HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 201 ORDINANCE NO. 201 AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY OF SARATOGA AMENDING CHAPTER 3 OF THE SARATOGA CITY CODE RELATING TO CODE ENFORCEMENT The City Council of the City of Saratoga hereby ordains as follows: SF,CTTON 1. Section 3-10.030 of the Saratoga City Code is hereby amended as set forth below. Text to be added is indicated in bold double-underlined font (e.g., bold double-underlined) and text to be deleted is indicated in strikeout font (e.g., ~l1Ìk.e;ulll). Text in standard font remains unchanged by this ordinance. 3-10.030 Recorded notice ofCade violation. (a) Whenever the City Manager has knowledge of a violation of any provision of this Code, or any other ordinance of the City, or any rule, regulation or order promulgated or issued pursuant to this Code, or the provisions of any code adopted by reference by this Code, or any condition ofan aD¥ approval, permit or license granted pursuant m this Code, he tÞI.' rity lV(íUllIger may notify the owner of the property upon which the violation is located ofltis the City MIIDlIger'.. intent to record a notice ofeode violation in the office of the County Recorder [01 lhe; CUlluly. Such notice of intent shall be mailed to the owner at the address shown on the latest available assessment roll, or as otherwise known to the City Manager, and a copy thereof shall be posted upon the property. The notice of intent shall describe the nature of the violation and inform the owner that a notice ofemI:e violation will be recorded unless a hearing before the €i:ty MaJldßCl Refiring Offic"r pstflbli..he(! pllrWIIJlt to ~ection 3-1"i 070 I)fthis Code is requested by the owner within twenty days from the date of the notice. (b) In the event a hearing is not requested and the violation has not been corrected, or in the event that after the conduct of a hearing 1)<'fore th" {f~ílring OfficC'r¡ and consideration of all evidence presented thereat by the owner, the ff"aring Offi"er City Manag<;f determines that a violation of one or more of the aforementioned codes, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders or conditions in fact exists, the City Manager may record a notice ofemI:e violation in the office ofthe County Recorder. The determination by the City Manage; Hel\ring Officer, following a hearing, that a violation exists, may in I\"I!'Qrdfln('e with thp rilles of pr/)('C'dl're estflhlished hy 811i(l Jfellfing Officpr, i" final fIlHI may not be appealed to the City Council in accoldançe with th,," plocedure set fOlth Ül secÜon2-05.0JO oftlÚs Cûde. (c) At the request of the affected property owner or other interested person and upon determination by the City Manager that the ª violation has been fully corrected and no longer exists, the City Manager shall furnish to the owner or other interested person a notice of expungement of the previously recorded notice of emI:e violation. Page 1 of13 Ordinance No.201 (d) The recording of a notice of emI:e violation pursuant to this Section shall be in addition to any other rights, remedies or actions available to the City by reason of the same violation as described in the notice. SF,CTTON 2. Article 3-15 of the Saratoga City Code is hereby amended as set forth below. Text to be ad.ded is indicated in bold double-underlined font (e.g., bold double- un<'lerlined) and text to be deleted is indicated in strikeout font (e.g., ~ltikwul). Text in standard font remains unchanged by this ordinance. ARTICLE 3-15 NOTICED NUISANCE ABATEMENT PROCEDURE 3 -15.010 Authority. This Article is adopted pursuant to the provisions of A rtirlp h (commencing witÞ Section 38771) in Cha9ter 10, Division 3 of Title 4 S"",livll 38773.5 of the CI\lifornil\ Government Code. 3-15.020 Right of entry. When it is necessary to make an inspection to enforce all¥ UII;; plOY i~¡uJl~ pro"¡,,ion of this Code, or when the City Manager VI lhl;; Cily M"U"gl;;l'~ "uUwli¿I;;J 1I;;pII;;~l;;lll"li YI;; has reasonable cause to believe that there exists a parcel ofland or structure, upon whirh a premises a condition p",i"t~ which makes sw:h a parcel ofland or structure a nuisance as defined in this Code, the City Manager may enter the ùuilJill~ drnl!'tnr" or premises at reasonable times to inspect or to perform the duties imposed by this Code, provided that if such ImilJillg "trnrtnrp or premises be is occupied that credentials be presented to the occupant and entry requested. If such LuilJiug drnrtnr<: or premises be is unoccupied, the City Manager shall first make a reasonable effort to locate the owner or other persons having charge or control of the uuilJillg "trnrtnrp or premises and request entry. If entry is refused, the City_Manager LuilJillg vHi",i,,1 shall have recourse to the remedies provided by law to secure entry. 