HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-18-1967 City Council Minutes SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL SUMMARY OF MiNIJTES TD{E: [~dnesday, Ocdober 18, 1967 '- 7:30 P. PLACE: Saratoga City Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Ave., Saratoga, Calif. TYPE: Regular Meeting I ORGANIZATION ~Ayor Glennon called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.}[. and welcomed the Civics students of Miss McGovney's Saratoga High School civics classes and the Classes adult. U. S, Government clas~ from Homestead High S~hoO~ H~ Called attention to the background; agenda information x~hich had been prepared for their aid in following the course of business and announced that it is the policy 5f. the Council to pelmit interruptidn ~f the nrocedure by students who wish clarification of an item under di~usslon. A. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen Glennon, Har~man, Tyler, Burry~ Robbins ~bsent: None B. }ffNUTES Minutee Councilman Burr~ ~oted that the minutes of the OctOber 4, 1967 meeting had erroneously been dated October 5, and, subject to this correction~ Councilman Robbins moved to dispense with the reading of the October 4 minutes and approve them as ~.~ttteu, Councilman Har~man seconded the motion, ~hich carried unanimously. II BIDS AND CO~TRACTS A. BIDS FOR REPAIR OF FIRE I~OUSE I.~LL . Mr. Huff reported that the staff had solicited iuform..al bids for repair of.the.fire house wall, necessitated byethe remova!'~f t~e adjacent building when B!ahey PlaZa ~as relOca~ed in conn~c[ion Fire House with the ~npr~Vement of Highway 85. A prOpoSal was received from Wall Repair Rountree Company, quoting a cost of ~1088. to sandblast ~he and paint it with Vandex, a weatherproofing agent. Councilman Hartman questioned whether or not this ~ould be a legitimate expense for the city. He suggested that it should be a County obligation as part of the cost of acquiring right of x~ay for Highway 85, or a responsibility of the fire district itself, or a combination of both. Because of the season of the year and the need for weather proofing, Mr. Huff recommended that the Council authorize the x~ork uou and later contact the County regarding possible contribution to the cost. Any County participation, ~lr. Huff pointed out, would be the City's portion of non-expressway funds. !it. Huff also stated that although the timing of the constuction of the fire hall had not been determined, it was known that the fire hall existed before incorporation and would therefore have been inspected by the County Building Department and that, in-any event, the ~.~all was not exposed to the weather before the adjacent building was demolished. Mayor Glennon expressed the opinion that the possibility of faulty construction in the first place would be difficult, at this time, to determine, and that it ~as out~eighed by the Council's decision to remove the adjacent building and expose the wall to the weather. Councilman Tyler agreed and moved that the ~fayor be authorized to execute an agreement ~lth Rountree Company for the repair work to the fire house wall .at the price quoted. Councilman Robbins seconded the motion and, after brief discussion, ~iayor Glennon called for' the question and the motion passed, with Councilman Hartman dissenting. -1- CITY OF SARATOGA COINCIL ,NINIITES - OCTOBER 18, 1967 PETITIONS, ORDII~NCES AND FO~.iAL RESOLIJTIONS A, OkDINANCE NO, NS-5~17 ~/~I~ND}IF. NT TO ~UBDIVISION ORDIN-n, NCE RELATING TO P~{ ACQUISlT!O~ F~S ; The Clerk report~d;.'~at~ a~ the las~ ~eetfng;'~e queStiOn of Ord. '; requfrin~ developers to dedicate land~ and/or p~y fees fGr park NS-5.17 ~drecreatfonal. pu~oses x~as referred to the Planning C~ittee Park ~ tO'draft an ordin~ce for this pu~Gse~ lfayorGlennon road the Recreation fees and/o~ title of Ordinance NS-5.1? ~d, x~itfi ~0 bbJec~{on, directed the dedication record to fndicate.~hat the ordinance ~as introduced ~d referred to the Pl~nfng Cq~fttee x~f~h the suggestion'that ~hey confer the Subdivision Comtttee of the Planning Comission and report hack to the Co~cfl at the next meeting. IV ~BDIVISIONS~ BUILDING SITES A~ ZONING REQUESTS -. A. SD-666 - ~CT 3900 $D;666 The City Clerk stated that thisitem x~as not placed on the agenda Tt. 3900 due ~o ~ over~fg~t ~hen the usual County representative ~as on Final ~p vacatf~. All c~dft~ons had beefi met, ~ond~ posted and fees paid, ~ir. Huff reported, :and he recomended a~proval of this !1 lo~ subdtvfsi~ located north of l.