HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-06-1968 City Council Minutes SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL SUI~4ARY OF MINUTES TIME: Wednesday, November 6, 1968 - 7:30 P.M. PLACE: Saratoga City Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Ave., Sat. TYPE: Regular Meeting ORGANIZATION Mayor Tyler called the meeting t~ orde~ at 7'!31 P.M. ROLL CALL P~e~ent: Cohncilmen Tyler, Smith, Dwyer~ Sanders & Robbins AbSent: None B. MINUTES Minutes Councilman Robbins moved that the Minut~ of the regular meeting of Oct0ber 15, 1968 be approved ~s read, adding that it was his recollection that the Minutes'of the recessed meeting of September 30 h~d been approved at the October 16th meeting; Councilman Smith seconded the motion, which carried unanimously~ C. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SARATOGA iN MEMORY OF PLANNING ~,o,~, ~,z, COMMISSIONER OSCAR I~ JOHNSON,.JR~ -RESOLUTION NO. 462 Memorial Resolu- tion z~dy Johnson ~ayor Tyler read ~loUd Resolution No. 46~ in memory of Planning Commissioner O. W. (Andy) JohnSon, Jr. who passed away suddenly on November 5, 1958. Councilman Robbins moved adOptiOn of Resolution No, 462, COdncilman Smith seconded the motion, which carried unanimous- ly. II. BIDS AND CONTrOTS A. SOILS ENGINEERING EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT Soils Engineering City ~dministrator Huff explained that the contract between Contract the City and Soils Mechanics and Foundation Engineers, Inc. a corporation, had been revised by City Attorney Johnston, and was in order for approval. Councilman Smith moved that the Mayor be authorized to execute the agreement, Councilman Dye/or seconded, and the motion carried unanimously. B. CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSAL FOR BOUNDARY AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITIES OF SARATOGA iND CUPERTINO Mr. Huff explained that the copy of the resolution prepared Boundary Agreement by the City of Cupertino was similar to the agreement sug- Cupertino gested by Saratoga some time ago, and he also introduced a letter into the record from Jack R. Lyddon, owner of the Seven Springs R~nch, lying a straddle in the proposed bound- aries~ asking that the area be considered as one which could be annexed by either city at some future date. In the absence of objection, the Mayor referred both docu- ments to the Planning Committee. C, MAYOR TYLER,'INVITED MR, GERALD HAMILTON TO SPEAXTO THE COUNCIL AS REQUESTED IN HIS LETTER 0F OCT. 30, 1968. County Convention ~. Hamilton, chairman of the Convention Center Committee, Center gave a brief status report from his group, relative to the establishment of a convention center and sports arena for the County. He said that his connittee was collecting all avail= able data on the project, which would be synthesized for presentation to all city councils at a future date, and. wo~!d also be discussed at the next meeting of the ICC. -1- Ci~ dOuncil Itinutes Conti. 11-6~68 Mayorl Tyler thanked Mr. H~milton fo~ his ~re~ehtatfon l~r. ~uff expl~ined that ~his chanEe order would au~hprize S~:oEa O~pus stalla~ion of five 15-~H reSula:ory aiSn~ on ~he co%lena ~- ~sS~n~ pus, with the cost of $325~00 bein~ ch~rE~ble fo the District, DiStrict ~.O. 24 and not to the City. ~r. Smith moved :h~: ~ses~ent Oontrac: ~h~n~e O~er ~o. 24' ~e au:hor.!~ed for execu- tion; ~. ~yer seconded the motion whi~ carried una:~ously. ~E VISTA I~O~R~ ~E~ - OO~T ~H~ O~ER NO:. 