HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-06-1983 City Council Minutes MINUTES SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL TIME: Wednesday, April 6, 1983 - 7:30 p.m. PLACE: Civic Theater, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue TYPE: Regular Meeting CLOSED SESSION - Personnel Matters - 6:00 p.m. Senior LOunge, Cc~lnunity Cetner, 19655 Allendale Avenue I. ORGANIZATION A. ROLL CALL - Councilmembers Clevenger, Fanelli, Mallory, Moyles and Mayor Callon present at 7:40 p.m. B. M_]INIPfES - Councilmember Moyles requested that the minutes of 3/16 clarify that his vote at the Transportation Cul~l,~ssion was for the entire five-year transportation improvement program and that the minutes of 3/24 reflect his query concerning City responsibility for debris from City property. ~LORY/CLEVENGER FDVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF 3/16 AS AMF.,NI)ED. Passed 5-0. MALLORY/FANELLI MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINI/fES OF 3/24 AS AMENDED. Passed 5-0. II. COMMUNICATIONS A. ORAL Luiz Doamaral of Doamaral ASsociates, LOS Gatos, requested that final site approval for SDR 1534 be heard. Since the Conmunity Development Director reported that the approval was routine, Council decided 'to hear it under Administrative Matters. B. WRi'i'i'~N #1 from N. Arias concerning Conmunity Newsletter - Mallory to discuss under his reports. #2 from T. Wesbster concerning Green Valley Disposal service - City Manager reported that Green Valley has agreed to pick up bundled brush. #3 from S. Goodrich cc~mending Council on resurfacing of tennis eeurte - noted and filed. #4 from F. Drinkwater concerning ROute 85 - referred to Clevenger reports. #5 from H. Nickelsen objecting to Green Valley Disposal charges - referred to Green Valley. #6 frc~ J. Goudsberry terminating work as volunteer accepted with regret - staff to write letter of appreciation. #7 from D. Fadhess concerning private develo~nent on West valley Corridor - noted and filed; referred to Clevenger reports. III. SUBDIVISIONS, BUILDING SITES A~D ZONING REQUESTS - NOne. IV. PETITIONS, ORDINANCES ~ RESOLUTIONS A. Request of Martin J. Oudewaal to add savings and loan institutions as conditional use in the P-A zoning district at 14395 Saratoga Avenue Mr. Oudewaal explained his request, and Larry Winslow, Executive Vice President of Saratoga Savings and LOan, s~oke in favor of it. City Manage pointed out that Mr. Oudewaal could apply for a rezoning to a use that would permit a savings and loan. Councilmember Mallory favored denying the request and sending the issue to the Planning ~ssion. After further discussion, Council reached consensue to request a report on the issue from staff and reagendize matter. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. /~option of revised General Plan and Envirormental Impact Report (continued from 3/16) Assistant Planner Flores explained statue of General Plan and pessible options on various issues, including possibility of consolidating General Plan review hearings to once per year and requiring fees to be exacted from developors as a condition of approval. The public hearing was opened at 8:25 p.m. 2-4/6/83 Lou Carpiac, Oxnard, spoke as counsel for Desert Petrole~Ia, owners of the service station at Saratoga and Bucknail. He opposed changing that site to roeditto density residential because it might lead to a zoning change which would force the service station fr~ that site very quickly. Peg_c~ Corr, 19224 DeHavilland, spoke in favor of retaining R-M 4,000 density on the Taresi property and not giving up senior housing possibilities. Louise Cooper, 22701 Mt. Eden Road, spoke in favor of use of the Teresi pro- perty for senior housing, which should be smaller, nDre energy-efficient, and easier to maintain than standard busing. Mildred Gordon, 20299 B!auer Drive, also spoke in favor of use of the Teresi property for senior housing. Andy Beverett, 19597 Via Monte Drive, favored use of the Teresi property for senior housing in line with his belief that the current Council represented moderation, balance, and avoidance of confrontation. Charles Schnedler, 12611 Paseo Cerro, speaking for 16 neighbors adjacent to the Teresi property, stated concerns for safety of pedestrians er~ increased f~n-off from development. He favored zoning it PC, R-1-7,500 for one-story single family detached senior housing in cluster units. Jim Russell, 12776 Saratoga Glen Court, representing the Saratoga Park Woods Hc~eowners AssOciation, stated that the Area F representative reconmended in order of priority single family, senior citizen, and condominions. He sug- gested adding that the two vacant parcels may include professional, administra- tive