HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-07-1977 City Council Minutes MINUTES SARATOGA .CITY COUNCIL TIME: Wednesday, September 7, 1977 -7:30 PLACE: City Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Ave., Saratoga, California TYPE: Regular Meeting I. ORGANIZATION A. ROLL CALL Present: Councilmen Brigham, Kraus, Bridges Absent: Councilmen~Matteoni (arrived later), Councilwoman Corr B. MINUTES It was~_moved by Councilman zKraus and seconded by Councilman Brigham the minutes of August 17 and August 23, ~977, be approved. The motion was carried. II. CONSENT CALENDAR 'A. COMPOSITION OF CONSENT CALENDAR Councilman Brigham requested removal of item 7 from the Consent Calendar; Mayor Bridges requested removal of items 3(a) and 3(b). This was acceptable to the other Council members. It was moved by Councilman Kraus and seconded by Councilman Brigham approval of the Consent Calendar Composition, as revised. The motion was carried unanimously. B. ITEMS FOR CONSENT CALENDAR 1. City ofSaratoga E.IoR. Consultant List 2. Final Acceptance a) SDR-907, Donald Comer, Comer Drive b) SDR-1221, Rodrigues, Wood Dell Court 3. Construction Acceptance * a) Tract 5693, Richard Hunter, Comer Drive * b) Tract 5575, Dividend Industries, Carnelian Glen 4. Release of Monument Bond a) SDR-1234, Boyce, B0yce Lane 5. Resolution No. 85-9.30, Amending Resolution No.. 85-9.26 Revising Salary Ranges, PersonnelPolicy and F~inge Benefits for the Management Employees of the City of Saratoga 6. Resolution No. 831, Approving the Application for Grant Funds Under the Roberti-Z'Berg Urban Open Space and Recreation Program * 7. Resolution No. 832, Authorizing Increased Appropriations, Departmental Expenditures, and Transfer of Funds Between and/or Among Funds 8.~ Payment of Claims It was moved by CouncilmanBrigham and seconded by Councilman Kraus the items for Consent Calendar be approved, with the exception of 3(a), 3(b) and item 7. The motion wa~ carried unanimously. (Councilman Matteoni arrives) C. ITEMS CONSIDERED SEPARATELY FROM CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Resolution No. 832 Councilman Brigham inquired if there were ~ny transfers between the General Fund and Maintenance Fund for streets. Mr. Hendrickson, Assistant to the City MaDager~ explained there are some transfers from the General Fund Ito the Street Maintenance Fund to cover expenditures that are ineligible b~'~et~--~t=repS~emenE-~g~t's i~d vehi~ ~6p~lieS'~n~' '~ ~-~in tentaCle'for' c i ty ca~o'~fh~a~i~e'e~maih~ti~~ '~iiles.. This i~ f~ed Out of traff{.C Safety m~nies, gas tax construction and gas tax special matching. It was then moved by Councilman Brigham and seconded by CounCilman Kraus adoption of Resolution 832. The motion was carried unanimously. . ; 2. ConstrUction AcCeptance a) Tract 5693,:Richard Hunter, Comer Drive. b) Tract'5575, Dividend Industries, Carneiian Glen Mr. Shook, Director of Public Works, r~Rorted that all improvements on ~h~se.~acts have been constructed in accordance with the subdivision plans, and therefore; reco~ended approval for construction accepta~ce~ It was moved by CounCilman Kraus and seconded by Council- man Brigham approval of construction. acceptance on Tracts 5693 and 5575. The motion was carried unanimously. III. BIDS AND CONTACTS A. AWARD OF CONTACT - FOOTHILL PARK AND EL' QUITO PARK The City Manager reported three bids were received on ~he Foothill Park project, ranging from a low from Collishaw Corporation of $28,545.83'to a high of $62,308.75 from Palo Alto Landscaping. The same thr~e bidders presented bids on the El~Quito Park ~roject, ranging from a low from Collishaw COrporation of 60,767 to a high of $67,923.50 from Palo Alto LandsCaping. The Parksand Recreation Co~ission has.reco~ended acceptance of the low base bid on both of these