HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-05-1970 City Council Minutes SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES
TIME: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1970 - 7:30 P.M.
Mayo~ Robbins called the meeting to order at 7:40 P.M.
Present: Councilmen Robbins, Bridges, Dwyer, Sanders and Smith.
Absent: None
Mayor Robbins noted on the minutes of the Joint Study session that on
Page 3, Paragraph 7 he had been referred to as "Mayor Tyler". Councilman
Bridges, referring to the Council Minutes of July 15, Item VI-C-3 stated
it should read "Management Committee - Public Works Inspector." Also,
in the same paragraph, line 4, following the word "County" it should
read "noting that in past'periods of decline of building activities,
tbmre had been no corresponding .... " Councilman Dwyer noted that on Page
4, Item 4, that the caption should read: "Left turns off Saratoga-Los
Gatos Road'I, and that in the context, third line should read "left
turns off Saratoga Los Gatos Road .... "
Referring back to the minutes of the Joint Study session, Councilman
Dwyer noted that on page 4, line 30, 16,000 sq. ft. should be 160,000
sq. ft." Councilman Dwyer moved adoption of the Minutes of the July
15 Council Meeting, as corrected, and the Minutes of the Joint Study
Session of July 28, as corrected. Councilman Smith seconded, and the
motion carried unanimously.
There were no bids nor contracts to be considered.
RESLN. 543 City Manager Huff said that the Parks and Recreation Commission had
DEDICATION approved and recommended adoption of this Resolution concerning the
OF OPEN dedication of land for open space by the landowners in the C~ty.
Mayor Robbins referred it to the Management and Public Welfare Committees
to study and report back at the next meeting.
A. SDR-854 -KE~NETH.'GILBEAU - 1 Lot, Twin Creeks Road
SDR-854 Mr. Huff stated that this is a request for a single Building Site
GILBEAU Approval for Kenneth Gilbeau; that all requirements have been met and
BLDG. SITE that he recommended that Final Site Approval be adopted by the Council.
Councilman Sanders asked whether Mr. Gilbeau had built the retaining
walls, and Mr. Huff said that this condition is designed to inform the
applicant that retaining walls over three feet in height must be designed
by civil engineers.
Councilman Smith made the mQtion to approve the building site which was
seconded by Councilman Sanders, and carried unanimously.
Mayor Robbins noted that Public Hearings were never opened before 8:00 P.M.
.= Saratoga City Council Minutes - August 5, 1970 - Continued
and since it was only 7:40, he would pass it by and come back to it at
8:00 P.M.
WARNING SIGN 1. Mayor Robbins referred toa request from Mrs.~7~-~Wagner for a warning
PIERCE ROAD sign on Pierce Road to Mr. Shook.
2. Mayor Robbins appointed M~. Shook to serve as alternate on the North
County Zone Flood Control!~Advisory Cormnittee.
3. The Mayor appointed Georg~ Coakley to represent Saratoga on the County
Wide Cormnittee for Public Transit.
T.V. ANTENNA 4. Mayor Robbins brought up the matter of Tanso Ishihara's request for a
AT HAKONE T.V. antenna. Mr. Ishihara claims that when he moved up to Hakone 18
months ago as caretaker, ~e was promised by someone on staff that he
would be furnished a T.V..antenna for his house, although he couldn't
recall who it was that made the promise. The Mayor felt this was a
fair request and that it should be taken care of.
Councilman Smith made the motion to furnish the T.V. antenna; the
second was by Councilman Sanders, and the motion carried unanimously.
MARTMAN, 5. The Mayor announced the piacing of the~ ~laques designating the Hartman
. GLENNON OAKS Oak and the Glennon Oak, in recognition of the many years of unselfish
service given to the City~by Kenneth R. Hartman and William E. Glennon.
6. Mayor Robbins also announced the meeting of the Inter-City Council on
Thursday night, August 6 at Los Gatos with a Mayor's Committee meeting
1. Payment of Claims
Councilman Sanders moved that warrants in the amount of $36,300.36
be paid; seconded by Councilman Smith; carried unanimously.
1. Parks and Recreation Commission
OPEN SPACE Andrew Mariani, Secretary.of the Parks and Recreation Commission
reported that the Commission recommended adoption of Resolution 543
pertaining to acceptance of gifts of open space land and that the
Council support Senator Milton Marks' Open Space Bill authorizing the
creation of the San Francisco Bay Area Regional Open Space Conmission.
