HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-26-1973 City Council Minutes MINUTES SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL TIME: TUesday, June 26, 1973 - 7:30 P.M. PLACE: Saratoga City Council ChamberS, 13777 Fruitvale Ave., Saratoga, Calif. TYPE: Adjourned Regular Meeting I. ORGANIZATION A. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen Dwyer, Kraus, Diridon, Bridges and Smith Absent: .None II. EXECUTIVE SESSION III. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. PERMANENT OPEN SPACE ANI} CONSERVATION ELEMENTS - SARATOGA GENERAL PLAN (Cont'd. from June 20) The City Manager explained that the information included in the Council packets is a condensed version of the document prepared by Wllliams and Mocine, the City's planning consultant. Hefurther explained that it has been modified somewhat and broken down into the "Open Space Element" and the "Conservation Element". Mr. Ironside of Williams and Mocine b~an his presentation by pointing out that these two elements have been taken out of context and that the State Law requires that each city and county have these elements adopted by June 30th this year. He explained that it is their intention to present a comprehensive General Plan which will include a summary of all land uses. Mr. Iron~ide indicated that the' State iS recognizing the importance of 'open space ~and is now making an effort to plan for its utilization. He further stated that the policies established for open space(i_~6~fsi~o~ument were taken from the citizens' meetings early this year. Mr. Ironside then summarized the policies, goals and major recommendations as outlined on the condensed version of the Open Space Element. Councilman Kraus, te;f~rring to Item 11 under Ma.ior Proposals, regarding maintaining of existing height limits, inquired if the Planning Commission wasn't working on something withlrelation to setbacks. Mr. Ironside indicated that 'the.~consultant fi~m is recommending that the City not increase its height limitations. Mr. Walker, Director of Planning, indicated that the Planning Commission would be holding a formal public hearing concerning this subject in the near future. Councilman Dwyer indicated he felt Item 13, referring to preservation of buildings and sites having historic importance, would seem to belong in the appropriate section of the COnservation Element rather than ~he Open Space Element. Mr. Ironside stated he would be in agreement with this point. The Mayor opened the ~ublic h~aring at 8:20 P.M. Mr. Ironside explained that the ~onservation Element is designed to give recognition to the many natural 'and physical characteristics of the community and its environment. ,He indicated that in many cases, the Conservation Elemeht would be the beginning of a plan tool which could provide as a check list for environmental impact. He poiqted out that the policies and goals here are a~ain extracted from the earlier citizens' conferences. He then outlined these policies and goals, and these were discussed at some length. Mr. Ironside commented that those~points making reference to the "sphere of influence" would have to be evaluated and refined to a greater extent. Mayor Smith indicated that he would like to see the second item on Page 3, regarding regulating of mineral ektraction, worded in a stronger way than it is. Councilman Diridon asked if Item 3, referring to development of areas sub- ject to natural hazards, could be re-phraSed to indicate that development would not be allowed to take place at all under these conditions. Mr. Ironside asked-if the Council would be agreeable to adding another sentence which would read, "In areas of extreme hazard, development may be prohibited." This suggestion was acceptable to the Council. The Mayor asked if there was anyone present who wanted to speak on the subject under consideration. There being none, it was moved by Councilman Dwyer and seconded by Councilman Kraus that the public hearing be closed. The motion was carried. The public hearing was closed at 8:35 p.m. It was moved by Councilman Dwyer ~nd seconded by Coqncilman Bridges that Resolution ~63, Adopting s Permanent Open Space Element for the General Plan, and Resolution 664,. Adopting a COnservation Element for the General Plah, be ad~pte~' with t~e appropriate ~or~ections.'. The motion was carried unanimously. B. 1973-74 ANNUAL .~UDqET (c6D~'d. from June 20) The Mayor advised that this is a continuation of the public hearing from the last regular meeting and asked if anyone in the audience would like to comment on this subject. Mr. Charles Huff, President, Prides Crossing Homeowners Association~ stated that their area of interest has to do with law enforcement. He indicated tha~ the Board of Directors have met and agreed to request that the City add at least one mo~e radar patrol car. Mr. Huff indi- cated that it was his understanding that an additional patrol car would cost approximately $30,000. He mentioned another possibility zfor controlling speed would be through the use of a "dopper gun", which he understood to be' fairly inexpensive. As a third possibility in.'control~ing traffic, Mr. Huff mentioned utili- zation of various types of traffic.control systems, and he indicated the Homeowners Association'would propose a traffic ci-rcle at Brockton and Miller; a four-way stop atI Northampton; a traffic circle at Brookview and Miller; and a traffic circle at Somerville Drive and Miller, Mr. Huff mentioned that one possilbility of allocating funds for