HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-21-1984 City Council Minutes MINUTES SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL TIME: Wednesday, March 21, 1984 - 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Civic Theater, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue TYPE: Regular Meeting I. ORGANIZATION A. ROlL CALL - Councilmembers Callon, Clevenger, Fanelli, Mallory and Mayor Moyles present at 7:02 p.m. B. MINIEES- 3/7 CLEVENGEK/MALIDRY MDVED TO APPROVE MINLTES AS SURMI'ri'~.'D. Passed 5-0. II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Omar Chattey, 18316A Hill Avenue, Morgan Hill, spoke in support of the West Valley freeway hs an environmentally sensitive pzoject. III. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Denial of Claim - Barry (by Saucedo) B. Denial of Claim - Landis (by Ar~erson) C. Approval of Tenth Annual Bike-A-Thou, 5/20/84 D. Acceptance and Acknowledgment of Donation for Hakone Garden - Slafter E. ACceptance end Acknowledgment of Denaton for Hakone Garden - Brunner F. Acceptance and Acknowledgment of DOnation for Hakone Garden - Hand G. Final Building Site Approval, James W. Day Construction, 14960 Sobey Rd. (SDR 1523, G. Jacobson) H. Resolution Denying Appeal of Denial of Variance and Condition #2 of Design Review Requiring Renoval of Balconies if Varience is Denied, 15041 Sobey Rd. (R. Renna, Appellant/applicant) (V-629, A-920 (Appeal heard 3/7/84) (RESOLbTION 2128) I. Notice of Completion - Underground Fuel Tank J. Informational Progress Report on Volunteer Saratoga Program K. Approval of Warrant List FANRJI,I/CLEVENGER MOVED APPROVAL OF ENTIRE CONSENT CALENDAR. Passed 5-0. IV. SCHEDULED M~IT~RS A. A~MINISTRATIVE REPORTS 1. Report from Conmunity Develot~nent Director on Traffic Signal Warrant Study at Saratoga-Sunnyvale ~./Herriman Avenue Intersection Cal~l~XLity Development Director explained report, noting that the subject signal was of first priority among proposed signals to be paid for partly by the City. Councilmembers discussed alternative means of solving the traffic problem, such as lowering the speed limit and/or placing a signal at Blauer. Co~uni~y Develo> merit Director stated that signal at Blauer would have little effect on sDeed in the area under consideration, and that the recent State speed study eenfinned the results of the previous one; he believed it unlikely that the State would reduce the speed limits on the basi~. of the recent study. Councilmembers then discussed the possibility that the presence of a school might be grounds for reduction of the speed limit, as well as the possibility of putting a signal at Reid. Council- member Mallory moved to agendize the issue for a study session. There was no second. 2-3/21/84 Cum~unity DeveloUment Director noted that City does not have jurisdiction ever speed limits on State highways such as Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road; City Manager conmented that Saratoga could join cities which are sponsoring legislation to give cities more control ever speed limits on State highways within their boundaries. FANELLI/CAItflN MOVED TO ADDRESS A LWi'i'ER TO CALTRANS STATING THAT SARATOGA IS TAKING UNDER CONSIDERATION A SIGNAL AND REQUESTS THAT THE SPF~.~ LIMIT BETWki~N THE VILLAGE INTERSECTION AND HERRL~AN (OR AT'LEAST ALOHA) BE REDUCED TO 35 MILES PER HOUR. Passed 5-0. After discussion, there was consensus to refer all three signals mentioned in Ccmmu- hity Development Director's report of priorities (Saratoga-Sunnyvale/Herriman; McCoy/Quito; Westmont/Quito) to the Public Safety Culm~ssion. Councilmenber Clevenger asked that the high school be given the opportunity to be present at the meeting. Noting that Todd Likens, Principal of Saratoga High School, was present, Mayor Moyles reiterated the Council action for his benefit. B. REPORTS FROM COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES 1. Report frc~n Parks and Recreation Ccn~nission on their Involvement in Hakone Foundation Councilmember Clevenger suhnitted a letter frcFa Bill Glennon outlining the proposed Bakone Foundation. Consensus to defer to Councilmembers' Reports. 