However, since the bill was killed by the Senate Finance Committee
after the Parks & Recreation Commission endorsement there is no need
for Council action at this time. He noted that the Commission has
scheduled informal Public Hearings on September 14 and 21, to discuss
the future development of Wildwood and Scully park sites.
2. Public Welfare Cormmittee
SAFER SARATOGA Councilman Sanders explained the new SAFER SARATOGA program which is
PROGRAM of ~ajor concern to all Saratoga citizens, and stressed the importance
of an alert citizenry to effective law enforcement. He noted that the
Campbell Police Department attracts 100 to 150 people to similar meetings
at which .~he~llce ~amili~ize c'f~i~w'~weapons and police equip-
ment and advise them of ways in which they can assist in the law enforce-
ment program. He recommended wide publicity in the newspapers.
Mayor Robbins moved adoption of the Safer Saratoga program; seconded by
Councilman Smith; and carried unanimously.
- 2 -
· =Saratoga%City Council. Minutes - August 5, 1970 ~ Continued
GLEN BRAE B. Councilman Sanders reported on the: proposed Glen Brae Drive' improvement. He
DRIVE said that the Director of Public WOrks has discussed the right-of-way with a
RIGHT-OF- representative of the owner and recommends that the City accept a dedication of
WAY the right-of-waya~ e~er into an.agreement with the owner that if and when the
i C'iYy ~he property for park purposes, it will pay for g~oss acreage. He
said that the City feels this is an excellent idea and that the City Attorney
should be instructed to draft the ~ecessary papers.
Mayor RObbins said that actually what we are doing is postponing payment, and
he feels that it make sense since we do not have a lot of money.
Councilman Dwyer moved for adoption, seconded by Mr. Sanders; and carried
PROSPECT 4. Councilman Sanders, reporting on the Prospect Road project said that it was
ROAD not contemplated in the original plans to have under-drains. The committee has
UNDER- studied the plans and considered the damage that was done on Saratoga Avenue in
DRAINS a similar ~ituation. The Committe~ recommended the expenditure of $2,000.00
on 'the Saratoga side of Prospect to install the under-drains. Mr. Shook said
that the County is going to install the under-drains on the other side.
Councilman Dwyer moved to authoriz~ expenditure of $2,000.00 to install the
under-drains on the Saratoga side of Prospect. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Sanders and carried unanimously.
SARATOGA 5. Councilman Sanders presented the request of Job Svilich, Chairman of the
FESTIVAL Saratoga Parade Committee, requesting sanction of the Annual Saratoga
PARADE Festival Parade on Sunday September 19, giving its route.
Councilman ~ith .moV~.itS .sanctign; se~d[d'by CoUnCilman_Slanders; carried
Mayor Robbins noted that the time was Bow 8:00 P.M. and returned to Item V,
Public Hearings.
A. C-130 Saratoga Foothills Development Corporation
C-130 Planning Director Stanley Walker explained that this is a request for Change
SARATOGA of Zoning from R-I-40,000 to R-1-40,000PC, a single-residence Planned Community,
FOOTHILLS which provides for the development.of a residential subdivision with the actual
DEVELOPMENT building sites being about 20,000 sq. ft. rather than the 40,000 normally
CORPORATION required. However, the density of the subdivis~p} he said, would not exceed
the density allowed in the R-i-40,000 zoning district. There are 41 building
sites here, with a common green ar~a and community facilities, such as swirmming
pool, pitch and putt golf area, pedestrian walks and riding t~ails. The property
covers 42.5 acres, he said, and lies east of Fruitvale, North of the intersection
of Three Oaks and Fruitvale. It has rolling terrain with some steep and some
not-so-steep areas.
Mr.. Walker said the matter was pre~ented to the'Planning Cormnission in April
and at that time it was felt that there should be a study of the entire area
comprising nearly 400 acres on both sides of Fruitvale -- from this property
north to Allendale. A stud~ was made by Mr. Beck of the consulting firm of
Royston, Hanamoto, Beck and Abey, and his preliminary study was involved with open
space use and feasibility of development of a golf course in this particular
area. He met with a committee of the Council and made recommendations that
a standard 18-hole golf course would be impractical'in the area for physical
reasons. His second recommendation.was that the area be developed, if not
as a golf course, as a common green development, in order to provide open
spaces, and that parks and agricultural uses should also be encouraged to
insure more open spaces. He differed with Saratoga! Eoothills oh several
points such' as street pattern and the locations of residences on the slopes.
