HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-04-1972 City Council Minutes SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES
TIME: Wednesday, October 4, 1972 - 7:30 P.M.
PLACE: Saratoga City Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, California
TYPE: Regular Meeting
Present: Councilmen Bridges, Diridon, Dwyer, Kraus and Smith
Absent: None
September 20~ 1972 -.Page 9, Item VI, ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS, Re: Demonstration
Bicycle Route System - Correction to reflect that an
additional $15,000 is budgeted toward the bikeways system, for a total of $30,000.
It was moved and seconded that the minutes of September 20, 1972, be approved,
noting the above correction. The motion was carried.
September 26~ 1972 - Page 1, Item II, BIDS AND CONTRACTS, Re: Realignment of
Saratoga Creek at Wildwood Park - Correction to read:
In 1966, there was a proposed a~reement . .
Page 1, Paragraph 3, corrected to indicate that the property owners had rescinded
the earlier agreements. Page 2, Paragraph 2, corrected to indicate that the
engineering work would continue on the creek, with the bid opening to be delayed
to next spring.
It was moved by Councilman Dwyer and seconded by Councilman Bridges that the
minutes of September 26, 1972, be ap.pr6ved as corrected. The' motion was carried.
Upon the recommendation of the. CitX M.a~ager to delay the award of the contract
for 2 weeks in o~der tO make a proper analysis of thee bid, it was moved by
Councilman Dwyer and seconded by Councilman Kraus to postpone acceptance of the
Landscape Maintenance Contract until the next regular meeting. The motion
was carried.
Councilman Rraus ~oved that the low bid of Gee-Gee Parking Lot Striping be
withdrawn as requested and that authori'zation be granted to re-advertise for
bids; the motion was seconded by Councflman Dwyer and carried.
The Director of Public Works indicated that 4 bids were received and opened
on October 2, 1972, ranging from $6,058'. to $7,430. It was moved by Councilman
Kraus and seconded by Councilman Diridob that the low bid from B & C Inc.
Contractors, in the amount .of $6,058, be accepted; the motion was carried.
The bids for this contract were opened On October 3, 1972. There were 5 bids
· received, ranging from $8,642 to $27,168. It was moved by Councilman Dwyer
and seconded by Councilman Kraus that the low bid from Power Anderson, in the
amount of $8,642, be accepted. The motion was carried.
A. RESOLUTION NO. 638 - Resolution Requelsting the DireCtor of 'Public Works of the
· State of Califorlnia to Require ~e~tificate of Zoning Com-
pliance as a Prerequisite to Advertising~Display Permit
It was moved by Councilman Bridges an~ seconded by .Councilman Dwyer that
R~solution No.· 638 be adopted. The ~otion was carried.'
B. RESOLUTION NO. 85-9.6 - Resolution Amending Resolution 85-9.4, A~ding to
Basic Salary Classes, Employment Position ClasSifications
and Compensation'Schedule forTEmployees of the City
of Saratoga"
It was moved by Councilman-Kraus and seconded by Councilman'Bridges that
Resolution No. 85-9.6 be adopted. The motion was carried.
C. RESOLUTION NO. SDR-619-2, Thomas B. Fryer - Resolution Accepting Dedication
of Right-of-Way
It was moved by Councilman Dwyer and seconded by Councilman Bridges that
Resolution No. SDR-619-2 be adopted. l The motion was carried.
It was moved by Councilman Kraus and ~econded by Councilman Dwyer that
Resolution No. SDR-989-1, ~ranting Final Building Site Approval, be adopted.
The motion was carried.
for·Reconslderatzon_of Conditionse u c ~ - ~ _
~e'Cfty~'~d~'~'~d~e~at~Mr'."Bfrl~ala had requested that this matter
be continued to the next regular meeting. It was moved by Councilman Kraus
and seconded by Councilman Dwyer that-this request be granted. The motion
was carried.
