HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-19-1963 City Council Minutes SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL SU~F~A~Y OF TI~: "!ednesday, June i9, 1963 7:30 P, PLACE: Fruitvale School, Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoca, California TYPE: Reqular '~eetin~ I ORGA~!IZATION ~layor Glennon called the meetin~ to order at 7:55 ~; A. ROLL CALL · Present: Councilmen Glennon, Br9zil~ Drake, Hartman, Pitchie Absent: None ; ,INUTES Councilman Drake moved, seconded by ~ound{iman ~i~Chie,.to 'waive the ~eadin~ and androve the minutes oF the regular ~eetinq i9631 a~d oe the s,ecial ~eetinF oF June 12, 1963, as distributed, subject to the correction noted b~ the Clerk. Gotion carried unani~oUsly~ II BIDS AND CONTRACTS None III POLICY DECISION REGA~DI~!G LOCATION OF LIBRARY qayor Glennon reviewed the history oF the library location, He osened the'meetin~ For oeneral discussion and had the Clerk read the tenoft, dated April 8, 1963, outlining the recommendations erom the General Plan Committee and Plannin~ Commissioni Library Location Councilman Ritehie pointed out that, on the basis o{ t}~e re, oft, the location at.the ~ivic center would be closer to the -eo-ranhical center oF ~opulationi Mrsi Georgia Ryder ~poke in Favor 6F the villafie site and in o~nosition to the Civic ~enter site and indicated that she Understood that ~!r. A. A. Dem~sey had OFfered to ~{r; Farr{er to cobstruer a library in the villaee and lease it tO the County. At the ~ayor's request, ,r. Ceor-e Fartier submitted a sun,le~entai dated June 19, 1963, ~thich set torth the _-.eneral nro~osal made by r~{r. De~qsey. Ur. Fartier sunpotted a villafie site on the ~rounds oF accessibility to the ~reatest number of ~eoole. ~r. l'Yalter Vauohn, '!rs. Vivian graule, ~.fr. Clarence "~. ~.~eale, ~r. Andre Bogart, "r. Joseph.Connolly, and '~r. Sam Hernandez s~oke in ~avor oe the villa~e site. ~r. Charles Earley and ~Irs. *~rray Fisher spoke in ~avor oe the civic center site. It was suggested, and the Uayor directed, that the matter be ~ut over to the meetine oF July 3, 1963, in order to enable the Council to Get a tenoft as to the specifics or the proposal made by ~{r. Dem~sey. Council- man Ritehie, the City Administrator and the Planning Director were directed to meet with ~!r. Fartier and '!r. Dempsey and to resort back at the July Srd meetjoe. IV ORDINANCES AND FOR~IAL RESOLUTIONS A. ORDINANCE NS-4.2 Ord.NS-4.2 The City Council a~reed that ~ermission !or movin~ structures, heavy House machinery, etc. should be ~ranted on the lowest level ~ossible, rather moving than by Council action u~on reco.~unendation trom the Planning Commission. qayor directed the City Attorney to re-draFt the ordinance in accordance with this decision after he has discussed with the Chief Buildin'- Inspector the artparent conflicts in wordloft which were questioned by Councilman Drake. -1- B. RESOLUTION NO. Res. 153 Transfer Councilman Brazil moved, seconded by Councilman !tartman, to adopt of funds Resolution No. 155, authorizin~ transfer o~ funds between and/or amon~ accounts. ~otion carried unanimously. Ord. 35 C. ORDINANCE 35 AdOptin~ Budget · City Administrato~ advised that the 1963-64 budget!has been ~odified as directed at the special mebtin~ of June 12 and ~!ayor directed that Ordinance 35, approvin~ the bud-or for t~e next ~iscal year, be intro- duced and continhed to the next regular meetin~ for Council action. D. RESOLUTION ~!O. Res. 5-# . City Atty. Councilman ~razil moved, seconded by Councilman Drg~e, to adopt fees Resolution No. S-E, establishin~ compensation for the City Attorney. ~{otion carried unanimously; Res.S5-3 E. RESOLUTIO?g NO. 85-3 Employee Salary Councilman Erazil moved, seconded by CoUncilman Bitchic, to adont Scales Resolution No. ~5-3, dhane~nd and adjUstin~ salary ranges {or office and specialty employees of the City of Saratoga. ~otion carried unanimously. F. RESOLUTION MO~ 154 Res. 154 : Parks, Councilman Brazil ~0ved, seconded by CoUncilman Drake, to adout Recreation Resolution ~q~ 154, bein~ a resolution Of hublie interest and necessity Library for ~ark, recreation and library ~ncilities, as a~ended to exclude any reference to location of the library. notion carried unanimously. G. RESOLUTION ~O; Res. 155 Employee Councilman Drake moved~ seconded by Councilman !!artman, to authorize Health th~ execution ot the master a~nlication ~er e~loyee health insurance Ins. with the '~ester~ Life I~surance Co. ~tion carried unanimously. H. RESOLUTION NOi 155 Res. 156 Councilman !!arman mo~ed, seconded b~ Councilman B~aZil, to adont Gas Tax Resolution MOi 156, adentin, budeel proposal ~or ~he exnenditures of Budget funds allocated under Section 2107 of the Streets and lli~hways Code for ~ajor City streets. Uotion carried unanimously. V SUBDIVISIONS .AND BUILDINC SITES A. SDR-3SI - !