HomeMy WebLinkAbout14 City o~ ~a~o~ paa~ed ~ adopte~ o~ the ~ ha~ been post~ pursuant to law, City of Smratoga ~ ~\ ' C~ty Clerk '~ ORDINANCE NO.. """' ' O~DINANCE '~RANTING-TO PACIFIC GAS'AND 'ELECTRIC COMPANY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND'ASSIGNS, THE.FRANCHISE TO INSTALL, MAINTAIN . AND USE. PIPES AND APPURTENANCES ROR TRANSMITTING AND DIS- TRIBUTING GAS FO~ ANY AND .ALL PURPOSES UNDER, ALONG, "ACROSS " -_ OR UPON THE PUBLIC STREETS~ AND PLACES AS THE SAME..NOW OR MAY "'I .....HEREAFTER EXIST WITHIN 'THE'~' CITY .OF SARATOGA, ~ ' '- The 'C'i~y Council o~:-t'h~ .' .City:'6f Saratog~ does ordain as- follows :- . . .-- - - . : SeCtion 1.~' Whenever in this ordinance the words or phrases heroinafter ~n thi's-sect~i~n..def~ned are'~.used,.L%-h~y shall have the re- spective.meanings assigned'-t0. them. f~-the foltowin~ defi~'niti'o~s: ('a) ~he word '"grantee,.. sha:il ~n- Pa~ifi'~ Gas arid 'Electri~ ? Company, ._and its lawful' suc6essors. or'ab~igns; - .'.. ' -~ municipal corporation of the 'State 0f".California, in i~s present incorp'6rated 'form or in a~y later' reorganized,:.consolidated~.: on- (c) The wo~d '"streets" 'shaiI mean the',~dbiic Streets, Ways,' alleys _ , ~ - ,, , . . and places. as the' sanfe now':~or~maX'herea.fter exist. within-city, includinE. sta~e-'~ ~ ' ' i hways, now or-hereafter established within (. '.The word~ "gas".'shalt'mean natural o~. a~tificial gaS~ or a. minute of' natural- and '~r~i~icia~ gas; .... e ] The ph~as~ .'"~Ipe's 'and-~appdrt.en~nCes- shall ~ea~ pl~s~ 'pipe'iines~ mains,-services,'-t~p~','~%s',-~ult.s, manholeS, met'ers, ga~es~ re~Uletors~,' Valves, conduits ,- dppliances, attachments'~- 'appurte- nances and,- withou~ ~i~ftati0n to the 'foretold,-any other pro- "perry located or to be ~0cAted in~upon, alon~ across~ under..or over the streets of ~he city, and used or usefuI-.in.. transmitting and/or. distributing. ~as; ~ ' ' ': .. .(.f) The Ph~ase'~install,. maintainj and'. Use" s~all mean to."l~y,'c~n- st~uct,. erect, install, o~erate, maintgin, use, repair or replac~ ..., - '~' thereof':'pa~,,to cl~y two perI ~ent~ Of the '~roSs a~nUal receipts:of, · grante~Y~ri~i~g' fro~[:~he use,-oper~On~ or possession of said fran:~ " c'hi se ;. provided, howeVer~' ~h~t .Is~gjh '.~ent shall in no event' fbe than one Per cent of the 'gr0Ss~annual receipts of ~rantee from the sale of gas within-the ~imits ~fj.cit~. ' .' ~ '.~-:. ~ SeCtion 6. Grantee.' sBail .file with .th~ Cler~f of. city, -'[ in three~'mS~ths after then~eXpira~ion o~.:'~he ~'alendar year., or. frac- "~tionai calendar year, f'o~owi'ng the .date~.df .the granting hereof,~and'. -within ~h~e'e month s afte'~' the. e~Pira~ion ~Of' ~ach: a~d' jv~ry calendar -~ : .'-y~a~th'ereaft~r, .a:duly ver~fi~dl ~'~a~[m~nt shOwi~ in d~ta~ ~he total. gross~ receipts o~ antee d . preceding .calenda~ y~ar, g , .uri~g-'the' " ' or ~s~dh fractional..calendar .ye~,(~9om 'the sale of'gaS ~ithin.City~- · " . Grantee 'shall pa~ t'~ city ~W~t~in~ .fifteen. '~ays after the ~ime .~Or ~ - - filing such ptateme.nt ~: in: laWFuli ~oney .of~ .~he United State S, ~tHe- ' ' ' ~6s:~' '~ed~ipts~ " '~al~nd "aforesaid'~percentage' of i~s ~ 'fOr such ar year, '- ~s~'~h=-fraCtio~al~ cale'ndar ye~'r~.'.coV~r~d by 'Such sta~ementL' .. Any neg- lect;'. omission or ~efusal by grantee~tofi~e :such verified statement, - -- or. tO pay' said..~erdentage at the time and~in the manner sp~cified-~... : ~"' .s'h~ll be g~ounds for m~.he' de'ciara~on:'of.a'Torfeitu~e 'of this:f van-, ~-... ~hise' and ~f :all' 'rights Of' gb~nt~e ~-h~re~der ~-~- '- '.' 'Section'7,-"Said.~ranchise. ts granted unde~ th~':F~anchise "~' ~"' ~ec~ion 8, ~ This ordinahce: .~h~il~ b'e~dme- effedtive ~hirty - ~ days after its- final' passa~ unles~ ~ ' 'by Pa suspended ~tion filed-a'~ prov~ded.'by'~law,.[ ... - ~,... .... .~.. .--Section 9, G~ante~. Of s~id franchise shall pay to city a . sn of money s~ficient to 'reimb~se it for all pub-ii~ati0n. expenses - ~-incu~ed it in co~e~tion Wit~ the.g~anting--thereof;' such pa~ent ' - "' to ~e .made within tHi~y da~s after ~ity.,shail h~ve furnished grantee with =~' w~itten' ~tatement -o~ 'Such ' " ' " -_ : . . ,.... ~- - Section 10,/_ The ~f~anchlse ~ra'n~ed [ereby ~all.~o~ BeCOme -, eff~ct'ive-'u~til .written-acCeptan~e thereof 'shall ha~e' been filed b~ f. '~ - ' '~ ". '~ - - .' ' .-' --3, - ~ -- ~' ~ ".' '~. . grantee with the City Clerk. Section 11. The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to · be posted in'three conspicuous places in the City of Saratoga within fifteen (15) days after its passage. First read at a regularlmeeting of the City Council Of city held on the ~th day of December , 19 36 , and finally adopted and ordered posted at a regular meeting of said Council held On the .?0thday of December 19 ~6 , by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Brazil, Je~sen, L~n~will Rosasco, WilliSms NOES: Councilmen None ABSENT: CounCilmen None e City of Saratoga The above and foregoin is a t~ue and correct COpy of Ordinance _ ATTEST: Published according to ~ . : 'Oepu~y City Cterk Date Clerk of the City of Saratoga CITY OF SARATOGA, State of California, and its Honorable City Council PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY hereby acc.epts .that certain gas franchise granted to it by the City of Saratoga under Ordinance No.. 14 granted by the Councii of said City on the ~Oth day of December, 1956. PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY