HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-19-1980 City Council Minutes MINUTES
:~-.~ ,. - . ~ SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL ~ z~
TIME: Wednesday, March 19, 1980 - 7:30k.~'~7~'~ ~
PLACE: Saratoga City Council chambers, 1.%j~77~,7 Fruitvale Av.e.% Sara~o.ga Calif.
TYPE: Regular Meeting ~
Present: Councilmemb~rS.Callo
tort, Kraus
Absent: Matteoni (arrived
8:45 P.M.) .- :
1. Walte~ Muir, President, Mr. Teerlink requested thi~ item
Medallion Development Corp.-~ be withdrawn from the agenda.
3600 Pruneridge Ave., Santa
Clara, requesting conditional
map approval, Tract 6781,
Teerlink Ranch.
2. Bernard J. Vogel, Jr., Continued for discussion in later
Attorney for Allen F. DeMartinj portion of agenda.
requesting final map approval.
on Creekside Estates, subject
to certain requirements
3'. Richard C. Lindberg, 13050 'Continued for discussion in later
Pierce Road, requesting con- portion of agenda.
sideration of Council's motion
relative to proposed 3-car
garage and allowed setback.
4. RiChard.Amerio, Office Th~'~6~K~nc.i-~ =i~'~ca~s~'~m~'~~
Manager, Green Valley Disposal ~ith .this reque~.t.
Co., Los Gatos, requesting a. ~ .......
reasonable limitation of-
rubbish (6~ 32-gal. containers'
per customer for the Spring
5. Lela Austin, President, Continued for discussion at
American Association of Committee of the ~,~ole Meet{ng
University Women, urging March 25, 1980'-
implementation of objectives
and specific action recommen~
dations in connection with ~
growth, housing, job growth
and transportation.
6. Cary L. Bryan, 21477 Sara- The City Manager indicated Mr.
hills Court, requesting review Bryan has subsequently communicated
of existing CATV contract and with Video Engineering and is
revision to provide service to satisfied with the way the program
all Saratoga residents within is moving.
a reasonable distance from
existing system. (Also response
letter from Mr. Daniel of Video
7. Mr. E. Wayne Averill (no Noted; no action taken.
address indicated), '~xpressipg
.position re: proposed Measure
A on the April 8, 1980 ballot.
8. Marcie Averill (no address Noted; no action taken.
indicated),.expressing concern
re: proposed initiative
ordinance and its implications
9.. Paul Belomy (no address 'Noted; no action taken.
indicated) expressing concern
re: proposed initiative
ordinance and its effect on
Saratoga's present fire p~o-;
tection standards.
10o Thomas P. McReynolds, Mayor Continued for discussion at
and Santa Clara County Trans- Committee of the Whole Meeting
portation Commissioner, re- March 25, 1980.
questing consideration of a
p~oposed bill to establish a
separate transit district to*
provide more visible and more
responsibe transit needs in
the county.
11. Frank R. Mason, 12423 Referred tO staff for report back
Greenmeadow. Lane, re: damage to City Council within 30 days.
to his home due to run-off
· rainwater, and failure of City
to provide an adequate storm Z
sewer system for the Manor
Park development.
BA ' o in r
describing the findings of an ....
ABAG survey offees charged
~,_, by local governments for new
'~ residential, commercial and
industrial construction.
13. Petition from residents of Considered with public hearing on
of Via Regina area indicating this i~sue, item V-B.
support of Cheriel Jensen in
her request for an environ-
mental impact report on the
road referred to in the .~ .r :
amendment to the circulation
'2 -
II CO.~UNICATIONS (Cont ' d. )
14. Charles P, .Guichard, 21130 Considered with public hearing on
Wardell Road, urging the this issue, item V-B.
Council to require Parker
Ranch to make provisions to
· extend Wardell Road through
their property..
15. Jacquelin Beaumont, Comer ~oted and filed.
Drive, re: proposed hillside
16. Dora Grens, 13451 Old Oak C6nsidered with public hearing on
Way, expressing concern that this issue item V-B.
the proposed circulation plan
/, in the northwest hillsides is
scheduled for presentation
without the benefit of an EIR.
17. Letters (45) from residents Considered w,ith public hearing on
in the Wardell ROad area ex- this issue, item V-B.
pressing opposition to the
Wardell Road extension plan.
A. SDR-1425, APPEAL BY MR. &MRS. Upon recommendation/~t{~"n{~'~tlng
BARqQ,_.MP~.~_.& ~S~. _SUJ~EY~S~,_ of March 5, 1980, th~ ~o~il 'h~
~{R. '& ~TR.S'..THOP~<E-LSON, AND '~ viewed this site to aid~thefn .in~,,
MR. & M~S'i '~A'L~ bF h~/~iN6 taking their ~ction'on ~his matter.
COmmITTEE DECISION ~TIVE TO M/S: Callon/Corr to uphold the
INCONSISTENCY WITH T~. GENE~L appeal on the/baSis thai
ALLENDALE ~D C~INO BARCO confomance with the General Plan,
Cont'd. 3/5/80) and that the following~f~ndings be
· ~at the sit~/.is not ~hysicatly
suitable for~ the' type of develop-
· ~at th.e site is not physically
suitable for the proposed density
of development.
e .~at the design of the subdivision
or the proposed improvements'ar.e
likely t~ cause substantial
enviro~ental damage or sub-
stantially and avoidably injure
. fish or wildlife .or their habitat.
The motion was carried, 3 to 0'.
A. PETITION BY RESIDENT~ OF-THE The City Manager explained~that the
"SUNLAND PARK TRACT" REQUESTINI City of-SanlJose is in the process
ANNEXATION TO THE CiTY OF of instituting aseries of annexations
SAPSTOGA under legislation called "MORGA",
"which provides that'jUrisdictions
B. PETITION BY RESIDE.NTS OF " might annex territories not exceeding
CHAPPARAL AVE., CAMROSE AVE. '100 acres, without a vote of the
BET~IEN BUCF~ALL ROAD AND 'people. Th±s was to be an attempt
APPROXIMATELY 200 FEET NORTH to clean up boundaries.
OF LANTANA AVE., BET~EN M/S: Corr/Callon.to refer these
BUCKNALL AND APPROXIMATELY petitions for annexation to the
'200 FEET NORTH OF BAYLOR AVE,/ 'staff for review of various aspects,
GRIMSBY AVE., REQUESTING i.e=, number of lots, size of lots,
ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF details concerning the areas in
SARATOGA general,. and procedure to follow
concerning annexation, and a report
be brought-back for Council con-
'sideration on~April'16;,t980.
The motion wa~dar~ied unanimously.
