HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-02-1969 City Council Minutes SARATOGA CITY COURCI~ PlINUTES OF NEBTING - APRIL 2, 1969 TDE: lqednesday, April 2, 1969. - 7:30 P,b[. PL~R: Saratoga City Council Chmnbers, 13777 Fruitvale Ave., Saratoga TYPE: Regular Meeting I, '. ORGANIZATION Nayor Tyler called the usering to order at 7:33 · Ao ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen Tyler, Robbing, Smith, Dwyer and Sanders Absent: None B. HINUTES Councilman Dwyer asked that on page 2 of the Ninutes Iof Hatch 19, 1969, the dimensions given for trees in Ordinance 38.78, be correce- ed to read '%0 inches in circ,wnference" instead of 55' inches diameter. Ninutes ~ ,,-',~..'.,~1"/' o~ ~ I'~"'~ ~'~ Councilman Robbins said ~.~ ~-~ .... ~ ....... asked that a complete packeLof information on subjects being studied by specific Council committies be given to each CoUncilman, before consideration by the entire Cpuncil, to allo~ time fO~ study by such co~mittee. Councilman Smith moved, and CounCilman D~yer seconded; that the HinuteS Of the regular meeting of Hatch 19, 1969 be adopted as mailed, With the correction noted by l~r. D~yet. The motion carried unanimously. Councilman Sanders asked that the Ninutes note he abstained from voting, as he had not been present at the Narch 19, 1969 meeting. BIDS At~ COI~rRACTS A. Consideration of bids for construction of Civic Center Administra- tion ~ing. Hr. Robbing read the ~eport of the Planning COmmittee, dated April 1, 1969, ~hich f~Und~ that a clerical' error had bee, a made in com- putation by Nr. Labt~cherie in his bid, to the amount of ~13,742,. and reeuuauended that the Council accept his reformed bid totalling $150,611 as the lowest responsible bid for the ~ork. iT he Coemaittee Council also rec~nded that the city staff and architect ~darren Held be Chambers authorized to work out modifications of the building Fo reduce total Addition costs. Hr. Held spoke from the audience, confirming his belief that the materials list submitted by ~c. Labrucherie could ha~e been inad- vertently c~aitted from his bid, and that he also thought certain changes, such as elimination of stone facing and othdr items could be ~orked out to reduce costs, ~ithout harm to the building concept and use. ~ ~ " Nt. Sanders moved and l~r. Smith seconded that the re~ort o~ the Planning Cum~ittee on the Council Chambers Addition be approved, but that no specific action be taken at this time on 'either. accept- ing or rejecting any bids. ~he motion carried ununimougly. PETITIONS, ORDINANCES AND FORHAL RESOLtrEIONS A. I~ESOLUTION NO. 36-B-106 - ACCEFEING STIrgETS IN TRACT.3591 AI~ LEASING II~ROVE~NT SO~D Res. 36-B-106 Nt. Huff stated that final inspection of the tract indicated that Tract 3591 all deficiences had been corrected, and he rec~nded that streets in said tract be accepted into the City street system for mainteno alice, Hr. Robbins moved adoption of Resolution No. 36-IP106, accepting dedication of streets ~or Tract No. 3591, and relea.se of Improvement Saratoga Cit uncil Minutes Continued April 2, 1969 Bond No. B519280, issued by United Pacific Insurance Co. .t4r. Sanders seconded, and the motion carried unanimously. B. ORDINANCE NO. 38.28 - AN ORDINANCE AHENDINC I~E SARAr.OGA CI~Z CODE PROHIBITING ISSU~a~CE OF ~IE BU~tDING PEBNrrS UNTIL PI~VIOUS VIOLA- TIONS CORRECTS), ~ PROVIDING REGULATIONS RE EXPIRATION 6F RERKITS- INTRODUCTION ' ~ '.