HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-05-1973 City Council Minutes MINUTES
TIME: Wednesday, September 5, 1973--.7:3Q P.M. · -
PLACE: Saratoga City Council Chambers, 13777~ Fruitvale Ave., Saratoga, Calif.'
TYPE: · Regular Meeting
Present: Councilmen Smith, Dwyer, Bridges, Diridon and Kraus
Absent: None
Correction:. Page,3, Paragraph.l, Item III-B (Mille~ Avenue Stop Signs at
Melinda Circle and Somerville Drive) - Eliminate the word "period ically""and
indicat~ that installation of step signs be delayed until traffic surveys
have been complete~.- -
It was moved by Councilman Bridges and seconded by Councilman bwyer that the
mxnutes of August 15, 1973 be approved as amended. The motion was carried.
It was moved by Councilman Dwyer and seconded by Councilman Dfridon that the
work on this project be accepted a'nd the Notice of Completion filed. The
It was moved by Cohncilman Dwyer and seconded by Councilman Diridon that the
staff be authorized to advertise for bids. The motion was carried.
A. RESOLUTION NO. 674 - Resolution AuthoEizing Acquisition.of Addition
to Azule Park
It was moved by Counc~Iman Bridges and seconded by Councilman Diridon that
ResOlution No. 674 b~Tadopted. The motion was carried.
B. RESOLUTION MV-7j -~Est~b.lishing "No P~rki~g" on Portions of Fourth Street
It was moved by Councilman.Kraus and seconded by Councilman Dwyer that
Resolution MV-73 be adopted.'. The motion was carried.
,,L C. RESOLUTION MV-74 - Prohibiting Left Turns and "U" Turns at Specified Locations
~ on Saratoga Avenue
The City Manager requested this matter% be coot inued to the next regular meeting.
by the Council.
.D. RESOLUTION NO. 675 - Authorizing Condemnation of Storm Drain Easement
It was moved by Councilman Bridges andsseconded by Councilman Diridon that
Resolution No. 6~ be adopted~. The motion was carried.
E. ORDINANCE NS-3-ZC-72 Ordinance Amending Ordinance NS-3, th~ Zoning Ordinance,
·by Amending the Zoning Map - Osterlund Enterprises.
It was moved by Councilman Dwyer and seconded by Councilman Kraus that.Ordinance
NS-~-ZC-72, changing.the zoning on the southern 4.35-acre portion of the pro-
posed development on Allendale and Fruitvale A~enue from R-i-40,000 to R-i-20,000,
be ~dopted. The motion was carried.-
A. SDRi1034 JOHN ~IRKPATR!C~, PiKE ROAN (Co~t'd. from 6/20, 8/1, 8/7 &'8/15/73)
The City M~nager reviewed the questions which had been presented at the previous
meeting concerning this ~atter;thos~ being:
1) What would be the ant.icipated cost Cfor.'cons~ructing ~the r~tai~i~g wall
if constructed?
2) What portion of the.property 'would be lost. through the desig-
· nation of this retaining wall~.
3) Whether'or n'ot the staff has 'any additional recommendation's,in
terms of alternatives.
He further stated the estim~eed cost ~for improving Pike Road as per,the con-
ditions which are being appealed, II-~, H, and K, is approximately $16,500,
and this cost is based on 'the assumption that a retaining wall would be used
to preserve the maximum 'lot~ area.~ He indicated that this cost could be
reduced approximately $6,200 by .use o~f extensive fill' in lieu of the retaining
wall. He explained that the existing. property area is 26,000 square feet, and
the present net area, excluding the existing Pike Road improvement is 23,000
square feet. 'The useable!area, by utilizing the retaining wall would be 18,000
square feet; however, if no retaining~ wall is used the net area would be re-
duced to 13,200 square feet.
