HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-20-1966 City Council Minutes SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL
TIME: Wednesdays April 30, 1966 . 7:30 P. M.
PLACE: Saratoga City Council Chamberss 13777 Fruitvale Avenues Saratogas Calif,
TYPE: Regular Meetin~
Mayor Ole,~non called the meettn~ to order at 7:35 P, M,
Present: Councilmen Glennon, Drakes Har~mans Tyler, Burry
Absent: None
It was moved by Councilman Burrys seconded by Councilman Tyler and
unanimously carried to dispense with the'reading end approve the
minutes of the May 4, 1966meetings as written,
Mr. George Argall~ District Deputy Grand Master of District 20 of the
Police Independent Order of Odd Fellows of Rebekah Assembly, presented e
Appreciation plaque to the Mayor on behalf of the I.O.O.F. Home and the Santa Clara
Plaque County Police Chiefs Association in appreciation of the daily work of the
men and woman of the Santa Clara County Sheriff~s Departmen~ toward the
protection of lives and property within the City of Saratoga. Mr. Argall
then introduced Lt. Curtis, representin~ the sheriffss Offices and
representatives of the Odd Fellows Home in Saratoga. Mayor Glennon
expressed the Countlisa Eratitude for this presentation av~ added
his concurrence with all elferrs in support of the law enforcement
services provided the City by the Sherifles Department.
Canvdss After. review of ~he tally sh&ets ~nd ResolUtion No..323, it was moved
of Votes by Councilman Drakes seconded by Councilman Burrys end unanimously
1966 Election carried to adopt Resolution No, 323, beinE a resolution canvassing
the vote.of. the April 12,.1966 General Municipal EleCtion and resolvin~
that William Z~ Glennen, k~n~eth R, Ha~t~an~ and Sa[nGel L. Tyler ~ere
re-elected to the City Council for the {our year terms ending April,
Oaths of
Office The City Clerk admi~.istered the oath Of office to each of the three
re-elected officials and ~resented themwith certificates of election.
Mayor Glennon resigned as Mayors in accordance with the policy of the
of Mayor Saratoga City Council for the Mayor to resign whenever there is a change
&Mayor in the Council~ and turned the gavel over to City Clerks William C.
pro tem. Hanley.
Mr. Henley called for nominations for Mayor and it was moved by Council-
man Burrys seconded by Councilman Hartmane to nominate William E.
Glennon as Mayor. Councilman Tyler moved~ seconded by Councilman Drake
to close the nominations; motion carried unanimously, ~illiamE.
Glennon was elected Mayor by unanimous vote on a motion presented by
Councilman Hartman and seconded by Councilman Tyler.
Mayor Glennon resumed the Chair and called for nominations for Mayor
pro tempore. It was moved by Councilman Hartman, seconded by Councilmen
Tyler~ to nominate Richard V. Drake as Mayor pro tempers and nominations
were closed on a motion by Councilman Burry and seconded by Councilman
Tyler. Mayor Glennon directed the record to indicate that Richard V.
Drake was elected Mayor pro tempers by unanimous vote.
The Council discussed a proposed amendment to the agreement with the
Los Cares Los Gates Scavenger Company and it was noted that the reconnnendations
Scavenger of the Management Committees as presented at the last meetings had
Co. Amend. been incorporated into the a~reement but that the rate schedule was
to Agree. in error, With no objection~ Mayor Glennon directed this item to the
next regular meeting and instructed the staff to draft the agreement
in accordance with the rate schedule previously agreed upon,
Mr. Ranley called the attentinn.of the Council to a letter~ dated
Open-Space April 12s 1966s from the Department of Housing and Urban Development,
Projects advising that the Cityss application for open-space funds for the Hakone
tentative and Wildwood Park properties has been tentatively approved and that
approval the City can proceed with the purchase of these sites without jeopardi-
zing any federal grants which may subsequently be approved.
