HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-15-1973 City Council Minutes MINUTES
TIME: Wednesday, August 15, 19730 7:30 P.M.
PLACE: Saratoga City Council Chambers', 13777.;Fruitvale Ave., Saratoga, Californxa
TYPE: Regular Meeting
Present: Councilmen Bridges, Dirido~, Dwye~, Kraus and Smith
Absent: None
B- Minutes of 'August 1, 1973 - Correction: ITEM VI-C, No. 2, Re: Knok Bill.
Motion should r~flect 3 - 2 vote in favor of
endorsing the bill.
' · It was moved by Councilman Bridges an~ seconded by Councilman Diridon that
the minutes of July 24, 1973 and August 7, 1973 be approved as written, and
the minutes of August 1, 1973, be approved as amended. The motion was carried.
It was moved by Councilman Dwyer and, seconded by Councilman Kraus that the
work under this contract be accepted' and the Notice of Completion filed. The
motion'was carried.
The City M~nager indicateh there had been two letters received supporting
the continuation of the Community Garden, f~M~r~'S_teinberg, Principal,
Saratoga Schoo~ and frgm Mr. and Mrs. Donald Norling. Following a slide
presentation-by Mrs. Betty Peck and Nell Hoffmann, representing the Garden,
it was moved by Councilmah Diridon'and' seconded by Councilman Dwyer. that
the Managing Gardener Agreement be abproved for a one-year period and the
Mayor be~authorized to execute the cbntract. The motion was carried.
It was moved-by Councilman Diridon:and §econded by Councilman Dwyer that
the GrOund Leas~,~gr~e~e~t fo~ .the~6~m~nity Gard~h be approved for one year
and the MayOr be authorized to execut~ the contract. The motion was carried.
i ; . ..~ .
~"~'~y Man~'~d{ca'i~e~'E~t [~e above two items are related, and the
previous TueSday at a City Council Committee'of.the Whole Meeting, there was
a presentation by the Citiz'ens Review Committee for the Demonstration Bicycle
Route System' on. the alternatives for'the two-block area between Somerville
a~d Melinda Circle. The Council had requested at that time that the traffic
consultant, who had m~de an originall.recommendation for this two-block section
on Miller, review the recommendations of the Committee and comment for tonight's
meeting. The City Manager then reviewed the three alternatives for this section,
~' ~(Cont~d.) - Stop Intersection at Mil~er and NorthamptOn
basically as follows: !) The traffi~ consultant's original proposal, in which
he recommended a two-way bicycle lane, eleven feet in width; a double yellow
'center line; a berm 'separating this ~leven-foot travelled way;'and that a
shoulder device be installed at Somerville to force' the traffic around at that
point. He further proposed "No Parking" on either side of the street in that
section.. 2) The Citizens Committee recommended that there be a two-way stop
at Melinda Circle (east); a thr~e-wa~ stop at Somerville and Miller; ~iashing
beacons at either end to warn motorists of the stop signs; an eight-foot-wide
· shoUlder stripe. on either'side of the pavement for the two-block length; and
unlimited parking.on'both sides of the street in this two-block section.
3) The trafficconsul'tant's latest r~commendation is for two-way eieven-foot-
wide bicycle lanes for this two-block area; a four-way stop at Miller, Melinda
Circre (west), and Mable Court; elimination on both side~ of M~ller for this
two-block distance; and yield signs at Candy Court and Candy Lane.
Mr. Charles Huff, representing Prides Crossing Homeowners Association,
commented that'he was'o_p~osed to the~Committee's proposal for a two-way
at Melinda Circle and ~he co~n~l~s recorf~nendation for a two-way bicycle lane, but~i~
, supported a thre~Zway' sto~ ~ .He furthe~ ~tated that a ~ou~-wa~ s~op ~t Miller,
~ki~g'for this two-block area, and~ felt that a four-~ay stop at Miller,
Melinda Circle and Mable Court would' be unnecessarX. ~dieio'nally,' it was
his feeling a f~ur-way stop should b~ implemented at Candy ahd. Miller, instead
of the consultant's formerly prop6se~ two-way stop at this intersection.
,. Daniel Popy!isen, Vice President Pri~es Crossing Homeo~ers ~sociation,
commented that it had been indicated~ at a meeting .with the homeowners~[h~_i~=~'r
would be in favor of the.proposal which implemented stops at both ends of the
twg-block section~,'i~ather than the ~hird proposal' which allo~d cars to pro-
ce~d through the' critical a~e~s be'fore c~ming to astop.
