HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-21-1973 City Council Minutes MINUTES
TIME: Wednesday, February 21, 1973 - 7:30 P.~.
PLACE: Saratoga City Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Ave., Saratoga, California
TYPE: Regular Meeting
Present: Councilmen Bridges, Diridon, Dwyer, Kraus and Smith
Absent: None
It was moved by Councilman Dwyer and seconded by Councilman Diridon that the
minutes Of February 7 and February 13 be approved. The motion was carried.
The City Clerk swore Norman Matteoni into 6'ffice.
~ It was moved by CoUncilman Dwyer and 'seconded by Councilman Kraus that the
work be accepted and the Notice of Completion filed. The motion was carried.
A. ORDINANCE NO. 38.52 - An Ordinance of the City of Saratoga Authorizing an
Amendment .to the Contract Between the City of Saratoga
and the Board of Administration of the California Public
Employees Retirement System
It was move by Coun ilman D'ri on anh seconded by Councilman Bridges that
~Ordinance"~o. 38.52cbe~in'~oauce~,_'~h~m~ot~on~as c"~r~ed-
B. RESOLUTION NO. 85-9.10 - Resolution Establishing Salaries and Benefits for
Departmen~ H~eads of the City ,of Saratoga
It was moved by Councilman Kraus and ',seconded by Councilman Bridges that
Resolution 85-9.10 be adopteH. The motion was carried.
C. ORDINANCE NO. 15-N.2 - An Ordinance of the City of Saratoga' Amending Ordinance
15 Thereof-and Establishing the Salary of the City Manager
It was moved by Councilman Dwyer and seconded by Councilman Bridges that
Ordinance No. 15-N.2 be adopted. The motion was carried.
It was moved by Councilman Kraus and Zseconded by Councilman Driidon that
Resolution SDR-932-2, Granting Final Building Site Approval, be adopted.
The motion was carried.
It was moved by Councilman Bridges and seconded by Councilman Diridon that
Resolution SD-iO05-1, Approving Fihal,Map, be adopted. T~ motion,was carried.
Mr. Bernard Turgeon of Saratoga Foothill~ Development Corp. indicated',that he
would like to set a five~yej!_rbond' for s possible future part of Herriman that
r-~ul'd,'~through th~sls~"~ivis~on. After some discdssion, it was agreed to
'l'~ave""~'e con""~'tlon~"'~in'~'~e"~uti~n!as it is and 't0 review this matter after
the Five-Year General Plan Review.
It was moved by Codnci~ma~"Bridges abe'seconded by Councilman Diridon Chat
Resolution No. SD-98~-1, ApprovinglFinal Map.,.be adopted. The motion was carried.
1. Announced the Proclamation Encouraging the Suppor~ of All Citizens Toward
the Easter Seal Society for Crippled Children and Adults"Nation-Wid~ Campaign.
2. Advised that ~ letter has been seht to the County Board of Supervisors
reaffirming the City's desire to continue the policy~ that urban deyelopment
occur. under city jurisdiction.
3. Announced that a meeting has been arranged on March 6th, at 7:30' p.m., wi~h
Mr. Giegling, District Traffic Engineer, State Senators Alquist and BradleM,
and Assemblyman Haden to discus~ p~iorit'ies with regard to traffi
installation at p~oblem intersections. This will be open to the public.
1. Payment of Claims
It was moved by Councilman Dwyer ahd seconded by CouncilmanIBridges that
the list of disbursements be approved ~nd the .Mayor be authorized to sign
the wa~rents. The motion.was cartled.
2. City Clerk~s Financial Report -Note and file.
3. City Treasurer's Report - Note ands'file.
t. Parks and Recreation Commission -ZE1QGito Park Master Plan
It was moved by. Councilman Dwyer and seconded by Councilman Kraus tha~.
the Counci~ adopt t~hJ E1 Qui~o Park Ma~__~ster PlanC wi~6 d~v~lop~ns9
Cf~r.-Phase I,'and direct ~be Ci~__~ty Manager to.jsk_the_architect top~)geed~
~;~withf~nal d~~spe~ifi~a'~ons.
A. OSTERLUND ENTERPRISES (A-407)~- Reconsiderati~n of Application for Final D~sign
Review for Construction of Two-Story Homes in
Subdivisio~ Located In and Near Intersection of
Saratoga and Cox Avenues
CityIManager Mr. Beyer explained the~ this appeal'pertains to item "j~' ~n
the Design.Review Report, dated JanUary 8, 1973, which states that "No two-
sto~y homes are to be allowed" in th~s subdivision.
- 2 -
Mr. Beyer explained that it had been.the Pl'adn{ng=~st~ff~!s.-ireeon~hendatf~~
~ha?~of'~~u~6~~o~h'ave this~'~equirem~nt.
Mayor Smith opened the public hearing ~at 8:15 p.m.