After brief discussions during which Mayor Glennon ahd C0uncllman
Park sites- Drake indicated that they will be unable to attend the Nay 4 C6uncil
Options meeting and wtsheds at this time~ to express!their approval
exercieir~ the options for~the purchase of these properties, it was
a~reed by the Council to authori~e the Clerk to draw warrants for
the first payments on the Hakone amd Wildwood Park sites for presenta-
tion and approval at the neXt meeting.
Res. 322 Mr. Hanley reported that bids had been awarded and work conmmnsed on
Azule - the Azule Homosites Improvement project and that this resolution
Bids on will call for bids for the sale of bonds for the local residents one-
Bonds third share of the total cost of the project; with the bids to be
opened May 4th and awarded at the Council meetin~ that night. It
was moved by Councilman Tylers seconded by Councilmen Burry, and
unanimously carried to adopt Resolution 322.
Jessup The City Clerk reviewed the discussion regarding this item at the last
Withdrawal meeting at which time the Planning Conmission recommended denial~
without prejudice, of the application to fezone from R-M-4sOOO-X to
R-M-3~0OO-P-C approximetely 20 acres located on the north side of
Big Basin Way west of Sixth Street. At that time the City Attorney
advised that if the Planning Conmission recommendation was followed
the applicant would be required to wait a year before refiling an
application for this property unless the applicant requesteds and
was granted~ a withdrawal of the present application. Since that times
Mr. Hanley con~inueds a request has been received from Howard J,
~ite, Inc.~ r~presenting the applicants for withdrawal of the
application C-93,' With no obJection~ Mayer Glennon ordered the record
to indicate that the application was withdrawn,
Mr. Hanley 'stated that bonds have been posted, fees paid and conditions
met as required by the Planning Counission for Parcels I and 3, as
shown on the record of survey map for SDR-577s except for receipt of
the recorded survey map and the encroachment permit from the State
Division of Highways, ~he Planning Oirector discussed, with Councilman
SDR-577 Hartman, the requirement of the Flood Control District with respect
MiJo to this site and Hr, Walker indicated that the Flood Control District
Corporation has been Cooperative with the City in working out an agreeable treat-
ment of the creek adjacent to the site. Councilman Hartman-stated
that he only wished to make sure that this is not one of the areas
where the Flood Control District clears off the trees or othez~ise
goes against the City~s wishes regarding retaining natural creek
channels, whenever possibles and Hr, Walker indicated that he thought
the treatment in this case would be a practical solution to the area
consistent with City objectives,
Councilman Hartman also questioned whether or not the Councfl might
not be circtnnbenting the ultimate uses which may be recounended for
the area by the consultant who has been employed to study this area
ands as an example, referred to Condition "~ which requires the
dedication and improvement of a 30~ service road, 1~, Walker and
lit, Hanley stated that the applicant is aware of the studies but is
anxious to proceed and that the staff can ~ee no basis for delaying
the o~mer*s application for site approval, It was pointed out that
the applicant has a lor~ range program~ich will not be detrimental
to future action the Council may vlsh to take Kith r~spect to this
area and thats specifically, the service road will not be developed
until it is determined whether or not it will be needed in the light
of the completed study,
Mr. lienard, Architect representing the applicants stated that the o~ner
is willing to cooperate with the City to achieve the best use for this
area and agrees that the present study is important Co the site.
It was moved by Councilman Hart.man, seconded. by C9.uncilman Burry. to
approve SDR-577-i, subject to receipt of the recoraed survey map and
State encroachment permit. At the suggestion of .the City Attorney
Councilman Hartman corrected his motion and Councilman Burry corrected
his second to include the condition that final site approval is subject
to correction of unsatisfactory grading conditions and approval of
the to th, satiSfaction.of the irectO of .P blic
Worksi Hr~st~t~a that ho building permit will be issued until
the conditions of Council approval of this site have been moil mation
carried unanimausly,
Res, 32~ Mr. Hanley read resolution no, 32~ prohibiting pedestrian and other
Lawrence uses of the La~r~ence Expressway between Prospect Avenue and quito
Expressway Road and reported that the Board of Supe~visors has passed a similar
prohibitions resolution for other portions of the Lawrence Expressway and that this
action is recommended by the Director of Public Works, It was moved
by Councilman Bu~ry, seconded by Councilman Hartman and unanimously
carried to adopt Resolution 325°
C-95 The City Clerk reported that this is ~he time and place set for public
Lozano hearing on the application of Nanuel Lozano to fezone from R-l-10~000
Rezoning to Conditional C-N the parcel of land located on the southeast corner
of the intersection of Prospect Road and the La~.r~ence Expressway,
Hanley read the resolution of the Planning Comnhtssion recommending
that straight C-N zoning be granted for this property. No connunications
were received in response to notice of public hearing,
With no objection, 14ayor Cleunon opened the public hearing at 8:25 P.