It was moved by Cohncilman Diridon and seconded by Councilman Bridges that
Resolution No. SD-990-1, approving Final Map, be adopted; the motion was
It was moved by Councilman*Bridges that .Resolution No. SD-961-1, appr~ving
Final Map, be adopted, with the inclusion Of Page~6', Paragraph 10, of the
Contract for Improvement, which indicates that improvement on the south half
of Allendal~ ~venue should be indluded ,C~wi~h~ ~af!~g~_up-to SY5,~
~ .such improvements, wh~'~~i~er. improves 6h~ h~t~Th~~
A. RESOLUTION N0.63~ - Resolution Approving Form of Resolution of Intention
and Boundary Map, and Granting Consent' of the City
Council of the City of Saratoga to County Sanitation
District No. 4 of Santa Clara County to Undertake Pro-
ceedings to Construct a Sanitary Sewerage Project and to
Provide that the Cost Shall Be Assessed on the District
~ Benefited Under Appropriate Special ASsessment and
Assessment Bond ~Proceedings
- 2 -
Continued - RESOLUTION NO. 636
Mayor Smith explained that this is a~new proposed sewerage project, and the
purpose of the public hearing is so that the residents who are going to be
affected by this new project can give their viewpoints on the subject.
Steve Goodman; Manager and Engineer,.Sanitation District No. 4, ~xplained
that Sanitary Sewerage Project No. 1972-3~i~%~ be comp~s~d~)of 2 units.
Unit No. 1, which is being proposed tonight, i~'~81~!~-~36j~rcels, and"the
estimated cost to each parcel wou~d approximate $1,028. He explained that
if the City sees f~t to allow the Sanitary District to proceed, they will
submit the plans and the matter willgo before the Board of Directors for
a protest hearing, and if ther~ is less than a majority ~rotest, the con-
struction will proceed. Mr.'Goodman!indicated thatifthis is approved,
construction will begin in late February or early March and isslated for
completion 60 days thereafter.-' "
Mr. Goodman explained that the project was'instigated upon the request of
approximately 65% of the property owners in the area, and health 8fficials
have found this area to contain several health hazards.
CoUncilman Diridon indicated that in the past the biggest complaint dealt
with the long period of time in which the road was torn up, and he inquired
if the 60-day construction period codld be put into the contract.
Mr. Goodman advised that the District does put.their specifications in the
contract. He pointed out that thereis a 30-day period in which the trench
set; IH~wev~~ ~o~ul'~5~"~ef~d'.~ ~nd would
is allowed to the~--s_tF~e~
be passable.
The Mayor opened the public hearing at 8:15 P.M. There were no further
comments. Councilman Dwyer moved that the public hearing be closed;
Councilman Bridges seconded the motion and it was carried.
Councilman Diridon moved that ResOlution No. 636 be adopted; CoUncilman Kraus
seconded the motion and it was carried.
B. WARDELE ROAD - Continued from 9/6/72
The City Manager ~xplained that the Resolution of Intention to Abandon.~D
Portions of Wardell Road was passed ~n September, and this(~d~l~cThearFng~
(c~let~h'~pr~cess ~Or abandonment if the City Council de~'~d~"to'~aak~
~S~6i~e-action-f01~oWing the hearing.
~The public hearing was opened.at 8:20 P.M.
Mr. Rolf Bondelie, representin~ Mr. Bernard Bogart of 20541 Wardell Road,
indicated that they have sent through opposition to abandon the road as
this seems to put a great deal of burden on Mr. Bogart. He explained that
Mr. Bogart presently h~s 2 driveways~providing access to and from his property.
Mr. Bondelie indicated that Mr. Bogart didn't know anything about this
abandonment of Wardell Road until a short time ago when the equipment appeared
on the road. He stated that it is Mr. Bogart's concern that if the road is
abandoned, there would probably be a.fedce put down the middle, which would
take up 1 or 2 building sites~and make it impossible for him to use part of
his property potential at a f~ture date.
Mayor Smith pointed out that there are 2 Bogart pieces shown on the map, and
the piece in discussion ~eets with Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road and is~considered
"Old Wardell".
Stan Walker, Director of Planning, i~dicated that the present zoning on this
property would allow 'for development of 2 lots, but not 3.
The Mayor inquired if Mr. Bogartwould have to gain access onto the highway
even he developed 4 lots.
Mr. ~commented that the main. driveway Mr. Bogart is using is on the
other side, and he would have to, in some way, connect onto the new cul-de-Sac,.
and he would have to ~o to Sunnyvale~Roa~ to use the old property.
Councilman Bridges asked if this prgperty presently backs~O undeveloped
land on the other side? Mr. Bogart replied that there is a house on this
Mr. Jerry Lohr, Saratoga Foothills D~velopment Corporation, advised that
it was not their proposal that the road be located where it is. Mr. Lohr
continued by stating that they had two month~ of meetings'with the Planning
Commission regarding 'the relocation of this road and that they tried very.
carefully not to plug any access to%the property. He pointed~p~out that if
Wardell is abandoned, Mr. Bogart wilI actually have more property add he
would gain some square footage in the abandoned portion. Mr. Lohr advised
that they as developers would be willing to pay Mr. Bogart more for the
property than it originally was worthydue to the new configuration.