~arde11 ROad. Co~cflman Harman, no~ing that this subdivision abuts Calabazas Creek~ asked ~hat the Flood Control. Dis~rict ~Ould require in this area and the Planning Dfrect0r re~lfed that som~ realignment ~fll be required at the northerly portion of the creek. The only trees involved, ~ir. ~alk~r continued, are orchard trees. It ~as ;mo~ed by CoUnci~an ~ar~a~,; seconaed ~y~eo~cilm~ ~ler, and carried Unanimously ~o adopt Res01Utfon No. ~666-1, approVfng the lima1 map of Trac~ 3900. P~LIC ~INGS A, VIL~GE P~KING DIS~ICT NO. 1 (1) PUBLIC H~RING VfllaSe The City Clerk reported that this ~as the time for public Parkf~ hearing ~ intent to change and modify proceedings under Dlst,~l Resolution 329 as ~ended~ and that notice of hearing had m~ifying been duly published and mailed according to la~. ~ir. Huff procee~f~s briefly reviewed ~hfs matter, involvfn~ the request of ~e & assessments of the property o~ers to add building floor area to his original est~ate. The additional area, ~r. Nuff stated, is located fn the basement of ~ existing building and the addition ~ould increase this o~er's assessment and decrease all other assesmerits accordingly. Also, a transposition of assesmerit figures for t~zo parcels, ~hich are o~ed by the s~e person, ~ould be corrected a~ this t~e. ~yor Glem~ opened the public hearing at 8:05 P,H. and directed that all files and records be introduced fn evidence, The Clerk stated that no comunicatf~s had been filed and tha~ affidavits of public hearing notfcin~ ~.yere on file, ~d lfr. Assaf, representing the bonding at~omeys, indicated that they ~ere fn order. No one present spoke for or against the proposal to modify assessments and it x~as moved by Councflm~ Burry, seconded by Co~cflm~ Harms, and carried ~animously to close the public hearing at 8:07 (2) ~SOL~ION NO. 382 - It ~as moved by Councflmn ~obbfns~ seconded by Council~n Burry, and carried unanimously to adopt Resolutf~ Re,. 382 382, orderf~ ch~ges ~d modifications for Village Parking ~derf~ District No. 1. Reduction CITY OF SARATOGA COUNCIL MINUTES - OCTOBER 18s 1967 (3) RESOLUTION N0,383 - }ir, Assaf stated that a maximum of 6~ Villa8e interest can be charged on .purchase of improvegent bonds Parking Dist, for Village Parking District No, 1, It was m~ved by CounCil- Res, 383. man BUrrys seconded by Councilman RobbinSs and carried Rids on Bdnds unanimous!Y ~0 adopt Resolution No, 383s calling for bids od sale of improvement bonds,, B, ABANDONMENT.OF PORTION OF COX AVERqYE The City Clerk reported that notice of public hearing on intention AbandSn to abandon a portion of Cox Avenue had been publiShed and po~teds Portion according to law, and that no communications had been filed ~elativd of Cox to this matter, He briefly described the property which is adjacent Avenue to Cox Avenue bridge and the Frank Druding property and the history of Mr, Drudlng*s request for this abandonment, Mr, Huff stated that Res, 38/~ the Flood Control District has asked that the o~nler convey to them a fee title interest in and to the ~esterly 45 feet of the property involved, Mayor Glennon declared the ~ublic hearing opened at~8:12 P,M, and all correspon~ehc~.and files ihtroduced aS evidence~ No one present spoke for or against the or0poSed abandonment and it ~as Roved by Councilman Burrys Seconded by Councilman Robbinss and carried unanimously to Close the public hearin~ at 8:13 P,H, Councilman Burly suggested. that ReSolUtion No;L384 be held ~ver to the next meeting and the City Attorney be directed to amend the resolution to provide for the conveyance of the easment required by Flood Controi District. After brief dtscussions.:~{ayor Glennons with no objections deferred the ma~t~r until l~ter on the agenda~ 'VI AD1{INIST[t~TIVE ~.~TTERS : A, MAYOR No reports B, FINANCE (1) It was moved by Councilman Burrys seconded by Councilman Hartmans and carried unanimously to approve the disbursements Bills on the list dated October 18s 1967 and authorize that warrants be dragon in=payment for a total amount of $19s881.82, Finance (2) The City Clerk's financial report and the Treasurer*s report for Reports the month of Septembers 1967s were reviewed by the Council. Budget (3) The first quarter budget report was distributed for Council study. Report C. COUNCIL COIeflTTEEAND REPORTS Councilman Tyler reported that the Public ~lfare C~ittee had reviewed a connunication from the Green Valley Dispose1 Company Semi-weekly