HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-18-1970 City Council Minutes CITY COUNCIL MINYTES
TIME: WEDNESDAY, ~RCH 18, 1970 - 7:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M.
Present: Councilmen Robbins, Sanders, Smith Tyler. Councilman
.Dwyer arrived at 8:30 P.M.)
B. MINU~ES - Moved by Mr. Robbins, seconded by Mr. Smith that the minutes
of March 4 be approved as distributed with the following
correction. Page 7, Item VII. A.1, Paragraph 2, 3rd line
should read: "however, in November, 1968 we did require the
shrubbery to be trimmed ..... " Carried and so ordered.
~ A. ORDINANCE NO. 48 - Ordinance Calling Special Bond Election for Neighborhood
Park Facilities on June 2, 1970
ORD. 48 This is the time for the second reading and adoption of the Ordinance.
CALLING Moved by Mr. Smith for adoption of Ordinance No. 48; seconded by Mr.
PARK BOND Robbins; carried and so ordered.
B. TAX RATE STATEMENT - Approval of Tax Rate Statement in Connection
with $880,000 Neighborhood Park Facilities Bond Issue to be Submitted
at Special Municipal Bond Election - 6/2/70.
pAtlK BOND This matter was referred to the Management Committee at the last
TAX RATE Council meeting. Their final 'co~nputations, based on multiple
STAT~ENT assumptions were reviewed by Mr. Fowler of Orrick, Herrington,
Rowley and Sutcliffe, the bond attorney. Mr.Fowler's conclusions
were substantially the same as those of the Management Committee,
· and tke Comnittee recommended that the Council adopt the tax rate
statement indicating that amortization of the park bonds would
require a 10¢ tax rate in the first year after issuance of the bonds
and a maximum tax rate of 10¢. The Committee pointed out that the
average tax ra~e required would be about 7¢.
Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Sanders to adopt the Tax Rate
Statement and to include it in the sample ballot. Carried and so
C. RESOLUTION NO. 527 - Resolution Authorizing Execution of Agreement
with the California Department Of Finance for Population Estimate.
RESN. 527 This is the routine re-estimate of our population. Figures from
POPULATION the Federal Census Bureau will not be available until December.
ESTIMATE Additional money we receive should far out-weigh cost of estimate.
Moved by Mr. Robbins, seconded by Mr. Smith for adoption of
Resolution 527. Carried and so ordered.
D. RESOLUTION 471-1 - Resolution Amending Resolution No. 471 to Reflect
Current Prevailing Wage Scales
RESN. 471-1 This resolution ~s a requirement for the annual updating of the pro-
PREVAILING railing wage scale. The County collects information from the union
WAGE headquarters for each craft or trade.
Moved by Mr. Smith for adoption of Resolution 471-1; seconded by
Mr. Robbins. Carried and so ordered.
~RCH 18, 1970
E. RESOLUTION NO. 440-1.1 - U.G.U. NO. 2-A - Resolution to Extend
Time Limits to September 1, 1970 and September 30, 1970
F. RESOLUTION NO. 477-1.1 - U.G.A. NO. 2-B - Resolution to Extend
Time Limits to September 1, 1970 and September 30, 1970
RESN. 440-1.1 These resolutions are based on a letter from gee Cowan, Manager,
UGU 2-A Los Gates office, P.G. & E. outlining a r/w problem encountered
TIME EXTENSION in undergrounding the utilities on Verde Vista Lane, Two alternatives
are available to the City: (1) Permit erection of a new pole within
the Verde Vista r/w on Boyce Lane or (2) acqnire the required easement
for PiG, & E. Mr. Huff recommended that the City grant a six month
extension to P.G. & E. by adoption of Resolutions.440-1,1 and 477-1.1
and that the City take immediate steps to acquire the required ease-
Mo~ed by Mr, Sanders, seconded by Mr. Smith for adoption of Resolutions
440-1..1 and 477-1.1; carried and so ordered. Without objection, the
Mayor directed the staff to negotiate for. this small easement and, if
~egotiation fails to use Right of Eminent Domain.