projects, and also, that the Council.fund the lighting for these two park improvements. The lighting alternate fo~ Foothill Pa~k is $6,675, and for E1 Quito it is $5,775 ~b~b~i~d~'for F~othili Park and' E1 Qui[FP~~-~ ~he 1 '~ ~dl ith~o~fry~Eb't'ri~ay~orp orat ion. The issue of the lighting alternate was discussed. .Mr. .. G. Carlson~of the Parks and Recreation Co~ission elaborated on the rec~endation of the Co~ission with regard. to lighting. in the parks. AWARD OF CONTRACT - FOOTHILL/EL QUITO PARKS (Cont'd.) Barbara S~son, Director of C~L~nityServices adviSedthat a conduit could be installed separately from the lighting fixtures at this time, which would amount to approximately one-half of the estimated lighting costs. It was moved by Councilman Kraus and seconded by CounCilman. Brigham the base bid for hoth of these projects be accepted, and the contract be awarded to Collishaw CorpoKation. Further, the staff be directed to investigate the cost'of ~nstal~ing the electrical condu~ts, as well as provide exhibits showiBg various types of fixtures, and this be looked at at a future Committee of the Whole Meeting, along with establishment of ~_i~..Cf~7~for lighting in the parks. The motion was carried unanimously. Bi AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SARATOGA AND ENERGY R~SOURCE DEVELOPMENT AGENCY RE: DEMONSTRATION SOlAR.HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING pROJECT ' The City Manager indicated that he is.still working on home changes in this' agreement,' andlrequested this be continued to the next regular meeting. This was acceptable to the Council. C. GRANT DEEDS FOR EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY BETWEEN CITY OF SARATOGA AND SHERMJN GAVETTE RE: GARDINER PARK The City Manage~ explained that the fence line, which Was ~n existence at the time Gardiner Park was established, does not coincide with the property line, and this is an attempt to correct this situation. It was moved by Councilman Matteoni and seconded by CoUncilman Kraus to approve the exchange of property, and the City Attorney be authorized to enter the signed deeds in escrow to proceed with this exchange. The motion was carried unanimously. D. AUTHORIZATION OF PURCHASE OF ONE-TON DUMP TRUCK The City .Mana er indicated four bids for this dump truck, ranging from ~6,445.25 to $7,994.32, and 'it is recommended the City Council grant th~s purchase to Paul Swanson Ford for a total cost of $6,445.25. It was moved by Councilman Kraus and seconded by Councilman Brigham .to approve the purchase of the one-ton dump truck from Paul Swanson Ford. The motion was carried unanimously. E. AUTHORIZATION OF PURCHASE OF VIBRATING ROLLER The City Manager indicate~ only bid was received for this piece of equipment, from the Ricker Machinery Company for the price of $16,40'0, plus $1,2~2 for the installation of a rolfba.r. He indicated it is the staff's recommendation the Council approve purchase of this roller from Ricker Machinery Company. It was moved by Councilman Kraus and seconded by Councilman Matteoni to approve the purchase of a vibrating roller from Ricker Machinery Company. The motion was carried unanimously. IV. PETITIONS, ORDINANCES AND FORMAL RESOLUTIONS .A. RESOLUTION NO. 833,.COMMENDING THE MAYOR'S BLU~JRiBBON COMMITTEE-FOR THE REVIEW OF GOVERNMENTAL SERVICES .It was ~qved by Councilman. Kraus'and Seconded by Councilman Brigham the adoptsion ofgesolution 833..