A. CONSIDERATION OF APPEAL-OF George Tob'in,~ attorney for'Mr~'
PLANNING COmmISSION DECISION Cocciardi, requested postponing
RELATIVE TO INCONSISTENCY WITtl 'this bearing until later in the
THE GENERAL PLAN IN GRANTING agenda~to allow the arrival of
TENTATIVE MAP APPROVAL, SD-135~ two-engineers who will speak on
(MT. EDEN ESTATES) behalf of his ~lient. This re-
quest was approved by the Council.
GENERAL PLAN CIRCULATION The City Manager indicated there
ELEMENT IN THE WESTERN HILL- ~as a joint study session held
SIDES with the Planning Commission on
this issue the previous week.
1. Certification of Negative This evening is scheduled ss the
Declaration initial public hearing on the plan
as recommended from the Planning
Mr. Robinson, Planning Director,
verbalized his report, dated 3/12/80.
The City Manager made reference to
those items of correspondence re-
ceived on!~this issue. Included are
,' 45 lett~rs.'from ~esidents in the
Wardell Road area, expressing
oppositign to the ~.~ardell Road
extension plan; Dora Grens, Old
Oak Way, urging development of an
! EIR prior to consideration of the
Circulation Element; petition from
28.re~idents on Pierce Road, Via
' . Regina, Comer Drive, Saratoga Glen
Court, Kirkdale Drive and Granite
· ' Way, urging the development of an
EIR prior to consideration of the
Circulation Element; and Charles
- 4 -
V. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Cont'~.) (D. Fulgham - cont'd.)
B. PROPOSED A~NDMENT TO THE Roncole, 'to Arroyo de Arguello, to
GENERAL PLAN CIRCULATION Wardell, to Cox, to Saratoga Avenue
ELE~NT IN THE ~^~STEP~N HILL- and Quito Road.; This can only in-
SIDES crease as impaction of Saratoga-
Sunnyvale Road increases.
1. Certification'of Negative .' f
Declaration ~6 ~Co~tL~othe Ci-[~ and the indi-
riduals who may have their homes
(Written Comnmnications - contTd. :ondemned or de-v~lued. It is not
fair or.just to sacrifice existing
Guichard, 211j0 Wardell Road, ~ ~axpaye~s fbr ,future"ones.
urging the Council to require" "' :~ "'
Parker Ranch make provisions to' ~S~irley Deemer, 20751 Wardell Road,
extend Wardell Road through their addressed th~ Council on behalf of.
property. o herself, he~ husband, and the Jett
· ~ · . family across~the street. They
both concerned with the advent .of
D. Fulgham, 20502 Wardell Road,, widening of Wardell Road if Wardell
addressed the Council on behalf is extended as proposed. She
of the Wardell homeowners group, distributed maps of the area.
stating objections and concerns.
with the extension of Wardell Wardell Road is proposed as a 40-foot
Road. She presented photo lay- ro~d; however, .easements have been
outs of Wardell Road at various granted where developments have been
points, for inclusion with the made, with another 10 feet. They
file on this subject. ~ have not dedicated an easement to
the City, nor have the Jetts.
The concerns are, "Can a road b~
put through this terraine with- Another consideration is the b~idge
out considerable damage to the on Wardell Road at Calabazas Creek,
lands and people's homes who which is 20 feet. In order to
are presently living there?" widen or replace it, you are talking
about a cost of $140,000,
#2 -Safety. It's a very real
concern that all of thei'~driv~- Further e~phasizing problems on the .
ways back out onto Wa~dell; this lower end of Wardell Road, i'?e., the
road is shared with children drainage situation, the top of the.
riding bikes and walkin~ to get driveway on their property is flush
~o the bu~ stop at Saratoga- with the street.and drains down into
Sunnyvale and Wardell. their garage. An~ further excavatibn
or widening of Wardell Road would
#3 - Flooding. As indicated in bring more water do~a~-into their
the photo layouts, pictures 6f property.
the storm run-off during winter l
'78 as it poured.off theLpriv~Ee Lawrence Robin, 20685 Wardell Road,
rOad and flooded Arroyo de stated they recently moved to Saratoga
Arguello and the people at the from Blaney Avenue in Cupertino, in
bottom of the hill. order to get off a busy street. They
thought this would be a relatively
#~ - Widening of the bridge and quiet stree~ as it dead-ended a'couple
roadway of lower Wardell. It of blocks away. He thought this
would be necessary if the road would be limited to the local neighbor-
were to carry more traffic. hood type of traffic. He ·finds now
that since Route 85 hasn't gone
#5 - An unbearable traffic through yet, a lot of commuters are
situation is on the'rise now. using Wardell and Cox as an alternate
There is thru traffic from and a way to avoid the corner of
Stelling to Prospect to Via Prospec~ and Highway 9.
V. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Cont~d.) The third point is, "Why dQ we
find it necessary toprovide an~
B. PROPOSED A~END~NT TO THE additional east~wes t access roads,
GENERAL PLAN CIRCULATION other than emergency service~ to
ELEMENT IN.THE WESTERN HILL- the Parker Ranch lands and the
SIDES weSt.side hill area?" It seems
that Prospect. Avenue and Stelling
1. Certification 0~ Negative Road are much Better able to
Declaration handle increased traffic than the
cirdulation Being proposed.
(Lawrence Robin - cont'd.) '
As a citizen, he is concerned that
One of the things he'iearned in the city is going to .embarkon a
living on Blaney Avenue was plan that ~ould mq~ire ~he con-
that smaller communities are 'demnation of property and houses
responsive to the voice of the ~ of exis't~h~ residentsin order to
local citizens. He is opposed. open up the hillsides to future
to extending Wardell Road for developmentSfor people who aren't
the following reasons: residents now. He is not opposed
to the rights of p~esent land-
Improvements, such as the widen: owners in developing their lands;
ing of Wardell Road from Highway however, we should protect the
9 to Arroyo de Arguello, will rights of existing residents.
serve to encourage additional
use of these roads by non-local Linda Sterling, 12675 Arroyo de
residents. The cost of improy- Arguello, stated when they first
ing and maintaining these roads moved here, they experienced the
will be borne by residents of first full winter in 1978. She
the city, and it will be borne had been stunned by ~he amount of
by residents in the city for th~ mud she witnessed coming off of
convenience of the County and the 3 different roads off the hill,
State for their failure to com- that washed through their back
plete the extension of Highway g5 yard and across their driveway,
and created a tremendous number
Secondly is the question of of other problems. They did some
safety for the children in the planning with.retaining walls and
neighborhood. Two shhool moving dirt around and have solved
districts board buses along. some of the problems, at their own
Wardell Road -- usually during expense. In this intersection,
~peak commute hours. There is the flooding is very great and you
a blind spot at the crest of can see the results today of all
Wardell before you approach the mud that is sitting there in
Carniel and the 4-way stop sign. front of the row of mailboxes on
This blind spot is such that if Wardell. The water run-off in that
you are coming up from the westi area is going to continue. The
side and make the stop at more we widen roads and pave and
Carniel, you cannot see traffic put in houses and driveways, the
coming over the crest Of the hill less land will absorb this water
His feeling is that non-local ~ and the more it is going to roll
traffic must be discouraged fro~ off.
using Arroyo de Arguello and
Wardell. Perhaps, with the Her prime concern is safety. She
addition of several stop signs, has a very clear view of the inter-
non-residents will no longer section of Wardell and Arroyo de
desire to use these streets be- Arguelto. The bulk of people run
cause of the requirement for . those stop signs, and there is a
frequent stops and slower traffic great safety problem right now.
