HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-18-1968 City Council Minutes SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL SL~E, LA. RY OF MINUTES TIME: Wednesday, September 18, 1968 - 7:30 PLACE: Saratoga City Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue Saratoga, California TYPE: Regular Meeting I. ORGA/]IZATION .Mayer ~Tyler Opened the meeting at 7:33 P. M. A. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen Tyler~ Robbins, Smith, Sanders, D~er Absent: None B. HII~ES Counuiluan Robbins asked that: on page 1, Paragraph II B, his motion be amended to read "That the Mayor be ahthortzed Minutes to sign the contracts with the low bidders, provided that Bay Slurry Seal furnish a certificate of compliance with the specifications for the Gilsonite material," on page 2, paragraph IIIB be clarified to indicate that the matter be returned to the former Public Welfare Committee composed of Councilman Smith and Robblns; and to delete the top iine from page 6. Hayor Tyler noted that'on line 2 paragraph 2 under item III A, the phrase "at this time" be deleted in reference to the reading of the Ordinance. Councilman Robbins moved, and Councilman Smith seconded that the Minutes of the Regular ~feeting of September 4,1968 be approved as corrected, and the motion carried. Council- mad ~unders asked that the Minutes note that he abstained from voting, as he had not been presen~ atthe meeting. II. BIDS AND CONTRACTS A, AI~.RD OF BID FOR CITY PLrP~.CH~SE OF ONE-~O~ DUMP TRUCK Dump Truck City Administrator Huff stated that dump trucks of the re- Bids Awarded quired capacity could not be secured through the State to Courtesy purchasing agency, and that bids were on hand from local Chevrolet vehicle dealers. Public Works Director Shook reported that of the six bids obtained from local dealers, only one met the speciftca- :' tions required, and he was reco~l~ending purchese from Courtesy Chevrolet which did meet the capacity, clutch, steering, and axle requirements. Other bids Jell short of specifications in one or more of the specified require- ments. Mrl. Robbins moved that the bid for purchase of a one-ton. dump truck for the City be awarded to Courtesy Chevrolet at a cost of $3780.30: Mr. Smith seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. B. VERDE VISTA LANE RIGHT-OF-I'~Y ACQUISITION AGREEMENT-BOYCE R/W ~quisition Mr. Huff explained that Allan G. Boyce and Jean Russel Agreement - Boyce Boyce, his x~ife, as Joint tenants, had signed ~the agree- ment to sell Parcel ~o. 8 of the Verde Vista Lane Improve- ~'~er~e Vista Lane merit Project and to make all necessary right-of-way ded- ication in return for amortization of the value of the old house on the .property. SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 18, 1968 - Continued He noted that the Boycos were accepting $3500, a sum con- siderably less then the ori~inal appraisal which had in- cluded both land cost and house ~mortization. Mr. Shook noted the land, was valued at approximately $2700,. In response to ~, Smith's question re~ardin~ the Verde Vista terms~ Mr. Huff explained that the Planning Department had Lane R[W mentioned that a variance at the corner lot might be Acquisition favorably considered in case of future subdivision of the approximate two acres into five 12,500 square foot lots, a size in accord with the General Plan for the area, He added that this was not a binding aftcement between the City and the Boycos. Mr. Robbins said it should be made clear that all the Council was agreeing to was the right-of-~ay acquisition purchase at this time, and he moved that the Mayor be authorized to execute the agreement for ~ightaof+way aquisition on ~&rde Vista Lane Improvement Project Parcel No. 8 for the sgm of $3500 from Mr~ and z}!rs. Boyce~ Smith seconded the motion, x~hich carried unanimously. III. PETITIONS, ORDINANCES AND FOR~.~ ~ESOLUTI6NS A. SECOI'~ READING ~ OPaINANCE NO. 38~22 ~ iN ORDINANCE A~TEND- IllG CITY CODE BY MODiFYII~, CHANGI~ A}~ ADDING TO THE PROVISIONS THERE!M SET FORTH RELATING TO ANBL~LS AND FOWL. Ord. 38.22 re Animals Mr. Huff stated that this was the time for adoption of the & Fowl ordinance to b~inR City Codes in line with those of the County, and that no correspondence in opposition had been received. }~. ~mith moved adoption of Ordinance No. 38.22. Robbins seconded, and the ordinance was adopted unanimously B. SECOND READING - ORDINANCE NO. 38.23 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SARATOGA ADDING ARTICLE III TO CHAPTER 8 OF THE SAPITOGA CITY CODE, IMPOSING REGULATIONS ON SOLICITORS AND Ord. 38.23 PEDDLERS re solicitors hour limitations Mr, Huff explained that the intent of the proposed Code change was to limit door-to-door solicitation to the hours between 8A,M, and 8P.M, }Jr, Robbins asked for a report from the Public Welfare Comnittee as directed at the previous meeting, Mr, Huff indicated he had overlooked this =efer[a~ end ~itheut objection, the Hayor deferred action by Council until the conmittee could review the ordinance and recommend course of action, C, RESOLUTION NO, 452 - A RESOLUTION ORDERIN~ REDUCTION OF ASSESS~.