HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-18-1972 City Council Minutes SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES
TIME: TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1972:~- 5:00 P.M.
Present: Councilmen Dwyer, Bridges, Rob~ins, Smith and Kraus
Absep~: None
A. RESOLUTION NO. 609 - A Resolution Canvassing the Vote Held April 11, 1972
Mayor Robbins moved adoption; it was seconded by Councilman
Bridges and carried unanimously.
Mayor Robbins then thanked the Council for the opportunity to work
with them and expressed his appreciation for serving with such a
fine group of individuals.
The City Clerk administered the 0~th of Office to newly-elected
councilmen, Jerome A. Smith and Rod Diridon. He then issued the
Certificate of Election to both of them.
The City Clerk announced that election was now open for the position of
mayor for the City of Saratoga. It was moved by Councilman Dwyer%and
seconded by Councilman Kraus that Jerome Smith be elected mayor. Nomin-
ations were closed and unanimous ballot was cast for Jerome Smith.
Mayor Smith then asked for nominations for the position of vice-mayor.
It was moved by Cole Bridges and seconded by Rodney Diridon that
Bob Dwyer be nominated for the position of vice-mayor. Nominations
were closed, and it was moved and seconded that. Mr. Dwyer be elected
vice-mayor. This passed unanimously.
Mayor Smith then commented on how the Council will be at a .loss to
replace Mayor Robbins. He continued by saying that Mayor Robbins had
made a tremendous contribution to the City of Saratoga and that he would
be missed by his colleagues. The Council then adopted Resolution No. 611
declaring Charles H. Robbins to be an official municipal asset and
resource. ~he Resolution was unanimously adopted.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
TM: WEDNESDAYs APRIL 5, 197Z - 7:30 P.M.
Present: Councilman Dwyer, Bridges, Robbins, Smith and Krsus.
Absent: None ·
The minutes of M~rch 1~, 1972 meeting were 8pproved as wTitten.
A. RESOLUTION NO. 607 - A Res61ution Authorizing e Parade Through Certain
Portions of Saratog8 on A~ril 8, 1972.
Councilman Smith moved adoption; seconf,ea by Councl~mgn Bridges;
carried unanimously,
'Councilrosa3 smith moved adoption'; seconded by Councilman Dwyer. Motion
csau'ied unanimously. Mayer was~ authorized to execute Agreement.
Moved by Mayor Robbins, seconded by Councilman Smith .that the City
support the expenditure of federal funds to conduct studies on this
matter. Carried unanimously.
The Resolution commending Fa'. S~hwendinger for his outstanding work in
the creation of West valley Youth Soccer League was read. Councilman
I)wyer moved adoptio~n; s.econded. by Councilman .S~ith; carried unanimously.
· Mayor Rob~ins Sckn6wledged 'th6 '~resence o~ M~Si JeSse Manuel, who sug-
gested this Resolution, and thanked her for doing so.
Chief Curtis J. Kirby of'the Cent~ei F~re District presented a plaque
to Mr. Huff. for his work in fire safety during his time with the City,
and wished him well in future endeavors.
· Mayor Robbins read e Resolution ~cknOwledging the outstanding services
of Mr. Ruff. Adoption was moved .by Councilman Dwyer, seconded by
Coun~ilman Sm~.th; cerrie~ ,~,~nimc~asly. A copy w8s Fesented to Mr. Buff
Councilman B~idges moved acceptance of improvements and releasing of bond.
SecOnded by Councilman Smith; cs/u'ied unanimously.
B. SDR-828 - DR. JOH~ E. COX i JACKS+ED. -Release of Investment Certificates
Councilman Smith had questions concerning the~ u~derground work.and
cut, as well as the drainage syste.m and the road. Mr. Walker said
these problems were being worked out and that releasing the certifi-
cates would release Dr. Cox but would not release the property
owners on this particular road, and that acceptance Wou~d not be
finalized until construction is accepted.
Mayor Robbins asked for a ~ort from staff and directed that this
matter be re-agendized fort the next meeting.
C. SDR-550 -.Wl~IAM D. GARLAND - Via Regina - R~lease of Faithful
Performance Bond.
Councilman B~idges~ moved a'doption~ seconded by Councilman Smith;
carried unanimously.
A. V-371. W. C. & A XEnm'- mm v E -
' appeal Of the Planning Commission Decision to'deny a variance
to allow' a food stqre of 28,000 .sq. ft. in lieu of the meximum
of 12,000 'sq. ft. ,permitted.
