HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-16-1980 City Council Minutes MI'N~U TE S
TIME: Wednesaay, April 16, 1980 - 7:30
PLACE: Saratoga City Council Chambers, :13777 Fruif~za~e 'Ave., Saratoga, Calif.
TYPE: Regular Meeting °
Present: Councilmembers ~ '
Jensen, Mallory, Clevenger,
Absent: None
B. MINUTES M/S: Callon/Mallory to approve
the minutes of March 19, 1980.
Carried unanimously.
1. Members, Parks and Th~ City Clerk administered the
Recreation Cormnission Oath of Office to Sally Price and
Lisa Varney for appointment to
the Parks and Recreation Commission.
2. Member, Library Commission The City Clerk administered the
Oath of Office to Mar~ Gandrud
- y
for appointment to the Saratoga
Library Commission.
1. Agreement for Special' This item has been agendized as
Counsel for Measure "A" a result of Council's action
following an Executive Session on
April 15,' 1980, to hire speci'al
counsel to assist the City Council
in matters relative to Measure "A".
The Council had recommended
entering into an agreement with
Bruce Tichinin for this service.
M/S: Jensen/Mallory~"t~
~thorized to execute a contract
with Bruce Tichinin for legal
services relative to Measure "A".
Carried unanimously.
1. Mary Craig, Brook'Lane, M/S: Jensen/Clevenger to direct
Saratoga. ReDresenting the. the City Mhnager to request that
Westbrook a~ditiOn, expressin Green Valley Disposal Co. pick up
opposition to previous Counci the additional material at this
action to approve Green point, and.to do so for the entire
Disposal ComDany's request '~ city. Motion carried unanimously.
for limitation on ,~h~6~"~ .
~pring Pick Up. ' ...... "~'
2. Russell Crow[her, Norada At the request of Councilwoman Jensen,
Court, referenced his letter Mr. Wimberley reported dates in
to the City Council, dated ~hich bui'lding perm_..its were issued
April 12, 1980. This letter <~d~r~l~_.~~'-r~I~tive
requests that any buildin% an~ F6'~he Parker Ranch d~l~pm~t~'
grading permits issued for th~
Parker Ranch development, for Mr. Tichinin, At'torney, suggested
which substantial work has no~ that if the Council wishes to.-im-
been'performed, be-temporarfl5 pose the restrictions on these lots,
rescinded or rev0kedfnmediat~l) to proceed in the following fashion:
in an emergency action by the 1) Suspend temporarily the validy
Council. of the permits' and~to issue a
stop work or'der with respect
to all construction under them,
pending.further aCtionof the
2) Request the applicant to show
cause why the interim re- .
strictions should notre con-
tinued in effect, pending the
adoption of the specific plan
referred to in MeAsure A.
M/S: Jensen/Clevenger to direct
the staff to suspend the permits
temporarily, to issue a's.top work
'order, and request the applicant
to show cause why the temporary
suspension should not continue in
effect until the specific plan is
adopted, and to donsider this
item up at the study session on
April 22, 1980.
Councilwoman Callon indicated she is
going to vote against this motion
on the basis that she believes
Measure A takes effect in t0 days,
and that the people who came before
,the Council and went through all
the processes according to the rules
of the Council at the time, should
have the opportunity to go forward
until the 'date in which Measure A
takes effect. She also understands
that Measure A would probably catch
up these lots in any case after it
is implemented.
Motion carried, 3 to'l, Councilwoman
Callon in opposition.
3. Russell Crowther, Norada
Court, again referenced.his
letter dated April 12, 1980,
with respect to the housing
element. He indicated his
~2 -
3. Russell Crow[her - Cont'd. The Council directed that the staff
prepare a report .a~dressi~g ~he
concern that-the City has not issues'raised 'i-n'tMr:. CroW~he~.~'
developed open spaqe zoning' letter.at a f~tur~'d~[~'.~-IFurthe~
ordinances. directed the attorney for Measure ~
..be prepared-to comment 6n Tuesda~
Secondly, density reauirements e~ening in~t~rmh of'.~'_t.~_"~t~
: in the 1968 General Plan, as, relate to~the"§pecifi~f~f~f~g-
compared to the 1974 Gen'eral within the Measure A area.
Plan density requirements.