~ENTS i VERDE VISTA D~PROVE}~ PROJECT Res. 452 Verde Vista Mr, Huff said that the overall reduction of assessments reduction of from $50s272,00 to $47,103,00was made ~ossibl~ hy the assessments reduced price on the right-of~.lay agreement purchase from the Boycos, and that other property ox~ners' individual assessments had been reduced proportionately. ~Ir. Robbins moved adoption of Resolution No. 452; Mr. Smith seconded, and the resolution was adopted unanimously. D. P~SOLUTION NO, 453 - A .RESOLUTION CALLING FOR BIDS ON SALE OF I~fPROVEMEI~r BOh~S - VERDE VISTA IMPROVM~ENT PROJECT Res. 453 Verde Vista City Clerk Huff stated that passage of this resolution Calling for woula enable the cell for bids for sale of improvement Bids on Bonds bonds~ pursuant to Resolution of Intention No, 344 as adopted by the Council on October 19, 1966, and would call for ,a~'~ bids to be received at 3:00 P,M, on October 2,1968, _2_¸ as stated in the Resolution NO. 453. Mr. Smith moved adoption of Resolutuion NO. 453; Mr. Robbins seconded the motion, and Resolution No. 453 x~as adopted upantmously. IV. SUBDIVISIONS, ~UILDING SITES A~ ZONING REQUESTS Mr. Huff stated that there were no ~Ubdivisionf building site, or zoning requests for consideration by the Council at this meeting. Ma~or TTler noted that since it was not yet eight o'clock, the time set for public hearings, that the Council would consider agenda items under VI-Administrative Matters. VI. AIi~INtSTRATIVE .~tATTERS A ~ MAYOR . . ~ C of C Mayo~ T~le~'~ad the letter in~tt~g ali' council member~ to Congress of attedd the C0n~ssof~e01nmud~t~-.~P~ogresS on October 12~. 1968, wi~h f~e tickets D~oVided throu~h'~he ~ourtesy of Community the Chamb~.0f ~mm~e~' Ea~ C0tlhcil~ t~dicated that l~ogress .; , . he planfled to aCterie ~e congress~ FINANCE I) Payment of Clains In response to questions by Mr. Robbins regarding Warrants 'Payment of No. 10040 and 10041, Mr. Huff replied that these were for Claims repairs of the lightinS switch board for.the stage, which was city~ll~d equ~mant;,and'that',~004 was fo~ purchas~ of a ladder to change lights in the nUdite~uh ccl}~h~, where '~{~.s~et~ ~ae~or was involved. He added that Warrant No. .10062 was for necessary rerouting of the Saratogas,Avenue sprinkler system,which had been laid across a manhole during construction of Saratoga Avenue 'landscaping. Mr. Robbins moved that the Mayor be authorized to sign warrants for disbursement of $125,156.32 in payment of Warrants No, 10008 through 10069~ Mr. Smith seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. V. P~BLIC HEARINGS A. INTRODUCTION - ORDINANCE NO. NS-3-ZC-46 - AN ORDI~NANCE AMENDS. ING THE. ZONING ORDINANCE NS-3, THE ZONING ORDINANCE BY 0rd. NS-3-ZC-46 AMENDING THE ZONING MAP M.V.S. Co. c-117 Rezoning City Administrator Huff stated that this amendment pertained to C-117 - M.V.S. Company, Cox Avenue and Saratoga Avenue - a request for change of zoning from "A" (Agricultural) to "P-A" (Professional-Administrative) for the parcel of approx- imately 13 acres located north and south of Village Drive between Saratoga and Cox Avenues and Saratoga Creek; that public hearings had been conducted before tb~ Planning Commission which recommended favorable action on the zoning change, subject to the conditions noted in the Staff report on C~117, date 26 August 1968; and that 'the hearing had been noticed in the paper, and mailings made in accordance with law, and no correspondence on the item had been received. Mayor Tyler declared the public hearing on C-117 open at 8:04 P.