~'The motion was carried UnanimouSly. B. ORDINANCE NO. 38.80 (emergency ordinance) AN ORDINANCE OF ~HE CITY OF SARATOGA AMENDING C~PTER 3 OF THE SARATOGA CITY CODE, WHICH CHAPTER IS CAPTIONED "BUILDING REGULATIONS" BY ADDING PARAGRAPHS TO SECTION 906 OF THE. UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE RELATING TOSPECIAL FIXTURES AND SPECIALTIES, AND BY ADDING SECTION 5407 TO THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE RE- LATING TO SUPERSEDING FEDERAL REGULATIONS RE': CERTAIN GLASS' AND GLAZING. The It was thep moved by2Mayor~Bridges/~and seconded'by Coundilman Brigham the adgption'~ ~rai~'~[e'~38.80. The motionswas carried unanimously. C. CONSIDERA~IONOF REQUEST OF MR. STEPHEN W. FIELDS, 21027 EOMER DRIVE, TO BUILD A SWIMMING POOL IN "SCENIC EASEMENT!' D ~'.~Ue,~tothe ant±cipated Iength-.of tKi~ discussion and the fact .~' thiE~=~--sp~ci~1-~'Y~eS.~_n~t/i'on-~was~s~h~duled at 8:30 P.M., it was agreed to continue thi~ item further on the agenda. D.RESOLUTION NO. 5-J, ESTABLISHING DUTIES OF. AND COMPENSATION FOR CITY ATTORNEY It was moved by Councilman. Brigham and seconded by Councilman Krau~ the adoption of Resolution 5-J. The motion was carried ~na~imously. E. RESOLUTION NO. 830, AUTHORIZING INVESTMENT OF CITY OF SARATOGA MONIES IN LOCAL AGENCY INVESTMENT FUND It was moved by Councilman 'Brigham and sedonded by Councilman Kraus the adoption of Resolution 830. The motion was carried unanimously. V. SPECIAL PRESENTATION BY SUPERVISOR ROD DIRIDON RE: SINGLE LAND-USE PLAN TO GOVERN SANTA CLARA VALLEY CORRIDOR EVALUATION Supervisor Diridon addressed the Council indicating that his pri- mary objective in coming before the Council ~achieve passage of a tran~po'rtatfon plan~r t~h~-Co~nty?.ic_h zs ~0in~ad~o~t~ "We can'[' have 'that kind'o~l'a~un~~h~ a land use plan which has some consistency, and that is the base of any transportation planning~program." He advised that the County is currently in the midst of the final comprehensive plan for Santa Clara Valle~ transportation, and this. is a joint meeting between ABAG and "' He advised that in the process of the study~ it was found there are major contrad{ctions in the la~d use plans of the various cities in the County. These contradictions will cause any transportation plan prepared, based on those land use plans, to be disapproved on the = 4 - PRESENTATION - SUPERVISOR DIRIDON (Cont'd.) regional and~ral level. He explained that this in essense means there~'i~n~-t-~g~%~usl~ for the amount o~ jobs they Rave planned in [~'~u~y.~'~H~n~nted that most of the ~itfes are scrambling vigozously for property tax base, and it is a fact that if there iS industry, this shares more of ~the propeKty taxes, there- by reducing the amoun~ of taxes to the r~si~ents.. The problem, however, is each of the communities is bringing. in industry, an~ none of them want to take care of the dwelling units, and asia result, there is no housing for the people coming in to work in the new industry. Therefore, he indicated that the CoUnty is in the position of having to go to each one of the cities and asking them to consider increasing the amount of housing and, in many cases, reducing the amount of industrial lahd zoned. Mr. Diridon explained'that they have an opportunity between now and the next Joint Policy Committee Meeting on Septembe~ 29th to develop a compromise between ~he cities and with the cities aRd the County.tO p~esent. to the regional bodies. If this compromise is not developed, the Board o£ Control for the Joint Corridor Study will go back to reviewing two previously opposed general plans, and will them come to'a conclusion on one of those plans without city or.~co.unty input. He explained.that this would amount to something in the neighborhood of 2,000 additional dwelling units in Saratoga in t~e next 15 years. Councilman Kra~s pointed out that Saratoga is currently su~fe.ring from a property tax base. Als'0 the City has just ~ecently had two studies made -- one by the Mayor%s Blue Ribbon Committee, and another by the United California Bank -- b6th suggesting th~ City approve more commercial.land, rather than more housing !a~d. Also, he pointed out that Saratoga is one of the leading "bedroom communities" for the entire county, and he does not understand a request to increa'se the number of houses. Mr. Diridon explained that~he_is'notLtr~ing ~?