HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-07-1982 City Council Minutes SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL TIME: Wednesday, July 7, 1982 - 7:30 p.m. PLACE: Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue TYPE: Regular Meeting . I. ORGANIZATION A. ROLL CAlL - Councilmembers Clevenger, Fanelli, Mallory, Moyles and Mayor Callon present at 7:30 p.m. B. MINUTES - 6/16; 6/29; 6/30 MAIIDRY/CLEVENGER ~DVED ADOPTION OF 6/16 MINUTES WITH CORRECTION ON PAGE 5 INDICATING THAT CLEVENGER HAD MADE FIRST STATtlMENT IN SIXTH FOIL PARAGRAPH AND CLARIFYING THAT IT CONCEt{YED BUILDINGS WITPDUT VARIANC~.q. Passed 3-0 (Fanelli add Moyles abstaining because they were not present)~ Cr.~FENtQ~{/MALIDRy MDVED ADOPTION OF 6/29 MINUI]ES WITH CORREC]PION IN iTEM VI THAT MALLORY HAD MOV~D/~)OPTION OF RESOLUTION 1097 AN]D CHANGE IN ITtlM VIII CHANGING THE WORDING IN COUNCIlMEMBER CIEVENGER'S STATEMENT A~'I'ER THE WORD "TIME" TO "IN RECO(tqITION OF MAYOR CALLON'S PREVIOUS SERVICE TO THE CITY AND IN THE INTEREST OF WORKING TOG~I'HER TO SOLVE THE CITY' S PROBLEMS, SHE SUP-LT' PO~l'EU THE MOTION." Passed 5-0. FANELLI/MALIDRy MOVED ADOPTIONOF 6/30 MINIIrES WITH ADDITION OF CALION AS ALTERNATE TO SANITATION DISTRICT #4. Passed 4-0 (Clevenger abstainingl., since she had not been present). II. COMMUNICATIONS A. ORAL Jen Stypula, representing Spencer and Associates, architects for the C~u~L~ity Library, presented an honor award for design excellence for the Librail; from the American Institute of Architects. Mayor Callon accepted the award, recog- nized Library officials who were present, and requested that they hang the award in the Library. B. WRI'iT~N #1 requesting funds for Library positions referred to budget considerations. #2 providing information on Library volunteers - information only. #3 providing information about "Friendship Exchange" referred to Facilities Maintenance Director for reply. #4 requesting action on vehicles permanently tk3rked in certain areas referredI to City Manager. #5 tendering Zsmbetti resignation frGn Planning C~n'uLdssion accepted. #6 requesting traffic modifications at Cox referred to Cc~mnunity Development Director. #7 Offering Congress Springs School site for sale - no action required. #8 informing City of deletion of MOsquito Control Program - no action required. IV. PETITIONS, ORDINANCES AND RESOLIFIONS A. CONSIDER RESOLUTION APpROVING AGREtlMENT WITH SANTA CLARA COUNTY IN REGAMD TO AUTHORIZING BALLOT MEASURE FOR IDCAL GAS TAX. MEASURE TO BE PLAcRn ON NOV. 1982 BAllOT. City Manager revi6wed proposal and staff reconmendation to approve a~reement. Mayor Callon felt that a 5¢ per gallon tax was too high to be approved. Coun- cilmenber MOyles dl~o felt the measure would not be approved and that the City should not expend its credibility on such a measure, but instead gD to the Saratoga voters for scEnething directed to Saratoga needs. Peter Giles, representing the County Highway Financing Task Force, stated that San Jose and los Gatos bad attached-conditions to their approval of the measure. Shelley Williams, 11951 Brookridge, urged the Council to vote against the measure 2-7/7/82 because it was inadequate. Councilmenber Clevenger stated h~rzconcern that 60% of the money would be spent for regional highways and that construction of new roads would result in greater maintenance costs 7.later. MALIDRY/CIEV]t~GER E THE AGREFMEN~ BE RFJEUr~D. Passed 5-0. Councilmember Mallory explained that he felt money should be used for street maintenance rather than new construction, and be OppDsed the develoF~ent of ROute 85 between Highway 280 and the Saratoga-Sunnyvale ROad because it would bring the traffic to Saratoga, although he did not OppDse the acquisition of the 85 Corridor. Councilmember Fanelli noted that she agreed that the acqui- sition was important for the future, but she did not feel that this was the appropriate taxation method. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. PROPOSAL TO USE VYT,T,AGE POST OFFICE AS SHER3~'F'S SUBSTATION CityfM~nager reviewed issues involved, and Sheriff RObert Winter e~plained how=various shifts of his employees would use the proposed substation and noted that it would be used r~ainlyffor locker rocms, detectives, clerical staff, and juveniles or persons for when ~there was a warrant. There would be no in-custody errestees or violent persons, he said. Councils asked questions concerning internal use of the facilities, financial impact on Saratoga's _contract, method of taking people into custody, use of a nearby church parking lot, and other potential uses of the facility. Sheriff Winter stated that the facility wo-]d Dot be useful as a jail. Cole Bridges, a member of the Citizens Conmittee on the substation, said that the substation would be useful to Saratogans in the event of a natural disaster wb/ch would disrupt cc~munications from the County.. He also noted that the committee had raised funds for the re~Ddeling of the building. The public hea~ing was 6pened at 8:45 p.m. Charles Reed, 14333 Saratoga Avenue, opposed the substation because he felt it was uneconcmical and unneeded because of cuts in the Sheriff' s Department~. Jean Griffith, .~r{~6l~r~ spoke on behalf of her employers, the owners. of Corinthian Studios. She stated that they were enthusiastic about the sub- station and ' fel~ that any negative' impact would be offset by increased security. Alice Th~mas~ 14357 Saratoga A~enus, felt. that the neighkorhDod would be very adversely affected by the noise, pollution and congestion generated.by Lhe sub- station. She also felt there would not be enough parking av~ila61e for that use. T. K. Davis, 18972 Mellon, spokeras~alprivAte citfzehTaIthouq]~'be is=an e~ployee of the Sheriff' s Department. He supported the substation because it would allow the Department to operate more effiCiently, thus possibly saving lives. Betsy Br{yant, 19001 Monte Vista, spoke in support of the substation because she felt it muld increase the :'impression of safety" in Saratoga. Shelley Willia~s, 11951 Brookridge, spoke as Director of th~ Chamber of Conmerce. supported the substation because of increased safety in general and for civil defense ~urposes. Lee Lesh, 18531 Vessing, suhnitted a petition signed by 60 people in favor of .the substation. He felt Saratoga needed ~ Sheriff's office here rather'ithan having to depend on the centralized County office. Mary Wade,14740 Farwell, spoke in opposition to the substation, saying that Saratoga may decide to have its own police department and ~would then be unible to remove the substation. She also objected for envifor,mental and aesthetic reasO~lS. Jackie Welch, 20925 Jacks', spoke against the substation, stating that she disliked the idea of many police cars in the area because of parking~and con- gestion problems. zShe~!fq~s also cehcerned that Saratoga might develop sc~ne other'means of law ehforcenent and would then be'unable to remove the substation. Marlene Duffin, '21241 Canyon View, supported the sdbstation as a place where youthful offenders ee{~]d be'brought within the conmunity as well as 'a source of assistance in a majo~ emergency s~ch as the Canyon View garage fire. 3-7/7/82 Carolyn Hays, Orchard BRad, spoke in opposition to the substation, saying that those who supported it may live outside the Village. She. stated that she was not bothered by fire trucks, but would be bothered by Ix)lice cars. BRbert Graves, Vineyard Lane, .spoke in favor of the sukstation. He felt it would reduce vandalisn in the Village Post Office. He also stated that the substation would have fewer vehicles parked at a time than the Post Office did. John McEnerey, ~bnte Vista, supported the substation on the grounds that the value of the Sheriff's Office presence would offset any noise caused by the cars. Councilmenber Mallory noved to (DntinUe.'