HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-02-1980 City Council Minutes MINUTES
TIME: Wednesday, January 2, 1980 -17:30 P.M.
PLACE: Saratoga City Council.Chambe~S,z13777 Fruitvale .Ave., Saratoga~ Calif.
TYPE: Regular Meeting. . ..~ ..
A. ROLL CALL Present: 'Callon, Corr, Kraus
Absent: Matteoni (arrived 7:33 PM)
(December 19, 1979)' Councilwoman Callon requested
inclusion of her comments expressing
concerns in approving an agree-
ment which would allow developers
the opprotunity to install
sanitary sewerage facilities
through assessment district pro-
ceedings (item V-D, VILLAGE PARKING
M/S: Corr/Callon to approve
the minutes of December 19, 1979,
as modified. Carried unanimously.
1. Ms. Christina Gulrich, Directed City Manager to respond,
12308 Walden Court, urging~ indicating that the matter of
Saratoga to take a stronger preservation of the corridor is
stand on the issue of the at the state level; however, City
West Valley..Transportation will address use of the corridor
Corridor. in the nextstage.
2. Ms. Mildred Gordon, Noted and'filed. To be considered
President, SASCC, expressing with public hearing on January 16.
unanimous support of the
Board of Saratoga Area Seni~r~
Coordinating Council for an
addition to the Community
Center for use by seniors.,
3. Mr. Gerald Butler, 15015 The City Manager explained there
Vickery Avenue, asking for a is no provision in the present
second one-year extension ordinance for~'a~_-'s~%d" ~
for SDR-1296. ~ extension on this appli6~ion.
Council concensus to continue
discussion until the next'regular
meeting, and direct staff to pro-
vide the 2 applicable ordinance
sections pertaining to subdivisions
and extensio~ of site approval.
4. Office of Congressman Directed 'City Manager to reply to
Norman Y. M{neta, forwarding letter~ indicating these areas
copy of letter from Ms. had been previously zoned for
Virginia Perry, 20615 leonar{ commercial development which
Road, re: rapid growth in occurred.
Saratoga and Cupertino.
A. RESOLUTION 935 Councilwoman Callon requested.
wording revision to reflect
A PZSOLUTION ENDORSING ABAG~ adoption of the City of Saratoga's
POPULATION PROJECTIONS '79 population projections for 1979.
This was agreeable with the other
members of the Council.
M/S: Cal'lon/Corr to adopt
Resolution 935. Carried unanimously.
B. MINUTE RESOLUTION AUTHORIZIN Ref. staff report, dated12/28/79,
APPLICATION FOR TP~FFIC recommending approval of proposed
DEVELOPMZNT ACT (TDA) FUNDS projects (Exhibit "A").
M/S: Corr/Callon to approve the
proposed projects for Transpor-
tation Development Act funds,
as recommended. Said projects
~ include the following areas:
Quito/Allendale; Quito Road; and
Fruitvale Ayenue~ ~otion carried
,A. DE NOVO H/EARING TO CONSIDER~ Ref. staff report, dated 12/13/79.
18921 CYRIL PLACE, AND SUSAN Mr. Robinson, Planning Director,
& GLENN KRAL, 18876 ~STVIEW explained that what is being
DRIVE, OF PLANNING COmmISSION appealed is the additional height
APPROVAL OF USE PEP~IT 429 of the accessory structure in the
(Richard Harle~, 18911 Cyril rear yard. The Planning Commission
Place) (Cont'd.'12/19/79) had approved t-he use permit, on
the basis ~that added landscaping
would mitigate the impact of the
proposed structure.
· i Public hearing opened at 8:16 P.~.
Paul Hogan, .attorney on behalf
of Richard Harley, addressed the
Council. He commented relative
Ito the Council's concerns ofthe
overhang of the structure, ind~ating
the zoning regulations do not allow
an overhang in excess of 3 feet.
This build'ing will comply with this
18921 d~i~r~PLACE, AND SUSAN
& GLENN KtAL, 18876 WESTVIEW ~ clOSe to the 'fence was that it
DRIVE, OF PLANNING COMMISSION could be hidden'by landscaping.