~ I~r. l~f~ ~aid the ordinance ~zas prim~i~;designed to give~ the Chief Building Inspector the right to refuse permits :~o firms having outstanding violations of the building code, s~ch as in the Ordinance 38.28 ease of s~imming pools, ~here property o~ners had had to ~orrect certain conditions, although the fault la~ ~ith the contractor. Enactment of the ordinance vould enable the inspector., to b~ring pressure on contractors, on plumbing, electrical, grading ~snd moving permits as ~ell as building permits. Hr, Robbins moved that. Ordinance lqoo 38.28 be introduced, and the reading ~aived; r4r. Sanders seconded, and the motion~carried animously.. In the absence o£ obtection, the Hayor declare40rd. HU. 38.28 introduced. C. RESOLt~EION IK), HV-18 - RESOLUTION OF ~qiE CITY OF SARATOGA 1~O FA~aNG AREA N)JACEt~r ~O FIRE HYDR~rS TO I~N FEE~, Res. ~N-18 Nr, Ruff stated that the Saratoga Fire District found:~a distance of ten feet for parking near h~drants yes sufficient fo~'~Sara~oga, and that the city could, by adopting the resolution, requ..i. re this dis- tance instead of the 15 feet indicated in the State r4Qtor ~ehicle Code, as it yes a matter of local discretion, ascordi~g t0 the la~, l~ro Sanders moved and Hr, Smith seconded adoption of t~esoiution No. HV-18, and the motion carried unanimously, Do RESOLUTION NO. SDX-~572 = RESOLIFEION ABA~)ONING STOgN~DRAIN EASE- .~ : Hr, Huff repe~ed that a substitute drain easement h~ ~ . be n record- . · ed~ .and that the.'Chan~e ~as being made to conserve s'.~e~al important .t~.es on the BroOksida Club ,eite 'adjacent t~ Tracts ~57~'~ and ~573, Rbs; 'SDX-~72 Prides Crossing. l~e easement ~ss dedicated to the ~ty< for Brookside Club installation of s~orm drain facilities. ~; . Easement " Nr~. Smith moved~ 1~, RobbinS .secOnded adoption o~ Resolution Sb~'4572; the ~tion carrie~o 1~; .D~r and Hmr, s~nders asked that the minute~ note the~ both abstained from voting on the resolution, as both are mem~re of the 'Club. !~ E, RES~U~ION NO. ~75 o RESOLUTION APPROVING PA~N~ FO~ EXTRA ~ORK- SAI~I~.~ CAt~U$ ASSESSIlENT DISTRICE '~ ': . ~ Hro Ruff explained that this payment, for ~hich the Q~st~ct yes liable, had been submitted late, after the resolutio~ac~pting Res, ~75 completion had been adopted; the york included extra ~;rad~ng to s.c, Assessment prevent rainstorm d~aa~e, according to the letter ~r~ Hb~r~ Aumack, District Nark Taomas Co, engineer. ~.~ r4r, Robbins asked ~;hether the fault lay in the basic .~esi~n, or in the construction york itself, stating that as a tax payer ~e thought more study of the matter ~as appropriate. ~ithout objection, the l~ayor referred Resolution No. 675 t.o the Public Welfare C~..~.ittee. F. ORDINAECE NG. NS-3.2~ - ~M~ ORDIN~qCE ANENDING ORDINANCE NS-3, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF ~{E CITY OF SN~}C,A, BY ~M)DIIqG ARrlC~.E 22 · HERE~O, EI~vrlYt~D '~UBLIC UTILITIES', ~ RF~UIRING A~L b~rlLITZES ~O BE INST~f-t~ UIqDERGS~U~) IN ALL ZONING DISTRICES IN Ord, NS-3.20 I~E CITY- II~EI~ODUCrlON Underground . Utilities Hr, Huff explained that no~ ~eae t~le time for intreduc,t!on o[. the ordinance to contain the requirements stated in Emergency Ordinance 3=E-6 and that the Planning C~ission reco~needed its ,ndoption as SararoBe CiL~7 cll }firmtee Continued Ap=il 2, 1969 written by Counsel, following public hearings on the batter. In answer to Mr. Dwyer, ~lr. Walker said that there w~re s~me amendments proposed to the ordinance as written by the City Attorney, suggested by the public utilities firms. The Mayor cohented that the emergency ordinance had'.. been studied by the Public ~/elfare Connittee in conjunction with the Planning Caission, and it would be appropriate for these tw~ groups to review the proposed ~nendments for possible change. Mr. Smith moved, and Mr. Dwyer seconded that Ordinan~e No. NS-3.20 be introduced and the reading waived, and a public heBring be set for the next regular Council meeting. The motion