HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-16-1968 City Council Minutes SARAT. OGA CITY COUNCIL SU~4ARY OF .MIT~TES TI~: Wednesday, October 16, 1968 7:30 P.M, PLACE: Saratoga City Council Chambers, 13777 Fr~itvale Ave. Sat., TYPE: Regular Heeting Calif. ~RSANIZATION A, ROLL CALL Present: CoUncilmen Tyler~ Re'bins, and Dwyer Councilman Sanders joined the meeting at 7:45, and Councilman Smith at 7:55 P.Mi Absent: NOne B~ MINUTES : 1. Councilman Robbins asked that the follo~in~ ~ara~ph be added to his comments on Resolution No. 455, on the County Housing Authority, pa~e 2, paragraph III. A. as follows: Hinutes "Mr. Robbins said that he favored two restrictions to the op- eration of the Houstn~ Authority in addition to those proposed by the Public Welfare Committee. The first would limit rentals in Saratoga to Saratoga resi~ents. The second would keep the HousinS Authority from leasin~ units in Saratoga that had. net ~reviouslv been rented for some period of time, so that the Authority by its operation would not tend to increase the number of rentors and decrease the number of homeowners in Saratoga." Mr. Robbins moved that the readin~ of the Minutes of October 2~ 1968 be waived, and the minutes be approved as amended; Mr. D~.~er seconded the motion which carried unanimously. II. BIDS AND CONTRACTS A. CONSIDERATION OF BIDS FOR GILSONITING CERTAIN CITY STREETS Mr. Shook referred to his memorandum dated October 16, 1968 Gilsonite Bids addressed to the City Council on the street seal coating bids. He summarized that the readvertisement of bids as opened on October 14, 1968 had Droduced only one bid, unchanZed from the previous bid submitted by the same contractors, Reed and Grahmn~ and that no savin~ had been ehtainea. In response to a question by Mr. Robbins, ~{r. Shook said that paving contrac- tors had been experiencln~ some difficulties with the suppli- er of the Gilsonite material, which perhaps explained the lack of interest in bidding. Mr. Shook said he was recommendinfl that all bids on Gilsonit- ins be rejected, and that the Gilsonite seal be eliminated from the street pavin~ proFrom this year, and that the funds be:used to apply oil and screenings seal within the budget allocation, Mr. Robbins moved Council approval of ~r. Shook's recommend- ations to reject all bids for Gilsonitin~ received this year, that the process be eliminated from the current street pavin~ program, and that the funds so saved be used to apply oil and ecreenin~s seal within the budget. ~r. D~.~er seconded the notion, which carried unanimously. Councilman Sanders todc his seat at the Council meeting at 7:45 P,~. B. SAFATOGA-CA~TPUS ASSESS~HT DISTRICT - C]~GE ORDER NO. 15 Saratoga Campus City ~ana~er Huff explained that a saving of some $5,000 had Assessment Diet, been realized from the installation of the water lines and that C, O, #15 these funds were ~ow a~-~ilahle to l~ovide screen planting and 10/16/68 }linv. tes Con~-O ~ m~-,,~]ly eperated irrt2atfon system on median islands on Allendale Avenue; ,the landscaping had not been included in the original schedule of im--rovements because 6f h~adget limitations, but could now be accomplished. Mr. Robbins moved, and Mr. D,=~,er se.86nded a~r~V~l of Saratoga Campus Assessment District Chan~e Orde~ !,1o~ i5 ~ ~htc~ darried unanimously. . IIi~ PETITIONS~ O~INANCES AI~ FO~4AL REP~IONS A~ ORDIN~{CE NO, 38,24 SECO~9 RE~I G:' ~ '~ OrdinanCe ~8~24. OF SAraTOGA A};t~ING FE SAraTOGA, CiTY ~O~E A~ ~Z ~iFO~ Exced~ & BUILDING CODE T}IREIN ADOPT~ BY ~EFEREN~E~..PROVIDING FOR Grading STOC]~ILING PER~ITS, INSPECTION AI~ .iNSPECTiON FEES ~FOR SUPER~ ~ATUS ~ ~PILDING PEFJiIT APPLI~A~Sj ~{~; ]i~ff d~pidt~d that t6d*jS~fi~dnee ~a ,~den prepared by eit~ Atd~ev Johnston at thd :~eS~ Of the couneii 6o recoup b~t ~Ha[ he. ~.ms recommendi~ del~v:~n CS~siaeratisn t~ in~ ~6~5~a~& ~e amendnent~ [~ ~he ~rdin~n~e relStive t5 ed~ f~r~eme~t arevisions ~ In~tHd dbMq~e 0~,. 