HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-20-1978 City Council Minutes AGENDA/M I NUTES
SEPTEMBER 20, 1978
CALL TO ORDER 7:30 P.M. Mayor Kraus presiding
~Councilmen Present: .Callon, Corr,
Kalb, Kraus
7:~0~p~.-~ ........ .
September 6, 1978 - Item VII-C;.
modify to show Dorothy Parker as
representing Senior Citizens
Housing Task Force rather than
" A.A.U.W. Also, Mildred Gordon
speaking on behalf of Senior
Citizens HoUsing Task Force.
'Item VIII-B: Modify item 2 to
clarify Councilman Kalb speaking
on behalf of j oin.~committee on
~ which he4was serving.
'Item V!II-D(3): Modify to r&flect
Barbara Winkler to represent
.small cities on County General
Plan Committee.
Item IX-B(2): Modify ~ording to
clarify congratulations for
reducing recreation program
brochure, and not recreation program.
~M~Sl:~'L~Ib~Cb~r-t~approve minutes
CONSENT CALENDAR ' %-'of SeDtembe~t6 -197~ as corrected.
A. Resolution 872, Accepting 'LCO~SENT CALENDAR '-
Dedication of Easement for i.- "~" ~'
Emergency Access Road ~M/S: C6rr/C~lto~'-to"aDprO~ the
(Quackenbush - Tract 5384) ~Gonsent~.C~lendar-.---Ca~'d
unanimously by voice vote.
A. Ozdi~ance 38.91 (Second'Reading) M/S: Kalb/Corr to adopt Ordinance
An Ordinance Of the City of 38.91 and waive the reading.
Saratoga Amending Article V Carried unanimous.ly by voice vote.
of the Saratoga City Code, Re-
?"l~ lating to Licenses to Sell
/ Concealed Weapons
B. Petition for Acquisition and Con- (Cont'd. 8/16/78)- City Manager re-
struction of Improvements Pursuant ported the map for the revised
to Special Assessment and Assess- boundaries, along With modified
ment Bond Acts, and Waiver of petition has been received and
Proceedings unde~ Division 4 of acknowledged by the City C16rk.
~Streets and Highways Code -
Wat. er Improvement Project 1978-1
MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 20, 1978 (Cont'd.)
7Fe~a~d'i,n'~ aceeSS Qff'P~er~e ROa~d,,
~and ~lso 'iccellerated d~y_e__lop_-
of this improv~l
taxpayers th~_~!gbt_
therefore, ~Cghnci{. should allow
~e'd~inee~lng studies to' tak'& place.
Vince Garrod, property o~er on
Mt. Eden Road, presenting infor-
mation and percentages regarding
proposed water improvement project.
Joan Bioti, Attorney with fi~
Wilson, Morton, Assaf and
Mc Elligott, presented info~ation
re: assessment financing and pro-
ceedings to form Assessment District.
M/S: Kalb/Corr to direct the staff
to prepare the necessary resolutions
and move fo~ard in evaluating the
project. Carried, 4 to 1 by voice
vote, Callon'opposed on the basis
that more time needed to evaluate
C. City Council AuthorizatiOn of M/S: Corr/Callon to adopt
Proposed City of Saratoga Resolution 873, Adopting an l" ' - -
Deferred Compensation Plan and Employee's Deferred Compensatid~"
Agreement with National Plan . Plan and Approving an Agreement
Coordinators to Act as Plan with National Plan Coordinators,
Administrator Inc. for Coordinating City of
~ Saratoga=')Employee '. s Deferred
Compensation Plan. Carried
unanimously by voice vote.
A. To Consider the Appeal of Planning Mr. Robinson, Flan~fB~ -__
Co~ission Decision Re: Use. Director, advis~d'Planning"
Petit 348(a) Brian Kelly, Co~ission's reasoning in requiring
Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road. a conditional use petit for this
Publid hearing opened at 8:47 P.M.
Brian Kelly, 12882 Woodmont .Drive.
Proposed center does not lend it-
self to a free-standing restaurant
or a restaurant of 4,000 sq. ft.
96 parking spaces are being pro-
vide'd, and under consideration is
a 2,600 to 2,800 sq. ft. sandwich
shop or pizza parlor operation.
MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 20, 1978 (Cont'd.)
A. Appeal - Brian Kelly (COnt'd.) Feeling is..that applicant has under-
gone adequate public hea~ings. No
positive or negative input from
surrounding neighbors.
Commercial portion of the project
was p.ut in at the request of the
Planning Commission -- original plan
was all townhouses. Applicant would
like to have approval for 2,600 to
2,800 sq. ft. restaurant w~__ith_the
same par~ng ratios as~g~anted-~ .y
~d~10Dment'a~O~the str~t~ ....
Corr: Inquired if 96 additional
parking spaces adequate for a
restaurant t~at size.
Mr. Robinson replied t-hat the
Planning Commission has d~termined
this parking ratio wo~ld be adequate.
