HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-17-1974 City Council Minutes iMINUTES
TIME:~J Wednesday, April 17, 1974 - 7:30 P.M.'
PLACE: I Saratoga City' Council ChamberS, 13777 Fruitvale Ave., Saratoga, C~lifornia
TYPE: Regular Meeting .~
Present: Councilmen Bridges, Brigh~m, Diridon, Kraus and Smith
Absent: None
March 20, 1974 -IPfa~f~g"P~l'ieY Ri~fside'~ubc°mmittee'reP~t~ti~es!~h~Uld~
b~n~d 'to refig~t -~ry'~.~Ky~u~ as representative;
Rodney J. Diridon as alternate.
April 2, 1974 - No corrections noted.'
It-was moved by 'Mayor. Smith and seconded by Councilman Bridge~ the minutes
A 7il 2, 1974'be approved, noting the correCtiOn. The
ofMarch 20, 1974 and p
motion was carried.
The ~ity Manager advised that the work on the slope stabilization project
on Pierce Road has been completed and it is recommended that the Council
~ iz
Accept the work and author e filing of the Notice of Completion.
oun 'lman Kraus 'and seconded By Councilman Bridges that
It was moved by C c~
the work on this project[be accepted and th~ staff be authorized to file the
Notice of Completion. The motion was carried~
o of!the City of Saratoga Amending Resolution
No. 677 Applying for Eligibility of~Said City t6 Qualify for Federal Flood
· Insurance und'er the Nati6nal Flood Insurance Act of 1968.
T~e City Manager explained that las[ fall the City passed~ a Resolution
Applying for Eligibility of Said Ci[y 'to Qualify for Federal Flood Insurance
under the National Flood ·I~Surance Act of 1968. The~Eeq~i~d data was sub-
mitted to the appropriate'agency atjj~h~.ti~e; however, an additional ~esolution
Mayor Smith raised ~ e quest'o' concerning avaiIability of insurance for ·
hf ~d z1 n
people residing in loo one andsalso whether or not this would have an
affect on obtainin~h'6~me'~o~tg~s.7~
-The City Manage~ advised this question would be investigated, and this matter
could be re-agendized~fB '~"fhY~r~ ~i~'~u~Yl'M~ih~'7
A Resolution of the Cit ~Council of~the City of Saratoga Commending
Robert Dwyer for His Yea~s of Distinguished Service to' the Community
Following areading of the resolUtiOn, it was moved by Mayor Smith and
seconded by Councilman B d s
rl ge Resolution 687 be adopted. The motion
was carried.
A Resolution 0f the City COuncil ofkhe City of Saratoga Endorsing the
Passage of the State Beadh, Park~ Recreational and Historical Facilities
Bond Act of 1974 ' .
Upon the recommendation f he Parks and Recreation Commission, it was
moved by Councilman Krau~ and'seconded bY Councilman Brigham that Resolution
689 be adopted. The motion was carried.
A Resolution Adopting I s and Regulations Re: Payment. Implementation
and Relocation Assistancd under Chapter 16, Division 7, Title 1, of-the
GoveTnment Code .. '
oun i an Diridon and seconded by Councilman Bridges that
It was moved'by C c
Res61ution 691 be adopted. The motion was carried.
It was moved b~ Councilm~n Diridon apd s~conded by Councilman Kraus that
Resolution SDR-1096be adopted. The motion was carried.
C c m Diridon seconded by Councilman Kraus that
It was moved by oun il an and
Resolution SD-1052-1, App~oving the ~inal Map, be adopted, subject to the
· . : ·
Ie°ndlt °ns, r t ! fc%t e ZZ C LZZsZTZ s 4 approval.
~ The motion was ca~ried.-~~ ' 7 " i
PLAN AND SPHERE OF I=NFLUENCE FIjAN' ~(qont'd~ from-4/2/74 & 4/9/74)
v t r e r i the
staff has prepared a summary of suggested modifications as a result of the
previous public hearing o~ April 9, which w~uld be considered in ~o~junction
with any additional comments from,t.~a~ienc~ItHis le~_~ngj After hearing~
all testimony, the Council can;decidewhether or not it is~possible to adopt
the General Plan at this t me.
Beginning with Community Planning Objectivess under Environmental Resource
S · d
Management, Mayor mlth ndlcate his recollection is there were no~icant
problems in this section.
- 2 -
ara~oga General Plan (Con~ d.): , '
Community Development
The City Manager xndl atedlthat it had been recommended to add item #12
ztect ral Design
Eo "provide Arch u Re~iew for all commercial development xn
Saratoga", and asked if tther was,any further comment regarding this
recommendation. ~ . e
omm ted he felttthis was an admiral objective, however,
The City' Attorney c e
he didn't;feel its place~was in the!General Plan.
Councilman Dirid0n asked[if what is:intended by this' addition is toaccom-
plish focus on_the, concern that,~h~re be special .contrOl of commercial property.
Mayor Smith asked the City At[orney~if it would be his suggestion that the
statement be mQre general' to get~.aw~y from the term "a~chitectural review".
~Mr0 Johnston stated t t[he is of the opinion that the General Plan should
be'"genera~",',and fe~tsthis:'would be dictating that,'the Zoning,Ordinance
'shall provide the.r~uir~m~nt= of design re~ie~ fO~'7~ll commerdial development,
~nd he does not agree W~[h thi~.
r a r o
g a He
fe t [ '
1 the objective is intended ito enhance not only the character of the
Village, but all commercial bh~ldings; therefore, he suggested modifying
No. 3 to reflect "enh.anc~ng the character of all commercial development in
S~ratoga". ~
The City Manager suggest~d.Objectiv~ No. 12 be added, to state:. "Provide
for better r hitectural~a~d aesthetic conditions in community. development".
This wording was agreeable-with the icouncil and with Mr. Ironside~ia~nin~i
~onsultant, representing~Williams and Mocine.