MayoE Smith indicated that relocatiod was requested in-order'Ito line up these
streets, and he felt that Mr. Bogart~was not going to have the access~problem
which he anticipated. He felt that it may take a half-street or some special
p~anning to get ~nto~this property,
Bernie Turgeon, Saratoga Foothills Development Corporation, advised that
this abandonment is coming up quite late, and that it should have come up
when the map was recorded, as he is sure the City would not want to have.a
mess during the winter. He further advised that he is going to have grading
started this week as previously disc~sse~!.
Councilman Dwyer moved that this.public hearing be continued to an Adjourned
Regular Meeting on Tuesday, September 10; Councilman Bridges seconded the
motion and it was carried.
The City Manager advised that Mr. Morris, the Cit~'s COde Enforcement '.
Officer is present, as.well as two representati,es of the County Health
Department, to represent this matter~
Mr. Morris advised that this problem concerns a leaking septic tank system
at the address mentioned,' and 'that' since 19~0, complaints have been received
by the Health Department. Mr. Morris .then' re~iewed~the. history of this
violation. After receiving complaints in the early part of 1970,~the Health
Department issued a letter requesting sanitary sewer connection. Approximately
two months later, a second letter was sent, and Mr. Santacroce responded to
this letter and indicated that the septic. tank problem had been corrected.
Shortly thereafter, the City Attorney indicated that since the problem did
not exist at the present time no a'ction could be taken to force a connection.
In February, 1972, complaints were again received, and a letter was issued
requesting correction of the problem. In March, Mr..Steve Goodman of
Sanitation District ~4 advised that Mr. Santacroce could receive'District
funds to help pay for sewer connection and Mr. Santacroce was informed of
this; however, no correction was made of the problem. In July, Mr. Dorsey
of Public Works ~easdred the distance between the Santacroce residence and
the existing sewer, and shortly thereafter, the City Attorney issued a letter
indicating that Mr. San~acroce had 60 days to connect~to the sewer. Mr.
Santacroce obtained a cost estimate from Sanitation District #4, and the
District advised that it would cost about $2,100 to connect to the sewer.
-.4 -
Mr. Richard Smith .of the County Health Department indicated that what
this amounts to is that they. dont~t have any real reqord of what Mr. Santacroce
has for a s~ptic tank system. He apparently has the original system which
was installed, plus a second system, and when there is a problem, he will
switch from one system to the other~ ~Th~ problem has been, in the past, that
which relates to the 200 feet. Until! recently, th~ Health Department had
thought the sewer was over 200 feet ih distance from his [es~dence.
Mr. Smith further pointed out that th~ Healeh Department has been sampling
this overflow and has ~ound it to be domestic sewage.
rep~d~th~t 6 ~omplaints have been received in a period of 2 years.
The Mayor then op~ned the public hearing.
Mr. Nelson Walker stated that he is the neighbor who has the sewerage
flowing onto his property. He indicated that his family moved into their
present home the end of December and immediately planted about 200 small trees,
and, at the present time, the trees are terribly stunted. He further indicated
that there is a foot of water in the holes from which the stunted trees were
removed, and this is directly across from the Sant~croce Property. Mr. Walker
is of the opinion that the trees that di/~did so because of excessive water
that has~_under~ :
Councilman Diridon asked Mr. Walker if there have been any tests to determine
whether or not this water is sewage. iMr. Walker was of the feeling.that tests
would not necessarily tell anything because the water is being filtered; the
problem is simply that there is too much water.
Councilman Dwyer moved that the public hearing be closed; Councilman Kraus
seconded the motion and it was carried.
Councilman Bridges stated that he feels there should be very little question
about this as we have testimon~ from ~he Health Department and Code Enforce-
ment Officer that we do have sewage. ,
Faber Johnston, Cfty Attorney, advised that the problem is not simply the fact
that we have s~wage overflow but that the existing sewer is within 200 feet of
Santacroce~s ~esidence and, therefore', in violation.
Councilman Kraus moved that this property be declared'a "public nuisance";
Councilman Diridon seconded the motion and it was carried.
