HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-07-1973 City Council Minutes SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES TIME: February 7, 1973, 7:30 P.M. PLACE: City Council Chambers, City Hall, 13777 Fruitvale Ave., Sarat9ga, California TYPE: Regular Meeting I. ORGANIZATION A. ROLL CALL .'Present: Councilmen Bridges, DiridoH, Dwyer and Kraus Absent: Councilman Smith (Arrived later) B. MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Diridon a~d seconded by Councilman Kraus that the minutes of January 17, 1973.be approved. The motion was carried. It was moved by Councilman Kraus' and iseconded by Councilman Bridges' that the minutes of January 23, 1973 be approved. The motibn was carried. It was moved by Councilman Dirido.n and seconded by. Councilman Bridges that ' the minutes of January 30, 1973 be ap~roved. The motion was carried. _ II. BIDS AND CONTRACTS A. OVERSIZE STORM SEWER REIMBURSEMENT' AGREEMENT - SDR-77i ,. MANFRED' KARL It was moved by CoUncilman Bridges and seconded by Councilman Kraus that the Reimbursement Agreement be approv~ed in.the amount of $1,053.63~.and the Mayor be authorized to execute the Agreement. The motion was carried. B. SARATOGA-LOS GATOS ROAD WALKWAY' It was moved by Councilman Diridon and seconded by Councilman Bridges that Change Order No. 1 for increased paving and barrier railing, in the amount of $881.20, be approved. The motion was carried. - C. SARATOGA-LOS GATOS ROAD WALKWAY (McCarthy and Spiesman Co.) It was moved by C~uncilman Diridon an.d seconded by Councilman. Bridges that the work on this project b~ accepted and the Notice of Completion be filed. The motion was carried. III. PETITIONS, ORDINANCES AND FORMAL RESOLUTIONS B. RESOLUTION MV-56 - Resolution Establishing Automatic 'Traffic Signal Devices at Interse'ction of. Quito Road and Allendale Avenue'. It was moved by Councilman Brid~es and seconded by Councilman Diridon that Resolution MV-56 be adopted. The' mot~ion was carried. C. RESOLUTION NO. 653 - Resolution 'Establishing Exhibit "A" of Ordinance 38.48 as a Declaration~ of the City~s Park. Use,I Fee and Accommodat ions Pp1 icy. City Manager requested that thismC~t~'B'~ c~n~ini~d7to [he~ne~egular meeting. This was approved. ~ ......... .~ ~... IV. SUBDIVISIONS, BUILDING SITES AND ZONING ~REQUESTS A. SDR-832 DAVID L.. MENDENHALL, MT. EDEN ROAD It was moved by Councilman Diridon and seconded by Councilman K~aus that a six-month extension be ~ranted on the Conditional Final' Building Site Approval, to. expir&~S~ptember ~7, 1973. The motion-was carried. B.. C-156 SARATOGA FOOTHILLS DEVELOPMEN~.CO~P., SARATOGA & BUCKNALL ROAD After some discussion with Mr.' DeGenn~ro of DeGe*nn~0 Realty, it was moved by Councilman Bridges and seconHed by Councilman Kraus that the Council uphold the Planning Commissi~'s recommendsCion to deny this application. The motion was carried., · C. TRACT 4725 GREENBRIER, UNIT NO. 2, DITZ-CRARE' It was moved by Councilman Kraus and ~econded. by Councilman Br'idges that Improvements for Construction be accepted. The motion.was carried.. D. TRACT 5023 GEORGE W. LAMPROS, HUM_E DRIVE It~,was"moved By Councilman Bridges and seconded that the labor and materials bond be released and the faithful performance bond remain~in full force for one year to guarantee construction of the access road on ~he corridor of Lot 6. The motion was carried. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS .None. VI.ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS A. MAYOR 1. Proclamation Establishing Week of Febrtmry 11 thru 18 as "KQED Week". - Approved. B. FINANCE 1. Payment of Claims It was moved by Councilman Kraus and seconded by Councilman Bridges that the list of disbursements (16633 thru 16730) be approved and the Mayor be authorized to sign the warrants. The motion was carried. C. COUNCIL AND COMMISSION REPORTS l%_,Recommendation from Parks and-Recreation ~ommission Regarding Devel6pme~t The City Manager recommended that this matter be scheduled for the next Committee of the Whole Meeting for 'r~vi~X~ew. This' was approved by the~_~_n~'~il. D. DEPARTMENT HEADS AND OFFICERS No report. E. CITY MANAGER 1. Staff Report 6n P.P.C. Housing Objectives - It was moved by Councilman Bridges and seconded by Vice':M~yor Dwyer that the P.P.C. Hou'sing Report be endorsed and the City Manager communicate the Council's comments regardihg this report~_~.c.