HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-03-1979 City Council Minutes c MINUTES '~ SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL TIngE: Octobe~ 3,~1~979'x 7:30 P.M~ I , 'PLACE: Saratoga City Coun~i.1 Chambers, ~3777 Fruitvale AVe., saratoga, calif TYPE: Regular Meeting ' AGENDA 'Cp ACTION TAKEN I. ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION A. ROLL CALL Present: 'Callon, Corr, Matteoni, Kraus ~.~? Absent: Kalb B. Mi~tUTES M/S: . Corr/Callon to approve the minutes of September 19, 1979. Carried unanimously. II. CO~4UNICAT!ONS CO~.~UNICATIONS A. ORAL 1. Mrs. Welch, 1~520 Noted., It was. pointed out that Kenosha Ct., commented re; the City Manage~'s office does- inadequate law enforcement refain a. copy of the print=out in the~ City of Saratoga from the Sheriff's Office containing and attitude of the 'Sheriff' crime incidents, and would be made Office. available upon request. 2. Louise- Schaefer, .The CouncilCagreed that it needs 19874 P~rk Drive, re: to review the studyj~Y~took letter on behalf of place a number of years ago, and Saratoga School pTA Board consider this matt&r along with pertaining to safer walk- the two petitioi~s received on ways. and bikeways. It this subject, at a Committee of was suggested the Council the Whole Meeting. approve a study session to review this more speci- fically. 3. Pete Pappanastos, 13571 The council agreed to discuss this Beaumont,' speaking on be- half of citizens on .h~.!7~D7~ 1- (&~mmf~'i~ti6hsLth'i'~'{~i~~'~: ="~ ' traffic problems, requeSllh this issue be moved up on the agenda. The City Manager then presented his 'report, dated 9/28/79, relevant to the meeting with residents and representatives of the Sheriff's '~ Office re: speeding problems in ,. residential neighborhoods. II. CO~'~NICATIONS (Cont'd. ~ CO~UNICATIONS A. ORAL (City Manager's report, dated 9/28/79, relevant to'~peeding ~roblems in ~esidential ~ighborhoods) The City Manager indicated he would like to request authorization to expend up to an additional $1,000 to bring on additional patrols at times theX are needed, and 'ra~ar=unlt~._ .... ~ ...... Councilwoman Callon inquired if there was a program in which some- one actually talks to the. students at the high schools. The City Manager indicated he did not believe this was being done. MTS: Corr/Callon to approve the expenditure of $1,000 for additional patrol, and $2,000 for an additional radar unit. The motion was carried unanimously. Councilwoman Callon requested quarterly crime statistics again be reported to the Council. The City Manager indicated he would make these available. 4. Mr. Penfield, 13190 Acknowledged comments. Via Blanc Ct., expressing dissatisfaction re: sheriff services. Further, stressed .that the City Council publi cize to the citizens of Saratoga to start educating their children. 5. Irving Grander, Via Acknowledged commentS~ Grande AVe,, expreSSed his o~inion that a ~adar unit is useless in that the kidSwh0 are causing the problem are 'not speeding~ but driving' reCkle~sly~ 6. Ray Moore, 19760 Acknowledged comments. Scotland Drive, referenced SeCtion 40600 of the Vehicle Code: "For the purpose of'thiS'article~ a peace officer will deemed to have. reasonable cause to issuea written notice of ~iolation if as a result of hi~ investigation he has evidenced either testimonial or re~l that would be sufficient to issu~ a written notice aS if=he' had perSonally witnessed th, . . . events investizated.~!-~'=%'- ram. 9 , mlcAT 0 s (Font' d. ) . A. ORAL (Ray Moore cont'd.) It was agreed the City Manager and Council would again meet and dis- He commented that at least cuss the traffic problems in these .3 people tonight have iden- residential areas, and report at tilled 1 truck, and this a £uture date. sounds like adequate testi- .mony for evidence. B. WRITTEN 1. Residents urging re- Noted and £iled. tention o£ the Saratoga Fire. District. as a *'~ Special District. 