City Manager Beyer indicated that there had been a request to delay
this heaXing for two %we~k~..-hr+t Mayor Robbins said that since Notice
of Public Hearing has been duly published, if anyon.e had come to be
heard, he would. hear him and then continue theEeating until next
Jam~s. Br.,o~n~ 1,2099' Natoma ~Court, Pre'sident of the Northwest Home
Owneras. Associ.ati0n said.he h~d sent' .in a letter protesting the
variance b~cause it would ~require an enormous parking area and
that :p~opez~y ~values w~ld. suffer. He said he felt that the
· ' Sa~a~ogadu~nyva!~ Rmaa~ sh~ou!,a be ~ide~e,d 'to 100 ft. ~-ian.' ·
road, divided, should".!this variance be allowed -- that this .would
help the. Blue Hills-Azule Fshopping area and wodld make it more
attradti~e to ~vleitor 'Co~m~erciai,deveiopment~ He felt that the
qt,e~ifications and limitations of Visitor Cou~nercial zoning should
be clarified so that variances would not be necessary.
'. Eugene Geritz, of Schoell, Ceritz, Paul and+ Allard, Inc., project
architects, said because of preVious commitments 'of other members
of his firm it is imposSib~le for them to attend this meeting and
he especially wanted them. i.t.o m~k..e-the presentation as repres~ati'ves
.. of LuCky Marke~s and Long~ Drugs, two of the major proposed t~nants.
He felt ~hat actually there should he two variances pending. '
Mayor Rob~ins directed th~ City Attorney to clarify the Ordi'nance,
and he wanted. to l~ow whether "Pharmacy" includes "Drug Store."
Councilmmn'Dwyer wanted t6 know if. ~t department store of 2~,000
sq. ft. ~fould be a permitted use, and though~ the ardhitect raised a. good
point about clarification..
Mr.' Charles. Schwage~, of- 20386 ki~kmont D. riVe, Said' he and others in
the neighborhood were very concerned abo~t. this matter and asked
they 'could· he notified as to when the next hearing will be... Mayor
Robbins said it .would definitely be at the next Council meet'~ng on
April 19. ~ . ..'
Counoilm8~ Smith moved ~hat t~e. hearing be ciosed and continued to
April 19- Seconded .by-Councilman Kratts; carried unanimously.i
B. SDR-911 - WILLARD THOMPSON - OAK STREET - An appeal of Planning
Commtssion decision to den~ application for building site
Mr. Walker indicated the. location of the property on a map -o next
to the old right-of-way on 5th Street.-~ and said it had. had site
approval for 'several yearS; t~at it e]~pired several times and was
renewed, but this time, Mr. Thompson applied for an ext~nsio~ of
six months -- that was about seven months-ago, and hewas in.no
position to give forther extensions.
Mayor Robbins said ~e ~talkedl.witk~Wi~lYs~ck~ab'out~,~he bM~P~ss~and' is
· p~l~the '~opi~!O~ ~hpi~vit~age ~udy~Comm~.~tte~er~s?~no~t~h~,.OB~gh!. _s~udYing it. He
mentioned ~hat Mr. Thompson has been most cooperative in Working
with the' City on this, and felt that to be a .plus in his favor.
Councilman Smith asked when the report of+ the study committee is -
'due 'and ~r. W~lker ~aid there l~As. ~n6 'pa~/icular. date. -- ~ that they
' ' ~ ~il'L~m~et ag~ ~n'Apr~l ~ abOUt' t~el p~rk~ag lane, 'and apparently will
present it to the Planning Comm~ssion in May or June. He said that
the bye-pass q~estion. has. more or.! less been put aside until a parking
plan ~'i~ work&d:'od~I~ tha~!~the p~esent pavement os 16' .to 18' wide and
Widening it would present '.quite a construction project. It is the
feeli~ ..of~ the~ Citize~. C6mmit~ee not- toI use St. Charles Street, he
said, and there is a good ~poss~bllity~' ~hey might come~up with a
by-pans plan. Assuming there is no by-pass ~and no widening, then
Mr. Thompson~would be required to do slight widening to accommodate
street parking and" extra traffic.
Mayor Robbins asked if the ~xtension granted by Mr..Thompson was
within the limit.' Mr. Walker said it was, assnmtng there would be
The Hearing'.was ~pened. at 8:30 P~M.
