HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-17-1968 City Council Minutes CI~ OF S~d~AT(M~A
T1}~: l~dnesday, April 17~ 1968 - 7:30 P. M.
PLACE: Saratoga City Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Ave, SaratOga, Calif.
TYPE: Regular ~{eeting
· ~, ~ayor Pro Tempore Hartman called the meeting to order at 7:35 P. M.
Present: Councilman wartman, Tyler, Robbins, Smith
Absent: Mayor Glennon
It was moved by Councib~an Robbing, seconded by Cou=cilman Tyler,
and carried to dispense with. the reading oiLthe minu~cs of the
April 3, 1968 regularmeeting and approve them as ~rttten.
{deleome Cotmcl~ Mayor Pro Tem Hartman introduced Jerome A. Smith and welcomed him
man Smith as the successful candidate for the Council seat previously held
by Ralph Burry.
A, Santa Clara County Floo~ Control and Water District - Wildcat
Creek Bridge,
Mr. Huff noted that this item was discussed at the last meeting and
Fruitvale- referred to the Planning Committee for study of the effect the
Wildcat Creek proposed Fruitvale Avenue wildcat Creek bridge alignment ~y0uld
Bridge have on the trees alone the adjacent reaches of Wildcat Creek.
Councilman Tyler reported that the Planning ~ouuuittee met with
representatives of the Flood Control Dtstric~ and concluded that
optimum preservation of the natural watercourse could be achieved
by following the flood plain concept proposed. It was moved by
Councilman Tyler, sec~ded by Co~ncilman Robbins,.and unanimously
carried to approve the proposed bridge aligmment and a~thorize
the }~yor to execute the agreement with Flood Control District.
Mayor Pro Tem Hartman commented that the recent discusslods with
FloSd .Control District ~epresentatives indicated that conSIderable
mishnders~anding had existed between the District and the City
concerhing objectives of creek channel development. -He explained
tha~ .the possible alternatives, as clarified by the Dtstri~t, were:
(1) Flood plain concept requires reserving channel right-of-way
width adequate to protect the flood platnLof the creek but retains
the natural creekside environment. (2) Minimum channel right-of-
way width requires replacing the natural Creek area with barren
earth o~ concrete channel construction to accomodate flood f~ows
in the narrower rlght-of~ay. Y~tth this cl~rlfication, Councilman
Hartman added, the Planning Cqmmittee favored the flood plain concept,
not only for Wildcat Creek, but for other creeks in the City where
it would b~.posslble to develSp in t~ts manner and retain the natural
creekside environment.
B. CHANGE ORDER No. 2 ~ Village Parking District ~o~ 1
Change Order The City Clerk reported that underground x~ater problems had developed
~2 Village in the process of construction of Village Parking District No. 1.
Parking Dist, ~1 This problem, he stated resulted from a spring condition existing on
Fourth Sty, approximately 150' from its intersection with Big Basin
Way and could not have been foreseen by the engineers of work.
SUT._9~ARY OF COUNCIL MII,FO~ES - April 17, 1968
Upou Izhe staff recommendation that the $410. cost quote,~ by
Cooenhaver Construction Company to correct this nroblem ~,as a
JuStifiable expanse, it was moved by Councilman ~obbins to a~uthor~ze
the Mayor to execute Village Parking District No. i Change Order No.
2. Councilman Tyler seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
Mr. Huff explained that the a~reement would formalize the fact that,
in consideration of relief from the assessment levied a~ainst Mrs.
Agreement re
Add'l Parking Anderson, as o~naer of certain property within Village Parking District
Village Parking No. l, the fix,rear agrees to provide the land and constuct at least
Dtst. #1 26 off-street parking spaces ~ot constructed as part of the assessment
Anderson district cGntract. Future development of the property to be served
by the additional parking spa~as is contln~ent upon the provision
of these spaces, ~fr. !Iuff indicated. It was moved by Councilman
Robbins, seconded by Councilman }!artman, and carried unanimously to
authorize the Mayor to execute the agreemap. t, as drafted by the Bond-
ing Attorneys and reviewed by the City Attorney.
III PETIT!O.~2S_~ O~DIDr-~]C]]S At]D
1) The City Clerk reported that a petition had been filed, certified
as haviug been si%ned By O~.rners representing in excess of 60% of
Verde Vista the area proposed for inclusion within an assessment district
Project for improvement to the south half of Verde Vista Lane. Council-
man Robbins asked the percentage of petitioners by o~.n~er and was
told that of the four property holdings involved, two o~.Fners had
signed the petition, Councilman Robbins expressed concern that
one of the property o~ners was reported as not having been
contacted and the P%ayor Pro Tempore observed that the petition
filed would but initiate assessment district proceedings and
asked the City Attorney for assuIance of this understanding.
