HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-21-1980 City Council adjorned Minutes MINUTES
TIME: ~h~sda~, August 21, 1980, 7::30 p.m.
PLACE: Saratoga City Council Chambers, 13777 FrUitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA
TYPE: Adjourned'Special Meeting
A. ROLL CALL Mayor Callon, Councilmembers Clevenger,
Jensen, Mallory, Watson - all present
Ed Bolger, 13627 Vaquero Court, Mayor Callon responded that the action
asked why the Parnas Corporatior of July 30~. was to ask the staff to
public hearing was being heard prepare a resolution not granting the
tonight, since he' th6ught it exemption; the resolution would be
had been finati~ed. considered tonight.
1. Mr. and Mrs. Politi Planning Director reviewed the history
(SDR-1259), Pike Road of this item, starting with tentative
(Continued from 8/6/80) map approval on Septefaber 2, 1976; an
extension; and final map approval on
February 14, 1979. He noted that the
3.52-acre site is accessible from a
minimum access road consisting-of a
20-foot right of Way with 18 feet of
pavement. There is exis[ing access
from Pike Road, ~nd.!~!. ~the.;/.~. applicant
is required 6nly to widen and-overlay
according to subdivision standards.
The average slope of the site is
approximately 24.9%, and the proposed
building site is totally flat on top.
The top is free of major vegetation,
but there are some trees and natural
~ grass on the site which are to' be
retained. The residence is to: be
served by a septic tank in compliance
with Santa Clara County Health Depart-
ment requirements. Prior to the
issuance of building permits, there is
to be the minimum recognized water
supply for fire flow.
Director of Inspection Services
reported that at the tentative map
stage, the City Geologist found that
the site was generally stable and
required simply soils engineering and
foundation engineering before develop-
ment. The access road is in some
distress, but is generally donsidered
Stable. In response to a question
from Councilmember J~nsen, Di'rector of
Inspection Services said that a
detailed soils investigation had not
been conducted because the applicant
has not applied 'for a building permit.
He then discussed the procedures
followed in granting building permits
with conditions according to the
results of geologic investigations.
This application has gone through the
normal sequence up to this point, and
when grading and building permits are
applied for, additional detailed soils
engineering will be required.
In response to Councilmember Jensen's
question, Director of..Inspection
Services explained how m~y'~e~idenCes
were served by ~he access road; thi's
lot is an existing lot of record, so
the ordinance prohibiting subdivisions
creating more than four lots on a
private road does not apply.
Councilmember Jensen requested that
the City Geologist be present at the
next meeting.
The Public Hearing was opened'.
Sandra Politi, 21075 Bankmill Land,
spoke as the applicant.
Councilmember Watson pointed out that
density should not be a problem in
this application.
The PUbliC Hearing was continued to
the second hearing on September 3.
2. Parnas Corporation (Tracts City Manager noted that this item had
6665 and 5928) (Cont'd been continued from the last meeting,
from 7/30/80) when the Council had requested the
attorney to draft a resolution denying
a. Consideration of the request.
Resolution No.
Codncilmember Jensen expressed her
concern regarding the possibility of
a sewer line going through a .land
slide area and asked that the hearing
be continued until further information
from Caltrans on'the subject was
received. She also desired further
information from Jim Burland and the
AGENDA. · ACTION :,v.-"' "'
Councilmember Clevenger-asked about
the_-meahin9 o~ the City, Geologist'S'
· . disclaimer. Director of Inspection
Services explained that Mr, Cotton is
a private, consultant under contra~t;
he'.:thereforet:is not afforded the"
immunities for ,~egal defense'which
City employees have'. He slated that
any consultant would use this type of
disclaimer, but that every reasonable
precaution has been taken to minimize
Councilmember Clevenger expressed
concern about preserving the natural
drainage system and natural creekside
vegetation and asked about the 9round
movement. Director of Inspection
Services replied that the important
thing, was for the structure to be
separated from the movement.
Councilmember Jensen stated her belief
that not enough had been done to avoid
Ehe poteptially movin9 areas. She
also noted that it appeared the de
veloper had agreed to put in concrete
culverts to stabilize the mountains
for the development itself rather than
~o,preVent",e~osio~ of~the,":c~eek~Y:~She
also expressed her objection to
e.~g~ne&r~n9 Sold,tionS:'~o~9~o~dgib
hazards, preferring instead to avoi~
the hazards as she felt was intended
by Measure ~. -
Councilmember Mallory s~id he felt the
Council should focus on making a
decision on the resclution which had
been drafted.
Mayor Callon pointed out that the pre-
vious council had cut out severely un-
stable land from HCRD consideration so
that it =could nOt.~.U~d foY 'the cal-
culation Of al, lowable dnits. This re-
sulted in a reduction of possible
building on the rand.
Director of I~spec~ion S~rVices=,
explained'that there wa~ indeed a pro-
vision'under HCRD to remove areas
designated as MDor MRF;:Or ~0% in,
slopet from the 9ross area of the sub-
" ] division for purposes of~l.ot~yie~d
.: calculation~ but ~hat ~e~s,ure ~ does
not use those terms. Measure ~ pro-
' r Vides for a slidin9 scale taking into
account geologic hazards to calculate
~ ~lop'e de'nsity. If the Council or the
Citizens ~dvisory Committee ~e.re to
': ' ' ' 4-8/21'/80-
' remove PD or MS areas before lot
yield calculation, the number of lots
.. would be further,reduced.
: .
After further discussion, Willem
:. Kohler, 21842 Via Regina, who said he
was instrumental in the writing of
· . Measure A, .c~nfirmed Councilmember
Clevenger's belief that the density is
calculated, then areas with geologic
problems are removed.