Mr. Willard ThompSon, 15710 West Road, Los Gato~, said he_ bought
the lot in' 1963 and immsdi.ately got ~permission for ~ apartments
and the City said they wer~e going to abandon 5th Street. Then -
he found the' City didn't own the street, and it took h~im two years
to find the owners and to clear the title. The City said they
were going to.widen .the street, but finally.sent 'him a letter in
1968 saying 'they wer~ going to do the streets last year. That 'is
why he applied for anotherA approval, -which was denied..
He said he was interested in getting this cleared up, admitting it
is a marginal property, but delays cause a financial borden due to
increasing taxes and interest and higher construction costs, as. well
as the possibility of higher~interest rates for construction money.
Mayor Robbins referred ~he: matter to the Planning and EnVironmental.
Committee for a reportA
Councilman':Smith moved to close the hearing; seconded by Councilm~_~
Bridges; passed unanimously. The Hearing was closed at 8:35 P.M.
and Mayor Robbins told Mr. Thompson the EnVironmental Committee of
the Council would be in touch with +him, and that the Hearing would
be continued.
C. · SDR-~2 - SHANNON LIGHTFOOT -~ SPRINc~A~ AVENUE - Am Appeal of the
Planning Commission to deny application for building site
approval-for two 10tS on Springer Avenue.
Mr. Walker pointed out the ~location of the property on maps and
stated he had furnished a description to the Council members.
Councilman Dwyer requested that in the future, on reports of 'this
type, that the location be shown since it is unimproved property
and under'the present system, it is impossible to locate the"
property when one goes out to view it.
Mr. Walker said this dates back actually to the early 1900's,. when
there were. ~wo. lots -- Lot 9~, which runs from Lot 88 all the way
back to Sage Avenue right-~of-way, and Lot 95, which ran the same
distance, back in'1906. In ~961, a Record of Survey was filed and
recorded, showing the two,lots as one, stopping at Old Sage. Inn.
Then in 1963, Shannon Lightfoot applied for a building permit, show-,
ing them as they were originally developed 'in 19o6. The Planning
C~mmisSion had'no knowledge of the Re6ord of Survey at,'that time.
Then the approval in 1963 .Yor two lots expired, and nothing-happened.
Now, in 1972,'Mr. Light. foot is applying for two Iota, referring back
to Mr. Tansey.. There are .!now two lots with a' 20-foot right-of-way.
It was the opinion. of the 'City Attorney that these two lots .cannot
be approved because they are illegal. In 1906 the 10ts would be legal.,
but they have changed from~ 1906 tO date, and they are 'illegal as two
lots. It could possibly.be al~proved as one, but not two lots.
Councilman Smith inquired as ~o the total acreage -- about 1/4 acre?
Mr. Walker answered affirmatively.
The. Public Hearing Opened at 8:~8 P.M.
Atto~n~'Rob~t T..' N~mard, 9~0 'North"F'.Ll~t S~reet, 'San Jose,
representing Shannon Lightfoot, said that the appeal was made on the
the~.follcWing grounds: That the ~iVlsion of land into two.lots was
effecte~ by'-recox;di~g of said division on May ~, 1961~ prior to
the effective date of the City's Zoning Ordinance in August, 196!.
He ~said that the :parCel has been ~and ~till is assessed as. two sepa-
rate lotS; that Sanitation! District IV has assessed these .lots
separately; That the division of the property is a reasonable and
proper use of Said property; and that' the denial of this application
deprives applicant of a vested'prOperty right and amounts to'condem-
nation of the applicant 'S i. nterest .in said property.
Applicant Shannon Lightf~ot, 11~1 Big Basin Way, Saratoga, said
he is the. owner' of the lots'; That he tel~d to Gary' Bonfiglio, who
said there was no Record of Survey prior to 1961~. and that it .was
illegal, regardless of the size. Nr. Walker'told him the same
thing. And he talked to ~. Johnston and he said the same thing.
He said he ha~ been paying~taxes on .two'piece~ of .property and
doesn't think it is fair.