Mr. Johnston advised that filin~ a petition, certified as to
accuracy, and adoption of resolutions authorizin~ insti~ating
proceedings, would in no way preclude any property o~mer's right
to object to formation of an assessment district. Ample oDportun-
ity to be heard would., Mr, Johnston added, be given when prelimin-
ary reports. are available and public hea~ing scheduled before the
Council. On this basis, Councilman Robbins stated that he ~.youtd
offer no further objection at this time but that he was of the
opinion that all property m.mers within a proposed assessment
district should be contacted prior to Council consideration of
a request to initiate prqceedings.
Replying to a query from ~_~ayor Pro Tern Hartman, the CitV Clerk
stated that efforts to contact the fourth property owner may have
been dropped ~.~hen signatures on the petition exceeded the 60% of
area olmership required to initiate proceedtngs~ ~.~ith the
knowledge that adequate time would be provided~ at a later time,
for any protests.
As a matter of policy, Councilmen Tyler and Hartman a~reed with
Councilman Robbins that contact of all owners ~'ithin proposed
assessment district boundaries be accomplished prior to any
Council action. With no objection, Mayor Pro Tern ~1artman directed
the staff to proceed as soon as possible to contact the other
o~mer in the matter under question and to follow the above stated
policy in all future transactions relative to assessment district
SUI4MAP, Y OF COUNCIL MiN~JTES - April 17, 1968
Determine to It was moved by Councilman Tyler, seconded by Councilman Robbins,
Undertake Proceed- and unanimously carried to adopt Resolution No. 415, determinin~
ings to undertake proceedings pursuant to special assessment and
assessment bond acts.
Appoint Councilman Robbins moved, seconded by Councilman Smith, to adopt
Engineers & Resolution No. 416, appointing engineers and attorneys; motion
Attorneys carried unanimously.
Amending ~r. Huff explained that this resolution amends Resolution No. 344
Resolution 344
to include the south half of Verde Vista Lane, as well as the
North half, within the resolution of intention to acquire and
construct improvements. Ile stated that this ~could not increase
assessment charges against the owners of property on the north
half of the street but might lo~,~r assessments slightly. It
was moved by Councilman Tyler. seconded by Councilman ~obbins and
carried unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 417.
B. RESOLbTION ~0. 425
Mr. Huff reported that the bonding attorneys had reviewed this
P.T.&. T. resolution and agreement since it was presented lust prior to the
Agreement Saratogalast meeting and deferred to this time~ The atton~eys recommended
Campus Assessment adoption of F~solution No. 425, authorizin~ the Mayor to execute an
Dist. agreement with Pacific Telephone Canpauy for the installation.
maintenance, and operationof UnderFround Telephone facilities within
the Uest Valley College Saratoga Campus Assessment District. It was
moved by Councilman Robbins, seconded by Councilman Smith, and
unanimously carried to adopt Resolution ~o. 425.
~fr. Iluff reported that the City is required to file a quadrennial
Street Deficiency street deficiency report with the State Division of HighWays listing
deficiencies which are expected to need repair and on whidh the City
Report would .utilize Gas Tm: allocations. Co, ncilman Ro~bins asked
the deficiencies were calculated and Mr. HUff stated that the amounts
ware based on estimates of the cost to bring each street up to the
city's current standard. On motion of Councilman Tyler. seconded by
Councilman Robbins the Council unanimously adopted Resolution 427.
The City Clezk reported that P.G.& E. had begun the construction of
Glen Brae Drive north of the railroad and adjacent to the expanded
Public P.G.& E. substation. He exnlained that P.G.& E. had been required
Utilities ' '
to construct surface improvcments from the north end of the existtn~
pavement adjacent to Congress Springs School and that the city was
Application - to provide the crossing protection the Council asked the estimated
Glen Brae RR
cost of the required protection and was advised that it would approx-
Xing imate $10,000. Councilman Robbins asked how the city became obligated
to participate in the signal cost and was advised that this obligation
w~s assumed in the buildin~ site approval process. The Mayor directed
the staff to check the history of the city's obligation in regard to
the proposed crossing. Councilman Tyler moved for adoption of
Resolution 428 authorizing the City Administrator to apply to the
California Public Utilities Commission for a RR grade crossing on
Glen Brae Drive. Councilman Robbins seconded the motion which
carried unanimously.
