HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-07-1970 City Council Minutes.-~,-;~.~. SAP, ATO~ CITY COUI~ClL I~INI/TES
P~: CI~ OF ~ C~NCIL C~RRS, 13777 FR~ A~,
A. RO~ ~
~e ~eCing was called ~o order a~ 7:40 P.N. and all Comcil~n
were presenz.
B. ~}~ES
~ved by ~. ~dets. se~ed bF ~.-Robbins tha~ =he minu~es
of Jan~ry 7, 1970 ~' Spproved ~ ~iled wi~h =he foll~i~
correc~io~: P~e' 1~ It~ III. D, Li~ 6, first word should read
'~s[reets" rasher =h~ s~ers~ ~sC P~e re Scully ~ia~le
. purchase, ~ch line, first word should read "CiCle" rather ~h~
escr~. 'Carried and so ordered.
C. ~S OF OffI~ -' PaS & ~C~TION C~ISSIO~S
~ved by ~. S~th, seconded by ~. Robbi~ ro ~M ~solution
432-1 =o read', "Te~ of ~he studen= ~ers shall be one year,
r~ing frm Jan~ =o J~uary". Carried ~ so ordered.
~yor ~ler stated Cha~ he and C~il~n Robbi~ h~ inCe~i~ed
the c~dida~es for ~he position of Par~ and ~acreacion C~issioner
represen~i~ the s~udents of Saratoga high sch~ls. ~ey had fo~d
this a ~s~ re~srdi~ e~erience ~d iC had been a difficul~ choice
~o ~ke fr~ ~ng the ou~stsMing c~dida~es inteffl~ed. With
Co~cil approval, ~yor ~ler appointed ~rk Buckley fr~ Sarat~a
High Sch~l and Willi~ C~ron fr~ ~llamine College ~eparaCory
~d a~inisEered ~he Oath of Office.
A. ~ A~ g~AY (Continued fr~ 12/17/69)
a~ ' ~. Huff e~lained =haC ~here was a considerable spread in ~he bids
A~E received on the Saratoga Avenue Walbay. H~ever, ~he Director of
W~AY hblic gorks had reviewed ~he bid with ~. Olm=ed~ and de=emi~d
' =ha~ this was ~he in=ended bid ~ it is ~herefore reco~nded ~haC
~he c~racC ~ ~arded =o ~he'fim of ~rin & Olm~ed. ~ved by
~. Robbins, seconded by ~. Sanders ~o award ~he Saratoga Avenue
galway contract Co ~erin & Olm=ed, Inc. Carried ~d so ordered.
O~. NS.- A. ODI~r~E ~. NS-3-2~ - Proposed ~n~n= ~o hning ~d~nce
3-24 ~di~ definitions, eli~naCi~ ~l~i-f~ily uses fr~
~NT bnes, ~d addi~ provisions re 'P-C" ~nes.
~ ~NI~
OII~CE ~. Huff sCaCed cha~ this was the ~i~ for ~ intr~uc~ion of
this Ordin~ce ~lch will be required ~o undergo p~lic heari~
at Co~il level.
~yor ~ler referred co ~Cicle ~A, Section ~.8 of ~din~ce
N$-3 wi~h regard =o dedica~ion of c~n greens. ~ felt that
the purpose was ~o ells a dedication of ~0~ for public use
ra~her =hen private ~e. ~ also ques~io~d ~he restriction tha~
the de~lo~n~ shall consist of noc less ch~ 15-acres. He
vl~ed ~his ~ a m=hod by which the City c~ acquire a park wi~h-
out cost to the City ~d fel~ the size of the parcel ~o be undor-
Oan=. ~e Pls~ing C~ssion ~nu~es indicated ~haC ~hey were
consideri~ ~his for neighborhood parks too. Possibly, ~ City
needs a new deslKna~ion on ~he ~neral Flan ~p ~d a n~ zoni~
dis~ric~ ~ich ~uld apply the provisions o~ this ordi~nce co a
specific area in the City. ~yor ~ler asked the City AEtorney
i~ the cha~e he s~Ses~ed ~d the sEudy ~o be mde ~ould require
referral to ~he Planni~ Co~ission. ~e City Atco~ey replied
Eha~ ~his ~ould not be ~cessary.
JANUARy 7, 1970
l~ved by Hr. Senders, seconded by Hr. Robbins to waive.readi~ of
the Ordinate, to introduce the ordinance, ~d set a public he=ing
for February 18, 1970. Carried un~i~usly and so ordered.