3-15.030 Declaration of nuisance. When the City Manager has inspected or caused to be inspected any condition on any parcel ofland or structure and has found and determined that such condition on such parcel ofland or structure is a nuisance, the City Manager shall commence proceedings to cause the abatement of such nuisance and to make the costs of such abatement a special assessment against the parcel upon which such nuisance exists. Page 2 of 13 Ordinance No.201 3-15.040 Notice and order. (a) The City Manager shall issue a notice and order directed to the ownpr of record VWU~1 of the parcel ofland upon which the City. Manager has detC'rminen that a nuisancppxi"ts. The notice and order shall contain: (1) The street address and a legal description sufficient for identification of the parcel ofland and structures thereon. (2) A statement that the City Manager has found lIt~ pl"IUi~~~ 01 ~llll<.;llll~~ tuire-a condition deemed a public nuisance pursuant to 3-05.01 O(e}io-esist with a brief and concise description of the conditions found to I~UÙ~1 lh~ ùLlì1ùiug Ùi1ug~lUu~ constitutp a pllbliuni"ance under the provisions of this Code. (3) A statement (i) specifying ufthe rnr"nvp action required to be taken }Inn (ii) ~prifyin~J:hejj¡ne in whicb commpnrpmpnt .0ftÞe action. and/oLrompletioJl ~ "rtlon mud orr"r... as determined by the City Manager. (4) Sti1l~1l1~ub A Statement advising that if the abatement work is not commenced within the time specified, the City Manager may proceed to cause the work to be done and charge the costs thereof against the plUp~tly parcel or its owner ,,~ " JiP1J, agaID5t the p!\rcel and/or as a special assC'ssment...and. th"t ~nrh propprty m"y hI' ~<ilil after three ye!\rsby.tÞe tax collector fOI"_llllp!\id delinqllPnt assessment'!.. (5)Slaklllwb A St"tpmpnt whpthpf or not the City M!\nager ha~ plected to.seek,a~ a part of ahatement ro~t", rp"~on"hltUlttllrney's fpes incurred in abating thp nni""nrp. Snrh notirp ~h,," "l~o d"tp th"t ifthp C'ity Manager_elects to seek J::fJlSJ:!!!ab1e attorney's fpes,j:b.. pr..vailipg pI1rry.D1!\Y ~.nD!led to seek rpimbursemel1t of rea"oll!\ble and nece~sarily incurred attorney's fee", (ó) A St"tpmpnt advising (i) that any person having any record title or legal interest in the parcel ofland may appeal from the notice and order or any action ofthe City Manager to the Bvalù u[ App~ab He.arin~ OfficeJ;, provided the appeal is made in writing and filed with the Office of the City Manager within the time sp£'dtled by. s.ectiD.n ~-1:; ORO(h) ofthi~ C'onp llÚlly ùay~ flUullh~ ùal~ v[~~lviv" V[~Uvll uvliv~ awl \.JlJ~1 (01 willÚu kll Jay~ [lUlIl ~Uvll Jak i[ lll~ Cily Mauag~l lla~ JdeUllill~J lhal th~ \.;vuJiliuu i~ ~UvIt a~ lv Hlak.~ il iuull~Jial~ly Jaug~Jvu~ lv lit" li[~, lilllL, plUp"lly VI ~i1fdy tv lit" puùli" Vl aJjavt:uL plUptaly); and (ii) that failure to appeal will constitute a waiver of all right to an administrative hearing and determination of the matter. (b) Service of notice and order. The notice and order, and any amended or supplemental notice and order, shall be served upon the record owner and posted on the property; and one copy thereof; I\t thp option of tl:1p City. Manager, m!\y strntt be served on each of the following if known to the City Manager or disclosed ITom official public records: the holder of any mortgage or deed of trust or other lien or encumbrance of record; the owner or holder of any lease of record; and the holder of any other estate or legal interest of record in or to the LuilJiug "trnrtnrp or the land on which tbp nui~"n!,£ it is located. The failure of the City Manager to serve any person required herein to be served shall not invalidate any proceedings hereunder as to any other person duly served to relieve any such person from any duty or obligation imposed by the provisions of this section. Page 3 of 13 