~L Since there was no comment from anyone in the audience, Mr. Robbins moved, and Mr. Smith seconded that the hearing be closed. The motion carried unanimously, and the Mayor declared the hearing closed at 8:0~ P.M. Mr. Huff noted that the conditions included recordation of the final map and commencement of construction within one year of enactment of the ordinance; SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 18, 1968 - Continued Mr.'Smith moved that Ordinance No. NS-3-ZC-46 be introduced and the reading be waived; Mr. Robbins seconded, and the motion carried unanimously. B. U~ERGROU~ UTILITY DISTRICT NO 2-B - VERDE VISTA LANE Mr. Huff explained that since the public hearing On forms- Underground tion of Utility District 2-A, other property o~ners on Verde Util'ity Vista Lane and Boyce Lane had expressed interest=in having Dist.#2-B theirproperties included within the District, b~t that Verde Vista the questions of the cost of extending the undergrounding al~.the way down Verde Vista under the provisions of PUC Rule 20~A.~.mre yet to be resolved, and there were also problemseo Be resolved regarding removal and/or relocation of some of the. poles, Theehearing had be~n properly no~ticed, and one letter had been received'from Mrs~ Ann Valk ,of 20840 Bovce Lane in favor of the extended under~round'District MayOr Tyler deci~rad the public hearing open ~t ~11 ~Yrl Allan B6yCeS~oke.lbri~fl~ f~6~,the audience in favor. of the' formation of Dts~*iCt 2~B, and also ~ate~ tha~ was for ?~ayer Tyie,'s=]~d~&~On thetithe m~er ~e deia~ed until m6re i~formaeioH o~ ~Ssts ~nd o~Her problems become' available~ The Mayor, in ~he absende 6f ~bj~ction~.cOnt{nued She puSlit hearing to January 2, 1969, a~d siso directed the Staff write ~o P. G, & E, regarding available funds f~ ~he next year, In the interim, he referred the matter to the Public Welfare Committee. Noting ~hat there were persons present in the audience in referehce to the proposed annexation by County Sanitation DistriC~ No. 4 and ~osstble participation by the City in the annexation, the Mayor requested the Council to move to Agenda Item VI-C. VI, -C COUCIL COb~YITTEES AND REPORTS 1. SOUTH~EST ANIYXATION - PLANNING CO~!ITTEE REPORT Councilman Robbins read the report of the Planning Comsnittee Proposed South-west on the pressing problem of possible City participation in the ~ proposed annexation of some 2200 acres alon~ Congress Springs Annexation Road by County Sanitation District No. 4, notin~ that any decision on the matter would have a great impact on the City's future and that LAFCO had continued the hearin~ to October 1, only, to allo~; time for discussion. He also iudt~/~n the record the analysis of the southwest ann- exati6~'.prepared by Planning Director I4alker, presenting the advantages and disadvantages and recommending that the City take'~e~ps to annex the area as soon'as possible since control Of development by Saratoga would far ou~eiSh the necessary short-range costs of services and facilities. · ~ Mr. Herbert Co~an, president of the Foundation for Christian Services, and Mr. I~ight Prlckett, a member of the found- ation board both spoke from the audience stating the need for sanitation in the hillside areas. Both men, ~.~o said they were associated with the Saratoga Land Company, spoke in favor of annexation action as proposed by District No. but also stated that they o~posed any annexation By the City of Saratoga. Mr, Prickerr said that the Valley Christdin School, e com- bined junior and senior high school, nondenominational, had 9urchesed the former Pick Laboratories property, with an enrollment of about 150 students, lie said that lack of -4- SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - SEPI~MBER 18, 1968 - Continued proper .sanitation facilities would hold back school enrollment to no more than 180 students total. He added that about $34,000 had been spent in preliminary survey and other enEineerin~ work tox.mrds development of acre-size resi- dential building sites, but that no further work ~ras advisable until a sanitary sewer system could be in,relied. He said there was ~pprOximately 960 acres in the former Pick property, and some 108 additional acres were held by the Saratoga Land Company. b) Mr. Steve Goodman, Sanitation District No. 4 engineer stated that sewers se~ging the 2200 acres southwest of '~eratoga could logically. he jeined. t.o the District facilities, since do~nstream frunks were designed to ~e lard, enoUgh to take the additional flow. He said that t~e StUdy'of the proposed annexation had been started in 1966, and ~H~ the in~taiia~ion coS{S' w0uia be ~o~n 5y' the~ lodal property ~waer~ in'~he =af~a if ~Hex~di with'nh=addtiona1 t~Xes to b~ laid o~ 6~e~ t~aye]~s in.District No~ 4~ : Mr, Goodman said the Districe cddi~ not raked sta~d dn possible action by the City; that if LAFCO appro~ed the ~nnexation by the District at its meetinZ on