~ENNETH, I~AGAKI SDR-351 City Clerk tenorted that all conditions have been met exce, t recordation I~a~aki of the survey map and that the County has requested that the man not be recorded until they have recorded the deeds which they requested for ingress and e~ress to the lots on the rear o~ the a~nlicant's property out to East wlaude Avenue. Council discussed the history of this a~nlication and the studies have been made re~ardinq sa~e access to ~uito ~oad, and Councilmen Ritehie and Hartman expressed concern that the access would create a traffic hazard. Councilman Brazil moved, seconded by Councilman Drake, to anDrove the three lots on ~uito Road (A~lication ~o. SDB-351) as buildin~ sites, subject to recordation of the survey ~a~. ~oll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Brazil, Drake, and Glennon ~oes: Councilmen Hartman and Ritehie Absent: none. ~!otion carried. Change City Attorney tenorted that a 9oftion of San Tomas'Aquino Creek is to City be re-aligned as a condition of annroval of ~r. Iwa~aki*s sites and Boundary that this re-alignment viII leave some Saratoga lots ~artially in the City of ~lonte Serene and some uonte Serene lots ~artially in the City of Saratoga. Council a~reed, and the '!dyer directed, that the City Attorney advise the City of '~onte qereno og its desire to chan-e the City boundaries to ~ollov the center line of the creek channel ~s it will be re-aligned. SDR-363 i!Iin~o C~uncilman Brazil Roved, seconded by Coundilm~n Pitthie, to adOnt Resolution No. SDR-363~1, ~rantin~buildin~:site anDroyal to ~'I!n~o for on~ lot on S0bey Road. r.~ot~on carried ufianimously. C. ~R-62 - ST. ANDRE,"S EPISCOPAL O!llRC)~ SDR-62' Cduncilman Brazil ~oVed, seconded by Cdunciiman '{artman~ to accepti St.~ndrews Improve. ~0r construCti6n only; the i~nrovementS required as a conditi0n.6f Const~ Buildin~ site amproyal for St. AndrOws FniscoDal Church~ Carried unanimously. D. TRACT iS17 Tra~t 1517 Accept Councilman !{artman moved, seconded by CounCilman Drake, toddopt streets Resolution.Mo. ~6-B-44, acce~tin~ the dedication o~ streets in Res.36-B-44 Tract 1517. r. lotion carried unanimously. F. SD-407 - TRACT 3259 Tr.'3259 Mr. Clarence Rdessl, of 12850 Foothill Lanei and ~r. Andre Bo,a~t Final of !'!ardell~Road, questioned the e~fect this subdivision will have on had the proposed extension of Pierce Road and were advised thpt the ~ Pierce Road extension and its relationship to Ashley way will be discussed at the July 1 special meetin~ which h~s been scheduled by the Plannin~ Commission for consideration of revisions to the General Plan. Councilman Hartman moved, seconded by Councilman Pitchiei to ade~t Resolution No. SD-407-I, anDrOvin~ ~inal ma~ of Tract 3475, SubSect to (1} acceptance of creek easement by County Flood Control District and chanee in easement desienation to"SCC.Flood Control and "'ater Conservation District", (2) ~lonumontin~ all eXterior.boundary corners and intersection o~ Carniel Avenue with N tract boundary. (3) endorse- ment of liability insurance to provid? that nolicy caB not be can- celled without 10 days prior notification to the Cityi uotion carried unanimously. Ci 5D-408 - TRACT 3483 Tr.3483 Clerk r~id a communication ~rom the Devel~ner's Fn~ineer reqhestin, Final elimination o~.the condition of tentative approval which requires ~lap construction of sidewalks. The.apnlicant, 'lr. Roy Maylor and his engineer, ~irl Robert ~.lcDermott, sDo~e in favor.of this request. The Council advised them that this condition had been set in accordance with CiiV Couhcil Policy of requirin~ sidewaiks on at least one side of each ~ajor collector street leadine tO a school site and ~'lr. ~laylor then aereed to abide by this condition. Councilman Brazil moved, seconded.by Councilma~ Ritchie, to adopt Resolution.Mo~.SD-408-1, approvin~ final map 0~ Tract 3483, subject to construction o~ a 4' c0ncr~te sidewalk 6" east of west ~/"~ !~ne of Shadow.