ca[ried unanimous- ly. G. RESOLUTION. NO. 476 - RESOLUTION EI~)ORSING THE SIERRA!CLUB P~DJEUT TO BUILD A TRAIL FROM CASTLE ROCK PARK TO ANO NUEVO Mr. Dwyer read the resolution outlining the Sierra ~ub project to Pas. 476 build about 14 miles of hiking trail leading from St~vens Creek Trail Buildiq~ Park to Castle Reck through Big Basin Park thence to: Ano Nuevo and Castle Rock ~ark his personal letter reco~ending Council endorsement]!, and inviting to Ano Nuevo' interested Saratogans to participate. Mr. Robbins noted the date of April 19 was the anniversary of Paul Reveress ride, celebrated. as Patriotss Day in New En,~laud states. Mr. Dwyer moved adoption of Resolution No. 476, Mr. 'fRobbins second- ed, and the Eotion carried unanimously. H. RESOLUTION NO. 399-~ - RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNC!~ OF SARATOGA CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING TO DETEI~IINE I4HETHER PUBLICi NECESSITY, HEALTH, SAFETY, OR ~ELFARE REQUIRES THE FORMATION OF AN U~DERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT ON THE CIVIC CENTER PROPERTY ON FRUITVALE AVENUE. Res. 399-~ UGU ][3 Mayor Tyler read Resolution No. 399-4, setting the d,ate of April 16, 1969 for a public hearing. Mr. Huff said Mr. CoWan of P.G.& E. thought it would be possible for the City to draw ahead on its 1970 share of PUC Rule 20 funds to finance the project, estimated to cost about $8500. Mr.. Sm{th moved adoption of Res01ution No. 399-4, and Mr. Sanders seconded; the motion carried unanimously. IV. SUBDIVISIONS, BUILDING SITES AND ZONING REQUESTS A. RESOLUTION SDH-790-1 - S6SS ION OF C6 CIL OF CITY OF SARATOGA APPROVlNG BUILDING SITE 'OF MIKE OLAVARRi ~f; HUff S ated all c6ndi~io~s 'had 6een me~ f6r! the one 10t sit~ , ,: vie e A enae and herec~;neuded ado~ioni SDR~O ~. ~it~ ~0~aH a~ lit. Robblns seconded adoption of Resolution No. Final Site SDR-790-1 and ~he motion carried unanimously, Approval B, SDR-796 - A. L, HANSON - REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATIOI] OF CObDITION OF BUILDING SITE APPROVAL REQUIREHENT THAT UI~ERGROtr[D UTILITIES BE INSTALLED FOR ONE LOT ON DOLPHINE DRIVE SDR-796 Request to Mr. !~alker reported that the Planning Connnission re~cn~ended denial I~aive of Mr. Hanson's request for waiver of underground u~ilities for a Undergroup~t~,ng nov lot on Dolphin Drive, north of Miendale Avenue;, A~ter brief discussion of the application, the Mayor, in the absence of objec- tion, referred the request to the Public ~lelfare Con~nittee, noting that it might confer with the Planning Co~nissiou on the matter. C. SDR-732 - FRANKLIN HOleS Referring to the letter signed by San Viviano of Franklin Homes expressing unhappiness regarding pathways to be laid out at their SARATOGA CITY CIL MINUTES CONTINUED APRIl 2, 1969 development off Big Basin Way, l~ayor Tyler said thorpe were several SDR-732 points raised that deserved an answer, especially paragraphs 2, 3, Franklin Hom~,~S 6 and 7, re Pathway In the absence of objection, he referred the matter to the Planning D. SDR-775 - DR, HICHAEL KOWlTZ The mayor said there were points raised in the Lye letters by l~rs. K~itz on SDR-775, which required further study. Inlthe absence of SDR-775 objection, he referred the matter to the Public Well.are Kowitz and continued the petition to.the meeting of April 1~, 1969, E, SD-~85 - DITE-CRANE CREENBRIER - FINAL ~ APPROVAL:iFOR 60 LOTS- COX AVENUE a SEA GULL WAY Hr, Huff said final map approval for the first section of the Creenvrier development was ready and that all but three conditions as stated in Resolution SD-785-1 had been met, t~r..