~'~Y~Te~mot~o~"~ W~sl carried. - 2 - 2. Crime Report ~ Announced decrease~ in crime statistics for Saratoga, based on the first six months of this fiscal yearGcompared t6 the same six-month period one year ago.' 3. Porsche Club - It was moved by ViLe-Mayor Dwyer and seconded by Councilman Kraus the Council approve the request for use of the lower parking lot of the Plaza Del Roble on February,l!, 1973 for the annual "Funcana". The motion was carried.. 4. Calabazas Debris Basin - Councilm~n Dwyer moved that the d~aft letter, dated February 7,'.1973, to Santa Clara Flood Control District expressing the City's approval for construction of the proposed debris basin be approved for submission to the FlOod Contrql District. Councilman Diridon seconded the motion and it was +carried. 5. Urban Service Area Plan- Recommendation from January 17 meeting was forwarded to L.A.F.C.O.,a~d action by them has been delayed for thirty days. This will be brought before the Council~~ications at the Committee of the'Whole Meeting on Februa~'Y~/'i~7~!~'' VII. COMMUNICATIONS Intercultural .Cqp~ulta~s,.Inc. regarding:de~elopment~of lands i~n~t~e mountainous ~f~a~'wi~h'i~a~ato~ '~one o~'i~fluence. ~- ~e a~d~Yie; City Mgr. to respond, 2. Michael Bluhm, M.D., reques[ing that 'the lands involved in the Urban SerVice Area Plan be placed back in their preyious status. - Note and file; City Manager to respond. 3. Richard F. Groshong, Principal, El'Quito Park School, regarding'drainage problems. ~ City Manager to respond. ~ 4.J. A. Teresi~r~ga~ing >i~i~'7~om~issi~n~ decision concerning rezohing of his propert~7 r'~g~d~f~ '7~ .......... 5.William L. Ne~an, Chairman, Saratoga. Community Gard,en, regarding. fund- raising efforts. - Note and file. 6. Howard L. Goldsmith,.e~p~ssing g~pos~tion .to COuncil's action regarding an Urban Service ~ea Plan. - Mote and file; city Manager to respond. 7. C. W. Newell, ~esident, =Eigin. Ca~ital Corporation', expressing opposition ~o Council's action regardi~g.t~e Urban Service Area Plan. - Note and file; City Manager to'respond. ~ 8. La~ence A. Fietz, requesting that th~ Council ~thdraw the order regarding. " the Urban Service ~ea Plan. - NOte add file; City Manager to respond. 9. Norman J. Martin, regarding bicycle l~nes. - Note and 'file. 10. ~arles E. Huff, Presiden[, Prides Crossing Homeo~ers Association, regarding bicycle lanes on Miller Avenue. - Note and f~le. 11. Allan Seid, M.D., thanking the Council. for their action in s~pport of the Drug ~use Commission~s efforts. - Note and file. III. PETITIONS, ORDIN~CES ~ FO~ RESOLUTIONS (Cont.)(MayorSmith presided) A. RESOLUTION NO. ~-53 ~ Resolution Establishing Bicycle Lanes Upon, and ~o-. hibiting Parking on, Certain Portions 0f Miller Avenue in the City of Saratoga. City Manager ~..Beyer indicat~djt~is~=esolufion was~o~igihally brought up at the meeting on January 3, 1973. At that time, the Prides Crossing Home- o~ers AsSociation had requested additional time to review this matter and to prepare a recommendation for presentation to the City'Council. He explained that during the past month, the Homeo~ers Association has held several meetings and taken surveys, and the staff has further reviewed this matter, and, as a result, what is~b~,~l~sen~ed this evening is a m~dified version of~-53, - 3 - which still takes.into consider'ation~the concept of bicycle lanes, but ~tates, that parking on one side of the street would be prohibed only during those peak hours of the day when lanes are~being used by b~cyclists. Mr. Beyer indicated that the most recent letter from the Homeowners Association illustrates an alternative for bike lanes.which i~ similar to one of the alternatives given by the traffic consultant-.~'~ThiS w~f'd~ use a wide combin-' ation parking and bike lane on one side of the street and a narrower bike lane with restricted parking on th~ other ;side. Mr. Beyer pointed that the Traffic C nsultant,' with the eoncurrenee of Director of Public Works, has recommended the bicycle lane plan as ~illustrated in the modified Resolution ' MV-53~ which provides for eight-foot 'wide bicycle'lanes on both sides of Miller Avenue a~d establishes "No Parking" limitations during certain hours. ~Mr..