Mayor Smith suggested that the City s~nd Mr. Santacroce a letter informing
him of the council~s action; he also felt that the matter-should be continued
on Tuesday evening. It was unanimously agreed to continue
at an Adjourned Meeting on September 10.
D. PROPOSED NOISE ORDINANCE - Continued from 9/20/72
Mr. Kalvelage of the S~nta Clara?Ehapter of American Civil Liberties Union
(~.C.L.U.) indicated that he and some of their board members are present this
evening to convey their position on this matter. He indicated that they have
3 points . . . 1) The 30-day time limit effectively violates the first
amendment; 2) The requirement of a $50 deposit violates the fourteenth
amendment by favoring wealthy groups over less-wealthy groups; 3) the power~
reserved by the Council to waive any or all provisions of the ordinance
violates equal protection rights.
Mayor Smith'advised that the proposed, ordinance requires the 30-day notice
only if there is to be amplifying equipment.
- 5 -
Mr. Michael Chatzky, Chairman of the Board jat A.C.L.U.', indicated that it
is their feeling that Section 415 of.the Penal Code adequately covers the
noise problem as it exists and that municipal government is able, through
its police~Q.enforCey,this.~._~ Mr. Chatzky felt that the problem is
in the way the ordinance is drafted as it appears to be.a little too broad,
and it migBt be acceptable if it were re-drafted to eliminate the 30-day
requirement and state that the $50 deposit could be waived.
Annette Diveney of P.G.&E., indicated that what they would like is clari-
fication on the section dealing with Emergencies. She was in question as
to whether or not their ordinary methods involving underground cables, etc.
would be included under this secti6B~ or if they would be required to 7&ome
to the City for a permit. ~
Mayor Smith stated that essential activities are considered as Emergencies;
however, it would be question of whether the ambient level exceeds what is
Mr. Roger LueckL of the Good Government G~oup stated that the newspapers
had somehow gotten the idea at the last council meeting that they'were not
in favor Of the proposed Noise Ordinance; however, he wanted to point out
that the Good Government Group is wh~lehea~tedly in favor of the ordinance.
Mr. Kalvelage of A.C.L.U. Stated that there are 3 areas of concern~"7~..
1) If, for e~ample, 2 parties come to the City Manager to request a rall~
on a given date, ~nd if he issues an'exception permit to one party and not
to the other, this will create'problems; 2) There should be a section to
waive the $50 fee ~equirement ih the event a poor person comes in to request
a permit; 3) The City Manager may deny one activity over another atlhis
Mayor Smith indicated that the deposit has justification, as it covers'cost
of the ampl ifying equipment. He further indicated that he is as cpncerned
about free access and use of the parks as A.C.L.U., but the problemlies
with 'the police Cp~ The Mayor pointed out that the City is not trying
to restrict human activity, but rather, to get the extremely offensive noise
out of the parks.
Councilman Iraus stated that he feels the City Manager ~should have a certai~
degreee of authority to exercise judgment. If the City Manager denies an
exception permit, the party requestipg the permit has the right to appeal.
this before the City Council.
Mr. Turgeon, Saratoga Foothills Development Corporation, was of the opinion
that if the Council was able to put together a good ordinance that can work,
it would be beneficial, because complete freedom is~.'~aos".~
Mr. Katvelage stated that he doesn'tzknowwhat the intent of the'S50 is~ and
h~ ~eiterated tbe~fact'~'that a poor person has a lesser chance of obtaining
this amount of money. Mr. Kalvelage~ further stated that if this ordinance is
passed, it will be considered as a misdemeanor.
The City Attorney advised that this Ordinance woul~ b~=~added'to an ~ready-
existing City Code.
Councilman Dwyer moved that this matter be continued at a study session on
Tuesday, Octobe~ 10, 1972; Councilmap Diridon seconded the motion and it
was carried.
- 6-
E. 1972 GENERAL PLAN REVIEW - Continuedz from 9/20/72
Mayor Smith indicated that the Council would begin the discussion with
Item B, SpecialSItems, HOusingsElement - The 1972 General Plan Committee
considers the draft Housipg Element as presented to the' Commission on
January 24, 1972, adequate and r'ecommends its adoption as a part of the
Mr. Walker, Director of Planning, explained that this was felt to be an
interim housing element until a more.: p ' "3 ' ' g~ ~c~ui~be
tom rehens~ve housXn elements .
produced in the 1973 Plan.
