HomeMy WebLinkAbout29 ORDINANCE NO. 29
Tae C~.ty Council of the City.of Saratoga does hereby ordain
as follows:
Section 1.1: This ordinance shall be knowll ms the COUNCIL PROCEDURE
OPJ)INANCE of the City of S~.ratoga. It shall apply to all
regul,~r and special meetings of the City Council of the
City of Saratoga, and in addit'..'.on, Sections ~ and 7 shall apply to all
meetings of ei!d public hearings before the Saratoga Planning Commission.
Reference to "Presiding Officer", "Council", "Councilmen" and "City
Clerk" in Sections 6 and 7.1 shall respectively mean.. Chairmanm Planning
Comm~ssion, Commissioner and Secretary of the Planning Commission, when
applied to Planning Commission meetiv~s.
.Sectton 1.2: 1'us term "meeting" shall mean the gathering together of
a majority cf the members of the City Co.Jncil er Planning
C~mmlssiou, each member withiu nox~mal hearing distance of
the others at tile time aud place established by Ordinance or Resolution
for regular meetings, o3 at such other time and place as authorized by
law for special meetings, fez the ,purpose of acting in their official
capacity as the legislative body of the City of Saratoga in the case of
the City Coun~'~' and in their official capacity as the Planning Comm~-
sion in the case of the Planning ~u~sstono Unless otherwise authorized
by l~w to be held in privates all such meetings shall be open to the
No other gatherin~ of the persons l~ho cox~s~:Y.t'_xte the City Council or
Plannlr~ Commission, or any pSrtien thereof~ shall be considered a
meeting. A y action or decision required by law to be taken or made
at e ueetID~ shall be invalid and of no force a?.d effect if ~he same is
not taken or made a~ a mee'=ing as hereln defined,
~he foregoing shall not prevent less than a quorum, othez-~ise gathered
at the time and place and for the purpose of conducting a meeting, from
adjourning from time to time in accord with 1,T~ until a quorum is present.
If at any time the Legislature of the State of California or the final .de,
ciston of .an appalate-dourt of said State should define a. meati,~g of a City
Council or a City PlanminE C~mnission other than as above set for~h=
such iegislaZtve or final judicial definition shall thereafter super-
sede the definition heroinabove set for~ho
SJation 1o3: Failure to observe the rules heroinafter set forth shall.
not invalidate any a~tion taken which is o~herwise lawful~
and defective only for failure to follow =he procedure
outlined in this ordinance.
Section 2.1..~: AGE~A. All reports, co~nications, ordi~nces~
resolutions~ contract documents, or other ~:ters
to be submitted to ~he council a~ their re~lar~et-
ing s~ll be delivered to the City Clerk not later t~n 5~00 o~clock
on tim preceding Thurs~y. The City Clerk s~II prepare an agen~
of all such~tters according ~o the Order of Business and shall fur-
nish ~ch~mber of the ~uncil, the City A~inistrator~ the City
Attoney and each deparmnt h~d with a copy of the sa~ prior
the council ~eting. Except as othe~ise provided in ~hfs ordi~uce,
no ~tter no~ included on the agan~ my be presented to the
~ithout first ob~aining the unan~us consent of all counci~n
present a~ th~eting.
Section 2.~: ORD~ OF BUSI~SS. T~ business of the council shall
be taken up for consideration and disposition in the
foilo~in~ order, ~nless othe~ise c~nged by resolution
of the council:
(1) Organization
(a) Roll
(b) Minutes
(2) Bids and Contracts
(3) Ordi~nces and Foml Resolutions
(4) Subdivision and Site Approvals
(5) hblic Heari~
(At 8:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as the course of
~siness pemits, regardless of position on the agenda)
(6) A~tnistrative ~tters and Reports
(a) ~yor
(b) Finance
(c) ~uncll Co~lttee~
(d) ~parment Heads and Officers
(e) City A~inistr~tor
(7) C~nications
(a) Written
(b) Oral
(8) Adj ou ~n t
The above Order of Business ~y be changed from t~e to t~ by resolution
of the Council. ~ addition, the regular Order of Business ~.y, for any
particular~eting, be suspended for any pu~ose by the Presiding Officer
~ith consent of a mjori~y of the Council members present.
