HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-29-1982 City Council Minutes MINUTES SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL TIME: Tuesday, June 29, 1982 - 7:30 p.m. PIACE: City Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue TYPE: Special Meeting The meeting was called to order by Mayor Callon at 7:35 p.m. All members of the Council were present. I. Mayor Callon called for the first iten on the agenda, the resolution adopting the official canvass of b~llots fr~n the General Municipal Election of June 8, 1982. City Manager reported that the official canvass of ballots bad been completed by the Registrar of Voters, and those candidates receiving the highest number of votes were Mayor Linda Callon, David Moyles, and Virginia Laden Fanelli. The official canvass of ballots certified by the Registrar of Voters showed that 11,690 ballots had been cast. Lj_nja Callon received 6,426 votes;' David Mayles received 5,482 votes; Virginia Laden Fanelli received 4,777 votes; Cheriel Jensen received 3,618 votes; Lawrence Bates received 3,571 votes; Edward Bolger received 2,892 votes; Mel Harris received 1,985 votes; Tcm Reddick received 1,169 votes. On motion of Councilmember Mallory, Resolution 1095 adopting the official canvass of ballots was introduced and seconded. All menbers of the City Council voted .aye. II. At this point Mayor Callon invited retiring members of the City Council Cheriel Jensen and Dale Watson to' make 'co~'m~2nts. Councilmember Jensen expressed that she had already said everytiling she wanted to say at the previous Council meeting. She was grateful for the opportunity to have served on the City Council. Councilmember Watson indicated he was grateful for the opportunity to serve on the Council; that it bad been a challenging experience and that he felt the City was left in good hands III. At this point MayorCallon called a recess during which time the newly- elected members of the City Council were administered the Oath of Office end presented with a Certificate of Election by the City Clerk. IV. Follgwing the administering of the Oath of Office the new members were seated and Mayor Callon called the City Council back to order, all members of the City Council being present. V. Mayor Callon introduced a resolution expressing appreciation for the service of Dale Watson on the City Council. Councilmember Mallory moved the resolution by reading it in its entirety. Resolution No. 1096 was seconded and passed by unanimous vote of all members. Upon adoption of the resolution Mayor Callon asked Dale Watson, who was seated in the audience, to come forward, and presented him with a copy of the resolution and a gift of appreciation frcm the City Council for his service to the City. VI. Joh~-M~ilbry introduced Resolution No. 1097, a resolution expressing the appreciatio~n_ of the City Council for the services of Cheriel Jensen. Councilmember Maltor_y~moved'the resolution and read it in its entirety. 'Resolution No. 1097 received a unanimous vote of approval by the members of the City Council. Upon the adoption of the resolution , Mayor Callon asked Cheriel Jensen, who was seated in the audience, to ccme forward, and presented her with a copy of the resolution and a gift of apprecia- tion fznn the City Council. VII. Mayor Callon asked the newly-seated menbers of the City Council if they wished to make any eem~ents. Councilmember Fanelli expressed her appre-i ciation to those who supported her candidacy and indicated her pledge to work on behalf of the City. Councilmember Moyles also thanked those who supported his campaign and expressed his desire to get down to work on behalf of the City, noting that there were serious challenges and problems to be addressed. 2-6y29Y82 VIII. At this point Mayor Callon asked the City Clerk to declare the office of Mayor and Vice Mayor ~/acant and conduct proceedings for the reorganization of the City Co~cil. Thereupon, the City Clerk declared the office of Mayor and Vice Mayor in aceo~dance with the policy direction of the City Council. :i~ extending' the term of 'office of' Mayor Callon to the first ~neeting f6116wing the election. The City" Clerk called for nominations for the office of Mayor. CjDunCi~ Fanelli moved the nomination of Linda Callon to serve as Mayor for a temn of one year. The nomination was seconded by Councilmember ° Malloryl The City Clerk c~lled for other EationS and, the~e being none, asked the members