Steven Bernard, attorney for Parhas
· Corporation, speaking to the question
of concrete culverts, said that Parnas
Corporation did not wish to build them
and indeed was prepared to contribute
$20,000 to the General Fund if that
condition were eliminated. Concerning
the question of avoidance of geologic
hazard, he stated that those hazards
had been avoided through engineering.
He also explained the procedures that
had been gone through to ar~ive at the
figure of 29 lots and pointed out that
this was the number that had been
dealt with for four months.
Russ Crowther, 20788 Norada Court,
asked why the matter was being dis-
cussed, since'heunderstood the ~=,'v~:;"
Council ha~ d~nied the.Parnas request.
Mayor Callon explained that the
Council had previously directed staff
to prepare a resolutioh denying the
request, and the resolution was being
considered t~night.
Mr.. Crowther!spoke against the con--.':'
cret~'qulveLt as being inconsistent
with the Ge~era~P'lan. He also ex-
., pressed objectionSt0 engineering
solq~ions ~o geologic. hazards. His
: "fee~ing waF~ that the Measure A Commit-
, tee should have !the.opportunity to set
Standards for such solutions, as well
as d~ter~ining~h~:'~ffe:c~igeologic',ha_z~rds
Mr. Berna~d'~evieWed his involvement
in this application and the Parnas
Corporation's transactions, pointing
out their good faith and cooperation.
He cautioned against hea.rsay testimony,
referring to an August 8,.1980, letter
from James 7Berklahd,. County Geologist,
to William Cotton.
,, Councilmember Jensen stated that i~
" the letter were to be read as evidence,
the parties at issue should bepresent.
Mayor Callon noted that the Council
has no p6wer to insist that they be
Mr~ Bernard commented on the letter,
saying that all they C6hhci~'sr!concerns
had been answered. He also referred
to a letter from the Sewer District
saying they did not expect problems
from the sewer line. Mr. Bernard then
expressed his belief that the admini-
strative record did not support a
denialof the exemption.
Councilmember Jens~n asked if the tax-
payers had been informed about future
maintenance costs as well as construc-
tion costs of the sewer line. Mr.
Bernard said he understood it had been
done. Councilmember Jensen noted that
she had not been informed of the costs,
nor of the engineering details; she
asked to see them. Mr. Bernard ex-
plained that Parnas Corporation was
not prepared to submit further infor-
mation tonight and that they wanted a
decision tonight rather than ~ore
Council~mDer. Ma'li0ry expressed his
d~sire to make a decision now that a
· ~. gr~at.d~l of testimony had beeh heard.
~ N~ck Nf6ho~s, Sahit~[Io~ DistriCt #4,
asked whf·'CaltrAns was asked to comment
- on the proposed sewer on matters other
thanhow.it..would affect the highway~
Qouncilmember Jensen explained that
the Council. has a responsibility to
understand the~implications of putting
a sewer line through the toe of a big
Mayor Callon asked who negotiates a
right-of-way for a sewerline from
Caltrans. Mr. Nichols replied that
his agency was responsible for that.
Councilmember Watson said he was
satisfied that the trac~ satisfied the
hardship requirements.
Ed Bulger, 13627 Decarro'COurt, spoke
against granting the exemption, since
he believed the Citizens Advisory
Committee's recommendations were not
being implemented.' Mayor Callon re-
plied that the Citizens Advisory Com-
mittee had also given the Council the
prerogative to grant hardship exemptions
The Public Hearing was closed.
Mallory/watsoh moved not to accept
Resolution 969 denying the hardship
exemption.. Passed 5-0.
Councilmember Mallory reviewed the
changes the developer had made in his
original plan and pointed out his
cooperative attitude, especially with
regard to circulation. He encouraged
the.Councfl to negotiate an agreement
whereby the homeowners could pay the
cost of changes in the circulation
Leonard Barello, 14004 Quito Road,
representing the Parnas.Corporation,
stated that he.was willing to abide
by the 32 lots if he were ~i~a ~!'
~b~ic road pattern to work with so
that he could begin installation of
the underground utilities immediately.
Councilmember Mallory stated that the
Council should give the Measure A
Committee the fullest possible lati-
tude todo their part within the
spirit of the measure.
At Councilmember Watson's request,
Director of Inspection Service~ ex-
plained the procedures enforced by his
department to deal with unforseen
problems through requiring modifica-
tion to the engineering d~sign or pro-
hibiting building on a lot.
Mayor Callon stated her beliefs that
the circulation p~*oble~'had been.
handled by leaving to~the Measure A
Committee the question of tying Toll-
gate to Pierce Road and that. the
density que~tiohshould hot De inter-
preted any more st~i~tl~than the prb-
ponents of Measure A had interpreted
Callon/Watson moved, that ResolUtion
965 be adopted, ~ranting ~ hardship
exemption to the Parnas Corporation
with the understanding that the issues
the Council'has delineated which must
be met by the Measure A Committee will
be left to.their discretion. Passed
4-1 (Jensen ~pposed).
Special Counsel noted that the reso-
lution granting the hardship exemption
contained the Measure'A density limit
in each tract, so that each was re-
quired to meet that requirement
separately; the two could not be
averaged together.
Councilmember Jensen explained that
she was voting against the exemption
because she did not wa~t to pre-empt
the options of the Measure A Committee.
She felt the.appligation did not
· ' -7-8/21/80
adequately'reduce geological~azard~
and that the. City would have unreason-
able maintenance costs in the future
as well as allowing struptures to be
built in a hazardous area.
Councilmember ~l~vengers~ated that
in balancing a response'to the Voters
· with a response to the facts as pre-
sented, she had concluded that the
exemption should be granted.
Respectfully submitted,
~d~ E~rC-ory
· Acting City Clerk