S~ction 2.3: ROLL ~.' Before proceeding with the ~sinesa of
~he Council~ the City Clerk or his deputy shall call
the roll of ~he ~ers, and the na~s of those physi-
cally present s~ll be entered in the minutes.
Section 2.4: QUOR~. A ~jority of all the m~bers elected to the
C~ncil s~ll cons~itute a quorl at any regular or
special ~et~ of the Council. The presence or absence
of a quo~m shall be dete~ined by the ~esiding Officer.
Section 2.5: ~BG OF MI~S. At leas~ ~o (2) ~ys prior to
each reguhr ~eting, the Clerk shall funish each
mmber of the Counc'il a copy of the minutes of the
las~ preceding regular or special, meeting. Unless a reading of the
minu~es of the Council~eting is requested in open~eting by a
~ber of the ¢ouncti~ such m!~tes ~y be approved without reading
if the Clerk ~s previously fujished each~er with a copy thereof.
Not~it~tanding the above, reading of the minu~es my always be
w~ived by a duly carriedmtion to waive the reading thereof.
Section 2.6: V~BG. A vote by roll call s~ll not be required
unless a Council~mber specifically requests a roll
call after a motion is ~de and before the Presiding
Officer calls for 'the vote. Unless a m~ber of the Council audibly
staten he is not vo~ing, his silence shall be, and shall be recorded
as~ an affi~tive vo~e.
Section 3.1: MAYOR AS PRESIDING OFFICER. The Presiding Officer
of the Council shall be the Mayor, or in his absencem
the Mayor Pro Tempore. He shall take the chair pre-
cisely at the hour appointed for the meetings and shall immediately
call the Council to order. In the absence of the Mayor or Mayor Pro
Tampores the City Clerk shall call the Council to order, whereupon~
a temporary PresidinE Officer stmll be elected by the members of the
Council present. Upon the arrival of the Mayor or Mayor Pro Tempores
the temporary Presiding Officer shall ~mmediately relinquish the
chair upon the conclusion of the particular business in~edlately
before the Council at that time. Wherever lu this ordinance the term
Mayor is useds it shall apply equally to the Presiding Officer as de-
fined in this section.
Officer shall have a votes but no veto powers and may
moves second and debate from the chair. He shall pre-
serve strict order and decorum at all regular and special meetings
of the Council. He shall states~or call upon the Clerk to states
every question before the Counui].~ call for the votes and announce
the decision of the Council on all subjects. He shall decide all
questions of orders subject however to an appeal to the Council by
~ny 8ounellmanm in which event a majority vote of the Council shall
govern and conclusively dete~nine such question of order. He shall
have and exercise such other powers and duties as are contained else-
where in this ordl:mnces and as are authorized by law.
Section. 3~3:' ADDITIONAL PO~RS. The Presiding Officer shall have
power and authority in his discretion and without a
vo~e of the Councilm
(a) Refer any matters whether or not on the agenda, to a
committee for study and report. Such power may not be
exercised while a motion is on the floor covering such
matters until the motion is d~sposed of. Once a matter
has been referred to c~mmittee and a report rendered
thereon, !t may not thereafter be referred to coL~aittee
a second thee under this power but only by Council action.
(b) Set time limits on Council discussion on any matter.
(c) Set time limits on any coummnications from members of
the public to the CounCil.
(d) Declare the opening and closins of public hearings.
(e) Rule any marion on a subject not on the agenda as heine
out of orders in which case the motion shall thereafter
be void and the Clerk shall set the subject matter thereof
down on the agenda of the next regular or special Council
(f) Table any motion on any matter until the next regular or
special CouncilmaetinEs whenever the City Attorney advises
that there is a serious question as to the validity or con-
stitutionality of the particular proposed course of action
which is the subject matter of said motion.