garatoga City Council Minutes - August 5, 1970 - Continued
Mr. Walker said Mr. Beck's plan had some major d{fferences from SaratOga Foothill's plan
in that the major street running to the east is ~ocated on the Saratoga FOothills plan so
that it intersects Fruitvale near the center of ~he property. Whereas it enters Fruitvale
at the north end of the property on Beck's plan.~ The Saratoga Foothills plan locates North/
South streets and cul-de-sacs so that the building sit~s would be on top of the ridges,
whereas Beck's plan shows them on the side slopes of the ridges.
The community centeE~ is placed near the south p~operty line by Mr. Beck. Saratoga Fbothills
had located it just north of the main entrance near the center of the property. Th~i~plan
also has the pitch and putt golf course area in the southeast portion of the property. The
other open spaces were basically the same. The ~nain differences are in the location of the
East/West collector, whether the houses will be gn the side slopes or the ridges, and the
location of the community center. ~here are 41, building sites proposed in this development
located on 42.5 acres.
The Mayor opened the Public Hearing on C-130 at 8:20 P.M. and invited the public to spe~k
on this proposed re-zoning.
Jerry Lohr of 19802 Charters Avenue representing~the developer, spoke first. He contended
that at issue here were the development of the e~tire surrounding area and development of
this particular property and indicated that the manner in which this property is devel'oped
would establish a pattern for the entire Central Area. He maintained that the site under
consideration wa~ a key property in the development of the approximately 400 acres of the
central area of Saratoga. He referred to the numerous meetings with the City Planning
staff over a period of the last seven or eight months in an attempt to develop aplan
which would provide for the best development of this property, from a long-term aesthetic
viewpoint. Mr. Lohr stated that his firm is not buying this property but has an agreement
with Mrs. HarVey, the current owner, for developing it. She has agreed to the present
planned community concept and is aware that there will be additional cost for additional
landscaping and amenities required in a planned Community. However, she feels that this
concept would provide the best long range development for the area. From a home designer's
or builder's point of view, Mr. Lobr stated the ~ot quality from Saratoga Foothills' plans
is superior to that of the Beck plan.
Mr. Lohr continued that major differences between his plan and Beck!s are the location of the
col{ector street entrance onto Fruitvale; the lot location relative to contours where our
houses are/so pl~nned'r~hat they will be on the relatively flatter portion 'of the property
and providing wider lots i~ contrast to the lots on Beck's plan some of which appear to be
of substandard width; a cul-de-sac street longerlthan the maximum 450 ft. in length; the
location of the community center, shown in the center of the property on our plan instead
of near the south boundary, he has three lots on the Beck plan which couldn't be sewered
without using a pumping station; several of Beck's lots face the collector street whereas
we have only two that will be directly serviced ~y the collector street. Three lots shown
on Beck's plan are unbuildable without a large amount of grading while development according
to our plan Would require very little, if any, grading.
Both proposals envision a fence along Fruitvale with planrings in front of the fence and
footpaths. Mr. Lohr felt it better to face the lots in instead of having each lot have
driveway access onto Fruitvale Avenue. ~
Emery J. Delmas, 15444 E1Camino Grande, advised the Council that he appeared both as a
resident of the area and as attorney serving gratuitously for the 300 signers of the
petition opposing the re-zoning which he presented to the clerk.
He urged that this development violated the Saratoga General Plan. He mentioned the
proposed revision of the General Plan but indicated that revision or modification had
not yet been adopted by the Council, ~ prerequisite to its application to this proposal.
Mr. Delmas asked the Council not to 'adopt ~ plan which violates the General Plan. He
stated that the original purpose of ~e'incorpor~tion of the City of Saratoga was to main-
tain the rural atmosphere~ Mr. Delmas continued that people who have signed the petition
and many other have moved to Saratoga on the representations that the purpose of incorporation
and the implementation of that purpose by the zoning ordinances would be retained, preserved
and all of these people are relying on you to preserve that situation by maintaining your
present zoning ordinances until there have been hearings that warrant changing these zoning
ordinances. He indicated that his objections thfs re-zoning were based on the alignment
of the access road east and west from Fruitvale ~o Sobey Road, that dead-ends at the property
line without any provision extension._~hrough the undeveloped property. He further submitted
that this proposal was not an appropriate, proper cluster development. The open spaces
- 4-
Saratoga City Council Minutes - August 5, 1970 -Continued
proposed are those spaces which ar& unbuildable for residential development. The land
which is designed as open land is, in fact, waste land. It is inappropriate to designate
this as open space. He added that what is done,here on this 42.5 acres is certainly
going to be a precident to the development of th& areas to the north, between this area
and Sobey Road. This land is still to be develo~edy~d there are no proposals before you
that I am aware of, but the precedent here will establish strong arguments for continuing
bad zoni~g.~He urged that this application is the place to stop this zoning pattern. On
7b~f each of the people who have signed thi~ petition and on'behalf of himself, Mr.