Retirement Housing - Mr. Walker indicated that the Staff~.h~s,'developed
standards to include . . . i) densit~ for retirement developments 2) age
limi[ation 3) parking 4) construction . . . and the Planning Commission is
at a point where they should come up'with an ordinance at the next meeting,
and this can be recommended to the Cbuncil within 1 to 1! months.
Councilman Kraus inquired why the 5 particular~sit~were!~mentioned on the
review report. Mr. Walker indicated:that the staff reviewed approximately
25 properties, and these 5 were thought to be most suitable for a retire-
ment development, based on size, location, public transportation, etc.
Councilman Kraus inquired if Item (a) is to be considered as most desirable
for a retirement housing site.
Councilman Diridon advised that he ~hs ~resent at the Planning Commission
Meeting ~he~h%~'7~5~edt~d~i~'~uss~
that the Con~{s'~n~%hn'F[~intend t'~'~'~'s~g~['~'eo~es~sites o~ 6h~'~
other, but any one of these sites would be acceptable.
Councilman Bridges indicated that these 5 selections were taken from a list
of 25 properties at the time when we'were operating under an ordinance which
calls for 5 acres or more, and .also,!there are some sites which are not 5
acres that may be considered more desirable than these 5. He further
indicated that he is concerned about adding the Odd Fellows property without
a lot more input from the.citizens.
Stan Marshall, Plan~ing"ComnjissiQner,~state~ that a~ ~he most recent Sub-
division Committee Meeting, it was determined'tHat 5 acres should be the
minimum required area, and 10acres is desirable. He alsq pointed out that
the range of r~[irement/h0using~runsi[he gamut from th~ viewpoint of the people.
What we are trying to do is to find ~om~ medial plan,which would provide what
the poeple are looking for, with the trade-off being the smaller the piece of
property, the more the price.
Jerry Lohr, Saratoga Foothills Development CorRoration, stated'that small
acreages~are not ~ecessarily C~j.e exp,enSiv~a~l_~_r~r~aS~7'i~d~mall
acreages can be more practical. H~at ther~'~Ve~'d~velopments
within Saratoga that are under 5 acres and most of them are under 10 acres.
He was of the feeling that to adopt a-minimum of 10 acres would bring problems.
Mr. Lohr stated that the demand as h~ sees it calls for 25 to 30 units per year,
and he indicated that he would like rio have the retirement housing open to
small parcels. He Indicated tha~t~the_.__Odd Fellows parce~ was .z~d for
Institutional use; however, ~hh'g'~as surp~i~' Eo'~l'n~'~atT[~is property is
being advertised for various uses"'? ......
Councilman Diridon felt that we need to move out a little bid and not be
so concentrated. He stated that the demand is for 200 to 300 units, to be
increased 25 to 30 units annually, and also, that the demand is for. low to
middle priced property.
Councilman Bridges commented thatit concerns him that we really don't have
the criteria set down to change our zoning map to include th~e ~retirement
Stan Marshall then commented that the Planning Commission is not suggesting
that these lands be re-zoned, but only that when an acceptable plan is created,
it becomes acceptable for retirement housing. He further commented that in
any' given situation a land owner may be unwilling to earmark his .property;
however, the needs of the City may'be completely different than the extremes.
Mayor Smith commented that the Comm~si6n is asking the. Council to put
these 6 locations into concrete language when we don't have the guidelines.
Councilman Dwyer moved thatItems "a'! through '!e" be removed from the
General Plan Review Report; 'Councilman Diridon seconded the' motion and it
was carried.
Item C, Accumulated Specific.Items, Geor~ian House - The City Manager
advised that there has been a letter]received which relates~to this item
from Mr. J. Barry Gr~y, requesting that ~onside~ation be given to rezoning
this property from residential t~o prOfessional-administrative.
Mr. Gray indicated~'th~t the dse fo~rof~ssion~l zoning would be for an
investment brokerage house. It was his thought that this_would ~robablX be
the best use for th~S l~n~.a~nd'that.~rof~s~o~na~ z~o~n~g ~woUld~be__
the least offensivelto eh~ surrounding residents. He further in~ica~ed
that the brokerage house use would be a~low~density use and that there would
be no additions made to the house.
Councilman Dwyer inquired as to how many people Mr. Gray w6uld anticipate
in this brokerage house.
Mr. Gray replied that they would like to have a maximum of 10 people, ~lus
~uppo~Zhelp of 4. He further stated that Mrs. Smith, present owner of the
Georgian House, is now in the mood tO sell, and that he believes she would
have difficulty in finding someone to'purchase the house for residential
use at this time.