2. Ms. Caryl Symonds, Director of Public Works advised 20753 Noradd Court, re: a retaining wall wo.uld be con- negative impact on her structed and a new fence on top property £rom work on or the retaining wall, which will Parker P~nch. provide privacy requested. City Manager to respond. 3. Mr. Gerald D. Butler, C6uncil concensus to bring the 1~015 Vickery Ave., re:. original report onthis matter emergency access require- back be£ore the ment (SD-I~IS). (Mr. a~d~g~th~-~u~t ~or modi~i- Smith, Attomey represent- ~cation ~at tha~.ti~e. ~---- ing Mr. & Mrs. Bu~ler, re- ............. quested the original approval ba modified by the elimination of ~he emergency access ~o Phase I.) ~. Ms. Mary ~. Davey, Noted and filed. Housing Advisgr,~Co~ty ~ Santa Clara, co~ulatin .City Council re: Hoh~ing W6rkShop held on Sept. 22. 5. Mr. ~arles F. Earley, Accepted resignation; directed 20098 Chateau Drive, City Manager to co~icate with tendering.his resignation Monfe Sereno re: replacement. from the Saratoga Library Co~ission. :.-. 6. Joanne and Carl Noted. City ~anage~ to reSpond~ Szybals~i., 13409 Bea~ont.. "' · .. Ave., r~: hazardous. con= ditions and noi~ created~ · by racing cars~,. ~ -7. Dennis Der, 877~ Wilio~ .No~d~ and filed; City Manager St., Apt. 224, San J6se, tOrespond. attaching a copy of letter' sent to'Director of Co~ity Services re: prok lems in using Hakone for recent wedding. - 3 - 'II.' CO~{UNICATIONS (Cont~.)' 2% CO~DIUNICATIONS B. WRITTEN 8. Letters from residents. 'Noted and filed. urging retention of Saratoga · Fire District.as a special district: Ma'ry S. Wade, 14740 Farwell Aye. Vera M. Zel'ler, 20740. " Street #3 .' -"'. . 9. William Avery, Town Mgr Noted and filed7 Town of Los Gatos, enclOsin Copy'of letter to S.C.C. Board Qf. Sup~rvi. s6~s re: 'direction of Housing and' Community Development Act Urban County Program' 10. Environmental Health Noted and filed. No.action taken. Committee of S.C.Ci Medical Society, 700 EmpeyWay, : SaD Jose,.asking all cities to adopt an ordinance limiting tobacco smoking certain'public places. III. SUBDIVISIONS, BUILDING SITES, .SUBDIVISIONS, BUILDING SITES, ZONING P~QUESTS ZONING P~QUESTS A. REVIEW TENTATIVE MAP APPLI- lThe City Manager reviewed the CATION STATUS FOR SDR-1356 Council's considerations of this (COCCIARDI) AND SDR-1368 matter in relation to a polssible (COCCIARDI-CHADWICK) IN' ' ,~ ........... - ~H~ld~ 0~{:sf~her Dro'cessing ~ ' to allow the Council to review a number of issues relevant to the west'ern hillsides. This item has been agend~zed for the Planning Commission Meeting of OctOber 24 to continue th~_~application process. Morrie Nelson', Civil Engineer, representing Mr. Cocciardi and Mr. Chadwick, pointed.out that the access through Mount Eden Road '~s in discord with the Northwest Circulation Plan, intha~ it no longer uses an access from Quarry Road and no longer provides a direct link between Quarry Road, Pierce Road and Mt. Eden Road, but yet provides a loop access from Mr. Eden Road back through a road that goes into the Garrod · propeyty and then back onto Mr. Eden Road. City Manager ~ill reportsstatus of this matter lfollowing the Planning Commission Meetin~lon October 24. - 4 - IV. PETITIONS, ORDINANCES, AND ~ PETITIONS, ORDINANCES, AND RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTIONS A. ORDINANCE NS-60.8A (Second The City Manager presented his the two ordinance drafts. AN ORDINANCE OF SAPSTOGA A2-ZNDING ORDINANCE CoLincilwoman Callon indicated NS-60, THE SUBDIVISION that she favors having the public ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF hearing at the final map stage. SARATOGA,' BY PROVIDING FOR NOTICE AND PUBLIC HEARINGS M/S: Matteoni/Corr to adopt ON APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE Ordinance NS-60.8B and waive the SUBDIVISION ~I&PS reading. Carried, 3 to 1, .. Councilwoman Callon in opposition. B. RESOLUTIONL780-9; Councilwoman Callon indicated she wodld prefer a legal notice also A RESOLUTION ALTERING AND be sent to the.new§paper on ESTABLISHING, FEE SCHEDULE~ tentative subdivision maps, thus ~ bringing this fee to $75.00. M/S: Corr/Callon to adopt Resolution 780-9. The motion was carried unanimously. C. RESOLUTION 918 Mr. Shook, Dirbctor of Public Works, outlined the staff memorandum, A RESOLUTION 'OF INTENTION dated 9/26/79, recommending adoption TO ABANDON A FUTUPZ STREET of this resolution. EASEMENT AND.SET PUBLIC HEARING - Herriman Ave., M/S: Corr/Callon to adopt Lots 8 & 9, Tract 5319 ReSolution918, and set a public hearing for October 17, 1979. Carried unanimously. D. MINUTE RESOLUTION APPROVIN¢ The D~re'ctor of Public Works SPECIFIC SPOT I~ROVEMENTS outlined the 8 items in which TO PIERCE ROAD the Council indicated its con- census at its September 25th Committee of the Whole Meeting. A discussion followed concerning the signing and marking of the b~idge at QUarry Road, and possible future installation at the Chicquita bridge. Also discussed was the i~dea of a warning sign at an appropriate distance from the bridge, and also, pavement widening. It was requested staff review these issues and report back at the next meeting on October 17th. M/S: Cor~Caflon to approve the following proposed improvements: Installation of guard rails at bridge approaches; one-way signing and pavement markings; and center- line striping to be repainted and shoulder stripes added where possible. The motion was carried unanimously. Recess and Reconvene (Councilman Matteoni absent) IV. PETITIONS, ORDINANCES, AND ~ PETITIONS, ORDI~IANCES, AND RESOLUTIONS (Cont'd. RESOLUTIONS (Cont'd.) D. MINUTE RESOLUTION APPROVING. M/S: Corr/Callon to amend the SPECIFIC SPOT IMPROVEMENTS : 1979-80 budget in the amount of TO PIERCE ROAD $19,000 for the specified improve- ments. Carried unanimously. . E. TWO PETITIONS REQUESTING Continued to Committee of the ADDITIONAL PATHWAYS ON ~. ' Wh61e Meeting oD October 9, ~979. SARATOGA-LOS GATOS ROADAND' " F~UITVALE AVENUE F. ORDINAP!CE38.97 ?(Introducti'~n) The City Manager in'dicated there,are .I ~ two propose~,modified sections AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER! to the ordinance': .Section 8-16.1 8, ARTICLE I, OF THE SARATOGA re: Impo.undment, and 8-16.2, re: CITY CODE PERTAINING..TO AppeaI H~aring. VICIOUS ANI~IALS ~ .,., , M/S: Corr/callon to introduce Ordinance 38.97,.including amendments, and waive the reading. Carried unanimouSly. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS PUBLIC HEARINGS A. TO CONSIDER APPEAL BY JACK, Vicki Rudin, AssoCiate Planner, HUBER, CENTURY MEDALLION outlined the action of the Planning P~ALTORS, OF PLANNING " Commission on August 22, 1979. CO~.E4ISSION DECISION RELATIVE TO FINAL D~.SIGN REVIEW APPROVAl It w~s clarified that the height OF-A COMMERCIAL SIGN LOCATED of the letters do not relate to AT 12340 SARATOGA-SUNNYVALE an ordinance requirement. The ROAD, SAID APPEAL IS BASED ON ordinance, hgWever, requires THE CONDITION THAT THE SIGN BE design review of the sign program, LI~ITED TO 6q LETTERS and the sign program specified the 6" letters. The Mayor opened the public hearing at 10:20 P.M. There.being no testimony on this issue, M/S: Corr/Callon to close the public hearing. Carried ' unanimously. The public hearing was closed at 10:21 P.M. Councilwoman Callon questioned why it didn't state in the Planning Commission minutes.why they were opposed to the 2 inches. Stan MarshalL, ~lanning Commissioner, exDlained that the basic problem is that the applicant refused to go back through what was considered a reasonable avenue of securing the uniform design approach to the building. Also, the letters he us, ed are hi~ own; they are an expanded s~yle, as opposed to block letter~ The feeling of the V. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Cont'd.) d PUBLIC HEARINGS A. TO CONSIDER APPEAL BY. JACK (Stan-Ma~shall - Cont'd. HUBER, CENTURY MEDALLION REALTORS, OF PLANNING Commission h9tally was not so CO~ISSION DECISION RELATIVE much against the 8" high sign, TO FINAL DESIGN REVIEW but the fact that a person · APPROVAL OF A COMMERCIAL wanted to deviate, which "blows SIGN LOCATED AT 12340 - the whole program". He stated SUNNYVALE ROAD, SAID APPEAL IS that it destroys the integrity BASED ON THE'CONDITION THATTHE of the concept. SIGN BE'LIMITED TO 6" LETTERS M/S:' Corr/Kraus Go deny this · .~: ~ppeal.' Carried unanimously. ,~" ".: ~,Councilwoman Callon re~orted two signs which she requested be followed up on by staff: .. "Jim's Place" (Kelly~GS~fd~ a .sign ~hat says "Ope~'~'~hid~ is brightly lit at night. Also, Emmette Gatewood's "Open" sign, which is unattractive. The City Manager indicated these would be looked at tomorrow. VI. BIDS AND CONTRACTS BIDS AND CONTP~CTS VII. CONSENT CALENDAR CONSENT CALENDAR A. ORDINANCE NS-3.82 (Second M/S: Corr/Callon to approve Reading) .the Consent Calendar. Carried AN ORDINANCE AMENDING unanimously. ORDINANCE NS-3, THE ZONING ORDINANCE, BY ~NDING THE ZONING MAP, APN-386-10-56 (18510 Prospect Ave.) B. CONSTRUCTION ACCEPTANCE · SDR 1285 - Kelez Invest- ments,(Sobey Rd.-Ten Acres C. ~4EN~NT TO EXTEND AGREEmeNT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAN JOSE AND CITY OF SAPSTOGA FOR'THE INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT AND TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFICATIONS AT'·PROSPECT ROAD/SARATOGA- SUNNYVALR ROAD, STREET 'WIDENING I}~ROVEMENT ON PROSPECT ROAD FROM BLANEY.AVE. TO SARATOGA=SUNNYVALE ROAD, AND FOR THE' SHARING OF CERTAIN COSTS THEP~OF VIII. A~INISTRATIVE MATTERS ADMINISTRATIVE ~TTERS A. MAYOR. 1. Announced Executive Sessior following this meeting, to .discuss potential litigation. - 7 - VIII.ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS (Cont' d.)~. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS B. COUNCIL '& COMMISSION REPORTS C. DEPAR~4ENT HEADS & OFFICERS a) OTS #3, Saratoga Street ~. Sho0koutlined his report, Illumination Study dated 9/26/79, on this subject. It is the staff's recommendation to terminate the additional phases of this contract. M/S: Callon/Corr to accept the Phase I'r'eport from DeLeuw, Cather and Company, and terminate the balande of the study at this time. Carried unanimously. b) Purchase of Traffic This involves replacement of Signal Controller controllers at: Quito Road/ " Allendale Ave.; Fruitvale Ave./ Allendale Ave.; and Fruitvale Ave./ Saratoga Ave. It is the staff's recommendation to approve this purchase. M/S: Corr/Callon to authorize the purchase of traffic signal controllers at the 3 indicated locations, due to the fact this ms an emergency situation and there is a nee'd for immediate replacement, and this be included as an amendment to the 1979-80 Capital Improvement Budget. Carried .unanimously. D. CITY 1.~J~NAGER 1. Representation .on Santa M/S: K~aus/Corr~-to re-appoint Clara Water District North~.~-~ Linda Callon as.r~p~esentative, ~C~f'=~t6~'d~Co~'~i4~'~dvi~ofy and-Robert Shook as alternate. ~Co~mm~tzt-~-~--~:~--~-~-'~ Carried unanimously. E. ACKNOWLEDGE~NT OF PUBLIC' GROUP P~PP~SENTATIVES 'Mayor recognized the following individuals: Ruth Backlund, Good Gove~tGroup Salley Price, League of Women Voters Gladys'Armstrong, A.A.U.W. Stan Marshall, Planning Commission IX. ADJ DURNMjENT ADJOURN~iNT M/S: Kraus/Callon to adjourn to an Executive Se'ssion. Carried unanimously. Adjourned at 10:40 PM. ~ct t-y--a~bmitted, P~> c t~ lerk