" 1
The Mayor indicated it was noted that Objective No. 6 is contridicted by a
statement on Page 5, ite~ 13, which suggests a pre-determination of the action
by the'Parks and Recreation Commissfo~ to approve any new plans.
It was the feeling of the Council that deletion of the second sentence of
Item 13 would-reSolve th~s problem. ~
The discussion was ont'nued to CommUnity Planning Policies.
Environmental Resource Management
· he Mayor indicated it ha, been suggested No. 2 change "views of mountains"
to "views of hills".. There were no ~dditional comments regarding this
~ommdnity Development
It is a suggested new Co x Development to a
mmun'ty Policy provide statement to
A question was raised as to whether or not this wording ,should be modified
Saratoga G~neral Plan (Conrad.)
Councilman Diridon suggested No. 14 be re-worded to state: "The existing
ridgeline shall be,prqteCted 'and ne~ d~elopment, shall not impac~ the
ridgeline and that-there ~hould be minimum cut' and'fill."
· Councilman Kraus commented that we are trying to protect the view and
thinking mostly in terms of hou~es;zhowever, he felt high extension wires
should be equally as objectionable in this consideration.
Mayor Smith suggested N0. i~' ~e'Wo~ed~as~ollo~s: ~"'The existing ridge~ines
shall be protected and any n~'~eve~6p~ent shall not impact the beauty of
the ri~geline With minimum cut and fill." This wording Was acceptable with
the Council.
CoUncilman Kraus commented with regard to item 5 under E~vironmental
Resource Management and stated he f~lt this wording should be modified to
indicate "n_p_o physical and visual damage to the existing environment".
Item 13,-page 5, should be modified,! deleting the second sentence in keeping
wi~h recommendation under Circulation Objectives.
The discussion then moved on to Action Areas.
Area A - Mt. Eden
Mayor Smith advi'sed that the first s~.~i~n raised pertinent to .this area
was ~ith regard to point No. 1. He indicated it has been suggested that the
Slope Conservation (SC-.10) area include guidelines for development in the
Sphere of Influence.
With regard to this same area, it wa~ suggested that the p~oposed high school
site be clearly located in Area "A".' The M~yor indicated that it was pointed
out at the meeting on April 9 that t~e high school site i__s~in Area "A"
The third point is that the Slope Cohservation Formula be revised to allow
development of property at a~density of not'less than one unit per two acres.
The fourth point'is that No. 2 should be ~odified to reinstate the Wardell Road
exten~io~ to Old Oak~Wj~'
The fifth suggestion is that the SC-10. Zone is too strict and does not account
for development of odd-sized parcels~
The final suggestion is~'~e~e~'~onsistencybe~een the guidelines used to
regulate development in t~e'S~here o~ I~fluence-a~d~fn the City. The Mayor
explained that part of this p~oblem is that we are dealing with two jurisdictions
.the property outside of ~he City limits and that within the City limits.
Going back to,the first suggestion, ~ayor S~ith indicated that it has been
suggested that a slope conservation area be designated on the General Plan map.
He explained that these/~a~c~.~'e cl~.el~ id~tifi~d'~w~h ,terrain.
Ma~r Smith ~ic~ted~he~i_~s~ th~=i~~ pr~e~edt~d~here f~ th'~t ~ ~i~
r~ceived the "fl~w chart" originally~ wili~a~s ~d 'Mocin~7 ~he'Planning'
Commission gave numerical values to the various factors 6n the flow chart.~
Recently some of the ,homeowners have ~e~d' ~p~~7~
8y re-workingsome of the values w~thin th~ormul~.'~'~ .......
The Mayor felt that the first issue which should be decided is whether we are
g~ing to include a general statement in the General Plan~rrel'ative to the
Slope Conservation Formula or incorporate the formula within the General Plano
Mayor Smith felt it, has tobe~onsidered whether, or{"no~ this flow chart could
be implemented in an orHinance f0rm~t being unde~ attack because it ~s
too arbitrary. He also pointed out i'f it gets into the drafting of an ordinance,
Saratoga General Plan (Cont'd.)
some problem may arise as certain areas of "commercial" may requlre substantial
revision of the Zoning Ordinance.
Councilman Bridges felt that when referring to a "flow chart" we are really!
'talking about certai~ factors which, might affect development, and he felt that
the inclusion of these/~l_~nts(fir~, access, sewers, etc.) in a written state~
ment of the General Play.
Mayor Smith felt thls would'be an'o~portunity tore-state th~ Ci~ty~position
with regard to hillsideJ-~erva'tio~, and an ordinance 'would .~mphas!z~)th±s
Councilman Diridon-commented that he doesn't have the fear of including the
chart in the General Plan. He felt.that it shouldn't necessarily .be the
device which wquld have to be followed verbatum, but as an example as a way
of evaluating,J'He stated that the.General Plan in itself, is not a law, but
a guide. The ordinance which would'follow the General Plan would'implement
the provisions of the General Plan and that would be the combining law.
He stated by referencing the chart in the General Plan would give guidance in
the develop~d~t~ofY[~e~6~dinance.
'~r,. T9~ Saw~., 20790 Mirada Court,icommented on the subject of the flow chart,
?~tidg~t~th~m[~w~d~sa~bSociation which he represents Qould favor the
inclusion 6f"[he Si~pe.cur~e and ~l,~pe points in the General Plan.
Mayor Smith pointed out to Mr. Sawyer that it is not going to be the General
Plan which is going to control development in this area, rather it is going to
be the Ordinance; therefore, he felt the implementation of the stated goals
as outlined in the Arguello Homeowners Association'sprevious correspondence
,'dhoUld ~be in ordinance form.
Mr. Sawyer stated [hat this involves a long-drawn process and their concern
is that building in this area opens {the city up .to a lot!of legal problems.