Ordinance No.20l (c) Method of service. Service of the notice and order shall be made upon a1l persons entitled thereto either persona1ly or by mailing a copy of such notice and order by certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt required, to each such person at their address as it appears on the last equalized assessment roll ofthe County or as known to the City Manager. If no address of any such person so appears or is known to the City Manager, then a copy ofthe notice and order shall be so mailed, addressed to such person, as the address of the parcel ofland involved in the proceedings. The failure of any such person to receive such notice shall not affect the validity of any proceedings taken under this section. Service by certified mail in the manner herein provided shall be effective on the date of the mailing. (d) Proof of service. Proof of service of the notice and order shall be certified to at the time of service by a written declaration under penalty of peljury executed by the persons affecting service, declaring the time, date and manner in which service was made. The declaration, together with any receipt card returned in acknowledgment of receipt by certified mail shall be affixed to the copy of the notice and order retained by the City Manager. 3-15.050 Notices; publication. (a) In addition to posting and serving the notice and order required by Section 3-15.040. the City Manager shait JWl¥ direct the City Clerk to publish such notice once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City. F"ilure of the City Manager to direct publication, or tÞe City£'lerk to publisb,surh notice in a newspaper_of genC'T'I1 circulation in the City shall not invalid'lte anyproceedinßs herplmder~ 3-15.060 Recordation of notice ofemI:e violation. If compliance is not had with the notice and order within the time specified therein, and no appeal has been properly and timely filed, the City Manager shall file in the office of the county recorder a certificate describing the property and certifying a notice ofemI:e violation in accordance with Article 3-10. 3-15.070 Hearing Officer and Board of Appeals. (a) In order to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions. or determinations made by the City Manager relative to the application and interpretations of this Article, there shall be and is vl""lt:J e.t3blisbed both a Hearing OfficeL"ud a Board of Appeals, the latfpr consisting of the Cily Eugiu""l, Dil"dvl v[Cvlluuuuily D"vdul'111"1l~ ".llJ a 111"1:lÙ"1 w llu i~ 4ualiLi"J ùy <;;Xp<;;Ú<;;llv<;; auJ ltaillillg Lu pa~~ UPUll 111all<;;l~ p<;;llallullg lv uUl~allv.<;; a1alt:111"ltl auJ whv i~ uul "111plvy"J 1y lh" Cily. TIt<;; Cily Mau<tg"l ~hall Ù" au <;;x v[Livw 111"1111<;;1 "uJ ~hall ad ,,~ ~<;;vldalY tv ~aiJ BualJ 1ul ~hall hav<;; llV vvL<;; .UpVll allY 111a~L<;;1 1<;;[Vl<;; lIl<;; BualJ. Th<;; 111<;;1111<;;1 lluL <;;111pluy<;;J 1y lIl" Cily ~l~a1l1<;; appv111l<;;J 1~ Ch31r of earh of the following City Commissions, Public S!lfety, Fmance, "nd Plann~n~. F,"r~ "Pl'P"\ "h"n hI' hp"rrl ,mrl rlprirlprl hy thp Hp"rin~ Officer unless the Clty Councll auJ ~halllwlJ v[[¡v<;; al ib pl<;;a~ul". Th" directs by dilly Page 4 of 13 Ordinance No.201 adopt~d motion that thp appeal shalLbeheard by the Board of Appeals. Any action by the. Hearing Officer authorized or required bytÞis Article m"y be takeD Þy the Board of Appeals with respect to any appeal that the Board of Appeals is allthorizpil to ron"iilpr. Thp Hp"rine Offirpr "nil thp Board shall ~ adopt rules of procedures for conducting its business and shall render all decisions and findings in writing to the appellant, with a duplicate copy to the City Manager. Appeals to the Hearing Officer awl the Board shall be processed in accordance with the provisions contained in Section 3-15.080. Copies of all rules or regulations adopted by the Hel!ring Officer and the Board shall be delivered to the City Manager, who shall make them freely accessible to the public. (b) The Neither the Hearing Officer nor the Board of Appeals shall have no ~ authority relative to interpretation of the administrative provisions ofthis Code nor shall the Hearing Officer or the Board be empowered to waive requirements of this Code. 3-15.080 Appeal of notice and order. (a) Any person entitled to or receiving service und!'r "ection3-15.040(b) oIthis