Matteoni: Inquired of the applicant
,~f ~h~r~ld be difficulty in
~f~ ~O~'~dification on a use
permit, based on a.specific proposal.
Mr~ Kel]~.v~ It is time consuming;
they woUld'like to know the list
of uses. Also, it is cost to the
City -- for a restaurant approval
that is already granted across the
KKaus: The'~restaurant was one of
the items that was of real issue
across the street for people living
in the surrounding areas.
Mr. Kelly: .He would'not consider
a pizza parlor a 4,000 sq. ft.
sit-down type Sambo's Restaurant.
Kraus: Nevertheless, the neighbors
were aware of the Lohr-Turgeon pro-
proposal, and they are not aware of
this proposed project.
Kalb: If a restaurant were to be
approved, would the applicant be
able to meet the 1 to 160 ratio.
Kelly: This would be over that figure.
Kalb: Applicant .is just below the
200 figure now -- inquiredthow he
proposed. to get to the 1 to 160 rati6..
Kelly: Assuming a 2,800 sq. ft.
restaurant with-1 to 160, this would
be 18 spaces. 18 from 96 would leave
78 spaces -- divided into 15,960,
would be 205.~
MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 20, 1978 (Cont'd.)
John Mallory, 12258 Kirkdale Drive,
representative of the N.W. Saratoga
Homeowner'.s Association. Agrees
with Planning Commission and staff
in their recommendation. If another
restaurant is going to be considered,
this should be brought back for re-
view with the citizens.
Stewart Fitzpatrick, 20410 Kirkmont
Drive. Agrees with Mr. Mallory
that citizens be notified.
M/S: Matteoni/Kraus to close the
public hearing. Carried unanimously
by voice vote. Closed at 9:00 P.M.
Kalb: Concern that if City rigidly
applied standards applied across the
street, this would come up short of
Corr: Concern that when the use
permit comes forward, the people
notified will be those recent resi-
dents in the area, who may not
favor what might benefit the rest
of the community.
M/S: Matteoni/Corr to direct the
staff to bring back at the next
regular meeting of the Council
those conditions that would allow
a restaurant use of the "sandwich
shop" variety, speaking to square
footage, parking ratio and other
appropriate concerns, prior to
voting on thins appeal. Carried
13't~'2~ ~K~auS ~nd t~allb
'C~n~Tl'~'~ensus~ that if there
are going to be new conditions,
applicant should be .entitled to
debate same; therefore, agreed to
re-open public hearing. and continue.
MZS :'~ .Matteoni/Callon to re-open
the 'public hearing and continue
to the next regular meeting.
Carried 3 to 2, Kraus and Kalb
Recess and' reconvene
A. Re-appointment of Parks and M/S: Corr/Kalb to re-appoint to
Recreation Commission members the Parks and Recreation Commission
for--a 2-y~a~.r term the following
4 -
MINUTES SEPTEMBER 20, 1978 (Cont'd.)
A. Re-appointment (Cont'd.) ' members: 'Sue BUchan, John Terry,
W. G. Carlson. Carried unanimously
by voice vote. '
I~ri'~dg~g~'~%~i!~.'yT_~i~'%~'~"'=~:~:Parks Cit~ Manager: AdVised that memo
-~-~a~-'~e~d~'Ffi~5~~ ~;{~"'~ot was sent t~ Commission apprising
~being in~o'r~n~'d re: cl~ur~fl of the Council's action. Matter
%Wildw~d'~ark. f ........ !~ was not originally brought up as
................... '~ a public hearing~ due to time con-
straints involved.
C. Discussion at Planning Co~L[ssion Consensus to .discuss at Committee
Meeting re: Calabazas Creek -- of the Who.le Meeting, requesting
drain under Saratoga-Sunnyvale Rd. that Santa Clara Valley Water
District representative be present.
A. Planning Commission Recommen- M/S: Matteoni/Kraus to set the
dation to: Rezone from "A" to public hearing for November 1, 1.978
"HCRD" the 17.5 AcresParcel and cons~ Z~nt. ly with the
.Portion of APN 366-05-04 Commnly Dlication to with~aw from the
Known as.Hall Property and Unit unanimously
3 of Parker Ranch by voice vote.
B. Consideration of Letter from Directed staff to' draft letter to
City of Adelanto 'Re:. State legislators re: ~'s'~ib'f~'Y~p'~cts
Mandated Costs Upon Local of this proposal ~'~the--lOhal level.
A. Director 'of Public Works Re: Transmitted report, dated 9/14/78,
Guava Court Walkway Easement recommending closure 'of the
facility or full improvement from
Guava Court to Fredericksburg Drive.
Paul Burket, Transportation Engineer,
Public Utilities Commission,
recommending .the facility be brought
up to stand_ards and posted appropriately.
M/S: Callon/Matteoni to expend.