1 ~is ch~n~e order, said ~. Huff, would petit inst~lla~on of verde vista a steel conduit for underEround utility se~isa ~onne~ti~n to ~.O~ #1 an existin~ house on Parcel 11 borderin~ the project, 'to elimi- nate future openins of the pavement, and could ba paid ou~ contingency funds; the cos: would be $305.00~ , ~r. Robbins moved approval of Verde Vista ~pr~e~n: ~oja~t ~han~e Order Ro. 1; ~lr.. Smith seconded the motion which carlied unan~Usly. I!I, ~TI~IO~S, O~I~ES ~ FO~ ~SOLUTIO~8 PISOLUTIOR Ig0. ~f¢-17 - ~SOLU~ION ~ATING ~O-~0~ P~ING ZO~ O~ A POrTiON O~ BIG B~I~ WAY ~esolution ~. ~uff sta:ed :hat ~esolu~ion ~O. ~-1~ established a ~o- ~-17 ~-hour hour p~!tin~ !imi~ on both ~ides of BiE Basin ~ay fr~ Fift~ P~rki~ Bi~ Sixth ~:reet, as requested by :be Village ~rchants ~sociation; Basin ~ay tbst :he situation h~ bean ~heeked by ,~h~ Division of HighWayS, the Director of Publi~ ~orks, arid :h~ Chief of Police, approved the measure. ~r. ~obbins moved ~op:ion of Resolution No. ~-1~; ~. S~ith seconded :he motion ~hi~h eartied unanimously. B. ~SOLU~IOIq NO. SDR-602-~ - ~SOL~IQN ~CE~I~G D~ICA~ION RI~T-O~-~AY, ~ O~ ~ SD~-602-2 ~. ~uff stated that the resolution-ac~ep:inE street improve- Chure[~ of men~s and authorizinE release .of the improvement bond, w~s re- ~ension eo~ended for adoption by :he Director of Public ~. ~obbins moved adoption of ~esolution ~o. ~DR-602-2; Smith seconded tl~e motion, which ~arried unan~ously~ C.O~I~OE NO. 38.25 - ~ O~IR~CE ~ING ~TI~E ING ZOOS O~ ~I~ B~IR I~AY Ord. 38.25 ' ~. ~uff s:8:~d tl~t Ordinan~e 1{o. 38.~5 h~vin~ been regularly Lo~inE ~ones intr~uced a: ~ previous Council mee:in~ was rely for passsEe ~e o~dinan~e would relieve congestion on Bi~ B~sin t~bli'ShinE co~e~ci~l loadin~ ~ones frontin~ Victorian:House ~nd P18z~ del ~oble shoppinE centers, ~nd h~d b~en requested by the VillaEe Merchants ~sociation. ~. Smith moved ~option of Ordinance ~o. 38~5; ~. RobbinS aeeo~ed :he motion, ~yllich e~rried .unanimously. D, ~SOLUTIO~ NO. 3~-~-9~ - P~SOL~ION ~CE~IN~ DEDICATION ~. S~ders asi{ed :hat the ~nu:es record :b~ he fr~ par:icipm~ion on this resolution, since his e~p~ny had H~ndled :ha imp~ovement bonds. City Council Minutes conti. ]1-6-68 Mr. Huff said that the Director of Public Works advised that all Resolution 'deficiencies of street improvements in the tract had been corr- 36-B-99 ected, recommending that said streets be accepted =into the City Tract 39~6 street system for maintenance and that the bond be released. Fir. Dwyer moved adoption of Resolution No. 36-B-99~Mr. Smith seConded. the motion which carried 4-Ow~th Councilman Sanders abstaining. E.- RESOLUTION NO.]36-B-100 - RESOLUTION ACCEPTING DEDICATION OF STREETS.IN,TRACT NO. ~04t, ~ RELEASING IMPROVEMENT BOND Resolution Mr,. Huff said'that Mr. Shook repo~ted all deficiencies of street 36-B-100 :kmprovements in the tract corrected in Georgetown West Unit II Tract A04~ ' ~nd he was recomuending that said streets be accepted into the City street system for maintenance and that the bond be release& Mr. Smith moved adoption of Resolution No. 36-B-100; Mr. Dwyer seconded' the motion which carried unanimously.' F. RESOLUTION NO. 36-B-101 - RESOLUTION ACCEPTING DEDICATION OF STREETS IN TRACT NO. 3812, Ak~ RELEASING IMPROVEMENT BOND. Resolution Mr. Huff said tha~ Public Works Director Shook recommended that, 36-B-101 since all deficiencies of street improvements in the Colony Tract 3812 Heights Subdivisi6n (Tract 3812) had been corrected, said streets be accepted into the city street system for maintenance. Mr. Senders moved adoption of Resolution NO..36-B-101; Mr. Smith seconded the motion which carried unanimously. G! Mayor Tyler, noting the presence of Mrs. O'Neill in the aud- Fanily Mkt. ience, asked Planning Director Walker to report on the status Soundproofing of the soundproofing of the Family Market