APPROVAL OF USE PERMIT 429~ ~ In a sense they were saying,
(Richard Harley, 18911 Cyril "never mind the ordinances, as
Place) (Cont'd. 12/19/79) long as you can hide it by'land-
' scaping." By adding landscaping
· to hide it from the neighbors,
(Mr. Hogan - con~'d.) you admit the structure isn"~
· Mr. Hogan explained the reason that nice to look at; and secondly,
for the 9-fo~ tall structure. because-there is only 3 feet be-
is that it covers-,on one'corner tween the structure and the fence,
landscaping would have a very hard
an existing spa that has a
raised ledge, and because of time coming up. 'Also, since the
the height of the wooden beams structure is 10 feet high, it
on the top of the structure would be several years before the
and the.raised ledge on top of landscape grew up and covered it,
and this would be a burden on
the spa, if the building were
only 8 feet tall, there would surrounding propertiesin'the
only be 6 feet ~f head room,
and Mr. Harley is 6 ft. 4 in.. Mr. Nielsen stated all he is
tall.' asking is that the structure be
- modified,a little bit, and be
He suggesed in lightof the moved.a little bit away from the
staff's report and the Planning fence.
Cormnission's review of this
issue and 'the numberof hearings Councilman Matteoni inquired' if
the Planning Commission's the proposed deck in Mr. Nielsen's
recommendation be followed. ~ back yard would be at the existing
Carl N~sen, who resideS'on surface or raised.
the property direct.ly west Mr. Nielsen replied that he is
of the Harley property, indi- just thinkingof a wooden deck,
cared he is not objecting to probably less than 6 inches tall.
the structure per se, but that
the structure be moved a little Mr. HarleX addressed the Council.
bit away from the fence and be~ He indicated that the Planning
lowered. Commission was faced with a
balancing factor, and it came up
Mr. N~sen referenced the with what se~m~d to be a reasonable
staffsreport, dated 11/7/79 solution. That is to allow the
indicating the spa is approxi-~ structure, but to put in landscap~ag
mately 2 feet high. He that will grow quickly and shield
pointed out that with the the structure from view.
additional height from the 2-
foot spa to the to the top : Councilwoman Callon asked Mr.
of the structure, this Harley what the proposed use of
actually works out to 10 feet~ the structure would be.
rather than 9'feet. He furthe~
indicated that although ther. Mr. Harley replied about half would
model reflects the structure be a deck area, and half would be
being very small, it is actually -for a garden..I
30 feet long and 1~ feet~wide, ",'
With a 4-car carport. CouncilwOman 'Callon asked if there
is a specific need for the exact
Mr. Neilsen indicated that at dimensions on 'the roof.
Planning Commission Meeting,
the the structure to be so'.
of the arguments for allow-
one Mr. Harley replied that,the roof
ing - 'needs to support 9 solar panels,
which are 54 inches by 10 feet.
- 3 -
A. DE NOVO HEARING TO CONSIDER Mayor .Kraus commented that he
APPEAL BY RUTH & CARL NIELSEN. notices there is a portion of
18921 CYRIL PLACE, AND SUSAN this area that is paved adjacent
& GLENN KRAL, 18876WESTVIEW to the spa, and asked~4Mr. Harley
DRIVE, OF-PLANNING COMMISSION if he is planning to pave the
APPROVAL OF USE PERMIT '429 remaining portion of this property.
(Richard Harley, 18911 Cyril
Place) (Cont'd. 12/19/79) Mr. Harley replied that he is not
intending to pave additional area.
Glenn Kral, 18876 Westview Drive,
comment'ed that Mr. Harley spent
a lot of time and money putting
this pool in, and if had given
mo~e thought at that time, there
wouldn't be this problem. If the
solar panels are important in
this design, and if they are so
expensive, that.also should have
been considered when the pool was
considered. Mr. Kral indicated h~
lives behind the Harley property
and is a foot lower, and.at the
angle where he is, one added foot
makes a big difference. It seems
he is asking a variance because
they made a mistake in planning
the pool
CouncilmaX Matteoni askedif there
- is some screen to this proposed
structure from Mr.-Kral's back
yard as it presently exists.
Mr. Kraul ~eplied that there'.is
not screening from his angle.