(S) Require any witness testifying to facts at any public
hearing to be sworn before proceeding further with any
such testimony.
S__ection 3.4: (RESERVED)
'S,e. ction 4.1: PREPAR&TION OF ORDINANCES~ All ordinau~es shall ba
prepared by or ',ruder the d~reetion Of the City Ati'orney~
No ordi_-nnce shall be prepared for presentation to the
Council unless ordered by a majo~ii;y vote ef the Councils or requested
by the Mayor or City Admtnist~ato:, st prcpar. ed by the City Attorney
on his own init'sative,
SeCtion 4,2: PRIOR REVIE~I BY ADHI.~IISTtlATIVE STAFF. Before present-
ation to the Councils all ordinancess wTltten resolutions
and con~vac~ documents shall have been approved as to
~orm by the City Attorney or his authorl---ad. rcpres~n~atives and vhera
there are substantive ma~Cers o£ administration involved shall have
been exnm~n~.d ~or adm~nistraCion by the City A~c'Inistrator, ~hc shall
indicate his approval or disapproval 'from an admin~strative stand-
point thereo~ at the t~me_ o~ presentation to the Coun=ilo
(a) (Prdinancass resolut~onss and other matters or
subjects requirina action by the C0unell must
be introduced and sponsored by a member o£ the CounCils except that
the Mayors Ci.'y Adminls~ra~o=s or City AttOrney may present the same
and any Councilman may assume the spousorship thereof by rosyinS that
such ordinancee resolu~ion or matfez or su.bje~t be adopted; o~herwise,
they shall not be conside. red,
(b) An e.r. din~_-ce may be introduced by the readin~ o£
the ti.~le only, All ordinances shall be reed in
full aC least once p~ior ~o £inal passage and adoption~ uatess the
readin~ thereof is dispensed with by the unanimous vote o£ the Council
prea~nt at e regular mee~'in~o Notwl~hstandin~ the above, all emeraency
ordinances shall be r~ad in ~ull prior to passage and adoption.
(c) V~solutiens may be presented in written or oral
£om, 14he_~e x~rtttcn~ ~he resolution need only
be read by title and numbe~ p~ior ~o act.~.on there0n~ and only the
motion adoptinZ it need appea~ in the minu2es~ Edhere orals the snm~
shall be stated in ~ull by the moving. pa;ty~ and if adopted, shall
either (a) be tr~_n-cribed in £ull in ~he minutes 0r (b) thereafter
be reduced to written £ozm separate £rom the min'.~es, executed by
the Presid~-v~ O~£icar and attested by the City Clerks The Presidin~
OffiCer shali direc~ which ~inal £orm! a ve;bally presented resolu~ion
shall take. :
(d) No motion shall die for lack of a seconds and the
Presidin~ Officer shall call all motions to a vote
whether seconded or not,
(e) All motions for enactment of any ordinances resolu-
tion or other Council antion which do not receive
the required vote for passage shall nevertheless be entered in the
Section, 5.1: PRBSIDING OFFICER MAY DEBATE. The MAyor or such
other member of the Council as my be acting as
Presiding Officer Imay moves second and debate from
the chairs subject only to such limitations of debate as are by
these rules imposed upon all ~mbers, He shall not be deprived of
any of the rights and privileges of a Councilmon by reason of his
being Nayor or acting as Presidin~ Officer.