A. SDR 683
SDR-683 The Clerk reported that all conditions had been met for final
Final building site approval for two lots at .Ouito Road and Avon Lane
Site and it was moved by Councilman Robbins, seconded by Councilman
approval Smith, and carried unanimously to adopt Resolution No~ 683-1,
granting final building site approval for the t~o lots.
Richfield Mr. Huff stated that the owner of the Richfield station at Cox and
Service Paseo Presada had requested final building site approval to construct
final . a new station at Ouito ShopDin~ Center ogposite the site of the
site present station. Final design approval had been granted, he added~
approval- m~d the plans were reviewed by the Council. ~.fr. ~uff liste~ four
Conditional conditions of tentative a~proval that had not yet been met and the
Planning Director explained that the applicant had thought tkat
apprcval of a sign for the station was a prerequsite to final site
approval. ~{r. T~alpas, representin~ t]~e applicant, stated that they
were.noW ready to proceed with construction of the new station and
demolition of the old one. It was moved bv Councilman Robbins,
seconded by Councilman Smith and carried unanimously to %rant final
building site approval, subject to payment of the storm drainage
and inspection fees, execution of the buiiding site approval agree-
ment and clearance from Sanitation District No. 4.
A. GE~IRAL PLAN REVISION - Continued from April 3, 1968 meeting.
The Council reviewed Revision ~o. I 6f the General Plan Co~ittee
General report requested by the Council several weeks ago. The Plannin~
Plan Director described the items ~hich the Council had referred back to
1968 the Planning Commission for clarification &nd pointed out the areas
referred to in the Planning Commisssion revised report dated 8 April,
~ayor Pro Tom ttartman declared the public hearing reopened at 8:30 P.~{.
and the Planning Director explained the recommendations of the Plannine
Commission after its restudy. Briefly, the Plannin~ Commission
recommended the following changes from the 1968 General Plan as
recommended by Livingston and Blaney, Plannin~ Consultants:
I. RESIDEN'fIAL: Retain the low density shown on the present
General Plan for the parcel of land East of Quito Road and
immediately North and South of Pollard Road.
II. APAR~IENTS: ~{acDonald, P!axmar and Kosich properties to reflect
existing zoning,
III. COL~RCIAL: (1) Saratoga Inn property, which Lawrence
Livingston recommends for Visitor-Commercial zoning, to be
designated P-A per existinF zoninF. (2) The Plannin~
Commission also made a stron$ policy statement that
adequate parking will be mandatory in any future commercial
development. (3) it also pointed out that an amendment to
the zoning ordinance would be required to designate permitted
uses, conditional uses and development controls for Visitor-
Co~,ercial use.
IV. PARKS: The Planning Commission recommended that the Council
appoint a Park Commission to recommend sites, sequence of
development, timing of land acquisition, usage and facilities
to be established at each park site.
SD'~MARY OF COUNCIL MI~U3TES - April 17, 1968
V. TRAFFICWAYS: (1) Postpone widening of Saratoga Avenue from
Herriman Avenue to the village until the need has been established
in the future. (2) Extend Herriman Avenue from Saratoga Avenue
to intersect Fruitvale at the intersection of Fruitvale and
Allendale Avenues, ~orth of Redwood School. (3) Connect Russell
Lane as proposed in the previous General Plan revisions with
construction to be provided by subdividers as a requirement of
development at the existing road width° (4) Improve Verde
Vista Lane to city street standards.
General VI. CAPITAL I[.~ROV~,{EET PIAN: That the staff and pertinent
Plan committees continue to actively pursue development and
implementation of the Capital Improvement Plan.
VII. ANNEF~TION: That the City immediately begin a program of
annexation of lands to the South and l~st of present city
limits, and that the General Plan be modified to show
ultimate annexation of the I~stbrook area.
VIII. FIHALLY, that the 1968 report. tables and maps be chan~ed
appropriately to reflect the revised reconmendations of
the Planning Commission.
Councilman Tyler, asked what chan~e from the Livingston report,
other than the method of financing. was reco~mended by the Planning
Commission for Russell Lane ~nd was told that the Consultant
reco~ended development with 36' to 40' paving on 50' to 60'
right of ~ay, whereas the Planning Commission recommended that the
connection be made at the extstinZ width of 50' right of way and
32' of paving.