and directed the file C-95 introduced as evLdence. He then asked if
anyone present wished to address the Council regarding this application,
~r, Curley~ representing the applicant, spoke in favor of the rezoning
application and ~r, Joe Assenza asked if it were true that the proposed
use of the property was for a car wash, l~ayor Clennon replied that the
question before the Council is ~estricted to the rezoning issue and
that the use of the area ~0uld be considered by the Planning Commission~
if the rezoning is approved~ in the light of the uses. permitted in
Neighborhood Counercial zones,
There being no one else who ~rished to speak to the Council regarding
this application~ it was moved by Councilman Har~nn, seconded by
Councilman Tyler and unanimously passed to close the public hearing
at 8:30 P. 1~.
Tn answer to a question from CounCilman Hartman~ I~. ltanley explained
that the difference het~een C-N zoning and Conditional C-N Zoning is
that any of the uses designated for C-N zones by the Zonin~ Ordinance
my be permitted unless the area is conditionally zoned to limit the
uses to one or more of the total list of uses which wuld be permitted
in that zone, The Planning Director reported that H~. Lozano had
applied for Conditional C-N for the specific use of a car wash and
parts store but that the Planning Cor~n~ssion felt that this area should
logically be rezoned C-N as the adjacent areas are zoned for general
C-N and that t~e question of a car wash and parts store will be con-
sidered at a later date under a use permit type of use,
Under the C-N regularinns, Er. Walker explained, a car wash is
allowed only ~d_th a use permit. After discussion, the Council
agreed that the only appropriate zoning for this area would be
connnercial zoningi and the ~ayor, with no obJeetion~ directed
the record to show that Chcdinance NS-3-ZC-33, rezoning the property
to general C-N~ Was iutrodneed.
E. 0RDINA~CE 38,11
t4r. 'Henley reported that this is the time and piace fo~ public
hearing on the amendment to the City Code ~hich would adopt the 1966
Ord. 38,11 Uniform Building C~de, the 196~ Uniform Plumbing Code~ !the 1965 Uniform
Uniform Ele~trical Code~ and the 196~ Heating and Con~O~t .Cooling Code, with
Bulldtng~ modifications. It ~as explained that a public hearing is required
Plumbing, when other cddeS, Or portions of them~ are to be adopted by reference.
Electrical ~tr. ~Hanley s~ated that the ordinance, in its final form, after the
Codes incorporation of the reco~eudations of the PuBli~ Welfare Committee
~ho reviewed lit .in .detail, ~as introduced by t~e Council~ the
1ast meeting~ and ~hat nbti~e of public hearing ~as published according
to la~, and that no communi~ations had been re~eived in respdnse to
this notice.
Ftayor Gleanon declared the public hearing opened at 8:~0 P. H. and
asked if anyone present ~ished to speak with respect to this
ordinance. There being no one who responded to this invitation, it
was moved by Couneilm~n Tyler, seconded by Councilman Hartman and
unanimously carried to waive thereadir~ of Ordinance ~o. 38.11. l~ayor
Glennon advised those present that copies of the ordinance were availa-
ble for their inspection should they wish to see
It .was moved by Councilman Ha~tman~ seconded by Councilman
and unaot~usly carried to close the public hearin~ at 8:~5
After brief discussion it ~as moved by Co,~tlman Burry, seconded by
Councilman Hart~ and carried unanimously to adopt Ordinance No, 38.11,
Recess: 8:~6 P, ~.