~%encourage any higher densiti'~s th~n the Council~wSu~'~'es~feT~an~e~hap~i=~'~io~-~tiZen housing developments are all t.hat islnece~sary for S~'6~7' Ai! they are asking i~ that the City show these, and.give t~em the. credit for. at least those addi'tional housing units for the master planning process, and he felt 'this would be consistent with the Council's prior policies. Mayor Bridges commented that ~e hopes a compromise can be worked out so there can;be a balanced system; however, he does not see how Saratoga can assume these kind of densities without fouling up its economic base. ~ Mr. Diridon suggested the City meet with the Joint Polic~ committee staff, and attempt to pursuade them that the~e are more housing units in Saratoga's general plan than he has identified. Recess and reconvene IV. PETITIONS, ORDINANCES AND FORMAL RESOLUTIONS (Cont'd.) C. CONSIDERATION OF~ REQUEST OF MR. STEPHEN W. FIELD~ 21027 COMER DR%VE, TO BUILD A .SWIMMING POOL IN "SCENIC EASEMENT" (Cont'd'. Aug. 17) The City Attorney indicated that one interpretation of th'is request was to, in effect, relocate the easement. He explained that if this is the case, the City would have to abandon that part of the easement that is no longer Wanted, and the property owner would have to grant ~o the City a new easement at a new location. REQUEST BY STEPHEN W. FIELDS (Cont'd,) Mayor Bridges commented that it was the consensus of the Council at the committee of the Whole Meeting on this issue, that the Council did not want to deal with allowing building in the easement. However what the Council might consider doing is to change the envelope, .-Thezonly concern was whether or not what would be built would be compatible with the surrounding area. Following considerable discussion concerning this request, 4t was moved by Councilman Matteoni and seconded by ~o~nci~man Kraus to re-affirm the policy of not aliowing structures in a~ easement ,If'~'d~ ~' ~&a'n~of"~'c~nio"'d~'~{~'~ca~nge'~/~"~ E{~'F~l_i~ymi~be ~'~e~cha~ge in area'.tO satisfy~he~ ref~d'back'~fh'~'Pl~'i~fC~i~sion for consideration an a reco~endation back to the Council. The motion was carried ~ unanimously. V~). PUBLIC H~RINGS A. CONSIDE~TION OF REQUEST BY CITY CODE E~ORCEMENT OFFICER RE: REVOCATION OF CIT~ BUSINESS LICENSE 77-842 FOR THE FRUITBO~, LOCATED AT 12175 SA~TOGA-SUNNYVALE ROAD (Cont'd. August 3) The City Manager a.dvised that one q~estion that came up at the August 3rd meeting concerned the possibility of cleaning up the parking around the fruit stand. He co~ented that based on the existing situation, he does not see how t~e City can require improvements to clean up this area, unless th~ <~?~~tted as ~being a public nuisance. He reported an additional condition ~hich has been brought to his attention is that. of produce storage bins being stored behind the Burl believed to have been usedby the fruit stand. Also ~th~Plannin~ C~i~{Bn h~ appr~vTo~'~ ' ~.e- ~[~n~ ~{[' woul d~ ~ ~he~f~ "~ r~6~7~d~k%~i'f"~he 6~~[~'~'~equired conditions, the Cit~ drop the proceedings to revoke the business license. The Mayor opened the public hearing at 9:55 P.M. Jerry Johnson of Chateau Drive addressed the Council indicating that he co~utes by this fruit stand every day, and he is very discouraged by what he sees at this stand. He indicated that the dust itself causes a visability problem and a ~raff~c hazard. Further, he co~ented t~at the left turn off 0~ Sara~oga-SunDYva~e Road into the fruit stand is a terrible traffic hazard, and he felt it wquld be a shame to wait until somebody got killed at this location.before doing something about it. Jack Stiles 20626 Ritanna