Mr. Murray, Portos Drive, asked what the Plannin~ Co~ission had
decided regarding acquisition of a piece of property o~.~ed by George
Day as access to Gardiner Park and was advised that the Planning
Co~nission had not specifically studied that site but that .it was
included as a part of the general recommendation relative to parks
and park sites within the city. Mr. Walker indicated that the
General Plan shows access to the park from Portos Drive. %{r. ]~ff
added that the Council action at its last meeting, was to direct
that Mr. Day be asked not be build on the lot in question until the
General Plan study had been dompleted.
The Mayo~ asked Mr~ 5~rray whether that ha~ been his understanding
of the council action and ~%r. ~Iurray replied that i~ was not but
tha~ ~e had not artended that douncil meeting. Mr. Murray then
asked that the lot be developed as a home site and that the protests
of the neighbors in this regard be properly noticed.
John J. Hayes, Jr., an attorney representing Dr. Oliver, submitted
arguments to support his request that the proposed Visitor-Commercial
zoning not be designated to replace the current C-S zone in which
Dr. Oliver's property is located. Under V-C zoning, Mr. Hayes
stated, businesses presently conducted by Dr. Oliver's tenants would
be subject to termination if the present tenants vacated the premises
for a period of 90 days. This, he stated, was in his mind,
unconstitutional and would possibly result in future legal suite
against the city. The Planning Director reported that the Planning
Consultant strongly recommended that the old uses in the C-S zone
be replaced by new Visitor-C~mnercial uses as soon as practicable
and that new C-S zone uses be prohibited in order to expedite
desirable development of the area, Present C-S uses would become
legally non-conforming uses under the proposed V-C zonin~ and would
be permitted only as long as the present use was continuously
maintained under the same o~.mershtp, The requirement for abering
legal non-conform_lug uses l-~ould not be changed from the procedure
under the current zonin~.ordinance, ~r, !.Talker stated,
8~t~,llY OF COUNCIL MINUTES - April i7m 1968
Mr. Hayes ~intained that if the Council aDproved the Planning
Commisstml racomnendation and created non-conforminF, uses, with
no provision for Dr. OliVer's buildings, it was his opinion that
such action could well be unconstitutional and that it was his
primary purpose to point this out to the Coucnil at this time.
The City Attorney was asked to clarify the question and stated
that although the General Plan hearing really had no bearing on
the zoning ordinance, he understood that a rough draft of an
ordinance establishing a proposed new V-C zone was under con-
sideration and that Public hearings would probably be held on it
in the future but that, to his knowledge, no change in existing
provisions relative to non conforming uses had been contemplated
or suggested. Non-conforming uses are always created by Council
1968 action, ~!r. Johnston noted, and that he would therefore assume
General that Nr. Hayes was urging that more leniency be granted in
Plan permitting non--conforming use2. The time for consideration of
such matters would, }Tr. Johnston added, be whenever a public hear-
ing might be scheduled on a proposed zoning ordinance chm~ge, not
at the public hearing on the general plan.
Bill Hawkings stated that a large group of persons appeared before
the Planning Commission last February to protest any proposals for
extending Herrimm~ Avenue and believed that their protests had been
effective. Since that time, he continued, the Saratoga School Board
requested the extension and the Planning Commission changed its
original recommendation to ally7 the nroposed extension in the
General Plan. ~Ir0 Hawkings objected that the audience had no
opportunity to speak to the Planning Cormnission at that time. The
proposed extension, Mr. Mawklngs stated, ~ould serve only as a
convenience to the school district and would not be needed to serve
the traffic nesds within the city.
Nr. Fryer, stated that ha had brought to the attention of the
Planning Director an apparent inconsistency in the location of a
dividing line between medium density and low density development
in the Reid Lane~ Trinity, Saratoga Hills Road area but that when
he attempted to discuss the matter with the Planning Coi~m~ission he
was not permitted to do so. The Plannin~ Director explained that
Mr. F~yer's request that this density line be altered had been
reCeiVed after the Planning Commission had concluded public hear-
ings on the prop6sed General Plan and at ehe time the Planning
Con~nission was considering only those items which had been referred
back to it by the City Council. The Planning Commission could
Mr. Walker said~ take any action without further direction from
the City Council.