RESLN. MV-23 G. RESOLUTION NO. MV-23 - Resolution Prohibiting Parking or Stopping at
PARKING - any Time Along the Northeasterly Side of Fifth Street from Big Basin
BIG BASIN WAY Way to the End.
This is a non-agendized item which was brought to the attention of
staff by residents of the apartments on Oak Street, the garages of
which are served from 5th St. It was pointed out that the scavenger
company had trouble getting in and out because of pa~king on both
sides of the street, The Public Works Department has studied this
and declared it a congested area.
Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Sanders for adoption of Resolution
No, MV-23. Carried and so ordered.
A. RESOLUTION NO. SDR-816-1 - Resolution of the City Council Approving
Building Site of Roy Kosich
RESLN. This was a non-agendized item. There was a report from the Planning
SDR-816-1 Director showing that all conditions have been met. Mr. Huff
ROY KOSICH recommended site approval for two sites on Radoyka.
Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Robbins for adoption of Resolution
No. SDR-816-1. Carried and so ordered.
ORD. A. ORDINANCE NS-3.24 - Hearing on Proposed Amendment to Zoning Ordinance
NS-3.24 Adding Definitions Eliminating Multi-Family uses from "P-N' Zones and
Adding Provisions re "P-C" Zones.
Mr. Robbins reported that this matter had been referred back to the
Planning Commission because of its impact.on rezoning the Village
area to "C-V'. Initially, it was intended to delete apartments
as permitted uses in "P-A" Zoning Districts, The Planning Commission
now agrees that apartments should be a conditional use in the "P-A"
The Planning Committee recommended that the City Council adopt NS-3.24
revised to conform with the Planning Commission reccrnmendations. They
further recommended that the Caldwell property be deleted from the
area on Big Basin Way which is to be re-zoned visitor commercial.
Mr. Robbins felt it would be worthwhile to ask Planning Commission to
review the ordinance before adopting ~ny guidelines for development
of apartments as conditional uses in the "P-~' zoning districts.
The City Manager reported no additional correspondence on this matter.
Mayor Tyler opened the Public Hearing at 8:05 P.M. There being no
comments from the audience, the'Public Hearing was closed for the
evening at 8:06 P.M,
Moved by Mr. Sanders for re-introduction o ~-3.~4 deleting conditions
] ? ~nH ~. seconded bv Mr. Smith, Carri~ '~ ~: ordered. Without
MARCH 18, 1970
objection, referred to the Planning Committee for review with the
Planning Commission and report back at the next regular meeting.
Hearing continued to April 1, 1970 at 8:00 P.M.
B. ORDINANCE NS-3-ZC~49 - Hearing on C-124 - Proposed Change of Zoning
from "P-A" (Professional-Administrative) to "C-V" (Visitor-Coxm~ercial)
for Properties Fronting on Both Sides of Big Basin Way in Vicinity of
Sixth Street.
C-124 Mr. Huff reported that in accord with the Planning Committee and
ORD. Planni.ng Commission recommendation the ordinance would have to
NS-3-ZC-49 be re-introduced to change the boundaries and delete the Caldwell
property from re-zoning. He noted that the map was sl~ htly in
error. There was no additional correspondence on this matter.
Public Hearing opened at 8:10 P.M.
Mr. James Naugle addressed the Council. He stated that he had heard
many of the comments on the Caldwell property over the past meetings,
however, he felt that spot zoning of this type did not appear to be
desirable from a long-range point of view. He felt that if possible
another solution would be more advantageous to the long range develop-
ment of the City.
The City Attorney pointed out that since we are only lessening and not
changing the regulations of the parcel, it is not necessary to re-
introduce the ordinance.