B. O~I~CE 38.30 - I~O~ION - Proposed ~M~nt to the City Code
Re~ardi~ non-tr~sferabiltty of, n~ applications for, and ex~p=tons
fr~, business lice~es, and sndi~ doc~nt~y st~p t~ ex~p[ions
~, Huff s~a~ed ~ha~ ~he primry p~rpose of ~his ordin~ce is co
incorporate into ~he exis~in~ Cl~y Code provisions relatin~ ~o identi-
fica=ion cards and ~o clarify ~ha= an identification card issued to an
individual Soin~ fr~do~r =o door is intended to identify =haC individual
~ c~noc be traferred to s~eone else, Ic provides Cha~ any st~p=ed
transfer or assi~n~ of any lice~e or iden~ifica~ion card shall au~o-
ma~ically revoke ~he license ~d any revoca=ion of a lice~e shall au~o-
~ically revoke all identification cards issued thereunder. ~ved by
~. ~h, seconded by ~,: ganders' ~hac ~he readin~ be waived and ~ha=
~dinance No. 38,30 be introduced, Carried un~i~usly ~d ~o ordered,
A. ~CT ~508 - ~lease of ~n~n~ Bond
~e Director of Pu~:liC.~6rks repor=ed ~hat the mon~n~s have been
L~0per1~ placed ~a rec~hded release of' the bond, M~ed by
~ins~ ~econded by ~. S~ders, Carried and so ordered~
B, ~DR2732 - F~I~HO~S ~ ~n~inua~ion 'ffOf request ~or pa~enC
~ st~e~ work on ~ourth ~ ~p~inger.
~ .~h reported that the ~blic Welfare C~4~cee ~as ~C
~ F~i~ and requested ~ha~ ~he m~ter be continued ~o the nexC-
~e~Ul~r ~etinK~ With0~.objec~ion continued Co ~ next regular
meeting of the C~t~ Cou~cil.
- PropoSed c~e ~ ~ning. from "P-A" (Pro~essi0nal-Admini-
strat~ve to "C-V" (Vislt~-C0me~cial) for prc~rt~eS ~ro~tin8
both sides of Big Basin ~ay i~ vicinity of S~ch
~. Huf~ reported ~hat this rezoni~ was reckended ~y the PInning
Co~ssion ~d was instituted by ~hem ~o provide ~hat all ~he zoni~
on B~g Basin Way up to the bend would ~ co~ercial..~e ~irst
bloc~ are country c~ercial and the las~ ~o ~r~th Stree~
will now ~ Visitor C~,~rcial ~ this ordinance is adopted,
City has advertised ~he Public Heari~ on this m~er ~or the
~et~ and, ff the ordinance is introduced ~on~ght, it can ~
adopted a~ ~h~
In response to a question ~r~ ~. Robbin, ~. ~alker stated ~at
those areas ~hat ~e no~ cross hatched are already zoned visi~or-
c~ercial through an application o~ ~. I~inwhich incl~ed
those pro~rCies. ~is change of zoning would p~ck up ~he re-
mini~ three pieces labelled on ~he ~p.
~ed by ~. ~ith, seconded by ~. Robbins ~or introduction o~
~d~na~e NS-~-E-~gand ~haC the reading be waived. Carried
unani~usly ~d s0 ordered.
D. ~SOL~ION NO. 3DR-798-I - Approving Building S~te o~ M.H. Quicker~
~. Hu~ s~a~ed ~ha~ ~his is a building site in the RI ~0,000
~ni~ Distric~ and ~. Qu~ckert has me~ all.the conditions for
~he granting o~ f~nal site approval on Parcel B.
~.-~er questioned Condition C.which required wideni~ of
- road'paving on Qu~ckert and ~ridge Roads ~o 18-feet, usi~ double
seal oil and screening on 6-inch A.B. (2~-~nch A.C. on slopes
greater ~h~ 15Z) ~r~ subject parcels ~o Norton or ~hlmn
He wondered whe~r ~his c~dition had been met.
~, Wal~r replied that the condition would have to be ~t altho~h
~t was noC a condition tha~ w~ required to be bonded. ~e
would have ~o be repaired by ~. Qu~ckert ~d ~ther residents,.
Mr. S~oOk added that the Quick~rts have started some of the work by
installation of a culvert.