traffic control would be to utilize federal grant money, as it was his under- standingthat the City probably ~ould not have this money for a long period of time; therefore, ~he Homeowners Association could go to the people for revenue. He inquired if the committme~t to install three or four additional turn signals throughout the City ~as "in the cards" or if it was'something that could be done now. ~ The City Manager replied ~hat if it is felt the signals should be installed, .the money could be.allScated from Gas Tax funds toward the middle of the fiscal year. The Mayor asked that the City Manager discuss with the traffic consultant the idea of the turn signals and four-way stops. Mr. Huff then asked if ~here would be an'y funds allocated for enforcement if the City goes ahead with bicycle lanes, and if not, how do they intend to enforce bicycle laws? ~ ' - 2 - Mayor Smith replied that the City would have to rely on ~ts present pro- gram for the time, that being a d~monstration program, and that possibly' there would be funds for this at mid-season. Mr. Jim Brown, 120~9 Natoma Ct., ~tated that he was informed approximately one year ago by the Director of Public Works that money would be allo= cared for a.wal_k~y at the location where the proposed West Valley Freeway is to cross Prospect. He indicated that the students who attend school in this area have to risk their lives each day to cross in this location. He asked if the'~money has in fact been allocated this year for a signal and, if so, when it would be installed. The City Manager that Account 83.16 in the Budget reflects a carry-over item from last year, And also, that this is a State project. Mr. Brown asked if it would be~possible to run a paved bicycle strip in this area for a temporary time if a delay on this project is anticipated. The City Manager indicated this would be possible, and he would request the Public Works Department to look into this. It was moved by Councilman Bridges and seconded by Councilman Diridon " that the public hearing be'closed. The motion was carried. The public hearing was closed at 9:05 P.M. The Mayor asked if there was any additional comment from the Council with regard to the Budget. Councilman Kraus indicated that he was a little concerned about the proposed tennis court lighting at the high school. The City Manager indicated that if problems should arise because of this lighting, the City would meet'with the neighbors in the surrounding area, as well as It was moved by Councilman Dwyer .and seconded by Councilman Bridges that Resolution 662, Approving the Budget for the City of Saratoga for Fiscal Year 1973-74, be approved. The dotion was carried. IV. ~PE~ITIONS_2, ORDINANCES AND FORMAL RESOLUTIONS A. ~.R~QUEST BY DR. JOSEPH CLEVENGER ~O DIRECT ~ REQUE'ST TO THE M.T.C. TO CHANGE THE STATUS OF THE PROPOSE~ WEST VALLEY FREEWAY FROM CATEGORY II TO CATEGORY III IN THE M.T.C. REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION PLAN Dr. Clevenger explained that he ~elt it was imperative that Saratoga take an official stand'at~ this time a.~ to the placement, of the West Valley Transportation Corridor, and it was his indication that the Council indi- cate to the Stat~ its desire to have the Corridor placed in Category III. It was his feeling that this would delay the implementation and construction of the proposed West Valley Freeway. After considerable commept from the Council as well as several members in the audience concerning this matter, it was moved by Councilman Diridon 'that the Council recommend to M.~.C. that SC-4 be transferred from Category II to Category III and that all current plans be re-evaluated. Mayor Smith seconded the motion, suggesting that it also be indicated to M.T.C. that the City of Saratoga.is desirous of taking a constructive position in requesting this ~hange.and would like to kept informed of the priority status of the proposed freeway. The motion was carried, 3 to 2 in favor. Councilmen Dwyer and Kraus were opposed to this change. - 3 - Vo BIDS AND CONTRACTS A. COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FOR THE INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL SYSTEM, SAFETY LIGHTING AND CHANNELIZATION AT THE INTERSECTION OF COX AVENUE AND WARDELL ROAD 'WITH SARATOGA-SUNNYVALE ROAD It was moved by Councilman Bridges and seconded by Councilman Diridon that the Mayor be authorized to execute the agreement. The motion was carried. VI. CITY MANAGER REPORT A. REPORT ON ACTION BY WEST VALLEy COMMUNITY COLLEGE GOVERNING BOARD RE: COUNCIL'S APPROVAL OF SARATOGA. CAMPUS OFF-STREET PARKING LOT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT · The City Manager explained that the West Valley Jr. College Governing Board, by a 6 to 1 vote, has taken the position that they would not be in favor of the Council's position to switch the hockey field with Parking Lot ~3. However, they did indicate they would be agreeable to recommending to A~ministration t~at the parking lot be eliminated from the proposed project. It was the mutual agreement of the Council and Dr. Lowery of the College that this project would be discussed at the next College Board Meeting in order that the two bodies might come to a satisfactory compromise as to the status of parking lot #3 VII. ADJOURNMENT It'was moved by Councilman Bridges and seconded by Councilman Diridon that the meeting be adjourned to the Committee of the Whole Meeting. The motion 'was carried; the meeting.was adjourned at 11:00 P.M. pectf ' bmitted, RV ~4 -