Mayor Pro Tam Hartman observed that the Planning Director had asked
the Planning Consultant for clarification regarding this density
line but had received no reply to date. Mr. ~alker indicated
that he would again contact ~r. Livingston in this regard and
report back to the Council at the next meeting.
Mr. B. T. Galeb asked that the Council have a committee reconsider
his earlier request for ~altip!e zoning of his property adjacent
to the Southern Pacific railroad near the C-S zone as he felt it
would be the best use for the area.
~rge Carlson objected that home owners livin~ within 500' of the
Gardiner Park had not been notified specifically of the clty's
intent to change a residential area to park use. It was
Mrs. Carlsen's contention that none of the children in the area
would u~e the park and that the residents preferred their own yards
so that she believed that only outsiders would use the park and
create traffic and police problems. This, she stated, would be
unfair to the present property ~mers ~ho would be endangered by
by insufficient police protection for the isolated park. On this
basis, she stated that she thought the property o~mers within 500'
of the area should be the ones to determine whether they want the
park or not. She asked if the Council uould consider sellin~ the
property, ~hy it acquired a park without accems and whether the usa
would revert back to residential if it was not used as a park,
~ayor Pro Tam Hartman e~plained that the property was donated to the
city afte~ most of the ares had been developed. ~r. T~urray expressed
the opinion that the land was donated because the o~.~aer had been
unable to obtain city approval of a variance for proper development
1968 of the area as a home site.
P1 an
Dr. Abrams stated that he had not been able to attend the meeting
at which the Council referred the question of the Ouito Shoppin~
area back to the Planning Con~ission and therefore he requested the
opporttnity to meet with an appropriate c~nmit~ee to discuss this.
The M~yor indicated that studies had progressed beyond the cor~ntttee
stage but that Dr. Abrams was welcome to discuss this proposal with
the Council at this or subsequent continuations of the General Plan
public hearing.
Dr. Abrams outlined his proposal that the Quito Sho~Ding Center
be expanded to better serve the city and develop the adjacent area.
He noted that while the Planning Co~ission had recommended continued
study along this line he thought a more positive expression of
support for expansion of the center should be provided. The ~'~ayor
Pro Tem asked Dr, Abrams if he could prepare briefs for presentation
of his proposal to the Council at the continuation of the public
hearing on !~ay 1 and Dr. Abrams indicated that he would try to do
~lr. Ualker of Portos Drive asked whcther Gerdiner Park could be
eliminated from the General Plan on the basis of the nrotests from
the residents of the adjacent area and Mayor Pro Tem Hartman Stated
that the Council could take such action if it so wished and that
the objections would be considered before the Council made its
Mr. Walker asked if the protestants could be notified w~en the
Council planned to act on this item and was advised that he could
be assured of hearing any Council discussion relative to the matter
by attending all the continued hearings on the general Plan.
~-Ir. Ruth Owen stated that she had friends who live on ~yren Drive
~.yho have advised her that they were circulating a petition in favor
of developing the Gardiner property as a neighborhood park. She
pointed out that while some residents of the area might have
sufficient playground equipment in their yards for their children
others were not so fortunate and would like the park. She urged
that the council consider the matter carefully before acting on
the protests of some of the area residents.
}It. Huff 'announced that several written communications had been
received relative to the Gardiner Park site and that they urged
careful study of parking. and access facilities and ~enerally opposed
construction of a parking lot in connection with the park develop-
ment. The communications noted were from Patricia M, Axtman and
Eleanor and Otho Lawrence, 5 residents of the area. He also noted
receipt of a card from L. R. Alton opposing multtptle zoning of the '
four acres near Ted Avenue.
Robert Le~.rls, Dolphin Drive, asked whether the George Day lot was
proposed for use as a parking lot and was advised~that no park
development plans had yet been developed but that all items brought
before the Council would be considered before any park design would
be dra~nl,
SUM~RY OF COD~qCIL MII~JTES - April 17, 1968
Mr. Murray described a petition which had been submitted to the
Council 2 weeks ago protesting use of the lot in question as access
to the park site.
The Mayor stated that unless some point which had not heretofore
been discussed was submitted, he felt that the question of the
Gardiner Park site had been thoroughly heard by the Council.
Recess: 9:55 P. M.
Reconvened: 10:10 P. M.
Mayor Pro Tem Hartman invited anyone present to speak reqarding any
phase of the General Plan review if they had not been heard earlier
at this meeting or at a previous hearing on the General Plan.
