HomeMy WebLinkAbout13 Thls ls to certify thst the wlthln is a true and correct copy of OrdinanCe No. /3 of the City of Saratoga passed and adopted on the ~ I, day of ~ , and the ssme ~ ~ "' has been posted pursuan~ to law. City of S~ratoga By. : DINANCE' NO~ · -!' /.::I.'ORDINANCE G~ANTING., TO PACIFIC GAS AND.'ELECTRIC' COMPANr~ ITS '- SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, THE FR^NCH~SE TO CONStrUCt, ~Ar~AI~.-- ; ' ' AND 0SE POLES WIRES · CONDUITS AND ARRURTENANCE3, INCLUDING AND DISTRIBUTING ELECTRICITY TO..T~ PUBLIC FOR "A~ 'AND ALL . : PUaPOSES 'IN, ALONG,. ACROSS;~. UPON, ~UNDER AND .O~R THE PUBLIC STREETS '. AND .PLACES ~ITHIN. , The City C~uncil;of"the:. City of Sar~'oga _ -- does ' N 11 :' O ai~:as.fo ows~ ' - ' :SeCtion 1~ 'Whenever i~ ~hie ..ordinance ~he~erds'.,or :ph~ase,s '" - h'erelnaf~er in this section 'defi~ed are used, .they shall ha~e the re- Spective meanipgs asSlgne:d to't~em in the follb~i~ def~nitiohs~ ~. -' . ~:.~, . -.'.... (b)-The word eelrye'shall mea~.~ Cl~y'.~f. Sar~toga: ' -; .'. -,-a .. :~ ~ "' 'inCo~pO'rated ~fom or in :any iate~-reorganized, .:consolidated,' en-.- / larged, or rei~c+o~pOrated f~; ~' ' .... -- (c~ The word '"~tree~s" 'shall'.~ean the pub'lic ~t~ee~s~ ways, alieys -' .... . ~ . and places as the same now o~-may he~eaft~r~e~ist Within ci~y~, ~ .- .ihcluding s~ate· highwayS, ~nSw or hereafter established w~thin '.~' ~ cit~, and freeways hereaf.~er .e's~abli'Shed wit'hin city; .~::~ (:d)'.The phrase "p0~S',. wi~'es, conduits and-.aRp~tenan~es" shall mean "~' -~ poles,--t~we~s, suppor~s~"wi~e~s, conductons, cable~,~-guys, stubs~ platf0~,.~.c~ossarmS/brac'~s',~ ~ransf'o~ers, insulat:ors, c~nduits~ _-.' " ducts~ vaults, ma~oles', meters, ~ut;ou~'s, switches, co~unica~ -' "" ' tio~' circuits, .applian~e'S', attaC~ents'~:appu~enances~ a~d~ wi. th~ ou~ limitation to th'e 'fore~oi~, an~ other prO~r~y"10ca~ed or /- ..t.o.be...located in~ upon, ~'along~ across, Under or over the streets '. ~.~ .: · of the .c~ty, an~ 'USed Or usef~i;in ~rans~itti~g"and~o~ :d~s~ribu~ '~"---- l~ electrici~y;.-.. (e}:T~ phrase "construct~-maintain and' use"- shall mean-t~ cons~ruc~,' ': --:" erect, 'inStall,. i'Ay, 'oper'~te,,imaintsin~ use, repair O~.'re~iace. ~-1- Beckion 2, The franchise to constrUCt, maintain and use, · "~ "'!' poles'~ wires,' ~onduitsand appurtena:nces-necessa~ 'or prope~ for' :-. .. 'all purposes, in~ along, acrosS, 'up6n, Under 'and '~v~-the streets .-. ~1 'within city iS hereby~grant'ed:tp"-Pacific.Gas and Electric Company, ' " its successors and ass "' SectiOn 3~"Grant~e of:~'his' franchis~-.~hall relocate, without "- expense to city, any poles~ Wirp~., .?.0nduits apd appurtenahces thereto- fore installe~', and'th6n maintained or use~ uhd~r t~S~ranchi§~, and-wheh made necessa~ry by~.any'~awfui ..change of grade,' alignment or w~t~ .of any s~reets .by city~'~ncludi~g th~ construction o~ any sub~ way or viaduct,'pr~fded, however, ~hat this .provision shall remain ~ -in effect only'so'~g as suCh~stree~,-sub~ay or viaduct shall're- main Under ~he ~jur~diction 0f,ci~y'~T~ a'c~ty ~t~e'et~ but shall cease' · -. robe ap~ticable.to'any. sU~h:s~eet ~f a~'~hen the'same Shall be66me .. sp~Ct to Such'~reeway'Within th~ pu~view.o~ SectiOn 703 of ~he Streets "~-.'. and" Highways Cod'e~gf--theSt'ate_!~f CAlifornia, or any corresponding proVisions-of l~w. ' .:.,~[- -.'-... .:- -.:'. Sectioff ~.. Said:fraH~Hi~e"sh~!!.'be indetermina~e',~that is t~ say, ~aid franchise shall endur~ in ~Ull force.and effec~ until 'the same shall. wi~h the consent Of/the Public Utilities Commission of the'State of CafifOr~ia~ ~i"~lu~r~ly:.surrende~;d or a~a.ndon~ ~ ~ graht~e, 8r,untii-the st~efOr's6me'municipai ~r,public Corpora- tion thereuntoduly aU ho iz a hw's all purchase by voluntary agreement or shall ~ondemn and,~ake under the power of eminent do- ' ' main. all p~operty actually ~s~d and usefulin ~he exercis~ of said franchise and situate: ~n the. ~rritOrial .iimibs' of the state,. munici- ' pal or public corporation p~urc~s!ng or' ~ndemnfng'su~"~rOperty~ or " U~ti~'said".franchise'shall'be*.