HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-02-1963 City Council Minutes SARATOGA CITY CqUNCIL
TI~: !Tednesday, January 2~ 1963 - 7:30 P.
PLACE: Fruitvale Schoolt Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CaliSornia
TYPE: Regular ~{eetin~
~hyor Brazil called the meetinS to order at 7:4S P.
Present: Brhzil, Glennon, Drake~ Hartman, Ritchie
Absent: None
Councilman Ritchie advised that the City of San Jose did not request
reconsideration by the Trafficways Committee on the Lawrence Express-
way matter, as reported in the December 19, 1962 minutes. He stated
that the Chairman of the Trafficways Committee did ask the various
members if they would like to reonen the matter but because o~ the lack
of response to this query, the matter was not reopened.
Councilman Glennon moved, seconded by Councilman Ritchie to waive the
readin~ and approve the December 19~ 1962 minutes as mailed, subject
to the above correction, ~lotion carried unanimously.
. Lawrence
Expressway Clerk reported that this matter had been continued from the last
Agreement meetin~ for a land use survey report ~rom the Planning Department
and a report frcm the County re~arding realignment, but that neither
report has been received at this time.
Director of Public ~orks reported that the rectaneular loop concept
has been planned only for those intersections with right-of-way
problems and/or where indicated because of traffic volume. He reported
that the analysis of land use for this tyDe 1OOD intersection in Sara-
toga should be ready for the next council meeting.
Library Clerk reported that .the chances to this a~reement, which had been
Lease suggested by the City Attorney, had been made and approved by the
AKreement County representative.
Councilman Drake outlined several ob3ections to the proposed a~reement
and contended that while it adequately protects the County, i~ provides
little or no protection for the city. He questioned the clarity of the
section providin~ for the County's removal o~ certain items, should the
contract be terminated, oh the basis that there might be a question o~
ownership as the agreement now reads.
He also protested that the a~reement would bind the city to the
use of the County library system ~or another 2 1/2 years, whether
the buildin~ could be occupied for the entire period or not. Council-
man Drake further objected to the County deducting the cost of immediate
repairs from future rental and stated that many of these repairs were
necessitated by the County's past use of the buildinS.
!~ith no objeetion~ ~ayor de~erred action on the a~reeme~t to the next
meeting and~ in the interim, Councilman Drake will confer with the City
Administrator and City Attorney on those items which he feels should be
considered further.
Clerk reported that two bids have L,,~n r:~eived in response to notice
calli~.~ for bids ~or publication and prin'~ing of the City's legal notices
for the balance of this fiscal year.
City Clerk opened and read the bids, which quoted the foll6wing rates:
(!) Saratoga Citizen - $i.11 per column inch, with $1.01 per column
inch for second publications.
(2) Saratoga N~¢s - $1.39 per column inch.
Representatives of both newspapers were present and spoke on behalf of
the City awarding the bid to their respective clients.
~. Geor~.e Tobin, Attorney reDresentin~ the Saratoga Citizen, urged
the Council to award his client the bid, on the basis of a low bid from
a newspaper which, at the present time, is a newspaper of general
circulation within the City of Saratoga. He stated that the Saratoga
News has filed an objection to the Court that the Citizen is not
: legally a newspaper of ~eneral circulation because of a failure to pub-
Awarding liSh on November !4~ 1962~ and that this matter is currently bein~
Bid for considered by Judge Peckham. He'stated that the Citizen has published
Publication re~uiarly once a week for about four years, except for that one time
of City's wheh it ~as unable to do So because of a Dre~s breakdown. He reported
Legal the circulation df the Citizen at ~03 paid subscribers but stated tha~
Notices he felt the circulation 6f h adder was of no imnortance for the citM's
and Durp_oses. He illustrated this view b~ advisih~'that ~any legal notices
Ordinances are placed in a certain San ,lose newspaper of low circulation because
"the problem of legal notices is not one of advisine the people but
of not advisin~ the people" and; that coverage for those items which the
city wishes the public to have is provided by news articles, not legal
Mr. E. Day Carmen, Attorney reDresenting the Saratoga Mews, reported
that, as of October 10, 1962 the Citizen had published, under oath,
that its paid circulation was 225 and he questioned the Citizens state-
ment of ownership. He cited the Citizen's failure to publish on Novem-
ber 14, 1962 as indication of non dependability and stated that news-
papers do manaZe to publish, somehow, in order to avoid the havoc
which might be created if some legal publications were not Dublished
on schedule. He stressed that the Saratoga News has proven itself
over the years as a newspaper of continuous, dependable publication~ and
urged the Council to accept his clients bid which~ he stated, would
actually cost less per inch, computed on the number of subscribers it
would reach.
Mr. Sherman, cwner of the Saratoad Mews, stated that his rate for
second publications would be $1.19 and that he bad not quoted fl~is rate
in his original bid because of the very few city leeal notices which
are published more than once.