General 1,1r~ Reece, Vessing Road, questioned the Planning Conmission
Plan rec~endation that the area north and south of Pollard and East
of Quito Road be increased 'in density from one acre to 1/2 ~cre
zoning° The Piamming Diredtor indicated that the Planning Conmisslon
may have felt that the area was more con~atible with the 1/2 acre
lots immediately north of that location°
Clarence Neale asked what uses would be permitted in the proposed
Visitor~Conmarcial zoning districts if apDroved, and asked that
the merchants be consulted and invited to attend committee meetings
scheduled to reco~end these uses. ~Ir. ~!eale indicated that after
hearing Dr. Oliver's attorney protest changes in.existin~ uses, he
feared that the merchants ~7ould have no opportunity to insure that
any zone changes would reflect their wishes and needs.
Mayor Pro Tem ]~artman assured Tlr. I~ale that any proposed zoning
~h~m~es would be carefully studied and noted that General Plan
review did not affect the zoning ordinance, The Mayor also expressed
disagreement with r{r. Neale's criticism regardin8 a!le~ed lack of
communication with the business community.
B. T. Galeb stated that although he agreed with ~Ir. ~!ealds' request
that merchants wishes be considered in establishing new or changed
zoning uses, he felt that the needs of the entire city ~mre the
primary concern of the Council and that his o~,m or Mr. Neale's
property, or any otl~er,specific property, should be disregarded in
efforts to establish uses which would best serve the connnunity
without oversaturatin~ any area economically.
Dale McIntyre indicated that he felt the 1974-75 time schedule
recommended for Prospect Road development should be Changed to a
more immediate schedule and also asked that area resfdents be given
opportunity to present suggestions for alte~ate plans prior to
approval of any improverecur to six lames.
The Director of Public Works observed that the City of San Jose and
the County of Santa Clara also had Jurisdiction on portions of
Prospect Road and Mr. l~ff noted that the project would also be an
urban extension project eligible for F.A.S. funds and that any
suggestions to speed up the project would be ~elcomed.
The Plannin~ Director advised Councilman Robbins that the traffic
count he had requested had been provided and was available for study.
No one else responded to the Mayor's invitation to speak so, with no
objection, at 10:30 P. !I., public hearing was declared continued to
8:00 P. M. at the May 1 regular meeting.
Mayor Pro Tern Hartman announced that it was his pleasure to present
R. Metcalf Admiral Ralph Metcalf for appointment to the unexpired term of
Appointment Plm~ning Commissioner TicFall. It was moved by Councilman Robbins,
to Planning seconded by Councilman Smith, and unanimously carried to appoint
Conmission 'Admiral ~letcalf to the term vacated by E. A. ~cFall. The ~!ayor
Pro Tem administered the oath of office to Admiral r~etcalf and
introduced him to those present,
Bills (1) It was moved by Councilman Robbins, seconded by Councilman Tyler
and carried unanimously to approve the list of disbursements
dated April 17, 1968 and authorize that warranted be drawn in
payment for a total amount of $23,572.01.
Finance (2) The Treasurer's report and City Clerk's financial report for
Reports the month of March 1968 ~re received with no conment or
(1) Councilman Robbins reported~ on behalf of retired Chairman
of the Management Committee Ralph Burry, that the Committee's
Police study of police protection indicated that the current level
Protection of protection was adequate to maintain the current favorable
Study relationship between Sarato~a's crime rate and the crime rate
of adjacent cities but that analysis of crime activity revealed
that crime in Saratoga was increasing as it is in the entire
nation. Therefore~ ~he Co~T!~.~tde felt that this trend should
be met with a hi~her level of POliCe protection and that the
emphasis of this protection should be placed not on traffic
patrol but on crime control. It was the Comuittee recomaenda-
tio~ that the city contract for one additional deputy sheriff
to be assigned to criminal investi~atipn and suppression in
the city~ effective July 1~ 1968. Additionally, ie was
reported that the Sheriff's office had indicated that an increase
in the contract cost for the 1968-69 year of 23¢ per patrol car
hour would be charged. The total annual cost of the 164 hours
per week (including the 40 additional hours recommended by the
Cormnittee) at the increased ccntract cost would amount to
Councilman Smith asked whether the additional 8 hours of patrol
service per day could be broken up into periods of lesser hours
for the most effective coverage during peak crime burs.