M/S: Callon/Corr to close the
public.hearing~ Carried unanimously.
The public hearing was closed at
8:40 P,M.
It was the concensus of the Council
not to deny the use permit,at this
time, and allow the applicant to
submit a re-design of the proposal.
Some of the proposed modifications
were: 1) move from the dloseness of
Mr. Nielsen's fence along side yard;
2) lower the height by one
foot and cut off the overhang in
3) cutting off the overhang
by 3 feet in the rear.
M/S; ~,Iatteoni/Co"rr to resdind the
,previous motion, and re-open the'
public hearing. The motion was~
carried unanimously; the public
hearing was re-opened at 8:55 P.M.
4.- '
A. DE NOVO HEARING TO CONSIDER' M/S: Matteoni/Corr to'continue
APPEAL BY RUTH & CARL NIELSEN the public hearing to January 16,
18921 CYRIL PLACE~' AND SUSAN '.1980, to allow the applicant to
& GLENN KRAL, 18876 ~STVIEW meet with the staff an~ come back
DRIVE, OF PLANNING COMMISSION to the Council with a re-design'
"APPROVAL OF USE.,PERMIT 429 of the proposed structure with
Richard Har!~y, 18911 Cyril approp'riate conditions, for
Place) (Cont'd. 12/19/79) CoUncil consideration. Carried
B. TO CONSIDER APPEAL ~Y The City.Manager brought. to the
MARTIN J. OUDEWAAL, 19387 Council's attention a letter from
ALLENDALE AVENUE, OF PLANNING 'Mr. Hei~%i~ Architect, requesting
COMMISSION DECISION RELATIVE a second continuance of this hearing,
TO CONDITIONS OF TENTATIVE ! preferably for 4'weeks.
· (Cont'd. 12/19/79)' This continuance was acceptable
to the Council, and the hearing
· was continued to February 6, 1980.
C. TO CONSIDER DRAFT ENVIRON- The City Manager advised this
MENTAL IMPACT REPORT ON THE hearing has been duly noticed,
EXTENSION OF THE SAN JOSE and the E.I.R. for this proposed
WATER WORKS.DELIVERy SYSTEM,' project has been out for circulation
ASSESSMENT DISTRICT'FORMATION for 30 days.i It is proposed to
~,~STERN HILLSIDES) open the public hearing this
evening after hearing the presen-
tation, and then continue the
hearing to January t6th to allow
additional letters.and input.
This input would be noted, and
a total E.I.R~ prepared for the
meeting oneFebruary 6th.
Mr. Robinson, Planning Director,
summarized the.staff report, dated
Mr. Jeff Swett of Environmental
Sciences Associates, addressed
the COuncil. He explained that
the project consists of an asSess-
ment district formation, the
'initial stated goal or purpose
.being to improve the existing
water distribution system in the
Mt. Eden/Pierce Road'areas.
tie outlined the proposed affected
., area and'boundaries~ He then
-.' summarized the anticipated primary
effects of the project, including
geologic problems, ecological effects,
noise impact during construction,
traffic access through construction
period, improved water service,
visual imRact of water tank, a~d~-~
~a~rch'~o_~.~l~l'~f~fects. He ind{~ j/~
~'~d'~a%'~'~C~etically, the are~
would be changing from open space
to lowdensity-residential. He
further indicated proposed miti-
gating measures for the above~
· mentioned effects·
- 5 -
C. TO CONSIDER DRAFT ENVIRON- Willem Kohler, 21842 Via Regina,
MENTAL IMPACT REPORT ON THE speaking as President'of Via
EXTENSION OF THE SAN JOSE Regina RoadIIncorporation, indi-
WATER WORKS DELIVERY SYSTEM, cated this matter originated from
ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FORMATION a petition jigned by 60% of land-
(WESTERN HILLSIDES) (Cont'd.) owners. H~ pointed out that the
number of people involved is less
~.'C~u%~ci~'~f~c~ss~th Mr. than the number of people who
'SwettT~a.s-w~Ii-~-S~-th-e~taff, signed-another petition,on Via
the proposed rSad:improvement Regina, and most of the people who
alternative along with the signed the petition fSr'this de-
water improvement project. velopment live in the County and
~. Robinson explained that if not Saratoga. Mr. Kohler state& there
the City Council certifies was an earlier petition protesting
this document with the ex- any expansion of utilities on
panded material dealing with Via Regina, and this was filed wlth
the alternative circulation : the City. Therefore, these people
route, the Planning Commission should have been notified Of this
will reference this document public hearing.