He'referred to Exhibit "J"~b'f> Mr.. Tichinin indicated ~e would be
his letter, the 19.74 GeneraF~ prepared to discuss the oDen space
Plan Map, statihg'.this map was element in det~il~and any ot~er
reviewed in a meeting in Oct., elements of .the General Plan on
19.74, following adoption of - Tuesday evening, if D'ossible.
the General Plan, specificall~
with regard to the' Fremont
Hf~hSchool site. The key
question was that the text of
the General Plan is inconsis-
tent with respect to the
diagram Which shows the slope
conservation. zone cutting
through the school site',-The
current'General Plan map'did
not exist o~ May 1; 1974, and
there' were no public h.earings
held on the chaBges that. were
made in the map. -.
4, Willem Kohler, 21842 Via · Councilwoman Jensen indicated she
Begina, commenting re: new feels the Council has an obligation
city council and the, mandate lto act on this request now that '7~
to preserve open space and' ~i'~'~dB]~'~has come up.
'the rural character of Sarato~ 2
M/S: Jensen/Clevenger to include all
Suggested that khe Council in- lands above the 15% slopeline with-
clude another moratorium and in the provisions of the initiative
specific plan for the remainde at this time, and at a later time,
of the hillsides not included make a decision as to which of
under Measure A. those lands the City may want to
-- include or no~.
Mayor Callon commented she believes
this a very powerful posture to
take, a~d believes it would be
better to become informed on the
issue~prior to.taking..action. If- .
~as th~ araai-cont~ine~ within Measure
Councilman Mallory commented there
is a vast difference between a
4.. Willem Kohler ~ Con~"d. .sentiment of'~he d~tizens and
taking a'major step to legally
affect people. This should be
done with careful'consideration,
:and he would not be in favor of
any sudden mo~es in this direction.
The Mayor called for the vote
on this motion; the motion failed,
Councilmembers Callon and Mallory
in oppositibn.
Mayor Callon indicated the staff
would be directed to study the
remainder of the hillsides, and
report back at a future date.
1. Letters (23) 'from resident~ This subject will be on the council
and property owners of Lantan , agenda for consideration on May 7.
Camrose and Chaparall Avenues~
indicating support of annex-
ation to the City of Saratoga.
2. Copy of letter from Same as above.
Claude W. Hinsley,' on behalf
of Lantana, Camrose, Chaparr~l
Committee Opposed to MORGA
Annexation expression oppo-
sition to annexation to San
3. Don and Dorothy Stoner, Same as above.
18300 Swarthmore Drive,
expressing opposition to the
Sunland Park Tract annexation
to the City of San Jose.
4. Barbara Fox, 18585 Rancho Directed City Manager to respond
Las Cimas Wayj expressing to letter advising re: City~s stand
opposition to being considered
a non-resident with regard to
participation in the recreat~
5. Robert Jamison, Chairp~rsor Refer to Parks and Recreation
Awards Committe~,S.C.C. Commission.
Historical Heritage CommissiOr
requesting nominations for .~
1980 Award for Excellence in:.
Historic'Resources Preservati~
6. F. D. Russell, 13987 Pike 'Referred to the Staff for a ~epo~t
Road, Re: large and extensive b~ck to. theCouncil..
cables, particularly in the
Pierce Road area, in conne~ibr
with cable .television install
7. Robert E. Whi?te, Mayor, Noted and filed.
City of Norwalk, requesting
the City Council forward a
letter'to-i~s congressman
urging support of co~tinuati~or
of FederalRevenue Sharing
funds for local governments.!
'8. Suzanne ·K. Armbruster, Referred to Publ!ic·Works-staff for
Wil~ood Heights Homeowners review and report back.
Association, Re:'Street Sur-
face Samage to Portions of
Canyon View and Glenmont Drive.
RESOLUTION RE:PROPOSED LAND- The City Man~g~rloutliped Staff .
SCAPING AND LIGHTING DISTRICT memorandum~ d~ed ~/9/80~ oD' [his"
' LLA-1 (City-wide) su~ect..
B. PiSOLUTION 85-9.47 !
~mem~E~ndU~, dated"~7i6/80, re~ommen-'
A F~SOLUTION A~NDING RESOLUTI~ C~n5 approval ~f'~'F~r~ification
85-9.~2 AND 85-9 AMENDING
BASIC SALARY CLASSES, E~LOY- M/S: Mallory/Clever~ger to adopt Resolution
~NT POSITION CLASSIFICATIONS 85-9.~7. Carried unanimously.