and multiple residential land uses, especially for seniors, but not another shopp'.Lng center, high level research and develo_rm~nt, light industrial, or manufacturing facility. He stated that Mrs. Russell, the Area D-representa- tive, concurred. Willem Kohler, 21842 Via Regina, representing Area A, urged that the General Plan state that certain areas susceptible to landslides should not be built upon. He also urged that Pierce Read be closed to through truck traffic. C~'i'~unity Development Director noted that Pierce Road is not presently desig- nated for through truck traffic. Kathy McGoldrick, 12860 Paseo Presada, stated that E1 Quito Park Board s_upForted for the Abrams Property subsidized senior housing, single family, executive offices, professional offices, -low density plannecl develotIFant, in that order. They dis- approved of connercial, retail, manufacturing or ip~us~rial uses in the area and urged, that it be zoned PA rather than CN. Terry GristDid, 12618 Paseo Oliva, stated that the neighbors supported single- story only on the Teresi property; she feared that if some two-story were allowed there; it might be allowed also on the school site. Carol Machol~ Rermie Wal<, pointed out a t~_n~?graphical error, noting that the 1/3 acre (M-15) medium density residential designation was !missing and should be ' clud-=d' Kathy McGoldrick rose again to expres~ diS~_~nenf Wi~h Mr'.' Carpiac's state- ments concerning zoning. She feared that allowing certain' i~Stanc~s of com- mercial use might encourage gredual increases in such uses.' Carol Connors, representing the Los Gatos-Saratoga Board of Realtors, pointed out the M~rch 11 letter sent by that body and reaffirmcd the concerns expressed therein. No one further appearing to speak, the public hearing was closed at 9:15 p.m. Council discussed issues and reached tentative consensus on the following items. On the Teresi property, they decided to keep the density. no lower than .one ""~nit per'~,000 sq~r'.e' feet in 0rd~ to meet the housing needs of seniors, and to have PC zoning. Councilmember Mallory felt / 3-4/6/83 this was acceptable if two-story were not allowed along Bucknall and between the Tere~i property and the existing school, and Mayor' Callon felt that p~ovi~on 'could be added as a s~at~nent in the area plan. As to the gas station at the corner of Buckhall and Saratoga, staff was directed to report on the effect on the station of zoning the lard in accor- dance with the zoning on the Teresi property. As to the Odd Fellows property, there was consensus to accept the addi- tions made by Assistant Planner Flores. Councilmember Fanelli expressed reservations akout preventing the Odd Fellows from using a pertion of their property as they wished, but it was pointed out that the General Plan can he changed if the situation warrants it. As to the Abrams. property, Council confirmed that they preferred PD mixed use, with offices and residential only; the zoning would ~e PA. Council- member Fanelli noted that if anyone wanted to put in research and develop- ment, the district would have to be modified anyway. As to the hazardous overlay map, Council accepted it as suhnitted. As to the exactions policy, there was consensus to refer it to the Planning Conmission for report beck to Council. As to the landscap~_ng on the medians of Saratoga-Sunnyvale suggested by Councilmember Mallory, there was consensus to remove Seagull as the ending point for the work. As to the timetable for General Plan review, there was consensus to make no ch~_nge in the current syst~n. As to the adoption of the General Plan, there was consensus to act on it as soon as Planning Co~nission could return relation on exactions policy, which would be May 4, and staff could return reFort on gas station site. Councilmember Fanelli then cu~l~ented, on Mr. Kohler's concerns, that the Council had previously agreed to eliminate from Area A any items that did not agree with the Specific Plan; Council_ had felt it inappropriate to make changes to the Specific Plan through the General Plan. Geencilmember Clevenger added that Council had discussed looking at Specific Plan and agreed that changes would be made through the Specific Plan rather than the General Plan. Mr. Kohier then cc~mented that his con~ents had not been restricted to the Specific Plan area. Mayor Callon noted that the City has ordinances reg, arding geological. review of building sites and that those ordinances are the appropriate places to take care of such considera- tions, rather than the General Plan. The Council then recessed from 10:20 to 10:35 p.m. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS B. Appeal of denial of design review approval to construct a two-story (changed ~o one-story; see Layne's conmentS below) family dwelling which ~xceeds the standard floor area at 20680 Marion ROad in the R-1-12,500 ZOning District (Appellant, M. Layne for ~pplicants, Mr. and Mrs. E. Zambetti) Commuai~y Develot~ent Director explained appeal. ~he public hearing was opened at 10:38 p.m. Michael Layne _spoke as the appellant, clarifying that the proposed desiqnl was a one-story traditional home which he felt was co~patible with the neighborhood. Ken Willfares, the project manager, then explained further details about the design. In answer to Mayor Callon, he stated that the pitch of the roof was cbesen both for the style of the building and the use of solar collectors. In answer to Councilmember Fanelli, he stated. that the pitch cOuld he reduced to 8/12 end still allow solar collectors if supports were added. Mr. Zambetti then spoke as the applicant, requesting grant of the a_D_Deal. No one further appearing to speak, the public hearing was closed. 4-4/6/83 Council discussed issues, including why the Planning Conm~ssion denied application; which Con~issioners had been present and voting; the impact of reducing the pitch to 8/1~ thus lowering the house 2 or 3 feet; the possibility of referring the matter back to the Planning Cc~a~ission; and the lack lof impact of removing the greenhouse. FOYLES/FANF~.T.I FOVED TO GRANT THE APPEAL SUBJECT TO THE CONDITION THAT THE PITCH OF THE ROOF BE REDbC~33 TO 8/12, AND MAKING THE APPROPRIATE FINDINGS. Passed 5-0. Councilmember Mallory commented that he voted for the motion because of the reduced bulk of the structure. C. Rezoning from R-1-40,000 to HCRD of a portion of a 7.4 acre parcel (APN 517--22-77) at terminus of Madtone Hill Rd. end consideration of zoning 3 parcels (approx. 16 acres) (APN 517--23-35, 36, 37) partially as R-1-40,000 and partially as HCRD, to be aDnexed to the City (which parcels are ajacent to and south of the abovementioned parcels and on the west side of Peach Hill Rd. in Santa Clara County) , and the associated Negative Declaration (Applicant, J. DiManto, C-200) Assistant Planner Flores stated that the General Plan would have to be _adopted before this matter could he considered. Bill Heiss rose to point out that a letter requesting waiver of fees ~d keen suhnitted. CONSENSUS 9D CONTi~FJE TO'5/4. " VI. BIDS AND CONTRACTS - None. VII, CONSENT C~T,ENDAR A, Resolution No, 1099,1~4increasing appropriations and amending the 1982-83 fiscal year budget for City .Manager salary and benefits, B, Consideration of Claim - E, Suden on behalf of P, Anderson C, Consideration of Claim - Mr, and Mrs, R, Block, D, Herriman Avenue Pedestrian Study E, Approval of Warrant List CLEVENGER/MALLORY MDVED ADOPTION OF ITEMS A- E, INCLUDING DENIAL OF ITEMS B AND C AS MED. Passed 5-0. VIII. ADMIIqlSTRATIVE MA~TKRS A. MAYOR 1. Resolution concerning Cancer Awareness Week MALLORY/FANELT,I MDVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 2050. Passed 5-0. 2. Discussion of Tricia Way Proposed Map Councilmember Fanelli excused herself, since she is an employee of the appli- cant~ and d. id not participate in any way. City Manager explained that the applicant wished to subnit a revised tentative map. Albert J. Ruffo, an attorney representing neigblors on Tricia Way a~d the adjoining street, stated that they felt the revision was .a reasor~ble compromise. He preferred a straighter cul-de-sac and requested that construction ~Drkers not come in Tricia Way for transporting materials. Mr. Wilson spoke as the applicant, stating that he had not agreed to straighten the cul-de-sac. He reviewed the maps which had been suhnitted and stated that 5-4/6/83 the neighbors with whom he had met preferred six lots with the first Profes- sional Administrative map approved so that there would be residences behind thanl. He stated that his own preference was for seven lots, six being resi- dential and one being Professional Administrative. City Attorney explained the options available to Council. Bob Saxe, another attorney, pointed out that Council could also consider combining three lots on one of the nine-lot maps, thus considering a seven-lot subdivision, at the appeal hearing May 4. ~GER/MOlrLES MOVED TO RFEONSIDER THE TWO PREVIOUSLY-DENIED MAPS. Passed 3-1 (Callon opposed, Fanelli ~bstaining). City Attorney explained that three maps would be before the Council formally, and the two 6-lot maps off Tricia would be before the Council informally. He stated that Council could not take formal action on either of the maps showing the Professional ~Enuinistrative maps unless three lots could be combined as Mr. Saxe b~d discussed. Further, b~ pointed out that if the larger remnant parcel