8Hje~t~on~ the '{a~,dr d~ehotized a~l~y iD d~tiS~ ~ Ordid~e ].lo+ 38.24 tO ~he next ~e~uldr ~ee~in~& Hi FIRST REIDi~G - 17),YdE l~0. :38~25 -~ ODINAI{CE~OF.TI~ CIT~ OF SA~TOCA ~I~IMG ARTICLE Ii OF CFAPTER 9 OF T}!~ S~F~TOGA Ordinance 38.25 CITY CODE, CREATING CO~ERC IAL LO~ING Z0~S ON ~io ~SIN ],~AY d Big Basin Way Loading Zones Mr. Huff stated that this ordinance to allow co~,u:~ercial loadin~ zones at ~ locations on Bi~ Basin ~'ay, as described in 'the ordinance had been prepared for Council consideration at the request of the ~(erchant's Association, and that PUblic Director had investi~ated the sites~ and reckmended creation of the said toadin~ zones. Hr. Robbins moved that the readinq of Ordinance No. 38,25 be waiveds; Mr. Dr.~er seconded the motif, ~,xhich carried unan- imou sly. In the absence cf objection, ]{ayor Tyler ordered Ordinance No. 38.25 introduced. C. RESOLI~ION NO. ~-17 - RESOLUTION EXTEndING T~,YO-HO~ PARKING Bi~ Basin LIMIT ON BIG BASIN UAY TO SDITH STREET. 2 Hou~ Parking Mr. Huff stated the. resolution was not tn final fom for c~siderationat this time, because approval of the Division of Highways had not yet been received, WIthout objection the ~{ayor referred conSidered{on of Resolu- tion No. +~-17 to the next regular meetinF. ~. ~ S ~ D, RESOLUTION NO. 459 - A RESOLdION AT,,E~ING ~SOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION DETER~-~INING ~AID ASSES~4EN~S A~ PROVIDING Resolution FOR ISSUANCE OF BO~S - VE~E VISTA P-!PRO%T,YE~ PROJE~. Corzectin~ Res. 456 re Mr. Huff stated that this resolution had been arepared to Verde Vista correct-two errors in Resolution No. 45.6, in listin~ the Bank of ~erica as the payin~ aFent~ and listin~ $800 instead of $840 as the principal amount. Mr. ~er moved adontion of Resolution No, 459, amendin~ Resolution No. 456; 'it. Robbins seconded the motion, wblch " carried unanimously. ~, ~D .. E. RESOL~ION NO. 460 - A RE~qLUTION APPOIntING ASSISTA~ BUIL~ ING INSPECTORS A~ AUTIio~iZING EXECUTION OF AGREET~T~. ApptR. ME Inc. as Ass. City Ad=,i-.nf ~-, f-' '.' 7T'~ asked that the resolution be carried Buildin2 Official ....... I'0/16/68 .MLnutes .contl~II forward to the next meetfn~ for consideration, since there were still some details of the contract to be worked out. In the absence of any objection, the ~!ayor ordered Resolution Ms. 460 to be carried over to the next regular meeting. The City Attorney then requested a Minute Resolution, embody- in~ the contents of Section 2 of proposed Resolution ~o.~460, toregularize the current ~mptoyment of Soll Mechanic~ a~d Foundation En~inee~s Inc. in' the City Buiidin~ Ins~ec~Or~s office. ~ Robbins moved ~hat Section 2 of nroDosed Resolution No. 460 be incorporated as a ~inute Resolution, readln~ as follows: "~oil Hechanics a~d F6undat~on En~ineers~ Inc., ot~er~Per- sonnel of Soil Mechanics and Foundation En~ineers, JOhn V. Lo~mey, IGene Paulson and~an~ and all qther Personnel of S.M, ~ P~E,, Inc., ~s DerfSrm ~nv work o~ service~ hnder th~ attached contract, be and each of t~em is hereby ?p~of~ted Assistant Buildin~ Official Of the City ~f!Sarato~a, with all the obligations, duties, no~rs, and i~hnities of such office." Mr. Sanders seconded the motion, ~hich carried unanimously. IV. SUBDIVISIONS~ DUILDI~G SITES A~ ZOMII'rG REQUESTS Fim~lHap A, FInaL ~P APPROVAL - TRACT ~0. 4572 - ER~.~]. AND ~UI~N~, INC. Tract 4572 Mr. Pmff stated!that Resolution No. SD.