Reconvened: 9:00 1~. ~I.
(1) biayor Glennon reported that he had received a letter from Super-
Board of visor Quinn advising that the Board of Supervisors had recently
~upervisors met with one of the City Councils of the County and that the meeting
joint mtg, had resulted in progress toward the solution of long standin~
with Council and complex problems due to a better understandin~ of each
agentyes position, The Board hess therelores declared its
willin~ness to meet with other tityes Councils when the need may
arise for discussion of matters of mutual interest. Mayor Glennon
stated that~ at this times 'the only problemwhich he felt might
warrant e meeting of this type was the matter of zoning in the
hillside areas outside the City~s boundaries but that he did
not kno~ if that was sufficient cause for a special meeting,
Conncilman Hartman indicated that he felt that a brief joint
meeting would be of benefits both from the .standpoint of clari-
fying the Cityss objectives (particularly regarding hillside
development) and in establishing a better relationship with the
Board on those matters which vitally concern the City,
Councilman Burry stated that he is opposed to any meeting unless
it were to be for the purpose of resolving a definite problem,
Councilman Tyler asked if any timetable has been established
with respect to the City~s annexation policy and Mayor Glennon
replied that the hillside annexation question lie the s01e pro-
Ject of the Saratoga Thought and Analysis Group and that he
expects a progress report from them in the very near future,
After discussions the Council concurred that the Mayor express
the Countries appreciation of the Board~s offer and advise them
that the City expects to accept this offer and arrange a mutually
s4tisfact0ry date for a joint discussion meeting in the near
(1) The Council discUsSed the list of d~sbursements and Mr, Henley
Council r~ported that the volume of use of the COdncil Chambers and the
Chambers attendant idetailS of~intenences u~keep~.and arrangements for
use and scheduling the use~ are consumin~ the time of a number of people
services and contractual services and ~hat he p~ope~es ~O conduct a survey
to determine whether or not the City might mere effectivelys both
from the standpoint of cost and efficiencys designate one person
to perform all the duties which are currently involving many persons.
The Coancil indicated its approval of this propos~l and
Henley indicated that he will proceed with this study,
It was moved by Councilman Tyler~ seconded by Councilman Burry
Bills and unani~ously carried to approve the disbursements on the list
dated April 20, 1966s for a total amount of $8~649,90 and
authorize that warrants be dream in payment,
Finance (2) The City Clerk*s Financial Report and Treesuterus Report for
Reports the month of Marchs 1966 were submitted and accepted,
Budget (3) Copies of the third quarter budget report were distributed for
Report Council study and information,
(1) Councilman Hartman reported thats as directed by the Council at
its last meeting: the Planning Connnittee made an additional field
S, Smith- study of the Stuart Smith property on Lomita Avenue ands in view
Underground of the unusually difficult problems due to the fact that two
Utilities separate trenches have to be prepared to serve the sites the
Ce..~ttee recommends that the requirement be amended to retain
the undergrouv~ service for telephone service but a11~ an over-
head electrical service drop,
The Council and staff generally discussed criteria which has been
or should be considered in determining whether or not individual
sites should be relieved of the requirement to install underground
Underground utilities. Councilman Hartman stated that many factors are
Utility considered and that these factors vary in each case. Size of
policy poles, addition of poles, development of adjacent sites, etc.
are among those factors considered and Councilman Hartman indi-
cated that although the Connittee does not consider cost he
feels that it does have an unconscious influence on the Committee~s
investigations. Councilman Drake stated that he felt it hapoft-
ant for the Council to establish reasonable but broad guide lines
for consistent use in such situations and Councilman Burry
indicated that he thought the Council should determine, by
ordinance, whether or not underground utilities should be
installed and that it should not be amatter of policywhich
he feels is basically reduced to a matter of opinion.
The City Attorney stated that from a legal standpoint, he felt
the City should have an underground utility ordinance and that,
if the Council so desires, an ordinance ten be drawn to provide
flexibility in considering single lots. This has been done in
other cities, he reported, by framing the ordinance as a part of
the zoning ordinance, with variance provisions, rather than the
subdivision ordinance.