Section 5.2: GETTING THE FLOOR. Every Council member desiring to
speak shall address the chair, and upon recognition
by the Presiding Officer, shall corffine himself to
the question under debates avoiding all personalities and indecorous
Section 5°3: Ii~TERRUiTIONS. A members once recognizeds shall not
be intert~pted when speaking unless it be to call him
to order~ or as herein otherwise provided. If a
bet, while speaking, be called to order he shall cease speaking
until the question of order be determined~ and, if in order, he
shall ba permitted to proceed,
Section 5°4: PRIVILEGE 0F CLOSING DEBATE° The ~ouncilmn moving
the adoption of an ordinance or ~esolution, or council
action, shall have the privilege of closing the debate,
Section 5,5: MOTION TO RECONSIDER, A motion to reconsider any~
action taken by the Council my be made only on the
day such action was taken. It may be made either
~m~diately during the stone seasion, or at a recessed or adjourned
session thereof. Such motion must be made by one of the pravatling
sides and may be made at any ttn~. and shall have precedence over all
other motions and shall be debatable, Nothing herein a'aal! be con°
strued to prevent any rsraher o~ the Council from making or restating
the s~m~ or any other motion at a subseqaent meeting of the C~uncilo
A Counci'i~.,~n may request= through the Pres'~ding
0fficer~ the pr].vii~ge of having an abstract of his
statement on any subject under consideration by the Council entered
in the minutes. I~ the Council consents ~hereto~ such statement
sb~ll he entered in the minutes o The Clerk may be d!reated by the
Presiding Officers with consent of the Counci!~ to enter in th~ min-
utss a synopsis of the diacussion on any question coming regularly
before the Council,
.S~qtion 5o?: RULES OF ORDER, Except as otherwise provided in this
ordinance~ proceedings of the Council shall be governed
under '~oborts~ Rules o~ Order" on all nkatters pertain-
ing to par!i-~m~ntary law,
action o~ the Council shall be invalidated nor the
legality thereof affected by the failure c~ omission
to obsen. e o.r. follow the within rules of debate o~' R~bertss Rules
of Ord~.r,
Secti0.n 6.1: GENERAL° Any person desiring to address the Council
shall first secure the permission of the Presiding
Officer so to do; provided however, that under the
following headings of business, unless the Presiding Officer rules'
otherwise, any qualified and interested person shall have the right
to address the Council upon obtaining recognition by the Presiding
(a) ..W. ritten Con~m~n~.cations. Interested parties or their auth-
orized representatives] my address the Council by written
con~m,nication. If copies of said communications are fur-
nished, each CouncJl-t~n present~ such written cu~uications
need not be read aloud at the meetins unless so ordered
by a majority vote of .the Council.
(b) Oral Co~unications. ~axpayers or residents of the City
or their authorized legal representative may address the
Council by oral conmunications-on any matter concerning
the Cityss business, or any matter over which the Council
has control; provided, however, that preference shall be
given to those persons who my have notified the City Clerk
in advance of their desire to speak.
(c) ...Public. Hearings.. Interested persons or their authorized
representatives my address the Council by reading a pro-
tests petition, or co-wm,nication relating to matters the
subject of public hearing under this categorys and the
order of presentation .and the time thereof shall be under
the direction and control of the Presiding Officer.
Section 6.2: MANNER OF ADDRESSING COUNCIL. Each parson addressing
the Council shall'stand and give his name and address
in an audible cone of voice for the record, and shell
speak into the microphone provided aC all times that the electronic
public address system is h operation. All r~ks shell be ad-
dressed to the Council as a body and not to any member thereof. No
person, other than the Council and person hayinS the floors shall
be permitted to enter into any discussion, either directly or through
e m~mber of the Councils without the permission of the Presiding
Officer. No person shall address or question a Council members the
City Attorneys the Director of Public Workss the City Administrator
or ocher official at the Council table without the prior consent of
the Presiding Officer.
(a) Written con~nunicatinns on a particular matter for Council
discussion shall be read by the Council at the t4rn~ of
such discussion rather than under the agenda item of
'~4ritten Connnunicatio~s".
(b) Written coMEanicationS from the Administ~ative Staff shall
not be read aloud unless requested by the writer or any
Count i ] .~ n,
(c) Anonymous co~,nications shell noC be read.