Mrs. Terrance Kelly, ~me~b~r~of the~Citiz~ns~ Review Committee, pointed out
that there are two crosswalks on Miller -- the main crossing on Melinda Circle
and.Mable Court, and the ~outber~y,c~osswalk. She further commented that
several children .~se this 'se&0nd 6roSsw~l~, and sin~e there is~~ s~ee~B~l~)t
· ~i~i'~r~s~afk,~there' h~V~ Seeh ~umerous-oc~as~s when child~i~"~,
She felt that the, traffic consultant~'s recommend~tion does nothing'For ~his
problem. Mrs. Kelly indicated she w~s in favor of the four-way sdop at
Northa~pto~ and Miller;' however, sheddidn't feel the stop sign at Somerville
would behelpful in slowing traffic on Miller Avenue.
Mr. Hing of SOmerville Drive indicated that the-corner at Somerville and
Miller is deceptive, and also' that the traffic across Candy Lane and Candy
Court is almost t'o the point of bein~ out of control. He, therefore, felt
something must be done, particularl~ in these two areas immediately..
Mr. Marvin Steinberg of Brookview Drive, indicated he would like to speak
against the idea of any more traffic circles and felt two-way stops and four-
way stops would be far more effective in controlling traffic.
Mr. Richard Wells, member of the Board of Directors, Prides Crossing Home-
owners Association, indicated he is very strongly in favor of a four-way sto~
.... at Northampton and Miller, and also, a four-way stop at Candy Lane, Candy Court,
and Miller.
The public hearing was closed.
There was some discussion of this matter by the Council, and Councilman Bridges
indicated he felt stop signs placed on long, wide streets do not reduce the
average vehicle speed and that he felt a two-way stop at Northampton and Miller
would adequately reduce the risk of accidents at this intersection.
Following additional discussion of the proposed stop intersection at Miller
and Northampton by the CoUncil and ~he staff, it was moved by Councilman
Diridon and seconded by CoUncilman ~aus that Resolution MV-70, establishing
~ four-way stop. at this interseCtionZ, be adopted. The motion was carried, 4 - 1
in favor.
(Cont'd.) - Miller Avenue Signs, Melinda Circle & Somerville
After ~urther discussing the issue cToncerning the control devices between
Melinda Circle and' SomerVille Drive,! ~t was moved ~by Councilman Diridon and
se~conded by C'odnCitman B~idgesj~that~ReS'olution Nb. MV-71 be adopted. This
would 9ssehtially be the Citizens Review Committee's plan, with the addition
of yield signs on.Cand~jLane and.!Can'dy Court. and on,Melinda Court and Melinda
Circle, and the/~dditi0n. of"'No. Rarking".on ei~er Side of Somervirle and
Melinda (east). It wa~ further~&oved that this' ent{re plan be reviewed in
One year, and also, that the installation of stop signs be delayed periodically
so that traffic surveys couid be taken at these intersections;.h6wever, the
signs be installed prior to the.commencement of school. The motion was carried.
· ~ C. RESOLUTION 670 - ResOlution Fixing t~he Amount of Revenue from Property Taxes
Necessary for the ~upport of the Departments of the City,
of Saratoga for the' Current Year and to Pay and Bonded or
Other Indebtedness ~of the City, and Fixing the Amount of
Revenue Sufficient to Pay the Estimated Costs for'Said
Fiscal Year for SC~ District 1, Azule Lighting District,
Quito Lighting District, Fredericksburg Drive Park Maintenance
Park Maintenance D~strict
It was moved by Councilman Kraus an~ seconded by Councilman Bridges that
Resolution No. 670 be adopted. The motion was carried.
D. RESOLUTION 32-P - Resolution Fixing Tax Rates for Fiscal Year
It was moved by Councilman Dwyer and seconded by Councilman Bridges that
Resolution No. 32-P be adopted. Th~ motion was carried.
E. RESOLUTION 451-E - Resolution of t~e City of Saratog~ Apprnving Budget for
the Village Parking Maintenance District No. 1 and Fixing
-Tax Rate for the Fiscal Year 1973-74
It was moved by Councilman Kraus and-seconded by ~ouncilman Dwyer that
Resolution No. 451-E be adopted.' The motion was carried.