Councilman hurry expressed the ol~lnion that in all cases requests
for waivin~ underground requirements are based on cost and that
he favored an inflexible ordinance requiring underground utilities
for all'lots.
Underground After further discussion, during which the City Attorney said
Utility that o~e of the purpOseS of an ordinance is to put policy down
Ordinance in.a written document so that people know what:to expect and
that~ at this time, he has no guide lines for drafting such an
ordinan~es the Mayor referred the question of a possible Under-
ground utility ordinan~e to the Planning Committee for study
and repor~ after consult~tion with the City Attorney.
It ~as mo~ed by Councilman Drakes. seconded. by Councilman Tyle~
and carried unadimausly to adopt the Committee ~pcrt relative
to the StUart Smith property and allow overhead electrical service
drop but underground telephone service.
(2) For the benefit of those present concerning communications
relative to the crosswalk at Reid Iane and Highway 85, the
Council approved postponement, until later on the ageadd, of
the other itemo to be discussed under Administrative Matters
Reid Lane and Mayor Glennon announced that the Reid Lane crosswalk
& Highway 85 question will be considered at this time.
A. WRITTEN , and
Mr. Allen Grout addressed the Council regarding the crosswalk at Reid
Lane and Highway 85 where a Saratoga child was killed on April 8.
Mr. Grout stated that it was his understanding that the Council has,
in the past, requested of the State more adequate markin~ at this
crosswalk and that his o~n observation indicates that the crosswalk
Reid Lane is designated By numerous signs from both directions to the extent
& Highway that a metorist~s attention would be so divided as to hamper his
No. 85 actually seeing the crosswalk. Mr. Grout read a petition, which
Crosswalk he intends to direct to Governor Brown requesting a signal light
at this locatlon. Herepotted that the petition has been signed, as
of the present time, by 1213 persons and that it has been endorsed
by Reverend Strasberger of St. Andrews Episcopal Church, Dr. Frank
Gillette of Saratoga High School, and the P.T.A. groups of Saratoga
High Schools Mr, Grout stated that his intent was to assure the
Council of citizen support in any action which may prevent a similar
tragedy from occurtng at this location, F/r, Grout outlined the
reasons why the petitioners are requesting a signal light instead of
nny other traffic control devices or signing; an overcrossing would
restrict visibility and additional markings would, in his opinions
serve nopurpose as there are already too many signs in both directionse
-Mr, Joe Assenza questioned whether a signal would be the best solution
and mentioned that many other streets crossing Highway 85 might have
the same problems for safe crossing,
Mrs, gads~qorth cited several re/sons why she thought the Reid Lane
crossing is more dangerouss such as its proximity to the high school
where a full recreational and swimming program is anticipated for
the sn~nmer, and the use of Herriman Avenue as an access to the
Presbyterian Church, St. Andrew, Church and Sacred Heart Church. It
was Mrs. Wadsworth's suggestion that a safe crossing be provided at
Reid Lane
Highway 85 Reid Lane and that parental control must be relied upon to insure
Crosswalk that the children use that crossing.
Mayor Glennon pointed out that what the Council and the citizens all
want is a solution to the problem and that the City should rely on
the advice of experts in traffic safety and not Just provide what may
seem to be the answer from a layman*s standpoint, Mayor Glennon
asked Mrs. Wadsworth if it should be indicated, by the results of
the current studies, that it cannot be made a safe place to cross,
if the parents would instruct their childreu to cross somewhere else.
Mrs. ~ladsworth stated that she did not Believe children could be
prevented from using the line of least resistance arid crossing
closest to the high school. In that event, she suggested, a crossing
guard would be the solutioh.
Mrs~ G~out and Helen Moyles c0-~-uted 6n the heavy use t~isi erOssi~
has fo Serve the ,nnny home~ whose main access is o~ef Reid Lane.. BUZ
0lean, ~tudent at Saratoga High School, reported that he has a petition
signed by approximately 600 students ~ho are concerned about this
crossing and are requesting a signal light to alleviate the problem
as soon as possible, He indicated that hewould give his petition to
Mr. Grout for presentation to the Governor.