~anders moved and l~r, Robbins seconded adoption of Resolution SD-785-1 which carried unanimously. bit. Ditz spoke from the audience, outlining his difficulty in obtaining a necessary drainage easement to Rodeo Cre~k through a saclion of state-owned property. He said that the State had de- clared the properly as surplus and wanted to sell it:u to him, but ..:. that all he wanted was an easement, as the property i~as unsuitable for a building site. He also asked if the City wanted to purchase it as part of a proposed park location, and said tha~ he was holding five lots aside from his development if the city desired it for a SD-785 park, He offered to produce bonding to any ~raount r.equired by the Final Nap city, so his development could proceed. The l~ayor Approval the question of the park site was being held, pendin~ outcome of Tract 4628 ,~co~endations from the parks consultants, a~t no d~finite answer Ditz-Crane could be given at this time. 14r. Ditz then asked i~ ha could pay the required park and recreation fee in lieu of land:, and ldr. Huff responded that the amount would be about $20,000. l~a added that the condition requirir~ £inal clearance from Cuperti~o Sanitary District would probably be forthcoming without probl~. 14r. Schute of the firm of ~lacKay and Somps, engineer~ for the Ditz-Crane project, stated he foresaw no problem in bbtaining a drainage easement agreement though ~e RaJkevich property, and that all that was nknded was the easement through th~ state-owned parcel. l~r. Johnston suggested in view of 14r. Di(z' ~illin~ss to Obtain bondin~ SS ~equired, that some generalized lan~usg~,~ould be con, rained in the resolution 'and thus finaliza the findl!msp applica' tion... Ha s~ge~tea the following: ~hat Condition 2 be fevi~ed read "paymei~t of ~ark faa o~ 'a~UiVaient bond ~o ~ha i~nount requi~- ed in:lieu 0~ ,d~dt, cat~on'of the required park proper,~y', and that Condi~ion 3 ba revised to read "Submit' bond ~iid .adde~da im~6~e~nt ag~n~ :. to. assd~a ~acqUiAi~i~ ~f necessary drainage aas~rd~n~ ~ R~ta~ creek within 180 days, 14r.. Robbins moved and l~r. Smith seconded that Counc!1 rescind adoption of Resolution No. SD-785-1, and the motion 'carried. ~lr. Sanders moved and 14r. Smith seconded that ResolUtion No. 785-1 ba revised to incorporate the changes suggesta~'d by Johnston, and the revised resolution be adopted. TIle motion carried unanimously. blr. Ditz thanked the Council and promised coeperati~n on possible development of the park site, if it was selected. F. RIgSOLUTION NO. SDR-805-1 - P, ESOLUTION OF THE CITY O~ APPROVING BUIlDING SITE OF FRANK S. TATE, LA PAL~ SARATOGA AVENUE -4- " SARATOGA CZl'~ Cr',r, ~'nqtj'Te:s CONTII',~ !': APRIL 2, 1969 F~. Huff read the resolution, reckriding its adoptSon subject to siSnin5 of site approval agreement and offer of d~..clication for street purposes. Hes. SDR 805-,1 Tats Mr. Smith moved and 1~. Robbins seconds6 adoption of;iReeolution No. SDR-8OS-1, and the motion carried unanimously. G. RESOLUTION NO. SDR-773-1 - DON OBLAI~)0 - VERDE VIST~-LANE ? ? 3 Mr. Huff stated that all conditions had !b~n met except for signinS the bond, payinE inspection fees and siSninE~. the buildinS ~JJ-~ ~ site agreement. He tecou.