(d) The Presiding Officer shell not permit any cou=v~nications
~r. itten or orals co be made or read where it does not bear
directly on an agenda item then under discussion.
(e) After a motion is made by a Countilia-n, no person shall
address the Council without first securing the permission
of the Council so to do.
(f) (Re~erved)
SectS, on 7.1: IN GENERAL. The f~llowin'g general rules shall be
applicable to all public hearings by the City Council
(except hearings on appeal which are not de novo hearings)
and to al1 public hearings by the Saratoga ,Planning Conmission until
such trine as separate rules are adopted by ordinance for Planning
Comission public hearings:
(a) 'N0 written co,~,xxication considered after henrinil closed.
No written communication received by the Council or Plan-
ning Comission after the close of a public hearing shall
be read or considered 'in determining the issue in question,
unless prior to the close of such hearing the Presiding Of-
ficer has specifically directed that such written
cations be received.
(b) Ref.erral to committee ;.fOr report. Subject to the limita-
tions hereafter set forth, the Presiding Officer maT, and
on hearings de novo on appeal to the Councii on zoning
variances, adJus_~.~hs and use permits the Presiding Officer
shall, prior to close of the hearing, refer the nmtter to a
connnittee for report and reconnnendation. The hearing shall
be continued to such date as the report is ordered filed,
and at that future t~f~ the continued hearing shall be re-
stricted solely to the point raised in the connnittee report,
and thereafter shall be closed.
No matter the subject of a public hearing shall be referred
to comnittee nor a report therefrom considered by the Counc~_l
or Planning Commission after a public hearing is closed, un-
less th~ sarna is re-opened on rendJ. tion of the report for
the limited purpose, however, of discussing the report.
Any matter referred to co~nnittee for report may be acted on
without such report if the same is not rendered at the time
(c) Opportunity to be heard .o.n. 3~roposed conditions. Whenever
in the approval of a tentative subdivision map or build-
ing site, the granting of a zoning variance or adjus~nent,
or of a usa or architeatural and site control permit, con-
ditions are imposed or to be imposed, a reasonable opportunity
shall be provided the applicant to discuss such proposed
conditions and the effect thereof prior to the ~-~position
of the same.
"Reasonable opportunity" for the purposes of this section
shell mean as follows:
(1) ~here the matter is referred to tom!tree prior
to action thereon, the c~uittee shall discuss
any proposed conditions with a representative of
app!icant prior to rendition of the report. A
copy of such report shall be filed with the City
Clerk or Secretary of =he Planning Ca~ission a~
least three days prior to .the date of the continued
hearing, or'
(2) Where the public hearing is closed and a~tion taken
directly thereon by the Council or Plaxming Cc~nis-
sion without connnittee report, after e motion to
approve with conditions and before a second to said
motion, a single repreeentatlve of applicant my
address the Council and briefly discuss the proposed
conditions, ~ or
(3)Such other reasonable nmthod in 1,~au thereof as
~ay be ordered by the Presiding Officer.
(d) A3~p~licebi!_~Lof rules for Addressing the_.OounC~l.~ In
all other respects, th~ rules for addressing the Council
shall be applicable to public hearings.
Section 7'.~2.* HEARINGS ON ~ FR~ P~ING o~ISSION, ~arin~s
de novo on appeal sM11 be conducted in the s~
as re~tred for the o~ig~l h~ring before the Plan-
ning C~ission.
~ other than de ~vo h~ringss no m~ber of the public my address
the Council save for one sp~r for t~ appellant and one for the
respondent~ with a l~i=ation of fifteen (15) ~nutes per side in
total, These l~itations my be ~dif~ds c~ed or suspended by
resolution of the C~uncil at ~y
Section 8,11 BY ~C~ ~ERS, ~ile the ~uncil Is in sessions
t~ ~ers rest p=ese~e order ~d deco~m, and a
~er sMll celthers by conversation or o~he~ises
dehy or inter~p= proceedi~s or the peace of the ~uncil nor
turb any ~ber while spiking or refuse to obey the orders of the
Council oT its ~es$ding Officeys except as othe~ise heroin provided.