Mayor Tyler stated that the Planning Commission and the Planning
Committee have gone over and over this item with the staff and this
is the solution they recommend. What Mrs. Caldwell has on this
property is very desirable and the Council does not Wish to make it
illegal or non-conforming which is why this action is being taken.
Moved by Mr. Smith, seconded by. Mr. Sanders to close the Public
Hearing. Public Hearing closed at 8:15 P-.M.
Moved by Mr. Robbins for adoption of Ordinance NS~3-9'~7-49 as modified,
eliminating Mrs. Caldwell's property. Seconded by Mr. Smith; carried
and so ordered.
Without objection, the Mayor called for.an Executive Meeting following
this regular meeting to consider personnel for the Architectural
Advisory Committee.
1. Payment of Claims
Moved by Mr. Robbins, seconded by Mr. Smith to approve disbursements
" as listed totalling $32,851.10 and that the Mayor be authorized
to sign the warrants. Carried and so ordered.
2. City Clerk's Financial Report - noted and ~ led.
3. Treasurer's Report - noted and filed.
1. Petition Concerning Ham Radio Tower - ~evilla Lane
SEVILLA LANE At its regular meeting of March 9, 1970, the Planning Commission
HAM RADIO received a petition signed by 46 residents protesting the in-
ANTENNA stallation of a Ham Radio Tower at the rear of the residence of
Philip G. Garrahan, 20568 Sevilla Lane. A Building Permit was
issued for said tower on March 9, 1970 since the proposed con-
struction complied with the requirements of the Building Code
and Zoning Ordinance re height and setbacks.
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~rfY COUNUiL ~XNui~S -
~ ~RCI{ 18, 1970
Mr. Kershner and Mrs. Zimmerman were heard by the Commission. After
consideration it was the consensus of the Commission that they had
no jurisdiction in this matter since it complied with existing ordinances.
Therefore, the matter was referred by the Chairman to the City Council
to determine if any action was appropriate by the City of Saratoga.
Mr. Huff had discussed this with Mr. Walker who [ecorranended that the
general problem of antennas be referred to him for the drafting of
an ordinance which would establish standards for construction of
that type of antenna. Mr. Huff recommended this also. One additional
point that the residents made was that it is a violation of the tract
restrictions and Mr. Huff asked that the City Attorney confirm that
the City is not empowered to enforce this type of restriction.
-."George Zimmerma~, 20546 Seville Lane addressed the Council.
Mr. Zimmerman, as spokesman for the 46 petitioners, asked that the City
Council declare this tower a nuisance and annoyance. These residents
were hoping the City could act for them to save the expense and effort
of litigation to enforce this deed restriction since 46 residents agree
that it is a nuisance.
'The City Attorney pointed out that first of all the City is not empowered
to enforce tract restrictions, if the erection of the tower is not in
.violation of the building or zoning ordinances. There is a specific
section of the Civil Code under which it can be declared a public
nuisance if it is a very serious type of thing. (For Exa~,le, loud
-noises or flashing lights), Usually the nuisance would ~:l'~e to
affect a large segment of the population. The City Attorney stated
he would be pleased to check into this matter further.
In a lengthy discussion, residents of the area submitted the following
comments with regard to the tower which has a proposed height of 35 feet:
"This is going to be a major ham operation which will broadcast to
Europe. It causes television interference to sets in the area while it
is transmitting sometimes blacking them out for as lopg as 15 minutes.
It is a separate structure, set in a large concrete block which he
,began building before he received permission from the City or the
Planning Co. mmission. He is transmitting now but is constructing a
higher tower. He could pursue his hobby without a tower of this size
or magnitude, however, the higher the tower is, the more countries he
can bring in and this is what he wants to do, The tower is to be 35 feet
in height with a huge set of tie poles. It will detract from the value
of the surrounding property. There is an underground ordinance which is
why some residents bought in the area. The residents had requested the
Planning Commission to review this prior to the issuance of a permit."