~.endad adoption, subject tot the conditions ~L~.,~ stated. Mx. Robbins moved and Mr. Smith seconded adoption of SDR-773-1, and the motion carried unanimously. V. PUBLIC BEARINGS A. C-121 - JOHN W. Ir6qlN - CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC BEA~ING ON APPLI- CATION TO REZONE FROM "P-A" (PP, OFESSlONAL-ADMINISTRATIVE) C-121 "R-M-3,000" (MULTI-~AMILY RESIDENTIAL) TO "C-V" (VISITOR- Irwin COI~4ERCIAL) THE PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTH A}~) SOUTH SIDES rezontr~ OF BIG BASIN WAY FROM FIFTH STREET WEST TO THE SOUTH~ERLY TURN to C-V ~ EXTENSION OF BIG BASIN WAY. SECO~]) READING - ORDINANCE BE-3-ZC-45. Mr. Huff stated the ordinance had been introduced a~ the previous reSular meetinS, the readinS had been waived, and t~lat no correspondence had been received in the interim. The Mayor declared the public hearing open at 9:04 ~.M. and invited counuent from the audience. There was none. Mr. Smith moved and Mr. Dwyer seconded that the publj!c hearinS be closed, and in the absence of objection, the Mayor so ordered at 9:05 P.M. Mr. Smith moved adoption of Ordinance NS-3-ZC-45, bit. Dwyer seconded, and the motion carried unanimously. The MayOr directed a 15-Minute recess be taken at 9:D6 P.M. The meetin~ Was callsd back to order at 9:26 2-B .- UmSRCROOm I'.XT ViSTRlC - mmo CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC BEARING ON ESTABLISHMENT OF UM~E~iG~OU~D UTILITY DiStRICT 2-B - VERDE VISTA LANE UGU 2-B Verde Vista ~ane Mr. Huff outlined the backSround of the hearinE~ or%Sinally Resn 4~7 opened in August, 1968 and continued to allow assem~linS additional data, and that property owners concerned ~had been duly noticed reSardinS individual costs. He added ~het P.O. & E. was of the opinion that the east west part of Boyce !Lane could not be included under Rule 20A. The Mayor declared the p~.blic hearing open at 9:30 P.M. Mr. Smith readr the report of the Public Welfare Committee dated April 1, 1969, starinS that the last sentence!of the first paragraph should end followinS the .phrase"~ .]. will approximate $~,000.', and the remainder of the sentence be struck out. He summarized the recoannendation of the coua~i~tee, refertinS to the revised map for the district, dated April 2,i1969 as representing the revised boundaries. Only five par~cels and four property owners - Orlando, Boyce, Cassin and Bate (OwninE two lots) would now be included in the district. The lots to be included in the revised district would include Assessors parcel nmubers 50, 28, 45, and 47 only. In response to the Mayor's question if additional public hearings were required in the case of substantial change' to a proposal, Mr. Johnston said no, because the purpose of public hearinSs was to allow for modifications. SARATOGA CI~Y~CIL I'IINUTES COI~INUED APRIL 2, 1969 The Mayor asked if everyone was clear on what lots w uld be included and what would be excluded from the Distric~, and invited countant from the audience° There was none. Mr. Smith moved and Mr. Sanders seconded that the public hearing be closed, and in the absence of objection the Mayorf so ordered at 9:38 P.M. Mr. Smith moved adoption of Resolution No. 477, stating correct description of boundaries together vith the corrected map, dated April 2, 1969; Mr. Robbins seconded and the m~tion carried unanimously. Mr..~mith moved that the resolution bedsmended to include assessor'e parcels Numbers 45, 46, !47, ~O 'and 28 specifically; Mr. D~yer seconded and the motion carried. VI. ADMINISTRATIVE I~TERS A. MAYOR 1.The Mayor reminded the Counci~ of the ICC dinner [meeting on April 3 at the Hacienda Inn. : 2. Library Mayor Tyler reed his memo on development of library services ~or Saratoga, including an expansion of the Village branch by construction of a new library buildin~ of 5800 s~uare feet on the adjacent property, and .construction of a 15,000 square foot library near ArgOnaut Shopping Center, both ito be financed by rental receipts from the County library system]. ~r. Robbins moved m~i Mr. Smith seconded that the~roJects be a approved as recmnded by fi~.e Hayor, and the motion carried unanimously. ~r. Sanders said special creederich was due Nr. Tyler ~or his work on the library . problem. Nr. Ceorge Fartier, Ceunt7 Librarian, .said desi~ of ~he new libraries would be in accord.