Councilman Bridges asked.if. Mr. Gray!thought there would be allot of
customers coming to the brokerage house. Mr. Gray indicated that most of
the business ~Duld be done on the telephone.
Councilman Bridge~swas of the feelin~ that it is rather late for this
re~or~L~6fai~y new proposal, ~nd that ehey sh~dld make an appli-
Mayor Smith'explained to Mr. Gray that the Council is going ehrough a series
of reviews of the 1972 General Plan Review, and that it'would be difficult
without more public input to go ahead with any changes now. He continued by
indicating that the concensus is that there is goingto have to be more
study on this matter. The Mayor advised Mr. Gray that the 1973 General Plan
study will probably begin in another 2 or 3 months, and if be didn't go that
that direction, he could make application with the Planning Commission. He
further indicated that it would real~ly be unfair to make such an important
d~cision on this piece. of property at this time.
No action was t~ken on this ~ubject.Z
Visitor-Commercial (C-V)!- The GenerZal Plan Committeeshas recommended an
amendment to the Zoning Ordinance so as to limit the number of square feet
of floor space for a sin le use to a maximum of 1-2,000 square feet.
No action was taken on t~is subject.
MWM Property - There has been a request for change of zoning from P-A
(Professional) to Commercial zoning.~
Mrs.'McWhinney of McWhinney, Whatley and'Milner, Inc.~stated that she feels
the area should be zoned Commercial.~ She further stated that she doesn't
like the idea of an empty lot and a:vacant building. Mrs. McWhinn~y indi-
cated that there'has been a letter from Mr. Oldham sent to the Planning
Commission requesting reZoning.. She indicated that it was her understanding
that the reason this property had been zoned Professional in the .first place
- 8 -
is because of the medical building; however, now the doctors are all moving
to the hospitals. She indicated that!they cannot do anything with the property
the way it is and that the area on Cox and Saratoga A~enues which is zoned
Professional is vacant, as well.as Professional zoned property on Big Basin
Way. Firs. McWhinney indicated that uBder Cormnercial Zoning, Professional
~an still be put in, but under ProfesSional zoning, Professional only can be
put in.
Mayor Smith advise~ that this was reviewed, and it was the qonclusion that
it should be!~Commercial on the west side and to restrict use of the area~
because it had a better transition at .that time.
Fir. Walker of the Planning Department indicated that the Planning Commission
had 2 basic reasons for this zoning . . ~ 1) This is basically Professional
Administrative area; 2) This corner-wo~ld be hazardess for commercial traffic.
No action was taken on this subject.
Teresi - Smith Property - Fir. Lohr.of Saratoga Foothills Development Corp.,
indicated that they have h~d an application with the City for a year for
re~oning for use for ~etirement housing, and that they had been told that
they could go ahead and apply for R~M-3000 zoning.
Fir. Walker stated that Fir. Lohr had been advised that they should apply for
R-M-3000, but that it would probably be denied. He,was further advised
that it would be reviewed at the. ti~e the Retirement Housing zoning was
Mayor Smith asked Mr. Walke~'~Ifthe Retirement Housing Ordinance is passed
in November for Multiple zoning,.W0~ld~it have~to be'said that thisdoesn~
conform to the General Plan2" Fir. Walker stated that the Planning Commission
has made the point that they wanted a cohesive package, and there would have
to be a multi-stepping activity. ~.~
Counqilman Bridges commented that he ,rearly ~oesn't~s~e ..where we could have
this consistency.'- - ~ ~
Mayor Smith commented that we could hold open the retirement element and
consider retirement and zoning at the same time.
Stan MarShall was of the, feeling that ~y thelnext meeting everyone will
have had a chance to review the guidelines and be ready to put them into
No action was taken on this subject.
Dempsey Property and Sixth and Bi~Basin Way - Fir. Stan Walker advised that
there was a.staff re~ort to the Planning Conmission, recommending that the
General Plan be changed to designate the land use for this property as
'Multiple, and there was a "tie vote" by the Conmission, and therefore, no
The Mayor advised that the front portion is ~oned Visitor-Commercial and the
back is Commercial. He was of the feeling that this is the kind of decision
we would have to postpone to the 1973 Review; however, he agrees with the
Planning ~irector's report on this matder.
Fir. Walker;advised that there has been no opposition expressed from residents
in the area for changing 6hi~ zoning to Multiple.