Delmas urgently requ~_~d~Tthat this application be denied.
Stan Marshall of 19610 Three Oaks Way, urged the. Council to follow the plan of Mr. Beck
and others who had no financial involvement in the development instead of the plan of the
Daniel Del Prior, 19554 Three Oaks Way advised that he had not been notified of the hearing
although he lived within 500 feet of the property in question. He also objected.that street
rights of way should be deducted from total arealof the development before computing the
number of lots that could be developed there. And he pointed out that this plan did not
provide a true common green because of inadequacy of the design.
Mr. Lohr returned to the microphone and stated that in answer to the contention that
this plan violated the General Plan it was his understanding that it is not a violation
of the General Plan since the plan proposed 41 lots on 42.5 gross acres. Deduction of
the square footage in the streets still allows forty-one 40,000 square foot lots. As
to dead-ending the road, Mr. Lohr pointed out that his. plan showed almost exactly the
same alignment as that in the General Plan. It would be unusual to have it all developed
at the same time since the area to the east might not be developed for 8 or 10. years. He
also stated that his proposal is not mean to be a cluster development but is a planned
community. A cluster would be something like the Rinconada Hills Subdivision in Los Gatos,
having lots which are 24 to 27 feet wide and 80 feet long, clustered together with open
space in the center.
Councilman Smith asked if Mr. Lohr said that the~ were only going to build a portion of
these homes, and if the others are to be opec homes.
Mr. Lohr answered that there will be no opec homes built. Lots will be sold through the
multiple listing service, through any of the realtors here in Saratoga, but only for homes
to be built. This would avoid unmaintained vacant lots growing a crop of weeds. Only~ ~'
Saratoga Foothills could build so-called opec ho~es and the past history of Saratoga
Foothills building in the City of Saratoga has included only one opec house.
Councilman Smith asked how he is going to maintain architectural control over the lots
sold and Mr. Lohr advised that before the sale o~ the lot can be closed, the home will
have to be designed, the financing will have to be obtained and construction contracted
either with ourselves or another builder. ~rchitectural approval will be granted by
Saratoga Foothills Development Corporation, or when 50% or mo~e of the lots have been
sold a commitee which can also consist of the developer and lot owners.
Councilman Dwyer asked if the open space was in fact waste land.
Mr. Lohr replied that the open spaces certainly can be a problem. He said the area of the
perimeter around the,~community center and the putting green area would be landscaped as would
the border along Fruitvale; the pathways would have oil and screens surfacing; and we wou~d
expect the remainder of the property would be preserved as orchard land.
In answer to questions by Mayor Robbins, Mr. Loh~ said that acre lots could go into that
area but we have seen too many acre areas where there is a relatively small house in the
center of an acre which has grown up into weeds. Acre lots, where the land is scarred,
will very quickly grow up to wild oats or something like the hillside behind the Blue
Ridge area or Prospect Hill. He said that we don't think those are very aesthetic or
pleasing areas and we feel that the existing terrain would be more desirable than a
scarred area with wild oats, which, because of the steephess of the cuts could no longer
be disced, as this entire property can be now.
- 5~-
Saratoga City Council Minutes August 4, 1976 ~I~ ...... ~
· - -~Continued
Councilman Dwyer asked that Planning Director 'Walker explain the landscaping plans ·
for the area, for the benefit of the audience.
Mr. Walker said the developer is required to enter into an agreement with-~ the City
which provides for maintenanceof all common ~reas, such as the community facilities,
the swimming pool, the pitch and putt area, landscaped area along Fruitvale and the
areas left in the natural state or orchard until 51% of the sites are conveyed to
individual property owners. Then if they do ~ot form a homeowners group to assume
· the maintenance obligation the City may form ~n assessment district to maintain it
for them at their cost.