of the City Council to 'vote on the nomination of Mayor Callon. ~The nomination was approved by unani- mous'vote. IThe City Clerk declared that Councilmember Calldn was duly appoihted to s~rve as May6~~ for a one-year term until Juhe 1983. Councilmember'Clevenger asked to make a statement. Co~mci'lmember Clevenger expressed her view' that-the office of Mayor is one that is ' rotated among the various eounciXmembers in"most Californiia' cities'; according to infoxmation provided by the League of California Cities. It was her view that Sarat6~a should follow this practice. -Howeve3r, she felt tb~t there was not' sufficient support emDng the members of the City Council' for this policy at the present' time~i, in :~eco~tion 6=f'2_~ay~~ Caklont~'pgevfou:s' Servic~;,e6'Zi~he-'.:eity. Z~dDin~th~ in~t~ w Councilmenbet Mallor~ al~o asked to make a statement' in which he expressed the view that he had given serious consideration to the proposal for rotating the office of Mayor among " the CounCi&memb~rs. While there were some advantages to doing 'that, Linda Callon'had represented the Ciey well. H~ was .please. d to have her as Mayor for one more year. : At this point MAyor Call6n thanked the members of the Council for' ' their confidence in her'and ~ledged to work hard to meet their trust. She indicated that her role as Mayor was a bridge between the 'Councils in 1980and in 1982 providing eontiniLity for the business of the Couneil. ° She also indicated she woUld not seek renomination to the office' of Mayor following this term. Mayor Callon then asked the City Clerk to conduct the election of the Mayor Pro Ten,or/Vice Mayor;./.ej~:: c~,] ~, ..=, -~cD 2 The,'.City Clerk called for. nominations to' fill the office of Mayor Pro Ten or Vice Mayor. Councilmember Moyles moved that Counci~ John Mallory' be ncE~_natad to serve a~ Vice Mayor. This nomination was ~econded by'Councilmember Fanelli. 'The City Clerk called for other ncmtinations and, there being none, called for the vote on the ncmination of JOhn Mallory. , All members of the City.~ Council voted aye on' the nfmlination of John MallOry to serve as Vice Mayor, where- i- upon ~the City Clerk declared that John Mallory was appointed to the office fora, a one-year telln until June 1983. Mayor Callon asked the City Clerk if there was any further business matter to he discussed under the reorganization of the Citix Council. The'City'Clerk indicated that a list of appointments and assi~ents of represea3,tatives frc~-the City Council to various' committees, organi- zations and c~.~,~ssions was included in the agenda ~aeket. The Clerk indicated that perhaps the Councilmembers wished to review this list and-consider making appoin~nents at a subsequent meetihg. Mayor Callon indicated that thi~ iten woUld he continued until the following evening in .order to allow members of the City'2 Council to re~v~ew the list. IX. Mayor Callon theh asked the City Manage to report on the agend~ item of a 30Ld~y extension to the POlice Services Contract. The City Mahager reported that negotiations were continuing for renewal of an agreement for law enforcement services to he provided to the City by Santa Clata'C0unty, but that these hegotiations were not yet Concluded. Also, because of budgetary constraints being: experienced by the County of Santa Clara, there was uncertainty as to the impact possible budget reductions might have on the operations of the Sheriff' s Department and that this might affect both the cost and the availability of service to the City. For these reasons, both the County and the City Manager agreed that a 30-day extension to the present agreenent ~Duld be prudent and provided the City Cou~n~cilmenbers with a written report on the status of those negotiations. The ~M&hager ~ed that the City Council approve a 30-day extension to the present agreement for the Police Services Contract and authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement on behalf of the City. The recuLuendation was ~Dved and seconded; all members of the City Council voting aye, the motion was passed. X~.At this point Mayor Callon adjourned the special called-meeting of the Saratoga City Council to Wednesday, June 30, 1982, at 6:00 p.m. in the Ccmlmlnity Center Meeting Roc~ for the purpose of c~xL~leting Item III on the agenda pertaining t~ the 'appointment of CounciLmembers to various oa~[~dttees, cc~ssions, and organizations. Respectfully sukmitted, City Clerk