~.ce fish. asticipa~ed arch o~ the city durinZ she next 20 years, and that he stood ra~!y to costinns ~ooperation with the Council, Hayor and City staf:.~ in movi~ ahead on tb~ projects, with the possible aid o~ s~me federal B ~ FINANCE [; :. Paymen~ of '~la~me ~ response ~b a question by .Nr. Sander~; ~r. Huf~ explained that Hartant Ro. 10811 payabl~ tO C.H. Day C~nstru~tl0n Co. was ~or installation o~ Storm drains tees due Dale R. C. aClin as part of his cont~ant services the City. Hr. Huff explained that rio. 10807 was payable to ~onald Straub because · ~l~e on his car was destroyed by a special type of nail installed by the city on a HarleiSh Ave. traffic ~ountero Mr. Robbins moved, and Nr. Sanders seconded that disbursement af warrants No. 1077~ thrott~h Noo 10813 be approv.~d., and that the t~yor he authorized Co sign the warrants, for~a total $22,872.83. ~he motion carried unanimously. C. COt~CIL C0ti{IXTEES AND EE~ORT$ 1° Public Welfare C~u~lttee Mr. Smith reed the report on the police study, stating that an additional citizen c~.uiCtee report would duplicate the prepar- ation and effort contained in the Lewis report on crime pre- vention and la~ enforcement in Saratoga, and r.eCo.'-.ueuding that use 'o~ special Saratoga citizen expertise, as suggested by ~ryer and other members o~ his co~n~it~ee, be .held in abeyance for possible future utitization. No Council action was required. .~... SARATOGA CITY UNTIL bilNUTES CONTINUED APRIL 2, 1969 : 2 Management Co~uittee Mr. Sanders read the coum,ittee report on the'Chamber of Commerce request for City funding to underwrite :~he Chmnber's activities, recommending that the City no~ alloc~te'Sbch 'funds, but continue its membership plus outright purchase of 1150 maps from the Ch~nber for distribution at City H~ll. Sanders added that the Co~.ra..unity-oriented effOr~.$ of the Chamber were praiseworthy, but ~hat Saratoga Unlike .Other Chamber of booster-type cities, imposed a onestime only, nO~ .an annual C~n~uerce tax for merchant licenses. Request ,". !; ! for financial Mr. Tyler. commented that there might be office Space made support available for the Chainbares use ~hen the Village[LibrlarY facility was expanded. Mr. Robbins Said that as a matterror ~,rinciple. the citycould contribute funds ohly/if it had' control: of such funds and their expeadit~re. Mr~ Tyler nbted' that t~e original intend of the license fee was t5 pay costs of administering licensing. Attorney Tracy Tumlin, teEre e t'~' the S n i Chamber,~said. that some return from sales tax revenue de~ived from local[ merdhants could be returned to them in the f~i'~ of aid to the dh~nber. The Mayor sake4 the co~ittee to ~dn(inue its review .~.of this matter. ! 3. Policy Co~ittee Mr. Dwyer read the coun~ittee repot~ on [he villa, ge M~rchants request for $2150 to aid in finending Chris~nas ,:deco~,ations, and rec~ndin~ that the City not participate, Lbut ~hat the merchants continue their ~eautification efforts.: Village Merchants Mr. Smith, as a committee member, ~t~ated that he, was' not in Request re complete a~reement with the statements contained in ~he 4th Chrismas Dec- paraSraph of the report, in that he Was not wholly o~posed' orations. to some contribution by the City, but not to thd~amodnt requested. Mrs. Diana Tomlin, referiing to the iposs~bility of some return to the merchants from sales tax reven~e, added that the decoratio~s would remain the property ef th4 city, and that they represented a civic rather than ~! c~rcial effort. Mr. Dwyer said that the Village was not the only! shopping center in SaratoSs, 'and that Quito, Argonaut, and