Mr. Sanders wondered if it was possible that under this nuisance regulation
where the~e is almost a universal tune-in to T.V. if the tastes of sound
and sight might also be electronically applied in that you do have a
right to enjoy this without interference.
The City Attorney pointed out that the proper agency to contact would be
the FCC who licensed the station and have now stated they have complete
control over television broadcasting. Traditionally, ham radio towers
~re restricted by tract restrictions but they are controlled in a different
fashion. The only person who could enforce public nuisance regulations
would be the District Attorney's office. The City isgiven absolute right
to control height of structures.
Mayor Tyler stated that if the Council. felt it was desirable to prevent
ham radio stations throughout the City it could pass an ordinance to this
Mr. Naugle stated that a homeowner in Prides Crossing Estates had gone
through litigation in a similar matter. .He wondered if the accessory
struch~re ordinance might apply here. It did not permit accessory
structures over 12 ft. high to be erected in the rear.yard. Mr.
Naugle felt it was time to change ordinances so they did coldly with
deed restrictions.
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~RCH 18, 1970
Another resident pointed out that she was faced with an immediate problem
of having to sell her home valued at$65,000.00. She felt there was little
chance of recovering their investment.with the installation of this structure.
She pointed out that there were no trees in the development and that the tower
will be visible from Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road and throughout the entire develop~-
ment. It is approximately five feet beyond the house and the rear yard is no
more than 45 feet from the back of the house.
Planning Commissioner Lively pointed out that the structure conforms with
the Zoning Ordinance which is why the Planning Department could not refuse
to issue a permit, even though the residents had requested this. There is
no legal wa~ this could be done.
The Mayor directed the City Attorney and the City Manager to investigate all
of the ordinances and determine whether Mr. Garrahan is indeed complying and
whether there are any changes which'could make this illegal. The matter was
referred to the Public Welfare Committee in case changes are necessary in the
ordinance. The Planning Director was directed to draft a new ordinance
containing standards for antenna construction. Mr. Robbins suggested to
residents that a letter be sent to the District Attorney stating that'this
is a violation of the deed restrictions. Mr. Smith stated that the Public
Welfare Cormnittee would act as soon as possible. Mayor ,Tyler directed the
City'Manager to send a letter to Mr. Garrahan asking him to hold up construction
until the matter is resolved.
Mr. Naugle suggested that'the homeowners start litigation proceedings before
construction is completed if they want action taken. He volunteered his'.
assistance to the City in drafting a new ordix~nce.
9:20 P.M.
Park Drive Drainage
PARK Mr. Smith reported that the Public Welfare Committee had met with residents
DRIVE of the area and the staff has made engiheering studies of the area. The
DRAINAGE Committee will be talking to the residents again. There is another alternativ~
for handling water run-off and the committee hopes to have a recomnendation at
the next regular meeting. The residents will be kept informed of progress.
UBC 1. Report from Don Harris recommending adoption of the 1970 Uniform Building Code
FEE Fee Schedule, and plumbing and heating schedule and'authorizing the City Attorney
SCHEDULE to draw up the resolution adopting the schedules. Without objection, referred
to Management Committee.
BD.OF 1. The Board of Supervisors has set April 15 at 2:00 P.M. as the time for a
SUPRS. workshop with the Library Commission on library problems. One of the items
LIBRARY to be discussed will be Saratoga's request for library services.
2. They also adopted a resolution consolidating a special bond election for the
JUNE 2 City w~th the June 2 primary.
AB 98 3. Letter from Earl Crandall acknowledging correspondence on AB 98.
YOUTH 4. Letter from Los Gatos Joint Union High School District concerning a possible
SERVICE ' establishment of a Youth Service Center. On the surface this appears to be
CENTER similar to the drop-in center. Without objection, referred to Public Welfare
5. Letter from the State Compensation Fund on Fredericksburg Park Drive Maintenance
TIME 6. Announcement of a Seminar in San Jose on Time Management. Mr. Huff would like
~i~GE~ to send two'staff members and to have Council authorize payment of two $25.00
~N~ registration fees. Without objection, Mayor Tyler authorized payment of the
enrollment fee.