Article may appeal from any notice and order or any action of the City Manager under this Code by filing with the office of the City Manager a written appeal containing: (1) A street address and a description sufficient for identification of the property and the affected structures thereon. (2) The names of all appellants participating in the appeal. (3) A brief statement setting forth the legal interest of each of the appellants in the structure or the property involved in the notice and order. (4) A brief statement in ordinary and concise language of the specific order offorcnrative action protested, together with any material facts claimed to support the contentions of the appellant. (5) A brief statement in ordinary and concise language of the relief sought and the reasons why it is claimed the protested order Dr for curative action should be reversed, modified or otherwise set aside. (6) The signatures of all parties named as appellants and their official mailing addresses. (7) The verification (by declaration under penalty of perjury) of at least one appellant as to the truth of the matters stated in the appeal. ~ The appeal shall be filed within thirty days from the date of service of such notice and order Dr for cllr!\tiv:e action of the City Manager; provided, however that if the City lWan"lger has detprmined that the parcel ofland or structure is in such condition as to make it immediately dangerous to the life, limb, property or safety of the public or adjacent property "nd if the notice and order of the City Managc>r so proviilp", such appeal shall be filed within ten days from the date of the service of the notice and order of the City Manager. Page 5 of 13 Ordinance No.20l tbJ w As soon as practicable after receiving the written appeal, the Hearing OffiœLor the Secretary of the Board of Appeals shall fix a date, time and place for the hearing of the appeal 1y lhl;; BUi:llù. Such date shall not be less than five days nor more than 30 days from the date the appeal was filed with the City Manager. Written notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be given at least five days prior to the date of the hearing to each appellant by the Dearing Officer or the Secretary of the Board of Appeals either by causing a copy of such notice to be delivered to the appellant personally or by mailing a copy thereof, postage prepaid, addressed to the appellant at the address shown on the appeal. tc7 ~ Failure of any person to file an appeal in accordance with tire l'1Uvi~iulI~ this provision of this Code shall constitute a waiver of the right to an administrative hearing and adjudication of the notice and order or any portion thereof. fd) W Only those matters or issues specifically raised by the appellant and within thp jnrisrlirtion ofthp Hpnrine Offirpr or Honrrl of Apppnls shall be considered in the hearing of the appeal. (t) Procedures for the comhll't of the appe~ls tlParing sballcomply with the rules I!dopted by the> JIearing Officer or the> Hoard of Appeals pursuant to sprtion 1-1 "i.070. 3-15.090 Staying of order under appeal. taJ Enforcement of any notice and order of the City Manager issued under this Code shall be stayed during the pendency of an appeal therefrom which is properly and timely filed. (1) P1UvI;;ÙUII;;~ [VI lIll;; vVllùUvl V[ lhl;; "l'l'l;;"b hl;;atillg ~h"ll vUllll'ly wilh lIll;; l'1Uvi~ivll~ v[ lhl;; 1991 l;;ùilivlI u[ 1I11;; UlIi[Ullll CVÙI;; [VI lIll;; A1"l1;;1l11;;11l v[D"lIgl;;1UU~ BuilùillP, Ch"l'll;;l 9. 3-15.100 Action by Hearing Officer or Board of Appeals. BV"lù. If the Hearing Officer or Board of Appeals has upheld the City Manager's determination of nuisance, and proposed abatement, the Board shall order the City Manager to abate the nuisance. Therl"cision ofthe H,,:¡rino Offi!'''r or Hoard of Appenls shall include a finding whetÞer any attorne>ys' fees incufl"e>d by the prevailing party were rensonably and necessarily incurred, provide>ð, howevpr, in!1o event shall nn award of attorneys fees to a prev:¡iIin~ party exceed tlle amount of reason:¡ble attorneys' fees incllrred by the City. 3-15.110 Abatement work. The abatement work may be performed by the City's own employees or by independent contractors, or any combination thereof. The City Manager and !ris-thp rity Mnnager's-authorized 11;;1'11;;~l;;lIl"livl;;~ atlÙ contractors may enter upon private property as may be necessary or appropriate in order to abate the nuisance declared to exist upon such Page 6 of 13 Ordinance No.201 property. Prior to commencement ofthe abatement work by or on behalf of the City, the property owner may abate the nuisance at his the property owner's own expense. 