Mrs. Mary Booth stated that she thought people would obey .a traffic
light when they might disregard other warning devices and she asked
what a light would cost and whether the Council would install a light
if the State gave its consent. Mayor Glennon reported that the cost
of a trafficlight would be about $15s000for installation but that,
at this stage, the Council does not know what would be the safest
means of protecting the intersection and its final action would rest
on the recommendations of traffic safety experts after analysis
of the problems involved.
Mr. Robert Plane suggested that the safest solution would be to keep
pedestrians off the highway surfaceby means of an overcrossing or
undercrossing. Gouncilman Tyler pointed out that all available data
indicates that such crossings dO not accomplish their purpose as the
children will not use them.
Councilman Burry cohented thats at this points his feeling is that the
Coancil should concentrate on urging the State to complete its engineering
safety study so the Councilcan make an early determination of.the best
Mr. Henley-reported that the staff contacted the traffic engineering
section Of the Division of Highways last week with a report of the
facts of the situation and asked for a study and report as soon as
possible, Mr. Hanley estimated that preliminary results of the
study, at least, should be availab~ in about two weeks. In Septembers
1964s biT. Henley continueds the State sent a traffic engineer do~rn to
study this areas in response to a petition presented for a echoel
crossin~ guards and that the engineer conducted a field survey of
all the elements involveds including the location of the schools and
the bussing schedules. In answer to a question from Councilman Drakes
Mr. Henley stated that he felt that the report from the present study
will be based on full knowledge of all the factors regardin~ this
intersection. At the time of the 1964 study there was no discussion
for a full traffic signal but Mr. Henley reported that the State did
express willingness to the High School District to install a flashing
yellow signal at that location if the district would share in the
expense of the installation and maintenance but that the District did
not feel that this light of itself would be of sufficient value to
meet the problems so it was not installed.
Councilmen Drake suggested that perhaps there was some way of installin~
a sign that would not be overlookeds such as an overhead banner. In
reply to a suggestion from Councilmen Tyler that a portable sign be
placed in the center of the streets the Director of Public Works
indicated that he doubted that the State would approve any object
standing in the crosswalk because of the dan~er of it being hit and
Reid lane flipped or spun into a pedestrian.
Highway 85
Crosswalk Vladimir Fabris suggested that, as an interim measure until the Statess
studies are Completeds the City seek the cooperation of the High School
toward the formation of a patrol service such as other schools have
to guard the Reid lane crossin~ as well as any others in the vicinity
which may need
Mr. J~e Assenza expressed the opinion that a study ~f a permanent
nature is more important than a Temporary control of a few weeks.and
that he felt it is up to the parents to. guard the area 'in :the meantim~.
He indicated that he did not believe people would want a traffic
light there if jr'were to be proven that more accidents might occur
because of
Mrs. GroUt 0bJec~ed ~o using lligh school students as crossing guards
as s~e felt it would be too dangerous and should be a job for adults
only. ~. Grout had previously objected that althoughhe has frequently
seen a Deputy Sheriff checking the area for speedinghe has neve~
seeu the Deputy assist a pedestrian,
Mr, Henley commented that at the timeof the 1964. analysis it was
noted that there is not a= high school in the bay areawhichhas a
Crossing guard, However~ Mr, Henley also mentioned that data
collected all over the country indicates that the safest Of all crossings
on any highway are those which are controlled by school traffic patrol,
Councilmen Tyler added that in this County there has never been an
accident where a school safety guard was on duty but that this is not
true of crossings where adult guards were posted,
l{ayor Glennon repeated that the Council is vitally interested in
providing wha~ will be the most effective control and tha~ the City
and State are working on the problem and that the Council expeCtsa
recor~endation by the next meeting. After thats bhyor Glennon con-
cludeds the Council will be in position to take some action and.if
it feels that the Statess recommendations are not the best, then the
Council may consider referring the problem to a consulting traffic
analysis firm.