Mr. Smith stated that his interest in looking into this further ~ecause '
it is another hillside development, the grades are severe, and the .roade
are subject to slides. Xn response to a question from l~Ar. Sanders as to
the Clty's liability in regard to hillside building sites, the City
Attorney stated that the standard long form Subdivision ApprovalsAgreement
requires the subdivider to inde~nify the City. However, he pointed Out
that the Building Site Approval Agreement is the short
Moved hyMr. Smith, seconded by Mr. D~yer for approval of Resolution NO.
SDR-79B-1 with the addition of Condition C to the Site Approval
a~d s~ject to the approval of the Public Welfare Committee. Carried
and so ordered.
A. SD~830 - 6EORCE W. DA~ CONSTRUCTION CO. Hearing on appeal from
Planning Commission Denial of tentative ma~ for 1~ l~t subdivision
at Big Basin ~ay and Tollgate R~ad.
GEORGE Mro Huff reported that this is the time and place set for this
DAYAPPEAL public hearing, however, the applicant has asked that the hearing
be continued because his Planning Consultant is ill and unable to
attend the meeting.
~iayor Tyler stated that the Company was still interested in clu'ster-
type development and would like this matter referred to the Planning
C~o~,~!t~ee. He asked that the Plahning Committee review with the
Planning Co-~n~ssion the philosoph~ behind cluster development on
hillside property.
~ithout objection, the matter was continued to the next regular
meeting and referred to the Planning ComiCtee.
~IA Councilman Robbins, for the benefit of those a~tending the meeting,
~iONTE outlined the background information concerning the Via Monte entrance
ENTRANCE and presented ~he Planning Cornm~ tree reco~nendation that $I,285.00 be
approved to put the Via M~nte entrance to Arroyo SararoSa in condition,
maintainable by the interested residents. In .addition, upon completion
of this work, it was suggested that the Boy Scouts, Cirl Scouts, and
other youth ~roups be encouraSed to provide weedin~ and clean up for
this area as part of their community service projects.
Jim Naugle, Vice President of the Prides Crossing Home O~ners
Association addressed the Council. He stated that the point that
stood out in his mind and the minds of his neighbors was the fact
that 75~ of the residents of the Arroyo Saratoga subdivision were
opposed to the formation of a district which ~ould provide a means
of maintenance for this entry way. As Vice President cea Homeowners
Association which maintains 1,800 linear feet along Prospect Road,
two islands, and an entrance way , he felt that the City should not
approve this amount. However, he stated that Prides Crossing Home
O~ners Association would be willing to match a similar amount for
landscapir~ alor~ Prm pect Road. He added that at the present time
the Association is spending one third of its budget on maintenance
of landscaping.' Nr. Naugle considered this a substantial switch
in Council policy and asked that something be done about the land-
scaping along Cox Avenue ~est of Davies. He continued that it was
not necessary to have a large number of people to form a homeowners
association and stated that they have 200 members in Prides Crossin~
willin8 to pay the $5.00 dues. This represents approximately
of the residents.
- 3 ~
l~s.Wa~uer ~.~ ~erer~ D606 V~a ~n~e ~.as~d ~hs~ shrubs be ~ud~d
on ~he c~y proper~y sou~h of V~a ~on~e,
appreciation for ~he ~ork of ~e Pla~ng Co~ee and u~ed ~he
P~L~C ~I~ CLOSE~ AT 8:~
~yor ~ler co~nded ~he Pr~des Cros~i~ Ho~ ~ers ~soc~t~ for
~he ~ork ~hey do ~n m~n~a~n~ en~ lands~ap~ bu~ ~o~n~ed ou~ ~ha~
~he Co~c~l felt an obligation ~o cle~ up the V~a ~nte
because of pas~ C~y action, H~ed by ~. ~obbin~ seceded b~
DT0. Carried and so
~ ~YO~ ~.~.~ FO~ A ~ ~ ~CESS ~D ~ ~ ~C~ AT
9~0 P.~.
1. Pa~n~ of Clai~
~ved by ~. Robbins, seconded by ~. ~6r ~ha~ ~h6 lis~ of
disburse~nts da~ed Jan~ 7, 19~0 ~o~allin~ $212,368.99
approvsd and ~ha~ ~he ~yor be au~horizad ~o sign ~he varr~ts.
~r~i~d aM so ord6red.
t to
Citl ~a~e~ ~i~s ~cted se~d c~Dl~i~t ~o the
C~li~o~i~ Cities ~ith the ~.m~a~t cove~i~ ~ual
aski~ ~o~ ~ zespo~se to o~ co~ic~tio~s ~eB~di4 ~it~
st~d o~ BC~ a~d Disclosure o~ Assets.