Councilman Bridges c~mmented that one thing which concerns him about the flow
chart which'existsis that it leaves it all up to the developer; therefore,
he doesn't feel it is rigid enough in some!areas. He felt another area of
concern was the cost benefit 'tu t{ n, as
sx a o he felt it would be]possible for
someone to develop in this ar~a, and it would still cost the City as much
money, even though-they can't meet the criteria.
Mayor Smith felt the question of"additional technology" has to be considered.
He indicated ~at if the Council agrees to go ahead with the ordinance, he
felt it should include some of the p.oints mentioned this evening to avoid
potential problems~in these areas.
A question was raised as to'the meahing of item 2 under Area "A", pertaining
to deletion of Wardell Road extension. Mayor Smith explained that "delete
Wardell Road" really comes from a broken line which attempts to relieve the
traffic flow in that a~ea,.and he inHicated this is more of a plan line, as
opposed to a road.
Mr. Guichard, 21130 Wardell R0ad,j'.stated he would like to ask that the Council
not delete the Wardell'Road extensio~ and stated two basic reasons: 1) Blackwell
Co. is planning a development in this area and he was with the understanding tha~
they are~]present~y~.~on~ide~ing whether the southern access would be through .Comer
or Wardell, and it ~asjh~.Ifeeling~hat if Wardell were deleted at this time,
this ~Duld reduce the possibility of conserving Warde. ll in theconsultant's
survey. 2) There are presently five families who live on Wardell and 33
potential home sites which would come off Wardell Road, and this approximately
25% as large as the Blackwell development. He felt that orderly development
of this area rather than "piece-meal" would benefit the community, and there
~ 5 -
Saratoga General Plan Cont~d.
should be serious consideration g~ven to fire aafety, sewerage, etc.; therefore,
he felt' it would serve the community very poorly to delete Wardell Road.
Mayor Sn~ith asked Mr. Guichard if the basic issue here<~a'~'~li~ving traf£i~,, not
only in his immediate area, but relieving traffi~ in
development and other .development w~ich would take pla6~e'! further to the west
and to 'the south of Prospect and the Blackwell properties -- in other words,
a ~oIe new distribution factor for za large number of residents in this area.
Mr. Gu{chard. responded to' this stating that 'the whole community concept is to
orient things to the sou~h, or to the Village, as he feels we want to increase
the use of Saratoga Village as a cul~tural and marketing center. Mr. Guichard
stated if this is the intent, there should be a major access road to the south
which would drain the Blackwell property and also drain the property on Wardell
Mayor Smi[h felt that when everything is drained by one area, it can result
in a t~emendous traffic problem.
Mr. Guich'ard cohented {f a qullde-s'ac is formed here, there would be the
problems of fire safety, and it .woul'd seem to him since there are no firm
plans to service the Wardell Road ~r~a it would ~er~t[~c~ity':best to take
the road out of ~he ~Plan.
Mr. Jim Torre addressed' the Council ~on behalf of the Torre family, ~o owns
approximately 30 to 40 acres of property on the top of Wardell Road. He
was concerned specifically with the ~Wardell Road extensio~a:p~rt'icularly~;with
regard to access ~o this property and the potential fire problems in this area.
Mr. ToqUe ~ommented with 'regard to the slope density, stating he could go
along with certain conceptS; however;, he felt in listening to the comments
concerning the development of an ord~in~nce, etc., it would seem to him this
is a "best guess" on how a slope chart should be developed and this is not
~at they as-landowners want. Mr..Torre felt there has been 'a little over-.
concern about equitable use.of ~in~the hills. He stated they are
interested -in orderly growth and beauty D~_~he hills. ' Mr. Torre stated that
in looking into the future, they C~a~'f0resee'seVer~i 7~oble~s that migh[~ be~
encou~ere~ ~by ~p!~in~es~'in~rKbasin~ E~rs pr. 6perty: ~ ~) j~nJ.~al6e7
is - tooqhigh; 2). pu~ting a home ~on the property;73) '-'pot&ntial'-hazards, i.e.,
no access, fire, etc.; 4)high taxes' with the eliminati~'of the Williamson'
~t; and 5) no income from the prope.rty. Therefor~'Mr. Torre stated they
are very .reluctant to go ahead wit~ ~the flow chart l<~ncept in the fear that
it may prohibit their cause, and they have a very strong concern about an
equitable result in the vaiuatfon o~ their.property.
A resident of Wardell Road 'commented~ that he has two objections to statements
made by the previous speaker: 1) There are more than 5 homes on Wardell Road;
and 2) it was pointed out by Mr. Ironside the reason he was recommending
deletion of the Wardell Road extension was because of physical impossibilities.
With regard to ~ire danger, problem '~of access, etc., he directly points out
the elements reco~ended for inclusi'on in the flow chart increase the fire
danger and make the possibility for the City to manage these areas more and
more difficult, and 'Ehi's is .~he reason they would want to minimize the number
of~71people in this area/ ' ~
Mr. ~app of Wardell' Roa~ s~'a~' the~re-was. an object{v~%in the former ~neral
Plan to connect Wardell Road to Old bak Way, and it his feeling if the City
does not intend to carry Wardell to lPierce' Road, th.i.s statement should be left
in the proposed Pl'~n.~' '. - ' ~' ~ .
- 6 -
Saratoga General Plan (Cont'd~)
Mr. Weir, represdnting Greater Argue~lo Homeowners Association, addressed
th~ Council and stated that perhaps ,the General Plan, Section 1, should formulate
this chart by reference, and the Planning Commission should start on th~ slope
density work, and the coh~ept plan be a guide for developing~the ordinance.
Mr. Weir stated that it was previously indicated that the map shows Ell the
slSpe conservation zone. However, it doesn't take into account a g6od deal
of the slope areas, and he suggestedl the Council define undeveloped areas as
being ~ithin the slope conservation zone, and account for ~hese areas in the
Mr. Ironside advised that the slope Tconservation area is now recommended to
be larger than previously. '
Mr. Weir stated he felt this wh~le'a~ea should be treated as a slope conser-
vation zone rather than. having two different sets of rules apply.