relative to semi-weekly garbage collection. Based on the Company*s ~arbaBe estimate that twice weekly pickup would approximately double the cost pickup of the current level of service, and on the Co~m~ittee~s opinion that the fly control advantages to be gained would not be commensurate with the increased costs the Committee recommended that further action on this matter be deferred until expiration of the current refuse collection contract. Councihnan Burry asked that the Committee continue its investigation of garbage service non-subscribers in the City and report back to the Council when the actual number of non-subscribers is available. It ~as moved by Councilman Tylers seconded by Councilman Robbins, and carried unanimously to accept the Public ~elfare Committee report and defer further action on semi-weekly garbage service until the current scavenger contract expires. . -3~ CITY OF SARATOGA COUNCIL MINUTES - OCTOBER, 18s 1967 D, DEPARTMENT HEADS AND OFFICERS (1) The City Attorney read ~roposed revisions to Resolution 384 which ~ould provide for the easement on the Cox Avenue property Res,.384 dfscussed~und~r Item V-B. Primarily the.resolution, as amendeds Abandonment ~ould order'the abandonment of the described property subject to of pbrtion ~he provisi~nsof sn additional section ~o read as fo11~.~s: of C~x Ave. '~ection 4: i'The above and foregoing orde~ of abandonment shall hot become ~ffective unless and until the.o~mer or: olmers of the ~ro~erty described on Exhibit "A" hereof have conveyed to Santa Clara County F.lood Cont~01 and Water District a fee ti~ie interest in and to the ~esterly 45s thereofs for flood cuntrol purposeS." it i~as move~ by councilm~n Burrys seconded by Councilman Robbinss hhd unanimo~sl~ carried to adopt Resolution 384, as amended by the City At~ot~xey. (2) Planning Director Stanley W~lker rep0r~ed tha he had visited the Los Altos Ranchero Shopping Center to observe ~he lighting Lighting system and found ~as lights' of four-mantle, carriage type design survey - pla~ed 50 feet apart. ~r. t.~lker stated that the area was well Gas lights lighted butithats although.~o othe~ lights supplemented the gas lights in the shopping Centers theelectroliers for the expressway generated conSiderablelight in the area. Actual candle power was not determined, Mro Walker said. As a matter of information, the C~ty AttOi~le~ advised that P.C.& R. Company has a meter which ~dll measure Candle p~er and ~hat it ~i~ht be available on a lban, basis. !A!sos Mr. Johnston indicated that the minimum amount of lighting considered to:belsatis- factory for Shopping area parkinR lots iS one foot condie an the grounda~ a point that is equidist~nt ~e~een ~.~0 poles. · he Mayor suggested to Mr.and.Mr. utled. e, ,,hn ere present a~.re~res~ntati~es of ~he;Chamber of C~mmerce snd ~,iereh~ntS Associations reSpe~tively, th~ they al~o c~eCk the LoS. A!~bs area lighting SyStem. At the same ~ime, the Planning DireCtor was asked to check further regardidg the light whic~ would be generaeed by the Various type~ 6f ~amps.' councilman Robbins suggested that ehe. relati~e cost Of the lighting systems be investigated at the same time,! Councilman Hartman indicated that his concern was primarily i~ith.~estheticSi regardless of cost. The Planning Director stated that, except at close range, he could detect little difference between gas lights and mercury vapor lamps installed in lighting standards of similar rustic design. E. CITY ADMINISTRATOR (1) The City Administrator reported that he had received a schedule V~llage from the Village Parking District contractor and that the staff Parking is endeavoring to work with the contractor to insure usable Diet. ~1 parking area for the Christmas shopping season. The Cantracto~ Contractor's time-table indicates that the aggregate base will be completed Schedule around November 20 and the ~avingwork done during the period Nov. 26 to ~v. 30. Sheriff .(2) The ~fayor requested the City Administrator to obtain more copies Dept.Report of the Sheriff's Department Annual report for distribution to the Council. (3) Mr. Huff stated that the P.G.