Henry Miller, 14765 Fruitvale Avenue commented that instead of seeing green ~pace in the
property~as you drive by, you will see four rows of houses on hilltops. The green space
would be completely hidden from view of the road. You would not have the open space
feeling that the acre zoning was Supposed to ~reserve~ In actually driving by you
would get the feeling that there easily could~be 80 houses in that area off to the
right as you came down Fruitvale Avenue, rather than the 40 houses. I believe the
plan by Mr. Beck would yield more of the open,space feeling.
Mr. Bernie Vogel, owner of the property at 15055 Oriole Road indicated that if the
proposal goes through he would be looking at twice the number of homes on the adjacent
rolling hills as he would see if the area retains one-acre zoning. He pointed out that
the General Plan estimated an overall density of..6 house per acre whereas this develop-
ment would establish a pattern of one house per acre in the central area.
He also said that the Boar~ of Directors of Saratoga Woods Pool have nothing but trouble
trying to maintain the pool if membership falls below 100 families and expressed doubt
of the economic feasibility of 41 families suRporting a community center, pool and
open space maintenance.
Chris Caswell, 17, 15094 Fruitvale Avenue, urged attention to the aesthetics of
this situation. He questioned whether this p~oject should be done at all. He
emphasized that kids need some place to.grow ~p to enjoy the rural atmosphere, and
pointed out that this development will set a ~attern for the area and for all of
Saratoga. He asked the Council to consider the aesthetics for the next generation
not just the current economic feasibility.
Mrs. Ralph Rowan, 19361Valle Vista Drive questioned whether residents moving into
this development would realize and fulfill their responsibility to maintain the
Lou Ruschin, River Ranch Circle indicated tha~ he owned a lot on Three Oaks Way and
asked who had the fina~ decision in this matter. Mayor Robbins advised him that the
the final decision rests~'th-the City Council. Mr. Ruschin then asked if her under-
stood correctly that Mr.'S'~'d~rs planned to r~move himself from deliberation of this
Councilman Sanders responded that he did not ~lan to participate or vote at this lime
but that he was not relinquishing his right t~ participate if he thought his
participation to be in the interest of Saratoga.
Mr. Ruschin continued that if it is the intention of the City of Saratoga to preserve
open spaces, there is nothing more open than the present situation. He said if this
property is to be built upon according to the ~present.zoning requirements there may not
even need to be fences around lots that are one-acre homesites, as opposed to the
Obvious need for fences around 1/2 acre homesi'tes. He felt that fences restrict open
spaces. Further he stated that just because the area has one-acre zoning, doesn't
mean. there must be one house on each acre. In fact, it might be wise to consider
changing it to perhaps two-acre zoning, and have one-acre siges as a planned community.
Mrs. Carolyn Ruschin, River Ranch Circle, objected to what she considered to be
threats that if the rezoning is not granted i~ will be necessary to do extensive
grading to develop 1 acre sites. She also felt that development ~ould change the
nature of the road by fencing it and feared that the area between the fence and the
road would not be maintained and that it would not be as attractive as it might be if
there were some type of development.
Saratoga City ~Council Minutes - August 5, 1970 - Continued
Samuel L. Tyler, 13611 Saratoga Vista Avenue stated that planned cormnunity could offer
a better development in this particular area than can straight acre zoning. With
standard acre zoning this piece of property would probably end up with a gridiron
street pattern such as we see on flat land. He indicated that a planned community
should be able t~ eliminate the gridiron network of streets, and it should also be
able to give at least an impression of open space ~ give an impression of less
density. He felt that the proposed plan submi,tted by Saratoga Foothills fell far
short of fulfilling the full potential for.outstanding development of this property
as a planned conmmnity. I would given the impression of higher density, except from
very specific viewpoints. Driving along Fruitvale Avenue and from certain vantage
points on adjoining property you would probabl~ get the impression of higher density.
He emphasized that a planned community could be quite advantageous if it is properly
developed and urged the Council to consider the ultimate plan very carefully to insure
that the desired open space is preserved in fact and in feeling.
Henry Drinker, 14711 Fruitvale Avenue expressed concern for the impact this development
would have on the Fruitvale Avenue traffic already increased by the operation of the Saratoga
Campus of the West Valley College.