The City Manager commented that~.he felt there was the issue of existing policy
concerning Pike Road, and these conditions have been .imposed on the basis of
that polieyo He further commented that'if these improvements are not required
as a part of this SDR, it could be ~Ssumed that the City would be required to
make these improvements ~t some futur~ time. However, he indicated there are
a number of alterna[ives which could be considered if the Council wanted to
modify the exis'ting policy. :
Mr. John Kirkpatrick, the owner' of this property, indicated that it is his
understanding that this is a legal no~-conf~rming lot, and the problem which is
now confronting him is that he finds it necessary to sell the lot. He indicated
there is a problem in selling the lot,in that the value of the lot is not nearly
as great on the market as the cost of.this work. Mr, Kirkpatrick stated that he
would be willing to accept 'an equitable share of the'expense for the improvement
of Pike Road, even though he could no[ use it. This, he slated, would be to the
'extent of $3,000 to. $4,000; however, ~e felt'an amount such as. $16,000 was
ridiculous. Mr. Kirkp~trick%indicated he would have only one other recourse, and
that would be to abandonsthe lot ~;'
Mr. Kirkpatrick commented that he didn't know why the widening of Pike Road had
to come off.on his side, and' he ,fe~t i~ w6uld be almost ~s difficult to build
a barricade as it would be to dig into the cliff on the other side.
A third concern of Mr. Kirkpatrick was tha~' he didn't know how the road could
be widened without destroying ~he oakstrees.
He further commented that at the time he purchased.this lot it was his under-
standing that any improvement would b~ pro-rated amongthe:property owners,
regardless 'of the amount of frontage along Pike Road, and it was indicated in
the Site ApprOval which he obtained in 1965, which was subject to hook-up
sanitary sewers; however the option was to comply with.the conditions as indi-
cated in .th'is appro~al'o~participate in the Pike Road improvements.
Mr. Stanley Walker, Director of Plan~ing, commented that there approximately
ten (10) undeveloped sites on Pike Road which are contemplated for development
· ih the near future, and there are approximately teh('10).to fifteen (15) in
addition to this.
Mayor-Smith was of the feeling that ~t might be beneficial to c6ntinue this
matter, allowing forthe staff to re'work.an acceptable formula and, at the
same tim~ get the Planning Co~missio~'s input and report this at a future
meeting. .
The City Manager also felt this might be treated as a special case by the
Planning Commission since it is at the intersection and it is not being
used by this owner to the extent of some of .the neighbors who have access.
Mayor Smith asked Mr. Kirkpatrick if;it would be acceptable to him to refer
this to a Committee of the Whole Meeting in!~anaatt~mDt~to~b~d some of the
policies which have been establishedion Pike Road. Mr. Kirkpatrick indicated
this would meet with his approval. It was, therefore, the suggestion of
Mayor Smith, with the concurrence ofthe Council, that thi~ matter be scheduled
for a Committee'of the Whele Meetingzand re-agendized for~___= ~· ~g~i
~n October. -. ~ · ·
It was moved ~y Councilman Kraus andlseconded by Councilman Diridon that
Resolution SDR-1053-1, granting Conditional Building Site Approval, be
adopted. The motion was carried.
The City Manager explained that this is a request for reconsideration of
conditions~or'~_~dfngFSite Approval, specifically condition II-I.(1.) .~hich
requires that a storm sewer be installed on Big Basin Way to connect with
the existing storm drain on Fourth ~treet and Big Basin Way, and that the
owner provide all the off-site improvement.
Mr. Samuel Tyler indicated that what:they are faced with here is the con-
dition to install a twenty-four-inch~pipe sufficient to drain the area on
Big.Basin Way from Fourth Street to Sixth Street~ as well as the entire length
of Fifth Street., and it was his feeling the City should participate in the cost
of this improvement since ~it~j~_'7~s_~__r~.ye~.~aT~j~g
5 ert Shook, Director of Public Wor~s, p6inted outsthat when reimbursement
fdr~this~improvement is discussed, xt should be noted that the owner would be
reimbursed for the-total pipe connection and not only that portion which is
considered to 'be off-site.
Following ~a disc&ssion by the Councii and the staff, it was.moved by Councilman
Smith and seconded by Councilman Dir{don that this matter be continued to the
next regular City Council Meeting.