Peter Tiernan, Attorney for the applicant,.~indicated that it was his undel
standing that the staff had recommended ~' '~b~t~on,of tw0~sto~
homes~ be imposed on only two of the l~ts, and they wer'~7'~,th~rfore, somewt at
taken.back when the proposal was made;to make this a,blanket prohibitlop.
~. Tiernan pointed out ~hat according to section 13.3~I of the Zoning
Ordinance, there is no evidence a~d there has been no evidence brought'fol
at previous hearings as to ~y a two-Story home does not meet the standards
set forth in that section of the Zoning OrdinQnce. He continued by stating
that this is probably an invalid ~lassification and asked if by prohibiting
h 'as ' '~ '
twosstory omes, r we making+sure that no development ~s ugly or unharmon%ous
an ards
or monotonous. He stated that this sdction of the Ordinance lays out st d
in detail; however, it fails to menti6n two-story homes. ~. Tiednan indicated
that it seems very clear to him that Whoever composed this section would Have
mentioned two-story homes if it was s~ch an important factor'. He lndl ted that
the subject. subdivision as submitted'~o the Design Review CoEittee meets {the
. . T' rnan state that it
standards of this section of the Zoning 0rdinance. ~ xe d
'would Seem to him that if prohibition/of two-story homes is that significant,
it should be ~itten into the 0rdinanqel
~. Tiernan further pointed out that. when a two-story home iS put on a lot,
you are able to conserve the space used by the building, thereby contributing
to additional open space. He~tated-~hat by limiting thi~ development tO}One-
story homes, you are going to limit the development potential, as the demand
is 'for two-story homes.
Councilman Bridges asked ~. Tiernan '~at sort of split bet~en one-story and
two-story homes his client ~ould be agreeable to. ~. Tiernan indicated that
;.~ , 3 g g plor experience, He~would~es~l-
Councilman D~er asked if ~t was the.intention of ~. T~ernan~s client to{limit
homes a~ the intersections of Saratoga Avenue'Cox Avenue and Palo Oaks CoUrt-
Saratoga Avenue to one-story to provide proper sight distance. ~. Tiern4n
replied that it was.
Robert Van der Toorren of i4555 HorseShoe Drive, sta~ed that it would be ~is
recommendation, based on his o~ professional opinion, that if the City e · h
s~abl s es
~ its Ordinance a general type limitation of thirty feet and it does not:s=~e
p ciE~or three stories, etc., this should be as far a~ the City should'
intrude into the professional c~pabil~ties of the architects and engineerS.
4r. Norman~Martin, Planning Commissioner,-stated ~that ~e doesn t feel we should
~t~nd~d~jnea~and~at the people in Saratoga "live" in their b~Ck
yards. He indicated that there is no'guarantee that by building two-stor~ homes,
there would be a greater distance between neighbors. and that he has seen ~an~~
two-story homes where the side yard iS only increased two feet because thm
Zoning Ordinance requires that it be increased by two feet. He stated ~h~t ~he
Planning Co~ission tr~es to proyide ~ome protection to owners ~o purchase homes
in an area with the assurance that it isnot going tO change.
- 3 -
The Council discussed briefly the matter of the setback requirement,· and
it was determined that they would have the power to change this requirement
fo~ the backyard setback only.
Mr. Tersini, Vice President of Osterl~nd Enterprises, indicated~that ~he two-
story homes which they ~have contemplated building would have much' greater~
than twenty-five foot setbacks, and it would be his desire not to enter into
a formal agreement to. restrict this setback, but rather, to have a. mutualI
agreement between the design review staff and himself and to work closely
with the staff during development of the subdivision
The motion was made and seconded that:the public h~aring be cl0s'ed. (8:45 ~.m.)
It was' moved by Councilman Bridges. and seconded by Councilman Diridon that
this appeal be granted, subject to the following modification of conditions
on the Design Review Report: The existing condition·''.'' be stricken and
new condition "j" be added, stating that "no two-story homes be onstr cted
c u
on Cox Avenue"; condition "k" be adde~, stating that "no more than fifty-l
percent (50%) of the lots in the existing subdivision be two-~tory; and add
condition "1", stating that "setback on two-story homes be no·less than
thirty-five (3~) feet"·. The motion was carried. . . · '
B. CONCEPTS WEST, INC. (A-3~7) - Recohsi~eration of Application for Final DeSign.
Review to Install Decorative Flame in ~ro~t of
· of~Open~Hearth Restaurant
The City Manager explained that this appeal is based on the the actions a§
outlined in the letter from Concepts West, dated January 25, 19~3, as_~we. ll
as the original Staff Report ~_~n.dt~!~/Pl~ni~ssig~7~l~ute~of Jan~f,~
l~i~7~~."~a~i~. meeting the ~lanning-Commission .denied' t~is
C_r~que~t by a 2 -~3 ~ 1 ~te (2 in favor; 3 agai~nd 1 ~stiln~ng
The Mayor opened the public,hearing a~ 8:'50 p.m.