C. IMPLEmeNTATION OF MEASURE "AU The City Manager indicated there
(WESTEP~] HILLSIDES INITIATIVE) is a concern with respect to two
~PrGces~es':ff=~.~l) the acceptance
~f'i~e~ i~lications beDleen
now and April 25th;'and 2) the
procedure for handlin~ applications
which_ a~e in process.
Mr, Ti.chinin con~,~ented it'wo'hld
probably:be best to not accept any
appl±ca~i,ons so as not to create
any, expectations on the applicant's
i M/'S:,. J'enSen/}~allory that for the
area c0ve~ed'by the interim re~
s,t~ict'ions, the City not accept any
applications for those tyDes of land
use entitlements referred' to in the
measure. The motion carried
IV. PETITIONS, ORDINANCES, RESOLUTION~ Mr. Wimberly, Director of Inspection
Cont'd.)' Services, requested clarification of
this motion.
(WESTERN HILLSIDES INITIATIVE' The motion was re-worded, as follows:
M/S: Clevenger/Jensen that projects
and additions whidh do not increase
the square footage by more than 50%
and which are in the process, be
continued, and that new additions
which conform.to.-t~se specifications
Be accepted for ~pp~o~al.~and'that
no new roads be built to service
these additions. Carried unanimously.
A. CONSIDERATION OF REZONING FRO Mr. Robinson, Plannin% Director,
"C-N" ~0 "C~V" THE 3.778 ACP~ verbalized the staff r~ort, dated
BOOK ASAPN 391-21-16, LOCA~EI Councilwoman JenSeH inquired 0f~
AT !13535 QUITO ROAD the City Attorney an interpretation
of how this particular kind of
application confortes to the General
Plan and why the City is accepting
such an application.
Mr. Johnston, City Attorney,
commented that the City's Zoning
Ordinance provides that anyone may
apply for a rezoning, and it is not
up to the staff to make a' deter-
mination whether it is or is not
consistent with the General Plan.
If it were Council desire to ~llow
the staff to make this decision,
this would ~equire changing the
Zoning Ordinance.-
The public hearing was opened at
9:25 P.M.
There being no discussion from
the audience, M/S: Mallory/Clevenger
to 'close the public hearing. Carried
'unanimously. Public hearing closed
at 9:25 P.M.
M/S: MallOry/Clevenger to uphold
the Planning Commission's decision
to deny the requested rezoning from
"C-N" to ."C-V". Carried unanimously.
V. PUBLIC HEARINGS (~ont'd.). ~"
'B. CONSIDERATION OF A~NDMENT The City Manager referenced the
TO THE HOUSING ELEMENT OF THE summary report concerning the
1974 GENERAL PLAN HouSing Element,' dated 4/10/80.
He indicated that'Mr. Ironside of
· Adoption of the ~egative Ironside and Ass6cia~es is present
Declaration this evening for discussion on this
issue.' T~e recommendation befo.re
.the Coundil results following ~ree
drafts be~ore..the Planning Commission.
Mr.' RobiBson, Planning Director,.
outlined the process in developing
the Housing Element, and indicated
the element which is presented to
the Council is one which the
Commission feels meets the needs
of the ~e0ple. He explained that
the Negative Declaration or the
appropriate environmental document
must be approved by the City Council.
Mr. Ironside addressed the Council
and discussed details of the pro-
posed Housing Element. He explained
that in the mid-70's, the Housing
and Community Development Department
came out with new guidelines, which
were adopted by the Legislature and-
were more specific and more directive
than the previous guidelines. The
decision was made locally that the
Saratoga Housing' Element would be
based on the opinion that the
guidelines are advisory and need
not"be follb~ed in every detail.
The Housing Element describes the
population characteristics of the
community and discuss'es the rate
o~fif'gr:~ housink-stock, ~b~sTing
.... ne_~ej~L~rcentag~ in need of repa.ir,
percentage of ~sisted housing in
the city. The ~lement concludes
with an action prorgram oriented to
conservation of housing ~nd afforda-
The public hearing was opened at
9:50 P.M.