$1,000 to improve the crossing from
Guava Court to Fredericksburg Drive
in conformance with the P.U.C.
Carried unanimously by voice vote.
B. Director of Public Works Re: Transmitted report, dated' 9/13/78,
Bikeways on Prospect Road recommending the staff pursue this
matter with County and City of San
Council consensus that this project
should move ahead as soon as possible,
and requested Mayor to draft a letter
to City of San Jose urging partici-
5 -
MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 20, 1~78 (Cont'dT.)
C. Report from Director of Inspection Transmitted report, dated 9/20/78.
Services Re: Site Approval for M/S: Kalb/Callon .to direct the
Single Lots Not Involving a ;
Division of Land (conlt'd. ,7~19/78) staff to. work with the ICity Attorney
in preparing the necessary ordinance
modifications to implementlpolicy.
Carried unanimously by voice vote.
A. R~port Re: Clean-up Projects - Transmitted r'eport, dated 8/31/78,
Saratoga Community Library rec6mmending specific items for
clean-up, not to exceed $4,300.
Kalb: Indicated concerns re:
~Corr: Concern ~.. ~'eight of the
M/S: Matteoni/Corr to approve the
expenditure not to exceed $4,300
: for clean-up expenditures at Saratoga
Library as indicated in reporT. of
8/31/78. Carried 4 to 1,~K~lb
B. Form Of City Council Minutes Transmitted report, dated ~/23/78.
and Retention of Recordings
of City Council Meetings. Council consensus [o approve pro-
posed action minutes format, with
the exception of public hearings
(to contain more subs, tance). Also,
to retain tapes for one-year period.
1. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Colson, Noted; included as part of file
13851 Raven Court, urging on this matter.
. implementation of traffic safety
measures on Quito Road at
2. Mr. John Weir, President, Noted and filed.
Arguello Homeowners Assn.,
thanking Council for action re:
crossing guards for Hoover
3. Dr. Don Smith, 15135 Via Directed City M~nager to draft
Colina, re: appeal of issuance letter to Dr. Smith indicating
of variance for tennis court. Council's inability to take action
as recommended, and suggesting
Dr. Smith communicate with Mr.
4. Ms. Alice Roylance, Cit~ Clerk, Noted and filed.
City of Mountain View, re:
resolution concerning Municipal
CoUrt consolidation.
5. Mr. William Balboni, 19100 Agreed no ~ction could be taken
Camino de los Barcqs, requesting re: fence; however, landscaping
Council review design plan per- would be restricted at this time.
mitting six-foot redwood fence
at intersection of Allendale
and Camino de los Barcos.
- 6
MINUTES SEPTEMBER 20, 1978 (Cont'd.)
A G E N D A ~"A-C-{-~ IO~N~-~T-A~-~N
6.' Mr. Russell Crowther, 20788 Noted and filed; City Manager to
Norada Court, re: destric.tion respond.
of records.
7. Mr. A.T. Roten, President, .Noted; included as part of t.he file
Greenbrier Homeowners and Tax- on this matter.
payers Assn., re: bike lanes
on Prospect Ave.
8. Ms. Sally Price, President~ Noted and filed.
League of Women Voters, intro-
ducing Gladys Armstrong as
representative for City Council
9. Maurice Dullea, Chairman - Board M/S: Kalb/COrr to nominate Linda
of Directors, Santa Clara Valley Callon as representative and
Water District, requesting nomi~ Robert Shook at alternate. Carried
nations for North Central Flood unanimously by voice vote.
Control Zone Advisory Committee.
10. Mr. Ray Prendergast,'Principal, Noted and filed; City Manager to
Hansen School, ~rging Council to respond.
provide crossing guards for
Saratoga schools.
11. Rev. Msgr. James Maher, Pastor, Noted and filed; City Manager to
Sacred tieart Church, re: fundihg. respond.
of crossing guards in Saratoga..
12. Letter from residents of Saratoga Donald Beardsley speaking on behalf
re: installation of traffic of petitioners, requesting removal
buttons along Quito Road. of traffic buttons.
Council conc~nsus to remove buttons
12. Mr. Brian Kelly, appealing City Manager explained that this
Planning Commission's approval discusses conditions of the tenta-
of UP-360. tive map, which he cannot appeal.
1. Margaret'Denny, Westcott Drive, Directed staff to draft letter
re: drainage problems on advising the neighbors they are
property. going against approved City
drainage plan~ for the subdivision.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT - PUBLIC SERVICE Mayor acknowledged:the following
REPRESENTATIVES representatives:
Gladys Armstrong, League of
Women Voters;
Ed Gomersall, Parks and Recreation
Barbara Watress, G.G.G.
Dick Siegfried, Planning Commissin
ADJOURNMENT M/S: Corr/Ka~b adjournment. Carried
unanimously. Adjourned at 12:10 A.M.
--R e s e c t oertFf. l.u ly_
- 7 -