It was moved by ~6uncilman Dwye~ and seconded by Councilman Kraus that
Resolution No. 672, Accepting Dedication of Right-of-Way, be adopted.
The motion was c~rried.
It was moved by Councilman D~er an~ seconded by Councilman Kraus that
Resolution No. 673, Accepting DedicatiOn of Right-of-Way, be adopted. The
H. RESOLUTION MV-69 Resolution Establishing Stop Intersection at Wardell Road
and C~rniel Avenue
The City Mapager indicated the staff had been requested .to look at this
intersection after previous discussions od Via Roncole, Arroyo de Arguello
and Wardell, and b~sed on surveys of the area and various criteria received,
it is the staff's recommendation that a two-way stop be installed at this
There was some opposition·expressedjby members in the audience toward this
two-way stop proposal, and it was felt this would intensify the speeding
problem on Wardell.
C~uncilm~n Bridges commented that this intersection has been getting two or
three times'its normal use over.theZpast few months. He further indicated
(Cont'd.) - Resolution MV-69
that~when a mot6rist proceeds in a southerly direction at this corner, he
moves f~om a small rise down' into a ditch and this hill dropsldown quite
sharply.into the road bed at Carniel. It was his feeling that if the. City
is going to put astoR sign at this location, it should be made safer to
proceed after making this stop, and therefore felt a four-way stop should
be carried out.
· It was Councilman Dwyer's feeling, h~wever, that if the warrants are not
being.met at this interseqtion, thislwould be a good indication that a
four-way stop would not be needed.
Following .additional discussion, it was'moved by Councilman Bridges and
seconded by Councilman Diridon that Resolution No. MV-69 be adopted, with
the revision tha~ a four-way stop be implemented at this intersection. The
motion was carried, 3 - 2 in favor.
I. ORDINANCE NS-3-ZC-71 WESTBROOK ANNEXATION (C-168) (Second Reading) - Ordinance
Amending the Zonin~ Map and ChaBging the Zoning from "R-I-40,000"
"R-i-iO,000 (western portion) and "R-l-15,000" (eastern portion)
It Was moved bY CoUncilma~ Bridges' and SecOnded by Councilman Diridon that
Ordinance NS-3-ZC-71 be adopted. 'The motion was carried.
The City Manager explained that,~h~gh~a~ ~rsi[e at~~C~unci~l~.~
¢h~d"Fd6[~[~' It~-~'d~ica[~gn a~~ r&i~s~ ~ t~ improvement b~h~re
w~!~ an additional bond which was notreleased at that time. -
It was moved by Counciiman Dwyer and ~seconded by Councilman Kraus that
Bond No. 98-20-37, insuring the construction of the'Prospect Hill Mutual
Water Company facilities in this trac~t, be released. The motion was carried.
The City Manager explained that at th;e last regular meeting, the Council did
have a question concerning the impactI of the prop~osed '{m~~
Mayor Smith commented that the~issue here essentially is the improvementl,~
along the frontage on Pike Road, and Mr. Kirkpatrick's argument is that his
ingress and egress is from Pierce Road.
Mr. Jack Kirkpatrick, representing the owner of this property, stated that a
340-foot improvement to widen Pike Ro'ad would put it twelve to fourteen feet
above the grade level, making the lot unsaieab[&.
The City Manager indicated that ~i~{~C~j~i~i~s~ ~
become a public street at some ~o[nt .in ti~eand th~re~[e a~m'be~'~f lots
further up this street that will probably be r&quired to make these half-street
improvements, along with those that have already had the requirement~%T~'~/
Cityis going to end up picking up the improvement if it is not required at
the time the property is 'developed.
After lookingat 'some alternatives toresolving this matter, it wars felt
this should be continued to the next Feguiar meeting and the staff be
be directed to obtain information on [he cost of paving, the approximate
(Cont'd.) - John Kirkpatrick~ Pike ~R0ad
amount of property would be left ~fter street improvements, and'what ~l~erna-
tive~'.the Council might Consider whiqh would.still allow development and not
cost the City to a'ny grea~ extent. This continuation was agreeable'with
Mr. Kirkpatrick.
A. LYNGSO GARDEN MATERIALS, INC~ (Informational Hearing)
Mayor. Smith explained that there hav~ been a number of prior meetings prior
to this hearing pertaining to this matter. He then asked for comments from
the audience.