Jacki~ Spillane, President, Los
Gatos-Saratoga League of Women
Voters, presented.a written copy
of a statement on this issue, and
Droceeded to read it into the record:
'."We~the'Le~gue:6f..Women'Voters of
Los Gat6s.-Saratoga Would like to go
on record as being in favor of the
~.draft'hdusing'etement of the General
7 ..
V. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Cont'd.) (Andrew Beverett - cont'd.)
B. CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT housing, we are going to WT{~'E%~i~ ~
TO THE HOUSING ELEMENT OF THE _or unw{ttin ly d{scrlmina~'~ga'i~"
~ th~e~'~sOnia~-conditions whi~- are--'~
~ Adoption of the Negative. another.is the young marrieds; and
Declaration a third group of single-parent
families. These groups do not have
(Jackie Spillane (Cont'd.) t~e financial ~esources to buy
~ingle-f~mily residences in Saratoga.
Plan. We the League of Women Voters He urged that the Council try not
of Los Gatos-Saratoga would like to. to discriminate against.all three
go on record as being in favor of of these groups,-particularly if
.: we can find places for high density
the draft housing element of the
General Plan which is being r&coranende housing. that will not adversely
for adoption by the Planning Commasion impact substantially in a negative
League members have followed the way on the hharacter of the City
efforts on the housing element from. of Saratoga. They believe there
the first workshops in September, tO is a policy of flexibility and
the final amendments on February 27th. a policy of moderation the City
We feel that the workshops were can follow to keep away from
broadly based and the public hearings polarization on either side.
extensive, with ~mple opportunity for
public input. The League is convinced Fran Mills, 20552 Verde Court,
that the document itself is an equit- indicated she and her husband
able one which sincerely attempts to moved to Saratoga in November.
address the housing needs of all She was not aware of any of these
.Saratoga citizens, and we recommend plans when she moved in. 90% of
its adoption." the people in her neighborhood
. and surrounding neighborhoods
whom she has spoken with have told
Andrew Beverett, 19597 Via Monte Dr..,
addressed the Council on behalf of her they were not aware that all
the Saratoga Area Senior Citizens these hearings had taken place.
Coordinating Council. He stated that She inquired how long these hearings
the Senior Citizens Coordinating have been going on.
Council are willing to live-with the~
document. It is not perfect, but they Mr. Robinson indicated the initial
believe it has some highly desirable' meeting was in September, 1979,
flexibility on the part of the City bf and there were approximately 6
Saratoga to meet and react to these public hearings and as many
problems as they come algng. They Committee of the l~ole Meetings
feel that more important that the from September 1979 through
document itself is the City's policy. February 1980.
with respect to some of these housing
issues -- two of which are the hill- Mrs. Mills commented that one of
side measure and the question of the problems in making some people
housing density in Saratoga. They aware of these meetings so they
consider the hillside issue to be can voice their opinion, is that
beyond their scope; however', he would notices are in obscure places in
not like to see that option closed. the newspapers and very difficult
Regarding housing density in Saratoga, to find. She commented she was
the Senior Citizens Coordinating told 2 of the sites being considered
Council would urge that the Council were across from Saratoga High
maintain some flexibility; they would School and one on Verde Vista Way.
urge cond~liation and reconciliation.
of a number of diverse and strongly Mayor Callon replied it is her
held points of view; and'they would ' 'understanding there are no sites on
especially liketo urge against the plan under consideration.
polarization in thinking. If we be-' There is a recommendation to con=
come too rigid against high density : sider some future sites, but no
specific sites are recommended.
- 8 -
B. CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT 'Russell Crowther - cont'd.)
1974 ~GENERAL PLAN I was a large cry from the public
about the 21 sites, and so they
· Adoption of the Negative : were all taken out. However, the
Declaration generic words.seem to be there so
they can be added back, one by one,
Mayor Callon requested the City and there.is a negative declaration
Manager explain how these citizens that there won't be an impact on
would be given the opportunity to the environment. He added that
address_ a site that perhaps impacted maybe individually, they might not
their~n~ig~rhood. have a big impact, but ~e feels
'~---- many Saratogans are worried about
Mr. Beyer, City Manager,' advised the overall cumulative impacts of
this would be done underL a use permit the generic words concerning
process, and under this process, ther~ traffic and other things in Saratoga.