It was moved by Councilman Kraus and .seconded by Councilman Diridon that
Final Construction AcceptanCe be granted and the release of improvement bond
be authorize~.- 'The motion was carried.
It was moved .by Councilman Kraus andiseconded by Councilman Bridges that the'
Council authorize acceptance of improvements for construction. The motion
was carried.
Mr. Walker, Director of Planning, explained that the landscaping for this
condominium is around the perimeter 6n Springer and alvery'narrow~portion
along Fourth Street. He explained that the original deveioper didn't put in
the landscaping required, but the new owner had agreed to do this.
The City Manager indicated theepathway easement is iocate~ going downstream
'toward Fourth Street and comes through the gates and on the left side of the
utility box, which on the inside of the fence which borders along the creek;
therefore, if this is deyeloped it would have the ~and~capiBg requirement.
The question arose as to 'whose responsibility it wquld be to maintain this
pathway easement. MayOr. S~ith indicated a'discUssi'on o~ the whole-issue of
trails and pathways would be forthc0~ing at the 'September 25th Committee of
the Whole Meeting and felt this matter should be continued unti'l after that
discussion. It wa~, ehe~fo~e,' ag~d to re-a~endize~t~i~ item for the first
regularly-scheduled~City Counqil Meeting'in october.~
A. LYNGSO GARDEN MATERIALS, INC. (Infor~ational.fHearing - Cont'd. from 8/15/73)
The Mayor opened the public hearing at 8:29 P.M. He indicated there have been
a number. of ,rit~en communications received on thip matter. He explained that
one of the reasons the Council had agreed to delay this matter was to take
into further consideration the testimony from the Lyngso interest. He then
asked if there was someone in the audience to represent Mr. Lyngso.
'Mr. Richard Gardella, attorney,f~r M~. Lyngso, asked if f~rther complaints from
the neighbors present in the audienc~ should first be received ~nd he could re-
spond to these complaints. Mayor Smi'th advised Mr. Cardella, however, that the
reason this matter was continued to this evening was so Mr. Lyngso's counsel
would have an opportunity to give tes!timony.
Mr. Gardella proceeded with his testimony and advised that Mr.'Lyngso had re-
tained the services of a sound consultant and had asked them to prepare material
of these studies for presentation.
Mr. Edward Pack of Edward L. Pack Associates, Inc., 2940 Scott Boulevard,
· Santa Clara, indicated.that in an effort to determine the acoustical environ-
ment of Mr. Lyngso's facility, his fi~m had conducted continuous sound re-
cordings at selected points aloDg the residentialiproperty line to the west of
the Lyngso yard. He indicated the measuring microphone was installed between
the rear of the material bins and the'six-foot high redwood fence so the micro-
phone was within approximately fifteeh (15)feet of the Tatar property, and
.within approximately four (4) feet of!the Lyngs~property. Mr. Pack indicated
at Location 1, thehighes~ level of s~und reported was at 55 db, and this was
during late afternoon, between_3~00'~a~ 5:30 P~,M.
Mayor Smith inquired if there was any. loading or unloading activity which took
· pla~e in the yard utilizing the largerdouble-type vehicle. Mr. Pack replied
that this did not occur during the time the survey was being conducted.
To .corrulate the' information Mr. PackShad gathered with the Saratoga Noise
Ordinance, he indicated ~hat the Ordinance states that "at no time shields.the
outdoor ambient level exceed 45 db"~hgwever, for a commercial activity one can
-4 -
exceed 45 db. by 8'db, so one wouldI be allowed the total of 53 db at the
property line. He thereYore concl~uded this would amount to approximately
· 2 db excess; however, he indicated no accounting is made f~r the instrumen-
tation inaccuracy.
Mayor Smith asked Mr. Pack what d'~te these sound readings had been con-
ducted. Mr. Pack replied, "August i16".