Court, addressed the Council. He reported thai over the past several months, he has watched trucks come from the fruit stand and d~p materials back there to the point where it looks like a trash d~p. He indicated that there is broken glass, boards with nails sticking up, and it is a real hazard to children who play there occasionall'y. Mr. Stiles indicated that he has written a lett.er to the Council, enclosing some photographs which he took showing the view from alongside the c~eek. He cohented that the a~ea is really an eyesore and a haven for,rats, and he would like to see the ground a~ound the Redwood Burl building cleaned up. He indicated that prior to the time the building burned, that ground was not an eyesore, but was a pretty field, and now it looks like a trach dump. 6 PUBLIC HEARING RE: THE FRUITBOWL (Cont'd.) Mrs. Sferrezza, representing the Fruitbowl, addressed the Council. indicating that she would have to disagree ~ith the previous speaker. She cqmmented that if there is anything their trucks have gone back on this property for, ~t has been for these cases, and that is all -- they do~not dump-any fruit or junk in back -- rather they take this to the dump and pay to have it dumped. Councilman Matt'eoni inquired if Mrs. SferrezzaiS aware of any ~_f~..l~b~ave gone back there that might belong tO other people. Mrs. Sferrezza indicated they have no control over the ~eople who live in the house behind their business. They haye several cars and motorbikes, however. She indicated she'believes one of their trucks had to go back close to this house t~ make'room for another truck to come through, and because of the nails back t.here, they acquired flat tires. Also, she believes some of these bins belong to this person. Mrs. Sferrezza asked if the bins can be stored behind their own business. ! Mayor Bridges replied ~ccordihg to the Code, thi~ would be a violation unless they are stored under the roof of the building. Mr. Stiles.again addressed~the Counci'l,"sta'ting that some of the debris back on this property is from the burned-down building. However, her has seen the trucks come back and dump many crates and boxeS, and then later picking them up and taking them back to the fruit stand.. It was then m~ved by Councilman Kraus and seconded by CounCilman Brigham the public hea~inglbe closed. The motion was carried unanimously. The public hearing was closed at 10:10 P.M. Mayor Bridges indicated the~tFo~s~available to the Council this evening would be as folf~'F~'~ ' 1) Discontinue the hearing on the basis that the items as represented by Mr. Upson be corrected; or 2) proceed to declare the.Fruitbowl a "~ublic n~isance" and revoke its business license. Councilman Matteoni suggested that it would be helpful if the owner would remove all bins from the property, relieving them of this responsibility and placing it upon Mr. Spaicb. Alsp, he suggested the owner ~rov~d~d~e~he Council with a report~as to what they'~be~l~t~db ~th!~regard to the designated parking ar~ {~ o~e~a~j~~ traffic out in front of the stand. The' Mayor suggested, ther.~fore, thatthis: matter be continued to the next regular meeting of the Council, and set for p~blic hearing at the first r~e. gular meeting in~O~lct~er the matter of VII. ADMINISTRATIVE'MATTERS A. MAYOR 1. Re-appointment of Park and Recreation Commiss{oners Mayor Bridge~ indicatedr he would like to place in nomination for re-appointment the terms of Louise Schaefer, David Wyand and Edward Gome~sall. Couldilman Kraus seconded this motion, and it was carried unanimously. - 7 - B. COUNCIL AND COMMISSi6N REPORTS C. DEPARTMENT HEADS AND OFFICERS 1. RepOrt'from th~ 'Di~ct0r of Plan~ing Re: StatuS' of Processing Tentative Map for Frank Horvath, Mt. Eden Road Mr. Van Duyn ~xplained that Mr. Horvath'smajor Qomp!laint i.s in regard