2. Report frc~n Perks and Recreation Ca~'u~ssion Requesting Funding to Support Off Highway Vehicle Perk Councilmembers Callon and Fanelli expressed doubt as to whether a vehicle perk in Sen Jose would benefit Saratoga. Councilmember Fenelli also noted that there was no report directly from the Con]mission on the matter. MALLORY/CLEVENGER MOVED TO ACCEFU THE ~ATION OF THE COMMISSION TO ALLOCATE FUNDS FOR THE PROJEC~2. Passed 3-2 (Callon, Fanelli opposed). 3. Report from Public Safety Ccr~mission Recommending that Council take no Action on Ordinance regarding Sleeping in Public Right of Way at this time Mayor Moyles asked whether no-parking signs had been posted in the Crisp area where the problem had originated. The City Manager said they had, and that the problem seemed to have been alleviated. TherP~iwas consensus to take the Ccr~mission's recc~c mendation to take no action on the proposed ordinance. C. ORDINANCES AND RESOLbTIONS 1. Report on Second Unit Ordinance Mayor MDyles noted that the Council had requested that the Planning Ccnmission consider the possibility of making findings that seeend units were not warranted in Saratoga, since there was no public record on that question. COuncilmembers agreed that it would be necessary for the CU'~dssion to hold public hearings, so it would not be possible to adhere to the original schedule. Jeyce Hlava rose to speak as a Planning Cu~ul~ssioner. She stated that the C~ul~ssion had deleted all references to second units in the Housing Element, and she felt it was possible for the Conu~H ssion to remain on schedule with the. Housing Element. Mr. Toppol of the City Attorney' s office explained that the record would have to show that there were hearings on the subject; he felt it would be easiest to keep the Housing Element at the Ccmmission level until the second unit ordinence was ready, and to bring both back to the Council together. MOYLES/M3tLIORY MOVED TO AG~qDIZE PROPOSED REVISED SCHEDULE FOR CONSIDERATION OF SECCND UNIT ORDINANCE AND HOUSING F. LRMENT AT STUDY SESSION 3/27. Passed 5-0. Mildred Cordon, Preside%t of the Saratoga Area Senior Coordinating Council, stated that the SASCC was disappointed in the delay and could live with the ordinance pre- sented previously by the City Attorney. 3-3/21/84 The Council then recessed for the purpose of a closed session on litigation from 8:07 to 8:38 p.m. V. PUBLIC HEARING A. Consideration of Request for Rate Increase by Green Valley Disposal Ccmpany (continued frce 3/7) The public hearingwas opened at 8:30 p.m. Don Carr, 19803 Merribrcok Court, asserted that the scale at the landfill did not work, and garbage was being charged by voltmae, not weight. Mr. Zanardi, of Guadalupe Rubbish, stated that all rubbish wan weighed, and that there were two scales. John Haufe, CanyonviewDrive, requested that the two free unlimited pickups per year be reinstated. Dora Grens, 13451 Old Oak Way, stated that she lived in a hard-to-serve area and that she, together with her neighbors, favored the two free unlimited pickups per year. She also stated that she often took garbage to the dump, and it was not weighed. Bill Sheridan, 19776 Lisa Avenue, stated that many citizens had not ccme to the public hearing because they believed the Council would pass the proposed temporary 10% rate increane; he asserted that Green Valley would present the Council with an ultimatun and urged the Council not to yield. LOis Cockshaw, Canyon View Drive, objected to.the fact that l~land areas could have unlimited pickup. She also urged that an audit be performed. Jesse Jack, attorney representing Green Valley.Disposal, reviewed the history of the rate increase request, stating that Green Valley had cooperated extensively with the Rate Review Comnittee. He noted that the City, in considering a 10% temporary rate increase, had not promised that the requested 34% increase would be granted if an audit indicated that the books were accurate..Mr. Jack expressed the opinion that the City was not negotiating-in gocd faith. He stated that Green Valley coLLId not continue their level of service on the basis of a 10% increase and, moreover, that there might be problems with the other