1. ~lle~-~oaDect Signal
~I~B- ~. B~ith ~e~o~ted tb~t the ~blic ~el~e C~ttee
~OB2B~ studied si~li~tio~ ~t the co~e~ o~ ~os~ect ~o~d
BI~ ~lle~. ~e ~it7 o~ Ba~to~ s~ill co~lete the desi~ ~itb
the coo~tio~ o~ ~ Jose. ~ch Cit~ ~ill p~ ~0%. o~ the
2. Dike ~o~d Utilitl ~i~ee - D~le~o ~o~e~t~
2I~ ~ ~. ~ ~e~o~ted tb~t a~te~ considerable ~e~i~ o~ this
~I&l~ ~tte: the D~blic ~el~a~e Co~ttee ~o~d that the ~oDosed
~B - ~eloc~tio~ o~ ~tilit~ li~es th~o~b the D~le~ ~o~e~t7
~ ~ike ~d is :est~icted b~ the o~di~a~ce to ~ ~de~B~ou~d
loc~tio~. ~e~ ~eco~ded that the ~de~o~d s~st~ be
located ~1o~ the ~e~ p~o~ezt7 li~es o~ the Dale~o
b~t the ~ct~al locatio~ should be detezmi~ed b~ the ~.~.
a~d the o~e~. ~cil~ ~tb ~d Co~cil~ ~e~ b~d bee~
~p to the ~le~ ~eside~ce o~ t~o occasions a~d j~d~ed that ~e
~oles ~iol~te the ~estbetic be~t~ o~ the a~e~. It ~s tbei~
~ie~ that this ~el~atio~ comes ~itbi~ the o~di~ce ~d there-
fore i~ the li~e is to be mo~ed it m~st be ~de~o~d o~ t~e
~e: ~st seek a ~:ia~ce through the ~l~di~ Co~
Cost o~ ~de:~o~d i~stallatio~ is esti~ted at
~5,000.00. ~e 2~blic 1~el~e Co~ttee ~eels that ~de~B~o~d-
i~ ~ill e~ce the ~al~e o~ the 2~le~o D~oDezt~ ~ that
the o:di~ce m~st be adhered to. ~o p~ecl~de ~tbe~ coo~sio~
o~ this t~e the ~oll~i~ poltc7 s~as ~ec~e~ded:
· ~ JANUARy 7,_ 1970.
P.G. & E. to evh~it plan showing exact location of proposed facilities'
to Plannin~ Director before any relocation is started. Planning
Director shall determine if the proposed work is or is not covered
by the underground utility ordinance. If continued overhead is
appropriate, the Plannin~ Director~s approval shall he indicated
on the plan. To assist the Planning Director in the xBview of these
proposals, it was further reco~fnended that the Public Welfare Co~nittee
meet with the Director and/or the Planning Commission to establish
Moved by Plr. Smith, seconded by Mr. ~yer that the Public Welfare
Comictee Report of January 7J 1970 be adopted. Carried and so
ordered. ..
3. Krxv, nme Request for Storm Drain Reimbursement (Tract 5454)
KRUIe{E l~r. Smith reported that the Public Welfare Committee had reviewed
STOPa Pit. Kr~n,f~s request for reimburse~nent for off-site storm drain
DRAIN construction now rather than at the time of construction acceptance
REIMBURSE- and in view of the fact that the City has a bond sufficient to
MENT complete the improvements should that become necessarys recummends
that 14r. Kr~m--e be reimbursed in the amount of $5~410.00.
Moved by Mr. SmitJl, seconded by Mr.' D~yer that Mr. l(r~-m,~ be re-
imbursed in the amount of $5,410.00. Carried and so ordered.
4. Development of Central area of Saratoga
PROPOSED Mr. Robbins suggested that the Plannin~ Con~ittee review its
AREA recommendation for a golf course study~ and consider instead a
STUDY study o£ the area on both sides of Fruitvale Avenue to d etermine
the most desirable development. Consideration wilt be given to
provision of open space wi~h little or no increase in density
and a golf course will be just one of the features to be considered.
Without objection, the l~ayor directed the.Committee to obtain
proposals for such a general area study.