~. c. Patrick O'Day of Concepts West, Inc. stated that the reason for this
appeal is that certain members of the Planning Commission chose to construe
the gas lamp in front of the building, as a sign. H~ indicated that the l~mp
sits within fifteen feet of the bJilding and the design is consistept w~th the
design of the building;~[Bay~[~-that because o~ its angular design,
the building is hard to s~~[~d at night~ and the purpose for this
lamp would not be to identify but ~o illuminate.
Councilman D~er asked how high this lamp would sit. Mr. O'Day replied that
the post is approximately eight feet high. C~uncilman D~er asked. if the~e is
a barrier ~ich would keep cars in the parking lot from ~olling into the lamp.
~. O'Day replied that the sidewalk on·which the pole would sit is a six-inch
Councilman ~er asked~. O'Day if this lamp would clear the building lf~it
were to fall. Mr. O~Day replied that it would and also that any irregularity
such as this would automatically shut the flame do~.
Councilman D~er moved that the publi~ hearing be closed; Councilman ~auS
seconded the motion and it was carried. The hearing was closed at 9:05 p~m.
It was moved by Councilman D~er and Seconded by Councilman Diridon that ~h
appeal be granted. The motion was carried, 4 to 1 in favor, Councilman ~aus
-4 -
C. RUTH C. PECK (C-164) ~ Re~one from "RL1-40,000'' to "A" 29.28 Acres o£ Land
for InclUsion Under the Williamson Act~
The City Manager indicated that the Council has already taken steps to put this
land under the Williamson Act and has authorized.the Mayor to enter into the
Land Conservation Contract. He explained that the action to be taken t ht
would be to'introduce the ordinance amending the zoning map.
The public'b~aring.was opened at 9:10 p.m.o
There being no comments from the Codncil or from the audience, it was moved
by Councilman Dwyer and seconded by Councilman Bridges that the public b~aring
be closed. The public hearing was Closed at 9:15 p.m.
The Mayor ordered the introduction 6f Ordinance NS-3-ZC-69, Amending the
Zoning Map.
D. ANTHONY COCCIARDI (C7165) - Rezone from "R-i-40,000" to "A" 53.45 Acres of
Land fo~ Inclusion Under th~ Williamson Act
The City Manager indicated that this is similar to the Peck application,
and the status is the same.
The pubiic hearing was opened at 9:15 p.m.
There being no comments, it was moved by Councilman Kraus and seconded by
Councilman Bridges that the ~ublic h~aring be closed. The public hearing was
closed at 9:17 p.m.
The Mayor ordered the introduction 0f Ordinance'NS-3-ZC~70, Amending the
Zoning Map.
City Manager Fir. Beyer indicated that the Council has received a report from
Mr. Walker, Planning Director, regarding the Environmental Impact Report on
this project. He explained that the immediate concern is to begin the first
phase of this sewer line construction. The second phase of the project ~Duld
be a continuation of Section 1; however, this construction would not be
Scheduled until 1) Big Basin Way is'reconstructed by the State Division of
Highways and/or 2) Urban development occurs within the area tributary to the
Trunk Sewer outside the presentbouhdaries of the Sanitation District No. 4
and its boundaries are expanded to provide sanitary sewer service for the
Mr. Steve Goodman of .County Sanitation District No. 4 gave a summarization
of the Environmental Impact Report, dated February 1, 1973.
Mayo~ Smith opened the public hearing at 9:40 p.m.
Mr. C. W. Newell, President of Saratoga Landowners Association, stated that
he would urge the Council to proceed. with the construction of this project.
It was moved by Councilman Bridges and seconded by Councilman Diridon that
the public hearing be closed. The public hearing was closed at 9:43 p.m.
After some discussion by the Council, it was moved by M~yor Smith and seconded
by Councilman Dwyer that the Counci~ support the construction of the proposed
'trunk ~ewer. The motion was carriedl
- 5 -
District for the Purpose of Remodeling the Mobile
Station on ~h~ Corner of Saratoga-Los Gatos RoadSand
Big Basin Way
The City Manager indicated that the p~operty owners are in favor of this
extension as it is one of the conditions to get the Mobile Station upgraded
and to provide underground utilities.~
The Mayor opened the public hearing at 9:45 p.m.
The~e being no comments from the Council or the audience, it was moved by
Councilman Kraus and seconded by CounCilman Bridges that the public hearing
be closed. The public hearing was c~sed at 9:46 p.m.
It was moved by Councilman-Kraus and ~econded by Councilman Dwyer that the
extension of the undergrpund district'be approved. The motion was Carried.