contract cities if Green Valley accepted the 10% increase. He satated that if the 10% increase were offered, Green Valley would discontinue service to Saratoga as of April 20, 1984. If the City were unable .to find a replacement by that date, he said, Green Valleywould accclnmodate the City under certain conditions, among whichwouldbe good faith attempts on the part of the City to find a replacement service. Mr. Toppel of the City Attorney's Office disputed Mr. Jack's contention that the Citywas not negotiating in good faith. He noted that it had been stated clearly at the last study session that the Citywas providing a temporary increase as a good faith gesture pending the final decision. He pointed out that the franchise agree- ment states that Green Valley can ask for an increase and that the Council is entitled to review the recul~endation of the Rate Review Cc~anittee to determine whether to approve a change in the rate schedule. The other contract cities, he said, are not entitled to dictate to the Saratoga Council what it should do. He expressed doubt that Green Valleyhad made an offer to performan audit which the Rate Review Cc~mit- tee declined, as Mr. Jack had asserted. Mr. Toppel pointed out that the City has not stated that it woulddeny Green Valley's request; he believed that GreenValley's giving a date of termination of service was not proper under the contract and would be regarded as a breach of contract by the City. The Citywould take appropriate action to prevent termination, he said. If Green Valley disputed Council action he believed that their remedy was to let a judge decide the issue, not to terminate service. The public hearing was closed at 8:59 p.m. Councilmember Callon and Mr. Toppel discussed the wording of the draft resolution, including the type of audit to be Idone, payment arrangements, and the fact that the 10% increase was to be a temporary increase. Councilmember Callon ccm~nented that the Council bad stated at the study session that they were willing to consider several measures to increase Green Valley's revenue, such as mandatory service, man- datQry curbside service, and increasing conmercial rates. She also suggested that 4-3/21/84 a lien system might be possible to reduce bad debts. She objected to Mr. Jack' s statenent that the City was not attempting to resolve the problare. Councilmember Fanelli suggested that the scope of the audit be left to whoever was hired to perform it, since that person would have the expertise to make that judg- ment. 'Councilmember Mallory expressed the view that the Council' s action ~n passing a 10% increase would be unreasonable and would show to sGne degree a lack of good faith. He stated that Saratoga' s negotiators had decided that no audit was neces- sary five months ago, and they represented the City. He felt that Green Valley had fully cooperated with the Rate Review Ccmmittee, and the City had not contested any specific issues raised by that committee. He also believed that there was an increase in service, caused in large part by the one can/unlimited structure which the Council had adopted a year ago. Mr. Mallory suggested establishing a businesslike working relationship which would include a rate structure which would charge by cans used plus an unlimited rate, plus pickup when it is appropriate. He also favored accept- ing Green Valley' s offer to audit, sithough he believed if the City was unhappy with Green Valley the City ought to terminate the contract and go to bid. He was not pleased Wi~h the process the Council was going through. Councihnent~r Clevenger felt that it would have been better if the Rate Review CGr~ mittee had kept the Council informed earlier in the process. She remirded those ?resent, hewever, that the Council had spent a great deal of time last year in efforts to develop an equitable rate structure, and in good faith they had not expected to be faced with another increase so soon. Under the circ~nstances, she felt it necessary to gain more information to justify another increase. Mayor Moyles felt it necessary for the Council not to defer the question of the increase to the Rate Review Cutmittee, but to