1. Parks & Recreation Commission Reco!~endations (Minutes of Jan. J, 1970)
P & R Mr. Higby drew the Council~s attention to three rec~ndations made
COMM. by the Parks & Recreation Commission at their meetin~ of January
DATIONS 1. That the Ljepava site be favored over the Allendale site in
assigning park land acquisition priority.
, 2. That Mr. Beck be invited as soon as possible to discuss his
'~ role in assisting with the bond election.
3. That the commission co~ents be considered in review of the
Wildwood Park Plan prepared by the Plannin~ Department.
Without objection, referred to the Plannin~ Committee.
2. Blue Ridge Subdivision off Reid Lane
BLUE Mr. Shook referred to a Subdivision Agreement signed April
RIDGE 1962. For various reasons this subdivision has never been
SUBDIVISION accepted. During the past year, the George Day Company has
~orked diligently to complete the subdivision deficiencies so
it could be accepted into the City system. Rowever, Reid Lane
has some problems which may go beyond the responsibility of the
developer and before recon~n~nding that the City accept this
subdivision he requested that the appropriate Council committee
review it with him because, almost immediately upon acceptance,
there will be some expense on Reid T~e.
Without objection, referred to the Public Welfare Connnittee.
Da *s
George y representative requested that he be notified of the
meeting scheduled to consider this matter.
- 5 -
'JANUARY 7, 1970 ;_
ARGONAU~ 1. ~tter fr~ No~ H. D~ico~ 20135 Chateau Drive submitting
~ S~D~ a list of q~estfons on ~he_~gonaut proposal-re constructi~
streets and providing s~itary s~ers. Hithour objectiou~
referred to the ~blic ~elfare Comittee.
2. Notice of a For~ for ~cal L~ Enforce~n~ ~encfes in
Oak1~d on ~r~ 2~. Cit~ ~nager rill ~k the ~ief of
Police to represent ~aratoga.
L~ ~S 3. Copy of a repor~ on a fire protection study by the ~s Gatos
FI~ T~ger reco~endi~ that the t~ ~nex'to the'Central
FR~ION Fire District.. ~. Huff said the staff will keep careful
S~DY tab on this to see what effect it has on our citizens who
are residents of the Central Fire District. ~e Co~il
will be kept i~omed on this ~tter.
A. ~I~
VINCE ~, Huff presented a letter fr~ Vince S. ~rrod requesti~ the
~OD - Council to hold a public hearing for the purpose of establishinS
~q~ST FOR their farm as an agricultural prese~e pursuant to ~vemmnt
A~IC~ Code Section 51201 (d) of the Califonia ~nd Conservation Act
P~SER~ of 1965.
~e City Attorney stated that the gilliamon Act, enacted in
1965, provided a method of t~ relief, by t~ postpone~nt, and
proides that a County or City may desi~ate certain areas that
are prime a~icultural areas as preserves which ~a~ that there-
after the City my (but doesn't h~e to) enter into a ~ntract
with the pro~rty ~ners whereby they agree, for a period of
tm years, or more, not to use their pro~rty for other than
agricultural uses. Ultimately, if this l~d is ever taken out
· of this contractual obligation, then, in fact, the l~d ~er
does pay back t~es. ~e law proides that before a City or
County designates an area as an agricultural prese~e that it
must hold at least one Public Hearing . ~. Garrod has mde a
similar request to Cupertino ~d the County of Santa Clara in
which he also has property. He is asking only that the City
create this area as an a~ricultural prese~e.
~. Garrod addressed the Council. He stated that as a fami~
and recreational operation, they would li~ to stay in business
but also wished to preserve open space which they can do under
the Willimson Act, ~hich is a contract be~een the City and
the~elves that states they will not do an~hi~ that is not
c~atible with open space or agricultural ~e of their property..
It is a continui~ contract, renewable each year and in ~e event
it is denied or revoked by the Council or ~. ~rrod the penalties
are paid as if it were assessed as real estate, accordi~ to its
use. ~. Carrod pointed out that their problem was that they
are within the City of Culertino, the City of Saratoga and the
Co~ty of S~ta Clara involving so~ 200 acres and they would
like to have the ~hole parcel declared an agricultural prese~e..