Also, a traffic light at Pierce Cars come down Wardell, make a right-
and Highway 9 is an.evenuality, hand turn on Arroyo, and they do
and should be considered, irre- not always see people on the side
gardless of whatever is done in. of the road as it is not clear at
the west side hill development that corner, due to shrubbery and
and circulation plan. the way it~i~ff~et.
V. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Cont'd.) (Beth Javaheri' cont'd.)
B. PROPOSED AMENDMENT.TO THE you would have to remove a part.of
GENEP~L PLAN CIRCULATION at least6 homes' back yards.
ELEMENT IN THE WESTERN HILL- These homes ~ange from $300,000 to
SIDES $450,000 each. This would-de-value
the property and condemn it.
1. Certification of Negative
Declaration During the rainy season, they
experienced tremendous flooding.
(Linda Sterling - cont'd.) If that road is developed, every
square foot of asphalt and every
There is ~ problem With people home that is developed is going to
coming from other areas. A add to that problem. The last
friend of hers who lives in rain filled their pool with mud
Scotts Valley commuted for two and debris, and flowed over the
years Via Route 17, through ~ retaining wall which they Built
L6s Gatos-Saratoga, down Saratoga and was within 4 feet of their
BUnnyvale Road,.down Wardell and. back door, and it would have washed
Arroyo, cutting throughto under their house had they not
PrOspect. She did this for two. dug a trench 60 feet long. When
years to go to Palo Alto. ~ they dug the trench, that pro-
. ~ ceeded to wash away a good part
There is an existing traffic ~ of supports. for fences that they
situation, and the residents !! had put on their property.
are being asked to increase this
problem by'getting access tothis If a new road bed is put in, she
area. We are not solvin~ toda~'s can only believe the people who
problems. put it inwill have Ito be responsible
~ for any damage done.~'..
If you widen'Wardell and put it
through at the angle it is ~ Marcel Venator, 21120 Wardell Road,
coming through, when they ~iss stated the City dOes,~not have a
coming off that hill, they are t legal easement.thrOuSb h~r property
going to land in her driveway and and she is not going to grant one..
in her shrubs. They.are already The City would not only have to
missing a wide-open corner and condemn her land for this easement,
coming on her lawn. but also destroy her lO0-year-old
historic home. ~The cost of con-
Beth Javaheri, 12881 Arroyo-de demning her hom~ and land and the
Arguello, indicated she would homes below thehill'would run
like to give the perspective of into millions of dollars before
those homeox~ners who are at. thel getting to the road and its cost
base of Wardell Road extension and problems. She referenced One
now. There are some 10 homes, picture in the photo layout pre-
9 of. which are directly at the sented earlier,.which shows the
base of that road as it winds up relation of the existing road and
the-hill. 2 of those homes hers the land Mr. Guichard has offered
included~ are 1-acre homes; 6 to give the City. It is not
are R-40,000; and 1 is R-15,000j feasible to build a road in this
The road as it stands was ori- location. In addition, even if
ginally intended to be 16 feet the City condemned her land, you
.wide. With the erosion that has can't cut a road on the uphill side
occurred over the years and total because it is too steep and high
lack of maintenance, it is 12 and it is total landslide area.
feet in some plaees, lowe,r_in
others, and on most Of tha~ road, When the City Council.~a~dPIah~{~
there is no way that 2 cars can' Commission gave Columbis=F~f~
pass. if this.is widened to a Savings and Loan permission to
Class B road, it would widen it' build those houses whose back yards
to 40 feet; a Class A road would back up to the private road, she
be 60 feet. In order to do this, does not believe the City would have
V. PUBLIC HEARINGS (C0nt~.d.) (Vince Garrod - cont'd.)
B. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE City Planning Commission will com-
GENERAL PLAN CIRCULATION plete the pattern for the northwest
ELEMENT IN THE WESTERN HILL- zone. In this proposal, you are
SIDES not allowing .for a lot of cul-de-
sacs.to be d~veloped. Also, with
1. Certification0f Negative this pattern, you are allowing
Declaration traffic to flow in and through the
hills in a multitude of areas,
(Marcel Venator - cont'd.i rather than all down one road.
He would like to urge the City to
approved that plan if they had adopt this circulation pattern.
had any plans of widening that ~en building is done anyplace,
road and condemning all those the people who do it will be assured
houses. that access will be proper,'and the
people living there now will be
Charles Guichard, 21130 Wardell' assured that their own roads will
Road, stated it is not a question not be overloaded.
of whether Wardell Road will be:
built or not. It is a question Russell Crowther, Norada Court,
of, "Willit be built in the addressed'the Council on behalf
common good of the entire city?" of the Arguello Homeowners Association
3 people at this meeting -- He presented a letter. from John
Mr. Guichard, Mr. Maridon and Weir which he indicated he would
Mr. Torre ~- have legal rights like to read to the Council.
to put in a 40-foot road, and Mr. Crowther indicate~d that he '~
they intend to-do so. They supports the people on-Wardell
would like to cooperate with who would like that street not
everyone and get the road through to go through. Also, he is very
so that it connects with Parker concerned about Krei~ler ~d. ~
Ranch because of the many advanz Hillmoor Courts'going through.
tages to the community for this There are flooding problems in
sort of connection. The Cox that area that are related to
Fire Station is in ready access the run-off, and the flo6ding is
of the entire Parker Ranch once sensitive to the amount of~.
