HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-30-1980 City Council Minutes -MINUTES'
TIME: Tuesday, ~ep~ember 30, 1980 - 7:30~.p.m.-
PLACE': Saratoga City Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Ave., Saratoga, CA
TYPE: Special Meetin9
A. ROLL CALL Clevenger, Jensen, Mallory, Watson,
and Callon -~ all present.
A. SHOULD THE CITY CONTINUE ITS HCDA Coordinator explained the process
PARTICIPATION IN THE JOINT CO~TY'by which project proposals were gener-
CITIES HOUSING AND COMMUNITY ated: p_ublicl hearings are held each yea~
DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM? in August and September. At the same
: time, staff performs.a needs assessment.
1. If approved, adoption of' Projects' are then presented to the City
Res. 970 Council for review and checked for com-
pliance With the Community Development
Plan. Those which are acceptable~! move
to the Count~".level, where they are re-
viewed by the HCD Citizens Advisory
Committee. That committee makes fundinq
" recommendations. to the HCD Council
Committee, which makes the final recom-
mendations that are sent to the Board oi
Supervisors for concurrence.
Mayor Callon asked whether HUD could
force a particular. project upon the
City. HCD Coordinator explained that
HUD would have neither a.preCed~nt!Lno~
the powe~ to'do so. If the City does
not sign the agreement, the SHARP pro-
ject funding, which provides 'low in~?
terestloans to homeowners and non-
residen~ owners, wouldbe lost.
Councilmember Watson asked how much
money would be lost and how many loans
were granted to non-resident owners.
Coordinator'replied that this year the
SHARP funds amounted to $20,000, which
~was less than usual because a cushion
~had built up previously. Of the 26
:loans already granted, three were to
noneresident owners.
Mayor Callon asked how much money Sara-
toga could apply for. Coordinator
~st~ted that it would be possible to
!apply for the total amount allocated to
the Council, but that Saratoga has
averaged $300,000 per'year. The City
· has been tentatiVe~'y ~llocated $100,000
for street improvements and $150,000
for the SHARP program.
Councilmember Mallory asked if the City
could obtain funding for streets as
well as housing. Coordinator noted
that the City could receive funding for
.various projects as long as they were
for the Urban County. In the past~ the
. City has received funding for a wide
range 6f programs, such as the Senior
Citizens Center addition. If' an area
has 51% low- to moderate-Lncome
citizens, it is eli~ib'le to receive
funds for public improvements: . For the
area in question, the percentage is
: 'about 53%.
Councilmember Jense~ made note of a
document showing that the 'percentage in
'.that area was about 45%. Coordinator.
explained that 'those figures had b~en
modified, and the_CoUnty made 'tentative
allocations based on the-modified
Councilm. embe.r Jensen asked about sep'tic
tanks in' the area. Coordinator replied
that .there w~re no figdres on-sep.tic
tanks, but that in order to recefve
funds for this purpgs. e, the City Ad-'_-_"
ministrator would have to declare a
health hazard, i.e., for'an overall
septic tank ~emoval program that would
not primarily benefit low to moderate
income persons., - .~
Councilmember Jensen inquired as to the
status of areas in the. Saratoga S:pher. e
of Inflhen, ce.-,, Coor~inatbr ~t~Eed "~hat
staff had.!i_den~ified areas 'in' ;the
sphere of influence needing rehabili-
tation but' that they were, not yet
part~c lpating.
Councilmember Mallory asked:how great
the problem of-houses n~eding -rehabili-
tation was. Coordinator responded that
a staff suvey h~d identified 165 units
needing rehabilitation on the exterior.
Experience has shown that units deteri-
orating on the outside are deterlor-'
ating at least as badly on the inside.
Persons residing in identified homes
are given program brochures so that
they may contact staff if they are
interested in participating ~n the pro-
g ram.
Councilmember Clevenger asked for de-
. -. tails about funding and the City's
eligibility for a specific share of
same. Coordinator. replied that al=
though Saratoga's participation would
add $400,000 to the County funding this
year, that figure is not precisely.re-
flected in funds allocated to Saratoga.