October 1~ 1968, there might be a period of six to nine months required to consunmate the annex~tiOn~ c) City Attorney Johnston explained that he had discussed the Proposed matter withothers, including Ken Jones and Mr, Huff, regarding South-West the possibility that the City might request LAFCO to approve the Annexation annexation by Sanitation District No, 4 an condition that no Sani. Dist.4 sewers be connected unless the area were first annexed to the City, Mr, Johnston said that although it was possible for LAFCO to impose such conditions, it miSht be considered somewhat Improper, in the opinion of Assistant County Counsel William Siegal and Dave Adam,, attorney for District No, 4. It would not be improper, ho~ever, to ask LAFCO to approve City annexation first, and then allow annexation by District No. 4. Mr. 3ohnston added that LAFCO was waitin~ to hear from the City as to its proposals, and might consider the City annexation favor- ably if the City wished to promote the orderly development of the area. He explained that the procedures for annexation by the District were different from those required by State Law for the City, which would have to hold an election on the issue if there were more than 12 registered voters in the proposed annexation area. d) Mr. 3ohnston commented that County reRulations controlling development h~ tightened up considerably dUrin~ recent years in re~ard to grading permits and the uniform6uilding codes, and if the County ordinances paralleled those of the City, it would then be a question of enforcement, rather than of laws. f) Mr. Sanders noted that the Board of County Supervisors had in the past overturned recommendations of the County Planning Commiss- ion and Staff, and that development left under County control might not be in the best interests of Saratoga. g) Mr. Huff suggested conferring with the County Heard of Supervisors to explore the possibility of an a~reement to give the City po~.mr to review development plans in the area. In the absence of objection, Mayor Tyler declared a recess to allow the Council time to set a date for its further discussions of the problem, especially in view of the pending October 1st action by LAFCO. The time for recess began at 9:32 P,M. The recess ended at 10:08 P.~{. with Mayor Tyler announcinZ ~h~t.:the.regular"mc~n~ of Sel.ee~be~ T6; 1968 wbuld be adjohrn~d to 7:30 P.H. September 30, 1968 at the Council Chambers to allow time for consideration of pz~blems connected with the possible annexation of the 2200 acres by the City of Saratoga~ -5- SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 18, 1968 - Continued VI. B (2) CITY CLERKsS FII'IANCIAL REPORT The Council revie~ed the City Clerk's Financial Report dated August Finance 31s 1968 ~rlthout con~aent. Reports (3) CITY TR~ASMR'S REPORT T easurer e o t The Council revie~.md the City r t~ R p r dated Au~-ust 31s 1968s noting that the time deposit, interest rate for six-month deposits was now 5-5/8 percent. C. COUNCIL COTIfMITTEES AND REPORTS SDR-764-PLANNINC CO~!ITTEE 1) CoUncilman .RoSbinS r~p0r~ed ~n reference to ,DR-764 that he and I. ir. Sanders had v{stted the site=and ~eViewed data in the file. Their recommendatiOns x~ere: ann6al rene~.ml of the one-year bond for a period of five years,~hich x. muid a~lo~ time for evaluation of the Planning traffi~ Sttuat~6n generated from West Val!ey College and permit the Committee CounC~i to determine ~h~er Sa~t0g~ ~ve.nue k~ou~d require construc- SDR-764 tion ~§ proposed in the~ agreement~ or ~,xhetber the applicant could be relieved of the obligation t~/tmp~ove the Street, and the City could void th~ a~reeme~t and release the bond. Coun~ilmsn Robbins moved and co~n,~ii~h ,Smith ~eC~hd~d;that~ the recj~uendation 6f the Plannin~ .cdnnittee be ap~o, ve, d~ and the moti6n be!Cnrried unaxt{m6Usly. ,,Mr. Jerry L0he~ re~res~nting saratoga .Hi~llS 'D~eiopment Co~ said ~hat their, leftdens i-.,e~e concerned ~.rlth C6ddi~ e/~ns relating e~ Sa~atdZa A~e~i~ ~Saa ~.~i'denin~ ~t~ns; mid. ~sk&d if his concern ~ould be released from its bond if the City deci4ed. not to ~den. Mayor Tyler said that such was his exDectancy~ and that only time would tell. 2) Councilman Dx~yer read the report of the Policy Committee rec- ommending that no action be taken at this time in reference to Thro~a~.~ays throwaway neap,paperss as they did not seem to constitute a real nuisance at this time. The Councilmen expressed individual agree- ment with the reconnendation. 