Mayor Smithinquired what the highest singl~ incidence reported. Mr. Pack
replied this was with the ~nloadi~g of two-inch diameter rock and this came
up to 87 db. .Mr. Pack stated that% because of this type of activity~ it would
be one. of his recommendations tO e!limfnate all the material bin~ along the
residential.property~and to includ'e an acoustical barrier along the property
Mr. Pack advised that a second measurement was taken about fifty feet of
the P.G.&E. right-of-way along thel residential property line. He indicated
during'this second reading, the train passed by, and for about 45 seconds
durat'iOn, and this.was measured atI 65 db. Mr. Pack indicated that this was
taken around 5:00 P.M., and shortly after 5:00, there was a 2% decrease in
the readingJdue to the' decreased amount of traffic at this time. He stated
[hat the re~ing taken out of the P.G.&E. right-of-way, and this location was
somewhat noisier and measured apprbximately a 4% increase, or 60 db. He
felt that this cur~e resulted almost entirely from Saratoga Avenue traffic,
however. ' ~
He related.to the council the tests of the two loader units within the yard,
and stated the Noise O~dinance makes a~_p.~_o~li~ibn whereby equipment measured
at a 25-foot aistance would be lair6wed ·jp'~C~o70 db, and these units were
measured at 64 db and 7~d~f
Councilman"KraUs '~0mmeh~ed that he'~elt the readings were made relatively
late in the d.ay..and.wondered if th%s was a representative time. Mr. Pack
replied that the measu~ments'were{made-~t' his..~eonVenience and felt there
was no real kgn'~icance in the'time.~-)
Mac. Gardella stated that when he a~peared before the Council in June, he
heard a number of objecti6ns expressed, and it was his feeling Mr. Lyngs?
has demonstrated a real effort to ~esolvethese problems. He indicated
that the use Of tillo has ceased on this property, sprinklers have been
installed and oiling has taken p%aCe to bring the.~dust problem under con-
Mr. Gardella indicated they have o~Iy'had one meeting with M~. Tatar,. and
at that time, he had advised that co~6~p~m~Se was not "in the book" and he
would only be satisfied with ,the co"~pi~t~'elimination of this business. ',
M~. Gardella stated Mr. Lyngso would continue to make'these improvements.
and consider the recommendations of the noise consultant.
Mr. Cardella stated 'that he is not~entirely sure of what the zoning is for
this property, but he is acceptingi for the time being, the opinion of the
City A~torney that xt was rezoned as ~j~tqr~Commercial. In his observations
of the Zoning Ordinance'~ M~. Gardeila inai~ated he had come to ~he conclusion
tha~"~a?d~nfo'V~i~g? use in a commercial neighborhood there is no
eliminatiod provision. He stated Chat as he reads the Zoning Ordinance, he
finds the interpretation of."non-c6nforming use", and it states that a non-
conforming use in a Commercial neighborhood has no factor for elimination,
except if the assessed ~alue of~ all the structures on the property is under
$500. Mr.'Gardella indicated it iS obvious that this is not the case in hhis
situation, and one. would have to look at the tax roles to see that this is true.
Mr. Gardella stated it was not his desire to get into a legal confrontation
with the City because he felt the'neighbors, as well as the City, would lose
because of the loose interpretatiqn of the Ordinance. He therefore asked
that the Council help to keep the'channels of communi.cation open and allow
them to keep working on this.
M~yor Smith asked if there were additional comments from the'audience.
One citizen, Mr. Boris, stated he!felt this location was very ~onvenient
for purchasing garden needs and felt it would be unfortunate if Saratogans
would.have to drive to sur~qunding communities to purchase these needs.
Mr. Donald Sifferman, 12400~m__ee~do'~wLane, indicated he was speaking on
behalf of the homeowners present this evening. Mr. Sifferman stated a repre-
sentative of the homeowners has b~en present at the past five City Council
meetings. t° teseify on'this matte~, and in these presentations they fully
described the true nature of the Lyng~o operation, the incompatibility of
that operation with the city at large in a residential neighborhood, and
also, the many violations of laws'!in the City.
Mr. Sifferman indicated the legal ~situ~tion has been clearly stated by
City Attorney Mr. JOhnston in his %letter of July 16, 1973. In this letter
he states'the Lyngso operation has] been~a non-conforming use in a Visitor-
Commercial district since 1968 andj can be closed out after the thr~e-year
amOrt-~ation period, or in 1971.' He stated that since 1971, there has been
no legal basis for the continued existance of this'o~eration in Saratoga.
