NEST ~ETIN; September ~~~ ZaQ ~. Fall tv Order chair Lipstein called rneet~ng to order at ~~.:~~ noon ~~ Rull Fall ommissi~ners present, hiou, Lipstein, drover, Len~~non, ilari~ Stance Thirumalc Others present: County Librarian Ntelinda ervant~s, ~omn~u~.ity Librarian Dally Karnes, ~ri~nd~ of Sar~,tog~. Libraries Representative Sue Barrera, Art ~ommissloner `ll~arylou Taylor, Assistant qty lVtanager Lane Tinfo~v, Staff Liaison ath~een foyer, pity of Saratoga representative Thatnas Scott 3. Report nn fasting of the Agenda: Boyer repor~~d that pursuant to Government bode Section ~~54.~, tie agenda for this meeting vas properly posted on June , ~~~ ~~ Accept Agenda Items ~~ Order: rover~Lemmon moved to accept tllc agenda as presented. Motion passed 71~. 5. Appro~a~ of 1VYiuutes of February ~~, ~~US ~reverlLen~non .moved to accept the February minutes a presented.ll~atian. passed 71~. ~. Oral and written ~amruunicatian: chair Lipstein reminded ~x~en~bcrs o.f fall ~~~~ CaLTAC meeting and v~arl~shop in August, Arts ommisszoner Tay~ar reported that ~.~though the Arts commission has been decomrril~~loned, the library's "art gall" gill have displays tl~raughout tie remainder of tie year. 7, Old Business A. I1'apital Improvement Fund Tinfa~r distributed to the ecmmissicn her day 3, ~~~~, report to the iti~ens' ~3versiht committee sunari~ing the status of the Library aonstructian budget and remaining fundir~~ issues. She surn~nari~ed the status of the fund rid long-term capital improvement concorns, and of the Thompson->~acific lawsuit. the also introduced Thomas Scott, wlio gill ~v~rc~ the librar~r bra j pct end funds as part of city facilities managernant. l~. ~n~tali~tion of antenna and Flagpole upd~tc layer reported that the Planning ommissian approved installation, but some objections were raped 1n pity Council discussion regarding the presence of the eloctr~cal "hut's in the orchard, and its closcr~css to Redwood Il~iddlc chocl. The topic will be tal~en. up ag~i~ by c council June 1.8 l~~hrary ~1I1 City Council denied the coi~mi~sion' ~ request to proceed with library signage at the corner of Saratoga Avenue and pruitvale die t~ its ~~tT chair ipsteit~ ~ointcd out that the sign. requested is not ~ new puzchase but replacement of the original s1gn tal~en down during library rcconstructian. ~Jipsteln and Tlnfov~ suggested that further discussion of the sun's replac~innt be postponed until epternber when the ~ihrary pansion project list will be mare carnplete. Lipstein con~m~nded Tinfaw far her persistence and care in worl~ln through the libr~ry~s remaining cxpansio~n project list, and her clear updates to the coinrriission. the will send a letter of appreciation. to the pity. 8. l~e~v Business A. Volunteer pportu~~tY~s in the library Barnes reminded the commission of opportunities for individual members within the library's operations that would beep them in touch with library needs, such as the Boars to shut-ins program, and nth Friends of the Library activities and an artrarl~ co~rnittec that w111 continue the art dung function far the llbra.ry's art walls. ~. ~ndorsin~ Saratoga Reads Barren asl~ed the ~on~n~ission to endorse the '~~ annual Saratoga >~eads event, scheduled for October 245, which will f~~t~~e Bu~~ Bissinger~s boak,l{rida.y~ lei . ht Lights, once fourteen events have been planned at the library and Montalva. roverlNilan moved to endorse the event. Matian passed 710. . Reports A-. Melinda ~~rvantes, bounty librarian Measure A passed with 71.~t°lo, but Measure ~ f.iled, with oily ~4.~4°~0. passage ~f casure means that the library will continue Its cent hours of sorvice, Tuesday thraugli Sunday. dame library branches, with alternative sources of funding such as Las AltoslLos Altos Hills}~ can maintain lamer fours. The Measure will also permit return of ~~~i~~~ to the ateriaislbooks fund. The ~ ibrary system 1s 1n~pierrrenting tune rrianagement software to beep tracl~ of length of time of indivi.dual's intcrnct use of library computers. Patrons aye limited to ono hour a day. Use requires library card and pin number. Management of printer copies is being investigated. The time management software ~s saving on both materials cast and staff time policing use of computer terminals. Ccr~antes will propose Installation of wireless access for personal computers in ctQber, ~, holly Harney, lty I1ibr~ery Measure A's passage ~~ ll7~t V~lth dellght ~~ Ba~.1es, ~'~~ G1 n1~1r1t~~I] llb~`'y hours and staffing. Some vacancies ~n temporary positions will be filled. The children's depaient's visits to elementary schools regarding summer school w111 be continued, ~. Ruth ~lpstein, heir iptein reported th~t~ according to Reoluti~n ~o, ~S-~~~, the Library om1~~on ~i~l continue, limited to four meetings per year, and that the number of eomrr~issianer~ w1~1 fop from 7 to ~ through attrition, Nilan requested clarification of 0~-O~x #~ regarding mal~eup of the commission. Lipstein noted that Resolution no+ X431 establishing the authority of the Saratoga Library on~~sslon, ~ January 1 ~8~} states that the commission i1~ be made up of six members from the city of Saratoga. and unincorporated areas served ~~ the library, and the 7t~ position will be appointed by t~_e pity of Monti Sorcno.} Since the Monte Serena 1ty Council was not involved ~n the Saratoga Councilfs resolution rgaxding city comn~iss~ons, ~pstetn suggested that presumably the drop in number of memr.bers will be from six to four members to be appointed by the pity of Saratoga. This nay need to be officially cl~rlfi~d ~t orris future date. The commissioners agreed Qn the following upcoming meeting dates: September 2~, December 7, March ~, June ~ 1, and ~epten~ber 2~, D. due Herrera, ~rien~s a~ the library The incoming hoard is "eery excited" and is busy strateg~~ing for the upcoming year. This year's llleoa~ Valley Reads real~fa,st in the orchard} event was attended by some 1~0 people, suggesting that darn is a good time. .E. Cathleen Hoy~r, Staff ~~aisan Passed out copy of pity of Saratoga Resolution No. ~5-~32: A Resolution of the City Council of tt~e City of Saratoga Regarding the structure a,nd ~peraticn Qf pity .. Comrnissians. ~ 1~. Agenda Item for l~ext Meeting, e~tember ~~t~,1~ noon to ~~m >~~ection of new chair and vice chair old Business: sign replacement update PaIelA~tenna update Ca1Tac events Reports