HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-03-1991 City Council Minutes 'HINLrTBS SAR~TOC-~ CITY CO5'NCIL TIME: Wednesday, July 3 1991 PLACE: Civic Theatre, 13377 Fruitvale Avenue TYPE: Regular Meeting 1. ROLL CALL The meetin was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Stutzman. 2. CERgHONT_AL~S MONIA/CLKv'ENG~RH0~_.DTBATVICEHAYOR KOEn.RRBE ~T0 ~ 0~ 0~ ~YOR, Passed 5-0. Ha or Kohler thanked Councilmember Stutzman for his time effort and effectiveness on the Council and presented Former Hayor ~tutzman a gift from the City. ST~Z~/~ON HO~D~T CO~CI~HO~A B~ B~D TO T~ OP ~ ~YOR, Passed 5-0. City Hanager Harry Peacock administered the Oath of Office to the hey Hayor and Vice Hayor. Hayor Koh~er accepted the ~avel and ~ave the audience personal background. Be stated he rill do ~hatever he can to expedite the bureaucrac~ in Cit~ Hall, is in favor of democ~ac . His objectives are honesty ana integrity in ~overnment, sup oft of t~e individual resident in Saratoga and preservation of neighborhoods and openspace. Hayor Kohler reported that Council received a report of flndin s and recommendations from the Znvesti~atlon Committee on the ille~a~ gradin of the Saratoga hillsides ~hich ~ill be acted on in a timely manner. gave assurance the City ~ill not rest unti~ the full damages and penalties have been paid by the developer. ' A. Council ReorE~ization ~d Resolution 9~-53 appointing Co~cil repres~tatives to agencies Discussion is held regarding Council representation to agencies. HO~A/ST~Z~HO~D CO~I~CB OF T~IS I~H TO T~ CO~CIL ~BTING. Following further discussion, the above motion and second is ~ithdra~n. There is consensus that Councilmembers Stutzman and Honia ~ill be the representative and alternate to the Association of Bay Area Governments. Hayor Kohler ~il~ be representative to the Santa Clara County Cities Association. ~SON/H0~A HO~D~PROV~ OE~SOL~ION 91-53 AS~BDBO~. B. Presentation by Bill Bag~erty~ South Ba Cablevision, of television broadcast equipment for the ~o~cil Chabers to the City Hr. Bil~ Hag erty~ on behalf of the employees and partners of South Bay Cablevlslon fionated the te~evlslon broadcast equi ment to the City. He thanked Hr. Peacock and City staff~ Ben Strong~ t~e members of the Saratoga Community Access Foundation and Vince ~askell of ~est Valle College for their assistance and sup oft'in this endeavor. 0n behal~ of the Clty~ Hayor Kohler accepted the ~onation. 3. RO~I~ ~S A. Approval of Hinutes - 6/~9 Councilmember Honia requests that aragraph 2 on Pa~e be amended to indicate tha~ "Council agreed Hr. ~iback ~ould reviev the re oft ~d m~e it available to the SJ~ on the folioring Honda . Subsequently, the Co~cil a~reed to meet ~ith the Co~ittee on Ju~y 18." City Council Minutes 2 July 3, 1991 In response to Councilmember Anderson, Mr. Riback re orts that the notes on the above-mentioned report from the attorney hire~ by the City of Sarato a is considered a confident'al privilege document and it ~s up to Counci~ to determine when and if i~ should be publicly released. There is consensus this item should be discussed at another time. Councilmember Monia amends the Minutes on Page 6, ninth arag~aph from 4 jority protest. the bottom to read ."received for a 5 I ma ~ouncilmember Anderso~ stated that in several instances the phrase folioring discussion vas used in place of important discussion. She believes reasons for findings for decisions should be included in Minutes. Regardin Page 5, fifth para raph from the bottom, Councilmember Anderson mentlonea Mr. Becket stated ~is neighborhood wished to continue to maintain their own. area, as they had in the past. She believes the Minutes should reflect that Council's motion to remove the Brookview and Westbrook neighborhoods was because of Mr. Becker's comments. Regarding Pa e 7, sixth pard raph from the bottom, Councilmember Anderson recalled that she mentioned The city had a deadline with the Count to be able to collect property tax and that the information should be re{lected in the Minutes. She recalled that the public speakers also gave reasons why they were for or against. Councilmember Anderson requested a verbatim transcript of Council's discussion on this item. Mr. Peacock