to the half-street improvements along Mount Eden Road. It is further this contention that he has a dedication agreement with the County of Santa Clara for the street improvements, and therefore, has met this con- dition; however, the City has not received this information from the CoUnty. He further indicated that there were some timing problems involved concerning the annexation procedure on this property, .and this was due to the fact the applicant had failed to submit the proper maps for approximately six months to allow it to be reviewed by LAFCO. He advised that the City does have an approved Tentat{ve Map for this property, and should the required conditions be met, Final Approval will be granted.-- provided that this is completed prior to September, 1978. 2. Report from the Dire~to~ of Public Works Re: FAU "Wash" Program It was moved By COuncilman Kraus and seconded bX Councilman Brigham ad0ptSon of the resolution~!~'-d~ce'~6~-_~..~a~ed F,A.U. dollars to the City of San Jose.'~Th~'~n~fig~+~S'~ carried unanimously. D. CITY MANAGER 1. Report Re: City-owned P~operty, Corner of Cox Avenue a~d Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road. The City Manager advised that several months ago, Councilman Matteoni had requested a report concerning this property. He indicated that it is the recommendation of the Parks and, Recreation Commission that the land be kept in open space; the SeniOr Citizen Housing Task For~e had recommended this be a potential site for senior citizen . housing, particularly. if some of the projects under con- sideration do not come to fruition. The Council took no action on this report. 2. Report Re: Approval of Crocker National Bank as the Financial Institution for Saratoga Housing Assistance Rehabilitation Program It was moved by Councilman Kraus andsseconded by Councilman Brigham to approve Crocker National Bank as the financial institution for the Saratoga Housing Assistance Rehabilitation Program. The motion wa~ carried unanimously. - 8 VIII. COMMUNICATIONS Ao WRITTEN 1, Mr..and Mrs. Jack E. Stiles, 20626 Ritanna Court~ requesting the City Council to consider ~leaning up the property On the west side of Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road, southeast of Calabazas Creek. Considered ~±ing public hearing, Item 'VI'-A~ 2. Ms. Laura Lee Mitchell, owner of the Mitre Box, Re: lit'ter caused by b~ses on Third Street, and also, requesting a loading zone in front.of her business. The City Manager indicated this matte~ has been fOllo~d'~p, advising that on September 6th,. there was a change with~'''~ line 58, ~hich eliminated service to the Village between the hours Of 9:00 A,.M. and 3:00 P.M.- With regard to the problem of litter, the Council elected to delegate a City employee to keep this area swept on a once-a-week basis, for ~a three-month trial period. A report-will be submitted back to the Council following the three-month trial period advising the status of the situation at'.that time._ In response to Ms. Mitchell's request for a loading zone, _the Director of Pdblic Works indicated he would not favor this instaliati0n, due' to the fact it is the newly estab- lished~p'~ and'he did not feel the two uses could h took no be comp~iSr~.~'T e Council action on this request. 3. Mr. Don Benninghoven, Executive Director, League of'California Cities, acknowledging receipt of the City's contribution for the League's headquarters office building project. = Noted- and filed. 4. Mr. H. R. Harvey, A~tQrney at Law, Re: Animal Control' ordinance enforcement in the Sobey Road are~, and al~o, -destruCtion of garbage Cans by pickup personne~ at Green Valley Disposal Co. The City Manager advised he would follow up concerning this complaint and report back to the Council. 