Councilman Glennon stated that, althounh he did not feel the ownership
or the action presently before the court were particularly pertinent
to the immediate matter, he did feel strongly that circulation is a
matter of concern to a city which has always advocated that a well
informed public contributes to well organized, effective ~overn-
mentation~ Councilman Glennon stated that, in his opinion, the
Saratoga News is widely received, accepted, and read in the City, where-
as the Citizen, at the present time, is not and, based on this, nlus
the ~act that, as a naid subscriber, he has railed to receive the Citi-
zen for the hast few weeks, he would be inclined to favor acceptin~
the bid of the saratoga News as bein~ a more dependable means of
bringing the city's le~als and ordinances to the ereatest number of
people. Noting For the record that the City is not obligated to accept
the low bid, Councilman Glennon moved, seconded by Councilman Hartman,
to accept the bid o~ the Saratoed ~ews and authorize the ~ayor to
execute the contract for publication of the City's legal notices and
ordinances for the balance of the present fiscal year expirin~ June
1963. ~lotien carried unanimously.
Councilman Ritchie moved, seconded by Councilman Drake to adopt Ordin-
Ord. alice NS-S,4, amendin~ the Subdivision Ordinance by increasing fees for
NS-S~4 - building site approval applications and providin~ certain regulations
SDR fees relative to minimum access road requirements for buildine sites. For
~ ~lin. the record, it was noted that 1980 is the year, according to the.General
access rds. Plan, when the City should reach capacity and might be expected to ~o
in and improve, roads as provided by this amendment to the subdivision
ordinance. ~{otion carried unanimously and Ordinance NS-S.4 ~vas adopted.
Ordinance 3E-l, an interim urgency and emerdency zoni~ OrdinanCe
prohibitin~ certain uses o~ certain lanH'~ within th~ city o~ saratoga
Ord. was read in it'~ entirety. COuncilman Glennon.moved~ seconded by
5E-1 Councilman Ritchie to adopt O~dina~c~ 3E-l, which will reserve lands,
Zoning for a period of one year, until s~udi~s are co~lete~ for the possible
Ord, use of these lands as future parks or recrea~iohal areas. ~Iotion
reserving carried by the followin~ roll call.vote~ AYES!. Councilman Brazil~
lands Glennon, Drake, Hartman, Ritchie N0~S: None AhSEM~ N6ne
Recessx 9:0S P. 5{.
Reeonvened: 9:2S P.
Clerk stated that this item had been continued until the applicant
is present and, as he is still out of town, he requested that it
again be continued to the next meeting. ~'~ith no objection, the ~{ayor
so ordered.
Gordon,Jr. Councilman Drake moved, seconded by Councilman Hartman to adopt Reso-
lution No. SDR-391-1, approvin~ one lot on !'Yoodbank {Vay, owned by
Charles V. Gordon, Jr., as a building site. ~{otion cax~ried unanimously.
Council ~enerally discussed the draft of a petition, presented by Dr.
Isaac Abrams at the December S, 1962 meetinq, for a proposed improve-
ment district on Saratoga and Cox avenues. The draft ~vas referred tc
Saratoga- the Plannin~ Commission for study and the report back to the Council
Cox Ave. pointed out Several errors and omissions in the proposal and recommends
Assessment that the Council take no ection to approve the plan in its present form,
Dr, Abrams, whose comments were more specifically outlined in a written
report, dated January 2, 1963, stated that it was his hope that the
Council would consider the petition, clarified by the comments in his
progress report and those of the eneineers, both of which recognize
much the same errors or omissions in the petition draft which were
pointed out by the Plannin~ Commission. He suegested that the Council,
or one of its committees, study the matter further and add their
suggestions, if any.
After some discussion, ~-{ayor directed, with Council approval, that the
matter be referred to the Public Facilities Committee for study and
comment, and directed the Staff to provide the entire council with
copies of all the pertinent documents discussed.
Mayor raperred that, after considerable s'~udy of the council committee
A.B.A.G. work assi~nments over the past months, he recommends that Councilman
Delegate Drake be appointed as the official delegate to the Association of Bay
~ Alt. A~ea Governments, with the ~ayor as alternate. He also suggested ti~at
the: Council consider abandonment of the committee system entirely,
un;~ss an alternative can be discovered which Would equalize the work
load without interruption to continuity of assignments.
Councilman Glennon moved, seconded by Councilman Hartman to approve
the appointment of Councilman Drake as official delegate to A.B.A.G.
with Mayor Brazil as alternate. Hotion carried by the followin~ vote:
AYES: Brazil. Glennon, Hartman, Ritchie NOES: None ABSTAINING: Drake
Standard (1) Councilman Hartman asked for a progress report on Mr. Standard's
Drainage drainage problem and was advised by the Director of Public !~orks
that Mr. Standard has not yet returned the drainage questionnaire
which is necessary before City responsibility, if any, can be
determined. Director of Public I~orks was instructed to remind
Mr. Standard that action is pending until kis'~",~ission of the
necessary data.