-766-!, a resolution approvin~ final'maD for Tract 4572, Prides Cros~in~ was ready for Council'consideration; that it included six conditions relative to final approval; and that a representative of the develoners, Broom and Kauffmann, Inc. had ~ffered a check for the pro-rata park Land fee for this unit. The total parks fee is estimated st aD~roximate!y $16,000 to $18,000. for the entire development. In response to a question by ~r. Tyler, Plannin~ Director Walker stated that this ne~y ordinance, as he understood would not excuse a developer from his overall ~es~0nsibility for the park land development fee, even if he developed only parcels of the development over an ~xtended period of time; that t1:a Council bad ~ option to accept land in lieu of the fee in de~elonments 8f 50 lots or more; and that t~e sum scheduled to be assessed on the entire development ,.~ould not meet the land costs for a park of size suitable for the area. Councilman Smith ~olnad t~e meettn~ at 7:55 P.M. Mr. Rose, representin~ Bro~.m and Msuffmann Inc. stated their willin~ness to submit the check for Unit ~'& permit the City Council to de~e~l~ m~ ~ l~er ~t~ ~h~her ~-~ce~t ~'.~..~ c~sh ~r retur~ ~than~&~s~ ~d reunite ~ l~n~dic~tio~, ~ov~d-I ed t~at t~he City returned interest on the amount, to Bro~.m & Kauffmann. ]~ also stated that his firm had some definite ideas about a ~$~!~ development for the .Prides Crossin~ development and expressed an interes~ in discussin~ them with the Parks & Recreation Co~misston~ Mayor Tyler s~id that any suggestions bv the developers would be ~.~lcomed by the City Parks and Recre~tion Commission. City Attorney Johnston questioned the inclusion of items 3,5,& 6 as listed in Res- olution No. SD-766-1, statin~ that these modifications could more Dro~er!v be considered as chan~es raeuired to the imp~ov- ment plans, rather t~ items to be accomplished prior ~o final map recordation. Mr, Robbins moved adoption of Resolution No. SD-766-1, incor- poratln~ the a~end~.ents as suggested by the City Attorney; M~; ~n~ders seconded =~e ~o~ion ~hlcb carried unanimously. B, SDR-681- JACI~ H. PLATO - ~ LOT O~ BAILER AV~E SDR-681 90 Day extension. -3- 10/16/68 Minutes conti~ ~lr. Huff stated that after investi~atton, it was the Staff recommendation that a time extension of 9Q days be ~ranted as requested by Mr. Plato for conpletion of a brid~e over San Tomes Aquino Creek on t~eir ~roperty, in reference to SDR-68t. !{r. Smith moved that the 9C-day extension as requested by Mr. Plato be ~ranted; Hr. D~yer seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. C-Ill - PUBLIC HEARING ON APPLICATION TO REZONE FROM "R-I- C-Ill 20,O00" APPRCXP-IATELY .7 ACRES OF PRORERTY LOCATED OM PanderSraft NORT~.~ST END OF FOOTHILL;LA~ - WA~'~.~ PE~ERGRAFT (Contiued Ord. NS-3-zc-42 from July 17, 1968 ~etinF); 1, Mr. Robbins read the Plan~n~'Committee Report dated Octobe~ 16, 1968~ reco~r~endin~ that ~r. Ped~er~raft*s request for rezon!nF to ~ermit c~nstruction of a single family dwelling on t]~e .7 acre Darnel be ~ranted, In sUmmarizin~ the ~ack~round on the request, ~r. ~ohbins noted that this parcel ~as the only one recommended for such zonin? within the area that had been studiedat ien~th for possible rezonin~ as recomne~dedby the P!ann!n~ COrmmission. He said that because the lot ,.,as the last lot to ~e developed at the end of Footh{tl Lahe, and because of the particular history of the parcel~ as discussed in the Conanittee report~ it ~s recommended for R-1-2O,~OO zoninR classificat!.On~ Mr~ R0bbins stated furtT~er that the recor~mendation was also based on three other considerztion: 1) It ~as desirable that the property be buiIt on, and,not left