Section..8.2: BY ~R ~ONS~ ~y person raking perso~l~ ~perti-
cent o= slanderous r~rks or who s~11 beco~ bois~erous
while addressing the C~ncil sMll be fort~ith~ by the
Presiding Office=~ barred from further audience before the Councils
unless ~;sion to con=lnue be granted by a ~jority vote of the
Se.~tion 8.31 COUNCIL ~, ~ile t~ Council Is ~ sessions
any person who acts in-a disorderly; cont~euous or
insolent ~nner t~ards the Council or any ~uncil
mbe= thereors or who bec~s boisterous while add~essing Councll
or any Council mmbet t~teof~ which conduct tends to inter~pt the
due course of the ~et~g; or any ~mber of the public ~ attendance
who failss on demnd of the ~esiding Offi.cers to c~ply ~lth any
rile set forth in this ordL~ce in Section 6 or 7 thereof~ oT any
order of the ~esiding Of[icer ~de in accord with the authority
thin ordi~nce, s~.11 be ~il~y of a misd~meanor.
Section 8.~= E;ORC~ OF DE~R~. The San~ Chra C~nty Sheriff
and his daputiesa or such one of them as shall be pre-
sen=, shall be Sergeant at A~ 'o[ the CounCiI ~eting.
~s or theys shall carry out aI1 orders of ~ ~esidi~ Officer for
the pu~ose of ~intaining order and decor~ at the Council
Upon ins=~c~$ons from the Presiding Office=s it s~11 be the duty of
the Sergeant at Amss or any of th~ presents to place any person who
violates the order and deco~m .of ~he ~eting under arrest~ and cause
h~ to be prosecuted under the provisions of this ordin~ce~ the c~-
plaint to be signed by t~ Presid~g Officer,
~ction )..1~ ~y ~eting my either be teminated~ or con~inued
a~the= ~, place and/or ~te by adjou~nt, regard-
less of ~hether or ~t all totters on the agora, or
under dBcnss~.on Mve been covered, acted on or conctMed, ~o~ith-
~tandt.ng t~ abo~ea no ~e=ing shal! ba ~emi~ted before closing all
public hearings noticed for tP~t meetings ~i~hout first continu3.ng
said public hearings to another =~s place and date. Subjec= to the
aboves a ~ion to adj~rn sha~l al~ays be in order and decided
Where a meeting is continued to a future dates if either the t.4jne
or place, or either of them, is not stated in the order of ad]oura-
monte it shall be dee-~d to be at the hour and place specified for
regular meetings of the Council~
Section 1,1: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or
phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held by
a court of competent jurisdiction to b~_ invalid, such
decision shall not affect the validity of the r~aining portions of
this ordinance. The City ~ouncil of the City of Saratoga hereby de-
clares that it would have passed this ordinance and each section, sub-
section, sentence~ clause and phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact
that any one or more sections, subsectious, seuteuces, clauses or
phrases be held invalid or unconstitutional.
This ordinance was regularly introduced and after the waiting
re~qufred by law was thereafter passed and adopted on the 5th day of
April . , 1961, by the following vote:
AYES: Brazil, Glennon, Drake, Landill, Hartman
NOES: None
ABSE[{~ .* .. None
i"' t, f:: ',"' 1~ '-'->.~ The above snd forechine is a and
. , . copy c,*, (;r¢ir:::,~c~; ::Z~_.. tma correc[
which has been
' ~-..crrY clzitK ~;; pubiisi~ed ?.ccordii-;.', t~; law.
'.-t-:,' :'-':7-c-%>c,', ,/z, ..
"'-,,',, ,l,*,",-':'Deputy c, it~'"~'i~rk{Date