in all the public hearing
testimonies in terms of,a miti- Mr. Kohler commented that the
gated negative declaration. impact on Via Regina, according
___,,.,j%,:~.~=~.~_~r.~ to the E.I.R., is sketchil~:"~
<~ayo~ Kraus pointed out a di~- handled, and there is no adequate
~_crepa~cy o~ pag~ 14.5f~' map showing the water pipe; It
re~E./~ii?'~hfcF-~t-~alks ' only shows it going through a land-
" about construction at the rate' slide area off Via Regina, and he
of 200 to 250 per day of the believes there will be a lot of
pipeline. On page 15, it expense to put a pipe in.
talks about 1,000 feet per dayi On page 26, it mentions the issue
Mr. Swett explained that the of fire protection, and the :':..
engineer in reviewing the ! recommendation is to widen Via
information, had indicated that Regina. People on Via Regina do
E.S.A.'s interpretation of not want the.intruSion of the
1,000 feet per day was in- water, and are happy with what
correct, and it was changed in' they have now.
3 places rather than the : ssell Crowther
necessary 4 places in the report. Ru
C9~rt, pr~_en~t~,d~-~umln_~ of ~ thee.
Mayor Kraus then referenced ~
page 34 of the report, in refer- ~H°me°~ne[s~~dd~i~ti°~'''~Ie~i~
ence to improvements on Pierce, f~l'F[~'~?'k. isincomplete in
Road, pointing out that these a number of areas. One of the
improvements are not mentioned. key concerns was fiscal impact.
The report acknowledges that the
Mr. Swett indicated there has City of Saratoga is liable in the'
been a substantial amount of event of default on the~proposed
Planning Commission/Council bond measure and that the annual
cost eventually will exceed the
interest in improvement measures
on P~e[q.~,Ro.~a~_~and they just revenues. However, it is the
iY~'ceived~t~ezmbsC>recent concept Association's concern that some
~--~-' ~ ~-~-~ ~ very optomistic assumptions were
Mayor Kraus requested when the made in evaluating that liability,
final E.I.R. is considered, this and some issues that could have
improvement be indicated. major impact were ignored.
The Mayor then open'ed the public For example, the E.I.R. assumes
hearing at 9:40 P.M. that all Williamson Act Agricultural
Preserve lands will be converted to
residential development.
C. TO CONSIDER DRAFT ENVIRON- (Russell Crofther - cont'd.)
EXTENSION OF THE SAN JOSE It is assumed that a federal grant
WATER WORKS DELIVERY SYSTEM~ will be available to cover much
· ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FORMATION of the cost of a new fire station.
(WESTERN HILLSIDES) (Cont'd~) There is no cost estimate for the
~.' fire statiQhbUilding and asso-
(Russell CrDwther - cont'd.')· 'Ciated.equipme~t. It is indicated
because of the extreme fire hazards
The E.i.R. also assumes that .- Of the;area, all the'new homes
those people who own tho:se rands should ha~e T.V.' hook up to a Com-
will invest in this bondmeasure, puter Control system-in the fire
and the E.I.R. admits that it station to provide early warning
would be contrary to both city! in the event of a fire; however,
and l~itliamson Act policy to z there is no detailed cost provided
release from the contract before for that system. It appears that
the 10-year waiting period. all of the hazards are identified
This also seems to be inconsis- up front, and if the City, with
tent with the Saratoga General all of these known hazards in
Plan which ~'F~'.o~j~hese full view, approves the project,
areas--as open space. who is liable if a.,landslide
occurs and wipes out the water
One of the key things that con- system during'an earthquake, just
cerns them fisca!ly relates to. when the water is needed to put-
some of the risks associated out the earthquake-induced fires?