is an automatic public hearing and 'They feel strongly that more defini-
notice to residents within 500 feet~ tive planning is needed and we
radius of the property. : should take a close looks at what
the impacts in our cormmunity will
Mayor Callon further indicated that be and try to come up with a plan
that is comprehensive and more
the Council isn't prepared to speak!
to the issues of the housing element difinite.
this evening, but came prepared to
listen to the citizens' input. A ~ Carol Mackel~'~Ronnie Way, stated
study session will follow this meet£n she has been'involved in the Planning
and Council input will be heard'at Commission workshops, and through-
a later time on this matter. out the workshops, kept pleading
to give more notification tothe~
Lilly Badagliacca, 20813 Sarahills community as they felt the public
'Drive, suggested that since this was not aware. The workshop in
i's such an important issue and ther~ which the first housing plan was
has been so much confusion in. the discussed, there were only 32
community as to what is proposed, residents.in the City of Saratoga
what is to be done,'what. is required who participated.lfn the concept of
by the State, and what the City will bringing assisted housing into
adopt, that the complete. plan be Saratoga. If just the people who
printed in the newspaper so that lived around the 21 sites had been
people can review it and come with notified by letter, since we paid
the consultant $6,000 to write the
intelligent questions, instead of report,
coming with rumors and allegations ~n come out
housing element than the one with
Mayor Callon indicated s~e would hoRe which they did emerge'. At that
there could be enough copies of this housing workshop, it was never
document printed up and available at discussed that the people who
the City Offices and the Library. attended also had a choice t6~not
accept it. The League of Calff0'rnia
The City Manager indicated the 6ost Cities had sent out to each city
to print this in the newspaper, as things that could be used to fight
suggested, would be substantial to the bringing this type of housing into
City. a cormmunity. Among some of the
things. listed is a bill called
Russell Crowther, 20788 Norada Court, SB-190 (Rodda), and it was attached
indicated he believes one of the con- on July 10, 1979 as a supplemental
.cerns that came out of the hearings report to the budgeLt. It quotes
on-this is that once the' original 21 as follows:
sites had been identified, then there "No departmental funds shall be
expended to enforce or in any other
- 9
V. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Cont'd.) : (Mrs. Mackel - cont'd.)
B. CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT declamation." It further states:
1974 GENERAL PLAN "Short term program, periodic re-
view, and land use element amendment.
· Adoption of the Negative Target ~ 3-year housing element up-
Declaration date."
(Carol Macker- cont'd.) This is an.ongoing program which
. would in effect bring in higher
way promote the state housing element density -- not just one time
guidelines as imposing any fiscal or around --.but constantly being up-
legal requirements upon the cities dated. Mrs.' Mackel stated she
and counties, or for the purpose of feels this plan is unfair because
requiring local governments to 'in- it will now weaken sections 'and
clude any specific provisions in a allow spot zoning to come in,
local housing element; nor shall any
department expend any funds to approve .She further co.mm~nted a sh
th t e
or disapprove local housing elements~. believes ~j~h. pro-senior citizen
Neither shall any departmental funds· housing that is now State Law, no
be expended to participate in ligiga- senior citizen housing can ~cqme,~in,
tions involving local housing elements without multi~family ~ousih~.with .it.~[
It may review such elements and at the She would question how many ~efiior~
end of the fiscal year, only report~ would actually like to be living
its findings to the houses of the right next to multi-family housing.
The City Manager advised it is
This is State Law, and yet~ we have currently HUD policy in t~rm~ 0f,
the consultant who tells uS that allocation,of federal doll~r~ for
· from his personal point of view, it assisted housing in Santa Clara.
is mandatory. It is her feeling County, but because of the o~erage
this should have been presented at of ,senior housing in'the last.
the wpr__ksh0p, and yet, this parti- several years and lack of response
cula~__.?aspect was not stressed so to family housing, they have raised
they could have a choice. the priority to family housing.