__Char!~.s~ .H~ufT.,~Pr~sZdent, Prfd~s_ Cross~ng~L~omeo~ers AssoCiatipn, stated ~that there i~ a large a~ount~pposi~i~b~Wresidents on Miller Avenue to ~-53, theTmaiB reason b~ing that they want to have parking on one side ~ the street at all times. Mr. Huff also stated that there is some concern by the neighbors about ~he painfi~of a~~)line in the center of the roadway and he felt that they would not 'be so objectionable to a ~h~~ li~eCduring th~six-month demonstration period. Mrs. TerranCe Kelly, Chairman of Hansp~ School Safety Committee, indicated that last July, ~. Dorsey of the City~s Public Works Department had ordered yellow double lines on the curve~ on ~ller Ayehue, and'it Was observed that there was a remarkabre decline in spe~ds in these areas, Mrs. Kelly further' s~ated that the school personnel would be interested in hearing any comments from ~. DeLeuw regarding the double iines and that they would be willing to make any compromises for the'safety of the children. ~. Jim Naugle of 12072 Ingrid Court, stated that h~ feels the "No Parking" ban ~etween 10:0O a.m. and 2:00 p.m. ~might allow for some. problem during the lunch period, and he was of'the opinion that the driveways in Saratoga would. accommodate at least two cars. ~ ~.. Howard Goldst~inlof i2041 Country ~Squire Lane, stated that h~/wo~l~ be in favor of any method that would slo~ do~ traffic and lessen the danger for the children in thi~ area. ~. DeLeuw ~ported the results of the~ speed studies taken along Miller Avenue. He then presented the five ~alte~nat~e~ b~cycle l~n~. pl~ns'~ich had been under consideration. ~..~DeLeu, indicated ~hat the twelverfoot traffic lanes would not overly restrict 6raffie o~ Miller JA~enue, and 6his would., therefore, be hfs rec0mme~dation. With regard tothe yellow double striping, he stated that this would provide'~a te&hnic ~o~ slowing traffic andwould'not allow those people who wanted to t~avel at a faster speed to pass slower traveling ears'. ~L'iD~L~u~indicated tha~ it, appear~d~to him that ~ternative "E"would offer the best alternative if we' were going to have official bi'eycle lanes. Alter- native'~E"'p~ovfdes for an ~ight'foot ~arking zon~ ahd a five-foot bike lane on one side of the street and a five-foot'bike lane on :the Opposite side of the street with elevensfoot traffic'lanes. ~. Raymond Muzzy, Vice President of ~ides Crossing Hom~o~ers ~sociation, stated that he feels the plan should be consistent with surrounding areas and that it should be kep~-.'in~mind~hat this plan would provide an example for all of Saratoga. Mayor Smifh suggested that additional time ~e given to study the alternatives, especially "E" or some fo~m of same. Councilman Bridges moved that this matter Me x FeBruary 13; Councilman Diridon be continued at an ~journed Regular ~et'ng on seconded the motion and it was. carried.~ -4 - VII, COMMUNICATIONS (Continued). B. ORAL~.~'> 1. Robert Yeaton, Intercultural ConSultants, Inc., requested zthat time be set aside in which he could present his proposal regarding SaratOga's zone~of influence. - This will be scheduled for the February 13th study session. 2. Charles Huff requested'that a fence be put up along the mini-park lot to eliminate traffi~ cutting through to tba Brooksi~e Club. - City Manager ~/~ advised that the City is in the ~rocess of putting barriers in. 3. John W. Hallam, 15270 Fruitvale,. *expressed his concern about the hazardess intersection of Fruitvale Avenue ~and. Highway 9. - City 'Manager will examine the possibility of the City puttfng in 'a Signal and receiving a rebate from the State, due to the time delay!involved with the Statels installation of the signal~ 4. Joan Woodward, Chairman, Park~ and Recreation Commission, felt they had been left out of the review process on the bikeway implementation program on Miller and indicated it was important that the Commission receive copies of any letters or reports relevant to bike lanes. - Mayor Smith advised that the City would send copies of this information in the future. VIII. ADJOURNMENT The Mayor announced that there would be an Executive 'Sess{on~fol~wi~g this. meeting to discuss matters of personnel. The meeting-,as ~]our~d-at 11:25 p.m. " Re pec ~ ~~um~ pec Rob ' ~,,.~ - 5 -