3-15.120 Notice and hearing; report of costs. The City Manager shall keep an accurate account of the abatement costs incurred by the City, including tlllvHl"Y'~ investigative, administrative>, api! direct "batemenLcosts and "II otherreasonably rel"tpi! ro.~ts, :1IIi!, "t thp plprtion ofthp ("ity M"n,,~.pr "" i!psrrihpi! h"low, rp"son"hlp "ttornpy fees. Such account shall indicate, where appropriate and feasible, the costs attributable to each separate parcel of land upon which the abatement work is performed. Following completion of all abatement work, the City Manager shall prepare a final itemized written report showing the total abatement costs and the City Manager ire shall submit such report for confirmation by the City Council at its next available regular meeting after the notice period set forth herein. At least ten days prior to the date of such meeting, a copy of the report together with a written notice of the date on which the same shall be considered by the City Council shall be mailed to the persons to whom notice was mailed pursuant to subsection 3-15.040(a) and a copy thereof shall also be posted upon the property involved and at City Hall. Suchnoticeofthe dateofhe"ring on the abatement costs by the City Council shall indic"te f""t the. C'ity_shall cause to ma)¡:e the rosts ofsucb abatement a lien against the parcpl ani!/or a special asspssment "gainst the parcel "ndthat such parcel may be sold by the> tax collector after three years for any unpaid.rlelinquent """p...mpnt "~jli"'t tlIP r"rrpl. The City Manager shall elect wheth"r or not to seek, as a part of abMementcosts¡ reasoDable attorney's fees incurre>i! in abating the nuisance. Surh notice_of the date of he"rin~ on the Itbateme.ntcosts by the City CO!lncil shall iDdkate whetÞer the City Mana~er intends to seekreasonable attoJrne>y's fees as part ofthe abatementrosts and shall inilk!\te that ¡fthe City M!\l1Iager elects to seek reasonable attorney's fees, the prevaHing part:ymay be entitled to reimbursement of rell"onable and neci'''sarily incurred attorney'" fe"s. 3-15.130 Protests and objections. At the time fixed for considering the report of costs provided for in Section 3-15.120, the City Council shall hear any objections ofthe owners of the property to be assessed for the abatement costs. Any person filing any protest or objection who is affected by the proposed charge may file a written report of the objections with the City Clerk at any time prior to the time set for the hearing on the report of costs. Each such objection must contain a description of the property in which the signer thereof is interested and the grounds of the objection. The City Council may modify the report of cust rosts if it Ùt:tllH;;Ù lltvt~~'IlY deemsit !1!Jpropriate. The City Council may then, by resolution, confirm the report as submitted or modified. TÞeC'ity Council sl1!\lImake a flndiDg as to.wbpther any attorney's fpes incurred by the> City "nd assessed for the ahatement costs were reasonably "nd necessarily incurrpd. Page 7 of 13 Ordinance No.20l 3-15.140 Payment of abatement costs. The City Manager may receive payment in full ofthe abatement costs charged against a parcel of land at any time after confirmation of the report by the City Council pursuant to Section 3-15.130 and prior to the filing of such report with the County Tax Collector pursuant to Section 3-15.150. 