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-: ~RCtI 18, 1970
7. Additional Street Lighting in Quito Lighting District
QUITO City Manager reco~m~ended that Council authorize by minute resolution
LIGHTING the.installation of an additional 400 watt, Mercury Vapor street light
DISTRICT at the intersection of Bucknail and Quito to imp. rove safety couditions
at'the intersection. The City of San Jose is also upgrading their light
which is on the other side of Quito Road. Mr. Huff had met with the
E1 Quito Park P.T.A. on March 10 and the staff has checked with the
adjacent property owner who indicated that the family agreed with the
proposed location. This would entail adding one light to the Quito
Lighting District.
Moved ~y Mr. Robbins, to adopt a minute resolution adding one light to
the Quito Lighting District, seconded by Mr. Dwyer; carried and so
HOUSING NEEDS 1. Letter from American Institute of Planners on meeting the housing
needs of all people.
LEAGUE OF WOI~N 2. Letter from League of Women Voters requesting permission to use
VOTERS - WINE the facilities of Hakone Gardens for a wine tasting party in
TASTING AT HAKONE recognition of the. services of legislators. Moved by Mr. Robbins
to approve.the request, seconded by Mr. Sanders; carried and so
LIGHTING - 3. Letter from Mrs. Oldenkamp with regard to lighting on San Jose-
SAi: jCZZ LOS GATOS~. Los Gatos Road which is currently under study by the Policy
S~T~ ~D. Committee.
PARKING 4o Letter from George Day Construction indicating that, as a
FARWELL result of the restriction in parking in front of the model home
AVENUE sales office, the Company has noticed parkinE ..-~ the south side
of the street. Mr. Walker checked with the ~'~sidents and
recommends: 1) parking on the north side of Fan~ell be permitted;
and 2) as muc'h off-street parking as possible be provided in-
cluding use of the driveway fronting on Fan~ell Avenue. Moved
by Mr. Smith that the reconm~endation of the Planning Director
of March 18, 1970 be approved on a trial basis. Seconded by
Mr. Sanders; carried and so ordered.
BROOKVIEW 5. Letter from Brookview'Homeox~ners Ass6ciation supporting the
HOMEOWNERS early clean-up and also commenting on solid waste disposal
CUPERTINO 6. Letter from Cupertino Sanitary District responding to the
SANITARY Mayor's letter regarding maintenance of Pierce Road. As of
DISTRICT today, the ~ rst lift of the AC first patch is on all Pierce
Road trench except at Mount Eden Road. Unfortunately, there
is also a telephone cable going up Pierce Road, at the present
time. Mr. Smith suggested coordinating this with the installation'
of Cable T.V.
7. Letter inviting City Council to join Eel River Water Council.
8. Notice of Hearing before LAFCO on annexation of Alma to Central
Fire District.
AB 430 9. Copy of Legislative Bulletin dated March 113 priraarily.to keep
posted on Disclosure of Assets legislation.
AB 696 With regard to AB 696 (Vacancies of Elective Officers) Mr. Smith
stated that he was acquainted with similar situations_in the
past with regard to school boards where there must be an election
if there is a vacancy. He felt that it would be an important
enough subject to be referred to one of the Committees and
possibly a position should be taken by this Council. Without
objection, referred to the Policy Conmittee.
- 6 -
..~' N~tRCH 18, 1970
Mayor Tyler acknowledged the presence of Planning
Commissioner Lively, Mrs. Slade from the Leag~e of
Women Voters; and Ruth Owen of the Good Government
Group, who so generously supplied coffee during the
Moved by Mr. Robbins, seconded by Mro Smith that
the me~ting be adjourned to Executive Session.
The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M,
Respectfully submitsted
JRH: r