HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-13-1990 City Council Minutes MINUTES SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL TIME: Tuesday, February 13, 1990 7:30 p.m. PLACE: Community Center Arts and Crafts Room, 19655 Allendale Avenue TYPE: Adjourned Regular Meeting/Joint Meeting with Public Safety Commission The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. Councilmembers Anderson, Peterson, Stutzman and Mayor Clevenger were present. Commissioners Borah, Crane, Dawson, Long, O'Rorke, Rose, and Swanson were present. Staff Members Peacock and Argow were preseht. I. JOINT MEETING WITH PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION A. Commissioner Dawson recapped the activities of the Commission during the past year. 1. Created three new neighborhood watch areas. 2. Handled numerous routine traffic matters. 3. Established communications link with all schools concerning public safety issues. 4. Worked on new emergency plan and on disaster exercise training. 5. Increased visibility with community groups such as CASA., Parker Ranch Association and the roofing industry. 6. Expanded ride-along activity with sheriff, CSO's and paramedics. 7. Organized the annual appreciation picnic for sheriff and fire. B. Special Projects for 1989 were recapped by Commissioner Borah. 1. Took field trip to County communications center. 2. Met with She½iff Gillingham. 3. Received testimony from police chiefs on party ordinances. 4. Meeting with head of emergency medical services. 5. Took testimony from fire chiefs and roofing industry on fire retardant roofing. 6. Met with P.G.&E. to discuss safety and high power lines in event of earthquake. 7. Met with school administrators to discuss their problems. 8. Met with Will Kempton regarding plans for Route 85 construction. Discussed looking into high tension lines and health issues of electro-magnetic fields. 9. Dealt with needed repairs of Southern Pacific Railroad crossing and Cox. Effort proved effective. 10. Continued review of Drivoleing under the Influence program. Mln 2 February 13, 1990 City Council ' utes 11. Ventured into the ilegislative arena with fire re~tardant roofing--~ants feedback as to role and eflfectiveness of such efforts. Crevenger .- need mo~e community outreach to judge co'mmunity sentimentSfor the proposal before making recommendation to Council. Commiss[ioner C. Rose discdssed Commission plans for 1990. I . ' 1. Continue looking at!police and fire statistics as .uld to g, e what emphasis should be placed where. Co u 2. ntin e ride-aIongiprogram and field trips. 3. Pi~cnic planned for ~une 9. 4. Cdntinue neighborhood watch efforts. ~ t nu 5. co.nti e to seek' expert witnesses for' specific is'sues. D. Commiss'ioner Crane discussed status of DUI program - fine revenue, s .from DUI should come close to $100,000 this year, 1/2 from DUI unit alone. Related advantages of dedicated unit~rather-than shared with others. in-contact with schools.' Some schools have been more 'recepti~ve than others.' F. · Commi loner Long discussed the Commission'S role, in ss monitoring the fire and emergency medical services. Will also be{keeping an eye as2to what is going on with County Communfcations. G. Commiss, ionerCrane related emphasis to be placed on self help at a neighborhood!level during the next major disaster. Los Altos Hills is a model for this kind of effort.~ H. Route 85 construction and safety issues with children. Commission is taking a role in working out problems which may ar~se. · I. Party Control - first d~aft ordinance being reviewed. CommisSioner Borah outlined the basic provisions. Questians for the City Council - 1. When should ordinance go into effect - June? U~decided. 2~ W at notification should be made? Wide as p6ssible. 3. H~arlng at Commissign level? - Yes - aim to get to Council in April. J. Budget priorities - fund'picnic - money for printing materials for the public - continue support for emergency preparadness staffing, equip Emergency Operating Center. K. Counci~ response - 1. C~evenger a.% emergency response b.[ "gathering" ordinance 2. ~derson City Council Minutes 3 February 13, 1990 a. water heater strapping - public awareness - how to do it article in Saratogan 3. Stutzman a. Electro-magnetic energy and health issues II. ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING Mrs. Dowdy objected' to Council having closed session on Nelson Property possible purchase and wished said objections to be noted for the record. A. Sound Wall Heights on Route 85 at Cox Avenue - reviewed staffI report. 1. Agree to raise community wall from 6 feet to 8 feet. 2. Reduce community wall on N/E from 14 feet to 10 feet. 3. Reduce community w~ll from 12 feet to 10 feet. 4. Reduce soundwall from 14 feet to 12 feet. Councilman Peterson left the meeting at 9:45 p.m. ANDERSON/CLEVENGER MOVED TO APPROVE THE FOUR POINTS LISTED ABOVE. Passed 2-1 (Stutzman opposed.) III. Discussion of Library Commission Vacancy - Agreed to appoint Frances Krezek to Commission 3-0. IV. AdjoUrned to closed session on possible purchase of Nelson Gardens by City. The Council took no action in closed session. However, the City Manager was directed to agendize for the March 7, 1990, regular meeting the subject of securing an appraisal on the property. V. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Harry R. City Clerk