Councilman Kraus moved that the best use for this property would be Multiple
zoning and that the area be re-designated for this zoning; Councilman Dwyer
seconded the motion and it was carried.
- 9 -
Walnut Avenue - No changes recommended. No action taken on this subject..
Galeb Property - It has been recommended to chang~ this to t~e new d~plex
designation. No action taken.
Kosich Property~- No changes reconmended. No action taken.
Falcone-Orlando Properties - No. change recommended. No action takenv
Saratoga Village Circulation - It hasI been recommended that this~be included
as part of the 1973 General Plan Review.
Mrs. -7 ~t has ~en recommended change of land use from R~M to P-A;
however, she is §eeking Con~nerci~l. The City Manager.advised that Mrs~
Appleby had~ndicated to the City that she would ,prefer Commercial, but if
this c0uld~ot be done, she would like to leave it as it is.
Mr. Walker commented that ~t was his udderstanding that this.property is
being sold to achureh~ and if t~is is so,- it would fall i~to R-M or P-A
Councilman Kraus moved that we leaye~the land zoned as ~M. ~ Councilman
Dwyer indicated .that he wo'uld be more incI~ned to go ahead with P-A zoning.
The~motion~w~s~seconded t~{at there be no change, at this ti~e; the motion
was carried.
Dempsey Property~ Saratoga-Los Gatos Road - It has been.recommended that
the zoning be changed to "P-A" from "C~C". It was agreed by-t~e Council
. to "strike" this ' m/~~w~'ow~s the property in question. ~te
Jim Brown, ~epresentfng the North~es~ Saratoga Homeowner~ Association,
indicated that they would like to requestI continuation of the General Plan
Review to the next regular meeting.
Councilman Bridges ~oved that this public hearing be continued to the
next regular meeting; Councilman Kraus seconded the motion and it was
1. Declared the Week of Octobe~ 23rd t~r~ugh Oct0be~°2~th as United Nations
2. It lWas moved by Councilman Dwyer~.and seconded by Counciiman Kraus ~hat
the Council express~its supports'of t~e~ica~eral.Syst~m of voting by
P.P.C. Councilman Bridges opposed._ The motion was carried.
~,,~ 3.' It wa~M~y~r ~mith an~e~o~ by Councilman Diridon~pport
· ~ ~' · the proposition for envfronment~l protection~f'~h'~'~s~f~ne,. l~p~
sf~'i~'~720~.'~C~un~l~a~'D~pp~s~d~The mo~'i~-was-carried~
· ~* 4. It was moved ~y Councilman Dwye~ to adopt-the three measures contained
in the City Attorney's analysis regarding th~ "enVironmental impact"~
report; seconded by Councilman Kraus and carried.
1. Payment of Claims
It was moved by ~ouncilman Dwyer and secondeh by ~oundilman Bridges
~" to approve the list of disbursements and authorize the Mayor to sign the
warrants; the motion was carried.
I. Recommended that Council approve proceeding with the Jcint ~ercise
of Powers Agreement for a Law Enforcement Study, with the omission
of Los ~tos Hills, the total cost being $22,145. Councilman Dwyer
moved that Council accept the revised agreement; Councilman ~aus
seconded the motion and it wasI'carried.
vn. CO XCATXON -- -+
~I f. 'Let[er. rrom J. Barry Gray,' r~que~ting rezoning of the ~orgian House
~opertyOfrom Residential to ~ofessional-~ministrative - Noted and Filed.
2. Letter from Frank W. SChork, Jr.., ~esident Saratoga Manor Homeowners
~sociation, expressing support of the proposed Tierra Oaks Shopping
Center - Noted and'Filed.
B. OR~
The meeting was adjourned au 12.:05 A.M. to an ~journed RegularsMeeting on
Tuesday, October 10, 1972.
* ~Three measures regarding "environmental impact" report - 1) Find that all
Final Subdivisions and Building Site ~provals for residential uses do not
.have a significant impact on the environment; 2) Delegate to Planning
Commission the authority to determine (a) whether pe~di~ and future develop-
ments will. have significant impact, and if so, the~(b) authority to require
"impact"report; 3) Find in any even~ that on all existing Subdivision and
Buirding Site ~provalsand Use Permits, almost without exception,.there has
always been-such a report, although not necessarily called an ~'ehvironment'al
impa~" report. . ~ ~-~'~ ~'~
- 11 -