Mr.' Sifferman continued bystating that at the City Council Meeting of
August 1, 1973, Mayor Smith had indicated he felt the City should consider
two alternatives to solve thi~ pro~blem: ~1) Direct the City Attorney. to take
action on a non.conforming use; 2)State its intention to persue the non-
conforming use and ~uthorize the City Attorney to initiate a phase-out period
~s with the Cox Garage.-~ He stated. that using the Cox'Garage as a point of
comparison, Lyngso should be closed immediately. He commented that the
Lyngso operation is-an eyesore and heavy industrial operation has no place
in this ~ity, eapecial. ly at one of the principal entrances. He felt that
if the City should grant.a phas~-o'ut period, a brief period would seem
appropriate because of the gros's i%ncompatibility of the operation with the
residential nature of the cityDand~ because of the many violations of the'
city's laws, over and above the no~-conforming use. Mr. Sifferman stated
that the Saratoga Manor Homeowne~sf Association would strongly urge the
Council to terminate the operation~ and to revert the property to R-i zoning
in conformance with the General Plan.
Mr. Sifferman indicated that noise readings have been previously documented
on this property which conflicts with that testimony made this evening. He
then presented for the Council's listening.tapes which had been made by
Mrs. Tatar in her back yard on Saturday,'August 25th.
Mr. Sifferman further commented that for .any length of time that~Mr. Lyngso
remains on this property, hewill be in violation of the Zoning Ordinance,
as thi~ requires. a thirty-foo~t setback .on.the property line, a condition
which Mr. Lyngs~o~has fail!ed to'~Fl.y wi~h.~!
Mr. Sifferman commented that while Mr. L~ngso's efforts to eliminat~ the
dust problem have!.been commendabie,~ t~ey'have not 'eliminated the dust as
required in the Zoning~ Ordinance. !Another conc&rn i~ the large amount of
black oil that is being t~acked onto the residential streets.
Mr. Sifferman indicated he has ~on~ an anylysis.on t~e volume of business
in this operation o~er the past three ~ears, it was found the business had
increased approximately $42,000 each year. This would conflict with that
information presented at the previous City Council Meeting by Mr. Higham.
- 6 -
With regard to traffic! sa~fet~ Mr.' SifferMan commeneed that the heavy
trucks continue to us~the M~no~ DriVe access. He Etated in-1966 Mr. Lyngso
had agreed in writing that all large trucks would use only direct access to
Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road, and the Manor Drive access would be used only by
automobiles and t~ucks.
Mr. Si£ferman commented on zoning: ~e stated the proper~y is and always
has been R-1 on the General Plan. In 1962, Lyngso had requested a
Commercial Service zoningland thi~'was denied. Later they were granted
a conditional Commercial Service zoning, one of these conditions b~ing
that the only commercial use to which the property would be put was for a
nursery and garde9 supply stor~. !Th~ property was rezoned Visitor-Commercial
'in 1968 as part of the'general reZoning; however, the ordinance which changed
the zoning said nothing about theDconditions of use, and this zoning still
stands. T~erefore, when the Lyngso operation ceases, no commercial operation
is allowed and the property reverts to R~i zoning.
Mayor Smith asked the City Manage~ if he had done'~rese~rch to obtain records
of building permits for this Operation. The City Manager replied that there
have been four permits isshed in 6he past ten yearS, one of these being a
building permit, issued in August:1967 for a new wall in the office and plan
Mr. lBas.anes~,, 19313 Athos',~ ~e~re~enting the Good Government Group of
Saratoga, indicated at their last!board meeting, considerable time'Was
spent discussing the Lypgso matter. He then proceeded to read a letter
drafted by Col. Mayfield, Pr~sideqt of the Good Government Group. This
letter is included under WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS.
There being no additio'n~l Comment .from the audience, it was moved by
Councilman Bridges and seconded by Councilman Diridon that the public
hearing be closed. The motion was carried. Public hearing closed at 9:30 P.M.