with the potential cost of the'
pipeline and water tank. On The E'.I.R.·also acknowledges that
page 9 of the E.I.R., it is Calaveras Creek and two culverts
identified that 50% of the land on Calabazas Creek are inadequate
in this area is land which con- to carry theincreased flow caused
sists of existing landslides . by run-off from the project, and
or landslide deposits or other also, erosion caused by more fre-
unstable soils. The E.I.R. quent and faster flows from the
indicates a large number of run-off will. increase landslide
mitigating measures proposed hazards. It is also acknowledged
for construction of the pLipe- : that increased siltation will
line and the tank. A cost ~ccur, and that there are high
estimate of $1.2 million has costs of siltation pond cleanup
been made, and assuming this for the pond that now exists on
estimate is received and the Calabazas Creek.
bond measure passed, Who
carries the finahcial burden in William Carlson of Santa Clara
the event the cost greatly Valley Water District estimated.
exceeds the initial estimate on $2 million to bring Calabazas
which the bond measureis based Creek up to a level.where'it will
Further, if you create the take the kind of flows that will
ability to build homes in the occur due to increased-impervious
area by constructing the pipe- surface runoff. This would in-
line and a landslide wipes out' clude straightening t~e creek and
the whole system endangering the replacing Culverts.. The Council
lives of the people who depend. has discussed formation of an
on the system, it seems there assessment district for that
is a potential liability. purpose. The report on page .37
~ states that methods for handling
Mr. Crowther commented that the the existing problems in the area
system doesn't seem to be a and cumulative impacts of develop-
loop system; therefore, the ment in the western foothill area
question is, "What will be the· have yet to be determined.
fiscal impact of adhering to
the Fire Marshal's recommen- The E.I.R.' also ack~ow!edges the
dations?" expected high city costs for
C. TO CONSIDER DRAFT ENVIRON- (RussellCrowther ~oDt~td.)
EXTENSION OF THE SAN JOSE The California Bureau' of Mines.
WATER WORKS DELIVERY SYSTEM and Geology report also maps
ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FO~TIO~ in detail. the. geologic features
(WESTERN HILLSIDES) (Cont'd~) of the.area°,..and shows a number
of fault lines. through .the area
. (Russell Crowther - cont'd.) that are not mentioned in the
street and storm drain mainten-
ance, and estimates the over- Councilman Matteoni explained
all street and storm drain that in regard to this mapping,
maintenance costs will be in- : the City has'been doing some up-
creased by 10% by this project... dating through the town geologist
It provides no specifi~ dollar in recent years, and the .U.S.G.S.
estimates. Generally.~ indepen- mapping is on a generalized basis.
dent water companies-in the
hillside areas have rates 3 to Mr. Cr~wther commented that it
10 times higher than valley is indicated the Fire Marshal
rates. recommended' the loop street;
however, it states the Fire
Throughout the report, in Marshal indicated there'were no
several areas, fiscal impacts hazards from the system. There-
were mentioned, and.in many fore, the question is, "Did he
cases not much detail was assume that a loop system would
given. They would like to see be installed'when he came to that
an overall fiscal summary of conclusion?" Also, "Is it
all of these impacts, tabu- definite that a fire station can
lating all of the expected be built and monies will be avail-
fiscal impacts. able for a fire station?"' "Did
he assume there was a fire station?"
With respect to the scope of
the E.I.R., the maps indicate They are concerned about Calabazas
a gap in the pipeline along 'Creekbecause'they are directly
Pierce Road. Further, an impacted by it. If straightening
E.I.R. has hever been prepared and concrete lining of the creek
on extension of water service. will be r~quired as an impacE,
into the Parker Ranch, and this should be identified, as
this is questioned. Will this would be inconsistent with
San Jose Water Works prepare the Saratoga General Plan.
a separate E.I.R. for extension
of thei~ system into the Parker The E.I.R. on. page 2'2 indicates
Ranch for construction of a that HCRD zonin~ of the project
water tank on the Parker Ranch? area conforms to the Saratoga
Will the Parker Ranch system General Plan. Mr. Crowther conmented
be coupled with. the sytem that they would strongly dis.agree
indicated in the E.I.R.? How with this statement because
can overall impacts be evaluated according't~ the Saratoga Generai
if the entire cumulative effects Plan maps, much of the l~nd in
of the San Jos~ Water Works the project area is-agricultural.