The C£ty Manager ~xplained that the slope conservation zone i~cludesr other
elements, such as slide, in terms of the evaluation, and that is why the
particular boundaries have Been determined. He indicated that any area
which has a slope greater'than 10% would be considered within the slope density
Mr. Weir stated that where you bisect the school property with the slope
conservation line, you are saying t~at half of the school property would have
to follow rules of slide areas and ~alf would not, and ~hefef0r~~P
~i~.Shpul~ ~_~p~ereyer.~yo~i~ve_~ slope. He stated that ~c~d~g'tb'~
the ordi~c~now, it says-th~t'any~fece of land has tO be considered ~s a
whole. He indicated there is a different standard in the way one has to
review that school property when it lcomes to the point where ~omebody decides
how he wants to devalop the entire parcel -~ there a~e two d~fferent s~ts of
guidelines on how he ha~ to develop the property.
! ncilman Diridon commented that~i~-MrT~Weir~i~~that
~i~e~~h~ty]~evelop.~ana0rdinanc~-it wil'i'i~ro~[~e~fs~~pl~
r~s~d~d~h~frf~e i~ v~a~"~th our ~neral Plan~ He
stated that if the new ordinance which we are going to have the Planning.Commission
~ develop, it should logically include the provisions.of the dhart, etc. as applied
across-the-board, not just the CSor hillside area. Then it will zone the school
. site into a ceBain density by the ~ormula,
.. one half of the zon~ ~n CS 1O and tEe~other half ~n another category.
The City Manager commented that his]interpretation of the CS zone in termsof
defining a zoning district and the new ~ning ordinance would b~ to define the
SC zone, and if the C6uncit wants to modify the district, this can be done.
However, he didn't think it'would be automatically assumed that the ~low chart
would~e applied across-the-board. ~Rather, those~portions would be applied in
the CS zone eo ~ich it is incorporated in the Zoning Ordinance, Therefore, the
new ordinance would not be applied outside of the CS zone as it is not going to
be developed for that purpose.
Mr. Ironside commented that just as=the flow chart indicates the direction the
ordinance will take, the map.would indicate the direction the zoning ordinance
would take. He indicated he would not at this time be able to support inclusion
of the entire school property in th~ slope conservation area because it didn't
meet the c~iteria of all the property o~ers. On the other. hand, he ~elt by the
time one would get around to putting Ta slope conservatio~ district on'the map,
you have more supportative materialsand therefore, could go one way 'Or the-
other without conflicting with the ~neral Plan.
Mayor Smith. commented that the only~thin~. that lends support t~ the argument
is the fact that th~s pertains 'to only one parcel, and it would seem to be
good planning to consider that parc&t as on~ unit. Mr. Ironside ~eplied that'
this is not necessarily true, ~inceas far as the General Plan is concerned
- 7 -
Saratoga General Plan (Cont'd.)
this is a high school site.
Miles.Rankin addre~sed~the Council ahd indidated it was his-understanding
the slope conservation zone was. not ~efined merely because of steep slope,
but because of other factors that ma~e this property unique, such as soil
conditions, slides, earthquake faults, etc. Mayor Smith explained that
Slope is the common d~nominator or b~sis of the issue; however, these other
factors are included.
Mayor Smith advised that the City has received a communication from Mr.
Moerdyke, Attorney~ re~resenting the% Blackwell Homes (Painless Parker Ranch)
application, setting out essentiall~ two questions with regard to this appli-
cation. Mr. Johnston, City Att0rneyl, has responded to Mr. Moerdyke's requests,
and he asked.Mr. Johnston to comment onethis issue:
Mr. Johnston'stated that the Planning Commission in putting th'is off the
calendar wasincorrect in doing so b~cause there are no prOviSions in the
Code to put something off the calendar; 'rather, there is a provision which
states there must be a public he iI within forty days and a decision made ar ng
within fifteen days after'the public hearing. He indicated he had found
one of the r~asons'for the delay in,having the public hearing.within fort~
days was at the request of the applicant; therefore, the first public hearing
was on January 9th, which was beyond. the forty-day period, but atthe appli-
cant's request. He stated that he found that at that public hearing itwas
put'off the calendar for 'two reasons: 1) the E.I.R. was necessary and had
not yet been prepared; 2) they wanted to wait until the General Plan R~view
so see if. there. would be.any sugge~Eed changes in the area, which he stated
was incorrect. Mr. Johnson advised that if the Council or 'the Commission
wants to deny something they should thavethe bearing and make the decision
to deny it ~r,app~ove itiL~uti'it's~uld not b~ delayed. Therefore, he felt
the matter should be promptly re-agendized by the Planning Commission and
'acted on. .,. .... .. '-
Mr. Johnston stated that"[he second phase of his letter related to whether
or not the new slope density formula should be considered in the General
Plan; however, he didn't feel this Was apropos to this specifid question2~
Mr. Moerdyke commented that he did request a copy o~ t_~e..~ity_~torney's
letter and was told it would have tq be properly'~'~j_ons.i~'._by
CounCil first. Mr. Moerdyke stated his applicant would have no objections
to ~his matter being carried along for a reasonable matter such as the
discussion of the E.I.R.; their concern is that there~n~'~e.'~des~a~y~ay
and stated that somewhere along the line the rules ar~' ~ln~c~geH'o~'[he~.
He indicated that the application w~s made in~its proper form under the laws
in extistance at that time, and he felt it should be treated such that the
application be considered unde~ those rules, and they shouldn't have to'wait
until the City adopts some new rules. Therefore, all they would' be asking
is the Council instruct the Planning Commission to proceed under the e~isting
rules. Mr. Moerdyke stated they feel under 'the slope density formula now in
affect adequately pf'btects the City, and.they have ascertained their buyer
has fil~ the map for the e~_x~a'aA.~a~nm~r. of lots set Up, and h~ has
informed them there are 'objections ~o p~ticular building sites or locations
of roads; however, most of these cab be worked out. He indicated they have
water and public-sewers, and they have spen~ a great deal of money over the'
years 'to.make this property good fo~ development, ~d it is a hardshipon
the owners to continhe~the'matter ihdefin~tely.