vacant; 2) that it would not be detrimental to the nei~hberhood; and 3) that the recommended rezonin~ ~as limited to that particular lot only. ~n reference to the Gouveia property~ the next item on the a~enda, '-It. Robbins stated that it had also been studied by the Piannin~ Co~nittee, and ~as not hein~ recommended for rezoninR at this ~ime, end that tke t~,,o apo!lcat~onss-hould be considered separately.' ~Ir. Huff noted thai t~ petitions had been received from resi,]ents'in the area, one dated September 3, 1968~ from Mrs. "ilson~ containin% 11 si~atures, in favor of rezonin~ the entire area to R-1-20,000; and the second dated September 14. 1968, from '~rs? ottenber~, containin~ about 13 siRnatures in opposition to t~e rezonin~. 3. Mayer Tyler declared the nublic hearin~ on C-111 open at There being no one speakin~ on C-ill from the audience, Mr. Robbins moved and Mr. Smith seconded that the public hearin~ be closed; it ~,ms carried unanimously and so ordered by the ~ayor at 8:27 4, Mr. Huff stated that now yes the time far adoption of Ordinance No. NS-3-ZC-42, and Ordinance Amandin~ Ordinance NS-3, the ZonlnF'Ordlna?.ce bV~endin~ the Zonin~ Map, reclassifyin~ the Pender~raft property as sho~m on the Seet!on~l Mr. Robbins moved adoption of Ordinance Xo. NS-3-ZC-42, Mr. Sanders seconded, and the ~oti~'~ .... i~ ,~nanim~usly. Bo ~ ~_~3 - PUBLIC H[~=R?~ C~I APPLICATION TO REZO~ FROY "R-1- ~0~000" TP "R-I-20,000" A PORTION OF ,A 2.68 PARCEL LOCATED BETI,~EE PIERCS R~AD A~'~ Ti~ TEP341TUJS OF AS}~EY YCAY-ED~RD 10/16/68 Minutes Con'LO F. GaLatIA (Continued from Jul~ 17, 1968 meeting) 1. Mr. Robblns reed the report of the Planning Committee dated October 16, 1968~ reco~endinE denial of the application, and that the Planning Corm'aission be asked to include an extensive review of the potential development of the entire approximate eight acres in the vicinity of Pierce Road and Foqthill Lane for the next annual review of the General Plan. 2. Mr. Robbins also re{erred to the October 14, 1968 amended report of the Plannin~ Commission report dated August 26, t968~ as summarizin? the findings of the Co.~-nnlssion to date. He noted that in th~ earlier report+ the Commission had recorm~ended a~Hinst rezo~i~E of bOth.the Pender~raft and Gouveia properties~ but ~ad revised the ~econ~n...endatlon to allow rezonin~ in view of their study of the entire area that might be affected~ 3. The Mayor declare~ the Public ~earin~ open at 8:31 Mr. J& F. Wilson spoke from the ~udience and asked that any restudy of the area include consideration for ~roducin~ a homo~enous zoning, so that the 8-ndre pocket would not be boxed inby hiEher density developments. Mr. GouV~ia asked if denial by the CounCil ~t this'time'would represent a final ~enial of the request, and the ~ayor nnswer~ C~113 ed that this ~as only the final public h~ari~g, and that the Gouvela Cou~cii had not yet taken action. There bein~ no other audience co..~raent, Mr. Robbins moved that the public hearin~ be closcd~ Mr. Smith seconded the motion which carried unanimously and the ~ayor ordered the hearin~ closed at 8:35 P.~. 4. After brief further discussion, in ~nich Councilmen Robbins, Tyler andS.%nders agreed that the entire area should be studied as a whole at the time of next annual General Plan Review COmmission. ~r. }~ff was asked to brin~ the matter to the attention of the Planning Conan~ ssion. 5. Mr. Robbins moved approval ef the Planning Co~ittee rec- cdmendatian te deny ~{r. Gouveias application for rezonin~; ~%r..Smith seconded the z~tion ~ich carried unanimously. VI. ~tDMINISTRATIVE ~.