· expansion into the western hillls
are not considered? The traffic"data on Table I on
page 33 is not consistent' with
Itis mentioned that a numbe'r the data on Table. III on page 47.
oflandslides are currently A good fr'action of the traffim
active; however, those are not that goes into the back part of
indicated, and it is asked Pierce Road cuts through from
that they be so indicated. It Stelling down Ar~uello onto Comer,
is mentioned there are unstable and turns onto Pierce. Yet, it
soil areas, and they would like is not clear whether that was
to see a map showing areas of considered at all, as the numbers
soil creep, dip slopes, and' indicated are for Comer Drive
other unstable ground areas. west of Arguello, but the traffic
TO CONSIDER DRAFT ENVIRON- Perry West, 21781 Via 'Regina,
~NTAL IDaACT REPORT ON THE indicated he would like to
EXTENSION OF THE SAN JOSE address the.report as a Via Regina
WATER WORKS DELIVERY SYSTEM, Homeowners AssociatiOn member at
ASSESSmeNT DISTRICT FOrmATION a different angle than Mr. Kohler.
(~STERN HILLSIDES) (Cont.'d.) He finds certain things not
objectionable about the project.
Russell Crowther -'cont~d.) I The pipe under the ground does not
bother him. The fact that the
on Arguello doer not appear toI fire service on Via Regina would
have been considered. be imprOv~d doesn't particularly
bother him, and there are some
Mr. Crowther stated that they benefits especially to residents
feel several realistic project~ of Via Reginaat'the tqp.
alternatives should be con-
sidered: However, he is concerned about the
1) a project consistent with inconvenience of construction,
the SaratOga General Plan; and he shares the concern of the
2) a project withno new residents.abou.t surprises, such
construction, including pipe as he read in this report tonight.
lines, water tanks and homes He finds it is being suggested
on known landslide deposits that the pipeline not follow the
and fault. lines; existing easement. Also, there
3) a project based on the is some suggestion of a realignment
provisions for dwelling density of Via Regina, and he wo~ld'share
· reductions currently in the this concern with the residents.
initiative measure. Another concern is'that in his
discussions with Ernie Kraule,
Vince Garrod, 22600 Mt. Eden he finds that he requested from.
Road, indicated he finds the ~San jose~Water!Works a number of
report to be quite. comprehen- years ago that the main on Via
sive, and it does exactly what Regina b~.replaced because ~f Some
an E.I.R. is supposed to do. , problems,. Many of the mains
Mr. Garrod stated that~__~7~f that he had requested to be be
of the'original propone~s~f ~ replaced'havebe~n; however, the
the Water District ~nd one Of L main on Via. Regina has not been.
the people who has paid for
this ErI.R.~The traffic'alter-. He.also finds surprising some of'
native came up only bedause in the i~f0rm~tion'that has come'to
the original plans for the him regarding estimates' for the
water project, there' came a. De Martini p~oject, which ~s a
problem in which about 4,000' ~egment ~f this assessment. distridt.
feet of road had to be built I't is his under§tanding the
for the Water District over estimated cost is about half a
existing roadways..' At the million dollars. This looks to be
same time, one of th~ proposed' about 30%Iof the pipe,. and he.
subdivisions in the extension wonders how that project can be
of Old Oak Way had to be con- .completed and the other 70% of
sidered. A decision had to the pipe installed, the pumping
be made whether the pipeline station and tank installed and
roadway should beput in in aecess roads made, all for $1.2
such a manner that it would be. million dollars.
useful to the City at some
future date. It was decided as Clark Davis, 21820 Via Regina,
long as engineering was being commented that he finds some
done on the roadway for the discrepancies with the report.
pipeline, to see. whether or not He does not buy the business about
it would accomplish a secondary "not enough pressure". He ~ould.
purpose, and also, to provide!' also like to ask, "To what spec
a service to the City.. This was the original main put in there?"