3) Councilmen Smith reported that the Public Welfare Committee was llousing in the.process of formulating a report on the Mousing Authority Authority ~hich ~uld be presented at the next meeting. 4) }layor Tyler said that a meeting of the Transportation Policy Transportation Committee was scheduled for October 2rid, ~hich the City, represent- Policy ative x~ould be unable to attend. He named Public Works Director Committee Robert Shook as special alternate to attend the meeting on October 2, 1968. 5) Councilman Smith reported that he and City Administrator Huff had artended the meeting on Saturday conducted by Assemblyman KnOx on Bay Area governments and outlined the possible development of the concept of regional government in the future. Open space, sewage, smog control and transportation would be;included ,mona the prime concerns of a regional government. Bay Area Governments Mr. Smith said it seemed likely that a layer of gove~,ment betl~een Counties and the State ~ould evolve for controls on the four con- cerns listed. He said that t~o key questions eminent domain and the pokier'to tax had been left open. The ne~ body, if formed, would replace ABAG and other volunteer groups and become a permanent body governed by a directly elected Council or a constituent assemb.y D. DEPARTMENT F~ADS AND OFFICERS 1) l!r. Shook recommended that Tract No. 3146 be accepted for ~on- struction of improvements only, before release of bond. l-ft. Robbins moved, and ~!r. I~r.~'er seconded that imDrovements for -6- SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 18, 1968 - Continued construction only be accepted but that the bond for Tract No. 3146 not be released at this time. The motion carried unanimously. 2) Tract No. 3574 3574 ~r, Shook recommended release of cash Monument Bond, Tract No. 3574, ' Monument in the amount of $850~00 since the monuments had been checked and Bond found to be acCeptabld~ e Release Mr, Smith mov~d~ and ~r. Dl.~e~ de~onded that Monument Bond, Tract No, 3574 be released as reco~e~ded, and the motion carried unan- imously, 3) ~Mr, Shook reported that to date the ~equi~ed certificates of . · Gilsonite quai~ty of the Ellsenate specif~ed for certain C~ty s~reets had been received. Mr. Robbins ~0Ved that P~blic Works Director Shook contact the Bay Slurry Seal Company~ advlsin~ them that theymust supply a certific- ate of compliance with the materials quality ~s specifieds in writ- ing~ and that if such certificate was not furnished within five days the hid award would be revoked; and that if the certificate was not so fuJished, City would be [ e ls. bids to be submitted with the ~equ{sfte certification of quality materials~ Mr. Smith seconded the motfen, ~hieh carried unanimously. Fruitvale 4) Mr. Shook said that the A. J~ Reisch Paving Company had re- Ti~e quested au extension of timeon Phase A of the Allendale~Fruftvale Extension paving project, on the grounds that it had been subject to delays beyond the control of the contractor, including delay in utility removal and nondelivery of signal equipment, In the absence of objection, the Mayor referred the request to the Public Welfare Committee. 5) ~{r, Johnston referred the Council to his letter of September 5, 1968 Re: loitering on City property, 6) The City Attorney reported in reference to the proposed contract with the Soils En~ineerin~ Co. and their request to be included unddr the City's "Cloak of irmaunity" and yet remain an independent contractor, the matter was being discussed with the company~s att~ .... orney,.and would be reported hack to the Council. 7) In reference to the water pump tax and the County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, 14r. Johnston reported that he was still researching the m~tter, and would reoort back on his findin~s. 8) Mr, Higby said that the Farks & Recreation Cormuissioners x.~re s~eking clarification of their role in reference to ma~fng recom Park menddtiens on the acceptance of fees or land with respect~to sub- Land divisions, Fee MayOr Tyler suggested the Copmission work with the Planning Deoart- meut on such issuesm and then ~ake recon~nendations, based on Commission revie~ of the tentative map of subdivisions over 50 lots. 9) Mr. HiEby said the Co.mmission ~.ms also concerned ~.yith precedures Parks & to be followed in relation to the Council,of whether to send their Recreation reports directly to the Council for referral to its Committees, or Commission what routing should be followed. After some discussion, the Council recommended that the Commission forward five (5) copies of their reports and/or