It was the general2feelingof thelCouncil that'a phase-out period should be
~eggtia~d, primarily due to the fact that this is a non-conforming use.
It was, therefore., moved by Councilman Smith and seconded by Councilman
Brid~es that the Council direct the City Attorney and the City Staff to
proceed to abate this pre~exi~tin~ non-conforming use and that this action
be stayed for .a period of sixty (60) days to allow the staff to meet with
Mr~ Lyngso and the homeowners and Znegotiate a reasonable phase-out period.
The City Attorney interjected that on the 61st day if no action is taken,
he would file a suit for injunction.
The motion was carried.
~RESOEUTION. 6~i -SANITARY SEWERAGE PROJECT 1973-2 (Cont'd. from 8/15/73)
Mayor Smith reported the result of the latest Sanitation District 4. He
stated that those people,who had p.resented testimony at the previous City
Council Meeting had artended the District 4 Meeting, and he was given an
indication of the irregula'rities aslpoidtedcout by these residents. He
stated that one of these specific areas was the informal procedure, whereby
the Sanitation District attempts to bu{ld up its record to see if there is
appropriate interest. in a project.! He indicated there was a petition cir-
culated which reflected 33% in favor of such project and also a post-card
surveysWas 'conducted, and this suryey was conducted by one of the. proponents
of'the project, raising the idea that one side is regulating the preference
indicator. He explained that the iBoard went on record of approving the
engineering survey. He indicated that a new post-card survey has been
undergone; however,' the results of that survey have not yet been received.
The Mayor explained that this is an information hearing, which is to talk.
in terms of the pract-icabp~oblem~ and not those r~lated to the merits of
the project.
Councilman~Dwyer inquired if-the ~ew post-card survey is being conducted
~mong~.p~operty ownersq'and,.tolthei~ satisfacti0n.l.Mr. Steve Goodman, repre-
senting Sanitation District No. 4 indicated that the survey was being con-
ducted to include al. 1 those property owners who'would be assessed b~ such
a project.
Mayor Smith asked Mr. GOodman if h~e had the results of this second survey.
Mr. Goodman replied that it is ima.ture in that the District has tp allow
the property owners ample time to 'receive the post-cards and return ~hem,
the normal time period being ten days to two weeks
Mr. Goodman Stated that auth0rizat~ion for construction of the project is
to be Closed out by September 7th,~ and he stated it would be his intent to
present to the Board on the 13th, not only the results of the post-card
survey, but also, the iR~i'u~on~f"%~tion to proceed. This resolution
would start the as ~"~'~%'~[ich entail advertising for bids
Bessmerit ro d..
and setting of the public hearing,]which has to be' thirty (30) days after the
meeting.. He explained, however, that the Board could not adopt the Resolution
of Intenfion until Such time as~t~is City adopts the Resolution Approving Form
of Resolution of Intention, so!thel District really doesn't know if they have
a project until the Board adopts the Resolution of Intention. Mr. Goodman
indicated, however., that the Council could delay its consideration beyond .the
time of the result of the po~t-card survey, and the Board could then push
ahead its whole proceedings.for at~ f~ast a month.
Mayor Smith commented t~at this would allow the Council to move this matter up
two weeks for the next agenda, at ~hich time the results of the survey would
be known.
Mr. Robert Davis, repres~nting.E. Dyer,-owner of a portion of the property
included in this project, stated t~at he would.urge the Council to give con~
sideration to delaying this matterI until the results of the survey are'.knOwn.
He further commented that .the proposed boundaries of the project appear to
have been changed as he noted that~two propertie~ formerly shown as being
included under the pr. oject are notI now shown.
Mr. Goodman pointed out that the p~st cards were sent out to all property.
owners proposed to be assessed, plus the two that were in the original prl~-
ject, and based on the heed for adoption of this resolution by the City of
Saratoga, they have given approximate boundaries for these preliminary sur-
veys and will later reduce this area down to the actual area which is' usable,
based on a detailed survey. Heexblained that the elimination of the' two
parcels was due to the fact that 1~ ~ lower than the elevation of the
sewer which would require pumping;Z2) the other was because of a rock change
in the sewer line. Analysis showeH that the amount of sewer line"wh~ch would
have to be put in would exceed the amount of assessment.