C. COUNCIL COP~4ITTEES - continued
(3) Councilmen Burry reported that the Puhlic ~.~elfare Committee met
in the field to review a problem which was presented by the Staff
hecause the construction of the Saratoga-Fruitvale Avenue inter-
section might be completed before the problem could be referred
through normal processes from the City Council.
Councilnmn Burry outlined this problem as follows: The present
plans for the-Saratoga Avenue-Fruitwale Avenue intersection call
for a divider strip runnin~ south of FruitVale Avenue from Sara~
toga AVenue to a point approximately 100 feet south (~ the
driveway entrance to the'Kerwin ranc~ house. Because of the
div~der'strip n0 left turns into or out of the driveway xould
be possible, It was the conclusion of the Committees concurred
in by the city staffs that'in its present use as a ranch there
would be no significant traffic safety hazard involved in pro-
'Vidin~ for atemporary access through the divider strip with the
clear understandin~ that upon development of the property for
residential or other appropriate uses the full divider strip
would have to be restored to provide for safe handling of the
resulting increased traffic fl~,x, The Co..~,dttee therefore
recommended that the Director of Public ~orks be authorized to
amend the construction plans for this intersectinn accordir~ly,
It was moved by Councilman Hartmans seconded by Councilman Drake
and unanimously carried to authorize the Director of Public Works
to proceed as recommended by the Public Welfare Co~mittee,
(4) Mr, Henley reported~ at the request of ~lannin~ Committee Chairman
Hattrain, .on the background of a problem with respect to the
proposed channel treatment of San Tomes Creek which is bein~
required as a result of e large subidvision development in the
City of Campbell i~ned~ately abuttin~ the easterly side of the
creek alon~ g line where the center line of San Tomes Creek
constitutes the cerm~nn boundary between Saratoga and Cmnpbe11,
The Planning Co,hattee met in the .field to review thi~ problem and
is interested in a~temptin~ to work out an alternative flood control
soiution'that will-meet the ~hannel needs whiles a= the same times
preserving as many.of the valuable trees.as possible~ The present
treatments ~t was reporteds ~ould result in the destruction of
a sig~ificant D~w, her of la~g~ oak, syc~ore~ and eucalyptus
treeS, 'Mr, Hanley.eXp!ained that the. problem is complex and
illustrateds on the tentati~e subdivision nmp which has been
approve~ by ~he City of Campbell, alternatives which have ,been
discussed, A.char~e in alignment which would preserve most of
the trees could be achieved if (1) property belon~ing to I~r, Leeps
the developers which would be left over on the west side of the
creek is purchased at a cost of approximately $1~500, (2) Another
piece. of property is purchased from Mr, Santore for flood
control channel that would allow Mr, Leep to get the same lot
y~eld, It was pointed out that Mr, Leep already has tentative
mep approval and is willing to have his engineers redesign
this portion of his subdivision only if the excess en~ineerir~
costs will be recovered and if he ultimately achieves the same
lot ySeld as present plans indicate,
The Council and staff discussed this problem in detail and the
City Attorney submitted the follo~ing opinions relative to
several aspects of the discussion: 1) Assessment Districts ~
may not be formed to acquire p~operty for the benefit of several
private o~,mers. 2) The City can buy theproperty andS.under
contract sale~ sell it,to the adjacent property owners' (3) The
City has the legal pox~er but no duty to purchase the Santore
parcel. The City Attorney also noted thats as the center line
of the creek is the City boundary~ the City will eventually have
to enter into a new boundary agreement to reflect the changes
which the realignment of the creek will create,
Mayor Glennon stated that he is reluctant to encumber any of the
Cityis funds because of the p~ecedent ~hich ~qould be established
and the Council agreed to this, It was.the general concensus
of the Council that the 'only action open .to the Council is to:
(1) try to minimize the areas involved for acquisition (2)
negotiate with the Flood Control District in an effort to have
them participate in the acquisition of part of the area,
SDR-551 (1) It was moved by Councilman Drake, seconded by Councilman Burry
Construction and unanimously carried to accept the improvement~, for construction
Acceptance & only, for SDR-551, Iummnuel Lutheran Church, and release 90% of
Release of the $13,000 Improvement bond; the 10% to be retained until the
portion of ~nd of the one year maintenance period.