3-15.150 Filing report with County Tax Collector; collection of assessment. After the City Council has confirmed the report of costs to abate the nuisance declared to exist upon a parcel of land, and if such costs have not been paid in full, the City Clerk shall at the direction oUhe City Manager either (1) cause a lien to be chargeda!!:!inst the parcel or (2) transmit a copy of the report together with a copy of the resolution confirming the same to the County Tax Collector, who shall add the amount of abatement costs, or unpaid portion thereof, to the next regular tax bill as a special assessment, for the municipal purposes, against such parcel. The amount of the assessment shall be collected at the time and in the manner as ordinary municipal taxes. If such assessment is delinquent, the amount shall be subj ect to the same interest and penalties and procedure of foreclosure and sale provided for ordinary municipal taxes and th" property may bp sold after tÞreeypar~ hy th" tax collector for unpltiddelinf!.upní asse>ssml'nts. 3-15.160 Taxes paid in error; refunds; claims. The City Council may order refunded all or any part of a tax paid pursuant to the provisions of this Article if the City Council finds that all or any part of the tax has been erroneously levied. A tax, or any part thereof, shall not be refunded unless a claim is filed with the City Clerk on or before March 1 st after the tax became due and payable. The claim shall be verified by the person who paid the tax or his guardian, executor, administrator, personal representative or successor in interest. SF,CTTON 1. Article 3-20 of the Saratoga City Code is hereby amended as set forth below. Text to be added is indicated in bold double-underlined font (e.g., bold double-undprlinpd) and text to be deleted is indicated in strikeout font (e.g., ~llik"vul). Text in standard font remains unchanged by this ordinance. Article 3-20 EMERGENCYNUISANCEABATEMENTPROCEDVRE 3-20.010 Authority. This Article is adopted pursuant to the provisions of Article 6 (commencing with Section 38771) in Chapter 10, Division 3 of Title 4 ofthe California Government Code. Page 8 of 13 Ordinance No.201 3-20.020 Nuisance declared. Any violation of any u[ lhl;; jJlUV i~ivll~ provision ofthis Code, or any other ordinance of the City, or any rule, regulation or order promulgated or issued pursuant to this Code, or the provisions of any Code adopted by reference by this Code, or in violation of any condition of an aD¥ approval, permit or license granted pursuant to this Code shall constitute and is declared to be a nuisance. This includes, but is not limited to , any encroachment upon or obstruction in or to, any public sidewalk, street, alley, lane, court, park, trail or easement, or other public place. Such nuisance may be abated pursuant to the procedure set forth in this Article. 3-20.030 Alternate procedure. This Article constitutes an alternate procedure to Article 3-l5 ofthis Chapter for abatement of a nuisance and for assessment of the abatement costs against the property on which such nuisance is maintained or ftom which such nuisance extends. 3-20.040 Abatement by City Manager. If, in the opinion of the City Manager, any nuisance, as defined in Section 3-20.020 constitutes an immediate hazard to the public health, safety or welfare or materially interferes with public travel or passage, the City Manager may abate such nuisance. The abatement work may be performed by the City's own employees or by independent contractors, or any combination thereof. The City Manager and iris thp City Ml\nagpr's authorized 1I;;jJlt:~l;;ltlalivt:~ allJ contractors may enter upon private property as may be necessary or appropriate in order to perform the abatement work. 3-20.050 Report of costs. The City Manager shall keep an accurate account ofthe abatement costs incurred by the City, including altvlllt:y~' investigative, al)mi!!istrative, an(l direct abatempntcosts and all other rea"onably related co"ts, and,. lit the electio!! of tÞe f'ity Malll'lger as_described below, rea.onable attorney's fees. Such account shall indicate, where appropriate and feasible, the costs attributable to each separate parcel of land upon which the abatement work is performed. Following completion of all abatement work, the City Manager shall prepare a final itemized written report showing the total abatement costs and tÞe C'ity Manl'lgpr he shall submit such report to the City Clerk. The City Clerk shall thereupon schedule the matter for hearing by the City Council at ib llt:xl availaùk a regular meeting after the notice period set forth in Sections 3-20.060 and 3-20.080 ami not later thaI} 45 days after the receipLofthe> report by the City ('Jerk The CityM!lnag-u .shall elect whether_or nottoseek,Jlsa part of lIbntement costs, rel'lsonl'lble attorney's fee.s incurred in abating the nJlÌsance. Such notÌl"e Qfthe datI' of hearing on tile_abatement cost.. by the City Council shall indicl'lte whether the City Manl'lger intends to seek rea"onablp attorney's fees as parl ofthe abl'ltl'!llent costs and shall indicate that iftÞe_City Ml'lnager elpcts to "eek rp"sonablp "Horney's fees, the prevailing partYl11ay be pntitled toreimhnrse!t1e!!t olf Page 9 of 13 Ordinance No.20l reMoß!!ble ~nd necps.