Wardell is put through. As impervious surface that. is built
to condemning any houses along: in hills. He also supports the.,
lower Wardell, this is a ri. dicu- people on Pierce Road who are
lous statement. The rightsto concerned about traffic problems
that road anti-dated anything in that area, and also thedpeople
that was built on that road for on Comer and Chiquita, Quarry,
the past 10 years. Those rights Via Regina, Old Oak Way, etc., who
have been there since 1894. would hot.like their streets to go
through. Mr. Crowther proceeded
For the past 10,000 years, water to read the letter:
has been coming downhill to-.this~
area. It isn' the act that "We object to your proceeding on
the street was sUddenl~'bdil~'" the General Plan Circulation Element
that there were floods -- it has and Housing Element changes with-
always flooded, and residents out preparing an EIR. The large
bought with that knowledge. public concern about these proposed
Whether Wardell is put through . changes and growth and other
or not, there are going to be impacts clearly illustrate the
problems. need for a careful evaluation with
publ{c imputs relative to detailed
Vince Garrod, Mr. Eden Road, concerns.
indicated he would like to'make7
In the Planning CommissiOn hearings
one point: The town needs a '
complete circulation pattern, the City Attorney indicated there
and this proposal by the was court precedent that held that
the California Administrative Code
8 -
V. PUBL'IC HEARINGS (Cont'd. (RUssell Crowther- cont'd..)
B. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE Hillmoor and Wardell all will
GENERAL PLAN CIRCULATION affect tr'affic on Wardell Road.
ELEMENT IN THE ~tSTERN HILL- Considerable Pierce Road traffic
SIDES now cuts through on Comer to exit
at the Wardell traffic light.
1. CertifiCation of Negative It should Be increasingly clear
Declaration that the only plan that wil~ not
result in financial disaster and
(.Russell Corwther ~ ~o~t'd.)- public safety hazards is to
reduce the allowable density of
s'ect~ons which. reduire an EIR 'i~ ~.~he hi,t.ls,' Only if. this iS
for General Plan changes were d~:~{~l;W~b'~'.ab~eto develop
invalid. In checking, we find a workable and acceptable plan.
the City Attorney's conclusions Thus, I encourage all of you to
'to be false, and find recent ~" a'ct:in'the Best interest of SaratOga
Appellate Court precedent up-~ .on April 8th.b'~ ~oting for Measure A."
holding the validity of this ' ' · "~ '
Administrative Code section. Mr. CroQther further commented
thatone-of the areas affected in
With respect to the Circulation the Circulation Element is indicated
Element, we believe that no major in. the Housing Element as being
city maintained roads should go 'sUitable for f&~e~lly subsidized
through the hilrs. The financial housing, namely the Fremont High
~isks are too great, independent School 48-acre site. If the density
of the many other adverse impactb on that site were kept low enough,-
which have been iterated to you there would be no need to extend
many times. We do not believe t~ose roads. The homeo.wners group
that the City should engage in- believes the.key thing to do is to
accepting or maintaining s:treets. face the fact that Proposition 4 is
in steep hillsides-areas, and coming and Saratogans aren't going
should not take the risk of to accept the assessment districts
selling bonds ~o: subsidize proposed by the city.
developer cons. truction of streets~"
' CouncilwOman Callon pointed out
Mr.. Crowther stated that there I that it is.not proposed that'lots
are measures before the City to which currently exist.-are going to
sell bonds 'for financing streets be~se~e~i- ....
in the hills, and he bel~ieves a -~- ' .......... '
very important difference between Mr, Crowther commented'that it
a thru street and a cul-de~sac looks like exiSting'residents can
-street is that if it is'a thru be assessed. Another reason he
street, it has to.-b~ a city- brought.up the Housing Element is
maintained street, where if it is because'there is a limit on the
a cul-de=sac or loop street, it number of times the General Plan
does not have to Be. can be modified in one year, and
the.homeow~ers associat,ion is
"As you know, we furth"'.~."~e asking that the City consolidate
believe that neither HillmOor these two' into one change so that
or Kreisler Court should be if other changes are needed during
extended to-Stelling, nor should the year, they can be made.
Wardell, Comer, or Chiquit~ be
made thru streetS. Quarry, Old Cheriel Jensen, 13737 Quito Road,
Oak Way and other hillside indicated she would lik'e to request
streets also should not be made that the Council~'~i~d~'t~'~-
thru streets.. It also is Circulation'Eleme~ a~n~''
-:' imRortant that you consider over- bring. it up again until we really
· all cumulative impacts, and not' know what our hillsides are capable
eva.luate each 'street on a piece- of supporting, in terms of develop-
meal basis. 'For example,.ex- ment and development density.
tension'of 'Comer, Kreisler,
V. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Co~)' (Cheriel Jensen - cont'd.)
B. PROPOSED Aj.~NDMENT TOTHE The Calabazas Creek watershed basin
GENERAL PLAN CIRCULATION has a higher deposition rate than
ELE~PENT IN THE WESTERN HILL- any other creek drainage in the
SIDES County, according to the Water
District Geologist. If we go ahead
1. Certification of Negativ~ and design this road system and
DectI~ration adopt it on the General Plan
before we.have seen t~e recommen-
(Cheriel Jensen - cont'd.) dations from the 208 Study-and
before we have seen if it is
.She indicated she had come be- possible.to engineer these roads,
fore the Planning Commission on we will be doing a major disservice
this issue and asked them for to our citizens.
an E.I.R. on this amendment to th~ -
General Plan. She had been told l~illem Kgh%er, 21837 Via Regina,
by the City Attorney this was not indicated he is surprised to see
a project under SEQUA because - a Negative Impact Report request.
of the E1 Torro case. She ob- It is based on an existing environ-
tained the ruling case on this mental impact report on previous
issue, and this is a project unde~ developments. The total surface
SEQUA, as would be all general. area of all of these roads is a
plan amendments, even if they magnitude higher than all the houses
were changing the zoning on a' built there. The new study from
single lot. In the City of Bill Cotton on the geologic map
Santa Anna vs. Garden Grove, the shows many more slide areas which
ruling was made that general plan we did not know about, and that-
amendments are projects under map was not available when the
SEQUA. At the Planning Commissio~ previous developments received
meeting, everyone was led to their environmental impact report.
believe this was not a project There should be an environmental
unaer SEQUA, an'd they did not impact report on all these roads,
know the Planning Director had and then decide. I.
signed a Negative Declaration on
February 5'th. Janet Harris, 21083 Comer Drive,
requested to read a letter into
Mr. RobinsOn, Planning Director,; the record:
stated that the Negative Declar-
ation was prepared prior to the "In regard to the proposed amendment
meeting which Mrs. Jensen refers to the Circulation Element, we the
to. The Negative Declaration undersigned support the concept of~
was prepared prior to the time disbursing the traffic via several
the City Attorney had indicated connector streets to the alternate'.