(2) Councilman Drake, in answer to his query as ~o why the drainage
Shadow situation in the Shadow ~ountain Drive area can not be corrected
~ountain at this time, was advised that the Staff is endeavoring to effect
Drainage a solution throUHh the O~ency or individual that is responsible
for the problem, on the advice from the City Attorney that, in
this situation, the City might be liable if it were to ~o in and
try to correct the problem unless it happened to be an emergency
situation. City Attorney reported that he must have more facts
pertainin~ to this matter before he can determine if the City does
or does not have a duty to do anything, and that it is expected
that the necessary infozmation will be available by the next
Sara.Heft. {3) City Attorney reported that the drainage problem brought to the
Foundation Council's attention by the Saratoga Horticultural Foundation
Drainage has been determined to be a matter between the individuals con-
cerned and the Flood Control District and is not the jurisdiction
City Administrator advised, on a query. from Councilman Glennon, that
Future he had been unable, over the holidays, to contact the proper High
Hiah School School officials re~ardin~ the future high school site ~hich has been
Site reported as proposed for the Saratoga area, and that he will transmit
the information to each council member as soon as it is available,
City Attorney briefly Outlined to the Council recent legislation
pertaining to municipal control or lack of Control of school site
locations. He stated that although present law does not provide
complete city jurisdiction over such matters, it does ~ive a munici-
pality more control, public relations-wise, for a well organized city.
No reports
Bills Councilman Drake moved, seconded by Councilm~n Hartman to approve the
bills on the list dated Jan. 2, 1963, for a total amount of $7,179.13,
and authorize that warrants he drawn in payment. ~1otion carried;
No reports
(1) Director of Public Works reported that, upon investigation of the
request f~o;~ il~.s. Sullivan that the City maintain the road westerly
of Reid L~ne, he has been unable to find any records indicatinffi that
Sullivan - the County has ever regarded this road as a public street and. fur-
Road status thero that records indicate that the San Jose k!ater ~Vorks, in 1928,
obtained an easement adjacent to the road, substantiating the
-~ -~ = assumption_that it was, and is, a private road. Councilman Glennon
"" ' ~mowe4~s%conded~bL.C~ou~n~ci_l~man Ritchie, that Mrs. Sullivan be ad'-
vised, i~adc'ofdance wi~h _~he reCommendation~of~the. Director of-
. Public l?orks, that investi~ati~ show~ that the ~st-~ee~ii~"que~fi~n
is not a public strait'and that the only alternative is thaf'iY"
be_brought uV to city standards and, after the requisite'time, a'
request ~r'~ity~acceptance~of_the street be submitted. ~otion
carried unanimously. '~--~---~--~
(2) Director of Public !!Forks reported that the Division of Highways has
Highway #9 advised that they will participate in the installation of a drain
Drain line line alon~ Highway #9 to the extent of paying for the cost of re-
location of the open channel, and expect to submit an estimate
within the next 30 days. He also reported.that they expect to
submit the data regarding acquisition of right o~ way within two
months after the execution of the right-of-way agreement fo~ the
Highway #9 (~) City Administrator reported, in answer to a progress request from
r/w Councilman Glennon~ that the matter of the letters to property
Agreements owners regarding right-of-way for Nighway #9 has been referred to
the City Attorney to draft the proposed a~reements.
LC.C. (1) City Administrator reported that the Inter-City Council will meet
Mtg. at Vahl's restaurant in Alviso tomorrow evenin~ and that those
councilmen who wish to make reservations should so advise him.
(2) City Administrator tenorted that a letter has been received from
the County advising that unless the City has completed negotiations
Bngineering for En~ineerin~ services by June 30, 1965, the County EngineerinK
Services · '
Contract department will recommend to the Board of Supervisors that the
enRineering services contract between the County and the City be
teminated' as of that date. Council discussed t e matlet briefly
and Councilmen Glennon and Hartman advised that they have planned
a meetinR on this matter with County officials within the next
week. Copies of the County letters re~ardin~ this matter will be
transmitted to council members, for their information and study.
City Adm. (3) Council authorized City Administrator, Gordon H. Howe to attend
Conference the City ~Ianager's department meeting of the League of California
Cities, to be held in ~onterey from February 13 to 15.
Procedure- (4) City Administrator reported that several matters have been referred
to Staff and/or the Chief of Police and Sheriff's Department and
Referral to Council ratified its approval of this procedure so long as the
Staff applicants involved are notified that such matters have been re-
ferred to Staff for report before presentation to the Council.
Mayor Brazil acknowledged, with pleasure, the nresence of Plannin~
Commissioner Johnson.
Councilman Hartman moved, seconded by Councilman Drake to adjourn the
meeting. Motion carried unanimously 10:40 P. M.
Respectfully submitted,
"~'ORDON H. HO!"~;'CITY CLERK ....