HomeMy WebLinkAbout38.35 AN ORDII~CE OF THE Cl~Y OF SARATOGA CHAFFER I ~OF, BY ~D~ ~SIONS IBG OF~CERS ~ ~ES E ~ST PEterS ~E The City Co~fl of the City--of Saratoga does~. hereby ordain as foll~s: Section 1: ~he. saratoga city ~de is h~reb'~ ~ended by · ' ~dinE Subsee~ion 1-~,~ to Chapter I of said ~.~ct~on. 1-7,~: Eve~ officer ~d .~ploye$ of ~hfs : City ha~n~ ~y du~y ~o enfo~co'~y f of the provisions o this Code~ or any other sta~ut~ or ordin~ce of this City, is hereby authorized, ursu~t to ~enal Code' Sectf~ 836~5 of ~he Sta~e of Ca~ff~a, to ~rest a ~rson withou~ a ~arr~n~ ~henever any office~ or ~ployee has ~easonable cause to believe ~he ~rson to be ~rrested ha~ c~itted a misdeme~or 'in his presence ~hich is a violnti~ of a Cod~ sCatu~e, or ordin~ce ~hieh ouch officer or ~ployee has the duty to enforce, Section. 2:.. ~f ~y section; subsecti~, sen~c~, clause or phrase of this ordin~ee is for ~y reason held by a court of c~petent 3urindic~fon.to be invalid, such decision $ha1-1 not affect the v~lfdi~y of the r~lning portions of this ordin;ce', ~e City Council of '.th~ City of Sa~atOg~ hereby declares that it ~ould have passed this ordinance and e~h 'sec~i~, subsection, sentence, clause ~d phrase ~hereof~ i~r~sp~ctive of · he fast that ~y one or ~re sections, subsections, clauses or phrases be held invalid or ~c~tftutfonal, See~ion 3: ~his ord~anc~ ~11 b~ In full force ~d thirty (30) d~ys ~feer the .date of its pas~ag~ ~d adoption, . ~he above and foregoing ordfn;ce ~as ~e8ularly in~roduced -and after t~ waiting tim~ required by 1~ ~as ~h~r~after passed and adopted this . 21st day of October p t970. s by ~h~ fo11~- - ing ~e: AYES: Clx,mcilmen Robbins, Smith, Dwyer Shnders, " / NOES: None " -. --' ~ ". '" " ' ABSE~NT,:' 'NOh~ cop7 o~ Clr{~n~. ~ ~ which has 7-3M C ... % Depu~)' City Clerk / Date