[%TTERS A. ~i~YOR M~yor Tyler said he had nothing to report. FINANCE Nr. Robbins riored approval of disbursements of Warrants Payment of 10137 through 10187, for a total of $~26~503,21, and that Claims the ~i.qyor be authorized to si~ said ~arrantS. Mr. Sanders seconded the motion, ~hicb carried unnnimouslV.. TIle City Cle~:'s Financial ReD~zt n~d Treasurer' s report were received ~ithout cc~,le~t. C. COUNCIL COT. MITTEES AI~ REPORTS Mr. e.~ders read the report of the ~ianaSement Corrmittee ra~endi~E t!~at City ~d~inistrator }~ff be authorized to Seminar attend se~i~zars sponsored hy the i:~stit~e of G~vernmental Attendance Etudias~ U~iversity Exti!nsion a~d the U.C. Departneat ~f Huff Political Sc!~pc=, ~'~d t~:at the City Day the tuition charge of $150.0~. -5- 10/16/68 Minutes Cent ,i~ Mr, San~ders ~pved approval of the action rec6~ended in the C~mnittce reprrt, ~r, Sr. lth Seconded, pad the motion c~rried unanir~usly, 2, Mr. Sanders read the report of the Man2~emen~ Co~Ittee recommendin~ that the Council approve the~reement with Green H~one Gardens V~_lley Landscapi~U to place ~r. T~nso Ishih~r~ as full time Gardener caretaker and ~arden~r f~r Hakone G~.rdens; that Mr, Ishihara Caretaker and his family ~,youl~ occupy the caretaker's cottaRe ~ the previous arrnn~ement because ~f a six .percen~ increase in the cest of G~e~n Valley ~e~tces, ~nd assdmpticn of the costs of social security ~nd other fringe beDefits f~r ~r, Ishthara, T~r, Smith neved ad~ptior~ of the ~ana~e~ent~'C~.ittee reco~en- dation that ~!r, Ishihara bebir.3d as full time caretaker and ~ardcner under the conditions contained in the Green Valley Landscaping, Inc, let~er, dated July 2~ 1968. ~r, 3, Mr, Sanders read the report ef the Management Co~ittae re- c~endin~ that the City Clark be aut~orized to advertise City Landscape ~or ne~y bids for the City's landscape ~aintenance, because Maintenance of the six percent i~.crease in charRes proposed by Green Rebiddin~ Valley Landscaping, Inc, ~.yhicb w~uld raise the total c~st by $62,00 for ~ total =Df $!,102,0n ~thly, Mr, Srdtb ~oved ~doption cf the '~na~e~ent C~ittee reco~en- dation that the City Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids on the City's iandscape maintenance Dro~ra~; ~r. Robbins seconded the metion, ~,hich carried unnnimously, 4. ~r, Robbins read the report of the Plannin~ Committee express- Co~cil Chinbets in~ approval of the revised plans for the Council Chnnhers Wing Working addition, and recor~endin~ that U~rren B. tleid, architect, Drawings be authorized tn Dreceed ,.~itb wcrkin~ drawings to ~emit const~ction ~t the earliest possible d~te, After some study and discussion bv t~ c ~1 '.f ~he ravi~d plans f~r the Council C~r-bars additi~=n, ~r, F~nders moved ~doption of the PlanninF C~nittee's rec~ndattOn that architect ~arren B. Heid ba authorized to proceed vith prepa~tinn of the detqiled ~.7~rkin~ dra~.rin~s; ~r, s~conded the n.~tion, .~,~ich c~rried unanimously. D, DEPARD~ ]%EADS AiD OFFICZ?,S 1, Parks ~d Recreation C~mission Report Me. t Parks ~d Actin~ f~r Cbai~an T,~de, Administrative Assistant I{i~by Recreation presented Report TIe. 1 frmm the P~rks and Rccre~tien C~isSion Comission askinR that th3 Council consider i~emdiate accuisition of Land Aquisition the parcels listed as items 1, 2, and 3 in their ~emo of Report September 12, 1968, from available funds, because of the C~ission's concem about future ~ailability of said parcels, which are i~p~ant to the DroDesed a. Mr, Tyler c~ented th.~t p~ssiblv only two, rather th~ three lots were n~eded for the Foothill park, and that in re~a=d t9 the parcel at Bluehills, it ~.yas his un~erstandin~ that an~ropri~te lmdscapinF c.~uld be required at ti~e of development ef the ar~a under C-V zoning. Ire added that in respect to priorities, be ~.