th~ Blue Hills merchants would ha~e to be considered. Mr. Tyl~; said the sales tax w~s paid by purchasers, not by the merchanteli- bu~ that perhaps a change in business tax licensin= fees would' receive support of the merchants. ~ : C. DEPARTMENT HEADS AND OFFICERS : Public ~orks Director Shook requested authority to advertise for bids to improve Cox Avenue be~eeu Woedmont and; IoneiCourt, as the unimproved portion of the street was a water ~Co11¢ctor. Improvement funds total.ling $5500 had already been ~loc~ted in the budget, - If advertised, bids could be opened Mayi 7, 1969o authorize bids : Cox avenue Mr;' 'Robbins moved that authority be granted the public w~rks dep~r~nent to advertise bids l for imprOVement of Cox bet~een goodmont and Ioue court; Mx. Smith seconded~ and the motion carried unanimouely. ~ ': Mr. Shook announced the County*s intent to resur~ace~Qui~o Road but pointed out that capping would aggrevatea bad d[ain~.ge sit- nation. The proposed street improvement would be a joi~ effort of three jurisdictions - the County. City of San JosS, al~d City of Saratoga, but should not be done until installati~h o~ drain by Saratoga at inE had not yet bean t sin , rd with the cityts master storm drain plan. ~; TY~OUNCIL ' "' SARATOGA CI Iv, iNUrES COiT~i'NUI~ APRIL 2, 1969 Mar. Huff stated that drainage from Saratoga would be carried through downstream drains built some years ago to accoYmodate Authorize Bids the runoff. quitO Rd. Drain Mr. Smith moved, and I~r. Sanders seconded that City ~dvertise for bids on ~a Quito Storm Drain. Motion carried unanimously. E. CITY ADMINISTRATOR Mr. Huff reported on a letter from Mrs. Kocher regarding main- Wildwood P~[k ten~nce of Wildwood Park water level. Without objection, the Water Mayor referred the matter to the Planning Committee. COMMUNICATIONS A. gritten City qf Sa~. Jose 1, The letter dated March 26, 1969, from the City of San Jose, re P~ospect indicating its intent to participate in desgin plans for LandsCapin~ landscaping the Prospect Road median strip was noted. 2. The letter dated March 31, 1969, requesting assistance by the Youth Cen~,er city relative to capital improvements for the Youth Center was L~tterjj referred in the absence of objection, to the Management Co~nittee. 3. The letter dated April 2, 1969, from John Rodrigues relative to issuance of building permits prior to final map recordation was discussed by Mr. Johnston, who explained that ha had already informed Mr. Rodrigues that it vaa permissible to file a final SD map on only the portion of a subdivision development needed for Rodrigues model homes, prior to filing final maps for the entire project; and that ha had told the applicant that the ordinance did not permit nor allow for any variance or exception. The Mayor directed Mr. Huff to writs a letter to ~his effect =o Mr. Rodriguas. B. ORAL t. Mr. Bryer. stated that he appreciated meeting with Mr. Dwyer and Mr'. Smith on~ the policin~ matter, and that the Congress for Co,.uunidy Progress con~ittea stood ready and willing to cooperate. 2. P. G. & E. M~nager Joe Cowan presented the Council with a Check for $22,780.82, representing the City of Saratoga'a franchise payment for the a~rrent year. VIII, A~JOURIqMENT Mayo~ Tyler thanked dhe following citisens for their attendan~e~ Planning Coa~aisdione~ Crisp; Dr. J. J~ Sitnay; Jod Covet;' Shelley Wiliioms; Mr. Lewis, Park Con~nisdio6e~; Mr, B~yeri Mr. Snd Mrs. T~nntin,; Mr. Robert Ewing, Mr. A& T. McAlpina and Mrd~ Zara van Wichen of the Chember of COnunercd; and Mrs. Moss of the Good G0vernmend Group fdr COfee. e serVed ~t reCe~s~ The meeting adjourned a~ 10:45 PoM. Respectfully submitted, : J. R, Huff, City Clerk