~orfeit~d fo~ n~ncompfia6ce With it's 't~rmS by- grantee ' ~ "S~ion,5. Grantee el'said franchi.so shall,'~urtng-the.term "L '" " -2' ' ' ~.~ '- "'thereOf pay to-city. two per ceht'-of'the gross annual receipts o~. -g~antee arisingl. f~om the use, .op.~ration or pos~eesioh 8f' Said' fran- chise; provided, howeVer,'.that' such payment. s~aI1, in no event be ~ess ' {hart one per cent of the gross ahnual receipts of'gr~ntee derived. from the sale oF'electricity within the limits o~ city, Section 6. ~G~antee sha,ll'rile with the .Clerkloll:city, with-- =~"-'. '-.in three months af~er. the:~xpi~atio~ of the calendar year, Or.~fraC- ' "' t'ional calendar year, followihg the. date of.the.g~anting:hereOf; and = .... '- within three monthS. after-.,the ex~iratio~ of each' a~d.e~ery calendar . ._ ~ear thereafter, a duly~Verifiea ~tatement ~hcWing-.in-detail the total- -. ' gross receipts of gr~ntee:~uring ~he: preceding'calehdar.year, or such fractional calendar year,'rrgm ~he .~aie. or ~le~tricity with~n~'city, ". '.=.. Grantee shall pay to City wit~inofifteen days after the.time for fil~ " "' . .. wfU . e:Uni 'st tes, lng~such-statemen~, in la 1 money. ofth ted a the'a~ore- · "':' said percentage' of. it~" g~os~ ::.~seipt s ~gr suc~ ealenda~ 'y~ar, :' gr such · _fra.Cti~nal ca~ndar-~ear'~ cove~'~d by~such',..stateme~t, A~y-neglebt, :- omission'or refu~al~b~ gran~le~ ~o file's~ch'V~rified statement, o~ to ~'_. 'pay &aid percentage ak the ti~e~and in the:manner-speCified, shall be .I. g~otunds for the declara~io~ of .~f~rfeitUre 6f this 'franchise..~nd lof '- = 'all rights Of' grantee her~hnder~ " Section'-7,. Said .franchise is granted dnde~ :the.Franchise .' ' '. ".'-.".. .-, - Section.-8, .'This ordinance= shall'.become. effecti~'.thir~y -.. days.after ~ts. final passage!~niesS.s~spended'by-a~ref~e~d~m_peti~ Section 9;" Grantee-Of'-sa~d franchis~ sha,lI'vpay .tO."city a -.. sum Sf monby :~ffi~ien~ 'to reimbu~se/it. f,Or .all public6t~ ~Xpenses --- incurred by'it in.con~btion With ;the granting.thereof;_ such payment '. tO be'~ade withi~;~i~ty days'j~r city shali 'have ftirni~ed-Er~ntee ~."' wit~ a 'written statement-of.s~c~"'-expenses~' ' "' . .. " Sec:ion.'lO=;"ThS ~ra~bhiSe grante~' hereby'shall'jjnot become effective until.writ6en.-acceptance thereof Shal, l='haVe'been filed'by- - grantee with the City Clerk. Section 11. The City Cierk shall cause this ordinance to be posted in three conspicuous places in the City of Saratoga within fifteen (15) days after its passage. First read at a regu~ar~meeting of the City Council of city.held on the 6th day of December , 19 ~6 and finally adopted and ordered~posted at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 20th' day of ..... December 19'~6. , by the following Vote: AYES: Councilmen Brazil, Je. pSen, .L~n~will Ro~sasco, Willjams NOES: C c I None oun I men ABSENT: C~uncilmen None . .Mayor 6~ the City of Saratoga The above and foregoing is a true and correct A 'T~,,~/,_~ ~E/~,_~"~' - copy of Ordinance .. which has been published according to law, / UClerk of the - ' City of Saratoga ,. Oept~iy C, ity ~lerk "' Date' CITY OF SARATOGA, State of California, and its Honorable City Council PACIFIC GAS AND E~.~.CTRIC COMPANY hereby accepts that c~r~ain electric franchise granted to it by the City of Saratogaunder Ordinance No, 13 passed by the Council of said City on the 20th day~of December, 1956, Its Vice President and by~