clarifies that the verbatim transcri t could be included as part of the Minutes which could be brought gack in revised form for adoption at a subsequent meeting. ANDERSON/MONIA HOVED TO HAVE A VERBATIM TRANSCRIPT OF THE PUBLIC HEARING ON ITEM 8A3 RESOLUTIONS IN CONNECTION WITH ANNEXATION 1991, OF COUNCIL MEETING MEE~ ON JUNE 19. Passed 5-0. Councilmember Stutzman referred to Item 7D on Page 10 and requested the V minutes include the motion "ANDERSON/MONIA M0 ED TO CONSIDER ACCEPTANCE OF JURISDICTION OVER CONSTRUCTION WORK ON PROPERTY UNDER COUNTY JURISDICTION RELATING TO SINGLE FAMILY HOME PROJECT - BIRENBAUM". MONIA/STUTZNANMOVEDAPPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF 6/19 AS AMENDED. Passed 5-0° Per Mr. Peacock's recommendation, the above motion and second was withdravn in order that the Minutes of 6/19 could be amended to include the verbatim portion and presented at the next meeting for approval. ANDERSON/MONIAMOVED TO CONTINUE APPROVAL OF TB]E 6/19 MINUTES TO TMENgXT MEETING. Passed 5-0. A. Approval of Minutes -'6/25 Mayor Kohler points out an omission on Page 5 of a portion of Councilmember AndersZn's comments. Hemrequested that the following be added to the Minutes: "She (Councilme bet Anderson) recommended to stop everything (the Investi ation Report results) instead of hurryin up, as su ested b Council em~ernKohler, and to pass it on to the Gran~ Jury an~gnot loo~ at it anymore . Councilmember Anderson agreed with the amendment. CLEVENGER/ANDRESONAPPROVED THE MINITI~S OF JUNIE 25 AS AMENDED. Passed 5-0° B. Approval of Warrant List MONIA/ANDERSON MOVED APPROVAL. Passed 5-0. C. Report of City Clerk on PoSting of Agenda Mr. Peacock announced that pursuant to Government Code 54954.2 the agenda for this meeting was properly posted on June 28. ' 4. CONSENT CAT~NDAR CLEVENGER/MONIA MOVED APPROVAL OF CONSENT CAI.ENDAR. Passed 5-0. A. Planning Commission Actions, 6/26 - Noted and filed. City Council Minutes 3 July 3, 1991 B, Resolution 85-9,88 revising class specifications for Recreation Supervisor C. Donation of.0NNI FAX 360, Grou 3~ with case of paper William Brooks, 20230 Me ick[venue a - rr D. Hakone Foundation Fund Raising - May 19-June 25, 1991 E, Award of contract to urchase truck to Mission Valley Ford in the amount of $51,~03.47. F. Resolution 91-54 commending Tom Tappan for service on Pl-nning Commission 4, CONS~'/CAI.~IDARII - CLAIMS A. Claim of T~m~y Smith in connection with auto accident at intersection of Nartha and Quito CLEVENGER/NONIAMOVilD TO Dt2]YTml. CLAIM, Passed 5-0, 5, COMMUNICATIONS FROM CONNISSIONS ANDTHE PUBLIC A, ORAL COMMUNiCATiONS r g o Improvements Mr. Will Kempton reviewed the update on the Measure A program. He reported that a deficit of approximately $76.6 million is anticipated which will affect the A ency s ability to deliver the projects in the initial plan on time. ~he Agency p~ans to continue to seek additional revenues. He reviewed four categories of options for ex enditure reductions including construction ins oction and right o~ way support costs, slow down of projects by expanding construction schedules and project deferral and cost sharing. A roximately 8 million will be saved in costs. Completion of route ~ is eXpeCtea in October of 1994. Councilmember Anderson discussed the difficulty in com lying with the tree damage rocedure and asked if there is a way the ~ enc could streamline t~at rocedure. Mr. Kempton agreed to consider ~er suggestion that the Agency Eavea designated consultant for tree damage. In response to Councilmember Cleven er Mr. Kem ton reported that on June 26, the MTC approved Route 85 West 5alley Corriaor, as well as Route 101 Corridor, according to Resolution 22.70 relating to air quality. Mr. Kempton elaborated on how the Authority hopes to minimize impacts to local streets. 2) Mr. Jeffrey C. Kalb, 14617 Carnelian Glen Ct., spoke of a aeport, two weeks ago, from the Saratoga Hillside Investigative ommittee and apologized to Council and. s~aff.for the premature disclosure of that information concernin Tract 7770. He said he had committed that the contents would not be ~isclosed until the City Attorney reviewed it and is outragedthat_the_integrity of his commitment has been violated. ~nr~ma~thattheletterfmm~. ~i~,theattoTnevhired~ revi~the.