was included as a request of
numerous meetings and hearings Mr. Robinson replied that the Code
with the Planning Commission, was changed to require 1,000
the City Council, and staff. gallons per minute for the minimum
- 9 -
EXTENSION OF THE SAN JOSE San Jose Water Works proposes to
WATER WORKS DELIVERY SYSTEM put up on Via Regina. It is going
ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FO~TION up Via Regina at the request of
(WESTERN HILLSIDES) (Cont'd~) San Jose Water Works and at the
request of the Saratoga Fire
(Clark Davis) Department, and those people are
not being assessed for the water
Mr. Davis stated he doesn't main. Further, the Water District
understand this,<~.ca~_e ~"7~? was formed by 94% of the property
all the hquses up th~~ ~" owners within the district, repre-
doesn't know of a.single one ~Senting 94% of the residents within
that has burned down. He has the district.
been there for several year,
and all of a sudden,:we're MD. Kohler again addressed the
supposed to tear up the road, Council, stating that' about 5
form a district, spend a Iot of people who border Cocciardi's
money to put in a solution to a property'are in the assessment
problem he is not aware exists. district, and 2 are against it.
Another question is, "How did A1 De Martini, 20216 Edinburgh
we arrive at this 60% figure?"- Drive, commented that he believes
the previous speaker has his
Mr. Robinson replied it is basec figures wrong concerning the
on the way the boundarieb of water to his subdivision. The
the total area are set up. half-million dollar figure did
not include the total to bring
Mr. Davis commented that he the water from Pike Road to Mt.
feels this is clearly a Eden Road. A more.exact figure
matter of .the landowners and would be around $366,000.
developers wanting something
that the residents~'c~'~'~.~e 'T had Binckley, 13570 Pierce Road,
<'~si~e?tl{is~_w~er ~sse~ss/_~ indicated his firm is the engineer
~en~'~s'~ri~ a~ anything but for this project, and he would
beautiful. Further, he does like to straighten out some mis-
not see why city government is conceptions regarding the plan,
acting on information that was hydralicS and economics. The
financed from a private source. system being installed by the
District is what is called a
The City Manager explained that "backbone system". It carries
the City hired the consultant water from a reliable source to
who is paid for by the proponen~ all the properties that need water.
of the assessment district. It does not carry it through those
properties. It has been stated
Mr. Robinson indicated that the that we are not creating a circu-
initial study was performed by lating system; the fact is that
the staff, who then selected by the time subdivisions are com-
the environmental components. pieted in the area, it will ~ a
The components had nothing to dc · circulating system. 'It has all been
with what went into the docu- taken into account and scientifically
ment. designed. It is a mistake of any-
. one in that valley to assume they
Mr. Garrod again addressed the have adequate fire protection.
Council, stating that Via Regina
is. not in their district. Thel Another factor mentioned but not
people on Via Regina are not understood by the.public is the
paying for the water line which fact that increasing pipe sizes
for the sake of fire protection
10 - I
C. TO CONSIDER DRAFT ENVIRONi. ' (Thad Binckley - cont'd.)
EXTENSION OF THE SAN JOSE is not allowable in 6he rate
WATER WORKS DELIVERY SYSTEM,', base of a water utility.' Cdnse-
ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FORMATION quently, the only way these
(WESTERN HILLSIDES) (Cont'd.I) people are going to have their
fire protection improved'is in
a manner such as this where
· isn't costing them anything.
M/S: Corr/Cailon to continue
this public hearing to 1/16/80.'
Carried unanimously.
A. RESOLUTION 934 Councii~oman Callon requested
removal of item A from the Consent
(UNINHABITED TERRITORY - ALL the Consent Calendar. with the
LANDOWNERS CONSENT) (Teerlink exception of item A. Carried
A. RESOLUTION 934 CouncilwomanCallon inquired if
this isthe small piece of 1And
attached to the subdivision, and
how many.acres does it include.
Mr. Robinson replied that it is
the small piece, and it is 14.1
Councilwoman Callon. indicated
she would like to be oD record
stating she is concerned about
annexing territory at the'moment
to the City of SaratOga boundaries.
Councilwoman Corr co~nmented [hat
when we consider the circumstances
of this particular development, it
seems preferable to have this
annexed and under the'control of
the City than to take.it out of
the subdivision completely and
leave it in the County.
11 -
A. RESOLUTION 934 (Cont'd.) Mr. Robinson explained that is
the policy that the City will
; annex lands that are contiguous
if they are in the urban service
M/S: Corr/Matte6nito adopt
Resolution 934. Carried unanimously.