The City Manager made the 'comment Mrs. Mackel inquired if the housing
that this is not law, in the sense which Saratogais building actually is
that the administrative guidelines being occupied by Saratogans. In
are law. This was an addition to the checking ,around, she found ,the'
budget bill to prohibit the State ,. typi~aI situation is that When a
Department of Community Development Saratogan ·s.el!s their home and wishes
from allowing people'~to enforce the to move into this type ofh0using,
guidelines in a mandatory'sense. they don't qualify because immediate
Recently, there was a bill-introduced sale of their'home has put them out'
as alegis.lative act to-state that th~ of the price of HUD supported housing.
guidelines were advisory, and this was 'She asked ifthe City isn't in effect
defeated in committee. really working on a countywidelevel
~ to fill our "requirements" that the -
Mrs. Mackel cormmented that She feels. County:h'as set forward. She indicated
that the new city'council is here she would like to'remindlthe Council
under a mandate for low density, and' that its·mandate ~as for low density,
she feels this particular document, and take a'close look at this plan,
by its Very nature, states that there as she feels in the long run the
will have to be new sites ... Council will see thisis a pro-growtE
: ' high density p~a~ that will designate,
Page 22: ~"Target - Identi~y'site over a period of time,· new sites
suitable for assisted housing in for higher denpity.
'Saratoga. Amend the General Plan us~
text and map with appropriate..
V. PUBLIC HEARINGS .(Eont'~d!~. (Mr. Hanson - cont'd.)
B. CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT ', stated he owns property on Pierce
TO THE HOUSING ELEMENT OF T.HE Road and has paid for sewers', etc.,.
1974 GENERAL PLAN. ~ on the basis of 1-acre zoning. He
doesn!t know where it stands today..
's Adoption of.t~e Negative ~Ho~ever~he,knows,we are not talking
Declaration/=' abou~/thi~-ju~t,f~gm the basic
standpoint of'exclusionary zoning
Dora Grens, i3451 Old Oak ~ay,~ or inclusionary zoning; we are
commented that she can't feel ~ ~talkiDg a~U~,'botto~'line~ He
that we owe housing by vir~ue6~ dqesn'-t know~h&ther'the older..
the person growing up here. people ~6Uld'obje~t to living next
However, she would agree with .! door toSomebody in low-cost housing.
statements of. the previous speakez If you!l~k at most of the major
~--_ cities, you find some of the best
CouncilWoman Clevenger i~dic~[e~ 7areas ri~ next door to a slum. We
"{~s~u~d'g~'~'t~-~'~7~6~ ' .ih~ve',a r~spons{bilit'y'to the masses,
~i~g' {~"fn~'d~t of. the and not just the ethic .group that
General Plan, the efforts to ' lives right in Saratoga. If'we
change this are ~uch more diffi-. don't look at. this and leave'.an
cult. She would suggest that .~ opening so we can do something with
people who have a concern stay this, we probably will have the
concerned until this draf.t. housin government stepping in and telling
element has'been resolved. us how to. do it.
Sally Pearson, Calle Tacuba',- Gunther Mackel, Ronnie Way,~ommented
dommented she has. rarely taken : that Mr. Ironside had indicated
partin p~blic issues, but some-r this.particular housing element
how or other, they found out does not include anything with.
about the General. Plan. She does respect to f~ir share allocations.
not feel there was any anticipa-. Mr. Mackel stated he would request
tion to hide these plans as : there be afair share~allocation in
brought out tonight, and she fee.la the document. He refers to the fact
very ungreatful to people'whO have that on pag~ 21 of the housing
made this point.. She stated that element, there is a target of 265
information isalways available, units, and there is no source stated
and if people say they weren't by that target. Ho~ever, in going
informed, they didn't want to be~ back a couple of drafts, you find
informed. the same number and a footnote; i.e.,
on January 15th, page 21,-the target
Jim Hanson, Pierce Road, indicate~ is from a fair share allocation,
he~has been under the impress'ion and was recommended by the Senior
the City of Saratoga has been Citizens. This amendment is rather
accepting HUD money for the last. complex; yet, it contains statisti.cs
3 years, and that the Odd Feltow~ and some general philosophic objec-
project was under .the assistance' tives, followed by the detailed
of HUD. action plan. He would commend the
-" simplicity of the 1974 General Plan
Mr. Hanson conmented that we and hope the final result can re-
seem to be talking about low flect a statement that is comparable
density, when t~e price of a lot! to that.
becomes $200,000. He feels econo-
mics are going to play a certain James Ousley, 2070'7 Seaton, commented
amount of what iS going to happen there has been a considerable amohnt
to that property. If we all turn of conflicting evidence presented
our back, and say it is a problem as to what the City really needs to
of the people on, the east side.or do with respect to the housing
wherever it might be, he believes element. He would recommend the
the. people in Saratoga have to new Council review the question as
address this problem. Mr. Hanso~ to whether it needs to do anything.