~a~r~n~. ~t ~ publiclydistributed. In response to Councilmember Monia, Mr. Kalb stated thatAttorney Ri~ck was given t~e evidence wn~cn was ~nougn~ ~o De relevant to ~ne case and t additional evidence was sent to he Attorney upon his request when he discovered the need to review them. 3) Jeffrey Schwartz, San Marcos Road, Saratoga, a member of ahe Hillside Investigative Report Committee, stated the Committee elieved it was clear that Mr. Scheidig's analysis given to the Committee was confidential. He reported that four of the five members of the Committee have submitted a letter, under separate cover concerning the restoration of Quarry Creek and related litigation. He read that information verbatim and presented the letter to the Council. Mr. William Peretti, 13485 01d Oak Way, Saratoga, representing his wife and seven neighbors regarding the pro3ect five years ago between the City and Cocciardi and Hillside Construction, stated he understood there was $80,000, as recently as nine months ago, in the bank to repair the yards ~n uestion. He urges Council do do so and points out that a ear and a hal~ a o then Councilmember Kohler s oke against replanting t~e back yards ~elieving that big er trees wou~d have been more suitable. No lanting was done. Mr. ~eretti gave an overall vote of confidence to aity Manager Harry Peacock. City Council Minutes 4 July 3, 1991 In response to a comment from Ma or Kohler, Mr. Peacock verifies that the delay ~s due to the Army Corps o¥ Engineers. Staff is still trying to convince the Corps that this project is clearl not under their ' jurisdiction. Mr. Peacock reiterates the prob{ems which have been encountered and states he will discuss a solution with the City Attorney and the ramifications if the City i notes the Corps (a recommendation Mr. Peacock had made before) in favor o{ following throu h on a restoration lan which has been a proved and which was designed ~y H.T. Harvey and ~ssociates, ecologica~ consultants. . Mayor Kohler moved the Agenda to Item 8. 8. PLIBLICRR. ARINGS - 8:30 P.M. A. Solid Waste and Environmental Management Rates and Fees for 1991-92. In addition to the re ort from Isabel Gloege,the Rnvironment Programs Manager, and previously received written communication, written communications were received today from Susan Mallory and Kenneth Colson. Ms. Gloege explained the options available for source reduction and major recyclin for the urposes of reducing solid waste and dealing with the issues o~ householS hazardous waste and non-point source pollution. All are being required of the City to perform as part of State and Federal program. At its last meetin staff provided Council with the 1991 programs and programs for 1991-~. Todays report contains the rates for both reszdential and commercial rates reflected in those programs. The rates were set with two goals in mind: 1) to create a total revenue that would cover the City's costs in this program and 2) to provide incentive for recycling. Slides are presented representing the Fiscal Year 1991-92 Residential; Rates for variable can rate structure at a 27.7% increase; Commercial Service Rates equate to a 22.3~ increase and the dro -off box service increase is 14%. Mr. Peacock explains the City's mu~tifaceted residential rate structure based on several components. ' In response to Councilmember Anderson Mr. Peacock clarifies that yard waste pick up will begin A ril 1 199~. Discussions are being helH with the dis osal com any regarMing w~ether two or three-can totera will be utilize~. Ms. G~oege reviews the slides in detail stating one of the assumptions in the proposal for unlimited rate structure is equivalent to the two-can rate because of the yard waste program to be implemented. Ms. Gloege clarifies that yard waste includes trees, shrubs and grass. . Staff recommends Option B - A rate increase to be effective September and on April 1, the yar.d waste program will be im lemented creatin a revision in the rate. Some residents may fin~ a decrease in t~eir rates. Councilmember Anderson believes it would be helpful to make it clear that this recycling is not the lucrative market some peo le ~bink i~ is. Mrs. Gloege reports that all of the rates in the proposa~ ~]udetherevenue recovered by the recycleables. ' Gerard Wen, 573 University Avenue Los Gatos, reports that the revenue from recycleables fluctuate tremendously and unpredictably. The costs of the program are mainly applied to the costs of vehicles drivers insurance~ etc. He reports the partici ation rate for ~aratoga ~0% and the City is very close to meeting the 2E% AB939 goal in the year 1995. Councilmember Clevenger believes a key component of the plan is disposal of yard waste. Councilmember Monia expresses concern for those residents who cannot afford to rent dro boxes for yard waste. He pro oses that staff explore methods b whic~ chippers could be made available to residents either throug~ the City or private enterprise. Mayor Kohler opened the Public Hearing at'9:30 p.m. Joan Green, 12350 Goleta Avenue, Saratoga, read verbatim a letter to Council in which she objected to having had to take more service when she does not need more than one can service. Responding to Mrs. Green's uestion as to why there is such a difference in the rates between Campbell since they use the same company Councilmember Clevenger explains that an audit was requested ~ecause the City Council Minutes 5 July 3, 1991 City too felt its residents were paying too much for trash ick up. The audxt re ealed Sarato a has low commercial rate use in the ~ity; v commercial rates subsidize residential rates. Dora Grens, 13451 01d Oak Way, supported the idea of use of the chipper which has made it possible for her family to utilize one can for trash. Katherine Dever member of the Saratoga Integrated Solid Waste Management Task Force urgea Council to accept Option B. Roberrs Warden, 14204 Squirrel Hollow Lane Saratoga, stated she has a difficult time filling up one trash can. her increase will be $ .58 per month. She believes xt xs unfair to have to continue paying for2the pick up even if she is away from her home for a length of txme not generating garbage. Mr. Wen clanifies that those residents with variable-can rates can stop service for one week and receive credit. Unlimited service users can yvice but must adhere to a three week stop service to receive i Mayor Kohler closed the Public Hearing at 9:40 p.m. Mr. Peacock suggested the Public Hearing be left open if Council wishes to hear more testimon next meeting. He explains ~t is a procedural matter which would ca~l for re-advertisement if closed tonight. Mayor Kohler re-opened the Public Hearing at 9:41 p.m. NONIA/STUTZNANNOVEDTO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC "~-aG TO TIlENEXT COUNCiL ~I~.FTING. Passed 5-0. Councilmember Cleven er stated she supports 0~t_imB. because it is the recommendation from The h Task Force, because s e believes Option B would' cause the least trouble for residents and she believes it ~s the best option. Even thou h unlimited pick up which she previously supported). has been convenienT, it is not racticai for the current environment as the City has been mandated by A~939 to reduce waste. Councilmember Anderson states she would like to see wood waste as a pick up in the future and reports the fencing material along the Corridor will be picked up by Green Valley at no cost to'residents. She urges that residents be notified in a timely manner. Mr. Peacock stated that discussion is underway with Caltrans regarding a specific date. Councilmember Anderson supported 0 tion B because State compliance must ultimately be met. She sees no otRer alternative than the variable can rate. Councilmember Monia supported Option B. He believes it is important to know that the increase ~s based on implementation of the hazardous waste pick up and yard waste recycling. He believes the increase is not out of proportion. Mayor Kohler reported that the consensus among the Council is for Option B. He invites the public to attend the next meeting to further comment. Mayor Kohler declared a recess at 9:50 p.m. Upon reconvening at 10:00 p.m. the same Councilmembers and staff were present. 