~the' ~ublic-h~aring.' There 'was no second. FANELLI/MALLORY MDV~D TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARENG. Passed 5-0. Council discussed the issues further, including the possibility of asking that the County obtain a use permit for the substation; the timing of approving the Sheriff' s contract; remodeling and landscaping of the facility; ongoing involvement of Council with the facility. FANELLI/MALLORY MOV~) TO INSTRLKLT THE CITY MANAGER TO ~ICATE WITH THE COUNI~ BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TO THE ~i~'F~CT THAT THE CITY WOULD LIKE AN AGRE~M~IqT OR USE PERMIT PROCESS ~q WHICH CITY OONCE~S ARE ADDRESSED AND SOME LONG-TERM RESOLUTION IS HANDI,F~ SO THAT CITY WOULD HAVE SOME LEVERAGE IN THE FUPURE IF THIlqGS DO NOT TUtN OUT AS ANTICIPA~'~3. Passed 5-0. Mayor Callon noted that the Supervisors would have the matter on their 7/13 agenda and encouraged citizens to centact then. The Council than recessed frc~n 9:20 p.m. to 9:55 p.m. B. APPEAL OF CONDITIONS OF DESIGN REVIEW A-820 AND VARIANCE V-575, RRr,NAP DRIVE (David Ritter, appellant/applicant) The public hearing was opened at 10:00 p.m. Since no one appeared to speak and the appellant had requested an extension, staff recu~Lended continuation of the hearing, to allow appellant time to meet the conditions. CONSENSUS TO CONTINUE THE APPEAL TO 8/4. VI. BIDS AND CONTRACTS ~?<A';.~'=AWARDz6~ C~NTRACT - RECONSTRUCTION AND OVERLAY OF ~r,I.RNDALE AVE. AND COX AVE. BIDDER, PIAZZA CONSTRUCTION,-IN ~ kNDblV~ OF $18B,867.95. 'PSSed 5-0. · B. AWARD OF-CON~FRACT - FRUITVALE AVENUE BIKE PATH FACILITY ENGIN~.'~'.RING, FOR CONTRACT ANDUNT OF $26,747.50. Passed 5~0. C. AWARD OF CONTRACT - ~URCHASE' OF ASPHALTIC ~NCR~T~: FOR STREET WORK MALLORY/FANRr.I,I MDV~D TO AWAF~ CONTRACT TO R~:~:~ & GRAHAM AND AUTHORIZE CITY MANAGER TO ISSUE PURCHASE ORDER FOR UP TO 1,000 TONS OF ASPHALTIC CONCR~/I'~:, TOTAL/~DUNT NOT TO EX~ $23,960. Passed 5-0. MALLORY~FANELLI MDVtD TO APPROVE I'I'Ei~S A, B, ~ D. Passed 5;0. A. Construction Acceptance, SDR 1472 (Quito Office Center) APPBOVED. B. Final Acceptance, Tr. 5954 and Release of Montm~nt Bond. APPRDV~I), WiTH RESOLUTION 36-B-200 ~f2C~F~ING STREEI'S. C..Request for Authorization to Install "Blue Raised Reflective Markers" on Streets for Saratoga Fire Hydrants CALLON/MALLORY MOVED APPROVAL. Passed 5-0. 4~7/7/82 D. Approval of Warrant List APPROVED. VIII. ADMINISTRAT.IVE MA~TSRS A. ¥0R Council discussed vacation schedules and determined that a qusr~n would be present for all scheduled meetings in August, so it would not be necessary to cancel any. It was suggested that ~netime in the period August 2-6 would be an appropriate time to discuss priorities. B. COUNCIL ~ ~SSIC~ REPORTS Co~ncilm~nber Fanelli requested that Council respond to the Planning Commission concerning their request for dir&etion on the question 9f prohibiting parking in bike paths. Councilm.am. ber. Fanelli requested {hat Speaker~ not be' tin~d, and it was agreed that appellants_ .and applicants at alY~l hearingS would still have 10 minutes to s[~, but the bell timer would not be used. The ins .tructions to these wishing to speak under 0ral Ccrmunications would r~nain on the agenda, limiting those speakers to two minutes. .._ CounciLmember' MallOry noted that there would be a meeting of the Peninsula Division of the League of California Cities on July 29 at the Novitiate Winery. Councilmember Clevenger reported that HCO was now meeting Only every other month. Mayor Callon brought up Written Ccmlnunication '#7 eencern{ng sale of Congress Springs School site. Council did not instruct staff. ~o indicate iny interest on the part of the City. Counci~ Clevenger indicated a desire to discuss the Congress Springs School site at a priorities meeting, since' it was probably the orily site which might be used for busing. I. R~6i% 'frdnf'Pl~nnin~ ~s'~ion on Spaich Property, GPA 82-1-E CONSENSUS,TO~'.S~T. uPUBYiIC HEAPdlqG FOR 8/4 ~ TO CONSIDER OTHER THREE GSlqERAL PLAN AM~IN]DM~IqTS ON THE SAME DATE. C. DEPARTMENT HEADS ~ OFFICERS 1. Cul~LLonity Develolment . a. Report on request for easement by Pacific Tele~hene .CLEVt~d'E~RY ~O'APPROVE GRANT OF'EASEMtl~T. Passed '5=0 iConlms/nity Dey_~l_oFmen~ Director noted that facilities. ~ould be underground. IX. ADJOURNM~q~ MAItDRY/~GER MDVED TO ADJOURN AT 1_0:30 P.M. Passed 5-0. Respectfully sutmitted, Grace E. Cory' Deputy City Clerk