If it is determined that you must
V. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Cont.'dj). Councilman Mallory indicated he
feels there are some legitimate.
B. CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT concerns; however,' he is personally
TO THE HOUSING ELEMENT OF THE not interested in dropping the matter.
M/S: Maltory/Clevenger to continue
· Adoption of the Negative ~h'~"~l~Ct~h~n~n"~'h~%8'uSing
Declaration : '.~l~m~t~ t6"~f'2ISt~.lW{t~'~ ~tudy -
~'~i~n'o~ }fay'T3~'.I Carried 3 to
(James OusleyI- cont'd.) 1, Councilwoman Jensen in opposition.
go forward in view of state man-' Recess and reconvene
date, when you set up the public'
hearings, they should be
structured so the people of the j
community have the chance. to . : ~' ' ~ ~ ~' = ' '
interact against each element.-.~ *~
Two parts of this 'document are
crucial: page 16, which is the~' .~
policies, and a couple pages ~
later, the action plans'. TheseI~ '~',
are the areas which people should
'have an opportunity to fully re-~ ~='
view. ..
Jim Dunn, Verde ViSta Lane, '~
indicated his concern is with
density, his major concern being
location. This is because of the
congestion, traffic patterns, etc.
Mr. Dunn indicated that the horti
cultural center was listed
originally as one of the 21 sites
for this multiple high density
housing. He is very much opposed
to this as '{'~!f~6f~b'~'=tandi6cked
on'all sides F~i~i~°idual houses
and there are no accessible
except for. all of that traffic to
empty out onto Verde Vista Lane
which increases the problem of
traffic and congestion.
There being no furthe~ public
comment on this hearing,i-Mayor
callon proposed that~e~at~er
"b~ther discussed a~'~ S~ddy
session on May 13, wit~.'the public
hearing continued to May 21.
Councilwoman Jensen commented she
believes this document is pre-
mature. until an analysis has been
done on whether we have treatment
plant c~pacity remaining; whethe:r
or not there will ~e water to
allocate to new developments;
whether or not there is ~treet
capacity to serve additional
12 -
A. 'QUITO-W~LDCAT CREEK PROJECT Mr. Shook, Director of Public Works,
verbalized his report, dated
e Acceptance of Project and. 4/10/80'. It is the staff's
Authorize Filing of the recommendation the Council accept
Notice of Completion this project, authorize the filing
of the Notice'of Completion, waive
the liquidated damage, and present
the final billing to the Santa
Clara Valley Water.District.
Councilwoman Clevenger indicated
'she has a concernin that the
storm sewer is high., and there is
a drop 'off from the road down to
the storm sewer, which looks like
a hazard.
Mr. Shook explained that thi's has
actually been reduced from the
depth that it was prior to the
project. Also, the thrust of ehe
project was not to provide curbs
and gutters up and down Quito Road,
but it was to provide for the
bridge facility itself.
Councilwoman Jensen commented that
there was much more concrete poured
than indicated On the. plan.. Further,
she is'not satisfied Wit~ the
asphalt work on the Westerly side~
of the road and feels it is unsafe.
It was the consensU~'!of the CoUncil'~
to continue. action on this item to
an Adjourned Regular Meeting on
April 22, 1980, and direct the staff
to meet with Councilwoman Jensen at
the site to review.her concerns. A
status report w6uld.follow 6n
April 22nd for C~uncil consideration.
A. SDR-1348, STEPHEN MC VAY, M/S: Ma~lory/Clevenger to approve
· CA/<INO BARCO the.Consent Calendarl. Carried
ConStruction Acceptance
13 -
1. Workshop between staff a~d Tentatively scheduled May 3rd,
CoUncilmember~ to review with May 17th as an alternate date.
ideas and priorities. City Manager to. bring back a proposed
outline prior to workshop date.
2. Appointment of representa'- Council to consider appointment at
tive to Council on Aging.! Adjourned Regular Meeting on
· April 22, 1980.