Mr. Frederick Tater, representing Saratoga Manor Homeowners Association,
indicated he has prepared. a brief,summary of their position in this matter.
Mr. Tater presented three.exhibits which he felt would be helpful in §um~aE~zing
' thiS~.'si~ation.. He presented a dust pan which had been placed in front of the Ars~na~i~
.r~'si~'e~e~+~ commented that in j~oking.~ the accumulation of dust on this pan
~t~~J~i'i~Vh~rT"is'l~'~il~l.~j~Eg~ amount of dust in this area, even
after the large'a~'u~'~f sprinkling.j Mr. Tater continued to the second point,
that being noise. He-indicated the Homeowner's Association had engaged a firm,
Eh~i~onmental Systems Laboratories, which has performed environmental studies
for numerons other cities.and has conducted a noise measurement study of the
Mr. Seidman of Environmehtal Systems Laboratories, indica~d_'~Lhe has been
running these noise measurement tests'between the hours of 10:00 A.M. and
2:00 P.M.. in an effort to measure the~ amount~f"~'c~iFi~y_Ti~h~is~i. He
indicated the ambient l~vels average between 45 and 50 dba. He proceeded
to summ.arize the noise readings for various activities, and indicated~D~=.~
according to-the City's Noise OrdinanCe, some of these noise areas~w~er"~Being
violated. Mr. Seidman pointed out that these tests were taken on the T~ter's~
side of the fence.
Mr. Tater then presented some photographs taken yesterday and today which
show trucks leaving and entering the operation and some of the safety prob-
lems previo sly discussed. '~"p'~o~gr~s~h~d ~a~tr'~c~'c~8~'~'i~"~berm;
another sho~ed a large truck wf~i'f~ a~y'~i'~¥'str~a~Ie'd'~cros~ ~anor~r~i~.
Mr. Tater felt that i~ light of the p[oblems associated with the Lyngso
operation, it was his feeling and thai of the homeowners on Manor Drive, that
the business be moved to another location. Mr. Tater indicated he felt Mr.
Lyngso would go along with this "phasing out" out of the facility, and this
had been so indicated in ~.~Gardella~'S (Mr..~ngs0's attorney) last corres-
pohdence to the City. Mr. Tater fur~her~m~jthat in a past discussion
with Mr.'Ly~gso, it had bee~ indicate~ that It w~uld be more mrofitable for
Mr. Lyngso to delay action' of this so~t for as long ~iB~[.~ 'M~Ta~er
then presented a slide, s~owing the s&quence of events '~d't~e
same after presentation to the Council, dating from April 24, 1973, and he
felt confident thai t~is evidenced: a plan toTdelay any action by Mr. Lyngso.
~other point Mr. TTater felt was very~important was that if and when it is
determined this facilit~ ~h'oh~ be phased out, that the property revert back
to R-1 Residential zoning so the property conforms to the-General Plan.
Mr. Charles Huff, l'2725.Miller~Avenue~ commented ~hat. hel. pu~ch~ed'
'some ~ock from Lyngso' sometime ago a~d at that tim~ h~ ~hjd ~Jti~ion
on the desk in the office <f~iW~Z&~H[~U~ce 70f 't~e business, ~nd Mr.
Huff felt the wording of this petition was misleading, and therefore, should
be considered invalid.
- 5 -
(COnt'd.) Lyngso Garden Materials, In~.
Me'rrilf Higham, C.P.~., representing Mr. Lyngso, indicated that these people
are not trying to sneak something past the Council or the homeowners, but
rather, they are considering the~human aspect of this situation in that indi-
viduals are being asked to terminate their jobs. Mr.'=~Higham stated that
Mr. Lyngso's attorney is unable to be~bere:-to present the legal arguments;
however, he would like to present thai portion of the testimony of which they
were capable. Mr. Lyngso then presehted some home movies which had been
filmed on the premisis recently, demonstratihg the various trucking equip-
ho f s
ment at work, and also s wing the ef ectlveness of_t~e~du t-control measures
which have been taken. ' ~'~"'
With r~gard to the traffic safety iss!Ue, Mr~ Lyngso.commented that he is
willing to clos& off hisingress and ~gress from Manor Drive if he can obtain
some other access from the State. Mr. Lyngso stated that a good percentage
of his business is not conducted using these large tr.ucks, but rather, home-
owners~ill~load these~materi~ls=int6~_theirown vehicles.~i
Mr. Higham stated he felt Mr. Lyngso ]was really bending more than backwards
to resolve the dust problem, and further, the dust tray which was presented
this evening had also been placed c~se to Highway 85, which would account
for much of that accumulation.