Edgar M. Hoover, member of the Board of the Saratoga H~ights Mutual Water~ Co.,
indicated he Would like to~read aloud a communication to the Mayor an~ the
Council, requesting that the responsible legislative authority, pursuant to
the municipal improvement factor, ~how in the Resolution of Intent'ioR that
private utility damages be include~ in the assessment and that the report.
contain their estimate of damage in the amount of $5,000.
Mr. George Rush, property owner inTthe proposed project, requested that this
matter not be agendized for the n~xt regular City Council Meeting and suggested
that after official written communication has been received by City Hall re~
garding the outcome of the post-¢a~ survey, followed by proper newsp.aper
notice, Resolution No. 671 should be heard. He commented.that t~e question-
able procedures followed by Sanitation District No. 4 are enough reason to
turn down the resolution; hoWeverl he stated he would like to present some
new facts whi'ch have come to light within the past few days: Mr. Rush indi-
cated the Sanitation District had~sent out a letter during the past week,
dated August 27, 1973,. which completely mislead the property owners, and the
information in the letter is not factual or true, and additionally, it mis-
informed the property owners of their legal rights in this matter. Mr. Rush
read the first paragraph of the letteL which stated, "Upon the apparent
interest of the majority of the property owners in the proposed Bohlman and
Norton Road area, outlined on the Attached maB for installation Of sanitary
sewers, CoUnty Sanitation District commence preparation for the construction."
Mr. RuSh indicated t~i["~n'~a"~f%~_as' there interest shown because, in spite'
of the irregularitiei~'Ht"~tim~ of the voting deadline the interest was
negative'. . . a vote of 56% "no" and 42%" es"
y ·
~. Rush stated that the second p~ragraph in the'letter indicated that "it
had been requested by some of the,property owners in the project area that
the Sanitation District conduct a~ informal new survey to determine the
present interest of the property owners in the area." He stated that this
also is incorrect, as there is not.hing in the record which shows that some
of the property o~ers requested ~n informal survey, but rather, the property
o~ers demanded that all proceedings should stop immediately and an ~vesti-
gation should start concerning thd irregularity of the votes.
Mr. Rush further commented that the letter of the 27th informs the property
owners that the post-card survey is only an "informal survey", and the only
oral protest must take place at th~ time the property owners appear at the
-open public hearing. However, thi~ oral protest does not count, because
according to a section of the City~ Code, it states that fiat any time during
the hour set for heari'ng, any owner may present w~itte~?protest, and no
other protests will be considered"i
Mayor Smith pointed out to Mr. Rush that i~ is the Board's custom to recognize
all protests.
Following additional comments by the Council, Mr. Rush, and ~. Goodman,
it was moved by Councilman Diridonland seconded by Councilman D~er that the
hearing be continued until a~ter the designated communication from Sanitation
District No. 4 has been received, and that this matter be re-agendized for
the September 19th City Council Me~ting. The motion was carried.
1. R.O.A.R. Program -,-Scheduled fqr'Co~mittee' of the' ~ole M~eting on
;~ept~mber 25, 1973.
2. Acoustics in Council Chambers - NeW'miCr6phones have been ordered-
with better ~oundquality.
3. ~nounced I.C.d.' Meetin~ ~n Se~t~mber'6th; vot. ing prScedure t6 be
4. "Public Information" packet to ]be available for public review.
5. Received a letter ~rom Phylis Butler, Chairman of the Santa Clara
County Historical H~ritage society announcing meeting planned in the
near future and indicating they would like to have.imput from the
entire County.'
- 9 -
1;' Payment of Claims - It was moved by Councilman Dwyer and seconded
by Counci%lman Diridon'that the list of disburse-
ments be ~pproved and the Mayor be authorized to
sign the Farrants.