~ountain DriVei instead o~ con~truc~ine m0nolithic side- walk adjacent to the curb. uotion carried unanimously. V PUBLIC HEARINGS A. C-5S LYLE BENSON Mayor onened the continued nublic hearin~ at 11:37 P. '~. on the annli- C-SS cation to fezone from R-q-3}000 to Conditional C-C approximately Benson three acres of the Saratoga Inn property on Saratoga Avenue. Council- man Hartman reported that the Pl'annin~ Committee of the Council had met with the Subdivision Committee to stuOy this aDnlication and that it is their recommendation that the Council fezone the area to allow ~or professional-administrative use as requested. Councilman Drake stated that he is still concerned with the possibility that extendin~ the P-A zonin~ in the village area would result in subsequent applications to fezone present P-A areas to Commercial. Councilman Ritchie shared this view but also aereed with the Plannin~ Committee that the area is well suited ~or the development pronosed. -S- C~55 0rd; City AttOrney advised that the conditions of rezonin~ drafted as a ~art ~lS-3-ZC-lg of.Ordinance ~IS-3-ZC-16 are incorrect and ~'ayor directed the ,ublic' hearin~ continued to the next re-ular peetinp and that the vlannino Director re-draft the conditions as recommended by tlme City Attorney. V~ AD~INISTRATIVE ~ATTE~S A, ~AYOR P0iidy de~isionl (1) ]'tith no objection, ~ayor directed that the ~olicy decision P61ice re~ardin~ level of police services be continued until the next services regular meetin~ to allow further discussion with ~he Sheriff's Department as to their recommendations. ?Fm. Loretta (2) ~Jayor announced, with re~ret, the resignation of Chie~ BUildin. Resignation Inspector ~'Filliam E. Loretta, effective July 15, to accent an. apnointment with the City of "ratsonville. B. FINANCE Bills (1) Councilman Brazil moved, seconded by Councilma~ Drake to a~Drove the disbursements on the list dated JUne 19, 1963 for a total amount of $5555.14 and to authorize that warrants be drm~n in pay, nent. P~otion carried unanimously~ Finance (2) City Clerk's Financial Report and Treasurer's Peoort for the ~eports month of June, 1963, were accented. COUNCIL CO~ITTESS No reports D. DEPARP.~E~T HEAD§ A~D OFFICERS Public (1] Director of PUblic ,'forks ren6rted that a public hearinq will be Hearin~ held 0~ Jdne 28 re~ardin~ the o~0nosed urban extension nroject re Saratoea 6n garatoea Avenue and that it is no~ necessary for the Couhtil to Ave.Droject be ~resent'althou~h the hearihq had oriqinally been scheduled to ' coincide with a re~uiar cOUncil meetin, and had been chan~ed because of an error re~ardin~ nublieation~ Council (2) councii discussed summer schedules and '~ayor Glennon stated that he will be out of town durin~ the meetin~ of July 3. Councilman stll~me~ Drake a~vised that he will be away july 17 and Councilman Brazil schedules s~ated that aithou~h he expected to be away moSt. of the suramer o~ military .leaVe he wouid't~y to c6~e back ~or the meetin~ o~ 5fily 17 when the ordinance callin~ ~'ecial election will be considered~ ZOountil a~reed that, if necessary~ a soecial meetin~ cdul~'be called to consider adontion of ~his ordinance Which requires a 4/5 vote of the full c~uncil eor nassa~e. ~. CITY ADt,~t'NISTRATOR Res.157 (1) Councilman Brazil moved, seconded by Councilman ~artman~ to adopt Drake - Resolution No~ 157~ desi~natine Councilman ~ithard V. Drake as Alt. to Alternate Director of the District ~oard of County Sanitation Sani. #4 District No. 4. ~lotion carried unanimously. ouito (2) City Administrator announced that the ~uito ~.qerchant~s Association ~.~erchant~s will hold their second annual nromotional circus from June 26 Circus through Jun~ 30, and Plannin~ Director tenorted that no nroblems had arisen as a result of the circus held last yea~. SB #344 (3} Council a~reed to transmit to Covernor Brown its su~,ort of Senate Bill #344, re~ardin~ an increase in Highway user taxes. Repair (4) Councilman Brazil moved, seconded by Councilman ~artman~ to Hotor- authorize the expenditure of un to $2,200. for re~air of the Grader Citrus motor-,~rader~ in accordance ~ith the bid f~om Booth Equinment Service. ~otion carried unanimously. -4- Council (5) COuncil a~reed that it would be well to Further investigate the Chambers p~ssibility of usinq the Saratoga }!ioh ~chool facilities for at Hi-h Council meetin-sj and directed the City Administrator to request School Superintendent Dr. Gillette to brin~ this ~tter un with the High School Board. Bond (6) C~ty Administrator reported that the County ~e~istrarts office Election will orovide most of the servicesj except selection of election Servi~e~ ~f~iclals and ~ollin~ ~laces~ for the ~ond election scheduled ~or SeDtember 17. VII CO,,~UNICATIONS A; !~RITTEN None B. ORAL Ident. Mr. Andre Boqart su~qested that ma~s, sketches~ and exhibits ~ich exhibits are included in the City~s ~iles be identified by the na~e o~ the person submittin~ it and by the date it is filed. VIII ADJOURN~fENT Councilman ~razil moved, seconded by Councilman .~!artman~ to adjourn the meeting. ~!otion carried unanimously 12:10 A.~. Res~ectfuliy submitted~ "'iil iam C..aniey, cityJle~k