rec~ained residential it would be subject to further subdivision with access only by Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road. Mr. Ruffo stated he did not know whether the neighbors preferred that it re~ain residential or be zoned Professional Administrative. City Manager cc~m~ented that he was concerned akout potential PA zoning; he clarified that the subdivision pro- cess had nothing to do with any petential rezoning. Mayor Callon then invited Mr. Doamaral, who bad presented his request under Oral Co~'~ul~nications, to cccae forward. Cfm~nunity Development Director explained that the final site ~approval for SDR 1534 was routine and staff reo~n~e_nded approval. In answer to Councilmember Mallory, he explained that tt~e matter had gone through normal site review with the Planning Cormmission. ~IALIDRY/CLEVEN~2{ MOVED TO GIVE FINAL BUILDING SIT~ APPROVAL FOR SDR 1534. Passed 5-0. B. COUNCIL AND CONFLISSION REFORTS Mallory - suggested assigning the re_s?onsi6ility for the Ccm~nunity Newsletter to the City .Manager; he believed that might be more acceptable to the residents. Councilmember Fanelli reported that, as Council had directed, she was accepting information fram irdividuals who wished to be considered for newsletter editor. After discussion as to various alternative methods of handling the newsletter, there was consensus to discuss at the goa~,s and priorities session. Fanelli - reported that, partly because of concern over fire district con- solidation, citizens had requested that a public safety citizens culuL,~ttee be established. Consensus to discuss at the goals and priorities session. Councilmember Fanelli also suggested tb~t the Council microphone system be improved and a podiun for public speakers be provided. City Manager directed to respond. Clevenger - reported in response to Written Ca~nunication #4 that it was pre- mature to place the Route 85 corridor on the ballot before the alternatives analysis was complete. In re.sponse to Written Coranunication #7, she reperted that CalTrans was to provide for purchase of any fihreatened parcels. Callon - urged that Co~m. cil press for formation of a committee to keep the Saratoga Fire District. Mayor Callon suggested that Councilmember Fanelli could write the Board of Supervisors for the Council on the matter. C. DEPARIMENT HEADS AND OFFICERS 1. Finance Director a. Presentation of Final Financial Report 1982-83 b. Presentation of Final Budget 1982-83 Mayor Callon asked about the budget schedule, and it was decided that there would be study sessions May 24 and June 7; a public hearing June 1; adoption of the budget June 15. 6-4/6/83 Councilmember Fanelli irquired akout the Parks and Recreation Cc~ission barbecue April 23. It was decided that Council would call staff to let them know if they could attend. ~yor Callon then-brought the meeting to a close in 'the m~nory of Rob Robinson, City Planning Director who had recently died. She spoke of how much the City ~ould miss Rob and then gave the floor to Councilmember Moyles to make a final statement: Like all of you, I have been saddened eund greatly troubled by Rob Robinson's death. Saratoga has lost one of its official family, and that loss is truly beyond measure. I think it is appropriate that the official record of this bod_V reflect how we felt. We sbuld pay tribute to Rob by remembering him in death exactly as he was in life: a thoroughly good and decent man. He improved all that he touched, as a husband, father, brother and profesional who served his cor~nunity so well. Surely his re~rd hereafter will be great. It is fitting, then, to devote our present intentions to those who survive him, who relied on his love and strength for their s~upport and security. Let us pray, in the words of St. Francis, that in the midst of this darkness the light will not be com- pletely extinguished, that in their doubt they will n~t entirely lose faith, that in their despair ~hey will not be left ccmpletely without hope, and that they will soon be removed from their pre- sent sadness and restored to the joy t~at our recollection of the days we shared with Rob will bring. These memories, held fast in our hearts and watered by the tears of our grief today, will be our conselation and comfort tomorrow. Cc~nunity Develo~nent Director stated that the Planning Co~ssion had su~c~ gested that Council consider a memorial tree at Hakone Gardens for Mr. Robinson. City Manager reported that the' Parks and Recreation C~n~ssion had expressed a desire to take on that task. There ~as consensus for them todo IX. ADJO~ The meeting was adjourned at 12: 00 midnight in the memory of Rob Robinson. Re _spectfully suk~nitted, Grace E. Cory Deputy City Clerk