Saratoga has had effective use of
$850,000 over 5½ years. The funds are
not'~allocated on a per capita basis,
but on the basis of identified needs.
The highest probability of receiving
funds iS for the SHARP program, but we
are not precluded from receiving funds
for other programs. Speaking in favor
of the participation in the HCD program
were: Dan Gutierrez, 18245 McFarland,
representing the E1 Quito Homeowners;
Marjo~ie Pulliam, Canyon View, repre-
!sentingthe League of Women Voters;
~Muriel Mahrer, SaratOga Gardens, a re-
. 2c'ipient of a SHARP loan; Barbara
Oldfield, 13004 Paseo Presada;' Andrew
Beverett, 19597 Via Monte; Gloria
Kramer, 13385 Ronnie Way; Kathy
MCGoldri~k, 12860 Paseo Presada.
' Fran Mills, 20552 Ver~e Court, pre~ .... ~:.
SeDted alp~tiltion of those oppOsed.to
: ~ity par~iFi~p~io~"in the HCD program.
! Also speakin~ ~gainst participation
were: Carol Machol, Ronnie Way; Joan
~' G~een, ~235~ Ggleta Avenue; Tom Zimmer-
"~:% ~man,'Natoma Cou~;,K~enne~h Wilkin, 20405
~,, COx;:Richa~ ~i~onson,~ Yerba Santa Ct.;
Jim Snodd, 20624 Sevillal; Bill Cunning-
D~ring thj rebuttal period, the
followingJcitizens spoke for partici-
pation: .RonfF~euna, 18775 Afton;
Mildred Gordon, representing the Senior
Coordinating Council; Phil GoOdere,
13235 Paseo Presada.
Speaking against par'ticipation during
the rebuttal period were: Carol Machol,
and Jim Snodd.
The Public Hearing was closed.
Councilmember Jensen asked what had
happeWed~ at Los Altos, and Mr. Kobashi
· explained that they had changed their
plans so as not to in:c~ude,~s~iS~e"d
housing, which had made them ineligible
for the program. Los Altos then agreed
to return the money allocated to them.
CoUncilmember Jensen then asked what a
fair share of the allocation would be.
Mr. Kobashi explained that although
ABAG had attemped to develop a'fair
shar~ allocation plan, there was as yet
no official plan.
government publication showed the low
to moderate income population=of the
Paul'Spring area as being 45%, which
rWould not be sufffcientto qualify it
for funding." Mr. Kobashi explained
that the ~rget area had been reduced
so'thatthe area now covered did
CoUncilmem6er Jenseh asked if the
County could assume an adminstrative
posture~ and Mr. Kobashi-stated that
the County could not do this, and that
the cities had to have control over
what'was happening in their
Councilmember Clevenger noted that
although Quito is in need of repair,
only 30.8% of the residents are low to
moderate income. Mr. Kobashi stated
that although Quito does not meet the.
~51% standard, if the street condition
could be shown to be.the stumbling
block to neighborhood revitalization,
there could be a good chance of re=
ceiving funding.
After further discussion, Callon/Mallor~
moved that the City sign the JPA and
approve the Citizens Participation Plan
and that the City note that it did not
wish to participate in public-assisted
housing. Passed 3-2 (Clevenger and
Jensen oppo'sed).
Mayor Callon stated that there were no
legal implications allowing undesired
projects to be forced on the City; that
no projects would be allowed without
City Council approval in any case; that
the best way to protest the federal
deficit would be to lobby Congress
rather than to refuse to accept federal
Councilmember Mallory said he believes
that the prob~ems-L~6f~ ~ow~i.nc6me~hoUslng
are not a threat in Saratoga and that
the street program and SHARP program
would maintain the character of Sara-
Councilmember Clevenger noted that she
believed,pressures for public-assisted
tiousing would increase every year and
the program would not achieve street
IV. ADJOURNMENT Adjournment-
V. EXECUTIVE SESSION - Personhel Matters ..
ReSpectfully shbmitted,
~race-E. Cory.-./:
Acting Cit~ Clerk