(2) It ~qas moved by CounCilman Burry, seconded by Councilman Tyler
Tr.3822 and unanimously carried to accept, for construction only, ~he
Construction improvements in Tract 3822, Saratoga Manors as recommended by the
acceptance Director of Public Works; with the one year maintenance period to
begin i~nediately.
(3) It~ was mo~ed by Coun~ilman Drake, seconded by Cohncilman Hartman
SDR-576 and unanimously carried to authorize release of $1,170. of the
Release $1,500. bond posted by Walter Hileman to guarantee construction
of bond of the u~[nimum access road for SDR-5?6. This action was in
aCcordanCe with the recomendation of the Director of Public
Works that the work has been completed satisfactorily and the
ramainin~ $330, will remain to guarantee work required for Madtone
Hill Road.
Austin Way (4) With no objection, Mayor Glennon referred to the Public Welfare
& Sara-L.G, C6mmittee, a proposal from the Director of Public Works regarding
Road a .traffic problem at Austin Way and Saratoga-Los Catos Road,
. (5) The DireCtor of Public. Works presented to the Council a proposed
.. plan line for tha~ portion of Saratoga Avenue lying between
Saratoga Fruitvale Avenue and the village. He pointed out that the four
Avenue lane layout provides for the preservation of most of the large
Plan line treess many of which would be retained in the media~ strip. The
Council discu~sed the proposed plan line and, with Council approval,
Mayor Gleanon referred it to the F~blic Welfare Coma{tree with
the observation that establishment of plan lines did not
the City to any improvement time table.
(1) Mr, Hanl~y announced that Mrs. Margaret San Filippo i~ leaving
onMay i for a Job Which is better suited to her!fe~ly~s needs
ACcountinE and that, in consid~rin~ a replacement, several factors indicate
Services & that soma =e-orgahizatiOn would be to the City"s a~vAntage.
Building Firsts ~he volume and complexity of the City's financial records
Department has .Steadily increased~ due to changes and additions. in payroll
re, organization dedUctidnS, fo~me~ion of antumber Of asSesSmen~ districts,
Variations in Gas Tax ~unds, initiation of new projects and fundS~
etc. Secondly, the level of activity in the Building Department
is suc~ that Mr. Henley concurs with Building Official Don Harris
that the department could reduce its three man inspection crew
to a two man crew if a person is present in the office to handle
the counter work. With these factors in mind, the City Admini-
strator reported that he has contacted a Certified Public
Accountant ~hom he knows to be well qualified to perform the
bookkeeping duties on a contractual basis. This would, Mr.
Han!ey indicated, be what he believes to be the best mothod of
obtaininE the services of a professional accountant at e cost
which he estimates, at this time= to be under $~00. At the same
time, Mr. Henley proposed to replace one of the building
inspectors with a clerical employee to work in the Building
Department and .release Mr. Harris for more field inspections.
C.P.A. Contract- It ~as moved by Councilman Tyler, seconded by Councilman Burry,
New clerical and unanimously carried to authorize the City Administrator to
employee employ the new clerical employee and to authorize the Mayor to
execute a contract for accounting services if satisfactory terms
can be arranged with a qualified C.P.A.
Fms. San (2) Mr. Hanley stated that Mrs. San Fllippo has been a conscientious
Filippo - and valuable employee and that her resignation is accepted With
Resignation regret. It was agreed by the Council that the Fmyor be authorized
to direct a letter of appreciation to Mrs. San Filippo for her
past services..
There being no one present who wished to address the Council at this.
times Mayor Glennon acknowledged~ %rith pleasures the presence of Chamber
of Commerce repmsentatives Frank Yore and Don Bushl GOod Government
Group representative Dorothy Parkers who served coffee at the recess~
and extended his greetings to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gardiner.
It was ~ved by Councilman Drake, seconded by Councilman Burry and
carried unan~-~usly to adjourn the meeting at ll:50 P. M.
Respectfully submitted'~