~r.. Jacklin, of 1~6 Esterlee, .said that if Mr. Eightfont .obtained
building site approval, it would completely .transform the whole
neighborhood, and that he had prepared a petition and has all the
signatures. He said there.are two matters in contention-- the lots,
and whether..ornot they are legal lots in ~hat location.-- He.said
he had spent time researching this matter' and. that the old survey
map shews the :lots were changed, and the-lots proposed in the
application were not the original two lotS,' and he is proposing to
build on lots that clearly:do not extend tofSage. At the Sage
Street end, Mr. -Blce has a garage and a barbecue that has existed
for at ~east nine years -- not possible to change back into. the
non-conforming size. This ;presentI lot he proposes.lto bUi~l dv. on is
about the .size of two lots.
Council~ Eraus asked where the barbecue building is located.
Mr. Jacklin said it was across the end of both these lots. And
he is sure Mr. owns the garage and that property.
The City Attorney said it. was untrue what Mr. Lightfoot said about
his agreeing with Mr. Lightfoot. Said Mr. Lightfoot looked him up
at his (the attorney's) ~olside and brought out maps, and wan told
the maps showed one parcel, not two. His application showed them
to!'~be different from the original, and he would hav~ to buy the
ground back for it to be like the original.
Councilmn- Smith moved that the Hearing be closed for tonight and
continued to the next meeting; Councilman Eraus seconded. The
motion carried ~-nimously~ The Nearing closed at 8:55 P.M. and
the applicant was told that the Environmental Committee would be
in touch with him.
Mayor Robbins: took up the'. matter of the law suit City of Saratoga
vs. James R. Huff, 'pertaining to improvements to the Saratoga campus
of West Valley College, under the Recreational Facilities Assessment
District. After Ken Jones and the City Attorney spoke to the issues
involved, the Mayor said ~e would like to see the City support an
appeal, so once and for all the City would know where it stands.
The motion *an m~de' by ~SUncifman Smit~ to direct 'the City Attorney
to take the case to appeal; seconded by Councilm-n D~yer. Carried
unanimously.' , ,, , ..
1. Payment-of Claims
Approved list of disbLL~sements dated April 5, 197a, and a~r~hor-
ized th~ Mayor to ~i~n the warrants.
1. Councilm~n Smith reported';on ~he l~il~evich situation and the diffi-
culties in obtaining housing for the Rizzos~ as .veil as the fact
that Nontoya's power' had been o~f for tllree weeks~ and the steps
taken to get the power back on.
Councilman .Brid~es felt that this thing could go on forever, and
that a de£inite' date should be set for demolition, and meanwhile
~ontinue with the efforts ~to find housing for the Rizzos.
The ~yor directed that p~ans go ~head with the plan £or' demolition
of the place on May 1st.
~. Thorn Ford gave a brief report .on the parks and ReCreation Committee,
sayin~ that Chairman Matteoni and Mr. Bonnet have been studying
'details re parks use, general p.lll-pose# and definitions.
-The Mayor referred the report to 'Staff and th6 Public Welfare
Committee for review and r, eport.
· ~. Shook reported on' the Piedmont-Mendelsohn problems, andSa~irl".~:'~fsfa
IV has requested alternate bids from the planholders and bid opening is
set for next ~uesday. The contract will probably be let in ~ay, he sad.
Mr. Shook said that ~ olive trees would have to be removed if Peach Hill
were used as a detour out of the area. Councilm-n Dwyer suggested the
closing of Montalvo for those three days and detour through there, and
he wanted tO know what would be the impact of using a ~rivate road. Mr.
Shook said Mr. Goodman is putting his total efforts against this.
Councilman Smith said he thought the City should take the initiative in
re.solving this matters and said he would be willing. to meet with the
35 people in the aries, if desired.
Mayor Robbins directed Staff tO try to wore this out with the parties
On Wildwood Park, Mr. Shook said that the Agreement between the Council
and Flood Control has been held up in the offices of the attorneys for
Flood Control, but is scheduled for a meeting on April 18, approximately.
But, consistent with the Agreebent, Engineering Services and Flood
Control work could ~e accomplished this year. .AttOrney Johnston said
that Agreement was based on an. agreement between Kocher and Tyler,
which they would be happy to rescind if it could be completed by
October 1, 1972, with no trespassing of either boundary.
Mr. Beyer said he had talked with Mr. Tyler briefly, who said they were
interested in .some specific time.
The matter was referred to the .City Manager~ ' ~'~7~.*
Mr. Shook then took up the matter of the Traffic Study of Scotland and
Glen Brae. The Traffic Engineer had suggested reducing the grade of the
surrounding yards, as opposed to stopping. Mr. Beyer suggested that the
property owners be approached on this matter as to what might or might
not be done.