Mr. Higham then presented some figures outlining. some of the recent operational
costs to illustrate to the Council tMe great amount of effort ~h~.~.s 'b~en_put
forth tO cooperate with the h0meowne~l~o ~in~'~~ ~=~7~R~'~e had
been very minimal' increase in sales ~is y~ ~va~ the pasi~s .'~ With ~'~gard
to the complaints concerning Tillo, Mr. Higham advised that this has been
permanently discontinued. In conclusion, Mr. Higham stated that, contrary t~
Mr. Huff's comments With regard to the petition, he ~a~ Fher~ a~e'~xi'~
· ate~lR0csignatures,. a.nd most 0f ~ose people have~ie~u~der~t~a{ng'of'
the situation at hand,
Mr. H~gham. indicated he had re~d th~ City Attorney's opinion that this is
a non-c~nforming use~ but.feels this would qualify ~or the 35-50 year-~amOrt~i.-
zation period. He stated his own personal recommendation would be to allow~
. L~gso six years in which to pay for the business i~FfFre~'Fi~ to'termi-
· g, g , ~' as seen~a~i~ro~e-
~ars ago and *Wondered if~'tho~e ho~egwne~s ~n t~is 'area were also aware of it.
He stated that this business was at this location first, and it was unfair to
a~k them to leaVeL ~!t Was also~h~.~eeling.~i~ business is contributing to
th~ beauty of Saratoga ~in prov~dlng landscape improvements~ and therefore, felt
it should be allowed to continua.
Rosemary Wooly, a Sarat6ga resident, indicated she felt Mr. Lyngso was an ]
asset to the community, and she didn't feel there was basis for these home2
owners' objections.
Mrs. Frederick Tater of Manor DriVe ~tated that the homeowners had been in-
formed before purchasing their homes~in this area that this was a non-conforming
Use and would, therefore, revert to R, 1 zoning in three years.. She indicated
that most of thes~ property owners p~rchased their'homes in 1968 and expected
this company to be out in 1971.
Mayor Smith explained that it has essentially been established-that this is
a nod.conforming use in a C-V zone; however, the issue boils down to the
amOrtfzat~n~period, and it was his feeling M~.' Lyngso's attorney should be
given the opportunity to voice his comments with regard to this issue. In
addition, he felt there were certain questions the staff should investigate,~
for instance~ whether or not there were b~ilding permits issued for structures
on this property.
- 6 -
(Cont'd.) Lyngso Garde~ Materials, I~c.
Following ~a brief discussion between~ the Council and Mr. Tater, it was moved
by Councilman Bridges and seconded by Councilman Dwyer that this matter 'be
continued to the next regular City council Meeting. The motion was carried.
The Mayor explained that th'is is a r~quest for change of Zoning from Ril-40~000
to R-i-20,000 for the southernportion of the 4.357acre proposed development
on Allendale and Fruitvale Avenues. He the~,op~n~d!.the public hearing at
11:10 P.M. and asked for comments f~0m the audience.
Mrs. John Vance, ~936~'.At~os Pl.ace, ~ommented that she had the understanding
that once a-zoningv~riance!Such as thi~ is approved there is no control by
the City thereafter. ~
Mr. StanleyWalker,~Di~e~or o~ P!an~ing, ~dvis~d MrS. Vance and the Council
that the Planning Commiasion ha~'app~oved the' tentative map with the restriction
that development of not more than fo~r It?oo-~o~yy~gm~s'o~[~' eh~ight lots would
beLLpermitted. :
Mayor Smith inquired what the status of the pending ordinance relating to two-
story homes is~_and wh~ ~he progress is to date. Mr. Walker replied that this
is scheduled ~e~o~,.Pl~ih~bFm~rs'sTon 'fSf~brii~ihe~fi~e~'fi~e?~eting
. Mayor Smith asked Mr.'Walker if the C.ouncil approved the change of zoning this
evening, could Mrs~ Vance~br back to 'the Planning Commission with regard to
the one-story/two-story question. MrS. Walker replied that she could only if
she wanted to appeal tothe Planning Commissiop on the tentative map.
Mrs. Vance indicated she had. attended! the Planning CommiSsion Meetings when
this issue Was brought up and had mad~ her arguments against two-story homes
in this development at thae time. Sh~ indicated when she originally 'went.to
the Plan~ing Commission on this, they' seemed quite vague on the two-story
· issue and advised her'they were just honsidering th~ re-zoning at that time.
Mr.'Richard Cecchi of MacKay and Somp~ Civil Engineering Firm, stated that at
the time the Planning Commission reviewed this re-zoning and the tentative
map, Mrs. Vance had discussed the sUbjectof. two-story homes in this development,
and as a result of the'discussion th§~ evening, Osterlund ,Enterprises had con-
sented to a 50/50 split for the eight~lots. Additionally, the Planning
Commission had indicated that they wanted to put a tWo-story restriction on
this development. Mr. CecChi felt that Mrs. Vance could be assured that the
developer did not intend to pad any of these lots, and also, that they have
retained all but a few trees in this proposed development.
The City Attorney staled that since Design Review has not taken place for
this developmeht as yet and Desi'gn Review approval must be obtained before
the final map can be approved..-~?~k=~j~ apparent that the only issue before the
Council at this time w~uld be that of~re-zoning, and. the two-story question
would have to be directed back to the. Planning Commission.
It was moved by Coun'cilman Dwyer and seconded by Mr. Kraus that the public
hearing be closed. The motion was carried; the public hearing was closed at
11:30 P~M.
It was moved by Councilman Dw~er and seconded by Councilman Kraus that.the
change of zoning for the 2.06-acre portion of this development be approved
and Ordinance NS-3-ZC-72 be introduced. The motion was carried. ~
Mayor Smith explained that this ~?n~Hfo~_nna~t~on~r.~u~li~
legal powe~ this council has is to ~'~ro~eI the~r~gY~[i~n'~h '~llgw~ the
District to proceed in opening the s~reets for this project.
Mr. Nick Nichols, representing Sanitation District No. 4, gave a complete
description of the area which would ~e involved in the construction of this
project. He indicated the total cos~ of this project would run approximately
$58,000 and would affect approximately fourteen propertypifieD He indicated
· i~ would serve approximately seventeen sites, costing about~$3,200 per building
Mr. Nichols advised that the the Sani]tation District has tentatively set a
hearing date of September 22, at which time any property owners may present
questions or voice any protest on thi's project.
MayOr Smith inquired of Mr. Niqhols. approximately how long he would anticipate·
until completion of the construction. Mr. Nichols replied that a contractor
couldn't be expected totake more thaln seventy-five feet per day, amounting
to approximately t~enty ~orking days.' He indicated that he didn't see how
traffic could be.m~inCaih~d on NOrton Road dur·ing~this period and the property
owners probably couldn't.use this roa~ between 8:30 A.M. and·4:30 P.M.
The point was r~ised with"re'g~rd ¥o ~emerg~ncy vehicles and if they would be
able to get through during the day. Mr. Nichols indicated this would be
taken into,account!and emergehcy~ehicles would have access through the road
during the constructfon period-.,
Mr. Henry Barker, 15530 Norton Road, ~oiced his objections to closing off
Norton Road during these daytime hour~ and indicated he was physically unable
towalk from this point. Mr. Barker further commented with the Bohlman Road
Study'and felt development iH this area should be investigated.
One citizen made the inquiry, "What s~ecifically started this action?"
Mr. Nichols replied. that Mr. Constantine of this area contacted the Sanitation~
District with regard to failure i~ the present system and this call was followed
up with an informatio.al survey. However, at this time, there was a reported
51% opposition to the project, and therefore, it was dropped. There was a
second reqdest, and-the large percentage of opposition was not expressed, and
therefore, the District began proceedings for the informational hearing.
The question was asked, "What failures were reported?" Mayor Smith advised
this information would be available a~ the Sanitatign District's Board Meeting
in September.
Mr. Wendell Hammon, 20200Hill Ave., ~equested the Council approve a·delay
in taking action onthis matte~ this evening to further consider the merits
of such a project.
Mayor Smith stated that What could happen is the District~could go ahead and
hold the public hearing on the 22nd and their approval would be subject to
permission granted by the City of Saratoga. Additionally, the merits would
be heard on this ~ate. He questioned whether the City's delaying of action
would have any affect on the merits,. however.
The City Attorney asked Mr. Nichols t~e average size of the seventeen sites
included under·this project. Mr. Nichols replied that about ten of the lots
would range from an acre to an acre and one-half. On the Sisters of Mary and
on the Hanks property he indicated it looks like tw8 acres.