1. Councilman Dirido'n- Information and Referral Service: Organization
for Saratoga will be the Saratoga Chamber of
· Commerce.
2. Councilman Kraus - Hillside COmmittee: Comments should be directed
to ~he Cit~ Manager in Mr. Kraus's absense and he,
.in turn, will refer to Councilman Diridon for the
next Hillside Subcommittee Meeting.
1. Public Works Director -Announced resolution received from Santa Clara
d6unt~' Floo~ Control'and Water District for
t " ' '~consi~eration: Resolution Declaring Policy
' It wa~ moved by Councilman Dwyer and seconded
by Councilman Kraus that the Council support the
concepts of this resolution. The motion was
c arr ie d.
2. Public Works Director'~ Highway 9 Walkway Project: It was agreed by
the Council that if an agreement is not reached
'with ~r. Cermak by the time of the next regular'
meeting, the Council would proceed with a
resolUtion'of iminent domain.
3. Publi~ Works Director - Announced progress report was made by the
Trans~ortat'i~n~:Commission concerning the
distr~ct's transit system, and at a meeting
on th~ 13th, the City's fixed route system
will be reviewed.
1. Cox Garage Agreement: It was 'indicated that this has expired, and
Mr. Cox has requested an extension to the agree-
Follo~ipg discussion of this by the Council and
members! in the audience, it was moved by Council-
man Dwyer and seconded by Councilman Kraus tha~
the City Attorney and Staff be authorized to pro-
ceed with the abatement of this operation and to
allow a~ grace period to terminate the business and
relocat~o The motion was carried.
1. Charles H. Smith, 15270 Norton Road, Re: Sanitary Sewerage Project on
Norton Road. - City Manager to~respond and advise action taken.
10 -
2. Herbert J. Fenolio, Owner, Park Avenue Pharmacy, 1700 Park Avenue,'
San Jose, proposing that the ~ity of Saratoga purchase the existing
Water Corporatio~ and combine~ it with the proposed sewer project in
the Bohlman and Norton Road area. - City Manager to respond.
3. Ernest T. Barco, Jr., 18873 Dhndee Ave., Re: EqUestrian Trails -
This topic will be discussed at a future Committee of the Whole Meeting.
4. Robert D. Whitted, Chairman, =People Centre Commission, requesting
financial support from the City of Saratoga from $2,000 to $2,500 for
the coming school year. - Referred to staff; this will be discussed at
the next regular City CouncilMeeting.
5. Mr~ and Mrs. Joseph Caldwell,~ 15111 Park Drive, inquiring if the property
on Lot 50, Tract.3946, in the City of Saratoga, could be purchased and
a portion ofthe parcel dedicated to the City. -Referred.to staff; this
will be discussed at the next regular meeting.
6. Mary K. Cornwell, 622 Torrington Drive, Sunnyvale, requesting per-
mission to come before the Coluncil Re: R.O.~.R. Program. - Scheduled
fo~ 'September 25th Committee ~of the Whole.
7. John and Lenore McCracken, Z0512 Manor Drive Re: Lyngso Garden
Materials, Inc. - City Manage.r to respond and advise action taken.
8. E. D. KilbOurne, M.D. Re: Proposed Sanitary Sewerage Project on
Bohlman and N~rton Roads. - City Manager to respond and. advise action.
.9. Harr~ L. Mayfield, President,. The Good Government Group of Saratoga,
Re: Lyngso Garden Materials, ~Inc. - City ManAger tO respond and advise
1. Mrs. Gordon E. Jensen ~equesting Building Site Approval on 1 lot
(SDR-1049) on Quito Road.
It Was moved by Councilman Dwyer and seconded by Councilman Kraus
that Building Site Approval ~e granted, subjeer to conditions as out-
lined in June'25, 1973 Staff.Report and subject to an agreement being
reached between the property ~owners and the Flood Control District.
The motion .was carried-.
It was moved by Councilman Dwyer and ~econded by Councilman Kraus that the
meeting be adjourned. The motion was~carried. The meeting was adjourned at
12:10 A.M. .~,~
F,~ 'RoB