5. I/tLITTENCOHNIINICATIONS 1) Ray Froess re: Soliciting Ordinance and Report from Assistant to the City Manager Mr. Peacock referred to a letter from Mr. Ray Froess in which he su gested Council consider changin some Of'the rovisions in the so~lcitation ordinance. A memoranaum from Mrs. aarolyn King, Assistant to the City Mana er~ is referred to describing similar changes made by other cities. S~e ~ndicated the problem is one of enforcement. Mr. Peacock stated that although he believes it may be a good move, concern has been raised in the past by the business community. He stated the ordinance should be amended so solicitation, while continuing to be legal in the City, is also regulated as to how it is to be conducted. THERE IS CONSENSUS TO REOUBST THE CITY MANAGERTO AMEND THE ORDINANCE TO DEFINE ACCEPT/LBLE FORMS OF SOLICITATION. Passed 5-0. City Council Minutes 6 July 3, 1991 2) Ben Strong, President, Saratoga Community Access Cable TV Foundation, re uestin establishment of trust account for investment of ~iquid ~unds. Hr. Peacock reported that Councilmember Honia and he have partici ated in discussions regarding this issue. The foundation has requested teat rather than keep their funds in commercial banks and CDs, the City acce t the funds in trust and invest them to increase the rate of return for tee foundation. He states it is ossible through a aim le trust agreement which can be drawn up b the ~ity Attorney. Councilmember Honla reports there viii be very htt~e administrative cost to the City and KSAR will be able to enjoy an additional 1.5I return on their investments. NONIA/STUTZMAN MOVED APPROVAL TO INSTRUCT STAFF TO PREPARE A TRUST AGREENENT BETI/~RN THE CITY OF SARATOGA AND KSAR. Passed 5-0. 3) Memo from Heritage Preservation Commission requesting designation of Saratoga Avenue as Heritage Lane Hr. Peacock reiterates the Planning Commissioh's concerns with making such a designation in the absence of a completed circulation element the General Plan which would identify otential Heritage Lane locations throughout the city. Council previously agreed not to go for~a~ until that eleme t was completed. Hr. Gene Zambetti, former Chairperson of the Heritage Preservation Commission, reports that the approved rocess to gather residents' signatures along Saratoga Avenue from Fruitvale to the Village, in order .to etition for Saratoga Avenue as a designated Heritage Lanez was begun on ~une 8, 1989. He reports it has been stalled at the Planning Hearing on the matter since all requirements have been met and he indicates there is no relationship to circulation of traffic. Mr. Willis Peck, member of the Heritage Preservation Committee,h referred to his memorandum to Council and states that every effort sou d be made at the City level to keep the character of Saratoga Avenue what it is today. In response to Councilmember Monia'squestion as to why there is such urgency for this Avenue and not other roads, Mr. Peck reports that Saratoga Avenue is the only road where there has been an effort made to ather necessary signatures. His personal concern is to keep Saratoga ~venue from becoming a ~-lane entrance to the City. He also points out his concern regarding soundwalls in that area. Councilmember Monia believes the procedure should be conducted in an all-encom assing basis rather than a street by street basis. reports tee Planning Commission took to-active ste s to deal vlth the immediate concerns of changes to the ~haracter of teat street while the circulation element is being completed. Larr Fine 1~0~5 Saratoga Avenue, re o~ts the ~etition was submitted to the ~ity it months ago, was approved Ey the Heritage Commission and is stalled at the Plann~n Commission. He points out that even if it is designated a Heritage ~ane, it could be widened in the future if it becomes necessary. Because all the requirements have been met, and the studies have been done, he cannot understand why the process is stalled. ~ark Ebner, 1~5~ Saratoga Avenue, reiterated that the time since the inception of the pro'ect will be two years in August. Every criteria has been met and over ~0~ of the si natures have been gathered. He does not understand what the delay is an~ believes the designation for Saratoga Avenue should be handled by itself.. Councilmember Cleven er su geared that a Public Hearing be set as there is no basis to turn ~own