& E. Company has indicated that Village the installation of new lights in the village now would not lighting effect later conversion to underground utilities, except that study new lighting standards would have to be installed in the event of such conversion. Rustic type standards for mercury vapor lamps would be approved by P.G.6 E., it was reported ' rovided the city or a district furnished the poles. No action was taken on this progress report except that t~ Mayor asked that the Council be furnished with copies of catalog material relative to rustic lighting standerds for mercury vapor CITY OF SARATOGA COUNCIL ~IL~IUTES - OCTOBER 18s 1967 VII C~JNICATIONS Sani,DiSt, (1) The Council.ackn~ledged copies of'.a comuniCation from sanira- #& Annexation ti0n DistriCt NO, 4 relative to intention tO annex the Country SqUire Lane ar~a to the district, Tr.3943 (2) After brief diSCussion, it ~as moved by Councilman Burrys seconded Extension by. Councilman Tyler, and carried unanimously to grant the requests submitted by }ir~ I~illiam~f, Henderson, that the'developers of Tract 3943 be-5.ranted an extension of thei~ contract for tract improvements .until June 30, 1968s subject tb approval of the bonding company, (3) ~r, Huff reported that the Youth Centerhad requested that a Youth portion of the City funds assigned to the.Youth Center bulidin~ Center be paid to t~e~ in the near future and that the City Attorney Coutribu~iou had submitted an opinion, in ~ritings tha~ the Council could make some of these funds availabie if it so desires, No specific amount has been requested, l.lr. Huff stated. l~ith no objections Hayor Glennon requested the City Administrator to determine the amount in question and referred the request. to the l~laua~ement COmmittee for recommendation at the next meeting, B, ORAL (1) Councilman Burr~ s~ated that he ~nd. Hr, H~ff had artended the A.B.A.G. Oct; 13 AoB,A,O, General Assembly meeting and he g~ve a General . comprehensive report of the program, The p~incipal speaker was Assembly I.Yiliiam C, l'~ea~on~ Chairman of. ~tat~ lnt,e~governnental council 6n Urban Gr~l~th and Direrlet of the .Institute of Urban and Regional Ooitermnent of the Unive~sity of Californi~, HiS address concerned the role of individual ageuc~es through a regional agencys such as A.B.A,Go coopera~ing in an effort to effectively solve regional problems such as airport f~cilitiess ~aste disposalsetc, Hr, Homer Hamlins DireCtor of Public t]orks of the City of San Leandro also spoke to the General Assembly regarding the disposition of solid ~astes by transportation out of the area and stressed his conviction that this method is the only practicable one as contrasted ~ith inciuerationsetc, Another item of discussions Councilman Burry reported, involved a proposal that concerned the A,B,A.G. coordinate efforts to bring the 1976 Ol~npics to the Bay Area, For the benefit of the students presents ~ayor Glennon outlined the history of the establishment of the Association of Bay Area Governments and described some of its problems and aims, (2) Hayor Glennon reported that he hads in response to a request gaste from San Jose Hayor Ron Ja~ss written to him to the effect Disposal that the Saratoga City Council concurs that sewage disposal is ReSional a regional problem but. that the City takes no ~ositiou on problem ~hether or not A,B,A.G, is the a~ency to handle it. No objection to this position ~as expressed by the Council. (3) ~ayor Glennon acknowledgeds with pleasure, the presence of Good Ooverrnnent Group representatives Don ~fcCrea and lira. Uilberdin~ and announced that Hrs, l. Yilberdiug ~ill serve coffee after adjourn- ment; ~fr. Rutledges representing the Village ~ierchents Association and ~r. Howell, representing the Chamber of Commerce. ~layor Glennon then asked Planning C~lssioner Crisp to stand and he introduced him and ars, Crisp to those present, pointing out that Adm. Crisp has served ou the Saratoga Plannin~ Commission since its inception and emphasizing the extent of his contribu- tion toward the incorporation of the City ~hd his countless hcu~s of -5- CITY OF SARATOGA COUNCIL MINUTES - OCTOBER 18, 1967 voluntary service since that t~ne. The Hayor concluded his remarks with an expression of sincere gratitude to Comuissioner Crisps on behalf of the City. (4) Mayor Glennon introduced the press and members of the staff and opened a question and ansxqer periods during which many of the students present took advantage of the opportunity to question the Council on specific-agenda items and on the reasonlug behind the Council*s decisions on some of the items. VIII ADJOURNVaENT It was moved by Councilman Burry seconded by Councilman Robbins and carried unanimously to adjourn ~he meeting at 9:22, P. M, Respectfully submitteds J~mes R. Huffs City Clerk -6-