Councilman Robbins indicated that although the matter of peak
crim~ burs had been discussed, the point raised by Councilman
Smith had no~ nor had the question of attempting to enlist the
services of one man to be assigned exclusively to Saratoga,
Councilman Tyler asked whether or not a man assigned to Saratoga
would be subject to call from other areas during his shift and
Councilman Robbins and Mr. Huff stated that it was their
understanding that Do~ice officers are subject to call from
~ny nearby areas should the need arise. Councilman Tyler
observed that it was his thought that if Sarato~a's crime rate
dropped~ as would be anttclpated~ by virtue of the increased
patrol car service, then other areas whose protection had not
been increased might be benefitlng by the availability of the
additional Saratoga patrol.
Councilman Robbins stated that none of the discussions had
demonstrated the feasibility of the City establishin~ its
police department and that details of the recommended additional
service should be studied further. With no objection, ~layor
Pro Tom Hartman stated that he would refer the matter to the
Public Welfare Comnittee for further study and clarification
of specific items and report back to the Council.
Council (2) Mayor Pro Tem Hartman submitted a list of Con~atttees suRgested
Committee for appointment by Mayor Glennon. After discussion and with
Appointments Council approval, the following CommitteEs were established:
Management - Robbins, Chairman; Smith~ ~{ember; Planning -
Hartman, Chairman; Tyler, ~mber; Public I~lfare - Smith,
Chairman; Rgbbins, ~mber; Policy- Tyle*, Chairman; Hartman,
~mber. I.C.C. Glennon exoficio; Robbing alten~ate. ABAG
Representative - Smith, Alternate Tyler. Transportation Policy
Conunittee Tyler, alternate Smith; Sanitation District 4 -
Glennon (exofficio) liarman, alternate.
Tr. 4246 (1) Upon the recommendation of the Director Of Public lbrks, it was
Construction moved by Councilman Robbing, seconded by Councilman Smith, and
Acceptance carried unanimously to accept the improvements in Tract 4246
for construction only, With the one year maintenance period
to begin immediately.
(2) The Planning Director gave a progress ranoft of the Scenic
Hig~.;ay application for Saratoga-Los Gatos Road and stated that
Scenic the Scenic Highway Commission now asks that the General Plan
Highway either be adopted in total, including the designation of the
Designation scenic highway or that that portion of the Plan be adopted. He
reported that they would meet April 22 and wished to consider
the Joint application at that time. The City Attorney advised
that portions of the General Plan could not be adopted until
the public hearings had been concluded and, after discussion,
the Planning Director was directed to advise the [{ighway
Conmission of this and to reaffirm the Council's earlier minute
resolution stattn~ its intent to designate the road as a scenic
(1) }(r. I!uff reported that he had received a request from Tun~y
Lanyon to extend the deadline for C.A.T.V. applications.for
C.A.T.V. 60 days beyond the April 26 date advertised. Mr. Lanyon sooke
Application in behalf of this request and indicated that he had been unable
deadline to complete engineering feasibility studies for undergrounding
extension C.A.T.V. facilities in the relatively short time advertised.
He stated that his chief engineer had been recalled to the
service and that was the primary reason he had been delayed
but that he thought the time was insufficient in any event.
Mr. Huff suggested that a delay until the next Council meeting
would enable him to contact the other firms re~arding their
reaction to an extension. It was moved by Councilman Robbins,
seconded by Councilman Tyler, to extend the time limit for
C.A.T.V. applications for 30 days beyond the April 26 deadline
and directed the staff to so notify all prospective bidders,
Motion carried with Councilman Smith abstaining as he had no
opportunity to become familiar with this item of discussion,
(2) The City Administrator reported that moving the larger Magnolia
trees on Prospect would cost $920, instead of the originally
Magnolia estimated $500. and that this cost was based on the city's
Trees - providing barricades for the work. The contractor, it was
Prospect reported, ind~a~ed that if, after moving om or two, the project
Road did not seem feasible~e Y.;ould not attempt to move the rest of
the trees.
~. Oskar Thurnher stated that conversations he had had with
a school official indicated that the district was in favor of
saving the trees but that the Board would have to act on the
revised estimate at its meeting a fe~.y days from now.
It was moved by Councilman Robbinss seconded by Councilman
Smith, and carried unanimeusly to attempt to negotiate an
agreement ~.:ith the shcool district ~.:hereby the city shares
the cost of movtn~ up to 6 ma~noi~.a trees at a cost not to
exceed $2300, with the understanding that if the contractor
determines that the move would not be successful, the money
be refunded to the city.