Fred Nylander, Baranga Lane asked if provision for eventual widening of Fruitvale were
being taken into consideration in laying out the subdivision. He also asked if the
trails and pathways would be available as horse trails and whether the owners of the
property would be allowed to have horses.
Mr. Walker answered that the development originally proposed a conmmnity stable but
it had been eliminated by the developer. ~ow~ver, the residents couM construct
one later under a Use Permit, and advised tha~ proposed pathways are for pedestrians
and horses especially from east to west to carry horse traffic between the Sobey Road
area and Fruitvale. ~
Mr. Delmas commented that the developer c~imed that this is not a 'violation of the
General Plan but Mr. Delmas said that as he read the General Plan it calls for 40,000
square foot lots while this proposal shows 20,000 square foot lots. He indicated that
he thought this to be a violation of the General Plan. It is either a cluster on
20,000 square foot lots or a violation of the'General Plan.
Barcus Miroyan, 14497 Nutwood Lane, told the ~ouncil that he moved to Saratoga because
of'the stated goal to keep it a rural, pleasing community. He contended that rezoning
for this planned community would violate the confidence of those who purchased in the
acre zone on the assumption the city would maintain the acre zoning inviolate.
In addition he expressed concern for maintenance of the open spaces citing examples
along Cox Avenue, Highway 9, and Saratoga Avenue. The City has even asked Boy Scouts
and Girl Scouts and various organizations to help clean up and maintain some of these
areas. He urged the Council tol~ta~n th~X~t~ng .~oning..- ~
Mr. Lohr spoke again to emphasize that his plan does not increase the density permitted
on the property. He pointed out that the agreement between the city and th~ developer
provided for maintenance of the open space and the area along Fruitvale Avenue so it
wo~ld not become unkempt like mme of the areas cited by Mr. Miroyon. He also connnented
specifically on Mr. Mitler's statement about what would be seen from Fruitvale saying
that the bank on the east side of the r~ad is, generally two to four feet higher than the
road and with the planting strip along there, you will not be able to see any of the
houses on the property from Fruitvale except at the entrance.
Bernie Turgeon, 13894 Malcolm, also representing the Saratoga Foothills Development
Company advised that in April he and Mr. Lohrjhad discussed a standard 1-acre sub-
division with the Subdivision Committee and h~d been asked by the Subdivision Committee
of the Planning Cor~nission, to prepare a proposal based on the Planned Community concept.
A.H. Brolly, 14680 Fruitvale Avenue advised that careful consideration must be given
to development of the open space to prevent preservation of the badly eroded slopes
on which nothing but afewscraggly prune tre~s will grow as at present and which
over the years have dumped tons of water and silt into the little creek that flows
through the Brolly property. He urged that s~mething be done to prevent further
erosion and to insure maintenance of proper planting.
There being no further comments, the Mayor announced the hearing would be continued
to 8:00 P.M. September 16 and referred the ma'tter to the Planning Con~nittee.
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i'_ Saratoga City Council Minutes - August 5, 1970 - Continued
After a short recess, the meeting reconvened at 10:25 P.M. and returned to the agenda
of the Council Meeting.
1. Public Works
Robert Shook, Director, requested~au~horization to go to bid on three projects:
(a) Final restoration of Sarahills Drive slide;
(b) Glen B~ae Drive Improvement
(c) Fruitvale Avenue Walkway~
Councilman Smith moved authorization, seconded by Gouncilman Bridges and the
motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Huff announced that Rudolph Reed had been hired as Public Works Inspector and
reconnnended that he be hired at step B, $850.00 per month.
It was moved by Councilman Dwyer that he be hired in Class 28-A, Step B; seconded
by Councilman Smith; carried unanimously.
1. Mr. Huff called attention to Bryce Baker's letter withdrawing a Use Permit
application and indicated that the notices had been sent so a fee refund was
not in order. He indicated he would so advise Mr. Baker.
2. Letter Mr. & Mrs. Becker and Mr. Zotalis expressing opposition to the P.C.W.
Drop-in Center were noted by the Council.
3. A letter from Robert Nino supporting the Drop-in center was noted.
4. Letter from SCCAPO pertaining to sign regulations was referred to staff for
report at the August 19 meeting.
I. Richard Green of 14350 Goleta Avenue advised tbat ~he trees planted on Goleta
in connection with the Azule Assessment District were very messy and he recommended
against using this type of tree again. Mayor Robbins thanked him for the
information and directed it to the attention of the staff.
The meeting adjourned at 10:55 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,