(Cont'd.) - Sanitary Sewerage Projec~ 1973-2
The City Attorney then asked Mr. Nich'ols if the Sanitation District has taken
into account the City's slope density: regulations. Mr. Nichols indicated they
have run a slope density analysis; holwever, where there is only one site per
acres, this would increase the assessment.
Mayor Smith advised'thatinformati~B~concerning the,s. lope density'in this area
would be availa~l~ ~t the'pdbl~c he~rling of the District.
One citizen askedI'i,f'it was'~ru~.'~hat. there is going to be a good'deal of
work done prior to the feasibility st~udy of this project. Mayor Smith replied
that this is true. Mr. Nichols qommented that thip would involve approximately
$4,000. , ~ ~ c
Mr. Dyer of Bohlman Road;indiCated tKat he too would like to see this project
delayed as he felt these Costs have mis-calculated. +.
Mayor Smith commented that the estimates can only be a certain percentage
below what the actual bid comes in at.
Councilman Dwyer inquired.if everyone involved in this proposed project
given the opportunity to vote on thi§. Mayor Smith indicated there was a
survey taken, and those ~ho were in opposition had an opportunity to show
that. He reit&rated the fact that there is still the hearing, at which time
· thesel people can lqdge written protest and each of these protests would be
considered at this hearing.
Mr. Henry Barker commented that when~he went to the Sanitation District
office and requested to see the card~ which Wer~ mailed to residents, he
found that the only cards that were mailed out were to those people who were
for the project.'
Mr. Hammon indicated he would like tq once again appeal to the Council. to
delay action on this hearing at this:time in light of question concerning
emergency vehicles,. and he felt this should be looked at since this would
create a hazardess situation.
At th~S'.~ime,. it was moved by Councilman BKi~ges and seconded by Councilman
K~aus that the public hearing be closed. The motion ~s carried. The public
hearing was closed at 12:25 A.M.
The City Manager indicated he had received seven letters in opposition-to this
Following, ~br~ef discUssion.,:~y_the Council, it was moved by Councilman Dwyer
and seconded by Councilman Kraus that the matter be continued to the next
regular City Council Meeting and the Sanitation District be asked to come
back at that time with answers to questions raised this evening with regard
t'o. access to and from the homes in t~is area during the day and als0 the
question of access by emergency vehicles during this construction period.
The motion was carried.
1. County Sports Arena - AnnOUnced ~hat it is going to be included on the
April ballot.
1. Payment of Claims - It was.moved.by Councilman Diridon and seconded by
Councilman Dwyer that the list of disbursements be
approved andSthe Mayor be authorized to sign the
warrants. The motion was carried.
(Cont'd,) - Finance
2.' City Clerk's Financial Report Noted and filed.
3.- City Treasurer's RepOrt - Noted,and filed.
1. Councilman Diridon % Reported h~ has received a resolution'from Flood
Control and Water District and a request of the City's opinion regarding
payment and responsibility for ~mprovements by the Flood Control District. -
This was referred to.staff for a report at a future. meeting.
2. Councilman Diridon -' Reported h6 has received a request from Cindy Strife,
- Deputy Director and ACTION volunteer for the County, who has received
additional responsibility in working with the InfOrmation and Referral
System,,that the City,provide s~me input on this System. - Councilman
Diridon to attend a meeting of the organization and report back to the
Council at a future meeting.
3. Parks and Recreation Commission !- Recommendation to re-advertise for bids
on Gardiner Park. - It was moved~ and seconded that authorization be granted
to re-advertisefor'bids in September, with the modifications proposed by
landscape architect.. The motion was carried.
1. Public Works, R~: Progress Report on Highway 9 Walkway ·- Mr. Trinidad,
Assistant City Engineer, reported their department is working with Dr.
Cermak and Our Lady of Fatima concerning the easement required for this
project. They will attempt to h~ve a more clear direction on this at
the next regular meeting.
· 2. Planning Director - Reported thai the City's ~ppeal on the Negative
Declaration on the McManus develgpment for a nursery school on Sanborne
Road was granted by the' County BOard of Supervisors, and they now re-
quire an E.I.R. Repor.t by the applicant.