recommendations to the Council, but that if there were matters of some urgency, they could be referred directly to the Mayor and lfr. Huff for fom~arding to the approp_riste Council committee. -7- SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES ,September 18, 1968 - Continued Youth M~, .Htgby presented the recommendation of the Commission regardiu~ Center distribution of parking spaces adjacent to the Council Chambers and Parking the Saratoga Youth Center. ~.fr. Smith moved, and M~. Robbins seconded, that the Council approve the report of the Parks & Recreation Commission regarding parking space allotments in the CiVic Center complex area, and the motion carried unanimously, E. CITY ADMINISTRATOR League of 1) Mr,' oHuff reported On correspondecho from the League of Calif. Calif, Cities asking appoiUtmen.t of ~ voting delegate to its OctOber Cities meeting, The Council took the request Under advisement. 2) The meeting of =the Santa Clara County Committee on Youth, Sponsored by the JUvenile Delinquency and Justice Committees would Youth be held on October 12~ .1968 t~e same date aS the local Congress C.~n_ference on Community Progress meeting, ~I!r. Huff 8~id he would recommefid a Staff member to ~ttehd the ~Y0uth study ~eetfng, and present the' name at ~he ~eXt C~uncil mee~i~g~ 3) ~fr~ H%/ff reported that t~ ne~ developments ~e~a ~e{ng 't~~ sti-ucted a~ the northeast and northwest corners of ~{iller Avenue, Prospect - and that the question of signalizatlon of the intersection was Miller again being raised. Without objection, the Mayor asked that the City Chief of Police be requested to contact San 3ose regarding possible joint partici- pation on such signalization, and then that the Staff follow up by requesting a study of the problem from San Jose. VII. COMMUNICATIONS 1) The letter requesting installation of a street drain on Wood,ida Woodside Dr. drain Drive, above Woodside Court, dated September 1~, 1968, and signed by 12 resident.;families an the Court was referred to the Public Welfare Committee. 2) The letter reqUeSting that a loading zone for trucks be es- tablished on Big Basin gay in front of Victorian Village, Plaza Loading zone de Roble and the Plumed Horse sigued by the Saratoga ~erchants Assn. Big Basin and a second letter to the same effect signed by Mr. and Mrs. Lowe, Way was referred to the Director of Public Works. Prospect Rd. 3) Mr. Huff was directed to write a letter to Mrs. Olga Nyberg Traffic explaining what steps WOre being taken regarding traffic conditions on Prospect Road. Pierce- 4) The letter from residents of the Pierce Road-Foothill Lane area Foothill regarding their co~nents on possible rezonin~ in the area was referred to the Planning Committee. Area zone 5) The letter from the Montalvo AssoCiation regarding the proposed County Parks County Bond Issue for Parks was referred to the City Parks and Bond Recreation Commission for their recommendations on the matter. issue 6) The letter from .-',ft. and ~{rs. Alfred A. Smith regarding removal of an unsightly redwood tree overhanging their property x~as briefly discussed, and referred to the Public Welfare Committee. ORAL 1) Mr. Tommy Lanyon of West Valley Cable TV urged consideration of C.A.T.V. Teleprompter Company's application for the Saratoga CATV franchise. ~..'.r. Tyler replied the applications had been returned to Comnittee for further study, and that each applicant WOuld be interviewed separately. 2) Dr. Isaac Abrams said that if the wordin~ of the conditions C-ll7 contained in his C-117, M.V.S. Company application, approved : -8- earlier in the meeting by the Council, were to be followed to the letter, he might be faced ~,yith tearing down the orchard, and puttin[ in roads, within a year's time, even though it might not be in the best idterests of the City. }-fayor Tyler responded that it ~,;as hi~ understanding that D~, Adams intended to proceed step by step~ on the development, to make it .an outstanding one, and that the. requirement to start construction ~lthin a year's time ~,ms sub,~ect to ~eview, and extension. In the absence of rely objection~ }Iayor Tyler =---reces~e~ 'the meeting to September 30, 1968 at the Council Chambers to consider the southwest annexation and the instruction to Mr~ Shook re his represeutin~'!~he City at ,the Transportation Policy Connittee meeting on October 2, 1968, Mr, Tyler expressed thanks to Mrsi Stark of the Good Government Group for the coffee served during the meeting recess, P, espectfully submitted, J. R. Huff, City Clerk -9-