~as ~rc concemed abnut the pro- posed development of School property ad.~acent to the Civic Center. Mr, Huff reported that the r~z~ttar had been discussed by Comissi~ner Le~.~l~: ~.yith Su~e~in:end~nt :~ro, ]~ut that there seemed to be no !~edi~te sense cf urgency ~n t~e ~atter. b, In the ~bsenca of ~n~ ob.~action, t'~e ~ayor referred the Cc~ission Report No. 1 to the ?lnnnin? and '~na~emant Co~ittees, j~intly, 1CI16/68 Minutes con~ c. Mr. Robbins stated that he had been present as an observer at the Park Commission meeting, and that the Co~mission was goinZ to ask the Council tc establish a policy on City path- ways, with s~ecial reference to the Franklin and Rndriquez developments on Bi~ Basin !~Tay. Mr. Walker said these develoVments were timely, and that the ~ity was in need nf ~ nolicy settin? standards as to whether they would be padestrian or equestrian paths, how they were to be improved, the extent of liabilities, and other aspects. The M~vor declared a ten-n.~nute recess at 9:05 P.M. 2. Civic Center and Youth Center Identification signs. Civic Center The Board of ~trect~rs cf the Youth Center and v~.ri~us musical Directional and theatrical ~roups request for better identification si.qns Si~s for the civic center ~.yere presented by Mr. HiF~by. ~.Titbout objection, the ~ayor referred the reqdests for si~s to the Plannin~ Co~issi..pn. Tract 41~5 3, PdblicWorks Director Sheep rat,organ.ended acteDtepee of improve- Construction meats far construction only f~r Tract No. 4157, Uardell Court. Acceptande Mr~ Ro~bin~ moved, a~d ~.~ Sr~ith seconded ~cceptance of tm- ~re~ernehts for cO~t~uct~n o~ly for Tract No. 4157, W~rdell Court~ as reco.-,.mended by T{r. Shook; and the motion carried unanimously. Resolution 4. Resolution No, SD-347-3 - Resoluti~n Acceptin~ Dedication of SD-347-3 Ri~_ht of Way. Mr. Shook ~resented the resnlutton for Acceptin~ tion, notin~ that the dedic~ti~n of ten feet ~t the s~uth- Offer ,.~est corner ~f Cox and Sarato~ Avenues had never been accepted Saratoga & Cox and that construction w~rk near the location at the Medical Village made acceptance of the dedication ~oDropriate at this time. Mr. Huff noted that the earlier a~reement bet~,een Mr. Sea~raves and MSV re~ardin~ the dedication h~d been separate from the tract map, and he ~lso recormended ~d~,tion of the resolution.. Mr. Robbins moved ad-~Dtion of Resolution No. SD-347-3, accept- in?_ dedication of ri~ht-of-~,;~v for the streets a~ described in Book 5832 at P~F.e 686 l~f Santa Clara County records; Mr. D~._~yer seconded the ~otion, which carried unanlnously. 5. Wildwood Park Lake Wildwood Park Lake Mr. Shook referred to his ~emo of October 16,'1968, indicating that test borin~s showed the imDer~ieusmateria!s at depths of 10 to 20 feet would 'effectively stop underground flow in the proposed lake area at :.;lidwood Park, and that a further for ~hc -=!--~,~C Control District. 6. Street Paving and Se~linF. ProRram Street Mr. Shook reported that since the desired ~ra~ite chip material Res~rfacin~ for City streets pavin~ }:ad not beeerie available until today, Delay he was reco~m. endin~ ,that the program not be undertaken until Till Sprin~, the winter rains ~.~ere ~,ver, to ~lssure a satisfact~ry job; a,~ded that the centtee:or was ?illin~ to acceDt the delay, and to hold to. the sa~e ~rice as quoted on the present contract. Mr. Smith moved that the contract for the city streets pav~n~. i~r~ram be delayed as rcto~ended by ~.Ir. Shook, nnd that the :,~ntr~ct b~ n~ended 2cedar ]in~!y; '~r. R:~hbins seconded the notions, which carried un: nimously. Mr, Sh .nk also asked th;.