HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-03-1973 City Council Minutes SARATOGA CITY ~OUNCIL MINUTES TIME: Wednesday, January 3, 1973 .-.7:30 P.M. PLACE: Saratoga City Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Ave., Saratoga, California TYPE: Regular Meeting I. ORGANIZATION A. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen Bridges, Diridon, Dwyer, Kraus and Smith Absent: None B. MINUTES ~None. ' ~ ' " ' ~ II. BIDS AND CONTRACTS A. CONTRACT FOR PLAN OF COMMUNITY RECREATION BETWEEN THE LOS GATOS - SARATOGA DISTRICT RECREATION DEPARTMENT AND CiTY OF SARATOGA If{~ was moved by Councilman Dwyer and seconded by Councilman Bridges that the Council approve the updated and restructured agreement and authorize the Mayor to sign it. The motion was carried. rftlI. PETITIONS, ORDINANCES AND FORMAL RESOLUTIONS A. ORDINANCE NO. 20-2 - An Ordinance of the City of Saratoga Approving the Annexation to Said City of Certain Inhabited Territory Designated as "Westbrook Annexation 1972-2" It was moved by Co c'lm ~and seconded by Councilman Bridges that Ordinance No. 20-2 be appFoved. The motion was carried. B. ORDINANCE NO. 38.50 - AnOrdinance of the City of Saratoga Amending Article VI of Chapter 9 o~ the Saratoga City Code Relating to. Operation of'Bicycles The Mayor introduced the ordinance. C. RESOLUTION NO. MV-53 - Resolution Pr6hibiting Parking on a Portion of Miller Avenue, It was approved to reagendize this resolution for the first regular meeting in February, in order to allow Prides Crossing Homeowner~ Association Board of Directors time to prepare their report.<_ ~ . - D. RESOLUTION NO. MV-54 - Resolution DeSignating Those Parts of Quito Road in the City of Saratoga Between Saratoga Avenue and State Route 9 (Saratoga-Los Gatos~Roa~ as a Through Highway It was moved by Councilman Kraus andSseconded by Councilman Dwyer that Resolution MV-54 be adopted. The motion was carried. IV. SUBDIVISIONS, BUILDING SITES AND ZONING REQUESTS A. TRACT 4663 - CLAUDE T. LINDSAY, SHORTHILL COURT It was moved by Councilman Dwyer!'~andlseconded by CoUncilman Kraus that Resolution No. 36-B-141, Accepting Dedication of Streets, be adopted. The motion was carried. '* VI. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS A. MAYOR .1. Thanked Councilman Dwyer for relieving him at previous regular meeting. 2. Reminded Council of Appreciation Dinner on Thursday evening. 3. ~ Annual Arrangement concept for P.P~C. = It was ~oved by Councilman Diridon and seconded by Codncilman Bridges that'the City of Saratoga ~- '~ suppol~t the concep~ The motion~ was carried. 4. Transit District - City COuncil in favor of fiv_Z~_,eWest'Valley cities working as a planning unit forihclusion~o'FiEeir transit distrxct planning process. ~ ~ ....... B. FINANCE I. Payment of Claims - Itwas moved by Councilman Dwyer and seconded by Councilman Kraus that the list of disbursements be approved and that the Mayor be authorized to sign ~he warrants. The motion,was c~rried. C. COUNCIL AND COMMISSION REPORTS -_,~No'~'port. D. D~PARTMENT HEADS AND OFFICERS ~No~report. E. CITY MANAGER 1. P.P.C. Baylands Policy Plan - It was moved by Councilman graus and seconded by Councilman Dwyer tha~ the City of Saratoga support the Baylands Policy Plan. The motioh was carried. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. REQUEST BY MRS. CLEMMER PECK RE: WILLIAMSON ACT~ -'~Ii ~ Request to Put'29.28 Acres of Land i~to an Agricultural Open-Space Preserve Under the Williamson Act Mayor Smith explained~h~ geH~i c0nc~[~of an o~n-space preserve, and stated that it is one of t~ ~r pi~_c~s California, in that it does keep ~go~h deal o~ 'o~n space w'nfFK~n Our community. The City Manager!reported: 1) There would be $~,~5__2.46 less received_from itaxes on this property by all public agencies that are now in thattaxingdistrict,;_.j ~l an~) The Planning Commission has received letters from two people who own ~ property adjacent to Mrs. Peck requesting that their property also be included. ~ A£ter some discussion concerning thiS, the City Manager advised 'that he w~uld check the paragraph in the resolution relating to Open Space to see what is covered under "Exceptions" with regard to the requirement that there must b_e i 20 acres of land tolestablish an open space preserve. It was the Council's 1 feeling that~these two DroDerties 'should make a seDara~_aDDlication__a~Ll~e~ applications .would.be ~valuated qn their own ~erits. Mr. Beyer indicated that the Parks a~d Recreation Commission will have a meeting on Monday, January 8, at which they will be taking action ~n this appri~fi~c~c~rnin~-pathways and trails and submit their report The Mayor opened the public he~ring ~t 8:22 P.M. Fred !rany of 13937 Pierce Road, stated that h__ed_j~oesn't hav~e~any objection to this application; however, he stated~at Mrs.~ Peck shoul'd%b~'~d~to._~ C'~a~[ici~'Yn'th~"~{n~?~'~e~a~'~dc~ of the p~ivate ~oad leading to her * Taken out of order. - 2 - Mrs. Ctemmer Peck'.commented-that she~is hopeful that this apbliCation wouldn't b~e.suspended too long. It was ~Ved by Councilman Dwyer andi se.conded by Councilman Kraus that the public hearing be closed. The motlOb was carried.' / ~his matter will be continued to the~next regular meeting one January 17, 1973. 1. 'Char'leo Huff,. ~esi~ent. Prides Crossing Homeo~ers" A¥~n., 'Inc:, ~Tj--7--~. requesting ~that ~the City:Council-7[ake no action-On 'Resolution'MV. 53 : uhtil they have ma~'-[hei~rep~[o the ~City - Approved to re-agendize for February 7. 2. Raymond J. Muzzy requesting that [h~ City proceed Wfth~iF~Mfrl-~r~ AveV'betWeen ~ospect and Ascensipn Drive "No Parking" and consider 'greater ingress and egress to church property from ~ospect ,R~d ' ~i~ matter to be discussed at the Committee of [He~ole Meeting on Thesday, January 9. 3. Residents of Brookside Estates voicing their concern about la~ds o~ Cox and Scott being used for ingress and egress by theBrookside Cfdb - City 4. Terence I. Murphy, Chairman, Committee on Aging, requesting use of Revequ~ Sharing funds for .development of programs for the aged - City Manager to respond% 5. Harry Mayfield; President, Good Government Group, ~ommunicat ing their support of housing programs whichi would enhance the quality.of housing for low-income residents - Noted ~nd filed. B. OR~ · . ~: ~ ," 1. Charles Huff, regarding 'the Brook'sije "'mjn~-pJr~" - He had heard the presently being used for i~es~lhd"egre~'6o~he p~k% and~'th~F~as the fear by the resid'ent~ that tr'affi6 ~6uld bedireC~ed through resi- dential area - ~. Beyer indicate~ that there had been .some discussion of this; however, the City ~ad no plans of doing anything with this accesS9 road. 2.Charles H~ffj regarding additional speeding and traffic control, primarily in the area of Miller Ave. - City Manager to follow up on this.' VIII. ~JOURENT It was moved by Councilman Bridges and seconded by Councilman Diridon that the meeting be adjourned. ~e motion was carried. ~e meeting was~ad~ourned at ' 9:20 P.M. ' . i_ . ' j~j~e~~ = '~='i- . ' pS~f .' su mift~