the case referred to. north-south route. However, this
· must include an east-west connection
Mr.~ Beyer, City Manager, to Highway 85, which would be an
explained that it is possible al.ternative to Pierce, i.e., Wardell
the Negative Declaration did not Road. In the absense of this east-
come before the Planning west connection, one or two streets
Commission because the lead agent Would become main thru streets and
on the E.I.R. is the Council. would bear the brunt of the traffic
created. by development in the hill-
Mrs. Jensen commented that if the sides. If the final proposal
City allows roads to be built presented by the.Planning Commission
through this fragile land, it is not agreed to in its entirety
will not be able to afford to with Wardell as a connector, we
maintain them and the people down- desire to revert back to the loop
stream will beVery heavily concept in Plan 2A, ~dopted by the
impacted forever after. Council prior to this most recent
V. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Cont'd.) Dora Gre~s,' 13451 Old Oak Way,
~ statement that--the 1972 Generali~-_
GENERAL PLAN CIRCULATION ll~an map~sho__wjz_if0r ex~l~; W~'deli~~
ELEMEN~ IN THE I,~STERN HILL- ~ex~ensi.on__~npecti~g._t.6 Ol~ Oa~!'Nay
SIDES q~eKving_thi~"area.. Recent resfd~ntial
,'development on.i61d Oak Way maEes this
1. Certification of Negative ~ac6~ss road: unfe~B~/~jd~y ~".
Declaration ~ result, ~%~tnd~:~needs-fo be made~
~_~hJ_feasl~ili~y'~f,~-~' c6i~or
(Janet Harris - cont'd.) street to serve'=th=i~ 'area. This was
· in the 1974.General Plan that was
Mrs. Harris stated'that ~he anH circulated to the public.
her neighbor co!le.cted ~3 signa~
tures to this letter. Mr. Robinson, Planning Director,
indicated that the 1974 General Plan
She commented that they attended clearly indicates that the Wardell
meetings tqo years ago, at which extension should be eliminated.
time it was their understanding
a plan was adopted for the loop/ Ron Knapp, 20885 Wardell Road,
concept. They never received 7 addressed the Council on beh~tf of
word from"the City that anything himself and the .Wardell Homeowners
else was being discussed, until Association. H& stated that the
they started hearing rumors. first time upper Wardell Road was
The people in this area are not. in the 1968 General Plan, that
aware of the latest proposal, rode on the books until the 1974
and she would like t'o express plan. However, in the interim,
concern for the whole process! there were. traffic Droblems that
. were worsening[~'~?~he~e- ~ere
Ther~ have been a lot of water hearings at t~a6' ~ime b~y'~oth the
problems for the small amount Planning Commission and city Council.
of homes along Comer· Drive with. At that time, Mayor ~mith and
the Wardell people and with the: Councilman Bridges wrote a memo
City. to Jim Huff directing that "a
precise street circu%ation~pt~n for
Council~oman Callon pointed out the entireWardellarea be developed".
that the present pr'ocess does ~ The intent was to preclude future
.. a~low for citizens to initiate traffic problems before access
changes to the General Plan. to the hil~s wa~ to~ally b~ocked. '
In this particular case, a ~ That plan was later developed, but
citizens group approached the not until 1974. In 1971, there was
City because of development prob- a meeting with Mayor Smfth' and
lems in their area, and requested Cole Bridges regarding the flood
the City look at an alternate potential caused ~y natural drainage
route. routes by putting roads in on ~e.
.- velopments and potential problems,
Vince Garrod, 22600 Mount Eden and they again expressed their con-
Road, commented that we do not cern that.all new road developments
know the Calabazas Canyon is the strongly·consider the flood potential.
most fragile area. The 208
Study is a pilot study where we~ In 1973-74, the General Plan done
have taken a small watershed and by Williams and Mocine considered
tried to measure exactly what , tying into Prospect Road by Wardell,.
has happened. It is the first but not tying Wardell to Old Oak
study of its kind. Way at that time.· The final
~ recommendation in the 1974 report
Mrs. Jensen rebutted this, statin was to delete Wardell extension to
that we do know the deposition ~' Old Oak that new development should
rate, and the Water Districtha~ have access arterials, but local
also done borings and can tell access streets should not accommodate
from the past history. thru traffic. We should explore
- 11 -'
V. PUBLIC HEARINGS.(COnt.'d.) (Ron Knapp - co~t'd.)
' B. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE. -I~ is a very dangerous and narrow
-GENERAL PLAN CIRCULATION corner. The first 7 or 8 homes
ELEMENT IN THE WESTEPd{ HILL-' are so near the bank off'the road.,
SIDES- that any widening of the road
· ' Would require a tremendous amount
1. Certification of Negative. of cut and fill. He' would hope
Declaration the City would consider the rights
of the people in the area, and also
(Ron Knapp co~t'd.). ·' the high cost of improvements.
before proceeding, ~nd particularly,
new collec6or streets.to serve the Wardell extension.
th~ western hills. The 'report'.
fUrther'stated that thru streets Mr. Guichard, 21130 Wardell Road,
for residential neighborhoods. commented that Mr. Knapp knows
shall circumvent the core of the full well the road as shown on this
neighborhood. map has been moved out of that
position ~or~ ~h~ Last 8 years.
The traffic was alleviated when Th~e ts~o ~onfli~t with the line
the Council voted tO put the of the road and property 1 and 3.
'4-way stop at the corner of ' , .
Arroyo and Wardell and' at the:' 'MrjPec~ar, 20~80. Qa~elI Road,
corner of Wardell and Carniel. ! ~on~nent'ed~.they ~ave approximately
Even. with this alleviation, the 1,000 f~et of 'roadway through
traffic problems continue to get their p~9~erty. Mr. Wuster gave
worse. The Parker Ranch hearings him m0'st Of the history that went
then occurZ~D~ There was a lot of 'with lthe property, particularly
talk about traffic, bu~ never in. 'those'areas that~involved.land
that study was. the Wardell grants and rights-of-ways. The
extension Considered a viable : 1894 right-of-way dedicated by
route to the Parker Ranch. James E. Gordon is a 20-foot right-
The EIR report did estimate of-way that passed through the
1,485 trips a day by the Parker barn he now occupies as his home.