Mayor Smith advised the Acting Planning Director~w0Uld communicate this letter
to the CommiSsion and will report to the Commission regarding tonight~s meeting.
- 8 -
SaratoMa General Plan (Cont 'd. )
The.City ManagerSadvised that the p~ocess is moving along, as the E.I.R.
has been received and evaluated, and ~his is being circulated to other
agencies for consideration. The report will be coming back to the Planning
Commission to set a date for,the public hearing onthe E.I.R. draft.
The City Attorney pointed out that the E.I.R. is being processed on the basis
of the existing ordinance and not on the basis of any anticipated or future
Councilman Diridon sugge.sted we'~es01ve the reference to the chart, not
suggesting that it be used verb~tum ibut toreference the technique and
encourage the Planning·Commiss~0n to~work quickly on ~ resolution.
Mayor Smith indicated there Should be a statement~of Burpose adopting the
slope conservation ~c0n~ept and ~actors under consideration, such as slope,
fire hazards, e~.,.~nd Shard be independent Of the d~ective.
Th~ City Attorney conmented that rather than being specific as to this
particular part, inherent in the General Plan adoption is the directionto
the' P~annidg Commission to make sure' all ordinances are updated to be
consistent with the General Plan and~ not just limit it to this particular
The City Manager suggested before taking any action in terms of a directive,
the Council delay this· until after aI meeting which he has 'scheduled ~f~the/
C0~mitte~ of the Whole Meeting on TResday, May 7th, a zrecommendation on
~"Ho~ 'to ProCeed Relevant to Adopting~'~the General Plan." This was acceptable
to the Council.
Mayor Smit~ asked if·there was ady further discussion regarding Wardell R~ad.
Councilman Kraus indicated he ~Duld like to go out and view. the. particular
area-whichMf. Torre was talking abo.ut. The Mayor suggested this item
be left as it is, and a votec0uld be taken at the next meeting.
Mayor Smith indicated, however, he-would like to a~k on~ more question con-
-cerning traffic circulation. in this 'area. If the Blackwell·Development and
other ~arcels'are developed~ there will be another press to get access, and
welare going to be faced with·the situation again. Therefore, he felt a
committment is going to have to be m·ade somewhere along the line with regard~~
to majOr-traffic movement.
Mr. Ironside con~nented he felt the w~y to solve this ~problem would be to
make a statement relative to exploration, and he felt it would be'appropriate
in this section tosay that this access problem should be the subject of a
conditional study.
The City Manager f~ndicated it might be appropriate to add No. 5 under Area "A"
to "ExplOre the feasibility of a new'collector street to~serve the Western Hill
area." This suggestion was acceptable to the Council.
Recess ~and Reconveyne
MayorsSmith indicated the next area to be discussed would be A~ea B, which
is the Congress Springs - Pierce Road area. There were nocomments with
regard to this *particularsarea, and therefore, no recommended changes.
The ~ayor indicated there is a recommendation to eliminate Item No. 4, as
this 'is covered in Item-No.·l.
- 9 -
Saratoga General Plan (Cont'd.
Mr. Rankin ind~cat'ed when this was'~rought up before the Planning Commission,
Item No. 1 was supposed to'take the~place of Item No. 4, and he did not know
why it appeared in both places.
Under this same section, it was indicated there 'was a question about the general
nature of P.D. (Residential) designation in Item No. 5.
ii~'~d'~[~j~'2L'~t-'.'~aS~d~hlearer definition be provided
~%r~'~hi~/~ ~i'~h~e.B~"~?atoga-S~e Road between the S6uthern
Pacific tracks and Cox Avenue).
Councilman Kraus stated that. he {s ~oncerned that this property would be wide open
to any use, and this property-could 7end up as an Alpha Beta Market or Payless-
Drug Store, etc..
Councilman Bridges indicated he w~uld share this apprehension of "PD" desig-
nation in the Plan without some sort of definition. Mayor Smith agreed that
somewhere along the line, we are gofng to have to give some substance to this
Miles Rankin commented that he doesn't'know if "PD"(Residential) means "R-1 PD"
or'R-M PD", and there is no indication what the Council and Planning Commission
~_ou~dilma~Dir~dond~g~ste~Ti~i~s~i_gp~i0~iT~'Tc~fa~ed 'by indicating "PD-
Si~gI~=F~mfl~esiden?i~i"?' C~6~cilman BridgesSj~s~ed possibly ehis is
just a matter of semantics and should be referred to in that light.
Mr. Ironside commented that the foot~note on'page 13 elaborates somewhat on
this designation. The Mayor then read the fqotnote, which states:
"PD designation indicates areas for which a precise plan must belapproved
prior to development. Said plan 'shall include density, architecture, site
layout, landscaping, access, circulation and parking. The review pro-
cedure for the pFeci~e plan should be the same aS for a rezoning, including
public hearings by the Planning'Commission and City Council. Except where
otherwise specified, PD shallbe limited to residential
Mr. Ironside stated that his understranding of the' Planning Commission's willing-
ness to go along with this zoning wals that there was no conclusion reached with
regard to retirement housing;.~herefore, the accepted approach was to use this
"PD" as a retirement option. The basic underlying density would stay as it is,
with no other plans were-submitted for the property. This would be an area
where plans for~so~e density other than the one-third 'acre "12-500" would be
welcomed if they satisfied some social purpose, such as retirement housing.
Councilman Diridon commented that basic logic indicates that this is not a
good retirement housing site and asked why we are talking "Multiple" in this
· location. He indicated there were certain items the study team that looked at
retirement'housingfelt necessary'--;-one being'a library facility.