.1. Mr. Waiker, Director of Planning Couney..Board~of Supervisors' Resolution
No. 67 states that urban development should occur under city jurisdiction
and that County programs and polidies should be'consistent with that basic
principal. In order to strengthen~thatpolicy, the Board instructed the
County Counsel a~d Coun~X Planning'Department to come up/wieh an ordinance
1. U~ban Service Area Plan Modification - ~l'l~ih'g~~fi~Fnr. C.W.
~_ ~-~ ........ ~ Newell,
President of Saratoga'LandownerS,Association and the C~uncil, it was moved
by Councilman Dwyer and seconded by Councilman Bridges that the modifi-
cations to the Urban Service Plan;"A" be approved. Modifications as follows:
1) S~owing of Peckrand Cocciardi pieces as being in agricultura! preserve and
2) Indicating a portionof Rolling Hills Road area as being in Urban develop-
ment and showing the Older Ranch and a portion of Seven Springs Ranch
in open space.
2. 911 Emergency Phone Number.- City Manager's reCommenddation, to not take
a stand on this until further details have been received from the telephone
company regarding cost data.
3. Request from County of Santa Clara Re:-Excess Pr6perty Corner of Pollard
· Road and Quito Road - Agreed 'by ~he Council that City would not be '
interested in purchasing this land for park p~rposes..
4. County Transit System - It was mgved by Mayor Smith and seconded by.
Councilman Bridges that the .CityLmove ahead with the 200'County-wide bus
system and communicate this recommendation to the'Tran'sportation, with the
following points: 1) Move the ti~e frame from five years to two to three years;
2) The San ~ose and Palo Alto systems continue to ~perate
at a 40% capacity until this system is at an equal level~
3) If any additional changes are made in presen[ system,
the City be?given the opportunity to reconsider a
variation of alocal system.
1. Marcelle.Venator, re: Mr. Guicha~d's requirement to widen his half of the
esisting road (SDR, 982) - Note and file.
- 6 -
2. Robert E. Corridan, 20045 Glen A~bgr Court, requesting that more effective
controls be put on Cox Road to avoid reckless'driving ~ Cit~.Manager advised
that he has talked to the Sheriff's Department and t~ey are.doing some spot-
checking on Cox. City Manager to respond tO letter.
3. Inez B. Smith, 20568Lomita Aver, offering suggestions pertaining to
intersection of Saratoga Ave. an~ Highway 9 at Big Basin Way - This is
being referred to the Department!of Public Works for consideration; if
additional action necessary, this will be.brought back before.the Council.
4. Mrs. RoberE Hill, President, League of Women Voters,ore: public'trans-
portation ~ City Manage~ to respond.
5. Orville Johns,,14531 Horseshoe D~ive, re: water damage to improveme~ns on
his property - Note and file.
6. Robert Yeaton, r~que~ting'time at City'Council Meeting to discuss Saratoga
Heights Coneervation Corporation,'~ development proposal - Note and file.
7. E. B. Erickson,'Sarato~a LandoWners A~sociation, petitioning.that lands
within Saratoga's zone of in£1uehce Be considered .fo~.devetopment upon
the basis of the~r.compar~tive'~i~a~ility - No're and' file.
8. Mrs. C. Keith Gordon, President,,American Association of University
Women, urging Council to maintain the Fremont-Older property as open space
for community pse. - Action regarding modification of Urban Service Area
Plan will do this. City Manager ~o respond.
9. Dorothy F. Skow, 13~46 Via Ranchero.Court, expressing support of the
adopted urban development and openspace plan draft. - Note and file,
10. Robert Yeat0n, regarding information relating to Senat'e'Bill' 520, with
reference to potentially hazardohs fault areas in Saratoga'sSphere of
Influence. - Note and file.
11. Robert Yeaton, re: th~ request for approval of their proposal for develop-
ment of lands within Saratoga's Sphere of Influence. - Note and file.
12. Donna Austad, President, Brookview'Home' and School Club, urging that the
Council look at the traffic situation at two 'of the ~chool~s intersections.
This was referred to the Department. of Public Works, and a report to follow.
'13. Willys Peck, concerning relocati.on and preservation of an historical
building in Saratoga. - Note and file.
1. Robert Yeaton, urging the Council to take ~nother look at Saratoga Heights'
development proposa~ before proqeeding with L.A.F.C.O. and indicating that
the offers made by the owners of these lands will not be available several
months from now.
2. It was suggested by Councilman ~iridon that agresolution of appreciation
be drafted and pre~e~ted to Alice Rawak for her years of service to the
Brookview Homeowners AsSociation. - This was approved by the Council.
It was moved by Councilman Dwyer and seconded ~by Council~K~that~the meeting
be adjourned. Motfon carried. The me~tingwas adjoarn~d~at 11:40 ~;m.
~' ~spec fu submitted,
eye'~ %C'i6y C~er
- 7 -