<oarily incurred attorney's fees. 3-20.060 Notices; posting. (a) At the time the C'ity Manager he submits the report of costs to the City Clerk, the City Manager shall also cause notices to be conspicuously posted on the property on which the abated nuisance existed or :fi:om which the abated nuisance extended as follows: (l) One notice on each separately owned parcel of property of not over fifty feet :fi:ontage; or (2) Not more than two notices on any parcel over fifty feet :fi:ontage but less than one hundred feet :fi:ontage; or (3) Notices not more than one hundred feet apart ifthe frontage of a parcel is greater than one hundred feet. (b) Such notices shall be posted at least fifteen days prior to the time for hearing by the City Council of objections to the proposed assessment. 3-20.070 Notices; form. The notice required by Section 3-20.060 shall be substantially in the following form: NOTICE OF ABATEMENT OF NUISANCE AND FIXING OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Saratoga has caused cprtllinactions to be> taken. at lu Lt:; It:;WUVt:;Ù :fium [spe>dfy address] <t puLlil' pIal't:;, l't:;Ü<till t:;ul'lv<tdIlU"llb lh"lt:;vu U1 vL~hudiuu~ lht:;lt:;iu Jt:;~l'1iLt:;J <t~ wl1id1 l'Vll~lilult:;J in orrlpr to. "h"t.. a public nuisance. TÞpsp !lrtions inchlded aniJ !!n :A:n: itemized written report showing the costs of such removal is on file in the office of the City Clerk._'Þe í'ity M:mager_(hlls)(hllsllot) elected to spek, as a part of abatement costs, reasonaþle IIttorn¢ fees inclIrreiJ in aÞating tÞe DlliS!!II!'e. Tfthe í'ity Man!!ger has elpdpd to SppkSllCh attor!1e>y's fpes, tÞe prev!!iling party m"y he entitled to seek reimbnrse>ment of reasol1"ble> ~nd ßpce"s"rily incllrreiJ "Horney's feps. Reference is hereby made to such report for further particulars. It is the intention of the City Council of the City of Saratoga to make the costs of such removal a lipn or special assessment against the property on which said nuisance was maintained or from which said nuisance Page 10 of 13 Ordinance No.201 extended, said assessment to be collected at the same time and in the same manner as ordinary municipal taxes.~ property may be wId after three years by the tftX co!!e,ctw; for unp¡lid delinqupnt asses~ments_ The property to be assessed is described as follows: Any property owner objecting to the proposed special assessment is hereby notified to attend a meeting of the City Council of the City of Saratoga to be held on t92íl_, commencing at [specified time} 7p.m., at the Saratoga City Hall, 13777 Pruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, California, when snrh I'ropprty ownpr'.~. their objections will be heard and given due consideration. Dated this Ù<1Y v[, 19 ._ day of , 20--'0' City Manager City of Saratoga 3-20.080 Notices; publication and mailing. (a) In addition to posting the notice required by Section 3-20.060, the City Clerk ~ sha:tl publish such notice once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City, and shall mail such notice to each owner of the property described in the notice, as shown by the latest assessment roll available to the City on the date ofmailing.~ f1!ihu.e oftþe City Clerk to publish such notice. in3 newspaper of general circulatiOIl in th.. C'ity or thp f"ihlrp of the City Clerk to serve any person required herein to. be ~Ii shall not iDvalid"te ¡lny pro.reeliing,~ hprpnnlipr ".~ to "ny I'''rty Iin1.y ~prv..1i to relipve any s!lch pprson from any duty or oÞ1igatiol1 imposed by the provisiQns of t/1 i ~ ser.tíon. (b) The notice shall be published and mailed by the City Clerk at least fifteen days prior to the time for hearing by the City Council of the objections to the proposed assessment. (c) The notice published and mailed by the City Clerk shall be substantially in the form set forth in Section 3-20.070, except that such notice shall be signed by the City Clerk. 