t~ls request and it is not fair to stall the process. Councilme~be~ Anderson ex teases her concern regarding ~hat could be proble~ ~ith the sound~al~s on Saratoga Avenue and encourages that the process continue. CLEVRNGER/ANDERSON ~OVED TO DIRRCT STAFF TO PRRPARR A DRAFT ORDINANCE SRT A PUBLIC ~R~NG FOR AUGUST J, TO DETERMINE IP SARATOGA AVENUR SHOULD BE DESIGNATED A m~.RITAGE LANE. Passed 5-0. City Council Minutes 7 July 3, 1991 4) Memo from Heritage Preservation Commission concerninglist of ro osed street names ovED Accs cs oF uco ano oF PRESERVATION CONHISSION ON I~BNAKENG OF SI~R~TS. Mayor Kohler discussed the importance to acknovledge those enlisted men on ~e U.' . S. Saratoga or from the City of Sarato a, vho were kille~ in tee war, ~ naming streets for them. He specifically speaks of Lieutenant~excher from the vat in Saudi Arabxa. Councilmember Anderson reports the Commanding Officer of the Saratoga requested that nothing be done for six months to a year~ relative to having a street named for the Lieutenant, because his status is listed as Missxng In Action. She stated Council should not impose any name on any neighborhood and believes the request should come from the h neig borhoods. Councilmember Clevenger vithdravs the above-stated motion. MONIA/ANDERSON HOVEDTOADDTHBNAHE OF ~P~iCHE~TOTHE LIST OF PROPOSED STREET NAMES EFFECTIVBAS OF 3ANUARY, 1992. Passed 5-0. 6. OLD BUSINESS A. Congestion N~gement Agency 1) Resolution 91-56 approvi Congestion Management Agency Joint Povers _Agreement -n~etter dated June 1~ from CHA Chair Dianne N~.Kenna Mr. Peacock refers to the attached letter from CMA which responds to the concerns raised by the City of Saratoga. As directed by Council the item is placed on the ager~a since the response has been receive~. In-.response to Councilmember Monia, Mr. Peacock reported that the way the document is written, there is no non-compliance if the City of Saratoga chooses not to sign the agreement to join the Agency. However, the C~ty is obligated b~ Proposition 111 to have a Congestion Management Plan, coordinated an~ consistent vith the Countyvide Plan. The level of work to have that go forward remains the responsibility of this City. By far, the most cost effective ray for the City ~ould be ~o join the A enc . There is no ray the City can accomplish all the tasks re uired ~y t~e October 1991 deadline and do it for less money than the ~NA assessment. Councilmember Stutzman expresses concern regarding boy much control the C~A will have over land use in Saratoga and concern regarding Section 18 of the A reement. He stated his opinion that the amount of money the City wou~d spend on its o~n to keep the Cit~ in com 1lance might be less costly than vhat it could be if the City joins the ~MA and for some reason vithdraws in the future. Councilmember Anderson reports she vas on the formation committee of the agency and that the function of the CMA is to revie~ planned pro'ects, not impose pro'ects on the cities. The function of Saratoga ~ou~d be to participate vi~h other cities in revieving projects. Per Mr. Peacock's suggestion there is consensus to have staff set up a york session ~ith the other ~est Valle~ cities and Campbell Councilman 3ohn Ashworth this City~s representative, to have him detail the status of the draft &MP and boy it speaks to the issues of land use managemen~ and congestion management. A copy of the Plan is available in Mr. Peacock s office. Mayor Kohler expresses concern that the Ci Saratoga has only vote. Councilmember Anderson stated that ~i~£is a population issue and there is really no way to change that. 2) Assessment for 1990-91 Fiscal Year Services Councilmembers Clevenger and Anderson poin~ out that the City has been par~ici ating and have received benefit from C~A. If the City had not receive~ the benefit it would have had to pay more to have the york done independently. ~r. Peacock referred to his memorandum ~o Council reiterating the specific benefits Saratoga has received from the C~A. Saratoga d~d agree to the initial start up fees. The City Council voted for the formation of the Agenc. Responding to Councilmember ~onla, ~r. Riback verifies that ayment o~ the initial fee does not imply tha~ the City has joined the C~. City Council Minutes 8 July 3, 1991 of Staff recommends ap roval the Resolution. Me stated the importance of the Plan and su eased the Council consider requesting a study session with Mr. Ashvor[~ and the West Valley cities. There xs consensus among the Council to do so. CLEVENGERJANDERSON MOVED TO PAY THE FIRST YEAR ASSESSNENT OF $11,606 TO THE CNA. Passed 5-0. B. Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance concerning noise provisions with the associated Negative Declaration re~ding and adoption) and recommandatioas re~arding Uolse Issues Mr. Peacock referred to the bottom of Page 4 and top of Page 5 of the revised Ordinance which - reflects the changes requested by Council regarding the allowable txmes for use of power garden tools. Councilmember Anderson states she does not remember agreeing to the hours of 8:00 a.m. and ~:00 for power tool use. She explains that some residents arrive home ~ d' ficult and find it to would do their gardening by 7:00 p.m. She also believes there wouldbe a problem with enforcement and requests that the hour be extended to 8:00 p.m. in the summer time. Gene Zambetti, 1~510 Big Basin Way, 7-30.050G and stated it would be an ~{~aages concern with Section hardship to be within the noise ordinance and have to have extended expensive process of screening mechanical and exhaust fans. He suggests that if it is a design review problem it should be in the design review ordinance or taken up under use permit procedure. Jeffrey 0'Neal, 152 North Third Street, 400, San Jose, a member of the law firm of Rankin-0'Neal-Center-Luckharat and Lund, representing many of the residents surrounding Villa Montalvo stated the resident's objections to the ordinance. Specifically, it is very vague as to its application to the Montalvo area and does not include provisions for 9mplified sound. Me stated residents believe the ordinance would xncrease the DB level for operations at Villa Montalvo thereby disturbing the quiet enjoyment of surrounding residents. He s oke of enforcement problems of the statute as it currently exists and Moes not believe there would be enforcement of the ordinance proposed tonight. Councilmember Stutzman asked what Mr. 0'Neal based his contention that the Sheriff's tment and the City is not enforcing the ordinance. Mr. ' eal rep v 0 N se eral instances which were documented where there was no action take to enforce the ordinance. Councilmembers Stutzman and Monia reported they have not received any complaints regarding noise problems in the area. Mr. Riback stated that regarding specific performances at Montalvo, the Agreement will apply. Re arding Mr. Zambetti's concern, Mr. Peacock suggests there be an addition to the ordinance to cover the amortization period for the exhaust fan retrofit; two years. Wolfe Andre Wa~nKa, 15486 Madrone Hill Road, referred to Page 4, Section 7-30-050a, and requested clarification from the City Attorney of how the ambient noise level at the location would be determxned. Mr. Emslie reported that the ambient level would vary from neighborhood to neighborhood. Mr. Wanka reported on various times which he has complained of the noise level at Villa Montalvo and the officers did not have a meter and refused to take a noise.reading. Mayor Kohler asked Mr. Wanka to give his information to staff. Councilmember Monia stated he hopes staff will report back to Council to give reasons why the Sheriff's Department and the CSO were not prepared to take readings. FOLLOWING DISCUSSION MONIA/CLEVENGER MOVED TO ADOPT ORDINANCE 71-92WITH THE AMENDMENTS TO T~. TIME FOR USE OF POWER GARDEN TOOLS TO BE 7:00 P.M. TO 9:00 P.M. THAT A SECTION BE ADDED TO 7-30,070 TO SEPARATE ER~UST EQUIPMENT, ~qD THAT A CLAUSE BE ADDED TO ALLOW 2-YEARS AMORTIZATION PERIOD TO COMPLY WITH RETROFIT OF ER~&UST FANS. Passed 5-0. City Council Minutes 9 July 3, 1991 7. NEIIBUSINESS A. Seismic Retrofit for Various Civic Center Buildings CLEVENGER/ANDERSON MOVEDAPPROVAL OF STAFF RBCONNENDATION. Passed 5-0. B. Cable TV Franchise Reneval - Initiation of Negotiations CLEVENGEP~NONIANOVEI) STAFF RECONNENDATiON. Passed 5-0. C. Amendment to City Code Concerning Informal Bidding Procedures MONIA/STUTZMANNOVEDTO