Mr. Rankin commented that wheh.'this ~ir
st came up, t~e designation was "R~l PD",
and then it was dec~ded to call' it "k~ide~tiai PD". This took place at one of
the Planning Commission General Plan. bearings. He further commented he doesn't
like anything that lisfeft up to.a p~r@~n~l decisions,and 'he also felt this was
permissive and says you could have "Multiple"Lin'here."He didn't feel, however,
this site should be left wide open.
Mayor Smith indiCated. it would appeaF 'there are two issues: 1) Whether we want
to-move. away from '~]R-i" into some special treatment of this property, such as
"PD-Residential" or -
"PD-R 1"~.2) Can' we give it any further definition, especially
the parcels which are north of this one? Also, if you say "PD' for this area,
how will you evern get mixed uses, and what is the incentive for a building to
- 10 -
Saratoga General Plan (Cont'd.)
come in ~or a mixed use plan?
The City Manager commented that 'several times applications have been turned
down at this corner, and as a result, the Istaff developed concepts wh{ch ~
might be acceptable to the Council and Planning CommisSion for that area.
He felt that generally the intent for all of these "PD" areas' that there
might be some pre-planning on the part Of'the City. He .felt it should also
be remembered that we are not talking about ~a zoning map, but a conceptual
plan ' ' ' ' ,
Mr. Ironside explained that the ~!PD" concept is a wid'e-open concept· He stated,
however, the maxn difference here is~ that "PD" applie~ generally to large areas,
and this is a very small area. He reiterated tha't there will be an ordinance
which will say a lot more than what ·it is saying now...
Dr. Isaac Abrams c~mmented that he would welcome this type. of designation, and
wh~t we-a~ '~afi~h'~t ~7~'~h-a~'e ra zo~h'i~h'fs'no~'~r~cr~s·ive .to ce~'t'~'in-t-y, pes
of development. Dr. Abrams felt some consideration should be given to the
_ develoRmen which goihg
fact that property owners would ~try ~o pu~ together ~ ' is
-. to be economically soundl~ a~'~..it~is looked at in this respect, ~hat we have
xs p blzc service category~Hxch has to meet certain objective criteria of the
Mr. R~nkin felt the C~uncil should be .looking at this point-by-point, and item
3 should be the one under discussion. He indicated this proper~y'is approximately
16 to 18 acres and than the Council ~and Planning Commission have been talRing
about these parcels for the past 3 years· He stated there were various reasons
why th~s property hasn't been developed. At ·the Planning Commission General·
Plan hearings, it was felt that since "Commercial" did not work~ perhaps what
was needed was flexability.
Councilman Bridges felt, however, that we were not talking about two specific
parcels, but a whole concept. He felt the Council and Planning.~uCom~nission has
come to realize there are two ways ~o get'someone to develop this propertyi3
and that is to go into something like thi~, or to throw the thing wide' ~pen.
Therefore, he felt we are going to have to be subjective. However, he indicated
it bothers him that "PD" isn't better defined in this document. He suggested
that in the footnote on page 13 it could be reiterated that the existing. zoning
could continue ~such time an acceptable "PD" pl-an is brought into e£fect,~j'_~
or unless otherwise specified, "PD" 2shall be limited to single-family residential
Mayor Smith indicated he would have ,some probl.em ,ith "PD" (Residential) in
the area south of the railroad tracks. Mr. Bridges suggested No. 6 be desig-
nated as "R-1-PD".. It was indicated some revision would be made to this item
for consideration prior to final adoption..
The q'd_~i~a~'~i'~n'~n c6~'~i~ed 't~'Xr~a G,'~ui~v~l~R~.~ '7_~The Mayor
advise~'~he'r~we'~ ~tems of corre~p~een~e'Tg~{~e~Y~ti~ to this area,
from: Bruce P. Griswold, President,~ Board of Trustees, Odd Fellows'Hom.e, and
Gerald H. Clark, Grand Secretary, G~and Lodge of C~lif. 1.0.O.F.
Both of these letters request'that Consideration be given to,low-~ost reeirement
housing on the I.O.O.F property.
M~. R. Conklin, Superintendent, I.OiO.F.~ Home, ad~r. essed the Council and
explained t~at the letter from' Bruce G~iswold~was wr~itten to 'indicate~pOssi- . ·
bilities for use on the 50 acres of 'land. He stated the Odd FellOws have not
yet determined what they want to do with this land; however, they have indicated
they do not want to sell it. He indicated that. the Saratoga Rebekah~s would
- 11 -
Saratoga G~neral Plan (Cont'd.)
like to develop some independent living units to provide housing for low-
income retirement age people. Mr. Conklin indicated 'the Odd Fellows would
have in mind putting clustered housing on this land.
Mr. Conklin indicated that their intention would be to open the housing up
to not' only those people from the order, but people of the commpnity who need
this type of living. He furtherindicated the type of housing which he is
talking about is v~ry luch in demand:by people who are retiring, and the
'uniqueness of this facility isthat it would offeri~ji~ f6r ind'ivid~als
~'bf l~'income as'well as a health care facility for older people who cannot
~ke care of themselves.
Mayor Smith felt the real issue here is whether or not this is the proper
location for a retirement facility.I
Mr. Conklin advised there is a libra~y,.~church,~reqr~at~op~a~.li[ies, a
.doctor who comes out weekly, etc., a~d he felt [he~ feat~r~uld betakeni
into consideration.
The Mayor inquired if the Order is on the decline and there is.a designation
of "retirement housing", then the Council would be giving sanction ~!~Eh~ ~d~r..
Councilman Dirid0n. adviS~d he w~uld be p~ohe to.supporting the idea if the
Council kcould See~ some indication to the fact that' it ~would be open to the
public in Saratoga and-that it would be open at the prices they can afford.
Mr. Conklin stated ther~ are-indicat, ions that the home i's going to be open to the
general community.
