HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-15-1984 City Council Minutes MINUTES SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL TIME: Wednesday, August 15, 1984 - 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Civic Theater, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue TYPE: Regular Meeting I. ORGAN~ZA'FiON ' - - /L ROLL CALL - Councilmembers Callon, Clevenger, Hlava, Moyles and Mayor Fanelli present at 7:07 p.m. B. MINUTES - 8/1, 8/7 CALLON/CLEVENGER MOVED TO APPROVE MINUTES OF 8/1 WITH CORRECTION OF REVERS[]3 PAGE NUMBERS 3 AND 4, ADDITION OF TITLE OF ORDINANCE ON PAGE 3, AND HIAVA RATHER THAN CLEVENGER SHOWN AS ABSTAINING ON APPEAL VOTE ON PAGE 4. Passed 5-0. MOYLES/CLEVENGER MOVED TO APPROVE MINUTES OF 8/7 AS SUBMllTED. Passed 4~0-1 Callon abstaining because she had been absent frc~n the meeting). II. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS No one appeared to speak. III. CONSENT CAT.FNDAR A. Resolution Upholding a Decision of the Planning Cc~Taission (Saratoga National Bank Appeal, denied 8/1) MOYT.P-q/CLEVENGER MOV~]D TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 2169. Passed 3-0-2 (Callon, Hlava abstaining, as they had abstained frc~ the original decision). B. Resolution Upholding Decision of the Planning Ccmmission (Crowther Appeal of Dewey Application, denied 8/7) ~GER/MOYLES MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 2170 WITH THE ADDIT/ON OF THE CONDITION REQUIR/NG THAT THE LANDSCAPE PLAN BE APPROVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION. Passed 4- 0-1 (Callon abstaining, as she had been absent from the meeting where the matter was decided ). C. Final Building Site Approval, SDR 1577, Park Dr., Tim Robinson, 1 lot D. Conditional Final Building Site Approval, SDR 1561, Ken Levy, Glen Una Dr., 1 lot E. Treasurer's Report - June F f Approval of Warrant List HLAVA/CT.EVENGER MOVED TO APPROVE ITEMS C, D, E AND F ON THE' CONS}lqT CAT.RNDAP~ Passed 5-0. IV. SCHEDULED MA'rI'~S A. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 1.Review of Proposed Ballot Argument in Support. of Measure G, the Save Our Saratoga Streets Special Tax Ordinance ', Councilmember Moyles explained the proposed hallot argument, and Mayor Fanelli noted that it would bear the signatures of the Councilmembers. There was consensus to end the argument with the phrase "...save our Saratoga streets." As to the impartial analysis drafted by the City Attorney, there was consensus to reword it so as to clarify that the Council could not increase the tax above the max/mum. B. REPORTS FROM COMMISSIONS AND COMMI'IT~:ES 1. Report from Parks and Recreation Ccr~nission regarding 1985 State Park Funds and Hiring of Consultant ,City Manager explained that reccnmendation had been made possible by a measure passed 2-8/15/84 on the June 1984 ballot. Maintenance Director explained details of proposal and answered questions. Finance Director stated that the funds were to be taken frcm the General Fund. Councilember Moyles stated his hesitancy to make a cc~mitmant on short notice when it might close out other options. City Manager stated that the Parks end Recreation Cut~l~ssion bad felt this application was the most important one 'to make 'for the present. Councilmember Cleveager felt the project was the one most likely to be approved for fund- ing by th.e State. CLEVENGER/CALLON MOVED TO AUTHORIZE PREPARATION OF APPLICATION FOR 1984 STATE BOND FUNDS AND MASTbi~ PlAN REVISION, RETAIN JACK BUKTENICA ASSOCIATES AS CONSULTANT TO REVISE MASTS/< PLAN FOR CONGRESS SPRINGS PARK, AND ADOPT RESOLUTION 2151.3 PROVIDING FUNDS. Passed 5-0. 2. Heritage Preservation Commission Request for Column in City Newsletter Consensus to provide cole space in City newsletter for commission matters; editor to determine which cu,~,,~ssion to include in each newsletter. 3. Reports frcm Public Safety C~'t.~ssion a. Activities to date; Goals and Objectives b. Reccmm~_ndations to Amend Resolution 2080. " Councilmembers were pleased with the report on activities and goals and objectives. They supported the recommendations to amend Resolution 2080 in general but expressed concern about the addition of emergency p.reparedness and fire prevention responsibilities to the Commission's duties. Commissioner Lewis explained that the Commission simply wished to be informed concerning emergency preparedness and fire ' prevention issues. There was c~nsensus to have Mr. Lewis return to the Commission and arrange for them to meet with the emergency preparedness volunteers to clarify their responsibilities; the Commission was also to discuss fire prevention responsibilities. 4. Oral Reports frcm C~'~l.{ssioners - None. C. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS 1. Resolution Cu~t~ending Carrie Steinseifer HLAVA/CLEVENGER MOVtI) TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 2171. Passed 5-0. 2. Resolution Ccxm~ading William ~enevento C~,RV]~qGER/MOYLES MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 2172. Passed 5-0. 3. Resolution Adopting MemorendUm of Understanding for Salaries and Benefits Adjustments with Saratoga t'lmployees Association Councilmember Callon commented that although she supported the salary and benefit packages as presented, she disagreed with the philosophy of having the City pay for Public Employees Retirement System benefits. She felt that if the City paid for these benefits, the employees would no longer have a stake in keeping contributions low, and the City would lose an ally in its efforts to keep costs down. MOirLES/CLEVENGER MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 85-9.60. Passed 5-0. 4. Resolution Approving Adjustments for Salaries and Benefits to Managenent 51nployees MO~,F,q/CI~'%II~qC~t~R MOIlI'D TO 25jDOPT t~E~I]~ON 85-9.61. Passed 5-0. 5. Resolutions of Appropriations for Salaries and Benefit Adjustments In answer to Councilmember Moyles, City b~anager stated that the amounts being appropri- ated were within the operating reserve in the budget; Finance Director noted that the resolutions would increase the budget by removing the funds frcm the reserve. 3-8/15/84 a. Resolution Appropriating Funds in Connection with Reclassification Study CALLON/HIAVA MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 2151.4. Passed 5-0. b. Resolution Appropriating Funds in Connection with Saratoga E~nployees ASsociation Memorand~n of Understanding CALLON/HLAVA MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 2151.5. Passed 5-0. c. Resolution Appropriating Funds for ~x]justments in Salaries and Benefits to Management ~bployees CALLON/HLAVA MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 2151.6. Passed 5-0. 6. Ordinance Designating Central Park as Heritage Resource second reading) MOYI.~-q/~GER MOVED TO READ ORDINANCE DESIGNATING CENTRAL PARK AS HER/TAGE RESOURCE BY TITLE ONLY, WA/VING FURTHER READING. Passed 5-0. CLEVENGER/MOYLES MOVED TO ADOPT ORDINANCE HP-3. Passed 5-0. 7. Development Impact Fee Ordinance for Circulation Improvements in Northwest Hillside Zone (first rending) City Manager explained ordinance, and Mr. Toppel of the City Attorney's Office gave further details, recommending that the ordinance be passed as an urgency ordinance. City Manager reported that about twenty applications could be submitted before the ordinance became effective if it were not passed on an emergency basis, resulting in a loss to the City of about $100,000.00. He felt trenting the issue as an emergency was justified because the public safety required a road, which could be delayed by loss of the funds. Councilmembers discussed issues, including whether situation was a true emergency, the possibility of setting a time frame by which funds would have to be returned if the road had not been built, whether the item should have been noticed as as public hearing, whether to change provisions concerning remodeling, the appropriate yearly date on which to set any increase in the fee with respect to the construction season, and relative importance of other proposed uses for the funds. There was consensus that the situation did not require an urgency ordinance because situation was not an emergency, and it would not be fair to hasten the process order to impose more fees. Mayor Fanelli, however, directed staff not to accept incomplete applications for building permits. HLAVA/CALLON MOVED TO INTRODUCE DEVELOPMENT IMPACT b'E~ ORDINANCE FOR CIRCULATION IFIDROVEMENTS IN NORTHWEST HIT.LqIDE ZONE WITH THE FOLI/DWING ~/MENDMENTS: DF~.~L'~: '~JRGENCY" IN TITLE; DRI.~:I'E PARAGRAPH K MAKING FINDINGS TO JUSTIFY URGENCY ORDINANCE; REWORD SECTION 3 TO INDICATE THAT THE FUND IS TO BE USED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SW-NE ROAD CONNECTING PARKER RANCH ROAD AND MT. EDEN, AND UI~DN COMPLETION OF THAT ROAD ANY REMA/NING FUNDS ARE TO BE USED FOR ITEMS (b) AND (c); IN SECTION 4 CHANGE THE DATE ON WHICH TUB LEVEL OF THE CALTRANS HIGHWAY INDEX IS D~rEFa4INED TO APR/L 1; CHANGE SECTION 7 TO INDICATE THAT THE ORDINANCE BECOMES b:~'FhCTIVE 30 DAYS ADOPTION AND IS NOT AN URGENCY ORDINANCE. Passed 5-0. Mr. Toppel indicated that a simplified procedure for ordinances was acceptable; ordinances are to be introduced with one motion and adopted with one motion to read by title only, waiving further reading, and a second motion to adopt. Mayor Fanelli proceeded to public hearings on the agenda, since the hour of 8:00 had passed. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Report and ASsessment for Weed Abatement City Clerk reviewed yearly procedures for weed abatement.