Ranch development alone, and it The termination of this 20-foot
did raise concern over the. right-of-way came at the~frontside
!926. bridge on Wardell. of Marcie Venator's property. They
are totally different rights-of-ways
In the Northwest Circulation He does not feel .the road as it
Master~!an, it concluded that presently stands is worthy of
al]~r~i~,~involved in the improving because of the lack of
ex~e~'~o~ of Wardell were re- good materials and materials. TO
jectedo We contimue to have move the road into the proper de-
worsening traffic since then. fined deeded.course would be rather
Now, in 1980, the Wardell ex- : expensive. :~'~ ~D:~t~ion,
tension is still included in the: the road is out of"dbu~se by 25 to
new plan. The new plan does, 30 feet. In the a~ea in front of
however, express 'concern over Marcie Venator and the portion that
grading, flooding, access, right- Mr. Guichard has, the centerline of
of-way, widening of the the the road apprdaches the hill's edge.
bridge, and cost of construction:. The County maintains that their
~-,~ !~ requirements are that the grade
He jl~d{c~dT'~.~l~:~%'~ap of the beyond ~he road shall be no greater
'War8~l['~"~'h?~ension, ~shows than 30 . Th~ point of the corner
Wardell as an improved40-foot of the property, the ~Oadway would
street add 60-foot dedicated rig~l ~ave'tol~elmoved 20.to. 30 feet to
of way..,rlit..is a~:4O~foot ~_r~afe the legal position.
~'drf±ght~ o~a~:~
~VeI~&H'~6ni~B~we~I0"~nd~ Mr. Pecsar indicated his proposal
15 feet wide. The right-of-way is that in lieu of making the adj'ust-
does cross two of the properties~. ments he has discussed, he would
-~12 -
V. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Cont'd.) (CouncilwOman Callon - cont~d~
B, PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE built out. Before adopting a
GENEP~L PLAN CIRCULATION new circulation element, She believes
ELEMENT IN THE WESTERN HILL- the Council would want to know that,
SIDES rather than putting patterns on a
general plan map that it is not sure
1. Certification of Negative it really wants to build.
Councilman Matteoni indicated he
(Mr. Pecsar - cont'd.) has some questions.about the
physical ability to install Wardell
offer a pass through the bottom within the confines of what is
of his property equivalent'.in shown on the general plan circu-
width as necessary to accommodate lation element. He does not believe,
the road, that would go across however, that it is necessary to have
'Guichard's property, over an E.I.R., But believes we can pin-
Meridan's property, and into the point the questions. The Engineer-
adjoining properties that choose ing Department might provide input
to be accommodated. T~? would in terms of what can be accomplished
provide the most level.courSe in.terms of a turning movement, and
possible in this land. w~e~h~ror not we are going to be
Mr. Meridan, 21085 Wardell Road,~ invading any of those lots.
he had the road surveyed_and _.' Councilwoman Corr.commented that
h it appears we are going in a com-
some of the old stakes'.ar@~'~Z,~Z~r~i~ ' ·
~['~h'~Do.t~b~~ .~here is a 50-foo.t plete circle.' It w~s her under-
right-of-~a~hich goes up past standing Wardell Road was something
~he second tree. He indicated that hadlbeen discarded originally,
that their particular right.of- and she would like to see us pull
way was deeded in 1923, not 1894. together s~me of the comments that
appeared in ,the Other environmental
Russell Crowther commented that impact reports a~out the traffic
the City has an approved tenta- and what alternatives could be.
tive map for the Parker Ranch
which shows neither Wardell Road' Mayor Kraus commented that he has
going through the Parker P~nch, difficulty with some of these
the road going through on the roads -- Wardell in particular. He
back side, nor a road shown throu halso has a concern with regard to
from Chiquita. He. inquired what putting the City through a lot of
the City plans. to do about this.. effort at this time, in that there
is an initiative on the ballot, and
Councilman Matteoni indicated it it depends on what happens to that
is his understanding the Council~ as to how th.e Council might proceed.
would have to have a request for He suggested that the Council
modification of the tentative ; arrange to go up and look at this
map where there are changes, and~ area and the proposed connections.
would have to address it at that This was acceptable to the Council.
M/S: Callon/Corr to continue this
Mr. Crowther indicated he'would public hearing to May 7, 1980.
like to urge that because of this Carried unanimously.
situation, any further approvals
related to the Parker Ranch
development be suspended until ~
this is-worked out.
Council~oman Callon commented tha~
she does not believe the Council!
has addressed what would happen
if the circulation element were
13 -
Recess and Reconvene
A. CONSIDERATION OF APPEAL OF Mr. Robinson, Planning Director,
PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION verbalized the staff report, dated
RELATIVE TO INCONSISTENCY WITH 3/13/80. The basic issue of the
THE GENERAL PLAN IN GRANTING~ appeal is inconsistency with some
TENTATIVE MAP APPROVAL, ~ of the ordinances recently approved
SD-1356 (MT. EDEN ESTATES' by the City.
The Director of Inspection Services'
report, dated 3/11780, was in-
corporated into the report and
recommendations of the Planning
staff.' This speaks to .items 2 and
3 of the appeal related to geology.
Mr. Wimberly elaborated concerning
the findings and recommendations of
the project consultants relative
to geology of this site.
The Mayor declared the public
hearing opened at 10:45 P.M.
Ed Bolger, 13627 Vaquero Court,
indicated he and his wife are
appealing the Mt. Eden Estates
tentative map approval, based on
the following concerns:
1) inappropriate densities;
2) inappropriate improvements; and
3) roads crossing potentially un-
stable land
Re: Inappropriate densities. "We
feel that 23 lots in an area com-
prised of potentially~s~able-~and
geological' mapb~
and Associates, dated 1/31/80,
showing the soil stabilit~ to ~e
similar to that'of near Mt. Eden
Court. He'indicated~that a massive*
landslide has occurred causihg
hundreds of thousands ofdollars of
property damage and road,damage to
at least 3 homeowners. The ~o~s
that are experienqing disaster are
approximately 1 acre in size.
"It is our feeling that if only
the. be~t lands in the hills are
~ utilized in the building of homes,
a great deal of money and heart-
aches! can. Be saVed.'Furthermore,
we. are not convinced that because
land is not actively moving, it is
safe'tobuitd a house.Y
- 14 -
V. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Cont'd.) (Mr. Bolger cont'd.)
A. CONSIDERATION OF'APPEAL OF latter point presents a grave con-
PLANNING COldMISSION DECISION cern to residents of .Vaquero Court
RELATIVE TO INCONSISTENCY WITH whose only means of ingress and
THE GENERAL PLAN IN.GRANTING egress is Quarry Road. It fs felt
TENTATIVE ~IAP APPROVAL, that further debris from the creek
-SD-1356 (MT. EDEN ESTATES) would impact the slide area and
cause problems under Quarry Road
(Mr, Bolger - c~nt'd.) and cause the road to collapse.
........ ~ For the above reasons, we are asking
~[~' Bolger: cormnented that it is that the Mt. Eden Estates tentative
~i~aer~'tanding there were 2- map not be approved in its present
.different soils engineers involved form."
in the Dumas homes, which was the
home that had all the problems on Jim Cochrane, 13615 Vaquero.Court,
Mt. Eden Court. He Urged that indicated he would like to stress
no more than 12 lots be permitted that the City is building houses
to be built in the~Mt. Eden sub- in a very sensitive area. He lives
-division. adjacent to the area where these
houses are considered to be built,.