Mayor Smith commented [ha~ there is lno way to assure this, however, and the
0rderlcould turn around in 20 years and sell it to a developer. He advised
Mr. Conklin that if continued to operate this home'as it is now, there ,ould
be no problem.
Mr. Conklin felt in this way the City would be losing the opportunity to
provide low-cost retirement houSing~to people'in the community who need~-it.
/_A~citizen i~+he audience c~mmented that it would seem if the Council were
~n 'any way'-~o~ide~inf~ change in ~Area G, it 'sho~Id be through public hearings
on this specific subject.and includ~ residents in this particular area. At
these hearings the Council could coBsider the economic and social impact.this
~f~ili~y' wou~.~a~eTon the City.
Mayor Smith .advised that the Council could go ahead and adopt the General
Plan and ask the Planning Commission to take up this issue in their next review.
Mr. Conklin indicated.that he would l!~k~.people who are buying property in
this area to be alerted to the ~ppq~e~ _~ujure use'0f?[~f~.pr0perty,'and
was his feeling .the General Plan would be the b~st place to do this.
Councilman Bridges commented that h~ feelsit is difficult to judge the merits
of this plan; however, he indiCatedhe would like to know'what portion of
Item No. 1 would be so exclusive that the City could not consider this plan
if it comes to fruition.
Councilman Kraus commented he wouid~have no objection to the Planning
Commission reviewing this proposal in one year.
Mr. Kauffmann, 20700 Fourth Street, advised he had_,~tten~ed the meeting ,
some weeks ago when Mr. DeCrange had made application for. a retirement housing
facility. At that time, .it was indicated the rental would be $3D0 per month.
- 12 -
Saratog~ General Plan Cont'~.)
Mr. Kauffmann stated he has inquired~about the rates to be charged by the
Odd Fellows, and these were quoted at $150 per couple. He further commented
that in looking around SAratoga,. there isn't any way to put up housing for
~eople with limited incomes, and it ~as his feeling these people are trying to
fill a void in Saratoga much needed by older citizens.
Miles Rankin comm~n~ed that he didn't see why the merits o~ this project should
be discussed at this time when the Council or Planning CommissiOn would be
facing this problem during the next year. He felt this is a problem that should
be considered not in a piece-meal way, but in a way it is going to affect the
entire city.
Mayor Smith advised, however, that the whole purpose of the hearings such as
what is taking place this ~evening is~to hear all comments'reletive to the
issue, and there are two letters concerning the Odd Fellows property that he
feels should be noted.
Mr. Conkli'n stated the I~O.O.F. is not asking the Council to consider this
proposal tonight, but would like to be assured there is apossibility that
it will not be precluded'in the future.
Mayor Smith recemmended~ therefore',that the Planning CommiSsion give
consideration to this property and this p~posed use during the next year.
This was acceptable t~ ~he Co~ncil~ ,
Mr. Allen De' Grange then. ad~re'ssed the Council indicating his interest in
approximately three acres of ~roperty on"Cox 'Avenue. Mr. De Grange stated
th~at at the public hearing on April' ~, 1974, it was suggested that he work
through the General Plan hearings in an attempt to acquire zoning for retire-
ment housing (pertinent tol~r'e~ F, Q~ito-Kentfield).
Mr. Ironside advised there is no chang~ proposed for this area.
Mrs. Jean Woodward, Plan~ing CommissTioner, commented that one reason ~he
Commission denied this application i's because it had undergone a zoning
change shortly before.
Councilman Diridon stated thatit doesn't seem t~ere is enough room in this
spot to do much with any type of"residentiai~,. He qommented that the number
.of units Mr. De Grange.is talking jaSout her~ would really require a high
density, and he is not going to abl~ to get into the price range retirement
housing has to have~
Mayor Smith commented that the difficulty with this parcel ~eems to be its
size; however, lowering of the density might make it more positive.
Mr. De Grange pointed out that one of the things~which makes this matter so
difficult to drop now is that there,is an over-supply of cdmmercial develop-
ment in the area.
Dr. Abrams commented that he feels this is in an area where traffic should be
limited on both sides of the street~ and it was his feeling, as far as the
City is concerned, this is going'lto~be a very quiet area.
.Mr. Rankin commented that this would be a down-grade in zoning from "Professional"
to '~ultipie", and he would see not~ing wrong with 14 units o£.Z~u~tiple" in this
location. It would be qlose to the.proposed library, a shopping center, and
transportation, and it 'would seem td be a. dOwn-grading of zoning which would
be beneficial,and acceptable for th~s use in his opinion.
Mayor Smith was of t~e opinion this:
luse would "consume" this property, and he
felt the.units would have to be very small or the density decreased.
Saratoga General Plan (Cont'd.)
Councilman Kraus commented that this. would not be good retirement housing',
but rather', another apartment house. It was, therefore, felt the Council
should uphold their earlier d~cision~ regarding this application., and deny
the request.
Area C~ Blue Hills ..
The City Manager outlined.the recommended changes for this area.
Area D, Triangle North
An'item for. consideration in this area was concerning .the City's current policy
regarding the Transportation Corridor vis-a-vis the recommendationin item No. 2
re: linear parks.
TEe City Manager explaihed that this is a matter of whether or not the existing
policy in terms of observing the transportation corridor for a public us~
corridor should be clarified or keep!it the way ~t is.
C6uncilman Kraus felt this wording could sufficekuntil such time that the City
adopts a policy different thankthat ~dopted sometime ago regarding the multi-
model policy.'
Councilman Bridges commented that this brings us back to the point as to what our
position was as far-as the freeway is concerned with regard to the General
Plan. He felt the City has an agreement with the State of California which
calls for us to maintain a certain posture as far as development might be
concerned. It was his feeling the Cbuncil should try to clarify this position,'
and ~lso, that the City has ~some responsibility to those people who might eventually
buy homes or develop thi~"area.'