3-20.090 Hearing. At the time stated in the notice set forth in Section 3-20.070 the City Council shall receive and consider the report of costs provided for in Section 3-20.050 and shall hear any objections ofthe owners of the property to be assessed for the Page 11 of 13 Ordinance No.20l abatement costs. The City Council may modify the report if J<::<::HI<::J ll<::l'<::~~alY it cI....m" it appropriate. The hearing may be continued from time to time. 3-20.100 Action by City Council. At the conclusion of the hearing provided for in Section 3-20.090, the City Council shall allow or overrule any objections to the proposed assessment. Ifno objections have been made at the hearing or the City Council has overruled those made, the City Council shall, by resolution, confirm the report of costs as submitted or modified. Thp C'ity C'ollnri! "h"n m"kp" fincline whpthpr any "ttornp¥'" fpp" inrllrrpcl hy thp City and assessed for the ahatement costs were reasonably and l!ece>ssari!yjncurred, provided, however, in_no event shall an award of attorl!ey's fees to a prevailing party p-':I'eed_the amount of reasonable attorney's fees incurred by the City. 3-20.110 Payment of abatement costs. The City Manager may receive payment in full of the abatement costs charged against a parcel ofland at any time after confirmation of the report by the City Council pursuant to Section 3-20.100 and prior to the filing of such report with the County Tax Collector pursuant to Section 3-20.120. 3-20.120 Filing report with County Tax Collector; collection of assessment. After the City Council has confirmed the report of costs to abate the nuisance, and if such costs have not been paid in full, the City Clerk shall "t thp direction oftbe City_Manager either (1) cause a lien to be charged against the parcel ~ transmit a copy of the report together with a copy of the resolution confirming the same to the County Tax Collector, who shall add the amount of abatement costs, or unpaid portion thereof, to the next regular tax bill as a special assessment for municipal purposes levied against the property on which the nuisance was maintained or from which said nuisance extended. The amount of the assessment shall be collected at the time and in the manner as ordinary municipal taxes. If such assessment is delinquent, the amount shall be subject to the same interest and penalties and procedure of foreclosure and sale provided for ordinary municipal taxes al!cI the property may be sold after three years by the tax collector for 11l!paid delinquent assessments. 3-20.130 Taxes paid in error; refunds; claims. The City Council may order refunded all or any part of a tax paid pursuant to the provisions of this Article if the City Council finds that all or any part of the tax has been erroneously levied. A tax, or any part thereof, shall not be refunded unless a claim is filed with the City Clerk on or before March 1 st after the tax became due and payable. The claim shall be verified by the person who paid the tax or his guardian, executor, administrator, personal representative or successor in interest. Page 12 of 13 Ordinance No.201 Sec,tion 4 Sevemnœ rl~u"e. The City Council declares that each section, sub-section, paragraph, sub-paragraph, sentence, clause and phrase of this ordinance is severable and independent of every other section, sub-section, paragraph, sub-paragraph, sentence, clause and phrase of this ordinance. If any section, sub-section, paragraph, sub-paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is held invalid, the City Council declares that it would have adopted the remaining provisions of this ordinance irrespective of the portion held invalid, and further declares its express intent that the remaining portions of this ordinance should remain in effect after the invalid portion has been eliminated. Sec,tion 'i. Puhlic,ation. This ordinance or a comprehensive summary thereof shall be published once in a newspaper of general circulation of the City of Saratoga within fifteen days after its adoption. The foregoing ordinance was introduced and read at the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Saratoga held on the 21st day of February, 2001, and was adopted by the following vote following a second reading on the 7th day of March, 2001: AYES: Evan Baker, Stan Bogosian, Ann Waltonsmith, Vice Mayor Nick Streit, Mayor John Mehaffey NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None M,F~ ATTEST: n · bf.~ Dl~J Page 13 of 13 Ordinance No.201