CONTINUE THE ITEN TOTHENEXT NI1ETING. Passed D. Quimby Act. Reappraisal CLEVENGER/MONIAHOVEDTOADOPTKESOLUTION 91-50.1 REVISING FEES. Passed 5-0. E. Memo AuthorxzxngPublicit for Upcoming Hearings - Emami Appeal~ ~est Appeall Tai Xppeal CLEVENGER/ANDERSON M0VEDTO AUTHORIZE PUBLICITYAS RECOHNENDED, INCLUDING THE PARKS AND T~ATLS MASTER PLAN FORTHENEXTNE~rING. Passed 5-0. F. Replacement of riparla lands in Saratoga displaced by the Route-85 Freeray. Reviev of supplemental envxronmental documents. Mr. Peacock reported the documents vere received and do not address any of the freeway corridor through Saratoga. There was no opportunity for the City to review the applications for riparian restoration. Cheriel Jensen, 13737 Quito Road, re orted that when the EIR/EIS for Highway 85'was adopted~ there was nothing in that document relatin to flooding and value of the habitat on any of the creeks. She re orbed that is illegal and encourages Council to request the opportunity to review the project. Subsequently a supplemental Environmental Impact Report wii1 be required. Councilmember Anderson requests that Mr. Riback review the options and ' report back to Council on Jul~ 17. Ms. Jensen advises that the final decision wiii be made next ~eanesday (the deadline for comments on the 404 application). She states a letter must be sent to the Arm Cot s of Engineers before that time. Mr. Peacock states that letter vi~l indicate that the Cit did not have the opportunity to review the applications and would like t~e 30 days comment period. G. Site Master Planning and Schematic Design for a new Meeting Room - Civic Center CONSENSUS TO CONTINUE THIS ITEM TO THE NE.~ HEETING. H. Memorandum of Understanding vith Saratoga Employees Association CLEVENGER/ANDERSONM0VED TO ADOPTRESOLUTION 85.9-89. Passed 5-0. I. Ordinance amendin various sections of the Cit Code ertaining to par~ing - Big Basin gay betveen ~th and 5th Etreets MONIA/STUTZHAN MOVED TO CONTINUE THIS ITEH TO THE NEXT HEETING. Passed 5-0. J. Proposed Construction on State Highway 9-from Route 85 to ~est of Los Gatos Creek Bridge in Santa Clara County and LoS Gatos, Monte Sereno~ and Saratoga Mr. Peacock re uests Council consider a draft letter to the State Department of ~ransportation~ distributed this evening. This matter came u subsequent to the posting of the Agenda and is urgent. He requests t~e item be placed on the Agenda. CLEVENGER/NONIA MOVED TO ADD THIS ITEM TO THE AGENDA. Passed 5-0. City Council Minutes 10 July 3, 1991 Mr. Peacock reported the Department of Transportation has indicated th y will make certain im rovemenls tZ the roadway. The median is schedulea to be reduced in width by as much as 15 feet and a ~uardrail placed on one or both sides of the med an. Staff re uested authorization to send the draft letter to the De artme t request~n that they review the ro osed construction and ~elete the unwante~ chanSes to this portion of flig~way 9, A. _AZenda items for Joint meetin~ with Chamber of Commerce on July 9 CONSENSUS TO APPROVE STAPF RECONMENDATION TO SRI~KNEV MRRTING DATE B. Reports from Individual Councilmembers Cleven er-- reports that on July 24. at 9:45 a.m., the exchan e. studen~s. from t~e Sa ato a's sister city ilt be at City Hall for weTcome. She requests Ma or [ohhr and Council's presence.a Cleven er - reports the potluck dinner for the exchange students is scheduled to be held July 28 at Civic Center. She requests the presence of Council. Clevenger - The Sanitation District has gone to bid to authorize sewer to 28 new homes in the Westbrook area. The date for the Hillside Investigative Report Committee meetinE is rescheduled for August 6.' Staff~onotify Committee and others involved. Clevenger - refers to a newspaper article regarding the Palo Alto skateboard park. Monia - discusses a periodical report from the Nelson [cuadatim Anderson - Two copies of the CMP for Los Angeles which is very simply done, is available. She will give a copy to stair to review. Mayor Kohler adjourned the meeting at 12:15 to item 10. 10. CLOSED SESSION on pendinZ liti~ation on ille ' clearinZ and tree remova/on Cocciardi/Chadvick development, ~ 11. ADJO~ Respectfully submitted, Victoria R. Lindeman Minutes Clerk