The City Manager. advised that early in the General Plan'discussiops, he had
asked the consultantto provide an alternative if. the. freeway were never built,
in terms of the public transit corridor. ·Secondly, on the map, ~he corridor
doesn't go all the way through, and problems may result later on with this open
Mr. Ironside explained that on the map it is being proposed as a "public use"
corridor.and advised this' could be extended all the way on the map.
Area F, quito-Kentfield
Councilman Di~i~on commented he fe~ls there are still problems With No. 5.
and No. 8, especially as it pertains'to the formulation of 4-lane roads.
Mr. Shook, Director of Public Works advised the widening on Quito would
probably take place primarily within the City of San Jose; therefore, it
wasn't felt' this item would have'an ~ffect on Saratoga.
~?'~h~'~ay_~_ri~giAt~dl~hl'=[~ ~cg~ended changes fo~ Item No. 3, to more clearly
"~fne ~h~"~'8~{ ~f ~%~=I~e on parcels adjacent to Quito Shopping Center,
and Item No. 5, to more~dlearly define what is meant by P.D. (Residential).
These were noted and concurred with by the CQuncil.
Area G~ Fruitvale-Sobey Road
Councilman Kraus inquired if it had been agreed this does not refer to widening
to four lanes~(Item No. 5).
Councilman Bridges suggested the !~orHing in No. 5 be modified to reflect
implementing the improvements on Fruitvale Avenue and Saratoga-Los Gatos Road,
in conformance'with the recommendations of the City Engineer's report, dated
JanUary, 1974.
SaratoMa General Plan (Cont'd.)
Area H~ Fruitvale West
There were no recommended changes in' this area.
Area I, Glen Una
No recommended changes.
Area J, The Village
No recommended changes.
Urban Service Area
Mayor Smith indicated that comments Were heard earlier in the evening which
would pertain to this area; therefore, he felt no need to discuss this any
The Mayor indicated that the procedu're now would be that the sta_ff.t__ake the
suggestions given this evening and .,p'~t/i. ntojlangU~.g~_ ~b_r'~final _adoption at
the next regular meeting.
It ,as moved by Councilman Bridges a'nd seconded by Councilman Kraus that the
public hearing be continued to the next regular meeting of May 1st. The motion
was carried.
It was moved by Councilman Bridges and seconded by Councilman Iraus that
disbursements 19112 thru~.~9~O5 be ap'proved and the Mayer be authorized to
siBn the warrants. The motion=was carried.
.. 1. Parks and Recreation CommissiOn- Recommendation Re: Propesal for
State. Beach, Park, Recreation anh Historical Facilities Bond Act
of 1974.
This matter was continued to' the~ next regular meeting of the Council.
2. Parks and ReCreation Commission .- Recommendations Re: Congress Springs
It was moved by Councilman Kraus and seconded by Councilman Bridges
that the City obtain the architects analysis for 9.8; acres, and the
expenditure of $1,500-$1,600 in ithe Capital Improvement Budget for.
Congress Springs acquisition, .pe~'staff report, dated April 10, 1974.
InclusiVe withid this motion wo~!ld'be.approval of the staff's recommen-
datio~ t~df~t an agreemen6 between the City and Saratoga Senior Little
League for the lease of ~he Congress Springs Park ~site. The motion was
carried. ~ -, ,
1. Directorof Public Works -..Recommendation that the Council authorize
staff to g6 to bid oh the Via ko~ncole Walkway project.
It was moved by Counc'ilman Bridg.es and seconded by Councilman Iraus that ,
the staff be authorized to advertise for bids on the Via Roncole Walkway
proj. ect~ The m6tion was carried,.
1. Report Re: Fruitvale Ave. Speed Zoning Study
It was moved by Mayor~Smith~and~Jseconded by Councilman Kraus that the
Council approve the Staff Report, dated April 5, 1974,/recommending'the
· speed limit rema{n ate35 M.P.H. !and proceeding with the other proposed
recommendations for this street. The motion was carried.
Crime Report - Months of Januar~ and February
The City Manager reported the .ffgure~ compared ~to one year agog for Burglaries:
january. ..-Increased 6% - PrOperty Value .... Increased 3%
~eb~uary . . . DeCreased 22% Property Value . . . Decreased 46%
.1. Allen DeCrange, Architect,' ~40 Bird Ave., requesting the Council_giye
consideration to a change of zoning from "P.A." to "RM-4,000" on his
property on Cox Avenue, for the ~purpose of retirement housing. - Council
denied request~.(see comments - General Plan).
2. Cheriel M. Jensen, 3379oBenton; Santa Clara, requesting to appear before
the COuncil again in an attempt ~to resolve the issue with the Santa Clara
Valley Water District Re: Controll of the portion of Wildcat Creek which
is on their property. ~ Staff to work'.with Mrs. Jensen and report to Council.
3. Jack D. McCready, 13840 Saratoga; Ave.,~xpressing oppositionto the portion
of the General Plan pertaining t~o pathways. - City Manager to respond and
advise comments regarding pathways committee.
4. William M. Henderson, Jr., Henderson Enterprises, 840 East E1 Camino Real,
Sunnyvale, expression opposition~ regarding proposed elimination of Wardell
Road extension to Old Oak Way ana the suggested slope conservation formula. -
Noted and ~iled.
5. Bruce P. Griswold, President, Board of T~uetees, Odd Fellows Home, 14500
Fruitvale Ave., sdggesting .special status forthe 87 acres in "Area G",
known as the Odd Fellows' Proper~y. - Noted and filed; City Manager to respond.
6. Gerald H. Clark, Grand Secretary', Grand Lodge of California, I.O.O.F.,
requesting a plan fordeveloping~ additional facilities for low cost
independent retirement housing b~ considered in the new General Plan. - Noted
and filed; City Manager to respoBd.
It was moved by Councilman Bridges and seconded by Councilman Dirid~n the m~eting
be adjourned. The motion was carried.
spectful bmitted,