1. Approval of Formdla for State P~ks and Recreation Bond Fund for 1974
It was moved by Cpuncilman Dwyer,and seconded by Councilman Bridges that
· the City indicate its support of~the formula. The 'motion was carried.
2. Proposed Cit~· S~r~i~e (-co) Combining Zone
Reported tha~ public hearing by the Board of Supervisors scheduled for
August 16; City will reiterate cqmments as previously expressed.
3. Bucknail Storm Drain Project ,- !~ w s moved by· Councilman Dwyer and seconded
by Councilman Kraus thatithe staff be authorized' to advertise for bids on
the basis o£ the~engineer's new ~stimate. The motion was carried.
4. Reported that the Co~it~ee~ of t~e~Whole '~eet{ng~ch~duled for August~l~t~,
-,~ . , -
1. 11 letters received regarding pia~I £~r~trjffic cOntrol.on Mil'rer-'~ve~Uerfrom
the following people:
Giken C. Peretti, 12747 ~iller Ave.
Margaret C. and Hubert M. B~th, 12603 Miller Ave.
- 10 -
Cont'd.) - Written Communications
Mr. and Mrs. William Evans, 12681 Miller Ave.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Barrett, 12781 Miller Ave.
Mr. and Mrs. David Nelson, 12669;Miller Ave.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grey, 12756.Miller Ave..
C. C. Cederblorn, 19600 Ladera C~urt~
Mrs. Sharon Bramblett, 12690 Miller Ave.
Mr. and'Mrs. George Bunyard, 12625 Miller Ave.
Mr. Glenn E. Patton, Jr., 12713 Miller Ave.
Keith P. Rice, 12734 Miller Ave.
2. 7 letters regarding the proposed~s~werage project on Bohlman and Norton
Roadsqfrom the following people:!
E..Thadeus Flood, I~529t. Norton Rgad
Edwin.D. Kilbourne, Jr., P. O. Box 35
George Oatman,.15361 NortOn Road~
Wendell P. Hammon, 20200 Hill Ave.
William P. Hincks, 838.Mendocino 'A~e., BerKeley
Edna and Henry BarKer, 15330 Norton
Ephraim Dyer, Jr., P. O~ Box 366L
3. 5 letters regarding Lyngso Garde~ Materials, Inc. £rom:
Robert and J~anne Sheffield, 12503 Green Meadow Lane
Mitsuo and Heda Yamada, 20552 Manor Drive.
Claire L. BUrke, 12516 Green Meadow Lane
Frank Schork, 12529.Green'Meadow%Lane
Dr. and Mrs. Gilbe'rt Marx, 12500 Green Meadow Lane
4, Mr. and Mrs. Mehdi Javaheri, 12881 Cortede Arguello, opposed to the
construction of a cul-de-sac on arroyo de Arguello hetween lots 1 and
10. - This matter has been referred to the Plannin~ Commissio,n; a report
to be forthcoming at a future Cit%y Council Meeting.
5. J. F. Zeid, ~73 Durshire Way, Sunnyvale, requesting the City refund the
fees paid to obtain site and building permits (SDR-1008)0 - Approved to
refund the amount of $617.25 and void Building site approval.
6. Marv Steinberg, PrinCi~al,.Saratoga SchoOl, urging the Council to
continue .t6 support the Saratoga 'Community Garden. - Noted and filed.
7. Richard and Joan ~r~en, ~2350~ ~
Goteta ~ve~, expressing objections. to the
incorporation of the City into th~ Saratoga Fire District. - Noted and filed.
8. Arnold Zauss, Su'nget!'~Po. Ols i~ Santa Clara.',. requesting a refund for permits
issued to build a swimming 'pool for resident at 21293 Lumbertown Lane.
9. Cheriel and. GordOn E. Jense~, 337? Bentqn, Santa Clare requesting that
the Council h~ve some control over dedication of easements to.Flood
Control District~ - This was referred to Planning staff for follow up.
i. Norm Matt~oni, Chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Demonstration
Bicycle Route System, requesting ~he Council and staff to work with
Osterlund Enterprises to try and'negotiate a pathway at the corner ~f
Cok and Saratoga Ave. ~ Public Works staff to correspond with Mr. Tersini
at OSterlund and look!atalternativcs.
It was moved by Councilman Dwyer and seconded b~ Councilman Kraus that the
meeting be adjourned~ The motion was carried; the meeting ~ gdjourned at
1:30 A.M.
spectf 't4-y submitted,
Rob ~,