Re: Inappropriate improvements. and he can say that his house has
vWe feel that the proposed.dam moved down the hill~n~"~h~_~e_'~grs
in the quarry adjacent to the sub- no longer open and shu[7 ·Also, just
division, which' we understand is below him is Quarry Road, and it,is·
to be erected for erosion and floo'd sliding into the creek. Great care
control, is a threat to people needs'to be taken on where these
and property in Calabazas Creek houses are placed in this sensitive
drainage area. We feel that .any area.. His conclusion'is that we
dam placed in an ar~a Which has really ~ave toq mahy houses in this
knox~ doi~nant landslides and is area , and not' enough discretion has
clo~e to known earthquake faults been made in where these houses
presents a grave concern for all' will be,placed.
people from the Quarry'Creek
intersection with Calabazas Creek, bora Grens%-:1345T ~ld' Oak Way,'
and continuing down the Calabazas commented that the base of the hill
Creek. I am sure that the resident's on which she lives is owned by the
of Quarry Road,'Ch.iquita. W~y,- applicant. It has eroded away con-
Surry Lane, Comer Drive,. Wardell siderably.in the past 7 years, and
'Road, Arroyo de Arguello, and she~[as g~eat concerns, should this
everyqne els'e backing up' to the water-retention~a~ea burst.and
Calabazas Creek would not apprecia't~ erode away more.. It will undercut
having~h~ ~er'c~l~e&~~7~in'~'a~He~'- the area in which 'they now live.
" rain· pe~ %nund~ ~i~' p~perfy'
· if the dam·were t.o break or over- Willem Kohler, 21842 Via Regina,
flow." indicated he would like tQ s~ress
that 2 new things have come'up since
Re: 'Roads crossing potentially the Planning Commission considered
· unstable land. "After reviewing this application. One of the
the William Cotton.and Associates points is a dam, as there has never
geological map, one no'tes-that the been a complete study on how .the
proposed streets and emergency dam would be designed. The real
'access for the subdivision cross
potentially unstable lands. In . Behind~S~h5Use','b~&~d'~~'Road,
fact,.a good portion of,the ," Vaquero Court, and his homeis where
emergency access to.the subdivision half of Quarry Road slid into the-
has. recently collapsed in a land- creek.. If tentative map is approved,'
slide. Not only does this render certain.activities would be started,
.the proposed access u~safe, but and it would be a direct danger..
also, partially blocks the normal'. If there is an emergency, a fire
flow of Quarry Creek in-'.altering truck would. notbe able to-g~.t by.
the course of the cr~ekL. This '..:
~"~ ~'~"- -=-~-~--) '-1'5 - -..
V PUBLIC HEARINGS (Cont'd.) Jgseph !
Gabrielle~ Principal
Geologist with Teritech Engineering,
A. CONSIDEP~TION OF APPEAL OF indicated he shares Mr. Cochrane and
PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION Mr. Bolger's concerns, to a degree,
RELATIVE TO INCONSISTENCY WITH about the sensitivity of this area·
THE GENEP~L PLAN' IN GRANTING He stated they have completed a
TENTATIVE MAP APPROVAL, very exhaustive study of this area
SD-1356 (~· EDEN ESTATES) and identified some of the features
that must be recognized in design.
(Mr./~KShlef- c0nt'd.) There is no denying the fact that
there are landslides on this property;
He urged that the Council not however, there are different classi-
approve this tentative map until fications of landslides, and to
corrective action has been taken classify all the landslides as being
for this road, and the City can active is truly misnomer. There
be Satisfied that the.people are only 2 landslides on the proper._Cy~>
would have proper access to that that are designated as active and
development. they have been mitigated through
" proper design and engineering
Vince Garrod, ~22600 Mt· Eden Road, techniques. The City Geologist'
indicated he lives adjacent to thi:s has reviewed their work and has
'parcel of land. He stated that ~ approved it.
whether this is stable or not, he
would submit that if you build George Tobin, Attorney on behalf
12 houses there, you have to puE of Mr~ Cocciardi, addressed the
in a road -- if you build 22 houses question of density. The number
you have to put in a road.' There- of lots, 23, conforms 'to the
this argument doesn't make any General Plan and conforms to all
sense. the requirements of the Zoning
. Ordinance. With the loss of 2 lots,
He would like to point out that they have gotten a little less
this is not a retention dam, but a density, which may make for a better
de-acCelleration sediment basin. subdivision.
Water carries 4 times at the square
of its volume as to material. Mr. Tobin ~ommented that maybe the
If you slow its velocity down, it Council is not aware of the amount
immediately drops the material· of design detail that went into
The purpose-of the retention dam each one of these lots· Each one
is to drop the sediment, not to of these lots was analyzed by Mr.
store water. The access to this Nelson, Civil Engineer, and also
property is Mt. Eden Road; Quarry by Mr. Wimberly of the City, as to
Road is not access. If it slides the driveway entrance to the lot
out, it doesn't bother this sub~ and the elevation of the pad on
division -- the only people it is which the building could be con-
critical to is the people on Quarry strucf~H~and the location itself
Road and Vaquero if they lose the on which~he buildfng would be con-
emergency access. structed, and generally, it embraces
an area of approximately 5,000 square
Mr. Garrod indicated that Mr. feet: This subdivision has been
Cotton's big maps sent to the fully analyzed in .all aspects in its
City of Saratoga were just picked relationship-to the objectives of
out of all the various geological the City o.f Saratoga.
studies which have been donej
This happened to be one parcel that Mr. Wimberly, Director of Inspection
was done specifically ahead of time Services, ~ndicated he would like
and now it i~ incorporated into to 'cla~ify.forthe record that
city maps. Mr. Cotton'S maps show the area of
this subdivision as predominately
"PS" and "PD". The area of
- 16
V. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Cont'd.) Mayor Kraus indicated he would have
difficulty finding this subdivision
A. CONSIDERATION OF APPEAL OF to be inconsistent with the General
PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION Plan, based on the testimony by the
RELATIVE TO INCONSISTENCY WITH geologist and city staff.
TENTATIVE MAP APPROVAL, M/S: Matteoni/Corr to 'deny t~e'
SD-1356 (MT. EDEN ESTATES) appeal and uphold the Planning
Commission decision to approve the
(Mr. Wimberty - cont'd.) 23-1ot subdivision, and find it
consistent with the General Plan.
Mt. Eden Court that slid,' Mt. Carried 3 to 1, Councilwoman Calldn
Cotton referred to as an "MD" area. in opposition.