COnpressers on Quite Road. M~.. Walker stated that the owner of the market, Mr. testa had hired a qualified acoustical engineer, Mr. Bieber, who re- commended that the sound level be reduced by nine decibels through the instal}ation of baffling materials and 9 suitable euelee~e; that Mr. testa had hired a civil engineer to design and perform the work; and that the estimated completion date would be approximately three weeks from this date. Planning Commissioner Metcalf, present in the audience, explain- ed in response to a question from Councilman Dwyer that nine decibels, measured on a loga=rithmic scale, would represent a very considerable reduction in noise level..Mrs. O'Neill stated that having waited several months for relief from the excessive noise generated from the market compressor, she would be willing to wait a few more weeks, and thanked the Council for its'effort. IV. SUBDIVISIONS, BUILDING SITES AND ZONING REQUESTS A. RESOLUTION SDR~577-1 ARESOLUTION GRANTING FINAL SITE APPROVAL SDR-677 Mr. Huff stated he was recommending adoption of ResolUtion No. Coley SDR-~77"l, approving the' building site for Goerge Coley on E1 Canine Grande, in conformance with the building ~tte conditions dated*March 13, 1967. Mr. Robbing moved adoption of Resolution No. SDR-677-1; Mr. Sanders 'seConded the motion which carried unanimously. B. RESOLUTION NO. SDR-7~6-1-P~SOLUTION GKAb~ING CONDITIONAL FINAL 'SITE APPROVAL FOR FRED ZEND IP~TY SDR-716 Irany Mr.~HUff stated he was recumuaending adoption of Resolution No. SDR-T16-1. granting conditional final site approval for Mr. Irany for a singal lot off Pierce'Road, subject to submittal of approved engineered improvement plans and posting of sat- isfactory improvement bond. .' C~ Cjuncil Minutes ~onti. , .. Fm. Smith moved adoption of Resolution No. SDR~716-1, subject ~o the conditions listed; M~. Dwyer s~conaed the motion, which carried unanimously. C. RESOLUTION NO. SDR-744-1 - RESOLUTION GRANTING FINAL SITE ~:~ APPROVAL FOR RONALD R. CLAYTON S~-774 Clayton M~i Huff said that ~ll conditions had been met, and he recom- mended ~inal site approval for Mr? Clayton's single lot on Highway 85., In response to a question from Mr. Robbins, Mr.. Walker said that the principal a~cess from Parcel A of Mrs. Clayton's property Would beo£f Highway 85. Mr. Robbins moved adoption of ResolutiOn No. SDR-744-1; Sanders ~econded, and the resolution was adopted unanimously. D. RESOLUTION NO. SDR-752-1 - RESOLUTION APPKOVING BUILDING SITE OF RICHARD HUGGINS SD~-752 Mr. HUff stated that all conditions had been met and he was Hungins recommending approval of the resolution. In response to a question from ~..Robbins, Mr; Huff said the soils study of the site had been accomplished under the former soils inspec- tion engineer employed' by the City, and had been found to satis- factory] he added that the site of the single lot on Pierce Pike Roads would also be checked by the present soils inspection engineering firm. Mr. Robbins mowed adoption of Resolution No, SDR-752-1; M~.. SanderS seconded and the resolution was adopted unanimousiy. E~' RESOLUTION NO. SD~770-1 - RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL MAP OF TRACT 4583, FRANKLIN HOMES 'SD - 770 Tract, 4583 Mr.'Huff said he reco~nended adoption of Resolution No..SD-770-1 Franklin Homes Subject to compliance with conditions requiring City approval bf the grading plan for the tract, and securing a State High- Way encroachment permit. Mr.'Sanders moved adoption of Resolution No. SD-770-1, granting final map approval for Tract 4583, subject to the conditions listed; Mr. ~obbins seconded, and the resolution was adopted unanimously. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS There were no public hearings at this meeting, VI. ADMINISTPJffIVE FATTEES A. MAYOR 1. Mayor Tyler, noting the valuable service and extended usage by .the City of the manpower survey conducted by the Good GGG Government Group of Saratoga, Inc., said that it needed Manpower updating, Since it had'not been done for several years. Survey Mr.- Robbins agreed that the survey was valuable to the City, and did need updating. In the absence of objection, the Mayor asked Mr. Huff to write a letter to the Group, expressing the Council's interest in preparation of a new manpower survey in Sat. 2. In response to the Mayor's ~uestion, City Attorney Johnston stated it wou~d be in order for the Council tO ho~d a personnel session after the close of the r~gdlar meeting Exec. Session to discuss a possible replacement for/~he late P~anninS Co~lssioner O.W. Johnson, Jr. Saratoga City Council Minutes Conti. 11-6-68 B. FINANCE 1. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS Mr. Smith moved approval of Warrants No. 10188 through '~'~ 10244 for the total of $66,486.74, and that the Mayo~ be authorized to sign the warrants for disbursement; Mr. Robbins seconded the motion which carried unanimously. 2. 1967-68 ~j~tit Report Annual Audit The Council read the report, Mr. Sanders indicated that the Report ~anagement Committee was studying the report and the · ? auditors reco~uendations. 3. FIRST QUARTER BUDGET REBDRT Budget Report The Council read the report without comment. i C. COUNCIL COMMITTEE PalEPORTS ~:~, There were no Council Committee reports D. DEPARTMENT HEADS AB~ OFFICERS 1. Planning Department Landscaping BOnd Mr. Walker said he was recommending release of the faith- :' Release Church of ful perfomance bond for landscaping by the Church of the Ascension ,~seension, for the sum of $10,000, all work having been satisfactorily completed. Mr. Smith moved release of the bond posted by the Church of the Ascension; Mr. Robbins seconded, and the motion carri- ed unanimously. 2. Public Works Department Signal Delay Mr. Shook reported that there would be further delay on ~he Fruitvale- installation of traffic control signalization at Allendale Project and Fruitvale, and at Fruitvale and Saratoga Avenues, due to nondelivery of certain components; that there was a request from the prime contractor on the College Assessment District that an extension of time be granted, allowing a delay to December 16, 1968 for ins~al~ation. He added' that temporary signals were expected to be operable within a week or ~o, and there was a question of imposition of penalty for delay. In the absence of objection, the Mayor directed that correspondence in the matter be referred to the Public Welfare Committee for study. Mr. Shook noted in connection with the Verde Vista Im- Verde Vista Completion provement District that an additional expenditure of some three to four hundred dollars was necessary to install socked concrete riprap. Mr. Smith moved that the Staff be authorized to file no~ice of completion of the project upon completion of this item; Mr. Robbins seconded the motion which carried unanimously. 3. Parks & Recreation Mr. Higby introduced three documents from the Parks & Recreation Commission of the City, represented by Mr. Wade, temporary choirman of the group. After some discussion, the Council found concurrence with the Commission's recommendation. and passed the following resolution: -5- ~aratoga e{~y C~unc~-! ~,l:;n~ees conCi. Hr~ Sanders moved, and l~r. Dwyer seconded ehat Mr? Huff prepare a fennel resolution embodying ,the Cdnteut of the. Sanborn Park .final paragraph of.the C6~lssionss repbrt On Sanborn . dated October 7, 1968, and' forYard such resolution to the County Park & Recreation Commission and the CoUnty Board of Supervisors, so that it would be available for their consideration. prior to their next regula~ In response to Ml. Wade's presentat'ibn, the Mayor a~proved Pa~k COnsultant the Commission~s request for authority ~b interview park consultantS' to select one to. assist the caission in the development of the city*s Parks '& Recreation Program. The t~o Commission reports, numbered 2 and 3. under the date of November 6, 1958 ~egarding pathways· policy, were referred to the Planning Committee for study. E. CItY ADMINISTRATOR 1. Mr. Huff said that tickets were available for the Parkin- son lecture at west Valley College on November ISth, Housin~ AuthOrity 2. In accord with Resolution No. ~55, Condition'2, the County Income Schedule Housing Authority income schedule was presented ~y Mr. Huff to the Council, for their approval. · 8~ter Some"discu~sio~Councilman Smith moved adoption of the schedule presented by the Housing' Authority: Mr. Dwyer seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 3o r; H ff said tht the League of California Cities Local M u a ,' LAFCO Agency. Fe[m~t:~o~, hom~ission conference ~ould be held in: ~ouference the Jack Tar HOtel, Sad;'Franci~do, On·Nov.' Zl~=, there would be an Assembly-Interium Committee Hearing on LAFCO also in San Francisco on Nov. 22nd. Mr. Smith and M~. Sanders expressed interest in attending the meetings. ~.' Mr. Huff reported that Mr, Shook and D~. Trinidad had Prospect Xing artended a joint meeting ~ith Fremont Union HiBh School 'at Johnson District and City of.'San Jose representatives, and that e solution to the street Crossing problem on Prospect at Johnson Avenue was being reached., ~lldcat Creek 5. Mr, Huff rapeFred that the CoUnty Flood Control and Water Culvert Conservation DistriCt had agreed to pay their share of costs for the Wildcat Creek culvert. CODDfONICATIONS A. WRITTEN Corona ltr. 1. The letter from the Mayor of'the City of Corona regarding 're Drug Traffic the d~ug Crabfit across the California - Mexico border· was re~erred to th& Public Welfare Cou~nittee. 2. Saratoga Youth Center non-resident The letter fr,om Mrs. C. Sitney, president of the Saratoga Youth Center Youth'Center, requesting that non-resident friends of MemberShip Saratogaus be allo~ed to purchase non-resident cards for ·the Center was approved by the Council, SUbjec~ to a ruling-on. the legalSty of the'procedure by the city ~ttorney. B, ORAL noneresident Planning Cor~issioner,Metcalf, speaking as a citizen of Bar- Youth center atoga, .sta~ed that issuance of temporary membership cards Membership to non-resident youth to use the·Youth Center facilities was, City Council ~inutes 11-6-68 in his opinion a mistake. Councilman Smith responded that he considered a broad base of youth, to get them involved in the activities of the Center would be ~dvantageous, and issuance of temporary membership, on a six-months trial basis as re- quested by the Center would bring in youth who, although they were residents, were reluctant to ~oin in the Center without their friends. VII. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Tyler thanked Planning Commissioners Metcalf and Kraus; Park Cor~uissioners Wade, Dully and Bridges; Good Government Group member Merkle and Mrs. Witberding for their attendance at the meeting, and for the coffee served by Mrs. Wilberd~ng. At the conclusion of the regular meeting, the Council went into Executive session to discuss the appointment of a public officer. Respectfully submitted, J; IL Huff,/Ci]~ Clerk