Parks & (3) ~..vith no objection, a letter from the City Attorney relative to
Recreation the creation of a parks and recreation commission was referred
Commission to the Policy Cor~mittee,
(4) Mr. Huff called attention to copies efa memorandum to the City
Recreation Attorney and his reply relative to recreation service areas
Service within the city and the problems resulting from a district
Areas that does not serve the entire city, Several methods of
handling the problem ~ere suggested in the City Attorney~s
reply. The matter was referred to the Policy Conmittee for
further study.
(5) The City Adminis~:rator requested avthorization to execute ~n
agreement; with E.O.C. for the em_~loymcn'7: of Nell;on Amendment
E.O.C. trainees and explained that the present contract expires April
Nelson 30 and that the program has proven successful during the past
Amendment year, }~r. !!uff outlined the scope of the work involved, the
Agreement time required of the permanent staff, pay arrangements with
the E,O.C., insurance, etc, Mayor Pro Tem Hartman recalled
that it was the understanding of the Covncil that regular
progress reports would be furnished them regarding this program
and that they had not been provided on a regular basis. ~{r, ltuff
stated that a report had just been filed and that it would be
transmitted to the Council. It was moved by Councilman Tyler
seconded by Co~uncilman Smith, and carried unanimously to authorize
extension of the contract for the use of Nelson Amendment
trainees, under the E.O.C. until April 30, 1969.
(1) Hr, William L. ~lickel, ~1~naging Director for the Santa Clara
Councy Safety Council, requested an allocation of $630. to that
S.C.County organization from the City of Saratoga. This amount, he
Safety indicated, ~as based on actual costs of services provided in
Council the city during the past year and was less than the per capita
Fund basis upon the Safety Council receives funds form other agencies.
Request Mr. Nickel outlined the function of the Safety Council through-
out the County and listed a number of services furnished in
cooperation with Saratoga schools.
With no objection, Mr. Mickel~s request was referred to the
~lanagement Committee for study and report back to the Council
at the next meeting.' }~r. Huff indicated that he would ask
~-lr. Nickel to furnish the committee with a financial statement
and additional data on the Safety Council's activities.
Hvy. Connission (2) A letter was acknowledged from the California High~ay Conmission
Park policy relative to park policy and high~ay project design,
A.B.A.C. (3) A letter from the City of San Anselmo relative to the Santa
Clara County Board of Supervisors position re the Association
of Bay Area Governments and a letter from City of San Anselmo
urging opposition to the San Francisco Commuter tax ~ere
noted with no comment.
St~RY OF COUNCIL MI~F~TES - April 17, 1968
A.C.A.30 (4) No action was taken regardin~ a letter, dated April 10, 1968
from the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors relative to
Assembly Constitution Amendment No. 30, pertainin~ to local
Rotary Club (5) A letter from Stanley M. Walker, General Chai~nan of the
Art Show Saratoga Rotary Club llth annual arts and crafts festival
was received, advising that the festival was scheduled to be
hold in the Village Shopping Center on Sunday, rl~ay 5, 1968 and
inviting all to attend.
(6) The Council considered a request from Jens IIundseid for final
SDR-745 bbilding site approval for one lot, to be granted simultaneously
}Iunseid with tentative site approval by the Council. Mr. 1.7alker
BSA Request explai~ed that normally the Planning Commission acts on a
tentative nmp But that, due to the timing of ~Ir. }~undseid's
coDtemplated travel schedule, he had asked the Council to
perform this function as well as gxant final approval. Site
approval for the lot in question was once granted and expired'
in October, 1967, he added. Hr. Hnndseid spoke in behalf of
his reqnest and was advised by the City Attorney that the. Council
was prevented, by the provisions of its own subdivision ordinance,
from acting in the capacity of the Planning Commission. On this
basis, T'Iayor Pro Tern Hartman directed ~-r. !lundseid to apply
to the Piannin% Commission for tentative site approval prior
to requesting final approval from the Council.
~layor Pro Tern Hsrtman, once more welcomed Councilman Smith to the
Council, .'~c:cno~le. dged, with pleasure, ths presence of Planning
Commissioner Crisp and ne~.yly appointed Co~Fmissioner M~.tcalf and
expressed appreciation to firs, Ruth 0won for sezving coffee on
behalf of the Good Government Group,
It was moved by Cottncilman Robbins, seconded by Councilman Tyler~ and
carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 11:55 P, ~!,
Respectfully submitte~,