take the responsibility on the~- selves. He disassociated kimsetf completely frcm Mr. Mallory's renarks concerning the good~faith character of the Council' s actions. He subscribed to the City Attorney's position concerning the City's legal position. He suggested that the Council take up the resolution as modified concerning the cost of the audit; sched- ule the topic for a study session to determine the scope of the audit; schedule a study session to review the City Attorney's reccramendations in response to Green Valley' s cum~ents. Council and City Attorney discussed wording of resolution~ and its title. MOYLES/FANELLI MDVED TO ADOPT RESOLI/~ION 2129 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SARATOGA APPROVING A TEMPORARY AND INTERIM RATE INCREASE UNDER THE FRANCHISE AGREE- MENT WITH GREEq VArI.EY DISPOSAL COMPANY, WITH THE IAST SENTENCH IN PARAGRAPH 2 MODI- FIED TO READ "GREEN V~T.T,FX SHALL BE RESPOSIHLE FOR PAYMENT OF SUCH AUDIT COSTS AS MAY BE REQUIRED UNDER THE TERMS OF THE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT, AND THE BALANCE OF ANY COST SHALL BE PAID BY THE CITY." Passed 4-1 (Mallory opposed). There was consensus to agendize for the next study session the question of the scope of the Green Valley audit, as well as a closed session on litigation. Mr. Toppel asked Councilmembers for suggestions for auditors who might conduct the audit, since he hoped to avoid the public bid process on this specialized topic. Mayor Moyles returned to items preceding public hearings. C. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS (continued) 2. Ordinance Designating Foothill Club as Heritage Resource (second reading) FANRLT,I/~GER FDVED TO READ THE ORDINANCE BY TITLE ONLY, WAIVING FURTIER READING. Passed 5-0. FANELLI/CLEVENGER MDVED TO ADOPT ORDINANCE HP-1. Passed' 5-0. 3. Ordinance concerning Enforcsnent of Code and Ordinance Provisions (second reading) CLEVtlN~/MALLORY MOVED TO READ THE ORDINANCE BY TITLE ONLY, WAIVING FURTHER READING. Passed 5-0. CLRVENGER/MAILORY MOVED TO ADOPT ORDINANCE 38. 118. Passed 5-0. 5-3/21/84 4. Ordinance Regarding Placement of Political Signs (second reading) FANELLI/MOYLES MOVED TO READ ORDINANCE BY TITLE ONLY, WAIVING FLrRTHER READING. Passed 5-0. FANRrI.I/CLEVENGER MOVED TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NS-3.56. Passed 5-0. 5. Resolution concerning .Youth Appreciation Week sponsored by Mayor Moyles MOYLES/~GERMOVEDTO ADOPT RESOLUTION 2130. Passed 5-0. D. BIDS AND CONTRACTS 1. Agreement for Plan Checking Services Ccr~nunityDevelopnent Director explained proposed agreement. CouncilmemberFanelli expressed objections to it, including the fact that the Planning Department was con- sidering hiring an in-house checker; the contract checker should not be allc~ed to do other projects in Saratoga; timeline r_eqv/renents shouldbe tightened up, and the checker should be penalized if he does not meet the timelines. Councilmembers and City Attorney discussed further revisions, end Ccmmunity Development Director offered to discuss the proposed revisions with the plan checker. He reccrmnended that the fee schedule be adopted, however, effective inmediately. FANFJLI/MOYLES MDVED TO ADOPT FEE SCHEDULE ON PAGE 2 OF PlAN CHECKING AGREEF~RqT BL~ NUT THE REMAINDER ABSENT THE RLTURN OF THE CONTRACT TO THE COUNCIL. Passed 5-0. City Manager noted that staffing in this area would be discussed at the next study session. Mayor MDyles then proceeded to items following public hearings on the agenda. VI. NEW BUSINESS A. D~scussion of Oral Cc~munications, if any - None. B. Written Ccmmunications frcm Public #1 fremJ. end T. Hayden supporting revenue-generating package - noted and filed. #2 fran J. Jackson requesting action to prevent visual intrusion by occupants of building near residence of M. and S. Galeb - Culu,~0nity Development Director to host meeting between two parties involved. ' #3 frcra K. Loewensternopposing Planning Ccnraission actions hampering outdoor din- ing in Saratoga restaurants - staff directed to write Ms. Loewenstern to deter- mine whether she has a specific restaurant in mind. #4 fr~n R. Fairall ctmplimenting Jack Tomlinson - letter