~ Councilmember inquired as to why no property owners' names appeared on the list of parcels to which liens were to be attached. George Overby of the County Building Official's Office stated that personnel cutbacks had forced the office to end the practice of providing names. The public hearing was opened at 8:50 p.m. No one appearing to speak, it was closed at 8:51 p.m. CLEVtlqGEN/HLAVA MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 2173 CONFIRMING REPORT OF UNPAID ABATt~MEN~ BIl.nq AND ASSESSMENT OF W~:~:u ABATEMENT CHARGES. Passed 5-0. Councilmember Callon commented on the good work performed by Mr. Overby, and Mayor Fanelli asked that a letter of appreciation be sent to the County. 4-8/15/84 B. Abandonment of a Portion of Riverdale City Manager explained procedures. In answer to Councilmember Callon, he stated that the proposed abandonment involved no trails or stream ~3ds to his knowledge. Mr. Toppel noted that the hcmeowners bad the responsibility for landscaping. The public hearing was opened at 8:56 p.m. No one appearing to speak, it was closed at 8:57 p.m. HIAVA/CALLON MOVtID TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 2174 ORDERING VACATION AND ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF R/VERDALE DR/VE. Passed 5-0. Mayor Fanelli then returned to items preceding public hearings on the agenda. D. BIDS AND CONTRACTS 1. Volunteer Center Agreement Renewal for 1984-85 City Manager explained proposed renewal of agreement and r~.n~est for additional funds, noting in answer to Councilmember Hlava that the additional funds would come from the City's portion of Revenue Sharing. This was approT?riate, he said, since the City is the beneficiary of the Volunteer Center programs. CLEVENGER/MOYLES MOVED TO APPROVE RENEWAL OF VOLUNT~hR{ CSVI~R AG~R~.MENT. Passed 4-0 (Callon temporarily absent). c%.~v~GER/HIAVA MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 2151.7 APPROPRIAtiNG ADDITIONAL $1500. Passed 5-0. 2. Contract for Plans for Accessibility Improvements to Government Buildings CALIxDN/HLAVA MOVED TO APPROVE ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES CONTR~LT. Passed 5-0. Mayor Fanelli then proceeded to items following public hearings on the agenda. VI. N~4 BUSINESS A. Discussion of 0ral Culu~Lunications, if any - None. B o Written Communications from the Public #1 from ~ Rowe-Maas donating $100 for City flag - gratefully accepted; Moyles requested to work on development of flag. C. New Business frc~ Councilmembers Hlava - reported on ~Yansportation Commission meeting at w~ich all city representatives had abstained from voting on support of Ceurfcy-wide 1/2-cent sales tax. After discussion, there was consensus to maintain CoBncil's position of neutrality on the issue for the present. Moyles - inquired as to progress of letter informing property owners of second unit ordinance; City Manager stated it was in preparation. Clevenger - brought up question of entertainment of Japanes~e Sister City visitors; consensus to entertain the in Saratoga. Fanelli - proposed that Council approve a proclamation conce'-qo/ng Saratoga Olympic Athletes MOnth. CLEVENGER/HLAVA MOVED TO APPROVE PROCLAMATION OF SEPTEMBER ~;~ SARATOGA OLYMPIC ATI~.,:['ES MONTH. Passed 5-0. Fanelli - reviewed important upcoming dates: Volunteer L~ncheon, September 19; joint meeting with Finance Committee, September 11; joint m~_-~fting with Library Cu~,~ission, October 9. D. New Business fram Staff, Administrative Reports n~- Scheduled 5-8/15/84 City Manager reported that he had chosen a new Community Services Director and requested confirmation of the appointment by the Council. HIAVA/CALIDN MOVED TO CONFIRM THE APPOINTMENT OF TODD ARGOW AS COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR. Passed 5-0. City Manager reported that Lt. Wilson had replaced Lt. Houston at the Sheriff's Saratoga substation office. He then announcedthe expected arrival of Carri~ Steinseifer, Olympic gold medalist and Saratoga resident, on A~gust 18. De_putyCityClerk distribut~ a letter from the County Registrar cf Voters requesting Council's opinion of the County's plan to continue to print ballots bilingually even though it was no longer required by law. In answer to Council, Deputy City Clerk stated that there were ten registeredvoters in Saratoga who requested voting materials in Spanish. Consensus to inform the Registrar that Council believed there was no useful pur[~se in having bilingual ballots printed for Saratoga; each community should be able to decide for itself onthe issue. E. Action Referral Log Mayor Fanelli noted that the only item to be added was a discussion of the next City newsletter in September. VII. ADJOE The meeting was adjourned at 9:31 p.m. Respectfully su~nitted, Grace E. Cory Deputy City Clerk