~t in the future, it might be advisable 10/16/68 Mtnu=es cone, to let cc'~.tr,'~ct~ for street Davin~ as soon as possible after approval of the annu~-I City Budget, to allow the dry sumner period for accomplishment of the program. Verde Vista 7. ~-~r. Shook noted by way of info~atfen, that the Verde Vista Progress Street Improvement project ~-~as p.roSressinS very satisfactorily, with every fndlcntion that it would be completed ahead of s~hedule. E. C~TY ~IINIST~TOR 1. Glen B~e Drive RailrOad Crossin~ Res. No. 461 ~r. ituff, referred tc ~he ietter dated October 8, 1968 from Glenbrae Dr, the Public Utilities ~e~is~ion on availability of funds to R, R, XinG ~ offset the cost of automatic c~.te' ams for Glen Brae Drive RailrOad Crossing, 'and'~hat he was reco~endin~ ~.doption of Resoluti~ No, 461~ au~orizin~ the City to apply for alloca- tion of~ crossin% =o~te~tion funds ~hith t.?ill ~educe the cost to the City to $~,6254 ~ith.reimbursament fr~ the PUC ~mount- in~ to $2,875 of the total $11~500 cdst~ Mr, Smith ~oved Qdooti?n o~ Resciution No, 461, aut~r~zin~ submission of a request to the Public Utilities Co~ission to make Rn allocation to the City from the Crosslap Protection Fund, ~r. Robbins seconded the motion, Y-Thtch c~rried unanimous~ ty. VII, CO}~NICATIONS A, I.~I~EN Governa[orial 1, ~{ayor Tyler noted the proclamation issued by the Gorenor Proclamati~ re ~ the dedication of ~:i~hway 9 as a State Scenic }iigh~y, Scenic Highway 2, ~ the letter dated October 8, 1968 from Fremont Union Fre~t High School District on the crossing by L~brook High School Unt~ HSD students on Prospect and J~hnson Avenue, Mr. lluff said he re Prospect had already referred the problem to the attention of the Crossin~ Sheriff's Patrol =o optimize pedestrian safety, and that he had also asked ~he District to seek cooperation iron students in usin~ the desiqnated cross~.?alRe. 3. Mr. I{u~f noted a letter from the Fire District askinE Sa:atoga for an ordinance requirih~ deveioDers to refer tentative Fire District maps tc the District for review, but indicatin~ that the City Planning Department has already had the policy i~ operatic. B, OPJ~L 1, ~rs, O'Neill and T~r. Cuenca inquired what progress heine m~de on requirinR ~Y~. C~sta ~f the Family Shoppin~ Center to abate the noise ~enerated by his new compressors~ and ~n ~.;hat date Costa ~.,ould be required t0 'end ~hc noise in accordance with City ordinances, Fa~ly Shopping Mr.. !.Talke~ explRi~ed that %4r. Costa had been advised of the Center Noise necessity to obtain plans from a qualified acoustical en- Complaint ~ineerin~ fi~ .~or submittal' to the Buildln~ Department for ~' study and approval, but that thus far no such plans h~d been submitted. Nithour objection, t~e }~ayor directed that a ti~e limit for perromance be set for ~.~r, Costa a~ ~taff discretion. 2, Mr, ~{uff noted ~s ~ z~tter of info~}ation that he and the City .~tto~.ey bad c~nferr~d about the ~ossibilitv of an ordinance to ~r~bibtt sl~eDin~ in vehicles parked on City streets, ~.~r. Tyler corJ~e~ted that this practice ~as reported as beecmtn~ a nuisnnce, especially on Oak Street, mad perha~ such an ordinance wnuld be needed. The '~nyor forred this matter to ~'~ Public Uelfnre Golftree. -8- 10/16/68 Minutes Conti. The ~{nyor ackno,~led~ed the presence of Co~lssioner Kraus of the Plannin~ Co.r~.lssion, and thanked Mrs, Wilberdin~ and Mrs, Y.re of the Good G~veZnment CrouD for servinR coffee durin~ inteI~issien. VIII, ADJOUR}}~}~ There 5eta? no furthe~ business before the Councils. M~, RobblnS moved adjournment cf the meeting; Mr. Smith seconded the motion, and the T~av~r declared the re~ular meetin~ ~ou~ned at 9:58 Respectfully submitted, · . Huff, City -9-