to be acknowledged and Mr. Temlinson sent a copy. #5 frcrnF.' Esparza et al. petitioning for closure of Paseo Lado - agendized for staff repOrt 4/18; Cc~munity Service Officers and Sheriff's office to be infonned of problem. Mary Hawkins, 18692 Paseo Lado and Thcmas Cribbs, 19645 Pasee Lado, expressed support for the closure at Quito. C. New Business frcra Councihranbers Fenelli stated she planned to hold a public hearing to obtain input in fire services from the public for the benefit of the Fire District Study Coamittee. She requested authorization to have the City pay for a notice in the paper. Consensus to have the City pay for the notice. Fanelli then expressed concern that a public hearing on the proposed ballot measure for an asses~nent to support pavement management had not yet been scheduled. City Manager suggested that the matter be discussed at a study session. Fanelli reccrn- mended that $85 be assessed rather than $100, feeling that the City should not col- lect more then it needed per year. Mallory suggested that before a decision on the amount to be collected was made, staff should report on what total costs were ex- pected ever the next five years for the program. Moyles noted that the matter was agendized for study session, and that staff could answer questions at that time. Mallory also requested information on howmuch is to be accon~plished on the program this year. 6-3/21/84 Clevenger reported that the Policy Advisory Board for Highway 85 was to vote on whether Nbuntain Vie~ and Sunnyvale should join the Board. Consensus to wait until further information is available. Clevenger then asked if Council wished to add anything further to the letter con- cerning Hakone Foundation. Consensus to have Clevenger take the letter to the Parks and Recreation Culul~ssion. City Manager stated ha would also take some sug- gested input to the Cual~ssion. ~byles stated he had received a ccnmunication from Lynn Belanger which he had ex- pected to take up under Oral Cul~uunications, but since she and her client had been waiting all evening, he suggested that the Council hear the matter to see if there were anything they wanted to consider. Lynn Belanger, representing. Rhett's restaurant in Saratoga, stated she had an urgent matter to discuss. She said that Rhett's had been cited twice for failure to have a dance hall permit. In attempting to obtain a permit from the City, she was told by staff that the area was not zoned for dance hall use, nor was any area in the City so zoned. She cited Division 4 of the Saratoga City Code, which includes the issu- ance of dance hall permits under Business Regulations, and suggested that the Zoning Ordinance should not be considered to have any control over dance hall permits. Mr. Toppel stated he felt Ms. Belanger's reasoning was persuasive. Councilmember Callon stated she would prefer to amend the ordinance to require a public hearing with an appeal to the City Council. CALLON/MOYLES MOVED TO INTERPRET THE CODE AS IT STANDS TO PERMIT THE GRANTING OF A LIC~tNSE IN A DISTRICT WITHIN THE CITY FOR WHICH THE KINDS OF USES ARE SPOKEN AND TO ASK THAT STAFF ACCEI~ AN APPLICATION AND FOLLOW THE PROCESS AS OUTLINED IN THE BUSINESS REGULATIONS ORDINANCE. Passed 4-1 (Mallory opposed). Councilmember Mallory stated he opposed the motion because he felt it opened up the City beyond what the citizens wanted; he felt the matter had been handled too quickly, which showed favoritisn. Ms. Belanger inquired as to any fee that might be required; City Manager believed there was no fee. D. New Business frcTn Staff City Manager brought up an invitation from the Chamber of Caaterce to' hold a joint meeting with the Council on April 23. Councilmembers discussed scheduling, and there was consensus to hold meeting on a s[udy session night if the schedule per- nitted. Cum~onity .Development Director asked that Council sent a time for a joint meeting with the Heritage Preservation Ccremission. THere was consensus to allow the City Manager to set an appropriate date. VII. ADJOURNMENT The Council adjourned at 11:23 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Grace E. Cozy Deputy City Clerk