The Mayor directed that the study continue~
Mr. Shook brought up the matter of the 40" Oak ~ree on FruitVale near the
. George Day Subdivision ~t Douglass Lane, and whether it will have to be
removed. I Maylor Robeins ~referr~d the matter/to the ~a~di~;i~ten-6k~,*tt~e.,
}~-. WaZ~er ~ no re~orts from the Planning Department .'
~-. CZ~
l. r~e Cityc~ager a~'v~sed that it i~ no~ official** The populstion of
Saratoga i8 29,200, according to the State :Department of Finance.
2. Azmexation of Westbrook to SezaZtoga ~ been approved, and a letter from
Os~a~ Thtu~ner requests the Cit~ to commence formal a~aexation proceedings.
Mayor :Roh~ins referred this to the PZs~niug Commission.
:).. Nilje~r~ch Harm - Mz. Heyer suggested ~'riting Hz', ZvJ:LlJevieh a letter ssying
unless it is removed within the: next two weeks, we will send someone in
to demolish it.
4. Piedmont Road - Asked what direction the Council wished to move on this
matter. Mayor Robbins said he thought the Staff should take the lead.
Normally the City does not go in and repair ,a,private road, but he felt
this was different since it takes so much traffic that is not rightfully
theirs -- comes from all over the County. He directed Staff to start
work on this.
1. From Wilson, Jones, Morton & Lynch re City of S~atoga vs. ~f.
2 ~tter fr~ Faber ~o~ston re City of S~at6ga vs. H~f.
California Cu~cil~ on Intergo~rment~ Relations - J~s
A. R. Johnson ~ Policy Guidelines
Depmmnt of hbl~c Works - State of California ~ J~es A.
S~atoga C~ber o~ Comrce - ~les R~in, Chaim~ of
the' ~chitect~ Comittee.
' 6. S.C.C. ~dical Society - 0~TION EE 72-N0~H.
7. Bonnie Croft of Rit,nn~ Co~t - re ~lJe~ch ~o~rty.
8.' Elden Beck ~ Re Cmmity G~en.
9. ~. ~d ~s. ~om E~lish - ~ Cornunity G~den.
Beard J. ~eom, 1741 S~atoga A~.., S~ Jose, w~ted to.
~ what the tim table is for. acquisition of the Catholic
Ch~ch ~o~y. ~
~yor Robbins s~d~the~ +wo~d be a disc~slon of this at
the Executi~ Session foll~ng this motif, ~d he could
gi~ no ~er n~' but wo~d t~ to get ~. ~er as
q~c~'as possible.'
2. B~ne~ N~lin~ 26~ Ritm~a Ct., S~atoga,' w~tEd to
~ if the~ is a ~tim li~t on the ~ljevich pro~y ~d
exactly when it~ wi~ be acc~lished.
The ~or said it ~o~d be ~y 1st.
~.. M~in cited t~ worsening condition of the rest of
the pro~y, concerning d~ing of ~bbish, cutti~ of
t~es, etc. ~d he ~ked if s~ action co~d ~ t~en t~d
closing ~ the entire pro~y.+
.~. Beyer said ~ ~ attest to ~t that to colon ~th
~the tim sched~e..
~TEity Attorney said it is app~ently zoned at ~esent to
~mit s~e of W~ - G~g ~mis wo~d ~ a' det~led
~l~. But it is app~ent~ being ~ed for my thins,
son of which ~e ,mslght~, and s~ illeg~.
~yor Robbins acquitted the ~eaence of A~iral R~ph ~c~i of the
P~ni~ Co~ salon, ~d mm~rs of the ~ ~mnt Group.
~ 7
He c~led for ~ Executi~ SesSion foll~ing the re~l~ meting to
discuss ~rsomel problem~ ~d c~led a S~ci~ ~eting for April 18, 5 P.M.
to recei~ the mpo~ of t~ City 01erk on his c~v~ of the April ~ b~lotS.
The meti~ ~omed to ~ecuti~ ~ssion at 1~:15 P.M.
~e ~ecut~ Session ~op~ ~ResoIution~a~horizi~ condemtion of
Lots' H0 ~d lll ~n ~ide's Crossing South ~-f~ ~k p~oses.
~e Re~ Meeting r~con~ned at~ ~:45' P.M. ~d ~jmed.