1. Councilwoman Jensen
a) Cohcern re: issue of City's representative ~o Sanitation
sewage plant capacity.. Districti!No. 4 to keep City apprised
re: status of this issue.
b) Request for report 6n Staff to provide a report re:
HCD Program.andstatus to program'elements and status.
c) Request for represen- The City Manager indicated he would
tation to citizens conmi~t bring a proposal to the Council at
for'Measure "A". its next me~t~ng.
d) Budget process. City Manager to prov'iae memo out-
lining theprocess apprOved by
i.~ previous council, for review and
~ discussion at the next meeting of
the council.
'e) Request for official M/S: Jensen/Clevenger to~ider
"~" = ~'~ .......... ~]~%A~ril =f2~d,'~Hna fo vfae official
~ minutes for said meeting. Carried
f) Request to'call a stoD The City Manager indicated he would
to Water Assessment Di~t~ic be bringing back a report on this
proceedings until imple- issRe at the May 7th meeting.
mentation of Measure A.
g) Status report re: Quito Staff to provide information o~ the
Shopping Center process in which this approval was
given to proceed with Quito 'Center.
2. Parks & Recreation Barbara Sampson, Director of
Cormnission Recommendation~ CommUnity Services, outlined the
on Referral from City /) staff report, dated 4/10/80,
CoUncil Re: Request from .... relative to this request. The
Saratoga Foothillsf'! for Parks and 'Recreation Cormnission
Waiver of Parks and does not feel a precedent has been
Recreation Fees set, and is therefore, not recommend-
ing Parks and Recreation fees be
waived for this unit.
2. Parks & Recreation Mr. Lohr addressed the Council,
Commission Recommendati6~ indicating he 'would like to point=~
on Referral from City out that rental units, if they can
Council Re: Request from ~ossib'ly finance them, will be he~d
Sarat~Foothills for. by Berni'e Gordon and himself. 'They
~'Waive~i~Parks and Recrea- would appreciate a token of support
~{~'~s' ' from~ khe~Citylin- the fo~egiveness
~'of~the' fee~If~r th& rental units.
M/S.~ Jensen/Clevenger to~d~yy~e 7 ~
C~Uncilman' Martory cdmmented he
believesMr.-Lohr has done some
things't0:he~p people use this park,
and he,would support the recommen-
dation td }~ive 20% of the fees.
The motion was carried, 3 to 1,
Councilman Mallory in opposition.
~l. Director of Inspection Mr. Wimberly, Director of Inspection
Services Re: 1980-81 Work;~I Services, odtllned his staff report,
Program for ABAG "208" dated '4/10/80 on this subject.
Environmental Managem~n~
Plan M/S: Jensen/~llor~ to adopt the
1980-81 Work Program for the ABAG
"208' Environmental Management Plan.
Carried unanimously.
1. Report Re: Alternative on The City Manager~~the ~wo
tilling Vacancy on City options available for filling,the
Council vacancy ~ the Coundil.
M/S: Jensen/Ca~lon to receive
applications for the appointment to
fill the vacancy on the City Council
and all applications be returned to
the City Clerk's office no later
than April 30, 1980, with the intent
to fill the vacancy within 30 days.,
Carried unanimously.
'2. Request to close. Big Basin M/S: Clevenger/Mallory to adopt
Way for Annual Rotary Club Resolution 954, approving temporary
Art Show on May 4, 1980. closure of State Highway 9 and 85
between 8:00. a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on
May 4, 1980. Carried unanimously.
3. Application for Grant Funds M/S: Mallory Jensen to adopt
under the State Litter Con- Resolution No. 955, approving the
trol, Recycling and Re- application for grant funds under
source Recovery Act. the State Litter Control, Recycling
and Resource Recovery Fund. Carried
Mayor Callon acknowledged the
presence pf'Ed Gomersall, Parks
and Recreation Commission; Stan
Marshall and Shelley Williams,
Saratoga Planning Commission;
Willem Kohler, Via Regina. HOmeowners
Association; James Cochrane,
Pierce/Canyon Homeowners Association;
Russell Corwther, Arroyo de Arguello
Homeowners Association; Gladys
Armstrong, A.A.U.W.; and Sally PriceD
M/S: Mallory/Jensen to adjourn to
an Adjourned Regular Meeting on
April 22, 1980. Carried unanimously.
It was the concensus to postpone:~the
Executive Ses.sion previously
scheduled for this' evening, to
April 22, 1980. The meeting was
adjourned at 12:2~ A.M.
Respectfully ~ubmit.ted,
Ro er
- 16 -