Therefore, the movement potential
categories are not.the same in this
subdivision as they are in that
M/S: Callon/Corr to close the
public hearing. Carried unani-
mobsly. The public hearing was
closed at 11:05 P.M.
Councilman Matteoni commented that
he'does see this as a question of
consistency, ~nd also, dealing with
a "sensitive area". However, the
applicant has changed geologists
and more extensive analyses has
been done,' and he hears from Mr.
Wimberly and from Mro.Gabrielle
that the answers are there, and
the manner in caring for this
sensitive area can be accomplished.
This bears heavily on his mind in~
terms of finding some consistency.
Councilwoman Callon commented that
she can say that the development
as proposed is not consistent wit~
the General Plan. In the E.I.R.
where it talks about treatment of7
the creek to stop all~.it~e erosion,
the consultant says that kind of
treatment wouldn't be consistent
with the General Plan. Her remedy~
would be fewer lots in order to
have lots in order to have more lanl
away from the creek and betting
, siting of the houses, to try to get
away from some of the geologic
Councilwoman Corr indicated she
is concerned with regard to the
questions raised; however, we
should accept the opinions of
the experts that they have made. the
proper analysisof the problems
and are planning to correct theme'
17 -
A. RESOLUTION 943 CouncLl~oman Calion requested
A RESOLUTION~OF THE CITY mov'aI.o~ Ltems C an8 $-2'£rom t~e
COUNCIL OF THE CITY O~ Consent CaIenda~.
MISSION FOR T~PO~RY M/S: Callbn/Corr to approve the
CLOSU~ OF STATE HIG~AY'~~ Consent Calendar, minus items
FOR THE SA~TOGA BLOSSOM C and E-2.- Carried unanimously.
C. ~SO~TION 946
(MT. EDEN ROAD'79-2, ~S,
FUNDS FOR F.Y. ~980-8~
~. ~SOLUT;ON 948', ~: CON-
TP~NSZT V~N '. ~"'
G. C~ T~ASUP~R'S ~PORT " '
- 18 -
c. RESOLUTION 946 Councllwo'man Callon
COUNCIL OF THE CITY'OF Mr. Robinson', planning Director,
SARATOGA ORDERING ANNEXATIO~ explained that the purpose of this
(UNINHABITED ITERRITORY= ~ annexati'on is to allow that this
ALL LANDOWNERS CONSENT)' (MT. property would be contiguous to
EDEN ROAD 79..L91, MARES, CONE. the DeMartini property in the city
HORVATH). ~ limits.
M/S: . Corr/Matteoni t6 adopt
Resolution 946. Carried unanimously.
E. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TIlE Councilwoman Callon requested an
FILING OF APP[LICATION WITH' explanation concerning this appli-
MTC FOR ALLOCATION OF TDA ' cation for a second van.
FUNDS FOR F.~,, 1~80-8t
2. RESOLUTION 94~, APPROVIN, The City Manager explained that
, in. itially the plan called for two
RESERVATION OF FUNDS FOR vans, and this leaves the option
PURCHASE ~F A SECOND PARA-open for a second van if there is
~ a need.
M/S: Corr/Callon to adopt
Resolution 949. Carried unanimously.
3. Richard C. Lindberg, 1305( ~Council concensus to allowd'previous
consideration 1
i ·
motion rei t~ve to pro-!
posed 3 I garage and
allowed se~tback.
1. Letter fro~ Mr. Ruffo Referred to the City Managers
Re: legislation in. Committee.
reference to the sale or
use of fir&wOrks. "(The
WOrd "sale~' has been
left out of' the legis-
2. Letter fro~m Local Agency Noted.and filed'.
Formation Commission,
outlining ~olicies to b'e'
incorporatdd into LAFCO'
Guidelines and PolicieS.
19 -
1. Letter from Bernard j. The City Manager ~/e'~l~
Vogel, Jr., ~ttorney for ~f"Eh~i~t~h~ ~b~':dd~
Allen DeMart~ni, requesting 'ptet~d'~i~~ion with this
final map approval on Creek-~>final map'. This request is ~de,
a ,r the final map until these items are
cogent that she would not, con~
sider this aS a hardship case, and
~ be reluctant to ~rant the r~questT.
CoUncilman Mat'tebni ~coaen~ed that
. he would not have a problem in
approving this, in that the final
map would not be recorded until
all conditions are met.
M/S: Matteoni/Kraus to grant the
request for conditional final map
approval, subject to- condition ~1
of staff memorandum, dated 3/14/80;
condition ~2 (modified to indicate.
clearance from San.Jose Water Works;
conditions 3, 4 and 5,.as written;
and with the specific understanding
that until those 5 conditions are
met, tlie'..City Manager and City
Engineer are not authorized to sign
the final map and it would not be
recorded; and subject to a 6-month.
Councilman Matteoni Co~ented he
would also support appropriate
fencing along the road so protect
the Azule Nature Preserve. The
Council indicated it would like a
report back. from staff concerning
this issue.
'~e above motion was voted upon.
Councilpersons Corr and Callon
voted in opposition to the motion,
and it therefore did not pass.
2. Reo
c ~endation from ~e Mayor declared this matter be
Planning Co~ission Re: set for public hearing ADril 16, 1980.
~endment ~ ]General Plan ~'
Housing Element
/ ~ :' - , ~..7 .,{-
1. Director of Public Works Mr. Shook, Director of Public Works',
ReCo~nmendat~6n Re:' Three reported that the 'results of the
Way Stop Sig~, Glen Brae' warrant study conducted at this
Driv~ and Vi~ Monte Drive intersection do not justifyl 'st. op
signs. at this location. He there-
fore 'recormnended denial of this
M/S: MaEteoni/Co'rr to deny the
requesjt for stop signs at Glen
Brae Drive and Via Monte Drive.
Carried unanimously.
'Request to ! This item has been continued,-at
SUDp6rt a Ne~ Emergency i the request of the proponentS, to
Mehi&al Service in Saratoga allow. additional data to be
i - I .presented
2. Request by Saratoga Foot- Council concensus to refer this
hill~ DeveloDment for Waiver request to the Parks and RecreatiOn
of P~rks and ~Recreation Fee Commission for a recommendation,
in .C6nnection with Saratoga and consider this at a future City
De el . . Council Meeting.
V oDInent
~ ' to Adj'Burned ~ Regular Meetin
_~' for discussion ~f Personnel
M/S: Matteoni/Callon to adjourn to
an Adjourned Regular Meeting on
Tuesday, March 25, 1980. Carried
unanimously. The meeting was
adjourned at 12:10 A.M.
-Res ullLs_ubmitted,
~R'\ k r