5. Mr. George M. Shannon, DireCtor of ~he Criminal Ju.s~,ice Planning Board, Re: re-structuring the Justice Department"s Program of Assiseance to state and local governments-for crime control and Criminal Justice System Improvement. Noted and filed. 6. Donald .M. Rains, Clerk of the Board of SuR~r~iso~s, Count~. of Santa Clar~, requesting the City Council to make' their recommendation for the position that has become vacant on the County Library Commission. - Mayo~ advised that a~y suggestions should be communicated to the City Manager. 7. Mr. Courtland Rush, Chairman of the B,oard of Directors, Santa Clara Valley Water District, requesting the Co~nc~ suggest anX changes for, the Board's consideration of re- appointments and new appointments to the f~ve Flood Cont'rol Zone Advisory Commiteees. Continued for discussionat the September 13th Committee of the Whole Meeting. - 9 - 8. Mr. and Mrs.-E. Dell'Aquila, 212!5Marilia Court, requesting the City take immediate action to evaluate and eliminate dangerous traffic conditions on Prospect Avenuebetween Blaney and Covina Court. Public Works staff directed to negotiate with City ofiSan Jose Re: provision of improvements along this stretch.. 9. Mrs. Yvonne Holder, 12939 Glen Brae Drive~ requesting that a boulevard stop sign be~placed at the curve on Glen Brae Drive. Referred to Public WQrks staff for,reyi,ew and a recommendation,back to the Council-in 30 days. 10. Ms. Kathleen Martinez,'Deputy of the City 'Qf_San Diego, enclosing ~ copy~ of Re~61ution No..'219043,. relative to · AB 1852,' an.act to repeal Section 25524.1of thei~ublic Resources, Code relating to nuclear power plants. Continued for discussion ~t September' 13th Committee of the Whole Meeting. 11. Mr. David Wyand, member 'of the Saratoga Parks and Recreation Commission, expressing interest in remaining on Commission. Noted and filed. 12. Mr. RuSsell L. Crowther, 20'788 Norada-Court, Re: Northwest Saratoga Circulation'Study. - Noted and filed. 13o Mr. Verne'L. Roberts,,,Mayor~ City of'AntioCh, requesting that thd CitX of Saratoga support the statewide initilative prohibiting compulsory and binding arbitration for public employees. Noted and filed. 14. Mr. William G. Clark, 14582 Horseshoe Dr~v~,, requesting denial of the,Tree Removal Permit #225, grabted by the Planning Commission for property adjoining his property. The City Manager advised that the Code does not. provide for an appeal of a, tree removal permit by anyone other than the individual taking out the application. The Planning Director reported that this pe".rm. it was de~ied at the staffslevel, and was referred to the.Planning Commission. The Planning Commission reviewed the matter and g.!~anted the tree remova~ permit,~baS&d' On th~_o~i~'L~I ex'~ ~d~se 'C0n~h'i~i~n~s[~i~'m~f~"M~G~e ~s opinion was that Dhe tree had a limited life span of 8 to 10 years and mitigating'efforts to save the tree might result in a sizable investment. ure reqU~s ~ed t~t'~a~_~6~s ~lic~n~8~ care the Council's concerns r~l~vant to this tree removal. B. ORAL 1. Jim Rosenfield, resident 6f Saratoga, presenting'his pro~osj1 to acquire the Arco site and develop several aest-hetic retail stores in the Village. The. Council indicated its desire to pers~e future date. - 10- C. PUBLIC GROUP REPRESENTATION The Mayor ~cknowledged pub'lic group representatives presen~ in the audience, as follows: G. Carlson, Chairman, Park~ and Recreati6n=Comm~Ssion Ed Gomersall, Parks and Recreation' Commissioner Virginia Laden, Saratoga Planning Commission Lynn Belanger, Chairman, Saratoga planning Commission Margaret Dunn, Good Government Group (served coffee) IX. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Councilman Kraus and seconded by CounCilman Brigham the meeting be adjourned. The motion was carried; the meeting was adjourned at 11:40 P.M. . e bmitted, R? - il