He stressed the point that the City c~ designate compatible
uses and referred to a list drawn up by the County which includes
such stipulations as: no improvemnts can be added and uses must
be in line with the open space concept. ~is does not interfere
with any ~oning n~ on the property but delays i~lemnti~ the
zoning ~til the contract is teminated. ~ Carrod added that
it was their conviction that if they are successful this contract
would continue for a good deal lonEer than ten years; Presently~
the operation is both agricultural and recreational (u~er State
law). ~e Cupertino Nroperty borders one half mile of Stevens
Creek Park. ~. Garrod submitted copies of the proposed agre~ent
for the City Attorney~s perusal a~ copies of the restrictions
~d compatible uses ~ outlined by the County of S~ta Clara.
He stated ~ would be pleased to provide any further info~tion.
~ithout objection, referred to the Planning C~ittee.
- 6 -
JAN~RY ], 19~0
XqBST 2. Letter ~rom~est Valley College in response to City"s expression
V~,X!~Y of concern with regard to a recent news story in the Sun Jose
SARATOGA ~ercury to the effect that the Board of Covernors of the California
CAMPUS Colleges had suggested that 6,800 students be accommodated at the
Saratoga Campus. Mayor Tyler suggested that the Council study this
letter carefully.
LOS 3. Letter from th~ Los .Gatos-Saratoga Symphony Society requesting
CATOS financial support from the City of Saratoga. Without objection,
SARATOGA .referred to the l~anagement.Committee,
: ~. Letter from the National Alliance of Businessmen announcing they
NAT*L are now active in Santa Clara County and inertring the ~ayor to a
ALLIANCE luncheon on January 14, 1970.
1. r~c. Naugle addressed the Council on the following items:
GRAND a. Grand Auto - Violation of Sign Ordinance
SIGN Mr. Naugle stated that he had artended a Planning Co~lssion
VIOLATION meeting late last year at which a letter was received from
Oskar Thurnher complaining about the Grand Auto store on Grand
Avenue violating the sign ordinance.. He suggested that these
· designs should be photographed and presented to the audience
before final design approval is granted.
b. Scully Fark
SCULLY l~r. Naugle wished to be informed when title is transferred to
PARK the City so that something can be done with the land by Little
League before the City expends any money. l~ayor Tyler suggested
that this tantier should be brought to the attention of the Parks
and Recreation Commission. As a point of information, the City
Attorney stated that the title will pass within the next two
weeks unless current negotiations fail.
c. Youth Member - Parks and Recreation Commission
YOUTH .~r, Naugle stated that Lynbrook High School had misunderstood
F~4BER the intent of the letter received from the City and he asked
PARKS & that the l~anagement Connnittee consider different techniques for
RECREATION selecting candidates in the future.
d. Garbage Collection
GARBAGE l~r. Naugle stated that he had brought this matter up at a previous
COLLECTION meeting. The Prides Crossing Home C~ners Association is providing
extra service as they feel the garbage collection is inadequate.
Mr. Naugle has ascertained that other collection agencies are
willing to provide bins at $1.25 per cu. yard ($20.00) und would
a11o~ us to change the number on Saturdays. Green Valley Disposal
Company has flatly stated the fee is $25.00 per bin. The Prides
Crossing Home O~ners Association would like to talk with Green
Valley Disposal Company and with the Public Mel£are Cou~lttee
or the Council at large to go over some proposed negotiations
to see If it is possible to come up with a competitive rate
and to find some answers to other current problems. Without
objection, referred to the Polfcy Committee.
TRAFFIC 2. l~r. Kirby Casebolt addressed the Conncil with regard to the traffic
BIG on Big Basin Way in terms of heavy truck traffic coming into town
BASIN from the Canyon. He proposed tha~ the speed limit be reduced from
WAY 25 miles per hour to 15 due to the large numbers of pedestrians in
this area. In addition, he requested that the Council petition the
State to put a painted cross walk at 5th Street, where he considers
it dangerous to cross Big Basin Way. ~e~ ( ~ e~ ~
- 7 -
~yor ~ler a~'kn~ledged the presence of ~' Norton,
of the Pl~ning Comtss~on, Joe ~wan, representing the P.~.
Vince Carrod of ~rrod Fa~, ~ss ~ry ~oss and 3ohn L~ll
of the-~od Cover~nt'CrOup, ~rk Buckley, the newly appointed
Parks Comiss~oner ~d his parents, ~s. glade of the ~ue of
~n Voters and ~s. ~V~ney of P.T. & T.
~sre being no f~the~ business to discuss, it ~as m~ed by
~. ~bbi~'~'seCOnded by ~, S~ders ~hat the ~et~ adjourn.
~e meti~ adjourned at 10:40 P.H.
Respectfully suetted,
/3~ H~~