1. Letter from Jim Jackson The Council' indicated its agree-
re: I.C.C. Meeting.-Ad hoc ment to'~dopt the proposed reso-
committee meeting with re: lution in principal, and
to "Living Within Our Limits" Councilwoman.'Callon volunteered
publication. Draft reso- to attend 'a meeting in Cupertino
lution has been prepared' on Saratoga's, behalf.
for consideration and input,.
2. Letter from Monique 15 w~s suggested this be referred
inquiring if the City would, to the Chamber of COmmerce, due
be interested in becoming to previous problems the City
a sister city with LalUva'~c: has enc0u~te~ed with regard to
in France. sister city relationshipS. Mayor
Kraus to communicate With indi-
'~ vidual making request.
1. CounCilwomaH Cor~ - T~e Council indicated it was not
Request by members of the ~n a position to make a judgemen~
Friends of the Saratoga at this time, and requested i~
Library to speak or write be kept open for consideration
in support of SB 958, following additional review.
calling-for state aid to
public libraries.
1. City Attorney
a) Clarence Neale Re: The Appellate Court has-reversed
Business License Fee the decision, and indicated the
City can change.its business
license provisions.
b) Lyngso This case has been. tried and is
under submission to Judge Bruno,
and there is no decision as yet.
c) Leposavic .This has been won by the City at
Trial Court level, and appealed
by Mr. Lep6savic, and the City
has' 20 days in which to file its
d) Anaiysis of Northwest .Councilwoman Callon proposed
Hillside Initiative the following changes to the
Measure ~nalysis:
- 12
1. City At-torney-(Cont'd.)
d) Analysis of Northwest (CouncilWoman Callon = cont'd.)
Hillside Init{ative
Measure 'Cont'd. First paragrapb .'%t encourages
dedication .of permanent open space.
She is unsure of the validy of ~his
Last lin~, first paragraph
'Lot sizes vary from 1 to 15 acres
each." It gives an impression that
that the City has a range to large
acreage parcelS.
Remove second paragraph.
Third paragraph Eliminate
.sentence, "If the measure passes,
we anticipate'. . . ". Modify
last sentence to read: "Providing
two-year retroactivity in this
particular sector,will be contrary
to current laws in which planning
changes do not affect development
which already has tentative sub-
division map approval."
Fourth para'graph Eliminate
last sentence . . . "By reason of
this, our offices anticipate
substantial litigation "
Following considerable discussion
by the Council, the following
motion was made:
M/S: M/S: Matteoni/Corr to accept
the City Attorney's Analysis, with
the following modifications:
· First paragraph, substitute
wording to state: "It provides for
dedication of permanent open space
as part of the devel6pment process."
mo!~ip~ragraph two, ~Z~-. r.
vided tha~no pl~ni~g"c~anges '<'
c~ul~ be retroactively applied
against developments which-had al-
ready obtained tentative subdivision
map approval." Add to end of third
paragraph. -
· Third paragraph, delete sentence,
"If the measure passes, we anti-
cipate that.in order to save pre-
viously approved homeSides'; mass
applications on boiler-plate'
building plans will be filed with
13 -
1. City A~torney (Cont'd.)
d) Analysis of Northwest' (Motion - cont!d.) ' '
Hillside InitiatiVe
Measure (Cont'd.) the City for all existing but
as yet.unbuilt-upon lots, which
could accelerate the building
momentum in these hillsides."
· Third paragraph, add section:
"For over 18 years . . . ". Add:
"Further proyiding two-year
~' - .- _retroacti~i~y.in thi~ particular
sector will be contrary to the
. - .. present non-retroactive regulations
.. I. for the rest of lthe City.'.'
· 'Fourt~ paragraph, add the'
word "approximately" 144 of the
presently existing 225 residential
homesites "
· Fourth pa~agraph,:l~st sentence:
Delete word "substantial" litigation.
The motion was ~arrie~p 3' to {,
Councilwoman Callon in opposition.
M/S: Callon/Corr to adjourn the
meeting. The motion was carried.
The meeting w~s adjourned at
12:10 A.M: